BRUTAL AUGMENTATIONS of the Soldats From Resident Evil Village Explored | Monster Creation in RE8

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this episode is sponsored by conflict of nations are you ready to look in the future to about three years from now well if you are then conflict of nations is ready to get you prepared this free online pvp strategy game has you picking real countries to lead in modern global warfare fighting up to 128 other players in real-time war that could take weeks to finally play out with many different units to build such as your army tanks jets nuclear submarines there's many ways to strengthen your country to become the dominant power in the world and just like with the real world you can forge alliances with some players and designate others as enemies personally i will always pick the us because usa always is number one and then proceed to attack canada because they've had it too good for too long up there we don't need any more of your maple syrup but while attacking canada i'd say the best part is a long-term strategy involved with invading a neighboring country it's also great you can play on both pc and mobile using the same account and using the link in my description you can get 13 000 gold and one month of premium subscription time for free but it's only available for 30 days so don't lose time i don't think anyone would sit here and say that the village in resident evil 8 wasn't just completely boned from the drop which arguably may have been somewhat of their own fault considering they literally had wives tales about how like a family of monsters created the four lords i don't know may have been a good time to go wander up a mountain with some food or something and just kind of get out of there which i mean potentially did happen if you could get past the barbed wire fences and if anyone actually saw the riding on the wall but for all those who had clinged to their home which let's be real would likely be most of us their fates would be divided up into either being a monster or a man witch there's really no in between for the townsfolk whether you were sent up to demethrasku's castle to be turned into fine wine or blood drained monsters or potentially sent out to moroe's clinic to be horrendously experimented on or well i guess actually donna didn't really seem to care one way or the other although she did definitely body her gardener or in today's topic potentially the calculated monster creation being set up in heisenberg's factory to be turned into monstrous magnations either way if you somehow tried to stay alive in the village despite all the disappearances that is still somewhat your fault but speaking of heisenberg within his facility and chosen for no particular reason for me to start here other than his possibly the coolest alterations to his experiments you'd be conducting surgeries and implantations of the kadu parasite into the village people in hopes of creating an army to finally overthrow mother miranda and also i agree with y'all his character arc would have been really cool if he actually worked with ethan instead of just throwing a tipper tantrum and then spilling the spaghetti out of his pocket about how rose is the ultimate power and i mean it was way too early in their functional working partnership to kind of say that and they could have taken down miranda oh well anyhow the monsters he would make in his facility would start off pretty bad at first easily ripped apart by the lycans because really they were just human bodies with visors he would eventually refine the process and added more and more offensive capabilities as well as armoring eventually he would create a machine capable of holding its own against the other creations of the four lords this would ultimately become his work in an effort to free himself and the village but that would all come crumbling down faster than ethan after getting his heart ripped out by miranda so in today's episode we'll cover the soul that's from resident evil 8 what were their changes externally as well as their internal physiology and what may have been done to overcome their brains literally being nothing but lifeless meat so let's get into lower morphology of the soul that so let's start from the beginning shall we we essentially know heisenberg's story at this point concerning his family and how he came to own the factory and blah blah blah but if you don't i'll make sure to put a card up for the video where i covered all of that but after heisenberg got a hold of his factory his immediate plan was to throw off the chains of mother miranda but to do so he would need a standing army to not only handle her considering she could just move around mega my seat stocks that she brought in at will but also because she could turn into a bird spider monster thing but heisenberg would have to compete also with the lycans under her control as well which was her already made army realizing this he would likely put in a request for further refinement of the infection however his project didn't appear to be likely looked on as favorably as he would receive the already bodied concerning those who he could experiment on this was likely not because of a lack of faith in his project but the bodies weren't exactly stacked high at this point and lichens were still relatively few and far between however once the village was thrown into actual chaos the lords would start carving up the village in terms of numbers but at the beginning it appears heisenberg was given exclusively past tense people this would present a challenge however these first experiments were not very successful heisenberg would make changes to the body itself such as implanting the cadu within a reactor within the chest of the soul that's completely replacing the heart the issue was the brain was gone for too long and then even in the earliest iterations of this they were simply just a human body that was already bodied with a cadu parasite and an oculus rift attached to their face typically they would either just be mining or wandering around the facility heisenberg was able to actually send the electrical shocks out to mobilize and contract the post rigamortus muscle which was relatively successful but again this would end in people just moving around with great difficulty and shambling much like a zombie would the main issue came for the brain itself and adult male corpse was used for the process which hey given what we know about the body's quick destruction post-mortem sure that would work perfectly and not work perfectly it did curveball i know upon implanting the catu the issue was there was no functional brain to actually work with instead the creature would move around on destructive instinct alone and also murderous capability so let's take a look at why for a moment the brain has about 6 to 10 minutes before severe oxygen deprivation begins setting in which results in actual brain damage for all you nerds out there a traumatic brain injury or a tbi which also there's this misnomer out there that you have about a year and a half to two years to recover from tbi but actually research indicates that up to 10 years and that's just because they followed somebody for 10 years you are still recovering from traumatic brain injuries so for anybody out there who knows somebody who has a brain injury you can still recover 10 years later just as a heads up anyways so one of the interesting things actually about traumatic brain injuries is it's all based on internal temperature for instance there are several examples out there of people falling through the ice and being submerged for much longer than six to ten minutes up to one hour in some stories they should have rendered them completely brain dead but upon resuscitation they were functional yet if you drop out in the summer heat in georgia you have mere minutes before you aren't ever coming back in a cognitive way or at least it's gonna take a while so what's the deal well what's funny is as a species we don't actually know there's hypotheses out there that really they take a crack at it but when you begin losing oxygen to the brain obviously oxygen levels lower meaning the metabolic pathway of the brain decreases leading to a buildup of damaging waste which then leads to inflammation if you slow this process down the brain can survive longer which is exactly what happens when you enter frigid waters all of that would be slowing the actual cellular activity which means that there's less brain damage so just remember this you aren't actually dead until you're warm and dead if someone's cold keep trying but relating it back to the village people odds are the bodies would have been kept in frigid environments but upon bringing them into a warm factory this would have likely increased their internal temperatures leading to the brain's destruction as heisenberg began his experiments leaving really only the brain stem and lower brain to be quasi-functional via electric shocks and likely the cerebellum considering that they can move which in turn leads to the experiment to fail because they would only move on destructive tendencies then stop there was no thought just electricity running through meat then in version 1.01 an idea would be implemented if the caddo in the chest could deliver enough of a shock to the brain to get the monster to think correctly or at least make those neurons fire via an electric shock then perhaps vr is the future and we all know how that turned out sort of but not really by attaching the electrodes to the brain electrical impulses were able to use the neural pathways in order to i suppose you could say wake the brain up but not really as the brain is long since gone this would be slightly successful however as the soul that was pitted against a lycan but was then basically destroyed within minutes and eaten because it was just a reanimated body continuing on with the experimental aspects of progress the version 1.1 would be created where the body was given better offensive capabilities a drill was attached to the arm but the issue was the drill was quite heavy and even then how would it work the electrical impulses of the body along with the added electrical components were not enough which finally led to our handsome man as the key component needed for the drop was live bodies in version 1.15 the project would be overhauled into the first known eins and i asked my german wife exactly how i'm supposed to pronounce all these words which she says ah you know what close enough so i will take it ions is suspected of using live bodies or at least alive for a little while the heart of the villager would be ripped out and quickly a reactor with a cat who were implanted into the body the reactor would give ions the ability to send powerful electric shocks throughout the body allowing for the drill to be lifted and spun up to begin an attack the issue is however as you might guess the actual surgical procedure would take some time and it would appear that the brain damage is still quite prevalent it's also completely possible that the reactor allowing for such powerful shocks has damaged the central nervous system in some way quite literally frying portions of the brain by being too powerful however what is left over is the creature that is capable of movement but strain movement as you see me following him here and he's not really walking like a normal person would they appear rigid and then during their attack there is considerable wind-up time as the drill is then thrown forward with a lot of power the contractions of the muscle in the core chest shoulders and arms would be quite powerful likely leading to severe damage to the skeletal muscle as well as the actual joints in the area although considering what has been done to these people already odds are the joints would just be replaced results are the end goal not longevity of the body this connection proved to be a turning point for the experiments as well this was the base that would be used from here on out when deploying ions the output of damage would be greatly increased as it was able to completely tear apart three lichens within one minute to heisenberg this was still a failure but a learning one as he would go on to notice the reactor located in the chest divines was open to hits which if too much damage was incurred would cause it to explode completely destroying the kadu as well as the body itself which this would lead to zvay because you know what's better than one drill protecting a reactor how about two drills with vi we see the implants and changes to the body are much more extensive as heisenberg was clearly working on this creature for longer the first most obvious changes would be the two drills flanking either side of the arms presumably the hands are just completely gone and this is actually said but the forearms are still kept in there like the squeezing mechanisms around the forearm muscle allowing the drill to spin up the other major alteration that we see is the breathing apparatus that likely has nothing to do with breathing but is located on the face which you may be asking yourself why which let's go into the internal anatomy of this creature for a moment and i say creature as it was clearly human but it's definitely majorly altered now we see all over the body much like with eins massive areas of skin have been cut away and then re-stapled back on so the question becomes why is this the case well this looked to be a fairly extensive surgery which would indicate potentially the body of eins and zvey would be more living than gone compared to the original forms which definitely just appear like emaciated bodies because of this it would have been in heisenberg's best interest to keep as much of the tissue alive as possible but with the electrical shock from the reactor still being in the chest and likely taking up too much room for the lungs to properly expand a solution would be needed to accompany this expansion issue i would like to point out that if the lungs should they get air into the space between the lung and chest wall this results in a pneumothorax which completely collapses the lung stopping it from expanding now given the location of the reactor i would go on a limb and say that there is no way this didn't happen and there's also no way that the lungs are in an airtight container allowing them to function properly so because of that i believe the resulting surgery and cuts all over the body as well as a tube running from the mouth to the throat area would continue down into the body allowing for supplemental oxygen to flow to the cells but with the catio infection this would be limitedly needed but still utilized in the metabolism of the cells seeing the head itself these cusps also continue which is interesting because it tells us what happened here as well you see the visor is no longer needed in the capacity that it could be with some zion ions which would mean that brain activity would likely be more on par with what we'd expect with infected but probably not full humans the eyes are exposed meaning that the ocular tissue is still viable as well as the optic nerve with the occipital lobe still interpreting and sending signals to inspire movement within the muscle also the eyes look like they've definitely seen some stuff now something to note about the ions and zvey is they both can either have the visor or have their eyes visible it would appear that those with the visor will still have their mouse completely exposed and appear that they may be breathing rather normal which is interesting as it suggests that they do not have the issue of the punctured lung whereas those without the visor appear to not have it because the mouthpiece needed to pump air into their bodies would be hindered by the oculus rift so there appears to be some trade-off based on damage to the torso associated with the reactor install getting back to the working eyes and occipital lobe it would appear that this information could be also sent to the cadu who in turn uses the electrical shocks to move the body like a puppet basically the body truly is nothing more than a meat mech for the catu now even this vi have one glaring issue if you could get around drill arms mcgee over here he was actually still fairly slow the lack of agility would be seen as a major issue for heisenberg because even if he was able to take out likens so can ethan and ethan handles like a concrete fridge because of this a new idea would be hatched and what would likely have been a bushlight fueled up at 3am sketching together ideas engineering extravaganza the jet would come to fruition they say all scientists simply built off other science that came before it or liking it to standing on the shoulders of giants so to speak and that's no different here due to the output of the caddo reactor there was more than enough electricity being fired within that thing to allow for new capabilities and features taking this vi an upper portion would be added that would allow for increased agility and movement however other changes would likely be implemented in order for it to properly hunt we see the lower half of the body is still standard however getting to the abdomen metal tubing runs all over the portions of the apparatus that has been attached within the center exists the reactor behind metal grating and slabs of metal protecting the chest the reactor appears to sit front and center and the head is still completely covered up wings flank either side of where the head sits allowing for the jet to cut through the air with reduced drag i mean supposedly there's a lot of jagged metal everywhere the helmet portion has these tiny little turbine engines on either side of the wing allowing for it to spin up quickly providing propulsion as the jet jumps forward giving it a much further range than you might imagine at speeds that would likely be quite difficult to dodge what carries the bulk of the weight however are the two mounted micro jet engines located on the back that allow it to push through the area quickly with a burst of speed should you not dodge the speed at which the monster is coming in coupled with a dual drill arms can be used to impale and would easily crack through your sternum and abdomen and out through your spine with little to no issue plus you know typically having drills shoved into your lung area it's not good for your health because of the speed and agility the jet could move with this would show heisenberg that he was onto something if the absolute medical crimes he committed earlier hadn't shown him that already we also assume that some process of rotting oxygen into the body would be applied with the jet because we see the tube exit through the mouth which would likely be in the helmet and the last thing concerning the helmet that i'll go into is we see a red light indicating that likely there is a camera set up allowing for the jet to see ethan and begin his attack but it also provides it with laser tracking as we see a laser exit its space indicating where it will be jumping although given the wind-up time it may have just been quicker to just run at him i don't know overall the jet would be one of the more successful and appears to be close to where heisenberg had left off with his building however likely just prior to ethan showing up another version would be created and this is possibly due to the caddo itself just like with the lichens the catio have a habit of increasing available human growth hormone in the body and pushing cells to divide to increase muscle mass i mean we can see this even with eins vy and jet they are larger than the average villager likely would have been unless every villager was just lifting all the time now with the larger ones to break away from normal human physiology this would require new muscle strands to actually form because if you didn't know as your muscle grows you still have the same amount of strands after your workout your body repairs and replaces damaged muscle fibers through a cellular process where it fuses muscle fibers together to form new muscle protein strands or myofibrils these repaired myofibrils increase in thickness and number to create muscle hypertrophy so you'll never grow like new muscle on your body but you can grow new myofibrils the things that will be created on the larger lichens and i guess larger panzers which we'll talk about in a moment likely have actual new muscle but now it's definitely certainly possible that kadu is committing to hypertrophy because again every villager who's been altered with the kadu is just muscular af but i would also say new strands are being formed altogether seeing as strength still does not match the presentation but also the body growth in general we see that even with some lichens they are larger than normal as potentially they have a predisposition towards meat suit growth this allowed the caddo to activate these pathways increasing the size of that particular individual this growth would be quite necessary as not only would this allow them to be stronger making them more viable in a fight but in terms of our final sold at this would allow them to literally wear more armoring to make them a tank a panzer if you will now that's probably not how you pronounce that but for this one i didn't ask my wife without this extra muscle mass the electrical shock may not have been enough to cause the muscles to contract hard enough thus more mass was needed with these larger infected the jet helmet would be abandoned for a more rounded one with the face completely covered several vents exist on the helmet in order to pump in air as likely the same tech from the zvay and ions exist under this helmet on the torso exists shoulder pads basically tipped with spikes on the left and kind of just jagged edges with a few spikes on the right titanium metal plates completely cover the reactor underneath making it completely invulnerable to small force multiplication as concussive force detonators must be used in order to break off pieces of the armor to allow for the reactor to actually be hit the issue with the legs being exposed has also been addressed with more simplistic armoring covering the legs of the panzer likely being derived from iron as opposed to the titanium of the upper torso on the arms exist several drills which seems like a bit much but if you take into consideration if he misses by just a little the other will end up getting you the process or he'll just knock you down and then shove the drills into your chest you know whatever but on top of this manic build of heisenberg's the drills are literally just strung together by cabling which if you don't think too much about it makes sense i mean sure he could have just welded it together like he's done with everything else but stringing it together works i suppose maybe ethan was literally outside his factory at this point and he's sitting there panic building as the doors open now the common thing for all these models and what they share is their brains which actually i find fairly interesting we know with the caddo much like with ethan it can basically copy your consciousness to a degree and that's because ethan is mostly mold parasitic infection appears quite different to the actual mold infection and really seems just to be a conduit for control however heisenberg mentions that because the brain is destroyed to a large degree they're really just bodies so he needed live test subjects and then needed to take them out to turn them into sold outs this means that everyone that you fight while not mentally there because likely their frontal lobe is damaged to a degree they would still have rudimentary levels of function because our neurons are still firing which is likely caused by the forced firing in the earlier models with the electrodes such as with the ions and zvi but depending on if you have the vr headset on or not it's possible that their brains appear to be firing on their own while still in control by the kadu parasite so they could potentially still have memories as a piece of them is still in there the reactor providing the electrical component for the body with the cadu parasite operating it and the brain relaying signals to cadu would mean that the brain still does function again if not at a decreased capacity due to this damage it's likely it's not really the consciousness that we enjoy or even the level of thinking but every once in a while if an electrical impulse hits just right the previous life of the soul that would be reignited in its own brain but likely this is fleeting and would influence nothing as it still attacks the final thing i want to discuss which i mentioned previously in the actual platform used for these bodies it can be assumed that they are all relatively similar to one another for instance they all have the portholes located sporadically all over their bodies deep in their skin and skull one of the things i also noticed as i literally recorded this last night and gathered footage was upon breaking the skin what comes out is a sickly green yellow color upon introducing lead to their body so why is this well we know that they are already dropped mostly prior to being turned into these monsters but it would seem to me that this yellow-green material would need to be able to move oxygen around the body but also likely act as a nutritive paste in order to help with cellular metabolism because we know once the metabolism stops the body calcifies as of right now we do not have anything medically that would be able to fill this role into this capacity but it is being worked on material would need to replace all the blood in the body and this may also be what's being pumped the tubing around the body along with oxygen all in all once heisenberg started using live bodies to turn into soul that's after ripping out the hearts and putting the reactor in it would become way more medically questionable than just using the bodies i mean i'm not saying it wasn't all medically and ethically questionable but then again that may be why you don't hire factory owners to connect surgeries also one that has clearly watched too much anime and then took on the villain persona but anyhow i want to thank you guys for watching if you enjoyed subscribing is always appreciated as it shows me you guys are actively interested in the video game episodes that i create because it's always a little hard to tell and leaving a like is always appreciated i'll drop my twitter discord patreon and merch links in the description and speaking of patrons i'd like to thank mine real quick first i would like to thank our astronaut wesley a weaver jr thank you very much man i'd also like to thank our astrophysicist dancer as well as our scientists countryside limbo the rest of my patrons i would like to thank you as well your help goes a long way towards keeping everything running and is greatly appreciated alright so that's going to do it for me i hope everyone enjoyed and we'll see y'all in the next one [Music] conflict of nations is a free online pvp strategy game happening in modern global warfare clicking the link in the description you can get 13 000 gold in one month of premium subscription time it's only available for 30 days so don't lose time choose your country and fight your way to victory
Channel: Roanoke Gaming
Views: 167,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: resident evil village monsters explained, re village monsters explained, karl heisenberg explained, resident evil heisenberg story explained, resident evil village soldat, soldat zwei, soldat panzer, resident evil sturm boss, re village sturm boss fight, resident evil village sturm explained, re 8 village story explained, resident evil village heisenberg boss, heisenberg vs ethan re village, resident evil soldats, Roanoke Gaming, resident evil village, resident evil
Id: bwypRsTUcNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2022
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