Badland | Full Epic Action Western Movie | Kevin Makely, Trace Adkins, Bruce Dern | Western Central

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um [Music] so you here looking for work i'm afraid not says he's not here looking for work boy perhaps a drink then before i ask as to what your business is here may i inquire as to whether or not you are a veteran sir i am well damn those yankees damn them and damn their ideals ran me out of my home ran me out of my state state that i bled for state that i gave sons for are you aware of who i am boy i am general and what's your name preacher well mr breezy i am beginning to tire of this exercise and i would like for you to state your goddamn business pinkertons spied on us through the whole war i'm afraid i may have cut the thoughts of many uh innocent private because i thought they might be working for the pinkertons so what now pinkerton detective general corbin dandridge you are a wanted war criminal and you have been sentenced to hang i'm here to see that those wishes are carried out and how exactly do you plan on carrying that out can start by finding an oak tree big enough to hold a man of your stature how did you find me snake is not hard to find when you flip over enough rocks general well i'll not be swinging from an oak tree today and the fact that you thought you could come here and execute me proves your utter stupidity [Music] do you refuse to come quietly general whatever happens next ain't gonna happen quietly but i'm gonna let you have one last drink one last drink before you meet the worms for yourself because i assure you sir you will not be afforded the courtesy of a pine box drink that whiskey boy [Music] so [Music] what is it henry there's a telegram from command sir to senator benjamin burke correspondent matthias william breacher confederate general corbin dandridge refused to come peacefully defensive measures were taken which resulted in a general's violent demise two other warrants had been served will notify you again when wired interior become available to those who truly believe in the confederate cause surrender was never an option none of these men would let themselves be behind sir faith people but the justice would never find them i can only imagine their surprise when a man arrived to stretch their neck most men would never take kindly to such proposals sir did we take so kindly to chains and shackles henry now that i'm in the position of power i intend to make an example of such men i've waited a long time to find somebody to take on this task someone that did not fear the endeavor someone that i could put faith in to see it through this task the man you have chosen this matthias preacher unnecessary tools to move forward into a brighter future [Music] so arlen breacher may you come in a peaceful manner or should i be looking for cover you killed a general how might you know that took my better part of the year tracked down that old dandridge night and day i was asking folks from the mississippi to the colorado ran into a trapper near deadwood said he'd heard a man fought on the losing side in a war making a living down south i arrived at that camp there's wolves picking at the bones nothing there to salvage not even any scalps i am sorry to have disappointed you harlan hmm that lot of bounties out there at the moment would lead a man such as myself to believe that the two of us might cross paths sometime soon we do not live in the most peaceful of occupations my friend no we do not so how do we avoid seeing each other for a while you could always retire i'm working on it however you might take your own advice on the issue and where would a man like me go mathias my they're nearly gone trail this horse this job all i have no settling down in old age would not suit me i have always respected you matthias you've been honest just fair and honorable for a white man that is a rare attribute sometime soon matthias you and i will have to exchange fire with one another it is inevitable well when that time does come harlan whoever the victor may death be quick and merciful [Music] goodbyes goodbye [Music] ain't never heard of them [Music] foreign [Music] it was a good offer woman i cannot guarantee there will be another one we don't need another offer my answer has been and will be no it is unwise not to take mr quaid's generosity into consideration get off my land ma'am can i help you [Music] it's quite possible that you just might that depends on what you're looking for i must say i'm not in a very trusting or kindly way today i'm looking for reginald cook you state your business with him and it better not be about buying this your land an old friend you came to say goodbye goodbye you don't know know what man sarah my name is sarah okay then sarah if you are my father's friend then i'm being rude i'm sure your horse could use some shade and water and i've got some still hot coffee inside why don't you come this way thank you i know my father will be happy to see a friendly and familiar face your father the only one i got your horse should be fine out there you haven't seen any snakes as of late and we got a tabby cat that keeps the rats at bay all right come sit thank you so how do you know my father we fought in the same war you're proud of that are you no not many men would say as much most of them are too proud well i am proud of very few things man well that's no way to live now i'm sorry i forgot to ask you your name how rude of me preacher mathias william breacher strong name your father what's wrong with him he has the deep cough what they call the pneumonia he has trouble breathing even talking sometimes for a while i had the doctor coming out every other day but then it all seemed futile so i'm doing the best i can for him but he's living on borrowed time i'm sorry thank you i'm sorry you have to see him like this you know he was such a strong man but then you know all about that would you like to see him now that might be best father you have a visitor well i'll leave you both to it ring your bell if you need anything uh right now i'm not the brightest warmest fire on the coldest darkest night so forgive me if i don't recognize a friendly face no forgiveness needed sir did you serve under me i did not work for me no sir why now did we ever cross paths our paths have not crossed until just now sir [Music] oh boy i waited a long long time for someone like you to come i always knew my sins had projected [Music] i did a bunch of terrible things in the war [Music] and i always knew at one time i was gonna have to atone for it [Music] i assume you did some soldiering i have it's in your eyes you got it i got it anybody that fought in a war gets it because you can't get rid of the stench of death [Music] when you take a life you never ever forget it i know you got it the warrant let me see [Music] bring it and make it proper you know your crimes captain no need to call me captain or you couldn't that was a long time ago like i said mr cook you and only you know your crimes and you could take them up with the good lord when you meet them for yourself what about my daughter this guy i'm nerv i cannot answer that sir when she just have the courage shoot me right here in my bed kill me are you gonna drag me out by the goddamn willow tree no not the willow tree because that's where my wife is buried and i'll be goddamned if i'm gonna think of my daughter going to visit her mother's grave with an image of me swinging up above her at the time [Music] i will not hang you i will not shoot you i will let you pass as god sees fit but i will stay here for it is my job to watch men like you take their last breath [Music] that is the burden i must carry in this life [Music] every burden in this song will these accommodations be all right more than all right ma'am sarah sarah um if you'll be needing to put your things anywhere we have a chest for you feel free thank you why carry two better to have two loaded guns when needed any occupation that requires a man to carry such firepower must be a mighty importance or that's the lawbreaking kind but then it's none of my business what you do it's been such a long time since we've had a horse here why is that probably because we can't keep him alive heck we can barely keep ourselves alive you see there's some men around here who would like to see this land taken from us one man in particular goes by the name of quaid it was his man you saw here this morning now that father is dying he sees a greater opportunity they'll do anything to try and run us off this is tough country it takes an even tougher soul to tame it the fact is you kept it going this long means you got a lot of fight in you it's an admirable quality sarah well i'll leave you to it then you know i'm making some stew i thought maybe you might want to join me or if if you're tired from your journey i will understand if you'd prefer to rest i can bring you a bowl i would love to join you all right then i'll see you inside in just a little bit [Music] i hope it's all right i'm not exactly the best cook anything is better than heart attack i suppose that's true so tell me mr breacher did you really come all this way just to see my father please call me matthias i did and for reasons i should not be privy to no but i would think i'm not much important now father must have seen a boot full of kindness in you to ask you to stay like he did i mean i have never seen him have overnight company i imagine we see eye and eye and a good many things how it hopes hope how long you been on the trail one year six months three days it's a long time now you're really tempted me to ask what it is you do for a living i'm a detective you come to see my father you know he became a different man after the war [Music] haunted like [Music] he wouldn't tell me much about what happened but i know he regrets it he was afraid afraid of possible repercussions from his actions and that's why he up and took us all the way out here to the middle of nowhere he feared that somehow he'd be caught up in whatever was coming for him my mother all this lamb was just too hard for her she hated it and she died shortly after we came here and for quite some time i did blame him for that but there's good in him i seen it he's trying to reform himself he built a decent life for me and him here he has changed please don't leave [Music] [Music] whatever his sins whatever his demons they die with him as will the past and what will you do sarah oh well i have given that a great deal of thought as of late this land has been something of a challenge but nothing would suit me better than detainment a working farm then yes this is good land it's a rich earth for crops for farming and i've been thinking about my own cattle hurt for some time now i mean that is a profitable venture well i was a cattle drove around the plains for a short time it's hard work i would welcome it are you smiling it's a rare thing to meet a woman with such perseverance and fortitude it's a welcome sight as all well thank you what about you matthias preacher what does the future hold for you so [Music] land and what might you do with it it bought [Music] logging farming drove it anything that might have me finding my head on a pillow instead of a rock or a log place to call home i see [Music] thank you for the supper in the conversation it was an unexpected pleasantry [Music] which my company or the stew i warned you i'll see you in the morning [Music] so [Music] um [Music] sarah afternoon with us [Music] [Music] yard worker i can see that it's not exactly the life that i wanted her to have i think she's done just fine for herself you raised her well sir maybe my days are numbered hi i'm sure that brings you some kind of joy i get no pleasure from watching you die sir would you do something for me bring that chair over here so i can look in the eye i'm dying and my daughter has to watch it i need you to help me to the afterlife if i was to oblige you it would involve a noose i don't know it's got to be out of sight no sneak sir what poison that is murderous murderous jesus christ you use murder as a business what the hell is the difference between hanging me out there on some goddamn tree or letting me consume something to take my life if i hang you it is by decree of the court poisoning you is murder it is not a justifiable way of justified what the hell are you talking about justified you think you're justified you also are bastard because you are keeping a man from his dying we live with that this death is the best you'll get and it's a favor embrace it everything okay everything's fine town nearby yeah a few miles head away what about that quaid fella you live in that direction he does he's off the main road about half a mile to the west i don't reckon you're running to him [Music] so [Music] hey boss you can get yourself shot riding onto a man's ranch stranger state your business cook homestead what about it i am asking you to leave it be is that a fact i'm willing to pay pay i don't need money but i need that land what's your relation to her just a friend just a friend i don't think so i think she went out and got herself a hired gun well like i said i don't need the money but i do like entertainment now and then you a gambling man i enjoy a good card game i'm not talking about a goddamn card game here's the deal you beat my best man and that little [ __ ] can keep her land it's on the other end of this deal there is no other end [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hector [Music] so hmm ah dude [Applause] [Applause] ah [Music] [Applause] um uh [Music] so uh it's over get off my land [Music] oh boy who did this to you it was a fair fight looks like you gave as good as you got what happened simple arrangement arrangement demand quad won't be bothering you anymore foreign ugh messiahs please come inside i'm afraid i'm filthy sarah yes you are please i was boiling water today waiting your return i thought you might want to wash up proper i even um made you some soap now it seems even more appropriate i do not have much to offer in return for all the help i hope this will suffice your shirt is filthy i could wash it for you here let me help you here okay comfortable bring you some towels pardon the intrusion but i think that those wounds need some attention to you do you mind if i help no man should endure such pain hazards of the occupation no amount of money or pride or honor it's worth all of this i think there must be plenty of other men with scars or without who could pick up where you might leave off i do not know how to be still sarah i think you could learn how i think that you're afraid i think that i think that you and violence have a relationship only you can understand and i think that you're afraid i'm sorry what might happen if you let it go i'm afraid of what i might become if i do you would become an even better man huh so okay uh i'm sorry there's nothing to be said it's me who should be sorry no yeah i dragged your mother and you out here and now i'm leaving you i have everything i need because you raised me right i did unspeakable things things i can't ever even just can you understand that i know about them but that was so many years ago all this time has passed and yet you still live each and every day as though those deeds and that war was just a fortnight ago father do you do you repent of those deeds [Music] i don't know well i'm not your final judging jury but i forgive you daddy you are forgiven [Music] all your family always loved you [Music] and i will be okay here i will be okay in this one [Music] i love you too [Music] so so oh boom [Music] so what the hell is that [Music] what happened to our deal queen we still have a deal here it is uh down oh [Music] father [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] i don't know why i'm crying i knew it was coming sooner or later you saw it happen in a different way [Music] thank you for being an honorable man i know you had a job to do but you let him go out on the terms that god had thrust upon him and when the time came he chose not to lie on his back and die in his bed but come out in front and protect his home and his family [Music] and i suppose that was the best death he was going to get [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] so [Music] my [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] we don't get paid enough for what we do as it is just make sure the sheriff doesn't find out hey stranger what's your business in our little town this here place has the best liquor the saloon have a hotel let's see those girls ain't so bad either um hello what can i do for you i need a room just a few nights nothing fancy just a clean pillow i have a room upstairs at the end of the hall gotta do just fine if i can just get your signature please [Music] [Music] is what kind of town is this used to be a mining town mine go bust long time back the whole town was going bust until a man came in here and got this place up and running i suppose everyone needs their whiskey in good times regardless of how this place looks it's been a profitable venture for the man not a fan of the job not a fan of the man it's what brings you to our town on your way to texas something like that most travel on through from california you might find this town is not the friendliest of places but it is all some of us have [Music] i'll see that he's properly tended to it's compliments of the establishment room eight the end of the hall gentlemen [Music] [Music] and your face is always refreshing not interested maybe i'm not either maybe i'm just looking for somebody to talk to care to go upstairs that room of yours and relieve your troubles it's rude not to drink with the lady honey all right darling jasper i told you once already i ain't looking to be shaking the chandeliers with you tonight understand and why is that when the same hell i do to you to score me as such i am working can't you see that what's this swinging dick got that i ain't got class for one thing and who the hell even are you mister huh around these parts before i'm just a short stop very long journeys me don't do this get back behind the goddamn bar alice customer hasn't done anything now back to you you sure you want to draw that pistol on a man you never met boy i didn't think it through did ya wussy's got your mind all screwed up like a river that doesn't run straight i'm gonna let you go now before i do i'll give you a little information just in case you feel like drawing that steel each and every morning i wake up i head into that sun and i am prepared to shake hands with mr grimm himself can't you say the same you're fast i'll give you that but i do think i have the advantage here trust me sir i have no intent of doing you harm if i know my deputy you were in true form to relieve him of his gun hand boys get jasper over to the doctor make sure he has a good look over i do apologize for my deputy hey you seem to have a lot of them well a man can never be too careful when he has enemies please have a seat now i'd like to try to get to know the people that come through my town i like to know their intentions like most do he's just traveling through on his way to texas he said well thank you alice well i suppose that takes care of that then just another stranger passing through looking for a bed hmm well as much as i'd like to hear about your adventures and your journey i'm sorry it's going to have to wait till another time i have other matters that need my tendon was jackson here early this morning he was he was here all night with honey he left this morning and what are we gonna do about that honey what do we do to thieves in my town i'll give him all the money back look it's all here see 10 11 12. you put the value of your life at twelve dollars yeah whoa oh no that's a pretty cheap price for a woman when you agree yes thieves of any kind will suffer the consequences those are my rules you all know them i expect you to follow them come here alice [Music] i hired you to look after this place if you cannot keep these ladies in line i will find someone else to do the job do you understand me good now clean up honey see if making a mess with my floor [Music] coffee yes we shall have coffee in the morning that is if you are still here sir [Music] good whiskey should never be wasted especially in this town good night [Music] uh wow [Music] i'm sorry to bother you mr breacher may i have a few minutes i've seen what the sheriff can do i've known men like him all my life men with a hatred deep within hmm it's an appetite for someone else's pain misery destruction and it is never ending i'm begging you please leave our town tonight a man such as yourself is a threat he will see you dead for that i can't live another day seeing more blood spilled on these floors [Music] are you a man of god mr preacher i find that it eases the fear of death there's an old mission out back that's my escape from all of them i go there too to be alone to think i pray i pray for the help that will never come and i will go there tonight to light a candle for honey for that is all i [Music] i know to do why not just leave this place [Music] there is no place to go [Music] some of us have a past that we have run from and it has led us all here to this town to this place that we must endure it's our purgatory i think [Music] [Music] [Music] ah so [Music] uh [Music] drag his ass [Music] [Music] good morning sir [Music] i'm an early riser always have been sleep evades me always has but my mind was ramping with thoughts of the past you see i came to this town many years ago it was a rough place as one can imagine any town that just struck silva might be and i saw an opportunity wearing that badge is a privilege not an opportunity well said sir you see before i settled here i wondered wherever a job would have me because i possess a special skill set and that skill set allows me the ability to read men and i have met many through the years all guys honorable men cowards drunkards and thieves and every man has a very distinct look in their eyes and if you have the skill you can tell what their intentions are i knew you were no belty hunter too calculated too professional several months ago a friend of mine who used to write to me quite frequently was killed he and his old outfit left to rot and be picked apart by the vultures and the crows and i thought who could have done such a thing especially to that angry old bear that i once knew general corbin dandridge now it's not just anyone who could have just up and got his ghost and everybody was talking about one man [Music] and here you are a man of vision a man of dreams but yet still a man and what are men to do jasper but to suffer for their dreams but not before we have some fun that's mine thank you kindly let's see our detective matthias breacher well you must be good to have gotten to drop an old dandrush but i would ascertain that the outcome of this situation might be a bit different than you expected is there anything you'd like to say detective captain huxley wayne right [Music] you were convicted war criminal water [Music] and you have been sentenced to hang again you know [Music] hi i'm here to see those wishes carried out i used to burn whole villages home women and children of all colors all in the name of the confederacy but alas that war is over do you refuse to punk quietly jasper take this son of a [ __ ] outside of town and bury him alive ah cross this hurts you done complaining yet you little baby you try getting shot in the hand you check his pockets for what you idiot this here's a government official they make a good living more than us [Applause] what'd i tell you drinks on me tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're alive oh my god what can i do what do you need well thanks my room let me get you a doctor no there's our service in town yes there is graphite something to write on all right i need to send this immediately it is of urgent concern wait for the reply come straight back go please a sheriff a man of the law one can only begin to guess what his judgment would be in matters like this someone saw it fit to put this man this huxley wayne right into a position of power what do i tell a man like matthias to do here in me a road that is not usually crossed its badge against badge i find myself in unfamiliar territory sir you've come too far to not see this through he has come too far tell me henry what do i say to a man that i have given such a heavy responsibility a man that has given his own blood what words best suit the upcoming star tell him this sir i have your reply read it please in regard to one detective matthias william breacher information received proceed at your own discretion bye any means necessary [Music] before the deputies are outside having breakfast deacon and a few others are in the cantina where's the sheriff if i had to venture a guess i'd say he's at the other end of town in his office [Music] take it it's best you stay here alice out of harm's way [Music] should anything happen to me please see that this letter finds a miss sarah cook details her location are inside thank you [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] is [Music] [Music] put the gun mister [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah you don't die easy do you [Music] well you know that old saying you want a good job done you got to do it yourself [Music] [Music] i didn't get to where i'm at i've been slow neither did i [Music] well alrighty detective what do you say we give these folks a good old-fashioned dime novel showdown [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so uh my horse my horse okay [Music] so [Music] i know i'll send him a report and tell him what happened here it'll be well worded [Music] the town is yours now [Music] uh [Music] do so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm didn't ride straight to the doctor means you've got something more important than your own health my friend you deserve peace matthias i'm staying i'm broken i am unfit for it you were born of violence now be still [Music] so [Music] knife's edge it's about a day's ride south you'll find his body there he's yours [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] uh let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] so foreign [Music] you
Channel: Western Central
Views: 1,966,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, DVD, american, apache, best western movies, bonanza, chief, cisco, classic, classic western movies, clint eastwood, cowboy movies, cowboys, download, f-troop, film, films, free, free western movies, free westerns, full, hollywood, indians, kid, movies, old, online, school, sheriff, spaghetti, watch, west, western, western feature films, western movie, western movies, western movies full length, western movies full length free, westerns, wild, world
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 9sec (7029 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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