Brittany Broski & Ethan Roasts Incel Losers

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that's a good point i i'm really into the the so there's this pickup pickup uh artists they're and they say red pill which actually it's funny their whole ideology comes from a matrix meme they take in the red pill and they become aware that you know women are basically all succubus who want money they use yeah it's in cell culture yeah so i agree i'm very into that yeah i mean i'm very into you know following there right so here's one that came up recently i'll just show it to you uh this this guy we've learned so much about this guy i saw this and i was like man this guy's [ __ ] nuts you know who jordan peterson is no oh [ __ ] well people watching do michaela peterson his daughter dated this guy apparently she actually michaela peterson this is for people watching was married she has a she has a child and she [ __ ] left her family for this guy this red pill guy yeah watch you're upset you turn it up yeah can we come and crank it please guys i'm gonna miss a word and you're going to spend time time is what money money time is money always be closing hey buy low sell high oh is that it buy low sell high oh it's called red pill credentials gentle behavior yeah yeah hell yeah bro damn why is he so [ __ ] aggressive because he's alpha time time daddy play it i wanna hear it i wanna hear what the man has to say you're gonna spend time preparing food now actually think about this for a second if you're broke if you're not a millionaire the last thing you should be doing with your time is cooking i can't think of a lower roi activity than walking to the fridge getting out some ingredients oh an onion only onion oh an onion what kind of [ __ ] loser cuts an onion shame on you oh look at me i'm an idiot with the onions with an onion oh i dropped my onion loser oh you probably don't [ __ ] low roi yo what's the return on that onion time [ __ ] how long does it take to chop an onion by the way a minute and a half yeah you could have been earning during that minute exactly what i'm saying how much could you earned in that minute and a half at least a couple cents get those meat candles out boys and start earning fridge ooh onion and some lettuce well now losers cut my onion start to cut my onion dude you're [ __ ] weirdo [Music] you're a [ __ ] poor you can order you can get rotisserie chicken for five bucks boom chicken back eat back back to work i love that okay now i gotta go earn what are you darning okay now we gotta go scam people on the internet again holy [ __ ] okay oh our e now i gotta go get some nfts and crypto right right right him just sucking on a rotisserie totally like a gogurt screenshotting other people's [Music] he's got a corner full of bones if you're not sucking rotisserie chicken like a goger you are wasting time my friends you could [ __ ] do a million things you can go for a run you can get in shape the time you spent cooking if you dedicated your kickboxing you could have got paid from kickboxing or piano you could [ __ ] be a traveling piano man who's paying me to play piano that's not easy gig no it's not or kickboxer you think kickboxing will make money in this economy think again you [ __ ] weirdo how you gonna kickbox also how are you gonna kickbox if you ain't eating onions and [ __ ] you gotta eat healthy just running on pure meat yeah this man's this man's theory of life is five dollar rotisserie chicken forever literally yeah i'm so happy for him yeah he figured it out it made him go bald but whatever works there he says there's no worse roi than cooking what about sleep solid point that's a waste of [ __ ] time about the point well you know with that like grind culture they're like i go to sleep rise and grind yeah i wake up at 3 30 a.m i run 10 [ __ ] miles what's a bad roi i love this cooking maybe [ __ ] maybe there's their way to toilet time for sure is there a way to streamline [ __ ] maybe i could get a colostomy bag i mean it's faster you get a cat there you don't have to stop and go to the bathroom dude a catheter you wheel in your piss bag i mean right you gotta save time god damn it i got a meeting with richard branson when i was poor if you're poor in european what are you doing get a [ __ ] catheter that is broke [ __ ] behavior wheel in your piss bag and take the call like get a grip pig is for rich people and winners i wear a diaper [ __ ] i [ __ ] myself because i don't have time i don't have enough hours in the day oh you little weirdos going to the bathroom during a bishop it's for rich winners it's stealing from company time you know his name is cobra tate i think his first name is andrew but he go his way cobra has two syllables what a waste of time oh that's so true shorten that down [ __ ] she wasting my time with those dudes he was on the right track with his name should just be his name we got to streamline that name cobra yeah wasting my time talking wait keep it going i want to see what i want to see what the good lord has to say and with the time you've wasted cotton [ __ ] onions if you're broke there is zero reason why you should ever prepare a meal if you're a multi-millionaire and you're a boring one you're not a fun one like and you have all the time in the world because you're rich you want to cook sure waste your time right but if you're not a multi-millionaire your time is extremely important as a man that needs to be dedicated towards world conquest i'm gonna make a video for him like the girl did for vladimir putin i wish he was you were his mom that's what i'm saying like if someone would have just hugged him as a child i don't think he had a mom you did a good job yeah none of this whatever these men they have these holes they're so unloved yeah that they are constantly taking and taking they're trying but they nothing can fulfill them they're so unloved they're such a huge hole they may he's a child you could tell he's a baby yes i mean look how he's acting and talking he's like it's these men think that it's them against the world and it's not like dude [ __ ] relax cutting [ __ ] onions relax it takes 10 minutes to prepare a salad the sad thing is he wants to be loved but he is unlovable yeah i would agree like did you're unlovable and this is the type of dude on dating apps it's like no fat chicks just being real he's kind of like a primal friend like he is a bad way me need money [Laughter] it's like we're human beings man we're out of the cave look at this beautiful society we built [Laughter] [Music] okay chill gorilla roi roi roi roi abc always be closing [Music] oh you're kidding you're kidding what is this wait let's finish this okay i'm so excited yeah this is good stuff which can be done very cheaply and very helpfully your rotisserie chicken in a bag of salad for like four bucks back done or instruct a female to provide sustenance bro you did not is he serious i love when he says female like that that's red flag number one when when a man says these females yeah like it's a slur instruct a female that is insane okay why does he say it like that cook and get back to world congress you have better things to do so i'm sitting here my friend's cooking his meal i start telling him you're you're a jackass his friend preparing a meal for the two of them you're a jackass you're literally sitting there with him like you guys are already not doing something better you're just socializing with your friends yeah jackass no i do not want to hang out with you bro you're a beta [ __ ] male you're a [ __ ] dude you're a [ __ ] you're cutting onions what are you crying it doesn't have to prove me right no that throws me totally right why is his head shaped like that like i'm just saying bro look at his forehead bro there's like a slope there man i don't think you should be coming out with theories when your head shaped like that i'm just saying like save the theories for someone with a normal shaped with a chrome without like a [ __ ] early man slope on your dome like dude you should probably just go live in a cave somewhere with your other neanderthal [ __ ] primates scary fire make me angry female cook me male you female hello i can't think of anything more stupid for a man to do are you broke yes do you cook probably do you not see the problem here that is a complete waste of your human time the cooking the preparation i love that it's not a waste of time for females though right right right right that's a good use of time so he's there for what a equals b equals c he's saying that women aren't human human well no females aren't human female cook man conquest no and he's so tr it's like it's true yeah is this guy he's spitting facts no like you guys should listen to him but anyway this is the guy that that jordan peterson's daughter michaela ruined her through her whole family away for that is insane and i'm not speaking at a turn right that that that's true right evidently yeah uh i i we saw this clip last night and as i was doing a little digging on like who is this guy uh i was shocked to find out that he uh has a long history of um doing some very uh unscrupulous things in no way in eastern europe uh like what like being a sex trafficker and oh yeah like child bride no no more like sex trafficking oh yeah well he was he was getting his girlfriends to do webcam stuff and then taking their money yeah like pimping out he said r-o-r yeah that when he's talking about roi what that is the business vin weasels vin weasel nice that's good yeah this guy looks like he's stuck in a transformation between rat and human see that's that's what i was catching on um here's another one of his before we get to fresh and fit i'm glad you're enjoying this because this is i love insult dudes i love super intuitive actually seeing like how out of touch with reality they can get it's very interesting to me well it's scary that people actually are like he's right and you know what i think that it's um when people well the internet's very scary too because it gives people like this a platform and there are it gives men that agree with him a platform as well like he's getting all the support that he probably needs but also it opens him up to bullying and i really love that that's true people get to [ __ ] on him he has to read that [ __ ] oh yeah and they don't like it no look at him dude okay okay dude just taking in the image of him is a lot right now so is this a time stamp you want me to watch jb this specific time stamp uh i'm sorry i didn't send this one um oh cam sent this is this the right time stamp cam yeah yes okay what do you stand for it's short for abdullah i love that but it's also here why don't you go by abe too many apes in my hometown so here they are by the way is that him he's oh yeah oh no he's hot so he actually looks better without glasses i don't know why he wears glasses if he had hair he'd be cute yeah i mean if he had a normal shaped dome he'd be hot if his head wasn't so horribly misshapen yeah if he wasn't from the prehistoric age he'd be hot if his knuckles didn't drag on the ground behind right dude dude looks like he should be dressed like fred flintstone so there she is with him so she's pretty i actually found a picture of him before he lost his uh lost his hair let's see it yeah there it is ruin the joke holy [ __ ] my boy he looks great yeah you look good you look good why is this poor neanderthal got like acne that's a good ques yeah i mean obviously that's like a recreation why did they have to do them like that why they got a [ __ ] prehistoric men can't have cysts on their face yo but like they have recreated them why they got to do him like that yeah they said we're gonna give him horrible scarring yo if you dig me up and exhume me you better give me good skin yeah you better face tune the [ __ ] out of me on the left is what his skull is shaped like all right let's watch a man can only cheat if he loves someone else if i have a woman who i truly love and i go out and [ __ ] and i come back to her and i don't care about her and i only love my girl that's not cheating what she cooked good she cooked good but you don't [ __ ] good i'm speechless exercise if she even talks to a dude is cheating because females are emotionally invested i have no emotional investment so no he's like i'm not even emotionally invested in my girlfriend to be honest exactly yeah no that's fine i love that it was very very clear any woman who was with me never never even the only men they spoke to besides me were my brother hai and the guys online who were paying them that is it they were absolutely loyal too oh yeah so he's talking about that's a reference to that yeah yeah arabic he grew up in the uk and i don't know his ethnicity to be honest q a has always been frowned upon this guy's a this guy man so yeah that's that is shocking he means every word let's watch it so how do those four ghettos oh see this is the people who watch him they go yeah this guy you know his fan the people who watch him are one bad day away from shooting up at school i'm just being honest you know what i mean this dude looks like his mommy dressed him for this interview because mommy tried to wax his eyebrows too and it didn't work looks like his mommy molested him that's why it's the way he is let's just be honest this is mommy's fault he was diddled as a boy oh yeah oh for sure you can tell when someone's been fiddled or if they're diddler he could go either way yeah except just to be with you those other girls sleep with other people or absolutely not that's cheating bro a woman can't do that that's cheating it's fine if i do i'm a man why does he pick when he has a british accent yeah absolutely not bro that was interesting i noticed that yeah he grew up in the uk but he only has a british accent for like certain words when he wants to well that's cheating that's absolutely unacceptable on every level that's unacceptable and anyone it was going to sit here and say oh it is acceptable no it isn't men and women are not the same we've never been the same this new think idea that men and women are the same is complete garbage that's been invented right for the longest period of human history men had a role and women had a role men have never been faithful ever look at history every single king every single sultan had more than one king dude sorry if you yeah you're talking about your ass is the peasant sitting in the [ __ ] [ __ ] sewer plebian yeah your ass ain't getting that king treatment he said every sultan shut the [ __ ] up yeah i mean back in the day kings used to like [ __ ] new brides yeah that shit's medieval bro what's his name anthony they used to also like this guy's name yeah no it's cobra it's cobra tate no what's his real name yeah i believe it's andrew tate andrew motherfucker's name is andrew and he's talking about sultans okay andrew yeah you know you know what else they used to also do they used to uh tie people's limbs to horses and [ __ ] draw them in quarters and rip them apart i bet he loves that you know what i'm saying so i just found another fun little detail about him apparently he was on uh on big brother like oh of course he was the british big brother at one point yeah the british version and he got kicked off after pornographic content of him whipping a woman was leaked he's so scary sounds fine yeah so scary actually yeah it's a little scary he's actually a sex trafficker and that's epic oh literally this dude is like a deep rooted misogynist like scary like violent like a violent misogynist oh he was an mma fighter by the way oh did he only fight [Laughter] woman look at the history read the bible it's all there never any point in history was a woman with a bunch of men and that was accepted female cleopatra famously f did that so wrong disproven eat my shorts [ __ ] [Music] why you talk like this has always been frowned upon since the dawn of human time it's been frowned upon in fact only a hundred years ago you couldn't get married unless you were a virgin that ain't true what the [ __ ] is he saying no i know that ain't true you had sex what book did you read can't get married what dude 100 years ago you couldn't even get married if you were wearing a virgin 100 years ago in 1922 they were asking you yeah are you a virgin let me check your you know yeah the end stones the insult is incredible oh this is just piss i love the little beta boy it's so true you know what he sounds like yeah boss yeah yeah yeah yeah 100 years ago yeah he's right honey oh you couldn't get married yeah and you're so smart boys with these ladies having sex yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] it's so true i love you so much boys want to kiss you in the mouth yeah what he sounds like only thing that mattered because it ensures paternity how else do you know that kid is yours before paternity tests unless she was a virgin the only way to be sure you understand what i'm saying so women for the longest period of human time the idea of a promiscuous female has been frowned upon and shamed and half of the world today it's still shamed so a woman can't go around [ __ ] people and pretend it's the same as a man running around [ __ ] people it's absolutely not the same all right shut up yeah i've heard enough you guys have any other of the cobra guy uh there was one other that we linked uh if you scroll up the tate on sparkling water oh he's against sparkling water no wait i was like okay so we'll just have to see what his take is what's what's tate's take i'm filming in my cigar lounge this [ __ ] has a take on sparkling water y'all and we're the bozos clicking on the link that complete but this is a room in my house that's going to be specifically for cigars it's a cigar lounge we've got oak on the walls we've got very expensive liquors not that i can tell the difference like whiskey i bought a thousand dollars you need to take back that you said he's handsome i do i i retract that i just want to make sure i mean it yeah it was a flattering photo mm-hmm tasted the same to me but that's what you do when you're rich i've got cigar lounge in my house because i'm a g and that's going to lead on to the following point that how the only water i drink is sparkling water because sparkling water is for real she's like an idiot right you can get non-carbonated water still water from the [ __ ] tap the government gives you that [ __ ] effectively for free sparkling water you have to buy okay so if you only drink sparkling water you only drink rich man's water i explain this to someone some bro is the gassiest person you've ever had a typical but i don't like sparkling you don't like sparkling water you don't like water why does he say water because he's british only in certain moments all of a sudden when you say water you you've got to be british also that's not how british people say water water water it's water water oh beautiful water shut the [ __ ] up oh i hate him yeah he's the worst he actually is i think he nicknamed himself cobra who else named him cobra he said [Laughter] he's so sick yo that's sick that's super so sick wow the bubbles you scared of bubbles you little [ __ ] it doesn't taste of anything it has bubbles in it or you're afraid of them scared you little [ __ ] well i'm surprised you even waste your time thinking about sparkling water [Music] [ __ ] is wrong with you this is another full-grown man [ __ ] some other [ __ ] just told you about how the [ __ ] i'm sitting i can't go through my life without getting angry i i've i've got to meet people business associates etc i go there one dude orders sushi some other dude's scared of bubbles dude you need therapy like a lot of it he goes i can't go through a i get angry about everything it's like bingo therapy my dude i do have nightmares about bubbles though yeah i'm scared you're a little [ __ ] i'm so scared of bubbles if a waiter comes over and goes what water for the table a sparkle i obviously answer because i'm the [ __ ] boss and then some little [ __ ] [ __ ] oh can i was still the [ __ ] straight the water on the table you're a [ __ ] man you're gonna start making the waiter run back and forth and change water orders because you can't handle bubbles [ __ ] ass dudes you should only drink sparkling water anyways because what aristocrats like myself drinking who uses the term aristocrat well the guy's obsessed with the fact that kings were had 500 watts he can't get past the french revolution the young napoleon yeah if you go back far enough the the uh caesars used to [ __ ] kids bro is that what you want to do that was a real sign of aristocratic back in the day put it past him yeah he's like what you don't [ __ ] kids you [ __ ] that's what emperors used to do you don't [ __ ] little boys what are you emperor bro what are you gay you don't [ __ ] little boys what are you gay that's what makes me masculine this is so scary have you never eaten a little butthole what are you gay what's wrong with you bro dick you loved it bro jesus and fishes of the sea we drink sparkling water and you should want to be like me because i'm a better person than you so in every single possible tiny way you can emulate the great andrew tate you should be doing the same this guy cries at night so hard when he's alone he cries he cries stands at a mighty five seven oh you think he's short oh he's so tiny no he seems tall how tall is cobra i want to do that in his mouth come here watch him gag and double over pretend it's a little kid i'm seeing six three no way he's six three yep he's a big cobra he just gives off little man energy he does but he cries when nobody's watching same things don't order sushi drink sparkling water wait don't order sushi what's wrong with sushi for [ __ ] bro [Music] eating fish is so beta it takes too long to prepare it doesn't you know i just eat raw fish but even if you are such a [ __ ] you won't choose sparkling water when it's given to you just [ __ ] drink it if i see a man if you ever meet a man who's afraid of sparkling water know this he's certainly afraid of combat i'm certainly afraid what are we doing combat with what year is it i mean if you cannot raise your souls who the [ __ ] is he talking to also so good arguably the opposite could be true like bro you're drinking a fizzy drink are you a little girl yeah drink the [ __ ] tap water yeah he called it government water it was from poor people he called it infected government water i love the idea of it being government wire i love that how unifying wow you're right though like drinking fizzy water is kind of [ __ ] [ __ ] like if if we're going with his awful lineup logic that's straight from the tap and get back to grinding right i don't know pushed in the mouth he's afraid of a [ __ ] carbonated bubble a little pussy-ass dude at a table and your friend won't drink sparkling water he's not your friend because when [ __ ] hits a fan and you get jumped and you're getting stabbed by ten randoms he ain't jumping in front of knives to save your ass like a good friend should if he's scared of [ __ ] bubbles in his water anyone who drinks still water is excommunicated permanently oh my god for your safety it's hard to believe he's not kidding no literally this is what he sounds like in my brain if you don't do a fizzy waddle you can't be my friend if someone wants to try to come up to us and fight us you're not gonna be my friend when we have sweepovers we like to drink fizzy water and if you don't like the fizzy water then you can't come to our sweet bobas he's literally five he's i'm five i'm just minnie he's not five he just likes to [ __ ] five-year-olds like back in the day like emperors used to do yeah i strongly suggest you do the same get all your friends around call every friend you have right now all of them invite them over for a party when they all turn up pour out sparkling water loyalty test straight loyalty test bro would you fight him he's like nah i'm not a fan i'll just take the still water [ __ ] him up boys [Laughter] let him have it boys the friendship test okay pov you're a grown 35 year old man giving friendship tests to your friends and it's step one drink some fizzy water and step two engage in hand-to-hand combat by the way as far as hazing goes that's like the most [ __ ] hazing ever yeah drink the fizzy water [ __ ] drink this bubbly meanwhile you go to frats they're like shove this cactus up your ass and then [ __ ] jump off a ten foot building and drink my pit i drink my biscuit from a boot pour it out say everyone let's have a glass of water together water can't hurt anybody we're all probably dehydrated anyway what's the worst water can do everyone let's have a nice glass of water and everyone's gonna drink it and when you see that one dude this is like the red wedding yeah the red wedding on bro drink the fizzy water rude oh oh there's bubbles never speak to him again nobody does that though ever yo i'm living for this cobra tate [ __ ] do we have more oh we do have more he's unbelievable i can't believe what i'm seeing oh he's on fresh and fit no way oh all right and are more capable of independent thoughts to the left are more evolved for battle and war if we had an idea which nobody else agreed with we're more capable defending it we've evolved to saying no the sky's blue it's not green okay pull a sword out we'll defend our idea women don't have the capability to defend themselves or their ideas women are programmed they're either programmed by society as a whole or if they're with a good man they're programmed by the good man that's basically where the programming comes from the young socrates is really yeah also interestingly you know what else socrates did [ __ ] little kids yep so he likes that about him i hope he gets everything he's ever wished for and then it's all taken from him well i hope all of the fruits of his labor turn to ash in his mouth i think he's already living that life he all he wanted was his mom to love him and that didn't happen already i i genuinely wish the worst for this man yeah [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast Highlights
Views: 434,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, podcast, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, ethan and hila, brittany broski, kombucha, girl, sarah schauer, violating community guidelines, studio71, sarah, schauer, brittany, broski, britt
Id: itq9BV1GZFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 27sec (1947 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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