William the Conqueror | Full Action Movie

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so sorry we've got a deserter let go of me sire sire i better forgive this we're not going anywhere if not we won't be paid i don't care about traitors take his armor and give it to another soldier let him go back home there'll be enough blood to shed in england [Music] william it's still time to give up the unfavorable wind cases of desertion england worth such sacrifices you want to give up if you had the choice which path would you take the one that leads to shame into an unsure life or the one of honor and a probable death if you had the choice ever since my father died i had to overcome many obstacles this one is not going to stop me either [Music] so [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] real hill i know men are bored but there's no other way to keep them busy oh dawn you know i don't care about [Applause] [Music] religion stand up for yourself wait lying dog [Music] all right [Applause] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Applause] give me my sword [Applause] [Music] [Applause] shut up you dogs on your knees my son robert will be my heir a journey is not a safe one if anything should happen to me and god is more merciful with you you'll be swearing loyalty to him why are we waiting to leave do i have to explain to a northern man the principle of sailing the sea is against us the timing is with us and by the way aren't you happy here you have wine food it will and even some company be patient and you will be rewarded long live the duke and his heir now get back to work everyone you shall never flee from the enemy you shall fulfill your feudal duties you shall believe in every teaching of the church you shall protect the church you shall be liberal and generous you shall always be the champion of good and goodness you shall never lie and you shall be true to your word you shall defend all the weak you shall love the country where you were born i count on you more than others to protect my son believe in him like your father believed in me i believe he's in less danger than we were at his age history repeats itself at times every generation has its own fate what you said about headwinds it's a diversion yes of course our ships are quite capable of leaving the shore in fact i'm waiting for a messenger the news he will bring will determine our fate in that of england in the meantime it is necessary to maintain the cohesion of the army watch robert oh [Music] did you know your father was younger than you when he became a duke he was a very brave kid like me it is true it took him more than courage to face the experience [Music] his father whose name you bear was also about to place the fate of normandy in the hands of his allies does ranolf know that robert had a son with her talent no it's unfortunate [Music] [Music] [Music] robert who is going to rule normandy during your absence i won't leave you without a lord my son is still too young but he will grow if god so wishes his young virtues prove his ability to rule one day he is a bastard rome will never accept him as a duke he is the son of my freya our wedding in the danish tradition is the same that prevailed for my predecessor richard my brother and your protege the roman law prevails here not the churches [Music] during my absence i leave my authority to gilbert dubion is your journey to the holy land for nominee's sake or for your souls did you do anything you need pardon for robert it's almost succeeding we swear we swear [Music] you shall defend all the weak [Music] you shall always be the champion of good and goodness you shall fulfill your futile duties [Music] you shall never flee from the enemy you shall believe in every teaching of the church you shall protect the church you shall be liberal and generous you shall never lie [Music] and you shall be true to your word [Music] hmm [Music] uh [Music] [Music] please forgive me [Music] eight years after his brother richard duke robert died far away from home and there was panic ranuf baron of the esticca went back on his promise and ordered the arrest of the young duke [Music] [Music] but the air still had some allies fearing for his life my father osbourne seneschal of the duke came for william separating him from his family the duke died on his way back where is william my father hid the young duke in normandy's deep forests and villages waiting for better times that's when i met him [Music] and no matter what we most about this william where were you we cut a rabbit in a trap when your father is away you're my responsibility osborne is clear no one goes out come on don't get willing in your trouble your feet you're gone attack why is william staying in his tent is he afraid he needs protection put more strength in your blows attack come with me [Music] [Music] let's get closer [Music] hey you there don't turn your back to a duke [Music] hey you i'm talking to you [Music] how do i know you're the duke [Music] i forbade you to leave the camp [Music] to become a leader you will have to use your head come on march here they are they are fine sit down kids it's too late to travel believe tomorrow at dawn osborne he's a friend it's fine warm up kids stand up osborne you are my equal and time is running out is the little unsafe of course i'll try to reason with the ice chicka go to fillets and make sure william is safe be careful run off prowls in these woods renault wants to avenge richard's death through william i don't know that vandal is a very bad seed maybe not enough to kill the boy i think it's more about power than justice for him until we know more we must avoid renewal we can avoid the main road but the other path no less dangerous go north be brave osborne is everything all right renewal is out there somewhere we must tighten williams guard come warm yourself by the fire [Music] you okay [Music] the helles castle should offer us protection until it's all known to calm down by exchequer themselves keep his word why not go directly to the ex checker first vales then the ex-checker [Music] [Music] [Music] release him we found him punched in a tree he claims to just be a hunter how do we use this kind of arrow yes like this [Music] effective indeed i am renewed lord brexard i am looking for william as a baron i come to bring my protection to the duke entrust him to me no harm will be done to him the duke is not with us this is usborne son he's with me soldiers check the area i want to be sure our friends [Music] [Music] [Music] don't bother no fire here if we don't want to be located go to sleep [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] keep your strength we're walking from now on what are you doing i'm watching watching what there's no one around yes they're here [Music] whatever happens stay close [Music] so [Music] so [Music] uh so osman i didn't recognize you are they still here are they still here i don't know i don't know go i don't want to see you anymore oh who goes there osborne hell this boy must get safely to my home without harm would have been better if he came alone then hi christian is it you again you know osborne has always respected our state [Music] husband which god made you come back to us who's with you william heir of the duchy son of robert who just died follow me i'm surprised by the abundance in a place not disposed to crops or livestock we and our ancestors have always managed to find food where it's available i see right tell me more about robert's death pilgrimage to palestine palestine he and his have forsaken our gods you got what he deserved why bring the little christian the barons want to lay their hands on this little one while you're with me you have nothing to fear why would they hurt him he is not a prince to them but a bastard unable to rule a duchy i'm trying to gather some bodyguards the norman dukes are christians unassimilated to the west i call an old man like me i don't want to watch drawn only from the barony i don't trust them at all i'm not fit for this kind of mission ragnar will accompany you one condition son of robert if you are your father's son you have nothing to fear should anything happen to him no you fully know this world is not yours william you must abide by all our laws and so must he but don't worry if he really is who he says he is you get out of this bigger and stronger than when he came [Music] [Music] do you see this man he was a warrior known for strength and his boldness [Applause] his reputation spread to the lands of the kingdom until it got the king's attention a lord jealous of this warrior's power had him summoned before herald of norway [Music] it's him the king was suspicious of this lord who might overshadow him get out banished influenced he banished the warrior away from his kingdom offended by his unfair reputation the warrior swore to himself that he would find a kingdom to conquer [Music] having become a great viking he crossed the seas and sailed up the rivers seeking victories his trip led the valiant warrior to a city which he besieged the desperate cave gave him a part of his kingdom in exchange the warrior had to subdue to his new suzerain his successors endeavored to enlarge his duchy until your father came father and this drawing who is this well this is you why does it not have a head because it needs yours i need your blood to complete the bastard's picture never i said never you will never have my head not as long as i have enough breath to fight [Music] william you are indeed rolo's rightful heir hell they must go [Music] as you know this river leads to our former village from there you'll find your way thank you for everything you can always count on us this boy will gather all men around him only if he has the chance to do so understand when i was talking nausea yes my father started to teach me why says that i don't forget my roots but i was told he left for the kingdom of heaven i would like to have a kingdom too fear not i'm not afraid i knew you would take this path why are you here what about for lace lily's castle isn't on our side they won't acknowledge you as duke all we can do is keep moving we must be careful until i find a safe place are there still any places left on our side yes there still are but we have to hurry before that changes so what are we waiting for let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you're good at hunting william maybe that's meant to be your fate a great hunter trapped in his rink but i understand i'm not sure i belong either the art war is not that different from the art of hunting this is why i was very entitled to me touted to us perhaps but at least i'm not the prey what do you mean your title is coveted i'm not wanted by renolve renault now it's been months since we've heard of him he is isolated the ex-checker will end up recognizing me as the duke why wait for this recognition go and get it i'll swing knows i'm ready time is now your trust blinds you [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow there are those who watch and those who act they're gonna love me can't wait to clean your hose take those these ones won't draw yet but at least they're clean mind your own business flirt so hey the battle long live the duke ready attack change your footing loosen your shoulders more be careful with the axis aren't you bored of playing with sticks you can practice with swords if you want at least no one can say you're scared william hey come here leave em he still has to mold his character he knows the way he will come back soon you've been taking care of little william for years you've done a great job i did my duty i was his father's brother in arms it's normal i take care of his successor his succession is hanging in the balance the executors let me rule normandy until his majority but now there you go for more it is time that the young dude gets the control of the execute i've convinced several barons to he's not ready not yet you two stay here and strengthen the water's plant we will stay here until spring change your footing ready attack that's better you have followed me this far and you think you can attack william on your own who said i was alone [Music] [Music] so william [Music] i was bad [Music] so um [Music] oh [Music] dude [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] no [Music] now will help [Music] i'm not here to kill you but to make you abandon your usurpation today your minority is protecting you give up because soon enough we will see you as a man and you'll see that our leniency will fade away i'll never give up then you should live in fear young tuke i will never give up [Music] [Music] protect the dog [Applause] from now on we can only trust ourselves [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] oh in other times we would have burned the ship along with him we must avenge his death it's vengeance that sent those barons after me nothing good will come of it where are we going to seek shelter no more hiding we must take files back from the barons first we need allies to take back the x checker then we will deal with [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] ready do [Music] renewed must still have your father's seal then i'll have to forge my own let's not waste time let's deal with [Applause] [Applause] uh [Applause] back fillets if we don't renew make us pay for this the rebels refuse to surrender patience will help my father strengthen those walls as food supplies are limited this barren thurston will surrender before his soldiers start a mutiny you'll soon be able to return to your father's lands they're yours now i still have a score to settle [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh hmm [Music] [Music] they're waiting for us to the abbey [Music] why not meet at the exchequer the boston has taken the exchequer he's replaced us with barons under his control didn't we agree that willian would be next in line to his father this decision was taken under robert's pressure himself his brother's mother we must get rid of him what do you want from me the murder of a christian child prince is the worst crime ever the church will never forgive us he is no longer a child and his status is a bounce that makes him a new serpent not a prince then who would you see in his place renewed has found a worthy heir for richard when does the manhunt begin and he already has stand up they're coming you lower the portcullis we're trapped and this is the only way let's find another one [Music] if you want to live find a place to hide you'll soon be mine we must get out of here i have an idea they're on the surrounding wall [Music] you take care of him how could you betray william betray were we ever his allies you and i have always been his servants don't you wanted to change willem's son of osborne don't you believe that we deserve that title more than that bastard get out of my way i'm warning you [Music] uh [Music] raise the damn podcast we are doomed we can say farewell to our land stop your bloody sniveling he's got to stop at henry's we must stop him i should have killed him while i could uh uh oh oh [Music] this bastard isn't william you're making a fool of me thank you for your help i hope this won't get you into trouble don't worry about it my only disappointment is not being able to see those traitors faces when they found out they've been tricked [Music] william to what do we owe the pleasure of my dear versailles my king i'm here to ask for your help an army of traitors wants to take over normandy won't allow it your father helped me in his time my army is mighty and will easily cross the rebels so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] have the men been briefed everything's in order king henry my king the rebels have settled south of here if we bring them to valley doom the field will be favorable to us i wonder what motivates those bloody french the cavalry will be made harmless is your army ready more than ever good we could have done without the french we will owe them the king of france doesn't appreciate us but this battle is critical we must federate beyond our enmities if we wish to have wider ambitions those that you asked our soldiers to kneel we must always be sure to impress our enemies and our allies say little duke is a king in the making a king the duke knows how to make his troops near but does he know how to make his enemies bend hmm grapes [Music] [Music] the bastard believes that he's above the fray i will make him regret his arrogance do not let your resentment take over i'll kill him i'll avoid you duke [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] is good job [Applause] [Music] police position [Music] okay god so big size [Applause] london church [Applause] [Applause] ah get me out of here [Applause] oh [Applause] oh uh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] wow [Music] [Music] let's finish this it's your turn to live in fear baron [Applause] huh [Applause] oh [Music] ah ugh ugh uh hi god your feet uh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] after having fled for 10 years and by taking up arms and rising up against the enemies that your father became the undisputed duke of normandy we were 20 and we were in for a few more surprises will you tell me the rest of the story you'll do it better than me who's that mine norwegian emissary the departure time has come we have to go now signal the departure [Music] hello [Music] oh god and before the end of that same year william was crowned king of england [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Mediatime Network
Views: 2,299,810
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Keywords: william the conqueror, full action movie, action movie, full movie, action movies, william the conqueror movie 2015, william the conqueror full movie, action movies full movie, action movies full length, action movies full movie english free, action movies full free, historical movies, historical film, french movies, free movies, history movie, drama movies, tv movie, fabien drugeon, tiésay deshayes, jean-damien détouillon, dan bronchinson, free movie on youtube, film
Id: spwxG4ew5_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 8sec (5468 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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