BTT TFT35 dual mode touch screen guide

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are you someone who doesn't like touchscreens well this jumo touchscreen is just for you [Music] [Music] some people just don't like touchscreens and that's fair enough to because there are pros and cons for the standard LCD as well as the touchscreens available up until this point touchscreens can be really great for instance if we're trying to do some manual moves we want to go sideways on X up on Y and then sideways on X again with the standard LCD this is particularly clunky we have to go through several menus select our axis make the movement go back a couple of menus forward a couple of menus do the next movement and repeat for the third one as well it can also be very tedious on an LCD screen to change something like e steps if you have to change the value a great deal when we're setting a Z offset however or baby stepping for instance with the BL touch the LCD menu is a million times better another problem with touch screens is you don't get the feedback from the firmware in the form of error messages and because of that it can be very hard to troubleshoot previously I've made a couple of videos on the MKS TFT and while it was possible to customize it there were some limitations well this video is about the TFT 35 from v3 tech and the special thing about it is its dual mode it can emulate a regular LCD screen and switch over to a touch screen in three seconds so you get the best of both worlds I've been testing it with a range of boards with the aim of making a comprehensive guide so let's start by looking at the specs and price of the product the TFT 35 from big tree tech is a dual working mode touchscreen that means from the same piece of hardware you'll gain touchscreen functionality but you can switch back at any time to the traditional LCD if that's what you prefer on Aliexpress it retails for under US $30 and there are two models the standard and the e3 Edition which is a straight swap for the factory LCD found in the end of three the end of five and the CR 10 it's not fully compatible with the factory mainboard for those printers so we'll cover compatibility later on the screens are called TFT 35 because they're 3.5 inches so diagonal they each have an encoder wheel and click knob as well as a reset button the primary difference between them then is their physical layer they have the same sight screen but on the III the knob is placed to line up with factory printers the only other difference I can find is that the e3 model has LEDs behind the knob and you can set the color of this from the menu one nice thing about both of these is they add a full sized SD card slot and a USB thumb drive to print from big tree tech has once again done a great job providing resources for these products they have a github page for the e3 and standard edition and in there you'll find a user guide which is quite detailed and we'll take you through all of the mounting dimensions wiring and everything else you're likely to need in the hardware folder you'll also find things like a pin diagram where all of the pin numbers are labeled if you want to do something custom with firmware speaking of firmware this is fully open source and the touchscreen firmware for both models is available on github as well I've also made some resources which are linked below in the description before you pull the trigger let's talk about mainboard compatibility because this is a dual mode LCD it needs to be connected in two ways at the same time and whether a main board has provision for this dictates its compatibility being a bigotry tech product it's compatible with any of the modern bigotry tech boards and that's because they have a specific TFT connector this is also compatible with any rep spaceboards because they have additional connectors as well a 4 by 2 pin header labeled axillary one is exactly what we need technically we could replace any factory LCD without changing the mainboard but it would mostly be a waste of time and money for the standard cree LED multi main board as well as a drop-in replacement th 3d easy board light this applies they both have the factory ribbon cable LCD connector to get it working without touchscreen mode but they don't have the additional serial port but I do have an asterisk next to the EZ board light because there is a serial pin header and with some firmware tweaks maybe this would be possible to use now we'll cover the wiring in depth and as we saw in the competitive a section either of these boards comes with a serial connector shown here in black and two ribbon cable connectors shown here in gray worried about the black serial connector first which connects the touchscreen functionality and it's a four plus one set of wires and this is how I depict it in my diagrams the loose reset pin is optional and we won't even use it for some configurations on the big three tech boards if we inspect the back of our TFT pin we'll see that all of our wiring is labeled and this is what I use to make these diagrams which are linked in the description we have the SK our version 1.3 the SK our version 1.4 is in the same position but flipped we have the standard SK our mini the SK our mini III dip the SK our mini III and it's the same four versions 1 and 1 point 2 and the SK our pro any future big tree tech boards that come out are going to be labeled in the same way or ramps compatible boards we don't use the reset pin but we orient it to the right and plug it into the top row of four connectors for exhilarate 1 now on to the ribbon cables and our first scenario is a rep rep for graphic smart display that is described as such in Mullen firmware and has two LCD ribbon cables we plug it in exactly the same way expansion one two expansion one expansion to two expansion two but you might find on Repsol boards that you need to trim the connector and rotate 180 degrees before you plug them in if this is backwards don't worry nothing will be broken printers such as the end of three and a five and C are 10 of the CR 10 style for graphic display which only has one ribbon cable connector on the mainboard side we leave this plugged in whoever it was and then we plug it into expansion 3 on the TFT I didn't need to for my testing but if you get stuck try cutting the tab and rotating that connector like with the other type of display for the standard model you're going to need to design and make amount but for the e3d model it's a straight swap so all we do is remove the front plate under the 4 screws on the back put the new one into place and do everything back up the knob for the encoder wheel simply slides on and off this whole insult can be done in around ten minutes when you power back up Love Machine a red message saying no printer attached and the thermistor value of zero zero means you have connection issues the most likely error is having the wrong connection speed set so go to the settings and toggle it back and forth to see if it starts to work when it's working will no longer have the red message and come into the thermistor will have at least one value present to change between the two modes we simply hold down the click knob and then rotate and press or touch the screen to select the one you want on LCD mode it's normal to see black until you turn the dial activating the menu this will be completely blank if there's a connection issue otherwise you'll see the usual information firmware updates have been quite frequent so you might want to consider updating yours to get rid of any bugs to see your current version go to info under the settings menu this version here is twenty four point two linked in the description is the firmware for the big tree tech touch screens and that includes this TFT 35 as well as some other smaller screen models what we want to do is come to clone or download and then download the zip once we've unzipped our archive will have the following files inside we need an SD card to drag some of these files to we have two choices based on the graphical user interface that we want the standard ones is this top folder and then we have our variation unified menu material theme I'm going to go for that one for this example I come inside the folder and I look for my model which is a TFT 35 underscore version 3a drag it to the SD card I now do the same thing for the folder above with these two items in place we can safely eject our card and head to the printer with the power off we insert the SD card into the TFT and then power up the printer instantly we'll see it goes into update mode first updating the actual firmware code and then updating the font after a short while it will switch to updating the graphics and you'll see all of them cycles on screen after two to three minutes he'll be back at the menu and the update is complete and you can verify this once again on the info page afterwards to prevent updates every time you turn on the power you're going to want to delete the folders and files that were left behind so what if we want to customize the graphics on the touchscreen fortunately it's super easy if we come inside the folder for our particular touchscreen we'll see there's a folder called bitmap and in there are all of the graphics to change any of these all we need to do is save a bitmap overriding them with the same name I'm going to change the boot up logo here I've opened up the old logo in Photoshop but a black layer to hide it and then my teaching tech logo and all I need to do is save as to override it we set the format to bitmap say that we want to replace it and the only thing to get right here is to leave it on 24 bit depth not to say that Photoshop is the only program we can use we can use anything that can edit bitmaps including mspaint we can even see that a fault format is 24-bit bitmap a nice thing is that if you're just updating graphics you don't need to copy over the firmware file and you can even come inside this folder and delete the font file unless you want to update that as well we repeat the firmware update process with the SD card in as we power on except this time only the icons will be updated and when we power on the printer again we'll see our custom logo on boot if we come into the screen menu it's also worth noting that we can customize the colors of the LCD mode this is nice because you don't need to play with the firmware and the changes in effect as soon as you switch modes this firmware is open-source so we can make further changes to suit our printer if you've got an environment set up to edit 32-bit mullen you can open the folder and compile firmware using platform io the file we want is configuration H everything is quite well annotated here and it's in two sections we have our LCD section up the top or we can set our colors turn on and off the message at the top and even make it fullscreen to fill the entire display the second section is for the TFT mode we can turn on and off the boot screen change font and background colors it very importantly here we can tell it if we have more than one hot end or extruder we can also change all of the preheating values for the hot end the manual movement speeds and the manual extrusion and retraction speeds if you've got a filament run-out sensor going through the TFT you probably want to set the size of your machine and these parameters here as well finally Auto bed leveling is available and turned on by default but if you want you can uncommit this and play with the manual leveling points below that just like when we can poll Milan we dick compiled and a firmware binary file will be created assuming we're successful we can come to the dot Pio folder inside build and inside a folder for our particular TF T will be the binary file to copy to the SD card and reflash the T of T next up is filament run-out detection which we can run from the TFT and not have to change the main firmware of the printer this will work with a simple micro switch using ground and signal or a sensor like the easy-out that takes power as well the TFT also supports encoder style sensors that track movement of the filament if you need to you can hit to the github and check the wiring on both models it's labeled fill detection and has the signal ground and power pins installation is very easy simply turn the TFT around and plug in the sensor this easy up from th 3d was a direct plug-in with no modifications after verifying that the LED on your sensor is sensing correctly you need to come to the TF team menu and then into settings feature and turn on filament run if you've got one of the encoder sensors then change it to smart instead if you want to adjust the parameters of when the filament is changed that's available in the firmware by default it's going to do it 10 in from the corner and if your sensor is detecting the reverse of what you expect simply change field run out inverting from true to false or vice versa just remember that filament run-out detection connected to the TFT will only work when you start a print through the touchscreen mode of the TFT now that we've been over thoroughly how to set up the various functions of the TFT let's look at how it works most of it is pretty straightforward we have some nice features such as various filaments built-in for preheating we also have a nice manual filament extrusion menu with different speeds and a nice menu to move around the printhead manually - we can home XY and z independently and another nice feature is that we can list in our firmware file any custom buttons we want to appear on this menu without any setup work at all we have a nice AVL menu including pre-made buttons for all of the features of the BL touch we can easily set the Z offset here as well as control baby stepping the addition that I'm most excited about is a terminal where we can manually enter g-code and best of all we'll get all of the feedback from the firmware which in many cases will negate the need to ever connect the printer to a computer when you're calibrating special features now it is important to note that I haven't done any long-term testing with this but so far it seems very promising it offers the same slick experience as a MKS TFT but adds a whole host of new features that address a lot of the weaknesses and if he ever needs to switch back to the standard LCD you can do so in only three seconds now a question I would anticipate is does it work at the same time as octoprint and the answer is yes so no problems there if you've got one of these or maybe you've got suggestions for a nice custom item in the menu to speed up your workflow please leave them below in the comments thank you so much for watching and until next time happy 3d printing g'day it's Michael again if you like the video then please click like if you want to see more content like this in future click subscribe and make sure you click on the bell to receive every notification if you really want to support the 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Channel: Teaching Tech
Views: 233,922
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Keywords: 3d printer, 3d printing, 3d print, 3d printed, touch screen, lcd, big tree tech, tft, tft35, tft35 V3.0, mks tft, dual mode, guide, setup, installation, connection, wiring, plugs, firmware, upgrade, custom, customisation, customization, modify, modification, filament runout, creality, ender 3, ender 5, cr-10, skr, skr v1.3, skr v1.4, skr pro, skr mini, skr mini e3, skr mini e3 dip, marlin, step by step, tutorial, tested, bl touch, ]bltouch, bigtreetech, biqu
Id: l1Putn10_Ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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