Brutal Boxer | Full Martial Arts Movie | Jackie Chan | Raymond Lui | Sing Chen | Wilson Tong

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[Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] la hey this food is great naturally  you think our uncle serve lousy food oh my boss is back you  wanted to see him hey Uncle oh oh B I've been taking good care of your nephews  what are you saying I have no nephews huh but   they said they were don't you be foolish  I don't even know them forget it that's   not our uncle where's wuang oh you want W  Shang I don't even know him he used to be   the boss before here my bosses will descend but  we can't pay the bill what can't pay you better   pay I I'll call my BS here pay it but we don't  have that much money that's right oh you won't   you a what you be careful you better watch your  mouth oh a tough guy I ought to punch you now   you pale I'll throw you out let go now watch  it don't try it or I'll break your arm they   try to cheat me we cheat nobody we'll work  to pay our bill you guys won't pay me stop them [Applause] [Applause] sh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] yeah [Music] Qui [Music] [Applause] [Applause] God [Applause] what trouble who are they ah I see be right [Applause] over it's those two guys very tough I see  who are they Kang's nephew from the [Music] mainland okay you guys break it up break it up  all right all right what's the problem waiter   what's wrong they wouldn't pay their bill they  started it pardon listen to me my brother and   I came here to to find our uncle we thought  he owned the place who is your uncle W do   Shan listen to S when you figure out the  damage send the bill to King Chan okay oh   yeah well thank you what's your name I'm Deo I  work for King Chan my boss and your uncle are   very good friends I'm sure he'll be glad to  help you come with me and uh I'll take you to   him ah thanks Deo that's good he knows our  uncle perhaps he'll help us find him oh he will now remember if I kick you  hard you're dead come at [Applause] me [Laughter] you're going to have to learn  to do better than that but it   wasn't too bad for the first time  now let's try it again now come at [Applause] me [Applause] [Music] Bo [Music] okay now you see what I mean you got a lot   to learn if you want to work  for me so you better get with it there are two dudes waiting to see in the house boss okay guys take a break [Applause] [Music] guigi can  I help you no thanks Miss inging [Music] what are they what do they want  here I don't know we're waiting for deau make yourself comfortable  thank you Miss you're very kind uhhuh I know what you're thinking I'd like you to meet King  Chan our pleasure sir please sit down you're Chang Wang yes  and you are oh I'm Shang xang by man told me about you what you did at the restaurant and you want me to help you well he's my best friend Wang I haven't  seen him in a long time I don't know a year   I really don't know where he's been I've  missed him we used to play cards together   he likes cards that's right don't worry  we'll do what we can to find him however   it may take some time I don't know and don't  know where we'll look first but believe me   we'll find your uncle you're so kind to us  my brother and I don't know how to repay you there may just be a way would you  like to work for me that business   of mine can always use two good men  father Daddy how's this how do you   like my new dress I just bought  it gorgeous miss singing you look beautiful I'd like you to meet these gentlemen  Chang Wang Shang gentlemen this is my daughter ining ining yes please make them feel at  home they're going to be working for me   I think you should take them  and show them [Music] around [Music] PA but I work here he tried to come  in here without a pass chance sent [Applause] me [Applause] get hi you take [Music] going hey [Music] get [Applause] [Applause] stop it that's enough back to  work you guys who started it listen what   do you mean who started it they started it why  he tried to come in here without a pass but I   work here chance sent me he told me to report  for work here all right you heard him back to work how is he he's a tough [Music] [Applause] one yes missing is dang around he's over there dang well hello I you like your new job in  Father's Lumber milk he says you're doing very   well thank you Miss chan oh how formal can't  you call me ing well I'd like to we've known   each other long enough to call me in that's well  if I may good come on take a ride with me but I   can't I have to work oh don't be silly I got  father's permission come let's go okay I'll [Applause] go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] l say something but I'm thinking are you thinking about me or what well Shane listen to me there's something I must  tell you king Chan he's not my real father I'm adopted I was an orphan I was raised  in his house he treats me like a daughter but I sometimes wonder what he's really like he so cold so [Music] [Music] sinister what do you think of that boss they advertised in   the paper trying to find their Uncle  now if they find him if they find him   they'll make a lot of trouble for us  right what do you want us to do tell me I don't know right now should we get rid of him I don't like it but I'll tell you one thing  if we must if we have to well we'll get rid   of all of them if you say so listen go find  him then I'll tell you what to do right B here's ye sir we brought him King Chan please  listen to me it wasn't my fault I didn't tell the police then who did what did you tell them nothing  they knew that we were bootlegging they broke in   and took the entire shipment away with them you  were careless weren't you be more careful yes I'm [Music] sorry [Music] 0:22:28.520,1193:02:47.295 [Music] I what [Music] [Applause] all right hold it hold  it now we'll use our fist let me see you [Applause] [Applause] fight hi Daddy Mr Chan hi you're [Applause] back how about you I'm afraid I'm  out of shape Ah that's no excuse go   ahead and try it good exercise  go ahead all right now you be [Applause] careful I'm tired that's it that was crap take a break you know you surprise me you're good dang sit down let's  talk bu dang yes I like your work why don't you come and see me tomorrow  we'll see just how you work out as my manager I'm very grateful I'll do my best that's great great oh hey no hey hey  wait wait no come on don't take the money   come on stay over here hey come on stay here  oh come on you can't get away with the money   come on give us a chance I want to win some  of this F let's play Baby come on come on   hey come on hey give me back it's mine mind  your business you drink too much knock it off   no give me let's go give me that come on give  me that bottle go break it up you're drunk my friend here only one bottle he can't help it he's a  [ __ ] drunk come on let's play dice ching ching come up here coming I got to go now hold it you guys play I got to make a delivery  come on you can't leave with the money no oh come [Music] [Applause] [Music] on thanks hey I'm going to split for a minute okay okay hey make a bed for me got it [Music] your now how much [Music] you hey come on let's get get away come on get  that little pun get that punk before he gets away help help help helpin chin help me help  me Chin Chin they're trying to beat me up chin   save me what's the matter you B out SM ass I  know you guys King Chan's mom you're all diry bastard hey wait can't hi you y take will take he [Applause] [Music] this feel [Applause] 0:32:57.840,1193:02:47.295 [Applause] feel are you all right oh please  here let me help you come on who did this to you King King CH chin saved  me they would have killed me without him you   can't fight Chan you know better than that he's  a killer he'll kill you I mean it we didn't start   it they all jumped on us we had to fight they  want us out of business remember what happened   before they put me out of business come with me  you're hurt badly all right all right you need a doctor Jim watch the business and  stay out of trouble I know Dad uh you're still drunk mind your own business go screw yourself where is everybody oh to have a big fight I tell you Shen doesn't like to have competition oh  gets way kicks her out oh oh hey why'd you do that so tell me where did  they go take over another   restaurant they won't pay protection money [Music] oh [Music] what do you want [Applause] you [Applause] help [Applause] [Music] hold it I'll take [Music] him [Music] 0:37:27.520,1193:02:47.295 [Music] yeah [Music] God what there a b what's his son the one in the [Music] sweatshirt [Applause] hey hey out [Applause] wow stop it stop it son stop fighting  stop this fighting now stop it stop   stop stop fighting son stop with this  fighting now please listen to me stop   it stop stop fighting please stop  with this fighting son please get him [Music] hey are are you you get him get him aren't you my nephew my name is  Shen hey I'm wudu Shang uncle uncle   we've been looking all over for you is your  brother with you is he huh he's here with [Applause] me let's go who are they what's it about they're  King Chan's men they always make trouble   ask my son he'll tell you about it they always  want money yeah this is my friend Mr Chuan my   nephew Shen Shing Mr Han is is a very famous  Fighter the champion of the world he's never   been defeated thank you nothing really  nothing you're a hell of a fighter the   greatest Could you teach me your style from  what I just saw your nephew doesn't need help   from me but thanks for the compliment I  must leave now goodbye goodbye thank you bye-bye my cousin sorry that I fought with  you thing it's all over now let's go home okay [Applause] [Music] you [Music] get 0:43:27.120,1193:02:47.295 [Music] [Music] come with [Music] me the time has come take care woo right [Music] boss hi woo sit down not now the boss  wants you what's the Urgent a   land deal it's up for sale the boss  says you look at it if it's good the   boss will buy it a land deal where  is it I'll take you there okay let's go [Music] but we own this that's right  come on what's this all about what's up you'll find out we have a surprise for you stop  joking where's the land I'm supposed to look at this is no a joke you're in trouble come  off it you're putting me on give it to me   straight I'll tell you king Chan wants  you dead King Chan ensured your life   with you out of the way he'll be rich  I don't believe what you're saying lie [Applause] [Music] hey heyy you I take [Applause] [Applause] hi [Music] have [Music] [Music] you're late what happened have trouble  no everything went as we planned it you   better drink up we're ahead of you got to  catch up I intend to Hey where's my girl impatient good thank you thank you  very much up how about this one I   like that one I'll drink to that  one oh and let's bring it to to the [Music] [Music] baross [Music] [Music] h [Music] sure my [Music] husand where's my brother what's the matter a what's happened your brother dead my brother he's dead no no [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] my brother what happened he dead you read about  it in the papers it's a lie I don't believe you   you killed him watch what you're saying to me damn  [Music] you now where were you I was looking for   you that's a lie I know it you're crazy you think  you can accuse me I was looking for you that's the   truth of it you're a bastard my uncle warned me  about you you're a son of a [ __ ] your uncle just   where did you find your uncle no thanks to you  I found him myself you killed my brother let him go wishing had life insurance  oh yes your father is very   considerate he paid for it he was looking out for you strange you never mentioned it to me dad  you never mentioned it either why [Music] f [Music] it but 200,000 why so much yeah 200,000 why was he insured for so much money I had to protect you you are my daughter the  money's yours was it an accident or did you plan   it you did murder him banging how dare you accuse  your father what are you some sort of monster who   goes around killing people ining how dare you  say that you an orphan you've been treated as   my own daughter and now what you turn against me  no I know you're guilty so I'll never sign the paper ah so I killed him you're sure  of that sign it you sign it now hear   me that's an order I don't want any  of that blood money I'll never sign   it oh yes you'll sign it you  hear me I sign this paper mear me find it God dare you trying to get you [ __ ] [Music] you you you killed her what do we do now get her  out of here we'll take her to the warehouse come on [Music] he Dad Dad M your cousin you must get away D dad [Music] dad [Applause] this [Music] d [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] your f [Applause] help that's whe away [Applause] [Music] he f [Applause] die [Applause] down they kill my father take [Applause] will [Applause] what [Applause] why [Applause] help [Applause] take take good girl d die [Music] [Music] die [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] time die [Music] h die Bo [Applause] stop he die it a look it h [Music] f
Channel: THE STREAM - Movies and More
Views: 101,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: martial arts, martial arts movies, action movies, jackie chan, full action movie, martial arts full action movies, jackie chan latest action movie, the brutal boxer jackie chan, english action movies, action, kickboxer action movies, martial arts full movie, full martial arts movie, shaolin martial arts full movie, brush with danger martial arts movie, martial arts full movies 2022, full movies
Id: v6zjZg8vQK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 42sec (4422 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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