Tasting the World's Most Hated Bourbons

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from the looks at the bar top today I I'm not sure if I'm going to have a good time or not so we'll see what happens my name is Kurt this is Trenton welcome to SLB basement bourbon bar why this is my video idea why aren't you excited you're not excited about my video idea yeah yes why yes I am that's the enthusiasm I'm looking at yes I am I I'm on I'm on the internet a lot and I don't know like I get a lot of targeted ads for articles and products and things advertisements about like stuff like basil Haynes and whatnot but I had an article pop up on the side of a website when I was looking at it about like the best Bourbons you can buy and I was like okay you know I usually don't click on them sure I was like well let's see what this is all about okay on the I went through it and the content was yeah maybe a little bit clickbaity but I went through and on the bottom in in the section it was like you might also be interested in this it was a the same variation but like the most the most disliked Bourbons so I clicked on that and I was like huh a lot of these are stuff that we either have reviewed talked about maybe not reviewed yeah and I thought it would be interesting to kind of pull also patreon and see what what are our patrons and subscribers and things thought of the the bourbons and if they had any that they really dislike sure so these are four of those that were either the most common um with the exception of Jim Beam it wasn't mentioned a ton but in some of the other articles I read about the most hated or disliked or things like that that came up quite a bit Yeah but it's also the the most popular in terms of sales volume or the highest sold bourbon in I use either the United States or the world I can't remember so I saw that there was a statistic that said 25 of people do not like Jimmy white label and I thought 25 is good enough for me to put in a video well I think I get where you're coming from now I see I see your mindset and how you came about to this video yeah so you just didn't pull these out and go I think these kind of no no aren't so good let's try them no you had a thought process here you and I both have our ideas of versions that we don't like or we might um look as as the most hated or disliked but I figured we would pull in some data points I will and and I will confirm what you're saying because out of any articles I've ever read people I've ever talked to these particular Bourbons more than not are on those most disliked you know lists unfortunately but back to the gym gym beam white label that that's Trenton that's kind of a it's it's kind of an odd one because you know so many so many people's grandfathers this is what they drink yeah this is what it is Jim Beam white label you know and there's a lot of people a lot of folks are going to like it for that reason and I get that this is one of the first Bourbons that I ever purchased actually really because it was cheaper it's Jim Beam let me give it a try you know maybe one of the first 10 bottles that I ever bought kind of surprised and so I thought I'd give it a shot I didn't like it then it's been a long time since I've had another sip of it so I'm kind of looking forward to trying it again my palette may change is this I don't know is this the original bottle that you bought yes yes it is and there's this much plus this in there and we I think we also did a budget video so you probably took one sip out of it was like yes I'll bet you that bottle is four or five years old I'll bet I'll bet on it okay well at least it's been open for a while to be honest aired out and everything yeah and before we get started let me just preface by saying hey you know Trent and I both have this thing opinion just because we may not like something somebody else may not like something if this is one of these bottles is is do you love it it's your favorite it's your jam more part to you drink what you like the way you like it and don't let anybody tell you anything different so well said let's get on with it let's see what we got here Trenton I'm I'm kind of excited about this been forever Jim B white label old man maybe maybe things have changed a little bit for me get a little sweetness up there you got a tiny bit of vanilla it's like it's really oakers something's off about it's either Oaky or leathery or something I don't know about you but when I first stick my nose into glass I always want to search for the sweet note first I I usually do that I don't know why well I mean I like I just kind of discovered that because when you said Oak I'm I'm sure it's in there but the first thing I'm looking for is what sweetness can I found and I found a little bit of sugary vanilla I can see that but it's just like immediately for me yeah yeah I get where you come from for sure this is also 80 proof if you weren't already aware and as a clarification these all are pretty low proof they're not on here because they're low proof this is just based on the statistics that well I gathered and some of the stuff that you saw in this articles you've read before it's not the it's honestly not the worst thing I've ever had I'm a little bit surprised right now because when I first had that I didn't like it at all it this will never be on one of my top tens oh shame I mean for real but it's 80 proof it's 15 bucks you're not splitting that above Wild Turkey 101 uh no come on no no no no no it's 15 so it's you know budget friendly but I found the same kind of a little bit of sweetness up front but it does it's got a pretty heavy Oak presence to it for sure and everything else is like rather earthy um honestly I was expecting it to be a little bit worse this is the first time I'm sure I've had Jim Beam white labeling cocktails and things before but it's never something I've drank on its own yeah I'm sure we've done a video at some point maybe that I was in that I forgot yeah but it's all right not the worst I mean a little bit of sweetness Oak leather yeah I mean that's what it is so yeah not too complex I think this one's Trenton I don't know it's been a long time this is one of the first ones I've ever had I ever had in a restaurant oh you guys your mom and I were in in Arizona and I said I'm kind of new I don't even know what to order and she said why don't you try basil Hayden's which actually is a pretty good recommendation for somebody that really hadn't been into it yeah and so I haven't had it much but basil Hayden's I think it's a little bit of a bad rep rap but but it's expensive for what you get and I that's that's the point it's 80 proof still I think it's a good beginner you know I do think of all that stuff about it but it is 35 38 dollars here pretty sure almost 40 bucks 30 something might maybe even pushing 40. I think this is also it's either 80 or 86 80 proof um also coming from Jim Beam but the biggest complaint that I saw and this this bottle came majority from the folks in Discord patreon subscribers that kind of thing and the the common complaint is that the the price you pay for the value you get is just atrocious yeah from what like this is a 20 bottle from what people said would have been a really good bargain okay because it's I mean a little bit higher more of a maybe more of a like a craft Step Above GMB might label attack on five bucks maybe you're getting somewhere okay I can understand that argument that's for sure but it's been a while though let me see oh man I also haven't I've had the subtle smoke and the red wine and The Toasted and the dark Ryan stuff I don't think I've ever had the regular one yeah I've had a few times up it's all right I mean to me it's a little bit thin it's a little bit weak in the flavor Department but there's nothing bad I wouldn't say there's nothing in there that I would say oh that's awful no there's not much Oak presence there especially compared to the Jim Beam white label but there's just not a whole lot it would take me a while to really try to there's a little bit of Mite some light sugary sweetness there um there's just not a lot going on it's not really complex I would expect maybe a little bit more for the price point and I could I could see the argument there would I buy another one no I would however maybe recommend this to some some beginners but preface it was saying okay there's a there's better options for cheaper but basil Hayden's comes highly recommended as like a more of a beginner friendly kind of thing yeah and I can see why it's a beginner yeah because you know your your flavor is everything about it is not going to blow you out of the water the proof is low you know there's no strong flavors in there there's no strong Oak presence there it's like the Lacroix of bourbon there you have it that's the best analogy I can think of to tell you the truth that's that's perfect the Lacroix if you like Lacroix the bubbles you might love basil Haynes you might I'm just saying all right let's move on to this I have no idea what this I've without fail this is on every single worst lists that I've ever read that's why I had to find it and what's it called again I don't even know I've never bought it or no Hudson baby bourbon whiskey okay this it it I'm reading the label uh 46 avv 92 proof made in New York aged under four years by the Tuttle uh Spirits uh guard Garden near New York that's an odd statement that could be anything yeah so this is on every single list that I've ever seen uh yeah have you ever had it no me either the weird thing this is like 46 dollars New York Maybelline New York Hudson New York that kind of Premium I don't know if this is coming from the new from the Hudson River and that's why you're getting the premium I have no clue but oddly enough you know what cast cartel is no it's there are some websites that'll sell bottles like secondary prices that kind of thing this bottle is 460 dollars on that website get out of here and if it's on these lists I can't imagine why why is it hard to find some places they are not making this anymore oh from what I heard because it's that bad well let's find out yeah I'm scared let's see now now my now my interest is really perked because of the rust and they're not making it anymore holy cow oh my gosh that has to be some of the worst Aromas I've ever smelled in a bourbon in my lifetime really that's horrible I can't I'm gonna hate it oh dude it's horrible it's it's kind of like a pencil shaving rotten okay go get it okay hang on it's kind of it's kind of you went with pencil shavings all right and it was kind of in my brain it's kind of like a it's it's approaching the nose of a heavily peated scotch but in a not so good way so when you mentioned the pencil shavings remember the connection yeah that was made with Laphroaig and pencil shavings you know on the Aromas and things like that you know that that's kind of what my thought process went to my eyes went across the way that's where my shelf is of my peated Scotch over there and it's like it's kind of like a crappy attempt at a at a peated scotch nose yeah well set the glass down we're not gonna try it just yet I have one some preparation that we're gonna do oh no no what are you doing what are you doing babe what's he doing what are you doing all right you ready I am absolutely not ready for that have you ever had a poor that big that much you poured the time is Handy though but no I I never have you ever been at home and done that I've seen some on Instagram some folks man they just they Notch that up there good for them I I don't personally I don't either I like to have smaller ones but now it's possible I'm usually about where like the the Bulge starts to go back up I tried like the one ounce because I like to bounce around a little bit I don't want to tank out on One Whiskey if I'm gonna drink that night I want I want two or three different yes well let's see if you want to tank out on some baby Hudson oh I can only imagine let's see kind of smells like corn Creek I almost got goosebumps that is if it's possible the nose absolutely transfers to the palate but worse dude this is like the most bitter unpleasant call you almost said coffee did you call like a bitter coffee bitter coffee green burnt coffee bitter I'm on that very bad very bitter Bad Coffee grain 460 on a secondary get out of here man oh I hope people don't buy that that is so bad I hope people don't buy this just just there's absolutely no sweetness that I can find in there whatsoever it's extremely earthy bitter coffee horribly horribly cooked mushrooms and I like mushrooms I mean I mean dude burnt mushrooms maybe there was as much sand I'll be legit this is a true story there's a mushroom in my yard like don't eat it this big no I I I cooked it up I took it out of the yard I did you can ask Michelle oh my God it was big massive I was told that you could eat these so I I took it out who told you that like a mushroom steak the internet to make like a mushroom steak or it wasn't a Portobello no it wasn't Portobello but it wasn't like one of these like it's a yard Mushroom probably I put some butter on it yeah I burnt it and I tasted it it tastes somewhat similar to this there were holes in it so I'm sure there were worms yeah I imagine it probably did it probably did taste like this because this has to be legit I'm thinking bitter coffee grains and burnt mushrooms it just tastes really young but also like there's something wrong with it it's like if you were to if you were to drink pen ink I can't do that again I this is worse I'm gonna go on a limb because you know when you when you're clipping on 60 sometimes it takes you about you you folks that are on my age my age bracket you understand it takes about 20 30 minutes to remember everything about everything you know what you're trying to say but I have to go out and let me say that's the worst bourbon I've ever tasted I'm I'm with you hey is there anything else you can think of that I I don't know of anything else that could be worse than that that I've that I've had I feel like it would be this in first place for the worst Corner Creek and Hill Rock Hill Rock would be my three not worth that that my particular Hill Rock solar age was God awful a lot of people said it might have been the cork thing or whatever going on I don't know but that those are the two that would be the the battle right there for me unbelievable all right let's move on to this will it this is probably the most compact it is it was the most controversial bottle that was on our regrets videos because a lot of folks love it and I don't know if it's because it says will it on it yeah and maybe they actually do love it if you do love it good for you I'd rather you purchase a bottle that you love and drink then purchase one that you hate yeah that's a fact so let's see what this is all about it's been a long time Trenton since I've tasted any of this this but this I gave away my bottle this is the exact bottle that I bought the first one I ever bought I was actually the liquor store is it as old as my Jimmy but this is probably three years old okay three four years old I was at a liquor store I saw this I texted you a picture of it I was like hey should I buy this you didn't answer didn't answer remember half hour I remember this yes I bought it as I'm walking out he's like that's bad don't buy it I was like oh wonderful I remember this is that bottle I do uh so there's three or four years old yeah all right well let's let's figure it out I will say that there's some folks out there that are saying now the juice has changed it's different really in the will of pot still and somebody I would actually respect I would respect their opinion said that oh they didn't get a video yet another YouTuber but I since that's old we don't have a new one maybe that's another video if you want to see that video if you want to see new pots still versus old pot still I'm gonna look out for one I'll be interested let us know it's sweet on the nose a little bit butterscotchy but awesome it is a little sweet I almost said toilet seat that's not right um it's almost like it's weird because it's like grassy a little bit like hay but also if if you've left your laundry in the washing machine too long after you wash it oh yeah we've done that time too haven't we honey a few times yeah well I have some I my watch my dryer broke it smells like propane when you run it or kerosene for some reason I took it apart I I didn't fix it but so we haven't dried anything and we have something in the washing machine that's a little bit damp that smells very similar to this minus the sweetness if you toss a couple butterscotch chips in there and rerun the load let it sit there I'm sure it would have similar aspects there yeah but I can't say anything for that I'm just gonna stop right there I got nothing more than that one takeaway I like the sweetness on the nose I will say that at first I went because you get a little bit of that butterscotchy type not not full-blown butter sauce no a little bit but it doesn't take long with that freight train of sour for me sour oh that's a good one very sour it's almost like it's like a Woody in like a not Oaky way um I've said it before I'll set it against another second sip there right on the front of the pallet I get a little bit of sweetness here kind of butterscotchy a little bit but then it runs really sour and then for me I always get like a cedar note there like for the wood notice like it's like a raw Cedar you know it's a based on like you're you're biting into a cedar yeah like you know what like you don't work in my twos in different houses and stuff you see the cedar closets remember your house yeah your old house you had some cedar closets so shoot you know that puppy that's kind of what it's kind of what I get on the back end of this for me that's so weird that it's like that sour almost like a like a sour milk kind of kind of vibe with some grass very Dairy like for things you would associate with a cow like Dairy grass I don't know right I I I will seek out another one let's just just to see if there is a beautiful person because also like a lot of the comments in our video where we were all you you talked about I think uh the the regret buying um a lot of it was like well maybe you got a bad bottle maybe it was bad bad that kind of thing sure I feel like with will it be more of like a Prestige or a like yeah that kind of thing I would assume that if they had a bass that tasted like this quality control would step in and be like hey this doesn't fit our profile this doesn't fit our like kind of what we're trying to to put out with this label sure so I'll look for another one yeah just again buy it and see if I know what it is I think these are like 65 bucks I'll say this if the new one's better I'll reveal my source and who said another YouTuber friend of mine who said buy it try it you won't be disappointed I will seek it out and we will maybe we'll do a video on it yeah let's do it all right that's all we got for you today give it take a moment in the comments let us know what your worst Bourbons are if yeah on the bottom of your list we might even do another crowdsource video based on the comments yeah we probably will I love to read that and see what your lists are all right that's all we got for you today thanks so much for watching as always we ask you to please drink responsibly see you next time right down here with Trent and I in a good old basement bourbon bar see you later [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: SLB Drinks
Views: 196,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slb, slb drinks, whiskey, bourbon, jim beam, jim beam white label, willett, hudson, hudson bourbon, basil hayden, james beam, worst bourbon, bad, worst, bad bourbon, bourbon review, whiskey review
Id: lZ6udtBQzLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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