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[Music] [Music] so oh [Music] [Music] come to my head [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] um [Music] don't know i'm here just trying to sleep i can't i just keep thinking about him i know i know [Music] mother yes i have not slept quite lately are you real i troubled i'm having bad dreams almost every night are you afraid of going back to sleep no and i awake wondering what that means you sound just like your father grandfather they used to dream a lot too brought nothing good this too will pass [Music] now relax just remember your breathing feel the calmness of the forest oh yeah i hit it i heard you did father was much better when he was my age is that what he told you yes when you were was your age he loved nothing more than he loved his bow and arrows he even kept it in bed with him at night but uh did that make him better no not the beau restaurant do something else for a while something you truly enjoy well i enjoy getting better you sound just like him [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] i can hear you [Music] did i tell you about that one time when fathers get away angry moose no not what i can remember father and i were outlining for honeybees when a big moose came out as leaves right in front of us and i think the moose was afraid to when he saw us big and angry wanted hitter with his horns do you know what happened next no what happened next fought this very song and shouted and my ace almost fell off and he walked and bravely told itself clapping his hand and looking dead in the eye scaring him away grandfather do you think father is dead [Music] no no i do not it's many directs and many come back your worry's delayed that is all and when he does return remember he did this for us it has been two years baby will not recognize him when he returns when i think of him it's like i'm sitting for water or mist i went on to rage when i was young all i wanted was to return with a name and some wealth and that i did but it was hard one treasure i brought it didn't last long i had good eyes then and my aim was true and when i showed my silver to gilva's mother she'd let your grandmother have me for her husband my good eyes gave me that but then we settled down we had you were only sisters and my eyes started to fade the norms made my thread that way that was the real price for my happiness [Music] and i would gladly sacrifice it again if i was given a choice let's go inside yes rona don't waste your love on the horse we have to sell him but you can't sell not funny go out fishing mother maybe you all can go and fish computers stays with me [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] right [Music] what happened i fell into the lake how i just fell nothing more it's don't worry i wonder father than miss tony he promised to bring back something for me if he's able i know he will bring something back for you my dad i miss him yes i know we all do well clearly he's not missing us if he did he would have found our way back by now or maybe he's cold in the ground but no one wants to talk about it where's mother [Music] mother you're doing it again what standing there not doing anything i cannot do a time staying in my own home without you complaining about it do not deny it [Music] just stop it mother what's happening you're not alone in this you know we're here too suffering just as much as you are you do not know my mind child because it sounded like a [ __ ] sound don't you dare use that tone to me you're thinking of fallen too don't you have shorts to do they're done how about yours [Music] go outside go to your sister no go outside i want to talk about father go to your sister because you never do anymore [Music] what do you want me to say that i miss him but i still love him do you want me to say that i believe that he'll come riding on a pitch black stallion well he wants he want he has left us he has left us here to rot like outcasts [Music] can't you see that it's you who has left us ellie's father tried but maybe you do want to leave then just go take your bow and go and leave me here [Music] where you going hunting [Music] me [Music] sometimes i think i can see again and i realize it's all in my head the sounds of the woods the smell of leaves and flowers [Music] and growing and rotting birth and decay is also real to me so close and strong i have lived a long time soon i will rot and become soil i really hope there will be green moss growing on me sweet green moss [Music] and then maybe you can bring some pork to my moss mound and sing to my bones do you see around earth no i cannot see a damn thing but i refuse to die until i have spoken to my son one last time [Music] you are troubled i saw something today what did you see when i fell into the water it was like i was dreaming but i know i was awake you believe that what you saw was an omen yes tell me [Music] i saw mother you and both health you know what it's probably nothing it's getting harder to remember the more i try so are you sure it was nothing there was something else afterwards the far shore i saw a vlog about slide that in the ground what can i understand why bad hormones and dead birds it sounds as if you hit your head when you fell wrong do not start looking for moments in everything you see it will only lead to sadness and worries [Applause] [Music] uh ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah who goes there i may know her i need to fight [Music] what's going on who's that man go get mother hurry [Music] put it stay [Music] a warrior where did you find him in the far woods los angeles we must save him no can barely move we must help him you should have left him in the forest runner take him back before he wakes up father would have been ashamed if he heard you now his fever is very high he might die tonight or in a couple of days there is not much we can do but there's a chance he might live i'm not sure how the flowers can help thank you hi this weapons we put them in the goat shelter it's empty anyways i do not want him in the house [Music] what is he saying [Music] he said something about gold on the way here i hope he will survive but the fever is a threat to him if he's forced to sleep outside he looks like a child man maybe he knows something about father or he'll catch our throats in our sleep no that's enough you don't get near him [Music] again freya and odin and with them told wrote the great states lately [Music] the holster fell and broke his bones the gods sat down beside him blood the blood they sang and bone to bone the grace deeds slayed nearest ah i was wrong he's in pain uh don't be scared but i think we should bring the money inside uh [Music] make sure we're drinking uh [Music] [Music] where you going going to the market without us you must watch your sister she must not know good for you good health too magnet m2 kettle so it is i was not sure you'd come i haven't seen you much at the market lately people miss your first skills almost began to believe that the wood sits well at your family hole we've been busy i see it must be hard where the hell's been gone does rainbow still live he does stubborn i'll go to surely it will outlive us all don't you think i thought your daughters would come no not this time this was your husband's house was it not to us i know you're sad but i sold the skins and i brought this for you [Music] can i try it yes [Music] it's beautiful thank you mother did you remember my pork magnet anything for you right now [Music] sweet man thank you [Applause] [Music] um [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] so [Music] uh are you blind lord i am are you thirsty yes thank you foreign i traveled with your son you were with him on the ride yes does he live the last time i saw emmy was alive and that was just about a week ago give or take we're done with water now don't you think i could use the mail as well you must be ruiner it was aruna you brought your hair and mended your wounds i mean you're dead who did that too it was my former shipmates i shook them i shook them off your shipmates there were 24 of us when we left akru two years ago first we sailed across the eastern salt to kirland but we had no luck there oh we went far on the rivers of gadariki we treasured with the locals had strong defenses so we kept the peace when the winter came we served the lord as his guards and he paid in silver but it was not enough oh we decided to take our leave try our luck down in the south and the slavic lands but others had been there before us we went further down south and we came upon a frankish market and we fell over it like hungry wolves we were foolish men poor we'd never seen such riches before so we lost our heads we forgot to keep watching we were ambushed by the franks they were three times as many as we were and they were well armed [Music] we fought for our lives they're on the frankie's shores when we got away we barely had enough men to man the wars we lost half of our men and all of our loot we would all have died if it wasn't for you ar and his bow and then we set sail north and eventually we got back to familiar shores we buried those who died from the wounds at sea that night one of the crew found a fallen tree with roots sticking up into the air like fingers grasping for the sky on those roots they're on big fat golden rings was like a gift from the gods we dug underneath the tree and we found an old burial site a mount full of treasure you are to us too you are told us to leave it all in the ground but it was a foul thing to steal from the dead but we did not listen we divided the treasure amongst ourselves and in the end not even new orchidras is taking his share we slept that night dreaming we were kings and morning everything had changed so what happened some of the men started attacking one another wanting all the gold for themselves you are the night we fled but i was still wounded from the ballot with the franks so he told me to run ahead and i did the bastards nearly caught me anyway i took all my gold and silver and i threw it into the mud that made him forget about me for a while and what happened to father later i saw you are and he was still unarmed he was keeping his pursuers at bay before we got separated he shouted at me and he told me to meet him here at his home he and i were the only ones who knew how to get here well he has not returned yet bruna what are you doing took a look friends no you're not going anywhere bruno your father knows these woods i believe he wants to make sure he's not being followed before coming home fine how do we know that you're telling the truth that you won't betray us the moment you are gets back with the gold did you not lose your own cher you're right it's wise of you to ask me these things but when you are returns he will tell you that i'm a friend he will tell you that i can be trusted there is one thing you can say let's wear it by your ring in the name of tor i swear that my words bear truth now i think the two of you should get some sleep and leaves these two broken men to do what they do best brag about yesterday joke about today and uh forget about tomorrow [Music] so you know that man was not a [ __ ] [Laughter] i need to go outside and find a tree but i don't want to risk tripping over any of the sleepers i can't see that thing in here well i need to find a tree as well but if you if you get to my age you'll find that old men need to pee quite often during the night but this blind old man they did not want to trip and fall over some sleeping women so he he built himself a pit store follow me come oh [Laughter] [Music] i'll save you right [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh morning you feel better yes i do thanks to you and your family we have very little to spare if you can walk you can work for your food i will gladly good then you should help me with my chores you work hard for your family you're strong you announce that your mother is magnet does her best she tries to keep you all safe and sound i can tell yeah she's a sweet woman isn't she just kind-hearted polite generous sometimes i feel like an orphan boathild keeps playing and singing but she is just as lonely in this world as i am only she doesn't realize it mother lost it when father left sometimes when we speak she just drifts away it's saying nothing hearing nothing do you think she stopped caring about you no no she's just sad and worried and she faced being unable to provide for us and she faced that i'll leave her do you want to [Music] have you said anything to her she knows that i need her to be a mother you know your father talked a lot about you but he also told me that you're very good with the ball you're good if you care to teach me some of your tricks with that later i'll teach you how to use this maybe it's too soon i mean you were bed-bound just a few days ago i'm not too weak to work for you i get rusty like an old tool if i refrain from practice long grip you don't want yes you don't want to get hit on your fingers and now ready [Music] sight there you have the right mind for it teach me more [Music] come on [Music] you need to be faster all right again [Music] [Laughter] come on [Music] so [Music] mother grandfather [Applause] someone say something [Music] you're wow [Music] [Music] is god brothers [Music] laughs [Music] let's make food [Music] oh [Music] you want it thieves take it up [Music] um [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] uh don't feel shame we did what we had to do now you're a rich man you've earned it feels more like a bird than another it should feel like a relief for you and your family and you saved my life when those arrows flew i've never seen archery like that before you should take pride in it i believe you all need some peace and quiet all right how do you feel you look pale way faring stranger while you are sleeping viv very our watches oh the the grow of ash tree whoa [Music] so [Music] are you wondering something seems so scared by the animals [Music] all this seems different you think so yeah something is bothering him i just got home he's been through a lot he's very tired no it's something else yeah what do you mean [Music] i don't know yet [Music] what happened [Music] you need to speak now i cannot help you if you don't tell me what's wrong [Music] why do you want to be alone when your family is long for you so much please hold me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'll go to bed [Music] the best defense is to not be where your enemy's weapon is now you tried hit my leg see you were exposed you need to be faster but it's not over yet come on all right come on then you need to defend yourself you know how are your injuries getting better for each day good we would like you to leave us now as you can understand we need to come together as a family and you are needs to get some rest and put your adventures behind him i hope you understand brother i understand [Music] you lost your share of the treasure but you did not lose your friend [Music] brother farewell may have a safe journey farewell to rue fulson my friend [Music] you're welcome back this winter for more good health and old stories of that i have no doubt tragnot my friend can't believe it's sending you away you're not fully healed yet don't worry about me i hope we meet again soon you've yet to teach me how to master the ball but you're gonna need two good arms for that in time in time [Music] you're back hello welcome thank you [Music] ruler is it not see i almost didn't recognize him is your family here too yes yes they are no i haven't heard a single word from the ones who went on that journey your father did he return is he well yes he's back that's good news it must be great not being alone in the woods anymore but i hear that you are good providing for your family maybe things will change now did you ever have any luck on this trip no not really at least he's back no i know someone you should meet you remember my son ari he's grown up to be a beautiful young man he's here somewhere she'll go and get him before some other unmarried woman does here have some more [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] so birds lay dead all over the crops but the worst part of it was the stench smell them intestines and vomit rotting flesh i almost puked my sister's something strange too further up north she says there was someone once the trees watching her she had her husband with her arm with a good spear that didn't make the stranger go away nobody to say anything yes stood there watching it was surely one of those christian priests they are very strange indeed and they seldom [ __ ] i've heard that's no priest both my sister and her husband are scared and they do not scare easily suddenly her husband ran towards a man spare point first scare him off but he has slowly turned his back on waiting what happened the horse digger just stood there it was a madman and he smelled my sister smell [Music] as if he was rotting as he was watching uh uh uh yes is anyone there who goes then [Music] uh [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] bye [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey it's your hat join dancing the fire is dead someone's been here who's there grandfather open the door get in he may see a bit close what are you talking about right now could it be the outlaws or thieves trying to steal the gold i had a nasty stench i almost threw up and he was dead silent and he tried to break in i'd be the gods i was already drunk where i would have wet my pants was he alone i don't even know if it wasn't he what maybe it wasn't a human being at all don't speak like that rangwelt it brings bad luck it must have been an animal no look at the marks i would have liked having total piston we should take a look around [Music] so [Applause] [Music] and left are you not eating i need to get out all that my strong brave daughter i know there's something you're not telling us i wish it would have stayed with us i want my father back not this stupid bag of gold now gold this land i needed to take this risk runner there's no future here for you or your sister dwelling in these woods like wolf and bear well now that you have this bag of gold and yet you stand here there's no sun in the sky i know you i know there's something you're not telling me we did wrong stealing from that mound and now we suffer for it maybe it's just in my head nightmares guilt maybe i will feel better than time we have time stranger why you are sleeping [Music] you know the words do you know what they [Music] mean [Music] [Music] [Music] will [Music] he's gone [Music] [Music] father gave it to me do not lose it it's gonna come back where is bootleg i don't know what health booth is hmm [Music] uh [Applause] uh right we need to leave [Music] scared [Music] huh [Music] are you hurt what happened what happened the bike is so close hold up [ __ ] mate leave where's your he's left he's left with the gold of course he was going to give it to the fighters that might leave us alone i gave them my gold they didn't care we're lost in the church when you're flying into the woods they'll finish up the capsule leave me here bingo no no we'll stay together like fights i'll just kill one of them the warriors aruna cease the killers but now they're scattered they will take everything we have but will they not stop there that's why we must leave before they rally together there's their false stance again the two of you go inside now this is madness i know when to stand and fight and when to be wise but right now we have to be wise we're getting spared close the door no we are trapped like a move to my bed we should all get drunk how many are they are nothing yeah they're more than they should be what do you mean we can't win this we can survive this we just need to make them believe it's nowhere to fight that we have nothing left to steal [Music] i think they already know that we don't have any more of the they want revenge revenge for what i saw sven outside he handled the oil next to mine for almost two years he was a friend well then talk to him make his identity to stop i don't think he can hear me anymore why speak no don't say it i saw him died by the mind the morning after we found the treasure he was cut down and he could not have lived they are younger and throughout the living dead i can't hear them have they left father he did not no baby still alive maybe he saw what they were and ran away how they managed to find their way here it's the pressure they sent [Music] all i ever this was for our sake moving [Music] so uh [Music] if they were human they would have lit the house aflame by now they don't want us to get away that easily don't speak like that in front of portals the gathering outside the door close your eyes and stay close to me soon we'll wake up amongst gods and father will be there waiting for us there will be an abundance of meat and nails and nothing to fear it will all be over soon the ones who die in battle will end up in the halls of the gods you know they spotted and the walls of the gods there is music and singing and beautiful crowds and friendly faces and there's pork and lots of it [Music] you all know i love you you have to get out through the back door [Music] now i can't leave you brother go with him i'll save you a good seat yes the ghosts love the ones this is grandfather he [Music] where is it i'm sorry he swallowed it didn't you he said what father gave it to me [Music] fun aah hey [Music] run pull back [Music] of you ah run runner go with her we won't be far behind i cannot lose you i'll be fine go so [Music] wow [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh yes [Music] [Music] oh [Music] mother we will face them and we will fall but we will meet putin like mother and father and we will stand together again so far [Music] take this bit on my left side cover my left side the common [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is it [Music] oh you [Music] oh now you know the words but do you know what they mean [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Applause] oh uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] can you still hear me [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] shadows [Music] b [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: FFF Full Free Films
Views: 2,955,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vikings movie 2021, vikings full movie, viking action movie, full vikings movies, action movies, free action movies full length, best action movie, new action movies, full movie, action movies 2020, action movies 2021, best viking movies 2020, best viking movies 2021, vikings netflix, vikings hulu, action, vikings
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 21sec (6321 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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