Budget Costco MEAT Grocery Haul - How to Shop the Cleanest Cuts

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it's meat time that means we're going into costco and we're going to do a meet with you [Applause] not like we're going to taste every piece of meat but we're going to go in there and we're going to find which kinds of meat at costco are the best value and bang for the buck as well as intertwining the health perspective so where do you get the most health value for your buck when it comes down to meat is it gonna be chicken is it gonna be turkey beef pork salmon what is it costco has a lot of awesome options so we're gonna go in there and we're gonna figure it out let's rock one of the best things about costco is they really do put their best foot forward when it comes down to the meat quality and the meat selection that they have it's just our job to figure out where we can get the best value now in the past i've noticed that costco does a tremendous job with their red meat selection they have all kinds of different steaks all kinds of different bison options things like that so we're gonna go and we're gonna find out what they have today so that you can go into costco and get the best bang for your buck doing things a little bit differently today coming in here bright and early to see if i can make it here when it's quiet the hard part is at costco the meat section is always pretty packed so i'm kind of trying not to be rude and trying to intertwine and navigate the best that i can without bumping into people so anyhow it's a little bit quiet here it's a nice thing to see it's always nice to navigate costco and it's easy but let's see what we've got okay let's start right with the ground beef and the ground bison because by and large this is probably the better value that you're going to find and if you get one thing out of this video hopefully it's how to navigate this portion so let's take a look at what they've got okay the first thing that i see which is actually pretty cool is their standard ground beef although it's going to be typically grain fed normal stuff is 88 lean normally if you go to a regular grocery store you're going to find that the regular beef is about 80 percent so it's nice that this is a higher protein to fat ratio that's still the same kind of 3.99 a pound price that you would get at a normal grocery store so very good value but we just don't know how clean it really is because it's more than likely the typical grain fed stuff we want to go for well as clean as possible so now let's jump over and let's take a look at the organic ground beef well it's organic but it's not grass-fed or grass finish so does that really mean too much well let's break it down all right so we do have those raised without antibiotics that doesn't mean that they've never had antibiotics very important to note raised without antibiotics doesn't necessarily mean they were never given them okay no added growth hormones but they could have been given other hormones okay usd organic u.s excuse me usda organic unfortunately it's getting a little bit saturated and it doesn't mean as much as it used to let's see if there's anything else that we can see here there's the distribution well let me just give you an example here of how we could compare it because we have three packets of ground beef that's going to get us to i don't even see a price on this hang on so it makes it tough because the price tag is missing but let's take a look at the bison as a comparison now bison has different standards with the fda so again raised without antibiotics no added hormones minimally processed no artificial federal regulations prohibit the use of hormones and bison okay so we know there's no hormones at all because federal regulations don't even allow hormones in bison at all downside is you're only getting two packets here and that ends up being 7.99 a pound that's pretty pricey the good thing to note is that bison typically has a lower fat content compared to typical grain-fed meat so yes you could make the argument that most bison is grass-fed because most of it is except if it comes from specific feedlots that are starting to grow unfortunately but you have a lower fat profile which is going to be good you also find that it's less saturated fat and more in the way of mono and polyunsaturated fats which if you're doing a low carb diet those are the kind of fats that you want i'm not saying that saturated fats are bad but you definitely get more heart health benefit out of like oleic acid polyunsaturated fats that might actually give you a little bit of alpha linolenic acid essentially your omega-3s i would say the bison is still the best value as far as health bang for the buck is there because 7.99 for that it's a pretty darn good price especially when the regular ground beef is not grass-fed okay when it comes to steaks and things like that always try to go for the grass-fed grass finish when you can but there's some general rules of thumb that you can follow if you cannot get your hands on that if you're going to be able to get or if you're excuse me going to be getting regular grain fed meat you're going to have a few more issues that come up okay mainly being the antibiotics okay the antibiotics that have to be given to grain fed meats are significantly higher simply because there's going to be different compounds that form in the animal because of the grain another thing that's been noted recently is the omega-3 value of grass-fed meat helps have an antibiotic property so what happens is when the meats are fed a lot of grain it creates an acidotic state in the body makes the meat more acidic when the cow is alive meaning that bacteria that are not so good can thrive a little bit more this is relatively new now we've seen lots of evidence before the omega-3 profile in good quality meat is good but we had no idea about the bacterial content how that can have an effect so we do want to be looking for that and that's largely going to be in the fat because toxins are stored in the fat antibiotics are stored in the fat so if you have a grain fed meat you want to be going as lean as possible so for example if you're going to splurge on a ribeye spend a couple extra bucks and get a ribeye that's grass fed versus a ribeye that's corn fed or grain fed look at this if we look at a ribeye now usda choice doesn't have anything to do with the actual quality of the like the health attributes of the meat but look you've got these big fatty ribbons now what you could do is you could cut the fat out but then what's the point in having a delicious ribeye if you're doing that now i know it's a lot more expensive but a beef tenderloin like this a filet that's going to be about as lean as you can get in this particular area costco i mean you could get like a london broil or something and trim it but quality wise if you're going to go with a grain fed this price on filet mignon is killer that 14.99 for a good quality filet mignon so if you're trying to find the balance of what kind of steak to get while still having affordability but still having something healthy go for a filet mignon where the meat quality is still going to be good we're going to have less of the fats holding those toxins holding those antibiotics holding those potential hormones it makes a big difference i'll make a quick note here because i'm a huge fan of flank stink okay if i'm usually recommending that someone is meal prepping or anything like that i will usually recommend a flank steak because you can cut it up you can cook it and it's really really really lean take a look at this you practically see no fat on that that's what i'm really talking about you're going for a good quality that doesn't have a lot of fat it'd be easy to sear that off no big deal if you are going to get a fattier cut of meat that's not grass-fed or grass-finished if you get one like this like a chuck roast or anything like that a lot of times if you see a big sheath of fat that usually means that it's a big chunk of saturated fat that you could feasibly trim off what i am weary of is marbling i know that sounds bad because the marbling is what we're usually looking for good healthy marbling means good you know taste and good texture but in the world of trying to keep your fatty acid profile nice and trying to keep your keto diet or your low carb diet under checked or just consuming the right fats we have to be weary of it because it's harder to get those fats out but if you take a nice roast that has a layer of saturated fat on it it's easy to trim that you can get rid of it and still get the good quality meat now the saturated fat is actually not necessarily the unhealthy part it's just the fact that it's harder to navigate around in a lot of cases if it's intertwined within the meat so you'll see as we get through this video when i talk about pork and other things that we want good profiles like monounsaturated fats and good polyunsaturated fats and it's going to dictate how you should cook meat as far as what denatures the fats and what makes them different then we get into the world of lamb like lamb and mutton is going to have some of the highest omega-3 content of any meat that's out there the problem is ethically how do you feel about it there's a lot of people that don't feel good about lamb this company thomas farms does state that they're raised without antibiotics or added hormones and humanely raised on sustainable family farms don't really know what that means but it says our lambs roam free on native australian pastures and in accordance with our livestock sourcing procedure standards now australia and new zealand have different standards so if you get imported new zealand or imported australian beef or anything like that a lot of times it is truly grass-fed and they have different standards as far as the antibiotics are concerned but when they it in sometimes there's additional things that they look at and we have to be weary of it but lamb is definitely a clean clean clean meat now the omega-3s that you're going to find in lamb aren't exactly the same omega-3s you're going to find in fish okay it's called alpha linolenic acid which has to get converted into epa echocephendinoic acid so do the omega-3s matter well they do because it means that if you have more omega-3s in it you automatically have less omega-6s so by default you're with a higher quality meat and a higher quality fat ratio we also find that the amino acid profile within lamb is really really easy to assimilate for whatever reason it's been touted as some of the best muscle building meat that's out there you see it on forums you see people talking about it a lot of no real clinical evidence backing that up but personally i like it i just i just have a hard time eating a baby sheep for me it's just tough but good quality and that's a really good price look at this 533 a pound for that so bang for the buck wise killer killer deal if you can get around it and feel good about it okay now we're getting to the pork section pork is cool why because it is so so high in monounsaturated fats these monounsaturated fats convert mainly into what is called oleic acid within the body now i've talked about this in other videos but this oleic acid does is it can help elevate a lot of different uh proteins in the body that stimulate thermogenesis and allow your body to burn a little bit more fat now this isn't just me saying this there's some really strong evidence with this so the cool thing with pork is the ratio of monounsaturated fat to polyunsaturated fat to saturated fat is very high it's mainly monounsaturated fat and you can cook monounsaturated fats at a relatively decent temperature without denaturing them so that means you're left with a good quality fat that's not having a negative impact as far as lipid peroxidation goes in your body and you're left with a high quality protein and look at this the saturated fat that is there it's easy to trim off so you could cook it trim that off and then a little bit of marbling that you have in there still some saturated fat but you have a good amount of again those monounsaturated fats so when it comes down to that conversion process i was talking about uh into oleo ethanolamine oea this is a very big deal so if you're doing keto or you're doing fasting or anything like that you want to have as much of these monounsaturated fats and as much of this oea as you can that's why i'm such a big fan of a mediterranean style diet because of that okay because we get the olive oils we get the avocado oils which have a very similar effect but if you can get it from meat too and you're having this what's called ppar alpha activation you're having this uncoupling protein activation these are all huge metabolic drivers keeping your metabolism healthy for a very long time now as far as value with the port goes i'm gonna go ahead and i'm going to say the pork sirloin tip roast is going to be probably the best bang for the buck because you're getting a lot of protein not as much fat but you're still getting the monounsaturated fats and it takes a high quality meat if you cook it well so take a look at this one pound okay 1777 for all of this okay you put that in a smoker you cook that slow that's going to be really good out of all the high fat foods that you could eat i would recommend pork as the fat that you choose so again if we look at like pork belly for instance look at all the fat on that one might look at that and say oh my gosh that's terrible but the fatty acid that's going to be in there again is the monounsaturated fats and the saturated fat is going to be mainly stearic acid with a little bit of palmitic acid stearic acid can help stimulate what is called mitochondrial fusion now let me explain what that is and get out of the way of some people so that i can really get into some science for just a second when you are changing your dietary habits your mitochondria is adjusting to new energies okay maybe if you go from consuming a bunch of carbohydrates all of a sudden consuming a bunch of fats it takes a couple of weeks for the mitochondria to adjust to utilizing fats it's called mitochondrial biogenesis if you have a good amount of healthy stearic acid fats there's different kinds of saturated fat steric acid myristic acid palmitic acid okay myristic and steric acid are the really good saturated fats palmitic is not as good stearic acid can help support the mitochondria and actually help out what is called mitochondrial fusion which can support the mitochondria getting better at utilizing different fuel so if you're going from eating carbs to all of a sudden eating a bunch of fats doing keto the more good healthy steak acid saturated fats you have the better likelihood of your mitochondria adapting and using fats better quicker is so pork is definitely good to go in that and that's why i would recommend things like the fat back or pork belly or anything like that where you're getting those fats if you're going to eat high fat ribeye steaks and stuff like that you're getting a little bit of a different fatty acid profile especially if it's not grass-fed grass finish favorite steak so we're back to steak for a second is gonna be a new york okay still pretty lean if you were to trim again this saturated fat okay now again with beef you're looking a little bit more myristic palmitic acid a little less stearic acid but the nice thing with beef is you get something called conjugated linoleic acid maybe you've heard of the supplement before called cla okay conjugated linolenic acid what that is is a fat that is technically a trans fat and it's usually found in you know ruminants so it's gonna be like goats sheep uh beef obviously and conjugated linoleic acid has been demonstrated to have some modest effects on weight loss it has to do with how it activates specific enzymes different gene expression we're supposed to have small amounts of it you're really only going to get it with beef you're not going to get it with pork you might get a little bit with some sheep and some lamb and stuff like that but really we're looking more so at the beef for that and new york steaks are just a great way to get that because you can trim off that saturated fat and still get that so again good to rotate your meats up 7.99 a pound for this is also very very good so you can get you know 35 bucks you can get four really good quality steaks i would say if you're looking for just a steak that's going to be generally healthy something you could have once a week or so this would be a good one i highly highly highly recommend that you check out butcherbox down below in the description too i know costco's got some amazing deals and i'm totally pro costco in this case but there are some really good deals if you utilize butcher box and you want to get the meat delivered right to your doorstep it's what i generally use i'll get some bison i'll get some lamb occasionally at costco but most of the meat that i get is coming from butcher box it's getting delivered to my doorstep so a lot of times it ends up being less expensive than the grocery store but the biggest piece it's super convenient and super easy and it's grass-fed grass-finished meat so you're getting high quality stuff but they don't just have beef they have chicken they have pork they have sausages they have hot dogs they have so much good stuff bacon their ground beef is like my favorite so there is a link down below if you want to check them out and get the meat delivered to your doorstep i highly recommend it they're a big supporter of this channel as well we do a lot of content together so thank you to them but please do check them out down below in the description we're starting to get a little bit closer to thanksgiving so something to note about turkeys is that turkeys are usually riddled with antibiotics why because everyone wants a big juicy turkey so we're growing turkeys as big as we can which what does that mean that means as a matter of space they're crammed together and they're probably living in their own feces and things like that so we load them up with antibiotics load them up with hormones we load them with more antibiotics to handle the fact that they're growing so fast to handle the fact there's genetic mutations occurring it's scary stuff so by and large i usually recommend having chicken over turkey however chicken you run into a crud of your fatty acid profile which i'll talk about in a second i don't want you to become like obsessed with choosing the right meat all the time but this is all good knowledge for you to have enjoy your thanksgiving turkey don't worry about it have some friends over california we're only allowed to have three houses over which is kind of funny but i don't know who's currently counting anyway when you look at a turkey yeah it's something that you should probably be having like with thanksgiving i just don't think it's something that you want to be having all the time if you have an option have ground chicken overground turkey anyway i digress we'll talk about a second so chicken breast you're granted a little bit of amnesty because chicken breasts again very lean you're not having a lot of the fats sitting in it when you cook it you're really going to be getting a lot of the the toxins that are out normally in the fats i still highly recommend going organic when you can because what's happening with chicken is they're feeding them grain and soy no matter what so it doesn't matter if you get organic or not you're going to be ingesting some soy from it you're going to be ingesting some grains from it unless you know exactly where the stuff is coming from so what ends up happening there is well would you rather have completely gmo soy that is notably terrible or would you rather have organic soy coming in through your chicken i would say go for the organic soy especially when we look at the price difference here take a look at this air chilled we have 4.99 a pound for organic boneless skinless okay now let's head on down the line just a little bit and if we go to non-organic 289 a pound so yes it's over a dollar cheaper but like the quality first of all like the quality is just you can see it okay go for the organic one spend a little bit more and you arguably can assimilate more of the protein from this organic one than you could from the non-organic now chicken thighs if you get chicken thighs which this is a great deal for it it's very important you go organic but i highly recommend i highly dissuade you from having chicken thighs that have the skin on it okay again comes down to what is being stored in the fats being stored in the skin chicken thighs are going to be a higher fat content and poultry in general does not have the best fatty acid profile so remember i said if you're going to have fat from your meat have it from pork if you're going to have fat from your meat have it from bacon if you're going to have fat from your meat have it from good quality grass-fed grass finished meat where you can control it a little bit more try not to get your fat from turkey and chicken fat okay you're loading up on a bunch of soy a bunch of phytoestrogens a bunch of things that are stored in the fat of the turkey or the chicken which is already not the best fatty acid profile very high polyunsaturated fats which means that when you cook it those fats are going to denature and become relatively toxic and go through what's called lipid peroxidation does this mean you need to be afraid of chicken thigh no have a drumstick now and then enjoy your life but if you're meal prepping and you're making a lot of different foods go for the chicken breast add the fats additionally which gets me to another note that i really think is important especially if you're doing keto if you were to eat a fatty cut of meat you don't know the exact amount of fat that you're getting so let's say you have two five ounce rib eyes next to each other one five ounce ribeye might have 30 grams of fat in it one other five ounce ribeye might have 12 grams of fat in it and largely most people wouldn't be able to know by looking at it that's a big problem so what do you do well you opt for leaner cuts of meat and it might make it a little bit easier what i mean by that is if you go for a leaner cut of meat you can control the fats that you add to that better so you could have a lean cut of steak and not be dependent on the fats coming from the steak that are questionable and unaccounted for and not really quantifiable or you could have that steak and you could actually add some good healthy fats like some macadamia nuts or some fats that you're in control of like some ghee or eating some butter something that you know and can quantify can count and truly know what you're getting that way you're not guessing did i have 600 calories with this ribeye or did i have 300 depending on how much marbling was in it so you're catching my drift leaner is generally better and the fun thing is is grass-fed grass finished meats are usually leaner as is because they're not having as much you guessed it de novo lipogenesis from all the carbs all the grains everything they're having going into just fat it's a way to get the cow big but it's not a way to get the cow healthy grass-fed grass finish is usually the way to go again i'm saying you can have options but i digress let's get back to the meat okay so we've got ground turkey here which is a good deal but if you are going to go with ground turkey again as lean as you possibly can okay ground turkey 93 lean is lean but other stores have it even leaner i would usually go for like a 98 or a 99 if i'm gonna go with turkey not a bad deal but 547 per pound or 549 excuse me when i can get organic chicken breasts i don't know for cheaper probably do that it's just convenient to be able to cook this let me show you something you ever seen the difference between the calorie count or the fat count of chicken thigh with the skin versus without your mind's about to be blown check this out so these are boneless skinless chicken thighs non-organic versus fresh chicken thighs non-organic okay 130 calories with four and a half grams of fat 250 calories with 19 grams of fat i hope that this convinces you to get meat without the skin that is such a waste of calories and you're not getting much nutrition you're getting low quality fats in the skin you're getting a little bit of collagen that is honestly not going to do much it's all deaminated in the labor pool anyway which means that the amino acids you get from meat the amino acids you get from collagen ultimately end up in the same place and getting reallocated into peptide bonds where they need to go that's nerd talk for protein is generally protein unless you are specifically taking like a collagen supplement what about wings for a second wings are kind of in the same boat because wings are good with skin wings without skin practically nothing again a lot of the fat is coming from the skin i would not generally say wings are a healthy keto dish or a good meat you want to typically have a lot of they are more of a cheat meal and then lastly over here before we get into the fish we have some ground turkey this is even worth talking about 2.99 a pound but it's 93 lean non-organic foster farms probably not the best stuff so so far to recap we've got the bison being probably one of the better ones the ground lamb being one of the best ones um we've got their filet mignon being just an amazing amazing value we've got their flank steak being amazing we've got their new york steak as the best kind of well-rounded steak we've got their pork options um like again a tenderloin or any kind of uh fat strap or any kind of what was it called oh the pork belly that they had over there we're getting the good fatty acid profiles from the pork itself those are tremendous options now let's jump over and let's take a look at some of the meat and some of the excuse me some of the seafood and some of the other stuff here okay it's raised without antibiotics that's good it's still farmed now let me show you the difference here light pink dark red now this is wild sockeye okay look at that difference dark red pink dark red pink let me give you a little science lesson as to why it is that way because it's really nerdy but exceptionally cool the reason that salmon is pink is because of an antioxidant called astaxanthin so what does salmon do well they swim aggressively upstream and when they swim aggressively upstream they are working out and what happens when we work out as humans or animals in general we create a lot of oxidative stress it's stressful on the body and that means that we need to have antioxidants to combat what's called the reactive oxygen species or the stress that's in our body if we didn't have that our muscles would essentially almost go sour right it would just they'd be so impacted by the stress from working out that they would be become problematic well that would happen with fish so the more red the fish is the more astaxanthin it has which means that astaxanthin is protecting the fats it's protecting the meat the deeper the red color that's not artificially added the better the quality of the meat is going to be because it's essentially been preserved by the astaxanthin by that antioxidant so when it's farm raised it doesn't need that natural antioxidant because it's living a life of luxury not having to do anything not having to work its butt off like the sockeye salmon is so like anything in life good things come to those who work hard and this salmon is high quality because it worked hard and you get to benefit that yes you spend a couple bucks actually no you don't check this out 9.99 for lean deep red sockeye salmon or we can spend 9.99 for fatty lower quality farm-raised salmon okay arguably it doesn't taste as amazingly fresh and tender and fatty because look it there's less fat because these suckers worked out they were swimming upstream like monsters okay but the omega-3 profile that you're going to actually get from it is stabilized and protected omega-3s are fragile if you were to leave a fish out on the counter it's going to go rancid and sour in a couple hours and it's going to smell terrible that's because the omega-3s are fragile they're good for you but they're fragile so what happens if you have an antioxidant that preserves them they don't go sour as quickly so heck yes that wild-caught sakai is an amazing value one of my all-time favorite fishes right here is chilean sea bass so good so expensive though 20 a pound i just can't say that this would be this would be just a nice dish to have that is however about ten dollars cheaper than i have at safeway i'm in northern california so northern california or central coast uh safeway is our main regular grocery store like a kroger or randalls or anywhere it's about 28 bucks there whereas this night so that's a great value fatty acid profile of sea bass is tremendous so definitely recommend that it's just expensive now cod ridiculously lean nice thing about cod is super high in choline so you're going to get a nice mineral balance there it's just a good fish in general it's so lean it's easy to control uh it's easy to digest which plays a big part because we forget that there's a mechanical element of digestion too okay it's not just you know acids and biles and things like that like if something is physically easier to break down that's better so that's a really good deal on cod it's like three something a pound but todd you can get anywhere and the nice thing about the costco cod is it is alaskan leader brand which i've done some work with them before good brand out of alaska really high quality stuff people ask about rock fish all the time for the price per pound you'd be better off to go with the cod it's not that high quality of a fish and then we have black cod which to be frank i don't know a whole whole lot about probably should do some research on that one then we have fresh farm steelhead which is like salmon but a tiny bit different uh you can see it's a little bit more red but that's just by nature of what it is 8.99 a pound if you're really pinching pennies it's not it's just not even worth it then we have tilapia it's fresh it's farmed they're gonna swear up and down that it's good but it's still tilapia please do not get this stuff it is overly produced uh i don't know where it is this one's a product of mexico most of it's coming out of china the issue with tilapia is simple it is one of the lowest quality fish as far as nutrients are concerned but then how they raise it how they breed it they have to load it with antibiotics because they are just swimming in their own feces their own filth there are even studies that or experiments that show that if you have a chicken that poops into water the fish this tilapia can eat the chicken poop and survive and then they feed the chicken the dead fish when it finally dies and it's the self little perpetuating ecosystem where tilapia can live on chicken poop meaning it's just terrible anyway and that's practically what they do so just avoid tilapia gel fish is my jam okay zinc choline phosphorus selenium if you could live on shellfish you should because it is so unbelievably high quality i did a video while back saying like if you can afford it breaking your fast with good quality shellfish is one of the best ways to go so if you uh intermittent fast or anything like that shellfish is gonna provide you with easy to assimilate amino acids but also the minerals that you need to really sustain that homeostasis that you need after a fast just delicious stuff easy to break down high amino acid profile and the minerals you really need now their fresh shrimp is great and everything like that but you can get a lot of stuff frozen so it's almost better to just spend the money or let me should i say not spend the money and get the frozen stuff i mean it's great but shellfish is shellfish you can get shrimp frozen really cheap still wild caught that's important to note in general the wild caught stuff is great but you can still find it frozen right it doesn't have to be fresh costco has some delicious scallops 15 bucks a pound is pretty good for scallops these are the big ones too definitely a good choice there and these are frozen there's nothing wrong with it see as soon as they are caught they're flash frozen which is a great thing which by the way butcher box which is linked down below like i mentioned before also has scallops so if you want to check them out if you're into seafood they have a wide variety of seafood too that way you can have everything you want i guess one of the biggest things that i want to mention here is that the saturated fat that you get in meat is not bad saturated fat is only bad if it becomes oxidized or what i mean by that is when you consume saturated fat it temporarily stops a receptor in your liver from absorbing ldl so what can happen is it can confuse people because there is a link in some ways that saturated fat can drive up cholesterol ldl cholesterol but it's doing so in a way that is perfectly normal and perfectly natural and temporary if i were to go and eat a bunch of saturated fat right now my ldl cholesterol would go up in a few hours simply because it's stopping the ldl receptors in the liver it's sort of like a reverse vacuum in a way so then my liver doesn't have the ability to absorb the ldl so it piles up is that bad no but if you had a lot of inflammation because you're consuming a lot of sugar along with the saturated fat then that ldl goes through what's called oxidation and when it oxidizes that's when it causes the big problem because the oxidation can trigger arterial plaque it can trigger you know just that the immune system to activate it's not the saturated fat itself that's bad however there are some saturated fats that occupy or trigger the occupation of oops that trigger the occupying of those ldl receptors more mainly palmitic acid so like i talked about before when you have stearic acid or you have palmitic acid it's going to be a different ball game stearic acid which is again what you're mainly going to find in like pork and to some degree in high quality beef that's going to be one that converts in the body somewhat to that same oleic acid i talked about earlier with the monounsaturated fats so not all saturated fats remain as saturated fats they break down and they turn into other fats all that different fats are are different carbon chains different lengths of carbons bound together if you want to get into the biochemistry of it we can talk about it in another video don't be afraid of the saturated fats in your meat especially if it's good quality meat the biggest issue that's coming from saturated fat is the potential storage of the toxins and what the animal has been fed as far as antibiotics as far as toxins as far as cruddy food so it's not the end of the world i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to check out but as always thank you so much for keeping it locked in and i'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 96,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: costco haul, costco grocery haul, costco shopping, grocery haul, grocery shopping, costco grocery shopping, costco shop with me, keto grocery haul, costco meat, healthy grocery haul, grocery haul on a budget, shop with me at costco, what to buy at costco, costco meat department, deli meat on keto, meat shopping, meat shopping at costco, shopping for meat, costco meat section, how to shop for meat, thomas delauer
Id: EIEqSrulloo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 20sec (1940 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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