"Best decision of my life!" Chris Evans on becoming Captain America.

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[Music] when have you laughed hardest on the set of a marvel movie hmm that's a good question what the hell does this mean out of vibranium probably with scarlet actually you know it's not like either one either one of us are necessarily jokesters but we have a very similar sense of humor and we've known each other for a really long time and sometimes you get those little giggle fits where you just it's it's it's knowing that you're not supposed to laugh and you can't help but laugh uh so yeah probably with her stop it where is it i didn't do this to you no go where is it that's going on the outtakes obviously the shield is a big part of everything just everything in life it's just a big part of everything in the world in the world [Music] and it's a big part of the gag reels what gags can we look forward to in this particular civil war you got anthony mackey on set so there's gonna be laughs soft sticks please oh look at you you have a ponytail for a reason but you also got paul bettany and you got paul rudd these are really really funny individuals so i i bet i bet this is going to be a good one thanks to you how did you first get the role of captain america by luck uh you know it was something that i i they were interested in me auditioning and i was a little apprehensive and it's kind of strange the more i kind of resisted the more they kind of pursued and eventually they offered it and it took a it took a little bit of soul searching and talking to a few people because i was a little tentative uh but then i ended up going for it and it honestly was the best decision in my life and you initially turned it down is that right yeah wow i don't know if i can do this thought about it and you're ready for it thought about it and just felt you know this isn't the way i want to do this it was a big contract it was a six picture thing and i i really like i just like making movies one at a time you know if at any moment you don't respond well or if any moment you want to shift focus you're afforded that opportunity and the problem with the contract like that is if if you have those hesitations or reinvented uh desires nice boots tinker bell you you can't pursue them because you got to go back into the suit and that that was scary this isn't about me right because you got nothing to prove because obviously this wasn't the first time you played a superhero so you've kind of already done it a bit right right right yeah yeah now picture that but everywhere i had done it you know six years prior or something like that so yeah [Music] what do you think is behind cap's enduring appeal because he's been around for a long time yeah you know i think he has a kind of um austerity and a kind of binary approach to the world that i think is something we all kind of aspire to in the sense that it's he knows what's right he knows what's wrong and that's it and he believes it the avengers were formed to make the world a safer place i feel we've done that it's a very clean approach and i think he has this kind of intrinsic leadership quality that you people gravitate towards it kind of breeds allegiance also he looks great in and he looks great in red white and blue come on he looks great what's been your favorite incarnation of the outfit so far uh stealth suit without question the the the the suit in uh cap two and the winter soldier the opening sequence when it's like all navy number that thing was great what about the nurse that lives across the hall from you she seems kind of nice secure the engine room then find me a date i'm multitasking but uh you know i keep trying to bring it back i'm gonna try and bring it back for the infinity wars but they you know marvel really liked the red you know a little more of a purist in the approach to the campsite [Music] [Applause] looking back earlier on in your career what would you say is your big break hmm i mean i i had done two or three movies before i did fantastic four um and they were you know i it was i you know i did a movie called cellular with kim basinger and william h macy and it was you know i felt like oh i'm a lead in a movie with the actual movie stars hello hello hello hello thank god who is this chloe my name is jessica martin i need your help i've been kidnapped uh i need you to go to the police that was great but i i don't know that that was i think maybe fantastic four just because it was it was one of the first movies that had more of a global awareness don't even think about it never do flamer and by this point people have stopped saying to you flame on in the street and now it's yeah yeah they're all seeing team cap now you know that's what it should be yeah now is there a particular film in your back catalogue for casual marvel fans that you'd like to kind of flag up that they should go and check out well yeah i did a movie called puncture a few years back in uh 2010 that i really really really liked paul please agree this we would drop this i agreed to taking on another firm i never agreed to drop anything i've called 15 other firms and no one will touch it well i'm not dropping the case it was great you know it's a true story about a very gifted lawyer who's also a drug addict who took on um certain uh hospitals that were using um non-disposable needles and it's a really great story and it was a great character and i really loved the movie but it was really small films and not a lot of people saw it can i ask why you're standing outside they closed the station you planning on standing out here all night my purse was stolen back in 2014 you made your directorial debut before we go do you have any plans to pick up the megaphone again yeah i'm trying to yeah it's a matter of trying to find the right project you know doing the first movie was to be honest you know not a lot of not a lot of people are dying to let a kid who's never directed direct a movie so so the first time out really was just a matter of someone was willing to take a risk thank you wow you're actually good so the second time out there has to be a far more um rigorous process and picking the right project and and doing it the right way you know how has directing a movie changed the way you act it's very eye-opening it's uh it's very tricky to to be in a editing room and see all your little handicaps and you know mistakes and bad habits and it's tough it's tough to process but like i said it was a very educational and i tried to bring some of the the new approaches to this film um and and and i'm excited to direct again for that exact reason that you kind of have a better sense of how you operate as an actor not just as a director but i guess i gotta be grown up gotta be okay with not being okay which completely sucks do you have any advice for young actors looking to get to where you are today sure well what advice are they looking for i mean it's some actors just want to know how to get into the business you know and uh that that's that's that's a trickier one to navigate in terms of um advice on the profession um don't make sure you watch cinema no movies no films the the best thing you can do is have a really extensive knowledge of the field you're in you know don't just watch the new movies that are out watch old movies really understand old directors old scripts old actors you know just just know the history and perseverance as well well sure i think that's pretty applicable in any you know competitive endeavor you got i mean that's again those types of things feel a little more disposable to me you know stay strong to listen to your heart that's the crap that you know listen every business that's competitive you need those things but if you're going to specifically you know dedicate yourself to film no film take the time to know movies don't be in a meeting where someone says to you uh what do you think about this and you say oh i don't i never saw one flew over the cuckoo's nest you know get out of here then but i tried didn't i goddamn it at least i did that now what do you want from cap in the future how would you like to see him grow i i just like any time they give him conflict you know he's like i said he's he's got this kind of very clean clear view of the world and i think that can come across at times as not vanilla but but just just being stern and having convictions isn't dynamic enough on on screen we have orders we should follow them followers don't really mess down now if you just have that approach you're just kind of like your friends scary dad so he got detention and you're just like he's he he really has a presence but like i don't know anything about him um and and i think the best thing about cap is when you see him affected by things when you see him emote when you see him concerned and and unsure and you think all is forgiven i'm not looking for forgiveness and i'm way past asking permission so moving forward as long as we can make him kind of human and and make him um not always so strict and and confident this is the fight of our lives and we're gonna win whatever it takes [Music] good luck he's pretty good dad right thank you so much sir you got it absolute pleasure thanks man for watching if you enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe and click the bell icon to keep up to date you can listen to my radio on movies and tv podcast screen time on bbc sounds and you can find these interviews in full on bbc player by searching movies with ali plum
Channel: BBC Radio 1
Views: 954,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bbc, radio 1, radio one, captain america, chris evans, marvel, marvel cinematic universe, MCU, the avengers, first avenger, winter soldier, falcon, civil war, endgame, infinity war, age of ultron, scarlet johansson, black widow, ali plumb, ali plumb interview, movies with ali plumb, movies that made me, becoming, chris evans interview, before we go, fantastic four, spider-man, homecoming, falcon and the winter soldier, disney+, disney, disney plus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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