Traded | Full Action Western Movie | Kris Kristofferson | Tom Sizemore | Free Movies By Cineverse

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[Music] the story of the american frontier is a tale of conquest but also one of survival persistence and the grit of the people it's 20 years after a bloody civil war despite abraham lincoln's emancipation proclamation slavery is alive and well in the wild west in the form of prostitution the world's oldest profession in kansas in most of the western territories women are bought sold and traded like property [Music] so come on paul show me how all right all right now i'm going to do this one time all right now the idea is when the tying is being done you want to flex your muscles blow your chest up like a rooster what's a rooster doctor [Music] that's right now you see when the tying's done you relax your muscles blow all the air out of your chest [Music] and now look rope gives you just enough room now you can get yourself free show me how paul show me how maybe you have to suffer and your studies the capital of kansas is topeka and the president of the united states is chester alvin arthur chester alan arthur chester alan arthur can we ask kendama before the day's activities are his disposition why do you care about some stupid old dance anyway oh you hush up do my eyes deceive me is that a apple pie i pick peeled and sliced all the apples and then spice them with cinnamon clay lily was invited to a tie dance over at the tigman ranch you know apple pie is my favorite spicy cinnamon the dance uh is the girls wear calico dress and they bring a matching tie for the boys to choose now i am familiar with the procedure of a thai dance young lady in fact there was a time it wasn't so long ago as a matter of fact flies in the buttermilk shoo fly shoo the flies in the buttermilk shoo fly shoo can i go i'm sorry darling maybe next year but paw you know what this pan needs my teeth some honey of that song well last summer you let me work at the mercantile nelly wilcott is 16 and she's been proposed to darling nelly wilcott is not my beautiful little girl it's just a tad dance paw besides if i ever do find a bow once he meets you he'll be too scared to ever call on me again darling i'm sorry now this matter is settled i want to have my dinner in peace how long does it take that boy to fetch some honey i'll get him they're gonna come call and play and we both know that extra years for you not her amelia use the one what told me what your dancing days led to i was dancing at the broken spoke saloon not the tigman's front parlor and i didn't have two loving parents that's my little girl if i ain't gonna protect her who's gonna [Music] [Music] [Music] lily oh my god [Music] watch out watch out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you can take comfort mr travis and knowing that jake is in a much better place all due respect reverend i'd rather have my boy standing right here beside me [Music] i am sorry for your loss [Music] for the life of me i just can't remember the sound of his voice i'd give anything to hear his voice one more time he's my little boy [Music] he's an angel blame me [Music] just say it [Music] i'm the one who asked for the honey [Music] play me amelia believe me come on blame me baby find me i need you to but he's blaming [Music] i nearly had a firewood i'll go job soon i love you it's gonna be okay where are you off to go on the lake i uh need you to stay here and help me with the cannon but ma you never asked me to help you before i thought you said ken is the one job you like to do all by yourself this time i want you helping me i'd done all my chores on my book work i was really looking forward to going to the lake there's no telling who's out there last time i was out there it was just old man hill that was nearly a year ago and just had to help him bait his hook i also want your daddy checking that boat for leaks but my the boat is fine you're staying here and helping me can these tomatoes why are you being silly don't you dare call me names amelia isn't that just like you taking her side lily darling i want you to stay here and help your mama with the cannon just for today just one time sweetie i'm gonna go down and check that boat for leaks okay good girl don't be doing me any favors clay [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] lily get up you've slept long enough lily lily lily your mama is calling you probably just in the privy of the barn not possible i was awake before dawn ah lily's horse is missing i'm going over to jane thompson's can't find lily nowhere took her horse and left in the middle of the night jane thompson you tell mrs travis what her daughter confided in you or that match in blue bonnet goes right back to abilene whoa she's gone to newton to catch a stage to wichita she read an advertisement about becoming a harvey girl waitress like jane's sister thank you i'd like a ticket to wichita please just one yes sir that'll be 50 cents visiting family are you oh no my family lives around these pots employment why yes i'm hoping to get a position as a hobby girl wow i've heard a lot of good things about that outstanding company coach leaves in 10 minutes thank you good luck with your job how do you do ma'am i'm well name's rick marlow lula travis well lily like a flower pleased to meet you [Music] has anyone told you that you look like sunshine in the morning [Music] you think you're gonna need that lily's horse all cooled down limburn well fed wouldn't find a finer animal in town where's the owner you're looking at him that's my daughter's horse where is she i don't know fella gave me a dollar to ride that horse back where did she go i don't know but i'm keeping that dollar this girl been in here what's she to you she's our daughter boys spitting image of you we're looking for the girl she has reddish brown hair down to here reddish brown you say have you seen her she don't look nothing like you have you seen the girl did she buy a ticket no pretty little girl like that that hair i'd remember her you son of a [ __ ] clay clay let's go come on now maybe she changed her mind she's still in town villain there's lying to you i think it's time you told me everything you know she left a couple hours to go on the stage to wichita honest to god they strike me dead i'm going to get her you head back to the ranch i'm not losing another child clay go to mercantile get us some supplies i'm gonna go in and deal with this fella be back here in five minutes clay lily told jane she ran off cause of our cause of my ill temper and distress five minutes take your glasses off pardon me take your glasses off son of a [ __ ] [Music] man that fella you're with he uh gave me a note to give you you said you'd give me two bits thank you man my darling amelia do not follow me i'll find our daughter and i'll bring her home safely love you always your husband done this to me crazy son [ __ ] he done this to me broke my damn nose [Music] ah [Music] me excuse me man but you happen to know where they're hiring the harvey girls thank you thank you very much i've been waiting in this line for more than an hour sir i'd like to fill out my application of course miss fill this out thank you excuse me ladies you certainly met all our quotas all the way to colorado excuse me i'm looking for my daughter my name's lily travis have you seen her we'll have the remaining ladies fill out applications then we'll inform them they'll get a telegraph when employment is available sir i need a second of your time see that's my daughter have you seen her now take a look at the picture it's however's cybers oh sir please please please ma'am i have come all the way from newton now i'm looking for my daughter she's got reddish brown hair i'm sorry your daughter hasn't been here we haven't seen her thank you next hi yes i'd like to fill out an application for the harvey girls what's your name boy jacob jacob followers jacob oliver stage came in from newton this morning i'm looking for a girl that was on it driver here no sir well who switched the team that would be my paw is he here asleep in the back come on show me come on now show me where that is you walk any slower you're going backwards mr oliver listen to me now [Music] this is her you see that and that's what she looks like right there yeah i saw a young girl with reddish brown hair that's the girl where did she go did you see where she went i did see this young fellow rick marlow rick marlar where would i find him the rusty sperm yeah come in well hello benedict you're gonna be pleased with these sir you made 10 more this month than last month i see that yeah must have been from nose cowboys came through on that cattle drive and they came through in the bundles they were generous yeah they were generous well did you have doc check the girls out after they left i hope they weren't too generous oh we checked them out sir and there they're in good shape clean wow now you know that we keep those girls extra clean yeah i bet you do check them out speaking of the girls how about those new girls you having any trouble with them i wouldn't have any trouble except uh one of them got [ __ ] beat out of her it was drunk just something and uh he was drunk on a monkey well we can't have that can we benedict hell no well go get the bastard and bring him in here i'll get that son of a [ __ ] well get your glass up i'm going i'm going hey you you son of a biscuit over there have a seat friend what do you think i'll do with him benedict well i think he ought to cut his balls off give us a minute benedict thank you my son we don't abide ill manners in this establishment it won't happen again sir and something else we don't abide by trash like you [ __ ] with the merchandise [Music] somebody come in here to clean this [ __ ] up [Music] so looking for someone mister yeah i got something that belongs to rig marlow hadn't seen him all day any idea where i might find him anywhere he can put his hands on a pretty girl or a deck of cards if i see him who should i say he's calling it chesterell and arthur you a friend of yours mr president never met the man just delivering this property you say yes sir spinner wheel salute across the way you ain't looking for trouble now son are you you remind me of a young enough pass through here fire in his eyes like yours i'm gonna tell you the same thing i told him there's a battle in every man two wolves that exist inside each of us one's evil and anger together is love and hope you know which one wins the one you feed which one are you gonna feed us [Music] oh um what can i do you for i'm looking for rick marble you gent the red wrist poke table with charlie's house you got chips at the bar here i do thank you watch you gentlemen looking for a fourth you can stop this man from stealing our money just to run a look have a seat name's rig marlow this here's charlie silas i haven't had the privilege of their surnames yet arthur allen well arthur with two first names two dollar annie you boys from around here ain't nobody from around here what you have in mind well i'm looking for a little female companion [ __ ] i'm partial to the young ones all the girls in here a little long in the tooth well you haven't even seen them all yet you just got here five dollars how many i'll take one two yeah ten more let's have a look salas pair guess you are lucky mister i mean at least for me anyway the rusty spur has the youngest horse in town and they don't put a hole in your pocket ain't that the truth what about you mr marlow you know anywhere to find the young ones seems like you're looking for a particular girl arthur five dollars they're all particular how many two okay same here ten ten it is well well we find ourselves in the same predicament huh marlo you never did answer me mr marlowe about the young ones what you got full house queen's over tense silas what the hell you doing boy funny thing is i got queens too let's not be hasty friend you know it's the second time today that i counted five queens you sure about that hell yeah how do we know where the fifth lady came from you were the dealer that's exactly how i know all right now just put that gun away sit down and we'll work this out peaceful like are you in on this with him you son of a [ __ ] you arrived this morning from newton with my daughter lily lily travis and where is she where [ __ ] find what you're looking for hoss yeah and now i'm looking for your boss that'll be tashed over and where do i find him top of the stairs first row on the right [Music] ah you test over yeah i'm tossed over i'm looking for my daughter she's 17. got reddish brown hair named lily travis she was walking in your saloon this morning with rick marlow i haven't seen her i'm in and out all day i'm wichita's fire chief maybe y'all to ask marlo i did well if marlo doesn't know then whoever gave you that information must be mistaken it's not that he didn't know he couldn't tell me he's dead mr travis clay travis mr travis i may run a brothel but i run it in accordance with the law maybe you're right about my information being wrong i apologize for taking your time sir it's quite all right close the door [Music] have you seen this girl she's got reddish brown hair 17 years old no i haven't seen her sugar flies in the buttermilk she'll flash you skip to my lou my darling lululu [Music] why are you singing that song i heard one of the girls singing it today can't seem to get out of my head was it this girl look at the picture was it her look at the picture darling she's my daughter have you seen her yeah yeah that's her where where did you see her i don't know it's my daughter hands off the girl we don't want no trouble here son [Music] time for you to go outside buddy [Music] jesus [Music] hmm [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] you got two seconds to tell me what i want to know before i pump you full of lead where is she where get the hell out of here we don't want that kind of trouble i guess we know which wolf won what'd you expect it's his daughter what would you do someone disappeared one of your kin i reckon i'd feed the same hungry beast ugh uh uh [Music] uh son of a [ __ ] where is she mr mr travis you have to believe where when i tell you that i have no idea where your daughter is i don't know what marlo did with her where is she [ __ ] you i should have killed you in my goddamn bar you son of a [ __ ] where is she cut me loose and i'll tell you cut me loose tell me first i traded her you treated my daughter that's right i traded traded her for a what i traded her for that [ __ ] bail you traded my daughter for a goddamn bell yeah i did to who what boy where the hell is he he's on a train train to where george city no now set me free or you'll die in this town you're dead man you'll die right here you won't ever get out oh i set you free set me free goddammit yeah i'll set you free [Music] trying to dodge train just left clay travis damn i knew it was you you killed five men in abilene nearly 15 years ago yeah you killed my best friend willie parker just turned 17. he drew first anybody told me before he died some men choose to cast themselves in a bridal light before they meet their maker and kansas soil is full of fools who thought they were quicker [Music] yeah come on come on come on ain't no damn way he's gonna catch that train [Music] so oh um really i'm sorry man wow ticket i didn't have a chance to buy a ticket five dollars five how long does it take to get to dodge days in nothing goes wrong what do you got in that coach back there empty like your goddamn head maybe i'll take a seat back there maybe you'll sit your ass right where you're at train's moving it's dangerous oh five minutes to dodge city five minutes [Music] hey [Music] [Music] what's oh [Music] [Music] apples fresh apples two cents a piece three for a nickel apple two cents a piece apples fresh apples two cents a piece three for a nickel care for an apple sir two cents a piece okay for an apple sir fresh apples two cents a piece mister you alive who are you name's girl girl they call me girl cause i'm too ugly to have a name where am i shack dodge city this your sweetheart give me that it's my daughter right pretty you live you're by yourself me and my paw he's not my real paw but he was married to my mom before she was took by the angels where is he working he'll be home tonight he always comes home every night uh i got to use your privy outback got the key this year's silk still smells like my mama's lavender scent she said she got it from france i don't know where that is but i know it anywhere near here europe france is in europe you know what i made out of this here silk a dress why would i waste it on that i made the spine table covering your fancy company [Music] well with what you got left you should make yourself a dress i bet you'd look real pretty in it [Music] you got a wife mr clay yes i do [Music] your ranch very large [Music] it's big enough [Music] after you find your daughter maybe i could go back to your ranch with you i'm a real hard worker and i can cook and i hardly eat anything [Music] what about your paw and he gonna miss you and you're gonna miss him [Music] well [Music] yeah skin them cook them up for stew yes paw this uh food here ain't for free stranger i appreciate your daughter tending to me and i give you my word i'll repay you hmm but we can't eat promises now can we i'm personally looking for my own daughter i believe she's been imprisoned in town as a [ __ ] tomorrow you give me a full day's work and then i'll decide if it's enough time is crucial to me sir i'd appreciate it yeah hey you can't leave me shackled here girl give him a pot to relieve himself with and you get your ass in the back room now [Music] hmm [Music] oh we start working sun up around here i hope you like bacon eggs and hot biscuits mr clay what's this i i made a fine table covering out of my mama's silk from paris paris this came from your mama's shack and abilene a horny merchant came by and he exchanged this red silk for some afternoon [ __ ] you see her mother was a silver dollar [ __ ] and she deserved every purple trophy that she got you're a rotten liar say that again girl nothing hey um i hope we didn't uh rile your slumber last night i mean we uh girl with me we well we rattled them floorboards didn't me girl you know she uh she got a face that'll kind of break a looking glass but thank the lord she got her mama's [ __ ] this is a feast fit for the mayor himself i may have to have you work two days for me boy damn you know how i like my biscuits smothered with honey you go and bring me that out [Music] unshackle me ten dollars i squirreled away from paw take it mr clay you'll be needing it to find your daughter thank you [Music] few [Laughter] [Music] hey mister someone's looking for you and the lady gay who's looking for me room nine you sure you got the right fella [Music] hey suga do you want to poke i'm looking for room number nine [Music] long time no craft damn you clay travis i was hoping you'd be all scarred and wrinkled like a dried-up prune been a long time you work here not much interest in a 40 year old [ __ ] i own the place oh no you look great hell i do i wasn't quite sure how you'd react if we ever saw each other again likewise is there something i could have done different clay anything different to get you to stay nil because i believe i did just about everything a girl could possibly do and then some in the end i guess i just ended up falling in love with a different heart [Music] different woman how is our deer amelia she's out of sorts for old time's sake can i trust you now for all time's sake this is our daughter pretty thing how old she's 17. she arrived this morning by train in a cattle car with a few other young girls under the gun of a man named lavoy lavoy recruits new girls the demand exceeds the supply and dodge where do i find a void even you are no match for lavoy samuel colt's been known to make all men equal if he's got your daughter she'll never be the same little girl you remember my advice to you go home be with your amelia and that little boy i can't do that and stay here with me let me show you what you've been missing where's lavoy nil he took possession of a horror house across the way he calls it the french chateau good seeing you again now likewise while you boys are galivanting around town i need you to gather me up some strays you mean girls cats roland's living here out number the horrors i found me a rat almost inside of a beaver this morning daddy wasn't uncle barkley's supposed to be on the train this morning we had some important business to attend to some now my brother has had his shortcomings in the past it's true but when i left that man at that deep on wichita he was clear odd and sober praise the lord mama always said uncle barkley was going to find a lord's hand i ain't never been accused of being a church-going man i haven't kept nope but in this case i'm gonna have to align myself with your mama because nothing now you all listen up nothing and i mean nothing in the whole world is more important than family a family in harmony will prosper in everything hmm that's old chinese problem that's one we should all live by yes daddy bless the chinese come here now before you start talking i need one of us to talk for both of yous understand all us girls got some demands we want to be treated proper enough sleep so we don't got darkness under our eyes a few minutes to ourselves between turns a day off proper doctoring not just a quick sideways glance at our snatch anything else that's the gist of it [Music] anything else you want to discuss hmm now when they ask you you tell them that horse snatch went dry and she left time to try her luck and uh colorado you understand [Music] and anything else you'll end up just like her now get good afternoon gents welcome to the french chateau the women to the left looking to the right hey afternoon lee crawford but you can call me lavoy hey kev get this fine gentleman here my best glass of whiskey yes dad i'm a son well good boy what brings you out you know romney's purse your friend good girl girl cowboy you in the right place tess this is her test [Music] she's awful purdy and young but i'm looking for something a little different different different well this one ain't for sale but it's your lucky day cowboy we just got a [ __ ] with young girls just rapping fine for the plucking very cheap see that ten dollars all right tess take this fine gentleman upstairs right now and i'm gonna send a girl up there once they ever polished up for you all right i ain't gonna forget you now what do you think i don't like i don't like them either i don't like them at all this way honey we'll take real good care of you don't worry the curtains are for the three dollar [ __ ] you paid for a private room [Music] don't be nervous sweetie we cater to all types here new girl will help you out no no oh [Music] go ahead i'll put a bullet right between your eyes come on darling come on come on now what [Music] come on daughter son of a [ __ ] [Music] [Music] can't have you running off and stealing the merchandise we got a surprise for you today [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what you want meal telegraph for your father get the [ __ ] on oh god what have i done mine's all right i'm so sorry flight traps i believe you're familiar with a male craft you did her quite an injustice years back in abilene now you neglected to tell me that you had a canned folk under my roof mr travis i'll pay you whatever you want to leave my daughter alone i bet you would but money ain't an issue see you killed a man in wichita he drew on me first and that man was my brother you killed my family i will have my pound of flesh now i could just put a bullet in your [ __ ] head right now but why do that why not have some fun why not blacksmith said this was the best you could muster up boss all right that's good enough time up time good [Laughter] hell yeah good fortune done brought you back here friend but i don't reckon you'd agree with you sir ladies causing a ruckus downstairs about the girl you shot i don't care these women you can't live with them you can't live without them now another thing i took away from my time with chinese [Music] gathering info see during the war say we needed a position with some information this year then did the trick open them union boys right up see this road in here the only thing on this rodent's mind is this here fire and how to get away from it i've seen grown men call out for the mamas begging for a bullet in the head when that rap realizes there's no way out you're gonna start gnawing away at your skin yeah you're gonna gradually eat his way through your insides [Music] now you two you stay here until our little rap friend here has done his job and that's when you can see this table through his stomach okay and no matter how much he bags don't put a bullet in him hey travis all right [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] i can abide by shooting an unruly [ __ ] but no man should be tortured like this that's gross come back [Music] it doesn't seem right for her to leap down without saying a word she was my friend i received she had gunshot from your office yeah yeah that's right nanchez hmm that was you mill showing off your draw rod mills yeah yeah that was me don't sold [ __ ] no ready for her she would not leave town without saying it would she did express a very strong desire to leave dodge city and i obliged now i suspect your paths will cross again sooner or later in colorado yes either you got any other complaints about how you're being treated if you do you come see me and i'll arrange your travel just like i did for fran i'll get back on that goddamn floor and sell those asses now son what the hell what the hell i want him dead you know where to look don't kill that son of a [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] kip yeah get your ass down here now what you need boss yes daddy uh all right [Music] [Music] straight to hell [Music] [Music] quit hiding you coward come out here you [Applause] [Music] how do you like that [ __ ] [Music] i'll be down mr president i caught the damn train i've been thinking about what you said at the spur figured you could use a hand obliged friend i ain't for anyone beating on women one wolf to another i reckon i've done the same thing and if it was my daughter i'd kill that son [ __ ] dead now go get the son of a [ __ ] i'm [Music] [Music] where is she she ain't here lips are leg boy you're gonna show me you're gonna show me you son of a [ __ ] [Music] son of a [ __ ] [Music] where's my daughter i'm not asking again i ain't afraid to meet my maker you know family when one piece is missing whole thing's broken you broke mine you know what it's gonna be this isn't gonna be the best goddamn horror west of the mississippi and your daughter's [ __ ] they're gonna buy me a couple farms open your mouth open right down on the barrel [Music] now someone tell me where my daughter is ain't no trains for a good minute no sir long ways back where you come from yes sir longer still on you on two feet reckon you could use a horse i reckon i got a horse what will you do reckon i'll go somewhere quiet put my feet up and retire these hair boots it's been a long road and i'm tired but i'll find my way home take care friends [Music] [Music] paul who's that man he's just an old friend [Music] [Music] huh [Music] mom mom [Music] she's in the barn [Music] really wait [Music] hmm [Music] lily [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Free Movies By Cineverse
Views: 568,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EmmdgtJGmr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 23sec (5903 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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