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so what is Buddhism to you Buddhism is all about you nothing more nothing less and the main goal in Buddhism is to understand the true nature behind your life and your mind my mind yes what about my mind mind is the most powerful thing in the world the Buddha said mind is everything what you think you become all the other religions focus on what's going to happen to me after I die but Buddhism doesn't try to answer that yeah give me an example of why in Buddhism there's a saying that if you got shot by an arrow the Buddha says do not ask where it came from who shot it you should ask how can I get out this arrow that is what the only question yes because that is what you really need need to focus on because in Buddhism you live in this moment you don't own your past you don't own your fure you cannot control you cannot do anything about it you have only this moment so what is the error in life it is about the suffering [Music] suffering the reason why we suffer is because there is attachment in our mind we get attached to people we get attached to things we get attached to experiences you let go of the attachment and then you will be happy let go of the attachment [Music] yes why does attachment cause suffering it's good to be attached it's good to be attached to your boyfriend to your girlfriend to your kids attachment is happiness when we get attached to things we expect a lot when we expect a lot sometimes we don't get it when we don't get it we become sad and we suffer expectations is the thief of Joy really so so now I get the expectation attachment to suffer I again we all suffer we get sad when we don't get what we want why can't I be attached to something that is always going to be there this table will always be here this rock will always be here but nothing lasts forever everything is subjected to change that's the truth of this world this this table will stay for 5 10 years but it is subjected to change is there anything that's not subject to change yes what is it that is the process of changing the Buddha said nothing is forever except the change love and attachment are two different things when you love someone you love seeing them grow and becoming happy but when you get attached to someone you expect them to make you happy and ask why are you not making me happy that's the difference yes then you love your parents but you're not attached to your parents yeah so are you attached to your parents I love my parents but I try my best not to be attached to them and what does it mean not to be attached to your parents not to expect certain things from them and not to expect them to make me happy but to give my love my care and my affection to [Music] then I finally understood it in my company uh you know we hire a lot of people and people come and go and somebody comes in for 2 years 3 years you love working with them you love them but then they quit then you they're fired yeah and then and then it's hard every time it took me many many years to learn how to be happy to see them go every person that I work with I'm not going to work with forever and I didn't realize that until recently so I finally get it you have to be like a tree think of your company like a tree a big one the birds come and they eat the fruits and they be happy and they go but tree stays the same as the big tree tall and profound and free be like a tree be like a tree be like a tree my friend Bruce Lee says Be Like Water in Buddhism be like a tree be like a tree Dal once said that do not try to use Buddhism to be a better Buddhist try to use Buddhism to be a better version of what you've already [Music] are what an incredible experience learned so much inspired so much now to the next challenge [Music]
Channel: Nas Daily
Views: 204,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nas Daily, Nasmeanspeople, 1minute, Travel, Nuseir Yassin, Nas Studio, 英語学習, people, Nas Academy,, places, country, Buddhism
Id: I_nMed0Rv8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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