Tom Hiddleston on Loki's death, return and... signature!?

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[Music] we are really really face to face in front of each other in a tested secure safe room incredible scenes i can't i can't unbelievable i can't get my head around it it is a it's a moment isn't it i'm unprecedented i'm trying not to speak at a very high pitch the first time the first time for both of us incredible so let's do this tom you are still loki apparently how the heck did that happen these are the questions and i'm here to answer them yeah by the way just to check you died in thought you died again in the dark world you died probably properly ish in infinity war yeah probably yeah i i i'm starting not to trust this loki felt like you know i think you might be right you might be on something you might be onto something there there's a fantastic youtube comment i spotted which is loki i don't always die but when i do i don't that's great yeah no resurrections this time that infinity war death scene though yeah beautiful talk to me about how that came together and what input you had in the way it was done did you see it coming i'm interested to know i just actually i did you did if you remember the last becoming interview i did i pushed my chips in on i think this is the end yeah i could feel it it's lovely this is like an ex interview possibly but tom thank you for your time my pleasure and i hadn't seen the movie yet i know and now egg on my face um well only some time only like just the edges of it yeah yeah it's definitely you can definitely wipe it off still we don't have the tesseract it was destroyed on asgard yes so that scene in in infinity war i did think it was the most brilliant piece of writing actually [Music] i knew about it ahead of time had to keep it uh under my hat for a while i assure you brother the sun will shine on us again and even before making ragnarok i knew that i knew that that was where it was going which is an extraordinary thing to know and to see that loki was going to go through the experiences of ragnarok and to come back into the fold of the family your savior is here defend asgard alongside his brother thank you if you're here i might even give you a hug they'd be there to catch to catch that thing at the end of ragnarok and be there for his brother i'm here [Music] and then the opening of infinity war was this scene you have become children of thanos and i think for joe and anthony rousseau it was their first kind of corner piece of the jigsaw puzzle they thought we have to introduce thanos and here's how we're going to do it and it was brilliant you know those the writers marcus and mcfeely did an amazing job i think of of finding a very touching ending for these six movies or five movies at that point i loki prince of asgard and i i found it really moving that loki refers to himself as an odin son odin those the whole thing had been about who gets to call themselves an odin son and family and brothers fathers and sons very relatable human experiences and now you're in the first disney plus marvel show which is just one character name above the door yep sorry wonders revisions sorry captain america sorry the winter soldier you're definitely the hero in this one i know for sure because you get the marvel hero topless moment yes i'll miss minutes and it's my job to catch you up before you stand trial for your crimes so settle in now hang on just a minute right that's a key part of it is it it might be yes possibly i'm sure i'm sure you're right about that how long have you been here i don't know it's hard to say you know time passes differently here in the tba what does that mean your ketchup this being a tommy wymey wibbly wobbly show be honest with me when you first read the script through yeah did you 100 understand it i i did actually we protect the proper flow of time i kind of read the first episode you picked up the tesseract breaking reality and then i had a lot of questions i want you to help us fix it and there was a lot of michael waldron paul michael waldron having to do this and uh and kevin wright in front of a white board uh with some different colored pens and saying could you j i'm sorry sir could you just i haven't quite got it at the back of the class here could you just tell me again so time is a straight line or it isn't and then when things happen that aren't supposed to happen that's that's a branch i see so okay we're going with a gardening analogy and and the tva are the gardeners of time and they okay this i can get i can get i can get around this they're sort of yeah some time travelly horticultural language that they developed yeah that should have been the tagline it's like horticulture but for time you go you heard it here first i'm watching it now how do you plead i'm not looking for spoilers here but is there a particular it's not my scene is there a particular episode that you're looking forward to the fans seeing and no you can't say the first one the series takes off in a new direction in episode four and then the destination of that journey kind of comes to fruition in episode five so four and five yeah i mean hold on hold like buckle up because we're going somewhere and i hope you don't see it coming and it i was so excited to get there shivers yeah you'll see we'll see you'll see why me i need your unique loki perspective do i get a weapon no no what is your most memorable moment meeting someone who's dressed as you uh okay that's a really good question what is my most memorable moment um hello [Music] it's happened so it's kind of happened so often hello well not so often that would be strat would be weird hello hi there was once a i think in berlin i i i came up against i think we're there for thor the dark world and and there was a there were a couple of people dressed as me and it was so it was so brilliantly done and so precise yeah and i once was walking in um in a park in central london and um somebody uh somebody next to me was was calling for their dog and the dog was called loki and i was really amused by that um yeah i thought okay there he is i was going to ask uh whether anybody has accidentally called you low-key in real life probably all the time yes um what i really enjoy is when they put a a title before it so so i once was it was somebody in a restaurant and um the head chef so sweet popped his head out to say hello and said hello mr loki which is incredibly polite your table mr loki your table mr loki i love it it's just mr mr loki yes mr loki first name mister second name lucky that's it i should apologize at one point a couple of years ago and you will probably remember this i was walking down the street in soho with my better half talking nonsense as i do and i did say hello to you you did say hello to me and i was too busy blathering it's okay and then i walked down an alley and ally the name of my wife also called ali said in an alley tom adelson just said hi to you and you blanked him it's all right you were i knew you were consumed by something some passionate thesis i could tell but what gets worse is that i was swinging a stress-relieving mjolnir yes i also remember that yeah it was such a great picture it was such an interesting picture of i thought never mind he's um he's in them he's definitely consumed by something this is what they should do in endgame um anyway i do have one tiny problem with this new show though i want to be confronted okay okay there's a scene quite early on when there is a stack of papers with every single word you've ever said as loki yes please sign to verify this is everything you've ever said what it's about i'd say from the table yay high yeah and we both know that loki likes to talk very talky talky talky it should be a room full of paper it should be the whole room should be cut would just be stacks of snacks most of the tva should be paper sign this too but that's not my real problem right i got curious what does loki's signature look like because he's not a guy that's taking out a car lease or a mortgage here yeah so to prove almost that we're in the same room together underneath your seat oprah style is a car no it's a card and some pens could you show me i love this yeah that's right the cards for bbc radio one branding that's the first time that's ever happened um could you show me what a loki signature looks like when he's a i don't know yeah i think i remember what i did um this so i remember the key to it he's quite frustrated at this point he doesn't want to do it and the key to it was almost as a way of proving his point you have to you really have to execute the dot on the eye that's who i am execute that's who i was you know that's who was here loki was here um so yeah the point on the dot on the eye is very pointed so here we go let's see if i can replicate it um ladies and gentlemen will you next impersonate tom and call him loki in the street that's the signature i think it's quite sort of edgy it's got an edgy sharp signature you know there's a flourish in it he hasn't taken too much care but at the same time he wants you to know that he made an impact thank you so much tom it's been a sincere pleasure you have no idea how hard it is not to i'm going to say it hug you i'm not going to do that but that's okay but the thought to get there we'll get there eventually we'll get there it's pretty amazing we're in the same room isn't it i can't believe it i'm gonna go cold shower and calm down okay me too thanks ali thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe and click the bell icon to keep up to date you can listen to my radio on movies and tv podcast screen time on bbc sounds and you can find these interviews in full on bbc iplayer by searching movies with ali plum
Channel: BBC Radio 1
Views: 516,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tom hiddleston, loki, marvel, mcu, marvel cinematic universe, marvel studios, disney+, disney plus, thor, dark world, ragnarok, avengers, endgame, infinity war, thanos, ali plumb, radio 1, radio one, bbc, ali plumb interview, tom hiddleston interview, TVA, owen wilson, becoming, movies that made me, movies with ali plumb
Id: 19quRonKzYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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