BTS stan changes race to Korean..

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oh yes young how's it going everyone as you know i am the biggest bts fan and you know what i forgive them for unfollowing me on twitter it was three years ago i don't even use twitter anymore i forgive young cook i forgive it's over and you might think felix how can you be the biggest bts stan because i understand bts okay but there's one bts stain that might have me trump and that is of course the one the only holly london ollie's been posting a lot lately ollie's been uh very busy there's a message for dr phil so i've just completed my transition to look korean to look just like jimin this i think is my final procedure so i'm so so happy to share this with you even though you're probably gonna be so mad at me like i know you're gonna go crazy at me um next time you see me just because you told me not to do anything you told me to love the real me the love the real ollie and uh i did take your advice for like a year but then i kind of just uh changed my mind so please don't be mad at me dr phil but i'm so happy to have transitioned from british to korean i'm now say that again your transition rate is that what we're doing now can you imagine someone transitions to be swedish why would why would you do that why would you do this oh god okay so for those who don't know or don't remember i did a video on ali i think a year ago two years ago this is what ali used to look like and this is ollie today oh gosh even then it's like well i guess you know he just came out from surgery so you're bound to look a bit scuffed my nose is very big it's horrible i can't it's very hard to look at it so ollie is obsessed with jimin from bts and wants to be exactly like him dollars on numerous surgeries can't feel his face all to look like his k-pop idol jimin he wants to look like jimin oh oh oh oh god it's such a strange story and it's just getting weirder so now ollie came out after another surgery trying to bait dr phelan hey guys but this is his latest update to um you know come out today something that's been like on my mind for a long time and i've been very confused about how i identify i've been very really haven't picked up any hints of that whatsoever maybe you don't have to identify maybe you be you identify with self i've seen a lot of other people online that have come out and been very brave about it and show who all else has come out as korean i need to know this this cannot be a thing this can not be a thing they identify their gender their pronouns etc sure yeah no i've taken courage from these incredibly brave um people and it is pride month at the moment so you know i thought this was the best time to do it um oh i just noticed that the likes of this like jesus christ all right and then add add a voice add strength to the lgbtq plus i community um so i am gonna come out today and say that i've been transitioning i've been very unhappy with who i am deep down um for the last eight years and i've you know i've had like 18 plastics so you've been happy for the last eight years and you've done 18 surgeries then maybe just maybe the surgeries isn't the issue right i've just had a face lift um a brow lift a temple lift an eye surgery a camphor plasti um and teeth as well oh wow just these are just part of my transition um i'm feeling really good i'm for the first time in my life i feel beautiful you know i'm looking in the mirror and i love the way i look and feel happy um and my pronouns are they them korean jimin even jimin that is on the next level i'll i'll say that bruh imagine this becoming the status quo and i'll just get canceled yeah he can be another person so why you bigot what okay you identify as another gender or non-binary okay fine so what i don't care do what you want to do but they this is uh korean jimmy i try to think about it what would it look like if someone someone transition as a swede oh god mad world but i do identify as korean and i do look korean now i do feel korean i don't identify as british so please don't um refer to me any media or anyone online as british because i i identify as korean that's just my culture that's my home country home country how did that oh god this is so strange my home country is korean you can't decide i mean hey you can't decide where you're born right i guess i assume korea is kind of similar to japan we're in the sense that you kind of stick out as a foreigner so it's it's hard to feel like you're not a foreigner when you're in these countries right these asian countries so i guess ollie just decided no you know what i am part of the gang okay and you can't stop me i'm coming out bro i wonder what jimin thinks of this sorry to interrupt just wanted to remind you guys that the tambourine cap it's a key camp we're making 6 500 of these look out look at it so cute okay look so detailed they all spin the rooney feel the ultimate power of hitting the escape key button whichever button you want by smashing one of these it's a limited edition only 6500 available last one sold out so link is in the description if you want to pick one up i mean there's always been people like this right that do surgery to look at as other people this is in general nothing new i think the whole changing race thing is an interesting factor in all of this i'm speechless i don't know what to say it's so bizarre i wonder what an actual korean thinks of uh of this here we go korean reacts i identify myself as a black person mate that is beyond impossible please tell me you're joking dude like i wish this guy just comes out after like a decade or a couple years from now saying yo this is all a troll i was trolling the whole thing okay well you know he's not trolling because he's doing actual surgeries hip-hop nation the korean whatever it was our joke right no way ali if you're watching this you can't be korean because you're not you don't have why do i have to explain this to you you can't be korean because you're not korean okay all right well that answers that question you know people online like youtubers they would say oh he does things retention like nobody would do this for attention nobody would go through this much pain this much suffering i've had 18 surgeries in total for the last eight years nobody would do that to themselves potentially i'm doing this because it's how i identify it's how i feel no i i believe that he's doing it because he wants to but you're also you know letting everyone know right you you cannot say you don't like the attention at least which is fine if you want to do that but i don't buy that at all there's definitely both of these elements playing into each other i just want to say i hope this video might encourage other young people that have been really struggling with who they are you know always always do what makes you happy in life this is my message this is my see i agree with that but the problem is that people don't always know what what will make them happy if everyone knew then everyone would be happy so jimin also came up with a flag which is a korean flag in a rainbow they them they slap core ian i mean it's almost not even funny i'm just here to flabber i guess of course i know i was born in the uk but for me i feel feel more korean than british but you don't have any korean ancestry or dna no not officially but i just feel like these days there's so many different ways you can identify people people can identify as like a disney prince or an animal which some people do some people identify as aliens like why can't i identify as korean i don't see why people seem to have an issue but he makes a point but i mean you're appropriating another race it's not oh that's not always a good look i'm not gonna lie you're not taking away from aliens by [Laughter] identifying as the how does jimin get money for all of this as well i need to know i've just been attacking me non-stop you know they're preaching about oh don't bully people online look after mental health yet they're the same people attacking me online so i just don't get why there's such a backlash well i'm sure a lot of it it's just criticism but i he has a point here i al i also see this online of the same people preaching for like oh don't bully are the same people that bully i mean i guess you could argue i you know i say that too and you could argue that i'm pulling jim in here but that's not my intention well i just feel these days 2021 we should be able to embrace who we are be who we want to be and as long as we're not hurting anybody which i don't feel like i'm hurting anybody the korean people love me they're obsessed with me well that's not what i saw online but okay sure you can't be korean because you're not korean race is always a sensitive subject especially when people have experienced racism but uh people need to be a bit more understanding and open-minded because you know it's 2021 we can express ourselves in different ways i don't know if i like 2021 can't tell he's taking the piss out of everyone and the walk mob he's having a laugh i doubt it i doubt it people are saying just stop talking about it as if then he wouldn't do it i still think he would do it but i think he likes the jimin likes the attention korean boy band bts how can you identify as another individual explain that one to me well i've had so much surgery i've had 18 procedures i've had so many non-social procedures two look like jimin so that's why i've decided my career name is jimmy the gemini jimin is a member of this band bts yes jimin's the singer and i've based my looks on him i based my life because i interviewed him before actually i wanted to ask me take me along with you next time but but how do you think jimin will feel about this because he's jimin now you're saying of course he's the original german i just feel like i'm like his twin or something but i think he would maybe he would find it a bit weird some people would find it weird if somebody has surgery to be like them yeah but i think also he'll be very honored korean people are always honored when people take an interest and yeah i get it i've had a lot of surgery to look like him i live my life as if i'm him i think he'll be honest i mean i hope it happens i mean please take me along to your next interview i'm i'd just love to see his reaction do you not think you'd be happier trying to be you ollie no you know i've i've never been happy with who i am i've always had issues in terms of my looks my appearance um self-esteem issues and i've never been happy and it wasn't until i moved to korea i started transitioning to have the korean look that i actually found happiness so now for the first time in my life i actually feel happy see how long that's gonna last until the next surgery right that's always the issue isn't it it's just sad to look at well that's what's new with ollie london i guess you know what i'll take this off i think i'm good [Laughter] no no hate don't it's intended with this video don't don't go tweeting or send to ollie that's not the point of this video i just think it's interesting it's an interesting story it's weird how i'm totally fine with people doing surgery or if they're not happy about an aspect of themself fine but it also kind of opens up this question you know what are you ever going to be you know if you can always change a part of yourself i somehow sincerely doubt this is the end of the cherbocals so yeah what do you think let me know i'm curious thank you for watching videos smash like subscribe yeah see you next time
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 4,653,083
Rating: 4.9583201 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: pTcjuMm7yOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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