Black Belt | Full Martial Arts Movie | Ying Bai | Lik Chueng | Yeh Fang | Helen Ma

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[Music] wa [Music] with karate man he could kill you with a finger like a SPID with a stinger oh [Music] no clean [Music] clean he could hurt you like no other but you'll help you like brother [Music] call [Music] [Music] con stay [Music] cool training hard is selection always trying Perfection that's [Music] that's you do you're never losing comes up battle like you're choosing oh yes that's kage [Music] [Music] [Music] manest [Music] could hurt you like he'll help you [Music] brother [Music] k with kage you [Music] [Music] made [Music] he's there [Music] right Hi boss Hi boss sorry when like you're damn well are you told me you'd be here early I've been waiting for half an hour I'd have been on time but he slows me [Laughter] down well anyway what is this is something wrong oh no no no thought you'd like to know the girls have been delivered so I guess you've got some new ones for me too I mean to play around with well that's the one thing this is the [Music] other look here one of your friends has been [Music] hurt what Young Chong barely injured [Music] [Music] e [Music] fore for you okay okay thanks I'm grateful my name's chawe I'm Yang Chang sang from Singapore thank you let's go and ever since that day we've had a good friendship going listen but if he's such a very good fighter how come he got beat in the contest ah just bad luck that fell Ying's a pig that's right when he was at cop he gave us a lot of trouble now he half killed a friend of yours you ought to fix him I know what happened in a contest but so what God damn that ex CER it's time I fixed him he's injured a good friend of mine all right how dble C [Music] right [Music] Sally M time for your bed now all right I'd just like to finish off this ironing first I'll go in then oh ma something you want Sally did you hear from my Ying had a letter today he'll be back here the day after tomorrow he says he's bought you something two pieces of nice Boutique that you can make some sarongs with well hasn't he got you anything oh well why should he he won his match he wasn't injured and after all that's the best present I could have [Music] oh hey boss we'll wait [Music] here [Music] oh [Music] yes who's [Music] there you y I'm afraid he is I'm sorry where is he then well he went to Singapore you know a week ago not back yet mm- huh he's lucky and he doesn't even know how lucky but his luck won't hold though and who are you oh I sorry you didn't say why you want him you give him a message say that I'm going to kill [Music] him [Music] so you're blind then a great pity in such a good-looking chick a real shame well your brother's supposed to be a TP fighter so let's just see what sort of Fight You can put up [Music] no [Music] no [Music] dadd no don't no don't please don't do it don't do [Music] here m m [Music] m Sally brother brother [Music] see if you you can get the missing girl's parents ask them to see me right yuning I told you we've got some of our best men on this case but still your mother's dead and of course your sister's blind so we've no description at all and there's very little to go on very little but still we're going to get this guy you my personal promise on that those are words no that's a promise what I want to know is when are you going to get the guy come on you were a cup you know that these things take a while afraid that I can't wait a while you I warn you I don't want no trouble remember why you were kicked out why you were slung off the force because of your temper because you always blew your stack so I'm telling you you keep out or else you'll find yourself in real trouble [Music] put it on go on thanks come on dummy H take into the car I want you to help me Tommy of course after all we're investigating this any he leaves yet you know you know what Chan said the hell with him come on now we were buddies remember the killer left something behind it's just an old overcode but still in the pocket we found part of someone's address what [Music] address m [Music] [Music] lay off what a beautiful figure you got there you can cut out the cheap flattery too I'm not flattering you just look at that figure really luscious what more good man want then shut just keep going sure [Music] sure get in there got some new stuff in huh hey how do that easy H it'll only take a minute to check that out fore [Laughter] for [Music] [Music] [Laughter] spee [Music] fore [Music] [Applause] [Music] la [Music] [Applause] [Music] pap get in there come of you where you come from why ask sure to be just like us she was just kidnapped yeah that's [Music] [Music] [Music] what hey someone [Music] [Music] coming what do you want didn't you hear me he you had some rooms to rent thought I'd check well we ain't this is a private house hey hey 1 2 3 [Music] help [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes shut up or I'll break your Down [Music] Neck [Music] hurry hurry up and get up it may the cops come let's [Music] get right come on now hit him get him come on get him come on let me get it [Music] now come on come on come [Music] on headquarters headquarters something seems to be happening a guy just broke in he's fighting now with some of the suspects recommend you move in now I was that you shouting for help there well the way you can fight I don't see why you needed help tell me how did you all get here well well all the same way just tricked into it and you oh not me oh h a volunteer huh get lost all right surround the place up that [Music] yeah [Music] y I was right I knew it was going to be you it had to be had to oh well you always were a smart cop but still how do you know about this address Tommy H tell me how do you think you found out uh oh I guess because he used to be a cup I mean he was smart you remember that M that's right he's a smart one and so are you no one here not C up take them to the station right you're coming too [Music] who is it it's two of the guys h H hey boss sorry we've got some trouble oh yeah you're scared no no no listen the police have just raided one of our places and they got the girls m how the hell did they get the address uh listen they may have traced it through the coat of yours the one you left behind when you killed the old woman still all the men got away but still I reckon yunying will keep after you he doesn't worry me that's why I raped his sister no sweat the old one's dead and the sister obviously can't give evidence against me she don't worry if you and Ying should get on to you don't worry if you and Ying should get on to you me and here we'll fix him that's right I've got an old score to S over that bastard he's the one that busted my leg and left me a for life so that's why you told me about J Chang sing you wanted your revenge and you figured I could take it for you oh listen now come on cuz he's always been an enemy of all of us I mean any of us could kill him uh but you just happen to be the best I mean you're the expert uh in that case it's less effort for you that's why listen we've had an urgent request from M say they want good oriental girls at top price yeah and they'll take all we send at 30,000 each and at those prices we'll make a lot of money right grab some more girls we'll make a ship I'll go it's you that's right can we come in father let me introduce you this is my father Dr ho and this is my name's Yun yuning oh that's right father this is the man who rescued us Mr yunying oh Mr Yun I'm very grateful it was very brave of you say down this is my sister Sally how' you do now then I'm Jane [Music] ho my sister can't [Music] see now Place [Music] dinner I know I can't see you but still my ears tell me a lot about you really listening to your voice I'd say you're very pretty [Music] huh Mr Yuan your mother's Dreadful murder any progress M Miss hope how did that gang get hold of you ah I'll tell you how at least she wasn't lured into it what happened with father let me tell him I was walking home quite late and I saw these men they were dragging a girl into a car she was struggling so I looked around for someone to come and help there was no one I ran forward to try and stop them then suddenly someone must have knocked me out and when I came to I found myself in that big Villa isn't that right [Music] then [Music] [Laughter] cheers this is a good place very good food yes [Music] here you are thank you you seem so long since I was last in a restaurant Sally you shouldn't stay home so much I mean you should try to go out a bit but if my brother isn't here there is no one to take me out I could your brother's a strange man but why seems as though he always knows what you're thinking well then can he tell what you think no don't think he can but then people say I'm very difficult to understand listen can I ask a personal question what is it tell me are you rather fond of my brother fond of him oh well I don't know I'm not very good at self analysis even if I was though it's useless your brother's always cool to me I don't understand him listen you can't blame him because right now all he thinks of is Mother her murder I know that this way please please sit down yeah thanks you know I didn't expect this finding you well and back on your feed so quickly a real surprise nice surprise huh huh that's right and after with the bad luck you can expect some good luck thank you right let's really tie one on tonight to celebrate your recovery after that we'll see if we can't fix you up with a chick huh well now to change the subject how'd you come to lose the contest when I heard that I could hardly believe my ears tell us how it happened then it was my own stupid fault I mean I simply wasn't concentrating I made a mistake and with a guy like that you just don't do that I hurt my arm also lost the match that's it that's simple oh I see he was just lucky come on then drink up Sally what's wrong it's him it's him who a killer I just heard his voice you sure I know it's him yes it's him it is I'm sure it is come [Music] on there's four of them there so which one is it now then anything you want to do that maybe I should see a doctor above my arm it's set it should be easy to find one that one my arm it's set it should be easy to find one that one you sure [Music] thanks hey did you see his face s come on let's go out tell the police no well tell my brother he wants to get [Music] him have some more it's very good food here M terrific I [Music] know oh is that you the Killer's in the hancha restaurant come over quickly we'll be waiting here for you hurry well then he's coming straight over the killer knows me though what are we going to do go outside and you can watch the Door Keep change oh thank you would I'd like to have a go him I'd beat the hell out of him that's a very easy thing to say but the last time you tried it he busted your leg right let's drink up eh yeah your help right now [Music] it's then there leaving what now the Killer and the have gone to the right I'll go follow them you wait for your brother listen be [Music] careful Sally oh you're here all right where is he he's gone just left with the Jane followed them down that way right you wait for me I'll go after [Music] [Music] them [Music] [Music] la [Music] what you want I want to know why you're telling me do you fancy me with that face you're joking well now you don't look like a cop come on who are you come and help me this guy's a [Music] killer [Music] you you what do you want you let's get down to the station I'm going straight now I swear it yeah well tell me who was with you then now look you're not with the the police now you can't order me around is that [Music] right please please [Music] stop [Music] stop stop stop please [Music] stop [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey you talking you you can't make me talk huh we'll see and if you got any sense you'll start talking now otherwise I'm just going to have to break your other leg no [Music] [Applause] [Applause] ow [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Applause] hey Wong's been killed they've just brought his body [Music] in what's up been killed hey boss I reckon Ying will catch up with us and so what I can handle him I know but look beat him easy in a fight fight but still you've got a murder charge to be thinking about so you ought to be careful I mean you couldn't have fought a mistake no I've just thought that girl you were describing I just realized then that I know who she is who I'm pretty certain that she was one of those girls that got away from us do you remember the one yeah right right well that doesn't explain how she seems to know that I'm mixed up in this oh oh no anyway there's one thing we can be certain of now somebody seems to be on to us so what do we do listen let's not sit around then let's get him first huh I've got a real neat little plan moreover we might even kill two birds with one Stone listen now you get him out there yeah that's right what you've got information yeah Pacific Warehouse right I'll be there don't go Sally I missed the other chance but I won't miss this one who is he though he wouldn't give me his he's probably just too frightened to doesn't matter anyway I'm going be careful [Applause] [Music] I what [Applause] [Music] [Applause] take get [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] s [Music] [Music] are you Miss yes uh are you our y sister yes that's right I'm a detective your brother has been hurt in a fight he said that he wants to see you so please come along with me oh all right I'll come now all [Music] right Sally Sally Sally what is it where is she she's disappeared oh she's gone what is it where's my brother tell me where is he what and where hey what do you think she's not bad at all maybe she's blind though ah that could be an asset though oh you're right there Novelties at a good price yeah you're right let me go probably get rid of it to some rich guys some of them like the blind ones I see not me I like you that's what damn you I'm getting sick of you can't you think of anything else except that talk about a one TR mine give it a rest will you sure I'll give it a rest but get rid to work out first I'll work [Music] you come on W and W a dead do you know anything at all about their [Music] deaths no don't know anything is that so what were you in such a hurry for I told you my sister's disappeared yes that's right we're so worried I only hope that your men will be able to locate her Ying it's your fault for interfering in this business in the first place we're doing our best and you're not helping by interfering have you got that fore fore fore come on now and one more thing never mind it can wait yuning I promise you I'll get that guy have them [Applause] watched what's this place you'll soon find out hi B oh there you are hi B this Mr Yang is's a good friend of mine oh how do you do hey boss got it yeah it's it's good quality that right oh sure it is good quality y Kang come on where too ah come on you'll find out now then I've got something for you it's a sort of exercise to help your digestion oh yeah what sort uh you'll find out in a minute all right come on in hey hey come on come on let me out go on just try her out she's very good I can promise you get your [Music] try there were [Music] you no stay [Music] away [Music] don't touch me are you really blind don't be scared I won't hurt you you all right you you're not one of them no well who are you let's say that I'm a stranger around here and what are you doing here I'm Sal Yun and they're my brother's enemies so they kidnapped me oh who's your brother his name is yunying huh yunying you know him H my name is yangang Chang s I'm a friend of his really now what help me please help me right I'll get you [Music] out hey open up ah all right well that was quick but why though you can stay here all night that's right and no charge either hey hey where you going to come back with her come back where's Char he's he's gone out right after you went in that's right hey stop come back here stop him hit him stop him he come on don't you worry it's okay stop hold it if it weren't for the fact that you're a friend of the boss I'd have killed you where is your boss he's gone now get out I must see him okay all right tell me I asked what you want tell me I want you to release that girl Sally immediately send her back to to a brother or else or else what or else I'll call the cops in now look this is a serious offense you know that so what that bastard yying badly injured your arm they're right and then what about my men and woo are both dead now they were the best men I had you're the only reason I got the girl I thought it might amuse you now you're getting all self-righteous that's pretty ungrateful now look let's get this straight eh I like you and Ying he beat me in a straight contest and I don't Harbor any Grudges on the contrary I respect his skill and this trick your pulling I don't dig that so I want you to send that girl back home got [Music] [Music] that I only got the girl for you all right I'll arrange for my men to take her back to her home okay I'll give you one day to do it okay and if you don't send her back home I'm going to the cops got that [Music] J Tang bangang five different kinds of medicine there halfen SE and drink the mixture twice a day thanks that's $5 for the medicine thank you uh Dr Ho yes my name's Yang Chang sang I'm from Singapore oh a good friend recommended you he told me you were the best homeopath in the business thank you now then what can I do for you it's my shoulder it got Twisted in a Kung Fu contest and is giving me a lot of trouble I've tried various treatments nothing helps all right let's have a look at it listen get the girls aboard the ship and you too we may have some trouble right okay is she here she's inside all right oh Mr CH hi um I'm closing down the dragon Bay Place get the girls put them on the ship soon as it arrives you got that right the sooner the better that's all for now come on Tuesday right you'll need about 10 treatments acupuncture is a bit slow but it works this is my daughter James and Mr Yang it's you what are you doing here uh you're one one of that damn gang now tell me where Sally is come on listen you know Sally you then tell me or I'll call the police hey no wait you mad all right where's s now I'm not sure but with any Lux you should be at home again now what home again if you like we can check it out [Music] together [Music] hello what is [Music] this [Music] pap hi he D no [Music] hey Baldi we're leing the stuff out now right you want to go huh yeah fine let's go [Music] now [Music] [Music] uh yeah all [Music] right yeah it's me Sally where where are you hurry come and get me listen tell me where you are now house big Villa it's it's at Green Dragon Bay you God damn it get in there you hey that un name car you please I'll go on [Music] right headquarters yunying seems to be heading for green dragon Bay and there's a car following [Music] him [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sh that's right how are you what are you doing here come for Sally Sally so you're mixed up in all this as well are you now wait let me explain explain you better tell me where Sally is you and Ying now listen I should have killed you when I could have now look you're all wrong I came here to save Sally you lie this time I'll fix you now wait help come on out you come on right come on you right come on hurry up me come on come on hurry I got think you're moving s [Music] get Hey listen I'll get your sister you go get him now then suppose you're thinking of avenging your mother [Music] huh all right you can try [Music] it h unle got [Music] over there go on [Music] right [Music] good [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] a [Music] you rat if IID have known what sort of a lousy bastard you are I'd have let those guys kill you help this is my affair [Music] [Music] [Music] come on stop that for God's sake stop it y if you kill him as murder let the police have him please don't do anything stupid now please don't kill me please don't kill me I give up I'll confess I'll confess to everything I hold [Music] it Union you gone crazy get up take him down right y you better come along Sally oh Ain are you all right of course let's go oh
Channel: THE STREAM - Movies and More
Views: 38,117
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Keywords: martial arts movies, action movies, martial arts, action movies 2022 full movie english, martial arts action movies, action movie, martial arts action, best action movies, full free action movies, martial arts movies full length in english, full movie, black belt magazine, black belt mag, full action movies, best martial arts movies, action movies full movie english, best martial arts action movies, martial arts movies in english, martial arts movies 2022
Id: R2uUp1jxCBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 39sec (5499 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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