BUDK $100 Mystery Unboxing

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all right massive kind of BK surprise mystery bag unboxing here BK bag 3 this is spoke supposed to be their quote $100 value yeah I don't think so so far not so good but so is the final the three that I recently ordered check out those other two bids on the other two and you basically get these for about half of what they claim their value is so supposedly you're getting a good deal let's unbox this just unbag this I'm gonna lay it out go through them each and give you my opinions on what I think the price of these are at the end and I post your comments down below do you think it's worth that already a few duplicates in here I see a few new items which is nice let me lay this out first up timber rattler really excited about that one I'll play say that one for last big timber rattler fan okay run that room here I can't see all this alright let's just move through some of the small stuff some of the duplicates first first off this one needs the Black Legion this one's BV 504 just got something just like this one of those self-defense things I like this I'm keeping it out of the other box I may keep this one too the paracord is not real it doesn't have any of the guts inside of it what do you guys call this is nylon cord I guess so I'm gonna cut this and actually put real paracord to my liking on there I'll probably keep this one as well so normally Black Legion there's always some type of disappointment here it's just the fake corded cordage and that's just a little piece of well that's aluminum err or what doesn't say well I like it alright yellow jacket pocket knife this is a shtf survival line that they have going on to have those survival mystery bags or boxes spillover wines up in these regular ones so it flips open really nice really lightweight plastic scales it doesn't have any other type of marking other than china on their clip that i don't know we'll see how well that holds up kind of an interesting design has a bottle opener on there and a glass break so pretty interesting this is just I like it flips open pretty well this is a $5 a truckstop knife or flea market knife yellowjacket raven assisted pocket knife BK 3 5 to 6 let's take a look at this come on y'all so we got the fake Damascus here on it that's showing up on camera fake Damascus and some some type I don't know if that's aluminum scales there that have been colored to try to mimic a titanium heat treatment but definitely not like not actual titanium pocket clip you have a lanyard hole there and that's about all I can tell from this one little chopper I guess to chop your veggies ok little novelty $5 novelty knife again okay let's just get this thing out of the way there's a duplicate from the last bag a k47 bollocks ice tray so four little tabbies it's plastic it's not the rubbery like you normally would see I checked and the plastic tabs feeling like they're gonna break off at any moment fill this up with water I like the design press it in the extra water loses out the top or presses out the top there's a little porthole there and freeze this sucker you can wipe that out if you want and then freeze this sucker boom you got your ice it looks like bullets or rounds I guess I'd say and don't your whiskey glass or your Co your coke glass oh go die alright so I like this this is about a $5 item for me but I already have one I don't know might keep the other one is back up or give it away who knows alright Black Legion let's go and get this one knocked out BV four eight nine another one of these I don't have this but just another little novelty $5 truckstop $5 flea market style knife spend on your flea market but just some cheap little pop metal type scales maybe and nothing real special about it at all other than its assisted open one thing I do appreciate its actually locking in place pretty well I always hate that when you get a knife and and it's not functioning properly so not a little $5.00 now will be nine from stacking up over there that's just let's say this those look interesting let's get this other duplicate out of the way tws six seven eight I'll show it real quick cuz I just showed it in my last vid duplicate Timberwolf little 3-piece set here two pocket knives and another knife this one actually is not cracked looks like some Paco wood stainless steel brass brass that's about it on those this is a five to ten dollar little gift set this is something actually probably I'm just gonna go with five dollars there's something you'd see in Walmart on sell or on Christmas time for about five bucks I think it might start out at ten but it'll go down to five when they're trying to clearance a mouth so duplicate they're know I spend a lot of time on that save that one for last what we got here get the edge premium quality lighters bk3 six eight seven so I mean it's not as if oh it's not a Zippo like my man catfish redneck gave me I go check out his channel but little novel the action here I guess so no this is supposed to be Steamworks maybe that I probably won't use that you do have to fill these up if you ever get a lighter you order a lighter from anywhere or anything like that it's not gonna come with the lighter fluid in it you're gonna have to fill it up so just know that so if you're sitting here trying to get one and light it it's not gonna light for you alright that I'll probably move along I don't know if it's worth it's hard to I mean is it worth five dollars maybe maybe not it's a steam work type of thing I don't know all right what is this what is this BK three six eight six says playing cards no okay Oh pocket watch action move that how do you get this thing open okay all right kind of anomaly pocket watch action I used to be into pocket watches when I was a little kid had a couple of them well trained one and something else plastic though that's a bummer so that's it's not even glass right there it's a plastic I don't know if there's a maybe there's just a covering over it so I could be wrong all right it still feels like plastic but there was a little plastic cover on it scratch cover that's definitely plastic all that's fake in there the gear works that's disappointing looks cool from the outside a little chain hang this on to your pocket kind of a little novelty thing here it doesn't open very well maybe I don't know how to do it spring is not very strong but you push the button on top and it's supposed to open and set your time looks like it's battery operated because there's no not filling any type of wind-up mechanism here so it must be battery-operated made in the China alright cheap little novelty looks cooler than it actually is that's kind of a little disappointing but kind of cool making that I might give that to my to my boy he could have fun with that till it breaks yeah five dollars all right so so far and definitely not worth a hundred but let's see what timber rattler we got will this will this be the salvation of this mystery bag TR one six seven I've been a while so I got a timber rattler okay well two knife action not exactly what I was hoping for this is one of their this is probably one their China ones normally the timber rattlers are made in Pakistan and they're actually pretty cool quality wise and look that they do have a line that's made in China and that's what this is total fail timber rattler so we're getting just the the worst type of material here and I mean it says a stainless steel two-piece knife set there but I mean they didn't even the the liner and the handles don't even match up so you feel a groove but I've got to go around and smooth that out if this was mine that little baby knife barely fits in the hand you know the the bowie knife here it kind of looks cool but the the handle is really slick and it's not really big enough not really let's check that balance point and balance is right about right there so that's not too bad but the handle is just too small too small from hand and I don't know I just had regular-sized hands I don't have those massive hands like um II bomi has but gosh disappointment can't believe I'm disappointed in a timber rattler I mean it's something but tender that's a to me this is a ten dollar knife set so alright let's just lay this out and and gosh anti-climatic end here and I'll give you my what I think the value is on this stuff if you want to stick around and post up what you think the value is I know a lot of you are gonna say zero or negative whatever but let's just do this anyway okay oh my god forget what this crap is all right so let's just start with this stuff $5 $5 $5 $5 this is my personal opinion on value and that's if you wanting this crap from a flea market $5 $5 $5 that's really pushing it for the lighter $10 on the timber rattler and 5 to 10 in this condition let's just be gracious and say 10 so what's that come to 20 30 40 50 to 55 dollars 50 to 55 dollars if you parted this out sold it flea market style got a lot of activity upstairs anything upstairs um post on your comments down below do you think this was worth it I definitely do not I don't think it would be really hard-pressed parting this stuff out to even get my money back and that was with free shipping so learn from me it's a sickness buying the bud case stuff and once again probably only thing I'm going to keep is this I'll gift that for sure try to move some of the solar stuff right now my boys gonna get some fun out of this until it breaks this aisle price set my collection for a little while and then I'm not too fond of the timber rattler stuff that comes from China so I'll pray move that along as well make some ice boom
Channel: TheRealCobraBurnout
Views: 4,355
Rating: 4.7142859 out of 5
Keywords: TheRealCobraBurnout, BUDK, BUDK Mystery Bag, BUDK Mystery Box, BUDK Unboxing, BUDK Surprise bag, BUDK order, BUDK knife, Knives, Unboxing, $100 value, $100 BUDK Mystery Unboxing, Was it worth it?
Id: a68cdJkihFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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