SINKING SHIP SURVIVAL Turns to Underwater Recovery in Stormworks Multiplayer!

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uh we need to rescue from Jake services oh it's definitely sinking I almost flew up the back oh bye don't start up too high yet here [Music] spy hold on to the car down there oh my car it's a classic it's rare 86 how much did they cost you a lot yeah Captain you have to make sure we get the shore safe okay okay just you got the parking brake on right it's kind of hard to turn right now automatic it's automatic oh this is not good okay you know what we're gonna go for the island over to the left uh here I'm gonna come down there yeah the car is secure car is secure parking brakes automatic I don't have to worry what's happening uh what do you mean what's happening oh geez it's like it's it's doing some weird turns yeah the waves are taking us away I can't even like counter well actually I should probably should be up in the bridge but yeah yeah it's fine yeah okay are you sure it's fine maybe we should maybe prepare this there you go what are you gonna do you're just gonna hit the shore and take off in your car yeah I'm gonna just drive it off that doesn't sound like a good idea Spike uh does it not look like we're probably oh there's a fish above my head wait what no my car okay why is it doing this well I mean you did open the door if the door was wait what the waves are getting pretty high on the back let me close the door oh [Music] um no can we have some sad music please I'm sorry spot oh that was a classic smile we need to seal these doors real quick I think the the ship's probably taking on some water right now okay okay the ship's definitely there's a wave okay I'm gonna get back up the bridge oh yeah me too this ain't good all right maybe we should well you know are you upset about the car uh I'm more upset about my life in this kind of situation I'm gonna Mark the car's location okay I landed on Deck never mind oh it's fine it was it was worth a try it was worth a try I gave it my best eff effort uh all right we're fine I don't know I don't know a staff only right here right uh where are we going up to the bridge so we can drive and get out of here okay we'll do a better job of driving please we could see into the engine bay well I mean at least there's no water in that yeah okay so your car man it's you gotta remember where it is we'll have to maybe come back and get it right we're back there uh spy it's getting worse out there what are we doing do we do we turn back around or we headed Shore we got to go to shore that's the closest area over there these waves are massive okay turning left oh man do you think they car sealed do you think it would still run if you crank it up um probably but look behind us towards a Port Port wait which side's Port you know how long I've played this I don't know what port is this behind us well not our Port the port we came from there's a giant wave oh my goodness it's a tsunami okay uh let's gun it let's head to store we got this we can beat it hurry is it going as fast as it'll go do I don't leave wait what's this one do oh no oh oh wait you didn't have a Max throttled that sounds like a generator or something it sounds like it's about to blow up it might uh all right well we gotta go Full Speed Ahead anyways so here we go we're almost there what's this what are you playing with over there buddy it's a spotlight what are you gonna Spotlight the tsunami yeah tell it we're here hey avoid this area oh my goodness the egg is catching us it's gonna be here any second Well normally like I'm a minute or two but you know yep uh I mean we have probably like five minutes to get to the island oh no yeah we're not gonna make it okay uh just just batting down the hatches is there emergency crafts no there isn't skipped out on those the budget was spent on the 80 86. that was mine though well exactly oh oh my all right hold on we're almost there uh by the way the back half the boat definitely looks like it's sinking right now wait uh-oh uh I think we're taking all water I checked it checked the engine light the engine room there's water in there there's water in there oh no it's yeah I think the car smacked into it uh-oh uh uh it's by the waves catching the waves catching oh no okay I got a I got a brilliant plan since we count can't outrun it if we hit it head on okay that is annoying if we hit it head on Maybe just maybe we can uh fly over it that sounds like a great idea maybe we could get some of this water out yeah actually that's not a bad idea yeah get some air and you know the water will drain okay wait can't I just reverse oh shut the engine off this one reverse yeah but say you've got steering on the other side look put these doors buttons too yo go go go go go go go go go go go go NAB lights on okay all right we're going full speed for it full speed oh buddy oh yeah oh my gosh look how much water just came on board it's fine what are you chewing out on the deck I'm looking does this seem like a really bad idea when this is heading towards you what okay you know I'm getting in I'm gonna close the door yeah it's probably a good idea okay everything's sealed in here all right what about hello Nick okay we are we're completely sealed in here okay it's almost here get up here oh geez all right oh here we go okay I'm getting in a chair here we go are we gonna survive this maybe my car didn't so I mean well to be fair you did open the door and the car flew out because of that problem oh my gosh okay we definitely do not go up this it's too heavy it's too heavy um oh Arena come back oh buddy whoa oh okay I did the water drain uh what check the worst it looks worse nope yep it's definitely a lot Fuller down in the engine all right well uh yeah we're screwed yep okay uh it's fine I don't like this thing's gonna hold on much longer oh no okay it's going down I'm trying to aim us for uh or airstrip or base come on go back uh what do we do um if we have to we can swim back I don't recommend it but if we have to I don't think we have an option I'm not going down just saying all right turn the engine off turn the engine off it's got beacons I don't know wait there's uh where was that the supplies down there uh I might be able to grab another flare might need to light a couple of those off all right here we go okay watch over the water okay uh there we go oh no okay why do we have these doors open uh no reason yeah I don't particularly want to fly off this thing all right oh I'm flying okay watch this watch this and fire flares flare up in the air uh we need to rescue from Jake Services actually we need Jank recovery I take that back let's maybe call the Coast Guard yeah and I don't want to be flying up at a chopper any moment and trying to wrestle what's this button no oh my goodness that's a fire alarm yeah baby hit that yeah bring attention oh passengers to get off but does this feel like there's a lot more water coming over the top of this now uh okay I'm gonna reload the flare again and let's fire up another one oh it's definitely sinking I almost flew off the back oh geez it's sinking it's sinking come on get open this door yeah I want another flirt oh the back you fell off the back that's okay because this thing is going down oh yeah it's definitely oh There She Goes you stupid Fairy Craft um so do you remember where your uh 8086 went down it's actually somewhere around here well did I mention that Jake has a uh a new creation ready to use that we bought adobe's credit card wait what yeah have you ever heard of a helicopter sub that has recovery methods no well that's a thing also did the ferry go down it's still it's pretty oh he's pretty much dead yeah I'm not worried about that I'm more worried about the 80s oh there it goes it's gone yeah that's a classic oh yeah I see it there it goes all right spy are you ready to get your AE86 back I am it's precious the buyer has backed out well I will introduce you to the Hermes uh sod S3 it's a helicopter but a submarine yes you can go from Full Speed helicopter into underwater exploration and it has recovery methods we have maggles on the bottom of it wait whoa we can just pop it right on top of the AE86 and take it out of the water yeah uh the only problem is we have to we have to find it we didn't have a beacon or anything on it but I have a general idea as to wear this there's only one thing of air diving equipment in here wait what I guess one of us has to stay inside anyways right here one right there oh I must not be paying attention today it's fine okay I'm gonna sit down you ready to go wait I'm flying I mean you want me to beautiful I'll try to fly I mean I'll try I can watch it okay go ahead watch watch this boom boom bang boom bang um stuff's happening throttle up rattling up is happening don't throw it up too high yet here oh no okay maybe I should fly oh you want to fly no no no no we're good okay so last Stone location is just north of here north of here yeah yeah so maybe you know what it'd probably be easier to spot the beacon lights if they're still illuminated from the ferry okay so start an aisle yeah yeah starter search there and then maybe we'll move around that area I mean it's gonna be like a needle in a haystack but we could certainly find it right yeah we'll start really high up and look down I didn't turn the headlights on uh okay looking around looking for blinking lights it might honestly be good to shoot underwater I think they might underwater yeah yeah you know what go for it okay how do I do this fold rotors see an oil spot up there bulb well do the thing click the buttons stop folding Uh something's happening oh there they go here we go oh that's so cool that's pretty neat you know what if what if we just found it immediately that'd be cool that'd be pretty sick how do I drive this thing underwater now uh I don't know Mr expert how do you drive it under water downwards yeah yeah there we go okay start going out all right just so just be on the lookout there's got to be still some lights Illuminating from the wait what's that behind us no no it was oh my goodness it's dark and straight to the bottom of the ocean floor uh you're really close I think where am I oh recover that let's try not to crack the sub open I do not yeah that'd be bad wait the siren is going back off what is that I mean to be fair we're underwater so it doesn't really matter okay wait players oh that might help that might help as long as you don't set it off right on top of us I did okay I'm gonna check a map out and I'm gonna kind of okay oh we went I think it might be further okay so say we're at our Island South West maybe well West South maybe try roughly the coordinates uh 1900 by like 2200 I don't know coordinates 1900 by what it's to the southwest of us where the where the lines meet together the big lines okay maybe try in that area I don't know how to turn this thing that's a good question uh I think I think no you're pointing in the right direction uh honestly just go forward I don't see any lights yeah there's nothing down here except the flare behind us but watch this okay unfold the rotors and then rotors and then we're gonna go up okay so I think maybe we might be a little closer to the island that's in front of us yeah okay there's a big oil spill there to the left that must have been our boat uh I mean it could be oh I'm looking down I'm looking for any sort of sign like we turned around remember yeah I see the flare hmm where could it be I'm just looking everywhere I see a little oil spot to the left of us but the left okay I don't know if that's coming off one of the vehicles or if that's one side oh you gotta be kid wait what way over here the engines were still going oh my goodness wait wait unless that's not ours no I definitely think that's our spot I think we might have lost the AE86 a lot earlier though yeah I don't know where it is okay I'm gonna pop open the side hatch real quick I want to take a look out oh it just sunk it just sunk right in my view really it's going down oh yeah I see it whoa oh it is doing some stuff oh my God it's almost fell out do we try to recover that I mean maybe would it be worth it can you go down that car is going to be really hard to recover but maybe the fairy's worth in a bunny I don't know if this Chopper could pull it up though I don't know we gotta get that thing back out of the water before you know another tsunami comes uh-oh all right go back down let's do this oh bald secure this bad boy that's so cool look at that boom dude that is awesome I just wish I knew where the 8086 was it's gone it's gone yeah there's a good chance oh no what's happening it's five what are you doing right now oh don't go up uh go sideways go forward forward be nice I still see the lights off it is it still driving I feel like it is moving forward uh well is it that would be something no way it's still driving it had to have smashed into the ocean floor okay I'm gonna get some diving equipment is there an external air hatch here or is that a thing I don't know maybe you might want to put yours on just in case I will in a second I don't want to crash yeah I'd hate to put water in here and you uh you just drown um are we catching it or I don't know I think you're right it might be moving away no we're definitely getting close this is gonna take a moment uh I see the fairy uh next to us by Spice look behind us look behind us whoa oh my goodness that's got him oh unless we dumped another car that's gotta be the car that's gotta be the car okay um which one do we go for go for the car no we'll go for the we're not going for the ship we're going for the car yeah forget the ship you know the ship has never touched the bottom yet yeah it's just floating there okay kind of creepy trying to turn this thing it's hard also I feel like the car might be moving right now is it I think it is okay and we can rescue the car forget the big fairy thing uh the car is worth more money I believe yeah I don't know I just want to turn this thing it's definitely it's definitely going down there it's it's cruising it's cruising are we full speed this is full speed maybe we I'd hate to come up and lose it if we were to search this I got an idea watch this okay I'm watching hey I can still see it you can still see it yeah yeah I see the headlights on it now okay so we could totally take off and just get right above it or a little in front of it and then we should be able to capture it okay all right you're good to go come on uh this thing is not easy to fly but watch this I'm gonna dive for it I mean but if it's a helicopter sub it shouldn't be right oh gosh this thing is fast okay I still see the headlights they're gonna disappear though come on I still see them around bye what are you doing um yeah don't know I could tell does this thing actually wait is the propeller working like I want to be sick in here I can put this away for now okay oh wait the propeller works better underwater okay so see it to the right yep okay make sure we don't Boop into the ground don't Boop into the ground we're pretty low right now I see the see the ground oh wow we got lights in the bottom now okay to the right to the right okay so I'm thinking I get out and diving equipment make sure we secure this load I've got some extra rope in here that maybe we could double secure it okay uh if I if I don't survive will you please send me home some money for the AE86 once you sell it yeah I'll give you half oh really yup definitely that's pretty kind of you I still feel like that thing is moving if you can get me in front of it I might be able to jump inside and see if I can stop it okay I think it's rolling down Mario I'm gonna become a professional submarine pilot a submarine helicopter or the sirens going back off I don't know they are oh that sucks okay you got this spot there's an explosion on the left side are those meteors what was that was that a meteor on the left something exploded up I'm just gonna look it up uh not sure what happened there oh I might have lost the sub oh I'm gonna I got eyes on the cart dude the car is totally rolling off right now this thing is barely the submarine's not moving no the car's not hey the car's not moving anymore it's the submarine that's not moving oh you're telling me we're moving away I don't know what's wrong with this thing no you're moving I got a static camera uh you're moving it's just slow oh okay all right spot you over it I'm over it okay I'm about to hop out okay look oh I can't uh am I ready to the top the things down there I need to figure out how to connect things Beacon locator not gonna lie I didn't realize I almost opened the side door there is a hatch at the top that I can get out oh yeah probably good that I I actually looked because if not I would have killed you that's fine uh yeah I'm gonna no clip out of there because it is just not working at all I don't know what these hard points are but I activated them maybe those are supposed to be activated this whole time yeah there's a potential that is a thing uh so do you have a MAG all down there or crane down baby okay you I wonder if I could grab it and help pull it don't have the bottom magnets on right now okay so ran down a bit more all right I'm gonna try to guide you here uh so if you can strafe to the left straight to the left okay direct to the left okay I see you going to the left your your crane can you winch in just a little bit wind chin a little bit okay oh yeah it's good they keep coming to the left okay we're gonna recover this location no matter what it takes okay keep coming left left left very slow don't worry I see it I got you I don't think I can grab weight are there connect oh dude there's rope anchors to it too whoa okay but I don't think there's any anchor points to the car unless it's got a tow hook touching the bottom I'm looking to see if there's any anchor points on the card we have like a tow hook area no no uh there is a a fluid hose do we have a fluid hose connector we could grab it by that too maybe uh give me a second here I'm gonna get rid of the Rope um fluid hose right here I'm gonna attach the fluid hose to this right oh there we go all right I'm going down I'm gonna see if maybe I can connect this to it also this is a fluid uh hose in the back connection all right oh I got it connect it you got it connected honestly you might just be able to lift it up by the fluid hose oh man but look how close the magnets are all right all right let's do double security here all right go ahead I don't even know how to initiate it no they're on they're on you just gotta get a little bit closer uh you're about I would say three four feet oh maybe they're not on no they're not on uh let me see if I can turn them on here you're almost there uh let's see is there an on button you don't have any on buttons up there um hold on what's this button that is pump out pump in yeah I don't see anyone up here uh but you're almost touching it if you can just find the on button we should be golden I would say click everything in the cockpit that might be bad crane magnets okay there you go okay boom okay uh now you need to drop it and forward a little bit oh uh go up and then forward oh you almost got it there oh I might be able to nudge it okay oh oh you're so close uh another about three or four feet forward let me see if I can nudge it is that working on you're almost there almost there downtown down you got it you got it you're on I got it you're on I got it I got it look oh my goodness we're rescuing you gonna leave me down here no hurry up come on no clipping to the inside I can't use the hatch okay I'm cranning up train that bad boy up just a little bit there we go oh Jesus oh my God why did I not believe this okay there we go all right all right I'm uh getting rid of my diving equipment real quick and did we did we do it dude we got it hold on yeah I mean even if the magles pop off we have the fluid connector that's also holding on to it so I don't know how strong that connection is but I'm gonna hope that it's are you ready for this yeah yeah let's do this okay I'm gonna uh unfold the rotors hopefully they're uh they're a little broken but didn't they have more rotors in that we did throttle those bad boys up maximum it's still gonna lift initiate the super heavy Thruster lift mode oh my goodness we got this right then we just popped this bad boy out it's normal that it's wobbling right it's wobbling it's a little nor it's normal for underwater submarines oh it's cut we're going up though we're going up fast come on yeah yeah dude lift that bad boil of water oh my goodness he's got to be kidding me oh wow all right it's just in time to sure look to the left wait that tsunami come up yeah there's a tsunami oh there must have been those media right wait is that coming this way or is that going away I think that's coming this way wait really that's coming this way we got to get this thing in the garage oh my God what the heck was that that meteorite strike that we saw earlier maybe oh asteroid all right we'll just swing it into the into the garage we got this just swing it in yeah yeah just swing it in you guys yeah I'm gonna throw it like a baseball uh well maybe make sure we're on land that way it lands okay no no don't break it don't break it and then we do this then we go I still have a flu connector attachment do you oh no I'm hopping out my car wait why would you use my car I flies I got this i got this all right stabilize it I'll disconnect it so we can get it straight in go for that yeah oh geez what is happening here okay go out get out it's on fire okay then you just you know you turn that ignition on is she great still She Cranks blooded everything okay I'm gonna close the door all right yeah buddy we saved it we saved it now we just gotta see if we survive the tsunami uh those doors are gonna click watertight right yeah definitely um can I can I at least ride with you yeah come on in I mean look it looked pretty cool I'm slightly jealous it's my whole hold the freaking thing okay where's the salami uh oh it's here it's almost here it's almost here I'm just gonna wedge us between us right here oh yeah make sure make sure it doesn't float off just in case the water gets in okay here we go okay how these aren't watertight hangers I don't know oh no well we learned that this car is waterproof exactly it's been at the bottom of the ocean you gotta be kidding me doors still work underwater too yep and guess what still gonna crank drive off you know we're good because we have it pinned under the stairs wait for it yep and dude here we go we officially have done it yep and we're just gonna tell the buyer zero water damage they're a perfect condition original
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 601,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sinking ship simulator, stormworks, stormworks build and rescue, camodo gaming, kraken, camodo gaming stormworks, stormworks gameplay, stormworks sinking ship, stormworks ship, stormworks tsunami, stormworks ship survival, titanic, stormworks titanic, titanic wreck, titanic wreckage, stormworks titanic wreck, stormworks tsunami survival, stormworks tsunami bunker, stormworks brick rigs, stormworks best ships, stormworks sinking ship survival camodo, sinking survival
Id: 7jo5h043QoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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