British Guys Try To Make Nasi Lemak!

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welcome to fridge cam hello everyone it's a beginning of another week that means a new theme that means more brownie points that means it's going to be amazing this week which can get real this happens and due to overwhelming popular demand laughter let's kick things off with a visnu bock would you like to know how a mystery box bugs here's how a mystery box works in our mystery box is a mystery ingredient the only person who knows what that mystery ingredient is is James he's over there stop come here that mystery ingredient is going to give us the week C one thing I can tell you right now that it's heavy it looks very happy once we know what the heavy thing is we're then going to ask you guys for loads of input we'll use the input to shape this week's recipes James snazz Oh always guilty as well you know by just pulling it down I kind of make him look kind of just handed it don't like oh look at this Oh God isn't any I'll get the other kiss you don't like it I don't like it I like it no I like it well I guess don't worry about the head like in like about the color now this really is a mystery box I've had that before a black chicken and the head last Locker so like I think oh okay so we've got panda meat fresh they smell amazing very nailed it black chicken so you're all kind of right Southeast Asia but more specifically Singapore this is an amazing blend of like Chinese and Indian and Malay and Portuguese flavors it is an amazing unique cuisine nice and we're going to explore it this week we need to learn all about Singapore and the culture I reckon we're going to get loads of helping these guys yes please and we're going to cook up some really awesome traditional dishes I think we should definitely click with black chicken so then they use it for medicinal purposes maybe a medicinal bra and at the end of the week you guys are going to be battling out in a singapore battle and you're going to be judged on your cultural knowledge as well as your bishop well I'm confident that we're going to get this right because last time we did a Singapore nation soon florium rice that went down really well didn't it and then the time after that when we did Singapore chilli crab that also went down really well didn't it Ben it's not I'm looking forward for your help [Music] we're going to start this week like you start any good day breakfast with nasi lemak now this is an amazing a Malaysian dish that's so popular in Singapore it's super awesome it's basically coconut see flavored infused rice why do it head up already have we pronounced it correctly according to snapchat we have pronounced it almost correctly the other thing I love about nasi lemak is how easy is yes and how many variations there are oh here we go so basically translates like fatty rice which is all like the coconut milk and stuff you cook the rice in we're going to put pandan leaf in it okay because that's what's in a mystery box and it's super traditional with a little bit of salt but we're also going to add a few other flavors star anise cardamom and ginger because spice nasi lemak is also delicious so you need to tell us what you would put in your nests in the back and would we be right putting in ginger cardamom and the other one that I didn't listen to now I love the fact that we have used pen down before is not only ever in extract form so this is belief yes and basically founder onus pens pandanus yeah yeah not panda anus lot of difference so as we said super simple pandan leaf ginger star Oni cardamon coconut milk water all way down to exact measurements and our rice long grain rice with just wings in cold water it all goes into one pan get stirred up and heated to a very very very gentle simmer and it's this gentle simmer no I meant they were gentle simmer now that is the main bulk of nasi lemak but what makes it better what makes it more individual is what you serve it with now I lost the battle on this one because I said we should definitely go for fried chicken as did many people in the comments but apparently because it's breakfast we had to go with some of the other comments that said boiled eggs cucumber crispy anchovies and some peanuts that have been roasted but they don't look quite roasted yet so we're going to roast them again boil an egg these are at room temperature they are medium to large eggs and they're going to need about seven minutes in boiling water then we're going to refresh them in cold water to kill them now the coconut has come up to a very very gentle spin we're going to put the lid on and we're going to leave it on the lowest heat possible until all that liquid absorbs it will be about 15 minutes give or take we'll wait for our eggs to finish boy link we can crack those in the meantime we've got time on our hands right so you know we've got a battle at the end of this week yeah yeah how about we start now by battling it out with some of our best Singaporean facts drawings go first okay I will go first did you know that Singapore Airport has the largest CCTV system in the world over 3,000 cameras did you know that Singapore has a more diverse variety of trees than North America did you know it's home to the world's only Lego cable car I got these guys note that I will take you back like proper show-and-tell oh yeah because here's some solid guys eva's has actually been to Singapore when I really a small fourteen-year-old girl the world's only leveled that was at the time yeah I don't know that was that was 2002 so some pretty unique flavors we're pairing with on a Mac we've got the pandan if you sniff that we've got this berry oh great let's sambar and hotter them wait for that wait for the heat to go you get crispy anchovies with Samba Oh naughty panda [Music] and there we go nasi lemak as you eat it you combine all the delicious parts and enjoy all the textures the flavors it's got a bit of everything sorted would have been a good ending from you.if [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] pointed spoons us come and dig into this and rice is amazing it's creamy it's like ginger if everything fluffy and you get a little bit of the pendant coming through more and smell me doing flavor we can tell it's good rest because it completely disappears yeah get out of there not completely disappears you're right and it's super simple you just need the ratio a coconut milk to water to rice and you get all the details down there what a stonking cracking starts for the week guys I know we start very good if you come back to channel tomorrow then we've got a video for you it's about breaking promises after you've been travelling it's very very satirical and it's hilarious click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our favorites [Music]
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 788,159
Rating: 4.8393812 out of 5
Keywords: nasi lemak, steamed coconut rice, national dish malaysia, sambal nasi lemak, how to make nasi lemak, nasi lemak banana leaf, nasi lemak recipe, singapore nasi lemak, malaysia nasi lemak, famous nasi lemak, fatty rice, steamed coconut milk rice, nasi lemak sambal, nasi lemak asia, best nasi lemak, easy nasi lemak, sortedfood nasi lemak
Id: DmyYfObK0sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2017
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