【Kung Fu Movie】惡霸帶人上門羞辱小夥 不料他竟是當代武功第一人 3秒把他們打到終身癱瘓!!#Kung Fu #武俠

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Even the four great masters have never beaten him, yes , yes, what can I do? I didn’t expect that Chen Zhen would torture me like this. I knew Yu Qiang would deal with his bastards , bastards , and bastards. They are all bastards , and even if you call me master , I will be thrown away by you. Okay , what kind of fish are you two brothers buying today? If you want to buy raw fish with rain strips, you need a big one. And if you get injured, you need to drink raw fish soup? Brother Qiang, don’t be ridiculous. It’s our master who was injured and Brother Qiang still wants to drink it. I don’t know? How could I know if I just came back from Daliang today ? Then Brother Qiang really doesn’t know that Chen Zhen injured not only his master but also many coaches ? Why didn’t you tell me earlier? He also What's going on? I dare not say it. What's really going on outside, you, the number one in Foshan, are going to be taken away ? You're just now telling me about chasing big things. You guys won't do business today. Come with me to find Chen Zhen. I really don’t want to fight with you, oh, it’s over, run away, it’s over, brother Qiang, I’m sorry , hum, you dare to support us in the competition, Chen Zhen, if we start over, you will be Chen Zhen? Telegram, Brother Qiang, Brother Qiang, I still want it How about competing with Chen Zhen again, where is Chen Zhen? Chen Zhen, I will definitely find you. Both of my teeth are gone. Chen Zhen knows that you will be in danger when you return to Shanghai , but I know that my time is short. Besides , there are important matters related to the master and Jingwu Sect. Please come to Shanghai immediately. Junior brother Chen Jin calls from Shanghai. Master has to go back to Shanghai. Things are urgent and we have to say goodbye and the return date is difficult to determine. Foshan Jingwu Sect will be maintained by you. One day I will create a world in Shanghai and I will definitely ask you to come to Shanghai . I want to avenge my father. This lady , thank you for your book . I'm sorry to hit you . Don't move. Don't rob. Don't move. Get up . Don't move. Put your hands on your head. Come on, stinky girl. Come on. Put your hands on your head. Brother Cotton. If you find it, please move all the cotton away. No, you can't take my cotton. Tang Lao Ge , I know this batch of goods is yours, but what should I do if others can't do it ? I would rather you and my home are priced high by the Japanese. Purchasing cotton This batch of cotton was purchased from fellow villagers in person in the countryside. Even if I lost it, I can’t buy it anymore. I only came here because I know the value of cotton. Do you know that if there is no cotton in the factory, production will have to stop? Our country’s economy It will be handed over to others. When the time comes, everyone will have nothing to eat. How can you still be considered a human being by doing this? You dare to teach me a lesson, you stinky girl? If I don’t sit down, believe it or not, I will beat you to death, Xiaoting. They are all people who kill without batting an eyelid. You have taught me not to give in to evil forces. If you give in to them, good will not be able to defeat evil. If you don't give in, evil will not be able to defeat good. These cannot be empty words . Let me embody these words today, stinky girl, stop being harsh. If you are not afraid of death, why did you climb up just now? Hand? I held my hand just now because there was no need to die. Now I am not afraid of death because I believe that evil cannot prevail against good . Do you understand? Bastard , evil cannot prevail against good . Do you think I dare not open the roof? What do you want? Tell you that life is okay , but you have to put the cotton Where did you get my good friend from? Leave a name. If you want revenge, just come to me. Don't go to the Tang family. My name is Chen Zhen. Hey Kuaiyan Li Shi. Is this messed up? Don't you know it louder ? Okay, Chen Zhen will go to Shanghai in the afternoon. The other bosses will definitely know that the Shenqie train station is in the French Concession. The police station will definitely fight with us for the cockroaches. You must catch Chen Zhen before others . Who are you? Why ? You want me? Catch Chen Zhen. A hundred oceans. Really, this kid is very familiar. Chen Zhen, stop. Chen Zhen, don’t go. I am the chief inspector of the patrol room . What kind of crime did I commit? You committed a crime of perseverance. You are in Shanghai. I have killed a Japanese. This is the order from the Shanghai patrol room to you . OK, I can go with you : But now I have to see a friend who is seriously ill. I will definitely go with you after seeing him. How can I have time to waste with you? ? He told me some terms and he went up. Come on, get in the car. Look where you are going . Stop, Chen Zhen , you are lucky here. Where is Han Shi? ? If you move again, I will beat you to death. You know? You chase the bastard. It took me eighteen streets to catch you. If you weren't worth it, I would have killed you. I would have sued you long ago. My friends will come back with you after watching this. These are all you. I asked for it . I can't go. You're not sitting here honestly now. Your friends have offended me and I want them to look good. Help, help, come quickly. Chen Zhen, who is picking at the eaves and catching people alive, are you okay? Miss Tang, are you okay? Why are you here? We are here to rescue you. My father and lawyer are here. Sir, why are you here? What is going on with Gao Tianyou? This is a murderer with Japanese connections. We are arresting him, Mr. Strong and the others. They are all my friends, Mr. Tang. Although we are good friends, I also miss your help. But you see, Mr. Consul, Chen Zhen’s case happened in the Qing Dynasty , but now it has changed dynasties. For the Chinese, it is a change of dynasties , but for the concession, the concession treaty As long as the Japanese don't cancel the order, we should hand Chen Zhen over to the Japanese consul, Inspector Gao . Oh, it turns out Mr. Strong is here too. It's best to tell you that I'm here to take people. Take them away for you. Who is from Shimo? I want to take away Chen Zhen. He is a Japanese accomplice, Mr. Hiroshi Ishii. This is the French Concession, and it is my place. If you want to bring people here , you must get my consent, Mr. Strong, Chen Zhen. But Japan’s accomplice, I want to know why Japan wants to interrogate Chen Zhen? Oh, Mr. Strong, it turns out that he killed the Japanese for this Chen Zhen. He is a murderer. Chen Zhen’s son is also a big man. I want to know why Chen Zhen wants to kill. Japanese? Don’t you dare? Are you afraid of being ashamed when you come out? Mr. Strong, I will take Chen Zhen away now. But you haven’t answered Mr. Strong’s question yet. That’s right. Why do you think Chen Zhen Want to kill Japanese people? See if yours is the same as that of a Chinese lawyer Strong , according to the concession agreement, I have the right to take Chen Zhen away . Mr. Strong, am I right? Someone sold Chen Zhen to me for 10,000 yuan ? For sale? Gao Tianyou, the chief detective of the French Concession, Gao Tianyou, come over here, bastard How dare you make a deal without telling me? Let Chen Zhen go quickly and let both of you go . Chen Zhen is out of the French Concession and I want your life. Mr. Tang, Miss Tang, thank you for saving us. You saved our cotton. After saving my life , I still owe you. Chen Zhen, where are you going? I'll see you off. No, no, I have to go see a friend of mine. Just say goodbye . Goodbye. Chen Zhen. Why is he always in a hurry? Oh, he wants to Before arriving at the hospital , it was clearly Huo Yuanjia's Jingwumen . How come it has now become Yixianglou? Oh my, it used to be Jingwumen and now it has indeed become a brothel. What are you doing here? Oh, brother, don't get angry. What are you doing? Huo Yuanjia is dead. The Jingwu Sect is gone. Chen Zhen, I have passed you. You can't escape from my grasp. Who are you to catch him ? Chen Zhen, don't worry, don't talk about it. Chen Zhen is a Japanese accomplice. You can't take Chen Zhen away. We can't take Chen Zhen away? Who are you? If Chen Zhenyi comes, the Japanese will have to go with us. What Chen Zhen killed was the hand that poisoned Master Huo. Shut up. The lives of the Japanese are worth more than the lives of you Chinese. Take Ah Rong's life. It's cheaper to exchange the fortunes of Huo Yuanjia and Chen Zhen. If you take them away, then you can exchange my life for Chen Zhen. Can you exchange your life for Chen Zhen? I'm not that stupid , but if you want me to let Chen Zhen go, I can give you a chance . If I can't beat you to death, I'll let Chen Zhenhao go. Junior brother, are you crazy? - Don't be like this. Junior brother, wake up . Junior brother, what's wrong with you? Junior brother, wake up. But junior brother, Mr. Ishii, I've already beaten you. Yi Yan, can you let my senior brother go? Chen Zhen, today you give me a life, senior brother, you are not dead, you are not dead. It turns out that half of my body has already entered the gate of hell , but if you don't care about me, I will rush over as soon as I prove it. Senior brother , I will finish my sentence. Open the drawer. I once promised Master to do something for Jingwu Sect , so I wrote this "History of Chinese Martial Arts". But if I am not good at martial arts, the history of martial arts in the future will be written by you. I am ashamed of Master and ashamed of Jingwu Sect. I know that I am incompetent. Yan went to see the master , but you were tricked by the Japanese , but I know that only you can revive the Jingwu Sect. Now that you are back, I can go to Dongshi with peace of mind and be with Zhensheng. Don’t blame Zhensheng for the Jingwu Sect to become like this. He has already lost his strength. I don’t blame him. If he knows that I asked you to come back, he will definitely blame me . Zhensheng and Dongchi are both in Shimo. Zhensheng is working in a factory. He wants to take Dongjue and treat me. You must do nothing. Blame him, I don’t blame him. Where is my wife now? Do you know that this book I hold is really heavy? Jingwumen has become a place of fireworks. Zhensheng and their whereabouts are unknown. What do you ask me to do? Where can I find Master Zhensheng and Dong Shi? Master, I'm sorry for coming late. No matter what happens this time, I won't leave. No one can lift me out of Shanghai . However, I don't know what to do now. But I will definitely carry forward the Jingwu Sect according to your wishes during your lifetime . I will definitely train Dongjue well and make him an adult. Master, have you seen it? I brought you the plaque you wrote with your own hands. Rest in peace under the Nine Springs. Yun crosses the hall with his hands crossed, his legs raised, his elbows raised, and he looks up and down in front of him. He grabs the ground and makes rapid progress. Then he has a high horse and a series of dismantling of his master's monument. He kneels down. We are all Chinese. Master and disciple are unfilial and provoke those martial arts types to beat you. Qing Chen, really don't do it again. I will not leave Shanghai for a step. I will revive Jingwumen. Dongjue has been found? Dongjue is gone. I have searched all the places where he would go. He is not here . This kind of thing has never happened before. Your name is Chen Zhen? Chen Zhen, give it to me. Come out, Chen Zhen, come out , come out , dad - Chen Zhen, come out, come out, if he doesn't come out, I'll kill him, come out, Chen Zhen, let him go , let me go, let me go, Chen Zhen, today is the day you die, Chen Zhen, what's wrong with you? - It's okay now, it's okay, someone was chasing me just now No wonder you killed me. You came to the eaves just now. Do you know who wanted to chase you? I don’t know, they are probably Japanese. When the person just used the eaves to kill me, another person opened the eaves and beat him to death. And what’s even more strange is to save me. The man ran away again. I just came to chase him. Let’s not talk about this for now. Where is Dongjue? He fell asleep in the car. Later I found him and bought him some clothes before he agreed to invite him. Where can I sleep? You first Go to sleep. I'll sleep later. You polish this plaque every day . It's already bright. No need to polish it again. I do this every day to never forget Master's trust. Senior brother , then you don't care about your assassination tonight ? You know it . No matter what means the Japanese use, I will not back down. When can I leave for China? Why don't you answer me before Kawashima? It 's because you can't go to China yet. Has n't the leader already agreed? Yeah? Well, it’s because the leader agrees that I can’t go with you. I don’t understand what you mean. You have to defeat me, Kawashima, before going to China. What does this mean? If you can’t even defeat me, how can you defeat the Chinese martial arts masters ? ? As long as I can defeat you, I can go to China? Jue Wuyan , if you can't even defeat me, you 'll have to take me. How about you, Jiro? Are you seriously injured? Jiro-kun, you just promised that if you can't defeat me, you'll have to take me. What do you want? I only want you to defeat me, because only if you defeat me can you defeat the Chinese Kung Fu Jiro. You are not his opponent. You can't beat him now. I must defeat you. This is the style of our first samurai in Japan. Starting tomorrow, my task is to train you to defeat me. I hope you can do it quickly, Mr. Kitano. What does Mr. Kitano want from me? This is the telegram just sent by the leader. Please read it. The leader issued the order. You must save Chen Zhen's life and wait for Kawashima Sagi to deal with it. From now on, you will focus all your efforts on completing the Jingwan store leader plan . Didn't samurai like Kawashima Sagi decline long ago with the passing of the shogunate era ? Why are they popping up now ? The head is here? What great things can Takeo Kawashima Saki Kazuo accomplish? The head that pops up is just like a tortoise probe and inhales , and then sinks again after inhaling? Kitano-kun has to treat them like this, since it belongs to the leader. The decree is that our Cao Shi will let Chen Zhen live a little longer and sue Ma Jiuqi. Tell all the gangsters in Shanghai to stop all actions against Chen Zhen and let Chen Zhen live a little longer. Bastard Liu Zhensheng, die, get out of the old pavilion. Get out, bastard Old Pavilion, get out of Liu Zhensheng. You bastard, I am Liu Zhensheng. What do you want to do with me? I want to settle a score with you . I searched for you and couldn't find you. I didn't expect you, Foshan, to hide here. Well, we didn't finish the fight last time. Let's fight Chen Zhen today. Don't you want to fight yet? ? You have to be beaten to make trouble today? Bastard, you came just in time. I am here to find you today to do justice to my cousin. Damn Chen Zhen, you are the security guard in the factory now. Bastard, please use your dog mouth today. Even if Chen Zhen refuses to fight, I still want him to fight. I will settle the score with you after I finish fighting with him. Chen Zhen, do you want to fight? I won’t fight you . Hey, Chen Zhen, what do you think this is? Ah? Liu Zhensheng, give it to me. If I beat you, I'll call it a day. Then you come to me . Now please leave. Chen Zhen, do it. Hit you. Hit me . Do it. Hit you quickly. Oh, hit, hit. Chen Zhen, if you don't fight me today, you can't even think of pretending that I don't have the ability to leave. How can I force others to leave? I can't beat you , but there is one condition. No matter you win or I win, you have to leave immediately . And you have to promise me that I'm out of bounds. You can leave now, right? Your master is a great master. Watch today. Your kung fu is not that good. Maybe you didn't get his true master , but it doesn't matter . Go back and try again. It's a pity that Huo Yuanjia died too early. Otherwise, I could have had a good fight with him. I had a great time fighting him today. I don’t care about my cousin. Amo, let’s go. Senior brother, how can you win? If you win , you lose . You can’t lose. If you lose quickly, then our Jingwu sect is actually a master. The most important thing is to do it. I know this guy who sells fish without distractions very well. His martial arts skills are extremely high . Think about it, if I beat him, he will come here to cause trouble. You finally found this job for me , and we still have to take care of Dongjue . What should I do? No matter how I didn’t take good care of Dongjue, the Jingwu Sect was lost, so I distracted you, and that’s why you lost. The Jingwu Sect still wants you to carry it forward, but now the Jingwu Sect has become famous. If Fu goes out, Dongjue thinks. Yes , I have lost everything. Victory or defeat is a normal thing in a military strategist. A man can bear the humiliation of his subordinates . However, we are suffering now, but it doesn't matter. As long as we can hold on, we will survive. We will succeed. The tea is almost brewed. What's going on in the world recently? What's going on? Everyone in the hall is just fussing over the news that the Japanese are no longer hunting Chen Zhen. I really don't know what kind of medicine is in the gourd of the Japanese. This little Japan has always been very scheming and ruthless in doing things. They will not let Chen Zhen go easily . There must be some conspiracy in it. Huang Feng, please drink with me again so that I can drink with you. Come here quickly . This is called Shimo drinking. You drink first and I’ll go and come. Lao Ge, Lao Ge, here is Shi Mo. What’s the matter ? It is important that the police chief personally intervened. Chairman Tang , the police station received the report . You are a powerful person in Shanghai. I am waiting for you to open the door. If you have offended me, Tang Zhen is aboveboard and will not do Dafa's work. Just search it. The report found a number of people. How do you explain this to Chairman Tang? It ’s impossible . Someone must have framed Mr. Tang. Director Tang must have framed Mr. Tang . Yes, Mr. Tang will not do such a thing. I also know that Mr. Tang will not do this. But this batch of films was found in his goods. I have to enforce the law impartially and seal it. If you can't seal it, there must be someone marrying us, Miss Tang. Don't worry. If someone really traps us, we will return this batch of goods to the Tang family . But all the goods will be shipped immediately. It's about to be handed in. Miss, there's nothing I can do about it. Take the box to the police station and go to Tang Lao Pavilion. You can come with us, dad. I'll go with you to Xiaoting. Don't worry. Wait for me at home. Did you turn it down at the nightclub? That's great. If you want to sing, come to our Lok Fu Gate to sing. Let’s see you tonight, Miss Tang. Did the wind blow you here? Du Qimei, if you don’t get it, I will frame our Tang family. Do you think I will be afraid of you? ?! What are you doing? I don’t understand that Ziyi writes articles for your newspaper not to seek justice but to pursue Miss Tang. If you can’t pursue Miss Tang, you will crazily retaliate against her. Ziyi will never write articles for you again. Even if you write to me again, I won't want it. I'm about to give the newspaper to the government , but you have to figure it out. As for your chicken slices, I still haven't figured out what happened. You put the chicken slices in our store. You reported to the police again in the restaurant and you pretended to be ignorant? Now I understand that the police found the film in the goods of the Tang family. It turns out that the Tang family also engages in this kind of illegal activity? You are a teacher and you are a writer. What words should I use ? How to describe you? Hypocrite? Wolf in human skin? Or a human face and a silent heart? Which one is suitable for you? Give all these words to you, don't describe you, you, the scum of society, the silent bird of human society, what do you want? What do you think you are ? Are we afraid of you if you are a black man? You did the right thing as a teacher, Heng Shou. Women should be protected about the Tang family. If they were mine, I, Du Qimei, would take action. There is nothing wrong with her. It’s a pity that she is ungrateful, so I won’t care about Tang Xiaoting and me. Tell you , even if you come to me now, I won’t want you. Do you regret it? Du Qimei, I know it now. You planted our Tang family because you wanted to frame me. Please come and humiliate me. I’ll tell you now. Just use your methods. I will never ask you. Don’t accuse me unjustly. Old Tang has offended so many people. Do you know who did it? How can you insist that it was me? You guys have made it clear to me, Du Qi. Meilai won't do that kind of thing. Now get out of here. Tang Laokai. Someone must have framed you. Tang Laoge. Is it Han who is so nice to us? Let's all go beat him up. I know their purpose of doing this is to make me angry. The failure to deliver goods on time has damaged the reputation of our factory. Can I tell you that the 200,000 pieces of cotton-padded clothes seized in the food warehouse are the goods that will be delivered on the order in ten days ? It's too despicable. Someone wants us to hand over the goods. We have to hand over the goods to him . Brothers, how about we work overtime together? It's good to work overtime. Tang Laoge, don't worry, all our workers will complete the two hundred thousand cotton-padded clothes on time even if we don't sleep . Since everyone is worthy of me, Tang I will make everyone's work worthwhile. I will triple your wages. Thank you , Old Tang Zhen. All the factories are now starting to work overtime. If we continue like this , we will be able to produce 200,000 cotton-padded clothes in ten days . This is our plan. Isn't it going to fail? This will not only damage his reputation, but also increase his reputation . This time, I don't want Tang Zhen's reputation to be damaged , but I want to uproot him. I have long wanted to pull out this Tang Zhen. How can I do it ? Get rid of him? It's very easy to kill him , but I won't do it right away , but I won't wait for a long time. He has fallen into my trap. This time, he must die. I know that two hundred thousand cotton clothes will not be able to stop him. He usually treats the workers well. Even if he doesn't eat or sleep, he will work overtime for him. I'm pretty sure that Tang Zhen won't let the workers do it themselves . He generously triples the workers' work , but he doesn't expect that the workers are doing the work for him. Take the first step to the ground, Mr. Shi, wait and see, okay , this tragedy is also a part of it . Something is wrong today. How can something go wrong? What does the Workers’ Affairs Office usually tell you to do? The Workers’ Affairs Office always tells me to beat people , workers. It's a bit strange that he was indifferent to our request for an increase in salary. Senior brother, what do you think is wrong? I just feel something is wrong but I can't come up. Hey, the Zhensheng plaque is missing. Why is it missing? It's strange that it was taken away? It must be Zhou. Kitano -kun, there are many factories outside that are starting to work , and our factories are also working hard. If this goes on, Shanghai will have Yin breasts. I made them deliberately. I just want the ones in Shanghai, and the boss of Namo gave them to us. The cotton yarn task will not be completed. President, you have to find a way to stop it. There will be no problem with the cotton yarn task. Outside now, I will burn Tang Zhen to death with the workers' anger. Dongjue is getting more and more outrageous. Outside The world is so rough. I really don’t know where Dong Shi has gone. I think it’s good for Xiang to suffer some hardships outside. You wait at home for me to find him. Why did you take the plaque? It’s something I have too much. Dong Jue can’t Talking to Senior Brother like this, I want you to send the plaque back. Do you know how important this precious plaque is in my heart? Then you know what it means in my heart? Are you coming out to ask me to beat someone? Come out quickly, Huo . Dong Shi is coming out soon. You can't avoid the fisherman. Why are you here? What's going on? What's going on? Huo Dong Shi injured my nephew and he can't even lift his hands. His nose is bleeding and his legs are a tumor. What should I do? It's all Huo Dongstool's fault. I'm sorry. I apologize to everyone on Huo Dongjue's behalf. I will teach him a lesson when I go back. I'm sorry. I 'll teach him a lesson. I will reimburse you for the medical expenses. You tell that kid not to bully people there in the future, what is Jingwu Sect? Never open it. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'll definitely teach him a lesson. I ca n't even pay compensation . Huo Dongstool injured my nephew's hand , and now I'm going to hurt Huo Dong too. Why can’t I use the stool hand ? Call him out quickly. Huo Dongjue is a child and is ignorant. Forget it. I think he is a kid but his skills are great. Why don’t you call him out ? Oh , no, no, master. What happened to your cousin ? What did your cousin do to beat you like this? Ah? It was an accidental worker who got into an argument with Lao Wang and injured me. My cousin, you have nothing to do. What are you doing? Why are you joining in the fun? Li Shigong? If you don't want to work in the factory, you can go back to Foshan. Fortunately, it's just a flesh wound. I asked you not to come out and cause trouble , but you didn't. Fortunately, I'm in Shanghai , otherwise I would take care of you. ? A Niu and A Bao help him go back and walk. Let's go to the parade. Jiumei. I can insist. I want to go to Jiumei. I want to go to cousin. You should go back . You are my cousin . How can I ignore you? Leave me alone . Tell you that a good dog has no way out - let me go , don't worry about whether I am busy selling fish? It's none of your business. You should go back and teach your master's son Huo Dongshi, Chen Zhen. Someone wants to see you and me? Go there. Just know how to fight for help - you guys move quickly - you old immortal - help, the cockroaches are the last pack , hurry up and light the fire , it doesn't matter, you still have Xiaoting, how incompetent is this? Yes What's wrong with you, those cold-blooded gangsters ? None of them are human. Hurry up and load the car. Hurry up . I'm an idiot. Hurry up and squeeze. Hurry up and load the car. Mr. Cockroach, this operation is a big deal. I have to thank Mr. Kitano for taking care of Tang Zhen. What's the point of being able to do whatever you want in Shanghai? Going against us Japanese people will lead to this. Going against them will not bring good results.
Channel: 擁君踏山河Kung fu
Views: 539,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 30sec (3750 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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