How To Start A Bourbon Collection For Only $200

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hey y'all my name is Kurt and I'm here with Trenton welcome to SLB basement bourbon bar and today Trenton I thought it'd be a good idea since we have so many new subscribers to put our dip our toe into the pool of starting your own bourbon collection for two hundred dollars that's a good idea now quite a few other channels have done that we never have yeah we've never done this so what is going to be the most fun for me anyways is how our collections vary from each other from you and I well and to give you a little bit of context Kurt told me about this video like last week or sometime and he's like I've been working on my my list for a week I just put my list together in a couple minutes when I got here yeah it drives me out of my mind he drives me nuts but what surprised me is that none of the bottles on his list were the same as any of the bottles on my list yes and I was surprised by that and I'm kind of glad too and that's legit yeah because he didn't even see my list I let him do his list in his 10 minutes and and it was not even not one bottle was duplicated so here's what I want I want you to do if you can in the comments oh God let us know whose collection is better oh that's what I want to know shave their head oh no we're not gonna babe are we gonna go that far no oh sorry your mom said no I'm sorry I think you look good Paul yeah you know I'd look good about anything that's about right oh God at any rate please let us know and and of course if you feel like something needs to be added into a collection or subtracted you know we appreciate all your recommendations and your opinions well and did you say a price point two hundred dollars two hundred dollars to build the collection we both ended up with six bottles a piece which I thought was interesting too yeah but and there's there's a lot of bottles in here that we we did Miss only because we didn't have enough money left so keep in mind if you don't see a bottle that you think has to be in a collection we probably would have put it in there maybe if we had it if we doubled our budget or gave ourselves a little bit more wiggle room but we tried to stay firm I'm just like a couple bucks under 100 or 100 200 bucks okay one dollar now keep in mind I will say those two Trend we can only go by the pricing that we have in our area unfortunately I'm sure it's going to vary in other areas I actually talked to a lot of people that pay a little less for certain things not what we pay while turkey Rare Breed is one of those I'm a little irritated we pay 54 54 there's people getting it still in the 40s so you know and of course some will pay more but we can only go by what we have here in our pricing here and so that's what we'll do today and Trenton I'm Gonna Let You you go first me yeah I will say I tried to give a lot of variety in my in my six bottles I think you did too so I wanted to start out with with a weeder that's that's low proof this is larceny uh this is the original RC it's not Barrel proof this is a weeded Bourbon and it's 92 proof I think this is around I actually have a notepad for the first time in my life uh I know I almost fell over um there's about 28 29 bucks in our area yeah and I think this is a very good weeder to start out with you could also go with Maker's Mark but I I'm personally a little bit bigger fan of the larceny uh line especially they're 92 proof I think it's a little bit sweeter and if you're getting into weeded Bourbons I think it's a fantastic a fantastic option that's that's an excellent option for a starter reader that's for sure my first bottle is going to floor your Trend and I know it will it did that's all right Evan Williams bottled in bond now as most of you folks know this really would not rank in any of my top five personally as a sipper all right it doesn't really appeal to me on that level I'm not saying it's a bad sipper if somebody poured that for me I would drink it however when you're starting a bourbon collection there is so many uh different assets with the Evan Williams bottled and bond it is a fabulous mixer fifteen dollars that is a good so the price point it's it's an incredible mixer and I know tons of you folks out there love it as far as the taste profile concerns so I put that in first that's a that's a fair point my next one I I had to go with um Knob Creek nine I think this is a fantastic way to get into the Knob Creek lineup and you do get those like the leathery tobacco-y kind of gym beam notes from this but it still sweets 100 proof I think it's like 28 29 bucks yeah it's still under 30 bucks yeah and I think all my picks are around 28 bucks with a few splurges in there but this is fantastic I think this holds up very nicely to the 12 year for half the price and uh 20 proof less I think no the 12 years 100 Proof correct um but still this is a very good option um for uh getting into the Knob Creek lineup or trying out some different Jim Beam products um you can't you can't go wrong with that no you cannot and I guess this is our time for the no-brainers for you and me because that's not shocking whatsoever and this won't be shocking for any of you either I've got Wild Turkey 101 no I do I do and Trenton that's 23 and I will tell you since it took me a week to put this together I did go and actually check pricing I physically checked Bryson sounds about right so it's 23 bucks in our area and for me I know there's just a few of you that really do not like wild turkey in general and for those I apologize you can you can switch this out with something else but for me for twenty three dollars it's Stellar yeah I I love I love the flavor profile of your caramel your vanilla that beautiful charred Oak note love it 20 three bucks solid Choice yeah all right next obvious one for me is the old Forester 100 Proof bourbon I love this one it's to me this is like the quintessential of of your Wild Turkey 101 but you get that like banana old Forester flavor in there like a banana nut bread kind of thing going on and it's 27 28 maybe a little bit less um and you just you just can't go wrong they also have an 86 proof If you're not a huge fan of the 100 Proof you want to stay kind of in the 80s if you're just getting into bourbon they have an 86 proof that's also very good but I tend to lean towards the towards the 100 proof but yeah I would too and that's that's an excellent choice my next choice also I can through Trenton off a little bit but I had to put in there Buffalo Trace you just had to do it you know what I it was in it was out it was in it was out and it was it was in his album at the end of the day when I'm thinking trying to help somebody to start a collection this one's a little bit more lower proof and and it's in a fabulous introduction to Bourbon because it's sweet you got that caramel you got that toffee it's about 90 Proof if you get it for the right price over here we can get it for like 24 bucks so it's it I put it in there because it's just such an easy sipper with great quintessential Buffalo Trace flavors now I gotta dig on this a little bit yeah go ahead because I think even in our area I found that Buffalo Trace is getting more difficult to get even the regular one like a year ago maybe we could buy it by the case and now it's like I see it by limit one or I see it and the quantities are a lot lower than what they used to be but if you want a Buffalo Trace product this is probably the most readily available of all of them yes um and it's it's really good for the money the only dig that I have is that like it's just getting a little bit more have you found that that it's getting a little bit harder to find around you know a lot I got uh two more like a month or two ago okay and here when it comes here it's usually limit two and I got two more so as you can see this is almost done and I have two more okay so I don't really once I have that many I don't even look anymore gotcha but I know why you said that because it leads up to your next pick yeah uh what do you got you got cash strength next okay so my next one old Granddad I thought you were going with the other one to to well you have three I have three that's right no no no I thought I thought you were going with that one over there too oh to prove your point of what should be in the lineup but go ahead yeah yeah you're fine um my next one old Granddad 114. this is if I had to recommend a cast strength option to folks that are just starting out a collection to me this would be my go-to it's 114 proof around 28 to 32 dollars in our area and it's got pretty much everything that you would want in a in a high proof or a higher proof bourbon it's a high Rye Mash bill so it's going to be a little bit spicier so if you're not a huge fan of the spice of Rye or if you're kind of a little bit more conscious about the proof that you're drinking this might not be the best option uh but for like mixing cocktails with a higher proof bourbon for I drink this neat at home often it's great there's really not much to dislike about it for the for the proof point and it's it's pretty readily available right so yeah it's a it's a great pick for my cast strength option Trenton I'm putting in Maker's Mark cast strength this one is 110 proof my bottle and I chose it because it is a cast strength option and also it's the only bottle in my collection that's actually a weeder so a weeded okay yeah bourbon option as well and you you know I've talked about this before I I love this bottle I really do you get the Butterscotch the Deep caramel and for 40 bucks it's hard to beat that before you buy so that's my cat strength you got Single Barrel next all right so my choice for single barrel I wanted to include one it's not blantons I did the new riff Single Barrel this one is actually 113 proof I didn't realize this was our pick but I do have another one on the Shelf over there new riffs single barrels I think are a fantastic bargain for the money it's a four year old bourbon and they're single barrels and they're the proof point on those is really nice and it is a single barrel so the The Taste and the the palette on those are going to be different depending on which bottle you get sure but I have not gotten a single barrel from new roof that I have been disappointed in it's about 50 bucks so this would be probably my Splurge if I were to recommend something for uh yeah for a new yeah for a new bourbon Drinker it's great um I don't see these on people's lists all that often and it's a shame because new Rift does really cool stuff especially with their finishes oh yeah but their single barrels are awesome I definitely recommend those don't pass them up just because it's a four year doesn't mean that it's going to be bad that was one of our best Barrel picks of 2012 all right my Single Barrel is Four Roses Single Barrel about forty two dollars Trenton 100 proof I picked this because this is the the particular bottle in my collection that is higher Rye that's only 42 bucks 42 bucks I would have thought a little bit more that's a great deal 42 dollars great deal and and it's the higher rise so you do get some of that caramel that caramel in there but it also is going to deliver in those orange notes and other things with the high Rye Mash Bill and this is one bottle that I will refill every time it empties that's a good one I love it if you can find the single barrels too like this the store picks oh yeah those are usually even better yeah but we don't see it right here yep all right well that's your left yeah I was going to say that what's your last but not least partner my last but not least we've talked about this a lot is going to be the Early Times bottled and bond uh obviously 100 Proof you get a liter and it's about 28 bucks this has where did this come in our bourbon Madness this came like top five I think yeah it was up there and and yeah it's done well let's just put this way it's done very well yeah in any blind taste that we've had this is such a sweet quintessential bourbon in my opinion um I tend to lean towards the sweeter side you tend to lead a little bit more towards I feel like the Oaky like a nice balanced Oak um I don't feel like you get as much oak on this as you would do like maybe a Wild Turkey 101 but the sweetness is you're right incredible and it's very well balanced it's readily available you get a bang for your buck for one liter at 28 bucks I just I don't see how you could miss out on this one if you see these pick them up um I've heard that they're getting a little bit more difficult to find unfortunately this is a Sazerac product yeah um so that's that's my six for your info just so you know it but the Buffalo Trace in the early times that was the duo that moved in and out of my list 17 times before I actually finalized it yes so all right that's a great pick on your part uh a beautiful a beautiful bourbon yeah I know my list is gonna win we'll see about that my last but not least is my Splurge bottle Trenton and I could I could have went a few different ways here and I might go get a little Razzmatazz yeah it just might get a little Razzmatazz for this what does that mean I might get you know I might get you know some some jeered a little bit in the comments for this one because it's unfortunately it's not wild turkey Rare Breed well you know what I will promise you this if it would be the same price point that we paid before like 38 dollars forty dollars would be on here but right now yes right now it's 54. oh that sucks so what I put in there you know for the sake of everybody and what I was thinking was this old Forester 1910. you're getting down there a little bit with a little bit lower proof again a 93 proof but it's an extremely sweet it's it's just a it's a beautiful Bourbon and it's going to run you about 55 bucks so I already have a cast strength option here with the Maker's Mark that I would not take out because the price point for sure and I didn't want to duplicate another cast strength with a wild turkey so that's why I went with the old Forester 1910 and I didn't have enough money left to put in the old Forester 1920. well if we upset to like what two 250 we would have been I would have been able to put another really good one in there right but we did it so we got to stick by the rules so and I'm happy with this because this is this is a great option yeah it's another beautiful sweet sipper a little bit of a Splurge for your 200 collection so at the end of the day I was happy with what I finalized my list with but I'm I'm very happy with what you had because mine's better um you see you have you have some good picks out there but let us know in the comments who has the better what's the better six bottles I know your mom will be counting I know that she will sure and uh she'll probably be voting for you though unfortunately yeah let us know what six that you would recommend and if you're a new bourbon beginner head down to the comments scroll through them see if there's a couple bottles down there that you recognize yes I'm sure that some of these are gonna get um a lot of a lot of Praise because they're they're all very good so all right that's all we got for you today I hope you enjoyed it we had a lot of fun putting this together as always we ask you to please drink responsibly and we'll see you next time right down here with Trent and I in the good old basement bourbon bar see you later [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: SLB Drinks
Views: 77,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whiskey, whisky, bourbon, bourbon collection, how to, rye, review, tasting, whiskey review, bourbon review, best bourbon, best bourbon collection, biggest bourbon collection, best whiskey, best whiskey collection, how to bourbon, how to drink bourbon, how to find bourbon, old forester, four roses, makers mark, buffalo trace, wild turkey, evan williams, larceny, knob creek, old grand dad, new riff, early times, blantons, weller, pappy, pappy van winkle, antique, dusty
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2023
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