Buddha's Idea About Impermanence | Buddhism In English

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Nam buddhaya welcome to another video now you probably heard about this Buddhist statement and Buddhist saying that says nothing is permanent in this life and everything is subjected to change now this is one of the core and Main teachings in Buddhism and in P language we call it anicha anicha can be literally translated at as impermanence or subjecting for something to be changed okay so what it really Buddha taught about an nature or impermanence let's take a look at it now when we talk about impermanence now everything that is around us that is that we can see that we can hear that we can feel has one nature in common and that is it is subjected to change that is one nature that is shared with all the things that are around us okay from the smallest atom to the biggest thing in this world every everything is subjected to change and everything is Ever Changing there is nothing stable in life now normally when we look at now it seems like very easily recognizable phenomena and a process but let's say like this for an example now there's a cup here all right now if I ask from you how does this cup become impermanence how do you answer oh then you can say oh this falls down when it shatters it becomes impermanent okay that is one way of understanding and one way of recognizing what is impermanent now what Buddha meant about a nature or impermanence is a way more subtler impermanence than what we talk about okay now the Buddha said your feelings and your thoughts and your perception and your weave towards this cup becomes impermanent and it is ever changing now that impermanence happens now right for an example like let's say now you can see this is stable okay this is not changing this is not shattered it stays but our thoughts and our feelings and our per perceptions are ever changing right now right here so to understand that kind of impermanent is way more subtler and is very very difficult and that is why we need the meditation practice and spiritual practice to understand this so how can we recognize and how can we realize this nature of impermanent now the Buddha said the first step is to slow down and to be Cal the Buddha said you cannot comprehend and you cannot realize this kind of impermanence through a distracted mind when your mind is distracted it is very difficult to focus on this impermanence and that is why the Buddha introduced some of the meditation or calming meditations to calm down your mind might and in the meantime in the same time we have to practice the wisdom through learning the Buddhist teachings and through re wisely reflecting on the reality to bring up the wisdom that is within us when the calmness and the peacefulness and concentration paired with wisdom the Buddha said that you can reach and you can identify and realize this kind of impermanence so what Buddha meant by un nature is a way more subtler and way more deeper meaning than the normal and superficial meaning of impermanence so that is what Buddha meant so that is what we have to practice to realize and to see in Buddha's teachings so I hope you got some idea about what an naturea is so add this into your life and try to realize this anure by practicing meditation and by realizing the true nature of of your life
Channel: Buddhism
Views: 45,779
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Keywords: buddhism in english, buddhism for you, Inner guide, meditation music, meditation in buddhism, bana english, learn the buddhism, meditation, buddha's path, buddhism, buddhist, what is buddhism, what do buddhists believe, eightfold path, four noble truths, bodhisattva, nirvana, religion, peace, buddha, gautama, inner peace buddhism, Dhamma talk, Buddhism In English, slbuddhism, calm, meditate, sinhala, positive thinks, life hacks, motivation, mind relax, Buddha's Idea About Impermanence
Id: 5-xhbdUSmSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 2sec (242 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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