Autistic brother leaves everyone in tears with best man speech

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hello everyone my name is sam waldron i am the best man i am the best man to the best brother that i could have ever asked for my brother jonah has been there for me my whole life he is my best friend he is my hero i'm so honored to stand here as your best man jonah and maddie but i am also terrified you see i have autism my autism can make me terribly scared to interact with people let alone give a speech in front of 170 of them for pete's sake but there is one person in the world i would do this for jonah waldron check that there are two people in the world i would do this for maddie and jonah waldron first for you maddie welcome to our family as you already know our family is like a good fudge mostly sweet but with a bunch of nuts you have known us for years now and we still went through with this whole thing you are committed or you should be committed either way you have successfully married the second most handsome waldron congrats sister seriously though maddie you have all the makings of a great sister just like my sister clara my whole family loves you when you are around leo and clara they light up my mom adores you and you are one of the most one of the few people that my dad can keep up with you make all of our family gather gatherings better you bring happiness whenever you are around for me personally matty you you know that sometimes i can get very uncomfortable and nervous around many people i have never been that way around you you give me peace you bring peace to all of those around you i love you maddie welcome to our nut-filled filled fudge family now to the nutty one jonah you are my best brother no offense leo but i've known jonah a lot longer jonah growing up as your little brother you never looked down on me you lifted me up you looked out for me you always remind me that being different is a real strength not a weakness you were and are patient and kind you love me just as i am when i was in school having you as a brother made my life easier with all my struggles in school you were always there for me you helped me find my place you were a great soccer player scoring a hundred goals or whatever a good student like i honor this or honor that and of course a friend to everyone but you never knock down two three-pointers in a van meter high school basketball game i did you never performed a live rap performance in front of the whole school at a pep rally i didn't [Applause] of course you were never voted homecoming king i was the second most handsome waldron man mauldron man i told you maddie there's your proof really though jonah to this day you support me you listen to me you are in the present i'm so proud of you and maddie i'm so proud to be your best brother and your best man god bless you i love you both let us raise our glasses to these two awesome human beings joan and matty all these irish eyes are smiling upon you on this special day in salida for the first of many waldrons irish toasts and it goes like this to all your days here and after may they be filled with fun happiness and laughter cheers [Applause] [Applause] oh
Channel: Daily Mail
Views: 1,967,689
Rating: 4.9673958 out of 5
Keywords: brother, everyone, man speech
Id: I2WuacWE-WQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 7sec (307 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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