How To Forget The Past Memories | Buddhism In English

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I know it is very difficult to forget the past memories I know it is very difficult to forgive yourself for the things that you have done in the past but at the end of our life at the end of our day but we all need is nothing but just the peace in our mind but in order to find that peace we need somehow we need to let go of that past memory let go of that things that hurt us but how is there a way to find that peacefulness within our mind well let's discuss about it in this video if you look at the past memories I heard this nice quote about the past memories it says thinking about and worrying about past is like dragging a boat on a dry land okay now where we can use the boat we can use it on water but if you try to drag that boat onto Dryland and take it wherever take it with you to wherever you go what will happen to you to become a burden to you it will hurt you it is so heavy and there is no use in this in the same place right you cannot use the boat on the dry land okay holding on to past memories is also like that right there's no use of it right we are not letting that past memory to be in the correct place we're taking it to wherever we go and every every place that we go and it will keep hurting us so what we can do to forgive ourselves and let go of that past memory well certain there are certain things that you can do one of the most important things that you have to realize in this world is that not everything in this world is totally under our control there are people around you okay there are things around you there are certain things that is happening around you but not everything and not every one of them is totally under your control okay we have to deal with it but it is not out it is out of our control how people treat you you cannot do anything about it how people think about you you have no control over it how people talk to you how people behave in front of you the things that is happening in this environment in the nature there are things that is out of our control okay if we try and if you realize that this is the truth okay I cannot do anything about it should I worry about them then you come to the conclusion that I don't want to worry about it because it is out of my range okay so this is one reality that you have to understand the world is not totally under your control why because we are so busy in our life trying to control the things that are around ourselves that are out out of our control okay so realize that not everything is under your control and the next thing that you have to do is this might surprise you now a lot of you a lot of people are trying to forget the past memory okay I would say don't try to forget past memories okay don't try to do it what will happen if you try to do it the more you try to forget something the more it will haunt your mind isn't that true just do it practically right try to forget something it will come back to your mind okay I would say rather than trying to forgetting forget the past memory I would say Let It Fade Away from your life okay Let It Fade Away how to do it fading away is happening with time okay it takes time it's something like healing a wound okay to heal a wound it takes time okay so what we have to do is we have to give less attention to that memory okay now most of the time what happens enough us is when past memories haunt us we give so much attention to it we give so much awareness to it and think like this is the biggest tragedy in my life this is the biggest mistake that I have done in my life now my life is worse okay the the more we give attention to something it will grow that is the nature of the Mind the Buddha said The more you give attention to something these kind of thoughts come again and again to your mind so what we have to do is give less attention to it but how okay now so many of you say it is very easy for you to say that give less attention to it but it is very difficult I know it is very difficult but there is certain thing there's one thing that we can do we can identify that thought as a thought okay let's see these past memories they are always the thoughts inside our mind okay and also there are certain good memories and happy memories all of them are just thoughts okay the only difference between these hurtful memories past memories and the good memories is the way we look at that thought okay the perspective towards that talk if we can identify oh this is just a thought there's no difference okay it will come to our mind and this will fade again this will pass away by the time with the time so I must give some time to my mind to let my mind heal when you do that the past memories will start to fade away little by little why because you are giving less attention to it okay then there will be a day that comes then you come to a conclusion and you will realize that these past memories we are no longer hurting you okay in my life I have I had bad memories Okay the reason why I'm telling this is because I've been in the same situation as you guys okay there was so so many past bad memories and mistakes that I have done in the past but when we give less attention to that it will fade away okay then you will be okay with those past memories so that is what I have to share with you in this video so just let your past memories fade away from your life learn from your past learn from your tears and let your tears water the seeds of your future success keep that in your mind foreign
Channel: Buddhism
Views: 241,991
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Keywords: buddhism in english, buddhism for you, Inner guide, meditation music, meditation in buddhism, bana english, learn the buddhism, meditation, buddha's path, buddhism, buddhist, what is buddhism, what do buddhists believe, eightfold path, four noble truths, bodhisattva, nirvana, religion, peace, buddha, inner peace buddhism, Dhamma talk, Buddhism In English, Srilanka, slbuddhism, calm, meditate, sinhala, positive thinks, how to forget the past memories, memories, memo, deal with memories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 31sec (451 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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