Challenge of Young Bruce Lee | Full Martial Arts Movie | Seung-Hyun Lee | Bo-mi Kim | Jeong-hun Kim

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[Music] [Music] Bruce [Music] [Music] master for [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] la la [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] la [Music] and you must practice until body and mind are one then and only then will you a Kung Fu [Laughter] Master what's [Laughter] wrong if you practice your mind and your body will become as one [Music] [Music] damn [Music] it it's amazing what they let on buses these days what a peasant stupid boy [Music] [Applause] [Applause] thanks wait wait yeah I want I want I want 10 of that [Music] 10 you want 10 why I'm very hungry yes sir right [Music] away [Music] [Applause] [Music] go [Music] come on now you must pay up do you think that you can have everything that you want to eat without paying for it but I gave you a dollar damn damn you too I've already paid for what I've eaten no what you at cost $250 you still owe me money Burger cost money well you should have told me before I ordered that lot ordered why you dirty little brat I'm going to wait hold it what's going on here what is going on he orders 10 hamburgers and eats a whole damn lot of them and then he won't pay me he just can't pay I will pay uh are you sure about that now get going right yes sir I'm going this city is really beautiful I really like it and you as well and why you gave me a lift and now where you headed nowhere nowhere nowhere why did you get in why did you stop what what's that that's your fair the meter tells you how much you have to pay [Music] me haven't you seen one before h no sir I've not but I understand [Music] hey what are you doing you you come back here come back here you haven't paid come back [Music] here [Music] damn thing I swear to God I'll sell it who was that you damn kid it was you wasn't it it wasn't he did it so it was you I did it I did it to stop the smoke coming out that hole what's that all that smoke near he choke me you damn kid listen the boy is not in the wrong it's your damn smoke belching machine now you ought to be ashamed you oughtn't to drive it like that there is nothing worse than a machine that causes so much pollution in our atmosphere you're right there's nothing quite so bad as [Music] pollution [Music] my captain here you just as you asked I even had it serviced take a good look it's in perfect condition ready for you ready [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] stupid boy you think hunger is pain you must suffer much more in the search for your parents how would you find them asleep teacher but you never taught me how to handle it this truck's too old for our kind of business well that's the whole point who would expect anyone to use such a heap on a big job like this one oh I will die from Hunger [Music] this [Music] [Music] ja yes break your trouble is you will never learn when not to lose your temper come here to me how many times do I have to explain it you could easily win the national championship if you learn to curb your temper I know but I always lose my temper once I've been hit just goes to show that you really haven't been paying all that much attention I will try you do that I really try my best but I just can't help it h don't worry it takes time well I know what you want to do what what is that if only you could find the right girl what girl what are you talking about you need to be beaten up by a girl eh bastard oh I'm not kidding huh hey he's dead call the police quickly [Music] you're wrong He's Alive looks as though he's from the country hey wake up wake up [Music] hey hey are you all right are you sick I starving to death you're hungry come on let's collect some money so that we can feed him oh no not again why the hell should we huh come on shut up and do [Music] it you think huh what an appetite why don't you eat all of us huh what's your name well you can call me Bruce my name means that I am the greatest what tell me how did you get here Could It Be You Came Here by a time machine please don't try to make a fool out of me tell us then is your family here then why in God's name did you come here to get an education find my folks and education I was left in front of a temple when I was young the Monk Is Dead then how do you plan to live here without family I have been taught when there is no one to care for you then others will take the responsibility now now you don't understand that this is a city cut it out you don't know what you're talking about what I mean is quite simply this Heaven would not give life to one whom it couldn't feed the Earth wouldn't grow a plant which had no purpose in being here so it will follow quite reasonably that I will never go hungry for very long come on and who will care if he does or not come on hey come on wait wait what about me huh well what about you come on friend you could at least give me shelter for one night go to hell you can't go wait wait you can't just leave me here you take care of him you found him you're so alike you'll get on well he's your responsibility you did find him and find us Keepers so he's yours am I right he's right I am now your responsibility all right you are my guest what a country boy this time listen my son you're no longer a child do you think we're millionaires or something there's no way we can afford to keep boarding your friends this way I'll get rid of him wait up let me think about it for just a minute it you're always too hasty now my son you're good but too good you fools like father like son now you two idiots will die for your friends one of these days you're quite right but it's probably better to be foolish over friends than mean father father come on so you're telling me to kick him out wait up I don't want him to think that we city Folk are people without compassion ma he can [Music] stay my stomach what's wrong my stomach what where's the toet show me quickly oh quickly oh quickly quickly follow me come on [Music] now what's the matter there's no bucket oh Jesus Christ here take a seat and do what you want flush it after finished then go to bed heyy what's this my uniform what's it for ta condo Tao is not an easy thing to do hey what do you know about it I'm a black belt fourth grade I'm after the national championship then you must be an expert listen you would be surprised if you saw me fight you should know taekwando shouldn't be practiced here now friend I think that I should get one thing straight with you we are friends am I right guess so well then we should be more friendly right friend friend friend oh hey what do you think you're doing out here so late what do you think you're doing Master used to say that you can easily sharpen a rusted blade but that you will never write well once you've put this aside getting old is very easy but the completion of your studies is a very difficult thing you shouldn't waste one single second while while there is life there is still hope of better things to come and if you can accept that well then you will find more in life and will enjoy it well you if you really know so much then you can tell me what you're doing out here it's quite simple I prefer to ride by Moon light and to sleep under the freedom that the Stars give me what an old saying that the monk taught me says that a man should take this vast world as his home and that he should be as one with that's enough I don't want to hear any more of this stuff okay you better go to sleep go along I'll sleep here for [Music] what's [Music] wrong rob a BL [Music] what's wrong a robber get him get the robber police police call the police Pap Burg bur get him get him Rob Rob Rob [Music] robberry robberry help [Music] please [Music] please let me go I promise not to do it again I promise please please I'm sorry please forgive me please please let me go please please sir please please I beg please please please sir okay where is he he's over there he went that way okay get him come on son don't get so excited father look what's going on hey wait oh please sir please please a th000 PDS th apologies I'm very sorry for coming to distur you please please please have mercy oh oh oh Masters Masters oh oh I'm glad you're here please please protect me from him did he's the devil the devil oh Bruce will you wake up and tell us if you caught him a thousand apologies I will not wake up or I will be in terrible trouble for being this man sorry what trouble is that the police will take him don't you worry about it come on come on all right come on tonny now are you sure that he said he's been practicing taono yes I think that we'd better see him he must be an expert since he's been practicing since he was a child right I think we better see him hey come on who wants to see me my martial arts teacher he is a master come on let's go come on your name is Bruce sir now would you do me a favor please will you show us what Kung Fu you know sir we thank you now you can get changed no I can't sir this this is my uniform that I can't work and I need my straw shoes be quiet shut up all right the first Challenger will be from the first grade sir why are you holding yourself back I won't attack he'll be hurt you shouldn't do that you try again right all right now look what I've gotten done next ride to [Music] third grade [Music] fourth grade you you hold it right there I can't go on see I have broken the strap on my shoe without it I could kill him carry on [Applause] Bruce you and become a taond instructor at our gym that's good news indeed Bruce will be an instructor then I'm very glad for him I knew he'd be a good friend he is a nice boy he is so kind and polite I wish you were a little more like him I'd like to ask you a favor could we do some more for him now like what finding his parents and schooling but where are his parents now don't know he doesn't even know where they're living oh let us try and advertise impossible he doesn't even know what they look like well then in what way do you expect me to help him well first of all start by getting him an education at school that's easier said than done should I send him to elementary school first don't have to worry about a thing sir stop embarrassing me you get up I I crawl in honor oh even though I have been in the country I have been studying as much as I could and what is this my school certificate sir he's passed qualifying exams for high school yeah I wanted to surprise [Music] you what's wrong don't want your haircut getting your haircut is an insult to your parents what's that if you do not then you cannot go to school see now what's the matter imil godamn don't you know the old saying when you touch your hair then you're insulting your parents God damn you should know that your hair shouldn't be cut at all [Music] damn you ought to pay me back you get your haircut you better not wait or with through I'm going wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I I'll get my haircut come on [Music] may my parents forgive me May my parents forgive me May my parents forgive me May my parents forgive me forgive me but I must but I must [Music] w [Music] hey hey hey maybe he thinks we country folo idiots never seen people [Laughter] eat forget him hey hey Tom well how did it go can I see her today or not hey well hey have you arranged for me to meet her somewhere yet today or not sorry I couldn't manage it what's that I I think I will teach you a l listen oh oh no don't don't do that please I I swear to Heaven that I will arrange it hey you've been saying that to me for far too long I am sure that if I don't get to see her face I will die my god look Tom you see her face at least 100 times a day oh I think you're going mad what you fool H you were trying to say that hey you hear you fool I want to see her at the fountain right or else there's going to be big trouble make sure she turns up right after 5:00 or else you're dead you want to know how to have a good time you'd better make an offering well you don't know why you must do it hey you there you tell him huh well the reason is that the mountain spirit that brought you here wants you to go back into the country so you must make this Spirit an offering of something to eat well what do you think of that my friend but I don't know how simple a the bakery get your friends a meet bun what's going on what are you doing nothing I was just inviting him to make an offering to the gods rubbish you two love offerings huh well I offer you my fist Bruce's Mountain spirit Can Do Magic like this all right go go you [Music] come [Music] you know what from now on your big brother what I will be hey but then you are older than I am friend but you are more senior to me in school friend you're great I don't know how to thank [Music] you huh even cars come to school it's one of the governors he's the boss one of the governors he's the president of the school he founded it many years back why do you think we have a museum it's because he likes art it will be dedicated in a few days this really is one of my dreams come true you know it really is one of the most beautiful private museums I've seen in my life take a look at some of the beautiful porcelain I've collected it really is going to be something when we open it oh yes I really am so pleased I wouldn't want anything to ever happen to these pieces don't worry sir I've taken care of everything hey what's wrong [Music] [Music] hey sorry a queer I'm not a queer I feel now as though I'm king of the world my friend please stop Hey where's the highest place in this city why near home take me there quickly Mountain Spirit what's your [Music] [Applause] [Music] plan you see this piece of paper I have here well my parents have the other part of it I am sure that they are out there somewhere mother father I offer you my [Music] respect mother father I will try to find you I will do my best I'm studying well I love you even though I never knew you at all my parents I could never hate you even though you abandoned me I know that there must be a good reason I must ask you my forgiveness because I've had to have a haircut I did it so that I could [Music] study [Music] Bruce cheer up come [Music] on [Applause] look I don't like your way of walking you look like a hey what's wrong with it then it's okay hey wait wait wait wait my friend you never change your mind what do you mean come on you know what I'm talking about hey I have always said that you have a big heart well call me Big Brother I don't understand you big brother good how happy I am inside small brother instructor instructor instructor carry on working my little brother you are so much better at this than they are huh what's what you're saying to me will you huh what's that my friend you're not my big brother here do I make myself perfectly clear oh my God you you you're my big brother in the gym godamn I'm a man of discipline you watch out hey what's up you let's go now let's forget big brothers and instructors let's just be friends huh don't you think it's better but you are the senior at the school and in the gym I'm yours but please that is not quite right we are friends and you should listen to me but there are more important things than being a big brother I'm right [Music] Bruce [Music] you're right my master said the same thing and you're right too Bruce my friend I wonder where she is damn why are you here hey you told her she'll come Tom I am sorry she would not what's that then why the hell did you keep me waiting here all alone by myself oh sorry you follow me I want to teach you a lesson you won't forget please I I will arrange it for you come on [Music] Jane there's someone here who says he's your cousin oh my God who did that who did you fight I shouldn't have come here but I couldn't stand the humiliation hey tell me who it was who did this to you that kid who fancies you oh [Music] he you're Tom yes let's be friends my name is Jane my cousin says you like me right I really liked your picture why are you so shy you're nothing but a chicken am I right what's that I am not that's nice that you think so much about me I'm very happy that I'm always in your thoughts really are you let's go [Music] out what do you think you're doing paying debts what if you're so good at fighting you can try me out what do you mean here come on you can't avoid me you had better go and get changed fast now come on you think that you can beat me J he great you've met your match [Music] [Music] are you through are you done yet no not for a while come on let's go home all [Music] right bloody hell it's after is and now lesson five D what's the [Music] matter hey my friend I want you to take revenge from me please I beg of you will you but why I hate to say it but it was a girl who beat me up a girl wait why did she beat you up then huh what do you know I suppose you helped Tom come on come this is a man who has been badly beaten by a mere girl now it's a matter of Honor Tom come wait wait wait wait take it easy just you calm down I can't I must fight come [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey I have never liked damn Tom boys you are so strong but maybe you won't be in a [Music] while hey wait a minute hold it wait get her go on get her come on teach her a lesson don't find her get her she's a good girl she bought me lunch forget it leave us alone you can pay for her kindness in heaven he is right we are predestined all right go ahead but to fight [Music] fair [Music] fore fore fore [Music] for [Music] yeah [Music] monkey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] fore [Music] for Fore wake up wake up wake up what what happened who is the winner you fell from my blow you can't be the winner of course I am because I was the one who got up first huh h Huh huh [Laughter] [Applause] you've changed a lot since we first met I knew you were good let us all be friends together huh fish one it's got to fish it's a big [Music] [Laughter] [Music] one [Applause] [Music] fish [Music] now I've got [Music] one come [Music] [Music] on come on what are you [Music] doing come back to [Applause] [Music] [Music] sh you'll scare all the fish away you there are you a complete and atam you scare all the fish away idiot cool it it was all your fault anyway now we know why you never come fishing without your swimming drugs damn and now we know why you never used bait when you used to come fishing with us oh very true [Music] true [Music] [Music] W and now to some local news and a theft of the school Museum the police were called in earlier today and several expensive porser exhibits were found stolen from the museum along with some less important pieces detectives have no clues as yet but are making the rounds of antique dealers and known fences in the hope that the who could have done it anyway bnny and Clyde the mafia rubbish bnny and Clyde have been dead for more than half a century and that Mafia would not have stolen the porcelain any more than Superman d it must have been Batman and Robin oh yes of course why didn't I think of the dynamic duo well we can't just sit here we must do something what the hell are you doing with that goddamn straw you're driving me mad huh and why are you making those shoes again are you thinking of going back up into the mountains old friend what's wrong quiet you're disturbing my concentration you know it's important to me now you are driving me right around the bend hey I didn't come here to see you two quarreling I can see that any day you be quiet M but aren't we bad temperature today you should calm down H hey what up they must have been the ones what's that what are you talking about get ready I will tell you on the way well what do you think hey that's pretty dangerous why not stop hey my friend I know what I'm doing hey do you know where we're going what do you know where we're going do you know where we're headed for what did you say your head saw where are we headed for I don't care what time it is now hey where are we going I don't want to go anywhere where I haven't been before where is it it's in [Music] town stop what [Music] what I I get off here come back here hey come back here hey you come back here come back here come here you've really gone UND done it this time what were you doing up in the air my motorbike doesn't go anymore thanks to you I I only wanted to have a piss you shouldn't have stopped I think that we better find a secondhand junk dealer you say that once more and I'll kill you but it's it's useless for anything at all now you dare come on then stop it stop it huh uhhuh that's good news yes yes yes it's here up there come on [Music] that's him the man on the [Music] left stop stop who are you you idiot you want to die no no no I don't no you really are very very clever when will you ever learn to do things the right way now you should have stayed in the bushes with us then we could have tailed them and what are we going to do now we can never catch up with them what are you doing they're already long gone what's your plan look look [Music] Bruce Bruce [Music] Bruce wake up [Music] sh everything's ready you can leave tomorrow Mr Carlson [Music] I [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] I Mr Carlson it's all in there just waiting inside I trust you completely Jimmy [Music] [Music] brce Bruce Jesus [Music] you [Music] come [Music] on [Music] [Music] I knew he'd do that h where's he gone [Applause] some fish what what are you doing I'm fishing want some hold stop don't going get away off that little bastard where you going huh not the [Music] hell [Music] [Music] no surrender you had better [Music] surrender son of a [Music] [Music] [Music] Mr Carlson take a look oh Splendid really Splendid well then Mr Carlson they're Splendid really Splendid pieces they're so very fine well then you'll be keeping your end of the bargain of course I will pay you the million shortly boss those damn kids are everywhere what what the hell is going on don't you worry I will handle it what are you doing I would like you to give me our Museum's Treasures all right I don't want to hurt you so why don't you get the hell out you better get going I think that you are a good man as you show so much concern for me well why don't you show some concern for our Treasures go you take it easy I don't want to fight with you I just want to OD Treasures back let him go [Music] [Applause] [Applause] back lock him [Music] up get [Music] [Music] [Music] Bruce h [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] a [Music] it's here Bruce I found it I found it we did it we did it is anything gone no [Music] Bru I admire your courage and what you've done is a good job but we are we police are here to look after such things [Music] huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] I've been thinking although the First Act is over we still have something to decide one of us must be better than the other one could ever hope to be and this we must decide I'm telling you I'm the greatest there is we'll see about [Music] that [Music]
Channel: THE STREAM - Movies and More
Views: 210,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie, bruce lee, bruce lee movie, bruce lee full movie, the legend of bruce lee, bruce lee movies, bruce lee real fight, action movie, bruce lee vs bolo yeung real fight, bruce lee challenged on set, bruce, bruce lee full movies in english, kung fu full action movies, full action movie, bruce lee workout, young bruce lee, kung fu action movies, hong kong action cinema, martial arts full action movies, bruce lee fight, bruce lee fight movie, best bruce lee movies
Id: CY2cqRmaNO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 30sec (5310 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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