I Tested Lego Boats vs Tsunami Waves

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I've tested Lego boats before but can they survive in the ocean these ships will have to withstand giant waves rip tiddes and dangerous rocks so let's see if they float or sink starting with this pirate ship let's put it in the water the water's getting in it flips let's see what it looks like under the water no well that is a fail next is this little yacht it floats really well here's a big wave it survived that but now it's being dashed against the Rocks Here Comes an even bigger wave it flips now for this cargo ship I'll push it into the ocean so far so good there's the captain steering the ship it's up against a rock will it tip it got out all right since it's a cargo ship let's give it some cargo can it hold the smaller bow yes it can and it still floats perfectly now I'll fill it with money you can see the boat tipping the coins are a bit heavier it's up on the rocks it seems like this boat can take a lot how about some more coins oh that sank it it's just sitting on the seaf Flor let's look at it underwater it's so spooky like a real shipwreck there's the captain poor guy had his boat sink after being under the water for a while sand is settling on the ship wow that's a lot of sand next this little red boat it's floating all right but the water is rough those were some big waves but the boat is still here the waves are getting worse here comes a big one let's see how the red shift does wow somehow it came out floating but this one's thrown it onto the shore it had a good run but the red boat is stuck on the sand but I also brought this electric propeller let's try the red boat again with this maybe this is all the boat needs to stay in the water the propeller is moving really fast it's cting through the [Music] water but it wasn't enough the boat is stuck on the beach again this rich guy has a speedboat in it goes it floats this one isn't struggling at all now it's being pulled by the current [Music] how did that come out of that upright the boat is barely above the water now it's scraping the sand oh it's been left on the beach but here comes a big [Music] wave that one did it oh well this boat had a good run next we got this orange ship this one can handle even the big waves but that wave is a [Music] giant okay nothing could have withstood that one this boat is made of Duplo that means it's bigger than regular Lego will that help it flow this can take on anything okay maybe it can take on anything except [Music] this now for this little police boat it's up against the Rocks now it's trapped on top of them but a wave freed us these waves are too big for this little boat but it still floats now let's try it with the propeller and it's off this thing moves so fast oh no it's headed for the beach this is crazy the ship is going up onto the shore it went too fast and got stuck on the beach next this yellow Ferry it's floating but these waves are too big and it flips that one's a fail here's a white speedboat there's an old man piloting this one let's see how it does oh it's done for wait it flips back up it's still in the game after all that it's now trapped between these rocks maybe this wave will free us the wave dumped it on the beach that was was intense and the old man is still in the chair this is the first boat Lio released and it holds up well it may not be as pretty as some Modern boats but it can still float but here's a [Music] wave well it's sinking now and that wave flipped it oh well even the classics can fail these two boats are identical but one is pink and the other is red let's let's see which color sinks first they're both floating for now now they're pulled into the current which one will survive the red one is sucked underwater it's caught in a whirlpool and pink is the winner this pirate is trapped on a desert island so he built a raft to try and Escape let's see if his raft can sail him to safety well it doesn't quite float right these are Rough Waters I don't think he's escaping this island well that definitely smashed the rafts to Pieces maybe this rowboat will work better it seems to be floating so far but it's too small for the big waves he's being completely washed up and he's Shipwrecked but hey he made it to the mainland that's a success now let's test this giant battleship it's really heavy this is the biggest boat yet it's hard to believe something this heavy can float but it does it's only a matter of time before this tips and there it goes now it's caught in a wave the wave trapped it up on this rock but why couldn't it sail maybe all it needs is a little push so I've attached the motorized propeller the ship is moving against the current it's fighting the current but it's not enough the current finally got it now it's been swept up by a wave the wave smashed it to pieces now those were some seriously strong Waters now for this spaceship boat with a little astronaut inside it's just about floating but it's close it's going down fast the these waves can't be helping there it is under the water that boat fails the test what about this police speedboat it's getting covered in bubbles the boat has filled up with water and Bubbles next is this spy boat these waves are picking it up it's still floating though oh it's been left on a rock this little yellow boat is from an old Lego theme called fabuland all the characters are little animals and this one is a mouse let's see if the fabuland boat floats it does will it survive the waves a man it zank and now it's just sitting there underwater this guy is wearing the smallest Lego boat and I'll throw him in the ocean these waves are huge the the ocean is too big for a little guy so let's put him in his own tiny tide pool this is a lot calmer it's more suited to his size we'll go back to the ocean for this next one a green speedboat these bubbles are bigger than the boat it's coming up to the Rocks now oh man should have stuck to the bubbles here's a Lego kayak oh that failed immediately po poor guy never had a chance do you think this little pink raft will float I think it'll get knocked over in no time here come the waves oh the current got it next is this fishing troller it seems really effective but these waves are tough and they just keep coming and it looks like that one was too big hey well at least it's still in one piece now for this golden yacht it should be fine if it stays in calm water so much for calm water yeah it is Shipwrecked but I don't know if any boat could have survived that next we're going to do a challenge I'll put these red orange and green boats in the water together and the last one to sink wins The Challenge Starts Now that wave immediately knocks the green one out now it's just orange vers red orange is doing well and the red one is being pushed to Shore that means orange is the winner this cute Lego baby has a cute Lego boat this thing is Tiny it's going to get wrecked hey it's actually floating that's crazy now the baby is sailing off into the [Music] Sunset and it's gone oh well this is a submarine so we'll have to test it under the [Music] water the waves on the surface are making turbulence underwater it's moving the submarine around but it still works that's a pass [Music]
Channel: Broke
Views: 988,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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