The 15 BEST Bourbons For The MONEY!

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hey all my name is kurt welcome back to slb basement bourbon bar today we got a really good show for you i really struggled i worked extremely hard on this show it took a lot of hours to put this together because i want to i wanted to i want to showcase all of the bourbons that i feel are the best bang for the buck the best deal for the money now that doesn't mean it has to be the cheapest okay you can get an excellent bourbon for 50 bucks as well that you that is really worth that fifty dollars so trenton talked to me about it we decided let's do it trenton said pick five okay well i got back with him my list was 20. it's just so hard there's so many good ones out there so i'm sorry trenton i got it down to 15. i'm going to show you 15 bottles today so get ready get your pad of paper out let's write them down let's discuss it as always i'm sure i'm going to miss a couple that you really love if i do and if you feel it's worthy of a bourbon that's an excellent buy i want you to let me know i truly do because i couldn't get them all in there i really couldn't before we get started though give me give me a second for one correction on the last video that we had blind tasting double oak bourbons i misquoted a proof on the starlight double oaked bourbon i just had to write it down wrong on my paper i quoted in the video that was 96 proof and in actuality was 106 proof and we had several people in a very kind way correct me on that and i appreciate that i would much rather be correct corrected than to be wrong and that's a fact so appreciate that one to make that correction so trenton you ready to get going on this list i think this is probably the biggest one we've ever done isn't it i'm pretty sure all right number one on the list for me old forester 100 all right old forester 100 is a stalwart in my bar it is a fine sipper 100 proof it's 22 bucks but also i use it a lot in mixing bourbon cocktails it works wonderfully for 22 dollars a little bit of maple syrup a little pecan note that i just love in that particular bourbon absolutely cannot beat it for 22 bucks next in line you knew it was coming right is that about right trend right there wild turkey 101. 23 in my area now listen i checked all these prices at our local liquor store today so i realize prices can vary we understand that but i'm giving you what what i saw today in my local store for 23 wild turkey 101 we've talked about it it is just the bomb for that kind of money and in my opinion 101 proof of course nice proof point caramel toffee with a beautiful oak note one of my absolute favorites let's move on early times bottle and bond we just got done with some shows let me just say this i loved all of the conversations pro con pro sazerac pro brown foreman you all have your opinions and i think that's great i have no problem with that whatsoever i just want to share what i found in my research concerning the early times but i think we can all agree it's fantastic juice and for 25 bucks hunter proof early times bottle and bond whether it's sazerac or brown format at this point it's great stuff it's buttery it's caramel it's toffee it won the bottle and bond competition all right next in line [Music] 17 92 small batch 1792 small batch great stuff for about 25 bucks and i apologize i'm trying to remember all this stuff honey if you could tell me what the proof point is on small on the 1792 small batch 93.7 i knew there was a point in there 93.7 i want you to be aware of that about 25 at our store here great stuff really really nice stuff trenton this is one of yours that you had you originally started collecting these 1792's what did you what do you get out of this on your tasting on the small batch i don't have i don't drink a ton of small batch but if you do i get a little bit of like a quintessential vanilla caramel a little bit of rye spice that's the thing right there the rice spice you get that you do get that rice spice in that in this small batch which is fantastic really really great stuff for 25 dollars all right big daddy coming out at you old grandad 114 about 27 of course 114 stands for 114 proof all right this is a high rye bourbon so you're going to get that rye spice you're going to get a bit of tobacco and you're going to get a hint of orange a very nice sipper and i use this quite a bit when i mix bourbon cocktails that i want that that bigger proof when i want that backbone and that cocktail i reach for old granddad 114 a great buy for the money okay next in line russell's reserve 10-year man a 10-year bourbon at 90 proof for about 32 dollars you just absolutely cannot go wrong with that some beautiful old caramel vanilla what a beautiful bourbon for 32 next one i have for you cooper's craft 100 you probably thought i forgot about this one i haven't talked about this one in a while look at the level drink it quite a bit really really nice stuff 100 proof bourbon it's it's about 32 about the same price as the russell's at my local store i absolutely love the barrel note that's in this particular bourbon a spectacular barrel note really really love that one next in line knob creek nine year knob creek nine years about thirty five dollars and it's a hundred proof thirty five dollars hunter proof some excellent excellent flavor profile in that one as well with some with a beautiful oak note and some vanilla some caramel in there as well great great stuff this is a new one we've never put it on the video brand new love this one jim beam single barrel i gotta be honest i really don't like a lot of the lower lower end jim beam products not a lot of them i got this one it's about 40 bucks right what's the proof on this one but 108 proof 40 and to me it has very rich flavors brown sugar caramel rich trenton though he had a sip of it he's never seen this on a show either he had a sip before he started the show what did you say very quintessential jim beam tobacco like a really heavy kind of yeah heavy flavors that's what he said not now i can go with that a little bit with the tobacco whatever what he said there is extremely important heavy flavors that's what i mean rich so this is a bourbon that's going to be a little bit in your face very rich flavors in there but i'll tell you what i loved it and i think it's a great buy at 40 bucks also at 40 bucks i think is a great great buy makers mark cast strength this one here is classic bourbon and it's uh 111 proof [Music] and it's got it's got the caramel it's got the toffee a little bit of oak but it with the with the cask strength those flavors are just bold and beautiful a super super nice buy in my opinion for forty dollars all right next real quick four roses single barrel hunter proof 42 dollars you know this one's the high rise another high rye mash bill here so you're going to get that rice spice and you get some beautiful fruity tones out of that four roses it's something i buy probably every two three months i get another bottle great great bottle to have another one i got for you knob creek single barrel select now this is the 120 proof and this is a nine year age statement i realize that it's about 50 bucks but i still think it's fabulous for 50 bucks this is one that i particularly enjoy over a cube of ice because in my opinion i don't know what you think about this trend but in my opinion the knob creek the 120 proof single barrel selects can get a little bit hot in my opinion when i pour this over a block of ice though bingo man i love it great flavors try it i think you'll love it all right the next one breaks my heart just to touch you've probably been wondering where's the wild turkey rare breed here it comes wild turkey rare breed i i feel bad i went today i told trenton he didn't even know i guess we're a little bit out of the loop but today i usually was able to get this for 38 or 39 right trenton yep a little under 40 bucks all day long 52. [Music] i missed it somewhere i don't know i talked to the to the manager of the story said a couple of months ago mike said a couple of months ago trenton prices went up 52 bucks and trail that that's place we go i mean they're they're probably one of the most efficient price stores we have around 52 so i put a little asterisks by it i'm still a little bit mind blown from it i still think it's a great bottle but that's a decision you're gonna have to make it and now in my area i'd like to hear from you what it is in your area now my area 52 for the wild turkey rare breed all right next in line you know i couldn't leave it out absolutely not about 57 you can purchase this uh old forester 1920. it's 115 proof as trenton knows my lovely wife knows that particular bourbon won bourbon madness that we had this year so beautiful beautiful sweet flavors oak notes vanilla caramel just some just a beautiful beautiful bottle i mean my opinion trend i think that's my favorite old forester core release i don't know what you think but that's that's definitely my well worth that 57 price tag last but not least okay elijah craig barrel proof now this one here is about 70 bucks now [Music] what i have out in front of you is the b522 that's the most current release right trend pretty sure we talk about it when we review it's not as good you know this or that some of them aren't as good as my beloved you know c919 you know the the b520 trend you know i love that stuff those two but all in all they're all fantastic 12 year old bourbons and my right trend super creamy viscous wonderful flavors elijah craig says magnificent job with their barrel proof releases and in my opinion for 70 dollars it's still a good bang for the buck all right i told you i had 15 i might have lied just to touch just a touch because i got one more to show you right behind me here if you want a great bottle oh it's on the side somebody changed it on me if you really want a great bottle we just got our first barrel pick in new bourbon whiskey we we picked the barrel we chose it at cash strength it's 116.2 proof trend is not on air but please let everybody know what the match bill is on this particular bourbon [Music] you got me to buy and i don't know offhand oh well 65 2015. okay what i really wanted i want to highlight in that is it is a higher riper i think it was 20 or 21 percent right if i'm not mistaken so i apologize for putting you on the spot i thought you'd have that stuff memorized dude this stuff is fantastic though it's it's really really good stuff i don't want to sit up there and tune our own horn i really don't but this first one came in delightful what can i say it's super sweet up front you get a nice syrupy note up front and then you get that rice spice you will definitely get a a right kick and then it flows into like an almond nougat note and then really at the end there's there's a real nice hint of a of a cherry note on to the finish it's just it's just great stuff and very creamy am i right very it's a very creamy and a very viscous bourbon so this will be available to you all trenton will put a particular post out you want to add anything to that because i don't know a whole lot about that stuff friday around 4-5 central time i'll post a youtube uh like a community post with the link to purchase we have a handful of bottles left uh so if you want to snag one of these up we're not doing another one of these ever so this is our this is our first pick that's come in we have plenty more to come if you want more information check out our patreon but if this is going to be dropping for everybody on youtube friday between four and five central yeah and and we're happy with it we really are we're very happy with it at 69.99 plus tax so that's going to put you from our area our taxes about 75 bucks plus shipping right trenton yeah so if you're interested in a bottle keep looking because trying to put it out there for you and we have some left so when they're out they're out it's an excellent buy 70 bucks that's all i have for you today boy love your input i really would i it trust me it was a lot of work a lot of blood sweat and tears putting this together eliminating putting back in but at the end of the day i think this is a fantastic grouping for a lot of you folks that are curious and interested to know what bourbons can i buy that's well worth the money as always we ask you to please drink responsibly hey we'll see you next time right down here with me in a good old basement bourbon bar see you later [Music] you
Channel: SLB Drinks
Views: 336,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best bourbons, best whiskeys, rare bourbon, top 5 bourbons, top 5 whiskeys, top 5 drinks, bourbon, whiskey, rye, review, tasting, bourbonjunkies, whiskey review, bourbon review, reddit, r bourbon, /r/bourbon, 5 whiskeys you need, only need 5 whiskeys, bottles of whiskey, bottles of bourbon, daily drinker, special occasion whiskey, whiskey to stay away from, adhd whiskey, overhyped, cheap mixer, best ceap bourbon, cheap bourbon, value, bargain bourbon, best bourbon for the money
Id: h6BFuX1bTsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 11 2022
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