New York's Best Pizza rated by Italians

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the second location mamas 2 very different from the first one 3 established in 2018 in the Upper West Side this is a pizza alalo how we call it in Italy so it's quite a slice they have over 11 variations but what they recommend is the Home Slice the PO bear is so good yeah looking for something like Savory sweet they added here Basilico a lot of Basilico actually and parano on top of a [Music] margarita I'm liking everything about this pizza Inc the texture the crunchiness 8 and A2 we are aligned that's why we're dating this place was a bit more expensive than the first one the slice at the first one was $250 this one was over $4 keep in mind in Naples you can buy a whole pizza support $4 but of course it's Naples here it's New York City I'm not saying that it should be the same price the next Pizzeria some of you will be very very familiar [Music] with we are at the Third location of the day famous Jo's Pizza famous I mean the the name says it but the place is actually quite famous it was established in 1975 in the West Village if you remember it's actually the location which Peter Parker and the original spot Spider-Man where he works basically where you know where he's always laid delivering pizza the style of pizza is classic New York pizza thin very crusty basically what we had so far let's go and try it Mama's got the money wow so many famous people came by the location was picture of Bradley Cooper Bill Murray first impression it's not like the other ones it's not extremely freshly made it's just not fresh not very flavorful no exact the texture is there it's crunchy Italian people can understand it's Auto Grill Pizza I mean the trip to arlm this morning was worth it the trip to Upper West completely worth it if I had to come from somewhere to Carmen Street so we recommend it if you are already in the neighborhood I'm sorry Joe it's nothing personal Joe there was a picture inside he seems like an amazing gentleman because Joe is a Original Italian [Music] Jo okay we are the hey you always need to be excited on camera okay we are at the fourth location of the day fourth Pizzeria and one of the oldest in the US actually 1929 John's Pizzeria unlike the other places that we visited today this is a proper pizzeria restaurant meaning that you order you sit down they don't give you slices they only give you whole pies which is a bit of a shame because we're [Music] full generally I would say it was really good freshly made very fresh you could taste the ingredients the Tomato the cheese uh the basil one thing about the basil I'm not the biggest fan of chopped basil I usually prefer the leaves when they're like full but whatever overall it was a really good pizza the vibe was also cool inside it was really nice they're nice people they're very kind yes it was more expensive than all the others yeah it was a bit more expensive but then again it was a restaurant the full pizza was 24 bucks I'm full I'm also full but we had one more to go I'm extremely curious is there any of you that doesn't like pizza maybe there's someone thank you thank you I'm feeling very bad very very heavy so I'm going to pass on this one sorry and last lombardis located in Little Italy America's first pizzeria who said that they said that yeah I mean can say whatever they want established in 1905 seems crunchy as all the others at this point they all feel kind of the same but at the end of the they what I realized over the years of eating pizza hopefully my Italian friends will not insult me after me saying in this when you take a bread base tomato sauce some sort of cheese and put it in the oven it's very difficult to get out something which is truly disgusting don't you agree [Music] totally
Channel: Adriano the Italiano
Views: 123,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best pizza in New York, new York pizza, pizza, pizza review
Id: _5NH8ftlo0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 57sec (357 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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