World of Warcraft : Raid Guide - BLACKWING LAIR (Solo)

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all right so this is the continuation of me showing you where the raids are old legacy content so you can go and farm them um this next video i was originally going to include in the first well not if you saw that about molten core um but this one is going to be about blackwing layer they're both in blackrock mountain which is why i wanted to cover them in the same video so if you don't know how to get to blackrock mountain you can find that in my video on molten core right at the beginning so if you'll see here that down there is the entrance to molten core and the entrance to blackwing layer is a little bit more difficult to find you have to go over here you'll see that it is in this hallway right there right but you can only get in there one way and that is through this balcony right here and then you have to go in this tiny hallway and you gotta walk all the way down to the end of it now there are some you know like trash mobs here but don't really worry about them too much there's not a actual entrance to this one as well which was also confusing to me um there's this orb orb of command so you're going to click on this and you're going to place your hand on it and then there you go you're in black wing layer so black wing layer is slightly more complicated than um molten core is as far as things you need to know in order to just you know cruise through it like one shot everything um because there's a couple of bosses that are kind of unique including this first one um so the quests we'll get to those later because you get them at the end so don't worry about those zone drops just like molten core are you know they just drop from anything a lot of these are actually bind on pickup though so that is kind of interesting but just zone drops you know you want to be killing trash until you get all his own drops and then we have the bosses so our first boss is razor gore the untamed which you will see over here now you can't kill him otherwise he will blow you up i did this i mean i'm gonna actually i'll show you here we go uh i'm gonna do this again so there razor gore is dead and then we blow up and we die and i did not understand why that happened um for the longest time i do a lot of research to figure it out um oh and we're locked down oh come on i forgot that it did that because it has to reset the thing all right well uh i'm gonna wait here hopefully this doesn't take too long and i'll be back when uh the gate is actually open okay so after standing there for about three minutes on grockel waiting for the gate to open back up i gave up because i'm really impatient and we're just gonna do it on my main now so don't kill him because it's obviously a pain in the ass to get back to actually fighting him what you need to do is you have to go over here on the left and you have to use this orb here the orbit domination then you'll take control of razer gore and you'll use the second ability on the bar the grey claw ability and you just have to go around and destroy all of these eggs you have to destroy every single one of them you are on somewhat of a timer because the channel doesn't last for forever but um it's pretty it's pretty easy to get all of them even if you you know miss one and have to backtrack a little bit um so it's really not a huge deal the hardest part about this is just knowing that you have to do this and not just trying to kill him and blowing up and not understanding why which was definitely what i did for quite a while when i first started so this is really the the reason why i'm making these videos is because of stuff like this i got really frustrated and had to look up a bunch of stuff to figure out what i'm exactly supposed to do and it really should be simple just you know you just want to go in here one shot everything and farm the content so um yeah that's that's kind of the point of these videos so once we destroy all the eggs then uh he stops being controlled and he turns you know to an actual boss and you just kill him like you normally would there we go he's dead now on my main i don't have anything to collect in here except for one item um but i will mention so there are quests you get those at the end there are zone drops um just like you know any other zone drop a lot of these are bind on pickup though so they're not all bind on equip like they are in molten core so you can't send all of them over to your alt if you're collecting multiple armor types um and then here we are razer gore you know he's got nothing for me but hopefully he has something that you don't have yet so we're going to continue through here now that we are done with razer gore so we continue through to this room here uh and we're gonna you have to talk to this guy vale straws this dragon and then he's gonna talk for like a solid two minutes so you kind of just gotta sit and wait and while we do that um i'm gonna look at the map here so this map is slightly more complicated than uh the molten core map because it's multiple layers um so you see we have this first one and then we go up a layer and then up another layer and then up another layer so that's just kind of how the map works it'll change as we go through it but as i'm showing you the map when it looks different each time that that is why don't don't be confused by that uh learning the layout of these dungeons and raids in the game is something i love to do and something that i find really helpful when i'm farming stuff so i would recommend really trying to get like a a mental map of the of the raid or dungeon that you're doing going in your head it'll just make life a lot easier so here we are we can kill bale straws and he doesn't have anything for me but once he's dead then you could just uh go up you can either go up on the left or the right over here just go up one of these ramps and now you'll see that the map changed to this upper level the halls of strife and we can continue on through here so there are some trash mobs here and these are the guys that actually drop a good chunk of the zone drops so i highly recommend killing these guys you might notice that there is no reputation involved with black wing layer thank god so you don't have to worry about killing the trash um at all really except to get the zone drops so you know it's a lot it's a lot less uh time consuming than molten core long term as far as that goes but speaking of time consuming uh here we are at the suppression chamber okay so the suppression chamber is a pain in the ass i will show you not in cat form um because normally you just trudge through this thing super slow and what you're supposed to do is come up to these and close them and then you know do that to all of them but that's a waste of time like there's no point doing that so just use your abilities um you know if you're like ventier use your door shadows if you're a warrior you can use charge heroic leap or if you're a rogue or something that can stealth um i should have done that first though that's the thing here i'll go back out because it's a lot easier so i'm going to go back out this way just so i can stealth because when you stealth it doesn't affect you at all so that's something really helpful i didn't even realize that this was this much of a pain in the ass because i you know played druid and i you know didn't play it on alt for a really long time so i just uh just assumed that it was this so this debuff will run out real quick yeah and there we go now we're just going at normal speed so that's very helpful um use your abilities this part kind of sucks you just have to run through it um uh-oh they've caught on to me okay so we get to the end here and here is brood lord lashlayer um it's the next boss kill him and there we go now you're gonna have just a massive train of moms like running to you right here um i'm gonna just kill them all real quick just because they're annoying um get some gold uh big old one gold 28 silver wow it's worth it okay um so yeah we're moving slow again we gotta wait for the debuff to run out there we go okay so here we are we are now in the next part so this was the upper part of the suppression chamber right there and now we are through here to the next boss which is firemaul which he actually patrols a little bit so he just kind of goes back and forth so if you don't see him here don't worry he will be on his way and you can just go find him he is the boss that still has the thing that i need it's this cloak of fire ma it looks like i'm never gonna use it but it is the one 44 out of 45 and i've been farming this thing for a really long time so here's okay yeah i don't even know why i was hoping for it so um yeah you kill fire mom he kind of patrols back and forth and then you have the other two dragon guys up here these guys drop some zone drops and then this goblin guy in the back actually drops some recipes for certain professions um so if you see like your profession has a recipe drop and it says like some weird thing it's that goblin right there that actually drops it um i don't know the specifics on that really but just know that he's there and that's where you find him so we killed the other two dragons here evan rock and flame gore and we are almost done actually this is a pretty fast uh pretty fast raid to get through so we can kill these three guys these guys have some zone drops as well and then we get through to cro magus here so we are in the next part by the way so we came up the ramp there out of the crimson laboratories and now we are in nefarian's lair so chromagus is this dude chilling in here and to you know kill him we have to go over here and pull this lever it's pretty simple pretty intuitive but you know might not look for a lever instantly just you might be like well why can't i get through so that's what you have to do you just kill chromagus and then you move on to the final boss which is nefarian now there are a couple things that you should do for nefarian that um i'm going to point out which is again it's really the point of making um these guides is things like this you know things like the brood lord lash layer fight and the suppression chamber and nefarian this is all stuff that i um that i went through quite a few times before i actually figured out an efficient way to do it and um that's frustrating you know when you do something a bunch of times and then realize you could have sped through it a million times faster the entire time so you talk to nefarian up there you click through his like five dialogue things and then he just starts spawning all these dudes and you just gotta sit here and just wait like don't even don't even kill them as they're coming there is a finite amount of them that come out so they will stop coming out eventually and then you can just aoe all up down and then you can actually kill nefarian so originally you know i was killing these dudes as like as they came out i was jumping around really you know like i i was like well what else am i gonna do you can just stand here and you should just stand here you know maybe look at what you need maybe look at what you've collected so far that's something i like to do when i have to wait for stuff like this um and there's quite a lot of them so it is going to take a minute here but it's a lot easier to just stand here and kill them all with one hit than it is too okay there we go so there they all are and there they all are dead so now that we killed them nefarian's going to fly down and he's going to be like you know i'm going to burn you guys you you suck you're welches you're wretches that's why there we go um so here he is nefarian i just one shot him and that is black wing layer he drops quite a few uh b.o.e.s i also dropped some sacks and gems which could be helpful um just for crafting materials so i'm going to pick those up but other than that that is everything for black wing layer so that covers our second raid so we've moved through if we look here in the classic raids we did molten core we did blackwing layer and then we still have onyxia ruins of encorage and temple of encourage do so i will be making videos for those um probably pretty soon but i'm gonna get these all all ready hopefully i covered everything that i wanted to and hopefully this makes your life a little bit easier when you're farming these rates hopefully you go in knowing what you're supposed to be doing and not go in your first time trying to figure it out so yeah that's it see ya
Channel: Panyot
Views: 979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HMEnPvW5_T4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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