Brits try the Best Pizzas in New York!

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So you can't come to New York and not have pizza. I mean it's the city of pizza. Suck it Naples. Who needs Italy? The pizza's good. But when we met Cug he said there was one place we really needed to check out. Gosh the pizza there changed my perception of what pizza can be. Yes. Look at that. This is your entry into the best pizza slice in New York. This is complete. Very little flop on that. Oh my gosh. Oh wow. Oh my gosh. Crispy. Yeah it took like a viagra you know? Yeah that is a... This is what makes pizza dreams right here. Now I notice you even though it's a super thin slice you still fold it. I still fold it. That's the way you eat it. I've got to fold it. Okay. Wow. That is a pizza slice with no cheese. Yeah this is vegan actually. It's vegan. On a technical standpoint. Wow. I'm not gonna lie that was the last thing I expected but that is incredible. The crisp on the bottom. Yeah. And it's not greasy at all. Luke what do you think? It's amazing. Is that is that not just incredible? I've never has a crispy pizza. Significantly floppier on this. Yeah. Wow. What the heck. Why do we ever eat pizza in the UK? Why do we waste our time? It's so good. It's so much better. It's so good Josh. It's the tomato sweet. The pepperoni tastes fresh. Yeah it's good. Oh my gosh. What is distinctive about a New York style pizza? New York has just been making pizza for so long. It's just like part of the culture. It's like you guys with fish and chips. You've never tried fish and chips have you? Yeah. Because that is an insulting comparison. To what we're eating right now. White pizza. Now it almost feels criminal having a slice without any tomato sauce on it. Or the lemon. That's the kick here. Yeah. There's a little brightness to it. Like a little crepe. It honestly just looks like a meringue pizza. It smells super fresh. Oh yeah okay. Again nice and crisp. That's beautiful. It kind of does taste meringue. I mean it's basically reminiscent of like a lemon tart. Like thin you know we have the thin pancakes in England. We put lemon and a little bit of sugar on it. Yeah. It's kind of regularly reminiscent of that but very hard to describe. Yeah it's very different. It's a different white slice. Oh it's incredible. Most whites are just like mutz and ricotta. Oh but the lemon really works. Yeah. It's really really good. I mean they're mixing up here. They've got pizza without cheese. Then they've got pizza without tomato. Right and pizza with lemon. Ducky can you try that? Have you ever had pizza with lemon? No. Try that. Try that. That is absolutely incredible. It's so good. The giggle. Why is it so good? Yeah he just giggles. That's when you know something's really good. When we get a ducky giggle. That's so good. Very good. It's one of my favourite slices I have here. Unreal. Wow. This is our grandma's special here. Smoked mozzarella, garlic, chilies, basil, tomatoes. Fantastic. Wow. Fresh tomato. Nice fresh tomato. Come on grandma. Wow. That is very very good. It's the quality of ingredients isn't it? Everything is a step above. Yeah I mean pizza is so simple. It's like if you use s*** ingredients you're gonna get sh*t. You know what I mean? That's true. Yeah. But if you got top-notch ingredients. I prefer the thinner ones. Yeah I mean the crispy one is just that it's so perfectly crispy. Do you have a favourite? Yeah it's either the white or the tomato. Even that alone doesn't make any sense. You've got like two complete opposites. Right. A pizza without any cheese and a pizza without any tomato. But I agree those two are my favourite. But then I think often with simple things if you impose restrictions upon yourself you force yourself to be really good. If you remove the cheese it's gotta be good otherwise no one's gonna order a pizza without cheese Except for vegans but who cares about vegans? Yeah no. I love the casual... yeah no. I know what you're thinking. 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So click the link in the description, To get a free one-year supply of AG vitamin D3 and K2, Plus five free travel packs along with your first purchase of AG1. It's interesting whoever you meet in New York, They always have a pizza recommendation. And an alarming number of people said the same place. Binging with Babish, food legend, said that was maybe his favourite pizza in New York. So we linked up with Levi from Gotham Chess and headed to Le Industry. Wowzers. Look at that. So this is like the classic New York, you always fold, the way you're holding the pizza. Yeah yeah yeah I didn't even. Because that's like Ollie's definitely not folding. Yeah if you eat pizza in New York and use a fork and knife. What the f*** are you doing? Okay. I start turning into a... I was about to say that was the most New York I've ever heard you sound. When I get animated I start you know. Yeah. Forget about it. Okay. That is a good slice. When we arrived I heard like two New Yorkers just out front being like, yeah so. It's the hottest okay, your cringing, I won't do the accent. What'd they say, I'll translate. I'll be like a New York translator. This is the best slice in Brooklyn right now. Yeah it's the best slice in Brooklyn right now. Oh wow. Maybe New York. I mean how do you rate that as a as a local? Depends what you're looking for. First of all I'm biased. I love burrata. Yeah with the burrata that works hey. Yeah it's like a solid like a solid 8.5 maybe a 9. It's really good. It actually is really good. That's a great accuracy. Okay. It's not a chess game. I got an 83% which I was like oh no. Pizza. Josh is big into chess. You have to realize who you're talking to here as well. Big into chess it's all relative. It's like a minor hobby I've taken up over the last year and a half. Minor hobby? Yeah okay a bit of an obsession. Look the amount of time you spend on the toilet, Has gone from an average of five minutes, To an average of about 25 minutes. Yeah okay okay. You have chess to blame. It's true. For the incoming hemorrhoids. The first. While we eat pizza. Thanks for that. The first thing I did actually was buy your E4 and Cara Cancour on Chesley. How's it going? Absolutely loved it. Oh I thought you were gonna say absolutely terrible. I was ready for the British punchline. I loved it. Absolutely terrible. My goal with everything I've made YouTube videos courses has been kind of like, Simplify the learning process make it more fun. I think I like you present the courses as well and just all of your content. It makes it like enjoyable to study. I think for me with YouTube and many people with your jobs, You know it can be really hard to switch off, And so whenever I'm playing a game of chess the only thing I'm thinking about. Is chess. Where would you move? I mean it's complete nonsense. Yeah the knight is just sitting on the side of the board. Yeah he's got captured. Maybe I get... Come on Josh? I would go king there. To that square. Okay. King to nipple. Yeah. King to nipple. Yeah king to nipple. There we go. Just to clarify in London you don't hold the pizza you fork and knife in London? I won't judge you. It sounds a little bit like you. It's really good. I'm not a huge fan of this one. The pepperoni it's not it's not the pepperoni that you want. It's like it's aggressively salty. The problem is I also just ate the baran slice which is like an ASAP 9. So now anything has to like match up. Is this like the double cotton clown of pizzas? No but I like the double clown you know. I love that Ollie's learnt some chess terminology for this. The thing is I enjoy playing chess against people who are similarly terrible at chess. I don't like playing when Josh is looking over my shoulder, Because it's like I am when my wife's driving. You know, it's like, you know. Wow! What a rinse to your wife. I love Lizzie. You know. Are we saying that on YouTube or are we... Yeah. I think so. She never watches the videos don't worry. Josh I think feels the same when he's watching me play chess. Every move I make it's like why did you do that? Yeah. Oh man that's yeah that's rough. Well we're recording this at a time where in a few days I'm playing a team chess event. And my partner is none other than Grandmaster Hikaru Nakamura. Oh wow okay. I'm f*****. Literally one of the best chess players in the entire world. Any idea I suggest I'm showing up that day, And I'm going like hey man you know usually when you, Show up to tournaments Hikaru you expect to win. Yeah not today. I mean I have seen a fair number of your videos, Because Josh is desperate for me to improve. I'm just sending links over and over again. I probably prefer over the kind of advice episodes, I prefer the gossip episodes because man. Oh he absolutely loves the cheating cheating scam stuff. Right it feels like every couple of months there's some kind of chess drama. And you pop up on my recommended feed. Yeah. And you're so good at the drama you're like and then. And then somebody came in and they lost. And I don't really understand like any of the terminology. I'm like it's like watching the Kardashians with smart people you know. You know. That is kind of how we are. Chess players generally don't get sunlight until they're about 20 years old. We're sort of locked inside in a room and we have to train we have to practice. Yeah. Every now and then we crack people up sun's out can't you know can't go outside. Yeah. Basically just like vampires. Like a vampire. Yeah I'll do the honors. Big slice. Wow look at that. That's phallic. That pizza is happy to see us. Yeah. Wow. This is a bit left field. Like this is not your average New York slice. Baseball term America left field. Beautiful stuff. Oh. Yes. That's that's what I got. I got America points. I didn't know that. I'm pretty sure. Yeah that makes sense. This is shockingly good. This is fig jam and bacon. That good? Oh yeah. That's almost dessert. It's sweet. That is lovely. It's smoky. It is smoky. It's really good. Two pizza places and 15,000 calories in. You know what we needed? More pizza. More pizza. A friend of ours said that the Impractical Jokers are in town. So we headed down to the financial district near where they were shooting. To try a completely different kind of pizza. Something that is both practical and not a joke. Okay. Yeah. With an Impractical Joker. Yeah. They got it. They got it. Very good. Now I want to check for an earpiece. Just to make sure. I'm off the clock boys. There's no. Your boys aren't behind a mirror somewhere? We just wrapped like a minute ago and all they want to do is go home. Whoa yeah. Look at that. Oh my gosh. Oh nice white pie. All right. This is a treat for you guys because pizza in the UK is notoriously terrible right? It's food in general. Yeah. I was at a hotel and I was like what do you got for breakfast? They're like how do you feel about quail eggs? Yeah. I was like I feel like that shouldn't be on a menu. But I feel like quail eggs. So you guys have been eating pizza all over New York right? Yeah. You've been more in the round five. We have. Do you want a corner piece? Sure I'll take a corner piece next bud. It's a nice little serving spatula. Practical if you will. You're getting an upscale experience here. Okay. Yeah. This is like where you go when you want to like take a date for pizza. Chill out for pizza. You do something like a pizza bar. I bet you they don't even sell slices here. It would make sense. This is quite an impractical order for all of us. You would think. You would think. I'm trying to. You're going to make puns like that. You're trying to make puns like that. Can we switch seats? I got to sit next to the pun machine. All right. Speaking of which this is a world exclusive. We got QAnon here today. Let me tell you that was a rough time to be here. When QAnon was ruling the world. Yeah. You're just taking down the deep state one tweet at a time. The thing about the problem with QAnon is like they're right. They're right about everything. It's just the way they say it isn't true. But everything they've said is true. Go look it up. It's there. Let's not. Don't leave that in without. And then cut this part out. I think we're good now. This is trendy. Okay. Let's do it. Oh that's good man. Oh wow. Yeah. Oh wow. There you go. Bready. It's breadier than what we've had. We got a few beers? Sure. Uh they're paying so I'll take your most expensive. Cheers. I love cringe. All right we got you covered. And Josh can't handle cringe. Me less so. You don't like it? What's that fine line between pleasure and pain? Yeah. I think it's a very kind of approachable type of cringe in Practical Jokers. You know like if there was a scale Nathan Fielder would be right on this end. And then like How I Met Your Mother would be. That's cringe for a different reason. What is your problem man? Yeah. They worked very hard on that show man. Okay okay. Yeah you know what? Yes. Yeah. I'm sorry. Build up don't tear it down. I'm sorry. I should stop punching down on multi-millionaires with syndicated shows. No no no you should be authentic. If you thought like you were saying off camera that that show was the worst piece of, You've ever seen in your entire life. You should stand by that. Damn it. You should stand by that opinion. I was talking to my brother about your show. My brother's a huge fan of Impractical Jokers. I said the most amazing thing about them is it's like they're unembarrassable. That's not true. I was gonna ask like have you like calloused your ego so much through so many embarrassments over the years? No here's where it gets easier. Now the ideas are easy to talk about. Like we just did a Sunday with Murray. Where he was in a restaurant and he wasn't allowed, To drop the check no matter how much they asked. On paper you're like yeah I can do that and that's where the calluses. Okay. You learn to be like yeah I can do that. We'll get through it. When you get in the moment. It's awful. No callous. It's still brutal. It's still brutal. You always get sweaty and stuff like that. Yeah. Because it's real. It's real. And that's why it's entertaining right? I suppose you can't lose that because that's what makes it great. When that goes away I think the show would end. Yeah yeah I think you kind of need that. Well I think what's so great about the show is it's not really a prank show. It's like a reverse prank show. The joke is on you. It's not on the public and that's why you feel you can laugh at it. It doesn't feel mean. Yes. So our show is different because you're laughing at us. Yeah. So you don't need permission to laugh. Yeah and also you guys are laughing. Yeah we're crying sometimes on ourselves. Oh it's so good. You grew up in New York. Grew up in New York. Lived here your whole life. Whole life yeah. Pizza sort of ingrained into the culture. Oh well especially where I'm from from Staten Island. Brooklyn used to be a very Italian neck of the woods. And then they built the Verrazano Bridge which connected Brooklyn to Staten Island. Staten Island never had a bridge before. And all the Italians picked up from Brooklyn and moved to Staten Island. That's about the time I was born. That's when pizza and Italian food on Staten Island went through the roof. Because you had all these off the boat. Sauce making Italians. And like that's what I grew up on. That like real deal. And the whole sort of new subculture of Italian pizza here took like a whole mind of its own. I do honestly think the best people in the world in Staten Island. I don't want to say that too loud. You mean? Yeah. There's a pie named after me at Ambrosino's on Staten Island. Because I went there for my whole life. So I ordered hot cherry pepper. You guys have hot cherry pepper? Hot cherry pepper. Boys. Do you guys have by any chance hot cherry peppers? Yes. Could we maybe get like one more? How long would it take to whip up a hot cherry pepper one? It's 10 minutes. 10 minutes? You guys got 10 minutes? Yeah of course. All right yeah would you mind like whipping up one more? Thank you okay. A few moments later. Oh here we go. So now boys just smell that. Get a whiff of that. Oh wow. Yeah. Spicy, sour. Oh man a hot cherry pepper pie. There's nothing like it. Thank you so much. Go ahead take it boys. Take it. I want to watch it. Okay. This isn't a joke. Like this is legitimately my favourite. I don't think I've ever even seen this before. I'm so happy to bring this to you to your life. Okay get in there. I think for your first bite just go just go. Yeah it's all about the peppers. Oh it smells spicy. Yeah it's not it's not crazy like that though. You'll see. It's delightful. It's delightful. Wow. Oh I love it. Oh it's sour. Yeah it's spicy. It's sour. It's a sweet spice. Sweet and sour. Yeah yeah. It's all the notes. And spicy. I love this man. I eat this all day. I'll eat this. I love it. And then I'll be on the toilet later regret every single moment of it. But yeah. Dude thank you for taking the time today man. You guys are very cool. Well I'm not paying for this. I didn't take care of you. Yeah you guys are taking care of me. Very clear on that. You know and thank you for including me and introducing me to your audience. I'm sure a lot of them have no idea what the hell I am. So thank you. If you don't check out Impractical Jokers. Yeah. It's at QAnon. To send donations to QAnon at. It's not even around anymore.
Channel: JOLLY
Views: 925,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JOLLY, josh, ollie, British, UK, English, englishman, comedy, duo, food, react, try, tries, best, weirdest, craziest, series, online, guest, memes, Gentleman, Brits, international, spicy, spiciest, hottest, noodles, snacks, fast food, best friends, infinite possibilities, gabie, kook, carrott, kendal, review, taste, test, steven lim, watcher, travel, sorted food, highschoolers, meme, tiktok, weird, rappers, actually good, paris, london, L.A., mcdonalds, michelin, crazy, asmr, mukbang, nyc, new york, city, american, biscuits, gravy, southern
Id: nXnB-mEzrls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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