Ethan Reacts To Hasan's Debate With Andrew Tate

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uh there's one other thing we got to talk about which is um our very own hassan [ __ ] got the opportunity to debate cobra tate the human trafficker mr [ __ ] is one keeping helping punk of a man do you understand how much did you watch the clip i did dude andrew so andrew i loved every minute of it hasan was trying to make one very simple point which is empirically women are actually better drivers than men one of cobra uh the human traffickers points he's always trying to make is like i don't think women should drive they're not good drivers and you know all this chauvinistic like insanity and he's like listen empirically that's just not true you're wrong and andrew is so incapable of defending his position he starts to could be like you're boring bro nobody wants you here um which is incredible because cobra the human trafficker is perfectly fine debating other people he does all the time by the way he's doing a stream with like a bunch of 17 year olds i mean this these are his people he's so here is it was kind of long i don't know the whole thing the whole thing was no it so the whole thing was uh about like 20 minutes 22 minutes we tried to cut it down because at certain points cobra is just so thick and not getting it that they are just kind of going in circles so we reduced it i think it would wind up like 11 minutes or something all right well let's give it a watch it it definitely gives you the idea of your girl yeah but it's your girl this has made me change my opinion a bit i was thinking like anyone that has him on is is not good but hassan really clowned him i think it is good it made him look like a little worm it's good hassan he told me that he andrew is down to have a full combo with him which i hope happens that would be awesome you know i feel like i could own andrew in a conversation pretty hard too i don't know if he'd want to talk to me though although he knows who i am so that's the start i think the problem is that someone like him just immediately will make fun of your weight that's fine it's like you could do that you want like when i feel like when hassani was like speechless you could be like you're fat you're fat yeah [ __ ] you're just you're just mad cause no one's so [ __ ] you yeah he does try it at one point right then his son's like i have no problem with women well he goes he's like oh i see what you're trying to do you're just hoping one of these women drive to your house it's like yeah um anyway let's watch shall we yeah he's gonna degrade and the countries where men still stick to their honor and their their age-old expected ways of of acting are there going to be a safer societies overall so time will prove me right but i have nothing against you that was you guys did a zoom on that yeah this [ __ ] and one of the one of these kids is straight a booger eater on stream y'all time will prove me right but this is andrew tate's friends bro what the [ __ ] why why just do it like that like what he's so used to eating his own bugs that hits like second nature to him yo you just ate your own boog bro [ __ ] shameless my dude andrew i've seen something so i showed them there's a screenshot where the guy on the top left just like casually we uh you got it yeah then that's emphasized in this as well it's so andrew tate though to be hanging out with a bunch of dudes from high school who eat their boogers it's awesome work uh as you're doing the rounds on twitch here and uh a lot of the things that you said that you've been called out on specifically in regards to like women driving as a matter of fact are just generally untrue there's no empirical evidence to back up those claims which is why you resort to anecdotes quite frequently and say things like oh well it's just common sense right but it's not technically common sense it's just your personal opinion completely it's my personal opinion based on my personal biases of my life experience i i i find that he always is trying to get away with it by he can justify anything he says by that because his audience is a bunch of children he goes listen you can agree with me or you can disagree this is just my opinion and i think assange does a great job of being like it's fine that that's your opinion but you understand by like wrong yes right yeah right which is i think yeah he he [ __ ] this is great when i say yeah exactly and when i say these things x and matt people agree with me and x amount people disagree with me that's fine and that's the same of nearly any statement in the world okay but i can say the world is round and there'll be a percentage of people who disagree with me but there is true personal biases and when we analyze situations we do not have enough scope to grasp the entirety of the situation we didn't we cannot comprehend it with our human brains bro well listen which is why when it comes to women driving it's a funny i notice that andrew keeps trying to speak over him and hassan just alphas the [ __ ] out of him like he's always talking over and making him beta beta the [ __ ] out dude because the truth is different the truth is the exact opposite woman no no listen first things first there's lies there's damn lies and there's statistics i'm sure you've heard that from mark twain that's the first thing the second thing is that you're you're right you can yeah you can massage numbers but you drive you're deriving your truth from an internet study that's fine you can derive your truth from internet study on a bunch of different things the truth of life is the truth that you experience as an individual that is the only truth that we all live within you live within your truth i live within my truth because the truth i've experienced as an individual it's you certain things happen to you over and over and over and over and over again but the truth on the internet says it's not true that doesn't mean that your experiences are any less real so if you come here and say the internet says x especially your experiences can be real you could be a statistical anomaly as a matter of fact you can be one of those people but more more often than not more often than that because i keep letting you talk and you're finishing your point and i'm trying to talk so okay go ahead i'm going to the fact that you're going on the internet finding some study and saying that this is the truth especially after the age of covert and all the [ __ ] truth we were told with that guard you get are you looking to eat another booger there dude the few times he gets close like you want to sit here i'm talking about my personal experiences and some people agree with me and some people do not that is perfectly fine don't give a [ __ ] if people agree with me or otherwise people are listening to me and they're either no but you're still wrong and that's the problem i disagree with you do you want to be right or do you want to keep speaking into a hug box where people agree with you if you just completely devalue empirical evidence actuarial sciences the entirety the insurance industry that relies on making these sorts of calculations to ensure that these quotes are as profitable as possible which ends up uh charging men higher rates than women as a statistical likelihood happy that he has a great point it's slam dunk the insurance industry right is entire it's a billion dollar industry predicated on calculating risk right so that they make money and they charge more for men in general on insurance because there's drivers yeah men are more expensive to insure yeah because they get more accidents men are more dangerous drivers than women across the board and get into more car accidents across the board if you're going to look at all of that and say it doesn't matter because that does not correspond to my own personal uh my own personal experiences then you're silly you're being silly cool in my personal experiences all of the car crashes i've been involved in all the times my car was hit and all the negative experiences i've had on the way out like women we're at fault that is now you can sit here you can't be that you just sound so stupid no like you sound like a caveman bro i see i see women hit my car a woman bad driver it's like dude come on there's a whole world outside your outside of your lived experience also i doubt that's even true you know he's the [ __ ] crashing yeah also who's there every single time what's the comment why are you getting a knack yeah yeah and think of it from their perspective every time they've been hit it's been a [ __ ] dude named andrew tate you're there every time a trafficker parent's claims say that i never said the insurance claims don't say that i'm saying that i am not comfortable with women driving because of my personal experience those are my personal experiences he's not comfortable with women driving period that work i was literally i was talking about this earlier him saying that he is uncomfortable with women driving it's just like that much more annoying of him because it's like so patronizing to be like i don't know if i personally feel comfortable with you on the roads right it's like sir i mean it's straight like fundamental islam i mean like yeah i was told i was the best parker in the office yesterday well there you [ __ ] oh man eat your heart out andrew tate thank you by the way horrible news he's about to go on the kneel boys podcast and you know that's just going to be a huge l for humanitarian ambassador [ __ ] milk boys god dude you know kyle that they're gonna be like dude that's so true huh i'm gonna say i don't think i don't think women should drive that's so true in it i'm gonna go rip a dart oh [ __ ] who can drag up all the empirical evidence in the world you want to try and drag up anyone with a brain knows how that aids the world agendas anyway i don't want to go too political on a stream that's gonna get taken down so i'm not saying that i can't find a female race car driver i'm not saying that that's not what i'm saying either i'm not talking about i'm not talking about like uh statistical anomalies i'm i'm straight up talking about the overwhelming amount of evidence that suggests that women are more careful drivers than men okay and therefore better drivers than men now you keep resorting back to uh your personal anecdotes you under let so let me walk this let me walk you through this right do you agree do you agree that human beings have biases do me a favor do me a favor okay okay but hey i respected your time do you want to answer my question do you believe that human beings have biases oh absolutely we're all biased okay completely do you think that those biases might cloud your judgment it's not about clouding judgment not just your personal cloud not just your own personal judgment do you think our biases might cloud our personal judgment i think every single person on earth is biased and lives within a biopsy absolutely that's absolutely true okay so if you if you agree with me on both of those he laid his own grave and he's basically just digging his own but he's too dumb he doesn't even know where this is going you understand that your anecdotes your own personal accumulation of information is going to be clouded by your own personal biases so you're not going to be able to assess the information adequately in the same way that empirical evidence would this is precisely why we look at data rather than make arguments around our wait let me finish come on i understand what you're saying is oh yeah and then the 17 year old start backing up andrew you keep making the same point come on seven times um just pick your nose dude it's not getting through i think it's an important you know i think he's trying to force him to acknowledge uh that his point makes no sense which is important yeah and don't you have another booger to eat chill bro i asked dan if the way that the mic is in the top right shot if that would actually work and dan said if he was trying to mic his dick yeah he's probably using a headset mic right there's no way that's picking him up no there was one i don't think in this specific clip but other ones where he's talking into it like that cute you're logging the point you're saying that the empirical evidence is saying x so it doesn't matter what my personal experience is that's fine my point is let me change it let's say that the empirical evidence says that pit bull is more likely to bite you than a dalmatian but in your life experience every time you went near a dalmatian it bit you and a pit bull never did are you going to go up to a dalmatian still completely and go oh it's fine completely unbiased because the empirical evidence says x when you're covered in scotland bro you're so dumb he's literally describing like a bias ours no you're gonna say dalmatians bite me for some reason and i'm not comfortable around dalmatians that's called human nature so i'm telling you my personal experiences and i don't care i understand your point empirical evidence says women in this country can do acts i completely get that for a second it's also a country because you're only talking about america because you're american you don't see outside of the world that's fine i'm turkish actually i grew up in turkey that's not the point and if you actually ask most women if it gets late at night or it starts getting dark or starts raining heavily or the parking gets difficult they usually ask the man to drive themselves i know many women who do that they're not offended can you trial can you park this car for me please it's a too rainy and dark i need you to park this car for me please when's that ever happened by my assumption i know loads of women would go oh i don't want to park you park it the dalmatian example that you gave is great you are creating now a hypothetical scenario in which you want your opponent to concede what if in a million times that i have bred pit bulls or been around pitbulls not a single one of them has ever been aggressive we will never be able to arrive at a meaningful solution intellectual juggernauts are sitting with tate there [Laughter] if a smell could kill or resonate he's like oh oh damn he stinks too huh it's not even like that was like a rough test a meaningful solution to this conversation operating on personal anecdotes and hypotheticals so let's change the subject because okay andrew do you believe it's impossible they're just trying to be famous on a stream with two famous people well they're trying to create viral moments i don't know who these two guys are but it's their stream they invited andrew on oh interesting they're just copying adam with the nose picking 100 they're just trying to copy adam what he is they're trying to write new methods eats his boogers okay but eating your own boogers that seemed uh eating your own burgers it's not that cool i think i it's not that's why i think so i agree with love ian thinks they're just copying it in as well they have literally no basis to actually jump into anything being said whatsoever so they have to do something trying to be silly maybe yeah yeah well these guys based on what i was seeing they have andrew on and they keep bringing new people into the stream to yeah talk to him i guess yeah and somehow they decided this was the most boring one and kicked this on out i didn't you didn't really prove anything but it's cool do you believe the earth is flat or do you believe the earth is is spherical round and he just bailed bailed without saying anything [Laughter] he's gets a little stressed sometimes you know human trafficking is a stressful job and sometimes you need a breather sometimes you can't take the heat sometimes you can't take the heat so you gotta get out of the kitchen a little bit um andrew do you believe the earth is flat or round spherical globe right what's up you believe it's round right but when you walk outside it feels like it's flat brother brother i i i it looks flat it feels flat but you believe it's round why do you believe the earth is round because i have personal experience that would prove to me that the earth is around oh your personal experience what happened did you go up to the [ __ ] moon is that how you figured it out into space and i looked down on her look even his buddies you don't have to hey listen you don't have to concede on that point but i think you and i both understand the importance of scientific uh the importance of empirical evidence in that one right or or you know and i thought wow this guy wow okay he's gonna ruin the stream this is when he starts yep with the uh shenanigans you can't you can't deal with it you're just boring yeah you're ruining the stream dude with these uh the girls are tuning out right yeah hot chick now you're doing you is that what you thought just just just chill out like it's literally so what's up is it a little bit more difficult when i'm not like uh the traditional like sjw looking person is that why it it feels like the stream is a little bit more ruined no it's not difficult as a professional i'll tell you the conversation we just had yeah you dude you've been kicked in the face and stuff like i'm sure you can handle little old me exactly so i'll tell you that's a professional conversation we just had i said i am biased and i don't believe women can drive that's my personal experience i don't care if anyone agrees you came along and you came don't interrupt me you came along and said no i came and said i don't care about the evidence my personal experience you said i also have personal experiences and we're all biased i agreed then you said even if i had personal experiences that said x i would ignore them because the internet told me to believe why i believe what i'm doing that's not what i said that regardless of my own personal biases that i might have women drivers being safe is internet me and propaganda yeah the internet told me what the [ __ ] bro where'd you find that on like a [ __ ] uh reddit uh or some [ __ ] evidence is still more important than my personal biases and you've lost and it's boring so let's just move on you're boring is that what happened i didn't just say i'm boring and i lost and then you win is that what it is paul do a poll in the chat and if you want then we'll continue to talk it but i'm sure you've lost and it's boring do you want me to leave the conversation that desperately andrew it seems like you're running away a little bit oh we're just going to never any circle okay yeah we can move on from that we can move on from the the what's funny is these kids like they don't even understand that they're making the best content of the day they're sitting there being like just keep talking it's certainly boring you they kick hassan out and it's like you just made your show so much worse this could have all been iconic if you let it go or the importance of science and and andrew's personal biases andrew can you tell me a little bit about uh the hustlers university whatever that is not in a promotional capacity i know that like you're doing the rounds on twitch and i know that that's probably giving you a big boost but i want to understand you know because you are a businessman i want to understand how you generate revenue uh is it okay to get this information for free or do i have to pay 50 and then maybe get an affiliate link and get other people to also join so i can make a 10 cut off of them also joining hustlers university you can find everything on the website and you can join if you want more information that's fine so you don't want to you don't want to share this information for free right now you don't want to educate me on that i don't want to sit here and spend the next hour you trying to accuse me of some [ __ ] i'm not i'm not i'm i'm here to learn andrew you are a brilliant mind maybe a little rattled maybe a little rattled from the the numerous concussions but brilliant nonetheless so i want to hear more about your business strategy if possible it's actually quite interesting that people are too scared to get in the ring try and make fun of people who have bravery to try and make fun of it no i do think it's very by the way i love this now he starts getting defensive about oh i was a fighter and i'm brave it's like you spend your whole day trashing on people now you get defensive and by the way good for you for getting in the [ __ ] ring what do i gotta suck your dick about it it's like i don't owe you any respect you're not it's something you wanted to do just because i didn't want to do it doesn't make make me less brave or less heroic than you that's something you wanted to do so good for you for getting a hobby that results in you getting brain damage like hassan pointed out it's just not my cup of tea you know what i mean some things that i do might be brave for me and other things might be brave for you for example reading a book or a book for him in a book yeah and a book uh for for example um letting a woman drive and sitting passenger true i mean that's ultimate challenge you know cooking dinner writing a book drinking tap water i'm just saying you know bravery is subjective unlike by the way your opinion about women drivers thank you thank you brave i do think i do think it's very good all right so let's not let's not let's not detract the bravery of men who do things you're afraid to do that's the first thing no no you you are absolutely you are a warrior brother you still might have cte but you are incredibly brave i i i appreciate it i mean that's the defensive [ __ ] the point he's so rattled whatever dude it's fine you're just getting a little smoke brother you can't deal with it yes i know you want to sit here and talk about hate you and try and break it down and you've prepared a bunch of notes etcetera i have no notes whatsoever i'm a dumbass i don't know anything i'm talking about i'm simply here to learn from you can we stop with the sarcastic no i'm literally but that's the truth you're being so sarcastic though like what can andrew not handle it yo yo yo my man you really gotta you you gotta protect me we stopped with the logic here come on yeah i don't wanna hear facts i don't wanna hear oh chill do with the [ __ ] empirical evidence [ __ ] [Laughter] he says the world is round because he's seen the curvature just believe that we want to have a debate but we don't want anybody to go back and forth yeah on because that's boring but also don't try and be funny that's boring chill with the sarcastic [ __ ] bro you're making andrew upset why are you being so sarcastic i'm not i'm literal come on come on come on come on come on come on i'm asking it's pretty clear that i was the better hassan so yeah that's agreed i agree with that one yeah if you could just get out the call maybe it would fix the stream i think so would you guys if you guys would like me to leave the call i can do that i don't want to be i don't want to be real i got to get back to work i do not want to be rude boys uh you know this is your stream uh andrew i'd love to talk to you in more detail if you would like to i i hope that one day you can educate me on your your revenue strategies uh i mean it's it's it does look a little bad though if you're like if you feel as though i should leave the call because you feel like i'm overpowering you a little bit yeah oh and then well some of the best parts is after he leaves then they all start talking [ __ ] about him that part i didn't get boring bro and he's just so boring he was ruining the stream he goes listen i don't care having conversations just boring it was just bringing the mood down i'm just here to have fun call this on a nerd you're like what a nerd [ __ ] nerd [ __ ] evidence [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] nerd you don't drink bubble water you don't know it's not even just the empirical evidence like when you really boil it down cobra is basically just saying he doesn't believe in objective reality yes yeah like i i just don't believe in him and of course he does i don't know i think he might be such a narcissistic narcissist that he really like in his world i'm the only one that matters like my opinion is all that exists he's just it's just a rhetorical [ __ ] just he could say whatever he wants but he knows the world is round i think it's like ethan said he just found answers to kind of like give when he's confronted like yes it's just my opinion which usually works yeah like look you have your opinion i have my opinion like with a pork boy it's like okay so it's your opinion right i think that was kind of like the vibe with them yeah but it was it was awesome to watch this because like they finally talked to someone who can really like answer in such a good way yeah man yeah he did a great job so shout out uh debate andy hassan debate lord it's your girl here's another hassan highlight um he's on the phone with our aiden and xqc our faves so no this is later yesterday he actually went round two with tate oh he did yeah after he got off stream i guess he was on eight in stream and then hassan called in while tate was there okay yeah at least aidan knows what's entertaining and what's not like those booger-eating idiots true true are you [ __ ] he saw you doing crypto gambling streams it was like oh there's a bunch of suckers in here yeah he's just picking his nose but does he eat it does he eat it that's next level you [ __ ] he saw you doing crypto gambling streams it was like oh there's a bunch of suckers in here that are going to go [ __ ] lose all their money too man he saw you doing crypto gambling streams it was like oh there's a bunch of suckers in here that are going to go [ __ ] lose all their money chaos yeah i actually am kind of down to talk to cobra now seeing what a [ __ ] [ __ ] he is [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast Highlights
Views: 309,871
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Keywords: h3 podcast, podcast, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, ethan and hila
Id: TNbaXNG3nrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 23 2022
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