Brutal fight between George Foreman and Evander Holyfield

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after triumph in the cruiserweight and victory over Carlos de Leon to become the absolute champion Evander Holyfield moved to the Royal Division in hopes of getting a fight with Mike Tyson Mike Tyson the undisputed heavyweight champ and your impression of the fight particularly Evander Holyfield well that man does put a great deal of pressure but as you see he's fighting the experienced fighter and a very game champion and he's not intimidating and coming to fight in a van as you see him getting hit with a great deal of punch is also and I don't think you know of war to fight in and this particular kind of class he's Holyfield ready for Mike Tyson in the defied up as the heavyweight champion Evander won six victories and became the mandatory challenger for the WBC title he was supposed to box with Mike but Tyson unexpectedly lost to James Buster Douglas in October 1990 Holyfield quickly and easily defeated Douglas by a knockout in the third round with a great right back to back it is worth noting that James was in terrible physical shape and was completely unprepared for the battle the first defense for his newly gained title of absolute champion was to be held in April 1991 with the most likely candidate being Donovan run ik however Evander's team chose a more lucrative option a duel with the legendary George Foreman big George returned to the business ten years after completing his career in 1987 since then he had 24 successful fights gradually picking up his ratings and shaking off the rust which formed in ten years outside the ring George was already 42 years old and many experts were very skeptical of his chances in battle against the best heavyweights of the planet not even the confident Foreman victories over Gerry Cooney de white cabbie and Bert Cooper dispelled their doubts George didn't always enter a fight in good shape during his time outside the ring he had gained weight and now it was a huge problem to bring himself back to his old physical condition but he used his shortcomings and turned them into advantages his team became more selective in rationale in their actions mr. Foreman if you think you're gonna beat me you offer your rocker I'm gonna be the next heavyweight champion the world is my destiny nobody can stop me I'm not the best fighter in the world but I've got something to every fighter need that third punch I throw and miss you with my left boom I miss you with my right on April 19 1991 in Atlantic City the long-awaited duel took place experienced against youth Holyfield's record was flawless 25 wins 21 by knockout with no defeats at all but George's record looked no less daunting 69 wins and 65 of them by knockout just two losses the only person who sent Foreman to the floor was the legendary Muhammad Ali who welcomed his longtime opponent in the ring before the start of the fight with Evander [Music] the bount began immediately with power holyfield acted in his usual style and worked the second number Foreman went forward using double elbow protection to overlap and defend from the smashing attacks of the champion that Cubs Holyfield evander tried not to allow George to fall with his left hand because of this happened that his jackhammer right would immediately follow [Applause] very excited good luck for George still miss about for this way [Applause] several times Holyfield felt George's heavy blows and tried to protect himself as much as possible from this right straight he used biases and dives in both directions not allowing Foreman to feel for the target with his left hand [Applause] that's exactly what a band is doing [Applause] well at the same time punching quick combinations in general up to the seventh round the champion was more accurate and was winning on the judges cards Foreman had only one chance to hit since it was difficult to outbox his more mobile opponent [Applause] holy Phil did seem to be jarring George with a little too heavy and then came the seventh round at the very beginning of the round George tricked the champion prior to that he always used a right straight after the jab and Evander was already used to this attack managing to block with his left hand however Foreman changed his angle of attack on the right and struck a long right side to the ear he threw weight on his left foot and put all his powerful mass into the blow the champion was shocked Foreman began to win he alternated right-side strokes with left bottom strikes Holyfield tried not to lose concentration and carefully watched George's actions Evander while defending tried to get himself into position for a back swing with his left he succeeded overlapping with Coasters he turned to the left covering his head with his right hand from a possible attack and drove into the left side of George's head this stopped Foreman's rush having done this technique several times Evander felt he had hit right and changed the tide of the battle George endured about 15 clean hits from the champion Holyfield realized that he could not overthrow such a mighty enemy he began to knit Foreman's hands in the clinch and when he broke the distance he was actively working with his front hand [Applause] [Music] all these dudes are sharp it appears hood bothered by those punches amazing to credible [Music] the crazy round had to come to an end [Applause] the truck just soaking up punishment [Music] [Applause] secondo both men leaning on each other here comes Holyfield back [Applause] only filled with a confidential Holyfield pours it on [Applause] we have about a minute left in round [Applause] evander holyfield defeated George Foreman by referees decision and retained his titles George could not become a world champion in this fight but proved to everyone he was still able to compete at the highest level [Music] [Applause] [Applause] three years later Foreman knocked out Michael Moorer and became the world's oldest heavyweight champion his record stands unbroken to this day [Music] in my entire career no one beat me as much as George Foreman in 1991 said Evander Holyfield many years after this memorable battle if you like a video press the like button and subscribe to the channel so you won't miss out on any new videos until next time [Music]
Channel: The World of Boxing!
Views: 11,719,124
Rating: 4.7593937 out of 5
Keywords: Boxing, evander holyfield, george foreman, evander holyfield vs george foreman, mike tyson, mike tyson vs evander holyfield, sports, knockouts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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