BUDGET Bourbons That Deserve More Attention!

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hey y'all my name is Kurt this is Trenton welcome to SLB basement bourbon bar and today Trenton we're going to jump back into a category you know I like a lot I like this category too you do I do I notice you didn't put one of my favorites up there I don't even know what that is but I'll tell you in a little bit I'll give you a pass on this one okay but I gotta tell you before we actually get into the video on the last video which was um how to start a bourbon collection for 200 bucks you actually based on the comments that I've seen came out with a W on that one so I'll give you a little really I hate to admit defeat but it looks like a lot of people said that the 1910 kind of pushed it over was it yeah I haven't got you those comments yet you better get on I I'm almost caught up through the whiskey sour video so I'm almost there okay but you know I I did not your mother had said something about a few things on the comments but honestly as I see him flash by my screen on the phone I I it went both ways I think I lost so if you want to see me lose maybe the verdict isn't 100 out yet you're gonna need to count those when you do them I'll put the video up here somewhere check it out it's a good video yes yes it was it was a lot of fun but what do you have for us today today we're going to be dealing with five budget Bourbons that deserve more love Trenton that's what we're dealing they do I agree with that I haven't really seen these bottles around much of whiskey too and most of these except for one I think have never been on an SLB video I think one has okay but other than that I don't think any of these other budget bottles have been on a video so I know we we did a our first live stream that we ever did we did a budget blind yes and I I don't think any of these were in that either apart from one of them yep I see it out there the first one I think was Trenton okay this one I believe has been on a video and I think it was on that blind because I think I remember doing pretty well Very Old Barton 100 Proof they've got a ton of different proofs in my opinion personally I think the 100 proof is the best of the best sure 12 bucks is on my left right left right yes 12 dollars I have actually seen this bottle for around ten dollars really but I personally saw it and of course you know I am I like the prices a couple days ago and this is twelve dollars in our area and I mean right now the nose is the kind of marshmallow to me marshmallowy I can see this a little bit yeah go ahead um because it's what 86 and 90 Proof are the other ones there's like a green a red and a white and the white is the 100 Proof you know I haven't had any of those it's super sweet it's really nice it's peppery yeah it's a little peppery but I think what I like about it the most and I'm going to say this with tongue and cheek it's a little bit complex because I I excuse me I get the peppery I get some vanilla but then it falls into that leather tobacco area too for me absolutely to me this is just like a sweet bum I don't get it I don't get much of it so what career really what what well peppery I'm just saying because it does have a little sting to the tongue and it is a hundred proof so and we get a little bit of proof there what's your sweetness you get on it it's like a a light molasses it's a little bit more of like a burnt something like a burnt sugar or a burnt caramel or something a little bit more better maybe okay yeah that is not as not as like super sweet as like a caramel block like one of those craft caramely things that you can buy I'm glad you said that because that's possibly what I could be getting out of that you know when I hit that leather tobacco it could be more of a bitter the burnt caramels and the burnt sugars you're talking about I drink this all day every day very good excuse me bud let's get to the next one you want to move that one now for everybody jts Brown bottled and bought jts Brown bottled and bond have you ever had that before it's an interesting back label um somebody recommended this to me and I went out and bought it this was like one of the first bottles I bought I tried it and I was like this is pretty good for a so you've got 12 12 14 14 okay I paid 14. I mean I apologize it was listed at 14 when I checked it a couple days ago so I don't there's also an 80 some proof of this yeah you got me there I think if there is that's the one I bought because I was I was looking at the store the other day okay and I I swore that I saw something that wasn't bottled and bond okay I could be wrong on that one yeah and if not this this is one of the first Bourbons I ever had in my collection did you know this is Out of Heaven Hill I didn't know that yeah good for you boy you know more than I thought yeah I thought I was ready for this show but I'm not pulling the wall over your eyes at all well that's different on the nose though yeah it oddly reminds me of like one of those malted rhinoses yeah I wonder what the mesh bill is on this you know a lot of these budgets are really hard to find you know specific information for it well we know it's at least four years because of the bottle and bottom yeah we know that at least it's age stated the burial Barton I didn't find an age statement on that I'd be shocked there used to be back in the day from what I hear yeah yeah but not anymore little little pencil shaving you for me a bad way yeah I like it but it's a completely different flavor profile than the very old barley all right now now go with me a little bit here it is slightly grainy yeah I'll give you that okay it's slightly grainy but in there I get the oak is where I'm interested in your comments because as I was sipping it last night just a little bit to prepare for the show which you know I do once in a while the best I can come up with is kind of like a musty Oak I could definitely not in a bad way I'm not trying to say that in a bad way I bet a lot of people are watching this be like shaving musty Oak how is that not in a bad way for 14 bucks I would recommend this but it's it's a lot different than the Barton in which it's not very sweet you get much more of the oak it's a little bit darker right a little bit more like an a little bit more earthy tones correct in there which I kind of enjoy on this one honestly and I'm trying to I'm trying to but I feel at the at the finish and then I'm going to say that again you know lightly but towards the end of the palette I'm getting just just a slight bit of a baked apple well well at least we agreed on the you know on the Oaky part yeah like you said it's a completely different sip though South still 14 good bottle the next one I've never had Trent until I bought it last week JW damped bottled and bond you know Walker right I do talks a lot of trash about this bottle we'll go hang on I'm excited hang on to your hat Walker because we're gonna get into it now I know they bottle it it's a Heaven Hill it's another Heaven Hill but it's they do bottle it I'm sorry yeah they bottled at Barton yes but it is Heaven Help yeah this one here at Trenton is 15 bucks fifteen dollars do you have notes now for this no possibly I get almost like a Wild Turkey 101 nose from this baby that's why I'm on it I really do absolutely yeah you do and I'm not a big wild turkey fan so that's huh I'm surprised I surprised I got that but to me it really is wow what's the proof 86. it's a bottle of mop oh bottom box it's 100 Proof yeah that's wild yeah [Music] you know it's it's really light on the palette it doesn't have much of an after like a much of a finish right or it doesn't last very long right I don't like it though because it's it is Oaky it's a little bit Oaky for sure yeah I could do get some orange here but there's some baking spices in there too for me and don't be wrong when I say that it's you know we're not talking strong flavors here but I get some of those things but to me it's not a bad sip it's just not bad sip at all and this is what 15 15 bucks the it doesn't hold up to like a 21 dollar Wild Turkey 101 or even the in the even the Baseline wild turkey for what it is it's really nice it's it's really sweet it doesn't have much of a a long lasting finish it doesn't it's it's pretty it's pretty thin it doesn't coat your mouth very much but I mean yeah if I wanted to drink Bourbon and I didn't want to spend a ton of money and I mean I don't see how you could go wrong with this right and that's and that's really the bottom line where we're talking budget burpens yeah you know we're not trying to measure them up to you know the ones we love the most so let's move on you're gonna love this one [Laughter] Jim being black extra age Trenton doesn't seem to really like too many lower end Jim Beam products sorry Jim Beam now I'm going to Grant you this I really don't like Jim Beam white label that that is not my cup of tea at all oh I didn't like that either yeah that's not for me but I brought this out because it's never been on one of our shows this one is twenty dollars all right 20 bucks 19.99 20. it's 86 proof though so we're gonna dip down a little bit and proof now this Black Label or this extra age replaces which I didn't have before a Jim Beam product that was a Black Label that was actually age stated at eight years really so eight years you know that that was like I've tried that for 20 bucks that's impressive I don't know what the price point would have I think it was a little bit on the lower side so this is what they have now and there it is I was waiting for it I was waiting for the and there's to the Jim Beam it's weird because when I drink this and it it coats my palette I really don't get much flavor at all and then as it's kind of making its way to the back I get like this Burnt Oak like not on a log kind of kind of note and then it just disappears it's it's really weird I honestly would say that I find more flavor development in these first three than I do with with this one I think Trump why it's just my opinion on this one I think while you're why you're not really enjoying that one nearly as much because it does have somewhat of a smoky quality to it and and we all know the trend does not like scotch or anything like that or anything of any kind of smokiness to it usually no way and this does I'm gonna Grant so this has a little bit of a smoky quality to it now to me past that I can get a little bit of caramel but I it's kind of corn note to me it's like a sweet corn note I don't get really much sweetness from this bottle really at all I don't either okay so I will grant you that okay so when I'm pulling it like I'm talking a light caramel and just very like a little bit of a sweet corn note to it like it's you know but the majority that I get from this is the smokiness you know in a little bit of the the darker side if I could imagine what it's like to go to a field in Indiana during Prime corn harvesting season rip off an ear of corn and just take a good old bite out without breaking any teeth this is kind of what I would imagine it to be and there's some people that are really going to love this yeah but for me yeah I just I can't and I'll be honest with you I don't mind it but I will keep this down here though but on the other hand I'm gonna agree with the 100 of your prayer comment about the sweetness of the other three yeah you know I'm not going to argue that with you for sure last but not least I've been asked probably I see a hundred times over the last year or so to put that a lot of people love this one so be careful what you say I see a lot of careful about you this one old tub bottled and bond now Jim Beam product I knew that part keep it in mind so I know how you are about some Jim Beam products but Jim Beam product what impresses me the most about this trend it's it's bottle and bonds we know it's at least four years old but it is non-chill filtered weird which to me I like that I really like non-chill filter just just brightens the character of The Whiskey I'm really interested to see what this is going to taste like because honestly on when I go back to this Black Label Jim Beam on the nose it almost seems a little bit Sweeter Than This Old tub wow 100 Proof 25 bucks okay so now we're getting up there just a little bit but I wanted to get it in the show because we've been asked a million times and we haven't given it the love that it might deserve I I get a little fruity on the nose are you yeah a little bit like did you know peachy like a very light peachy rig a peachy ring yeah it's funny because now that you say that like I could find a very faint Peach ring kind of thing and you're going with candy oats on this one I did I gotta respect that peachy ring featuring speaking my language now yeah I need to take a second sip because foreign I'll let you get out there first if if it's almost like if you Bolden the flavor of this like double and like that's kind of how I would describe it it's it's really not that sweet either and I don't know if that's standard with with lower end gym Beam products because I know like Knob Creek even is a lower end gym beam product and the flavor and the sweetness in that thing like hit you like a fruit tree right this is just more dark and like Woody and earthy like double double the amount of this is what I would say no I know I spent a little bit of time with it and you have it but here's the first thing I noticed right off the bat I do sense a little bit more creaminess and not it's not because of the non-shill filter so there's just a little bit and I'm creaming this is probably not the right word it's a little bit more viscous than the other offerings that are right yeah on top of on top of the bar top tonight so because I I truly believe it's because of the uh filtering process so it does have a little bit more viscosity to it now for me my number one to to be on your same page my number one note I wrote down is Oak so there's definitely some Oak there for sure but I still I I I I do follow suit a little bit with that peach flavor on the palette but then it dives into more of a leathery type of a note tattoo chew it on a pencil that's that's what I that's what I have for it and I I really I don't wanna I can see what to talk smack about lower end gym being products because I think they have a market there's a reason that Jim Beam white label is one of the best selling gym Beam products of all time sure but for me it's not really it's not really up my alley for a lower end yeah and I really wish you would have never said chewing on a pencil because now when I took the second sip it it kind of tastes like because of pencil it's because it is you're stuck in my brain legitimately legitimately speaking I do feel this one to be a little bit more viscous there it's it's kind of heavily Oaky you know that that mustyoke type note going on there but I do get some Peach you know with with leather and things like that in there but I for 25 I don't see his bed now the problem I have with old tub and white hasn't been on a lot of our shows is because the price point yeah because when you hit that 25 Mark now you're dealing with Wild Turkey 101 old Forester 100 you're dealing with all kinds of different old Granddad bottled and bond I could just go on and on now this bottle is in competition with those to where these 12 14 15 are completely in their own category so that's kind of why the old tub really has had a hard time finding a spot in a particular video but for me I think is a pretty decent Port I'm I know for a fact many many of you out there really enjoy this bottle and honestly both of us are glad you do that's a fact one last thing really quick what do you got what what would be your that's exactly what I was gonna say you want mine first you want yours I honestly didn't do this last night so this is outside my head what you got I honestly Trend I'd have to say and this is weird and it doesn't surprise me but number one for me would be the very old Barton is number one that's that's mine too and that's me I would have to say number two for me would be the the this jts brown number three would be the old tub number four would be this damp bottle and and the fifth place would be the uh Jim Beam extra aged okay that's me all right and that's just I didn't work on that last night so I would say the one of the redeeming qualities about the old tub is the viscosity it has that going for it but in terms of the flavor profile compared to other 20-ish Dollar Bottles yeah um mine would be one two three and then I'd go four or five okay would be and the only reason is that this is a little bit more viscous than this one but apart from that today to me those are kind of pretty much neck and neck apart from this guy it doesn't surprise me that you put the two you know lesser valued Jim beams on the end yeah but I think what's most amazing about what we did here today is that our cheapest bottle you can get from 10 to 12 is really pretty good it's it's pretty good it's hard to to not recommend this enough yes because of the price point and what you get it's it is 100 proof it doesn't it doesn't have quite the flavors as like an old force or 100 sure sure but it's half the price sure so buy one try it out let me know let us know what you think that's all we got for you today boy I'd love to hear it in the comments what you thought we missed what are some other budget bottles you'd like to see on the show that don't get enough love because one thing I love is bottom shelf Bourbons I love to find that that nugget of gold yeah you know so if you could do that that would be great as always we ask you to please drink responsibly and we'll see you next time right down here with Trent and I in the good old basement bourbon bar see you later foreign [Music]
Channel: SLB Drinks
Views: 82,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whiskey, review, whiskey reviews, whisky review, whisky reviews, whisky, whiskey review, whiskies, spirits, bourbon reviews, top 5 bourbons, bourbon, budget bourbon, allocated bourbon, jim beam, jw dant, very old barton, old barton, jts brown, heaven hill, top 5 budget bourons, budget whiskey, best, top, underrated, blantons, elmer t lee, buffalo trace, pappy, pappy van winkle, old rip van winkle, eagle rare, weller 12, allocated, allocated whiskey
Id: TbUOxu0_ijg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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