Britain's Most Controversial Lawyer - Akhmed Yakoob Tells His Story

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you can now follow me in all my social media platforms to find out who my latest guest will be and don't forget to click the Subscribe button and the notifications Bell so you're notified for when my next podcast goes live Bo on and today's guest we a Mar c how are you brother I'm good brother how are you okay good mate so solicitor motivational speaker seen your videos on Tik Tok we've became friends on Instagram yeah has been coming for a while you're very outspoken probably the lawyer I would look for back in the day but thank you thank you for saying that a lot of people don't see it like that yeah because you're talking my [ __ ] you're talking my lingo when into courts and you sometimes you get the prim impr proper lawyers who kind of look down at you they do and they they just feel a [ __ ] they're speaking big words I don't understand so when I watch your vide go good on you does that jeopardize your career though or anything could it come back and bit your ass no it hasn't up until now but I've had reports made against me to the authorities because we are governed by the solicitors regulation Authority I've had reports made to them that I'm inciting criminal behavior of course I've made representations and they've come back and taken no further action because I'm not doing anything wrong should know the ins and outs of of course the law so before we get into every know I'll go back to the start of my guests get a bit understanding about you how you function what you all about where you got how it all began I'm from Birmingham mhm I studied at wolver Hampton University not far from Birmingham but half 45 minutes away didn't do very well 2 two I got in my degree after that I did what's called a legal practice course that was in Birmingham at the College of Law it's now called the University of law I did my legal practice course there then I did a training contract for 2 years and after that I basically went into the FM that I own now and volunteer to work there for free for about 2 years and then after that in October 2016 I basically took that F over and now it is where it is and it I think we're probably one of the busiest FMS in the whole country what about family life mom and dad brothers sisters I've got four brothers all older than me and big family and four sisters three are older than me and one is younger than me two of them are ill bless them and and that's it really and I've got wife and four kids four boys how old are you how it look you look young mate you look late 20s early 30s thank you thank you 35 I'm 39 it's a bastard you're middle AG 30s it's not too bad it's once you get 38 39 no way you think about closer to the 40 yeah yeah that's when you think [ __ ] where did it go time goes fast yeah but I still remember School times yeah I was had that school mate I still remember remember them like yesterday so good upbringing then Brothers if he all got good jobs kind of RA upbringing my dad was a wealthy man he used to um be a wholesale milk supplier he lives in Pakistan now he retired my father he lives there chilling he was uh he encouraged us to study all Brothers few of us studied and few of us did it basically what's the background religion Muslim Muslim so seeing it's all that kind of the Muslim Community listen I believe it's the strongest community in the world I think even the prisons it's the Muslim gangs that run the prisons and with everybody is the fastest growing religion I believe over two billion people now yeah and it's listen I've got many Muslims brothers who I love to bit crazy bastard some of them don't follow up 100% there's many things in religion I agree with I don't agree with but that's no doubt to me that's what people want to choose so like I said the Muslim Community is the fastest growing and I've got many Muslim brothers who welcome me with open arm and moms and dads the food's amazing love me BS let I say the boys the sons who I grew up with when I was younger mad mad as mad bastards mad mad people all welcoming and hosp people though but what I've realized with that is the upbringings of study be being be wouldn't say maybe intelligent but be something whether need becoming doctors or lawyers or toping what did you was that ingrained in you from a very young age from and I think it was because of the fact that my parents were not educ at they studied to the extent that they could you know just in back home I'm talking about in Pakistan not in Pakistan I come from Kashmir aad Kashmir is called so that's the free side of the occupied Kashmir so Kashmir there's a dispute it's a disputed territory I don't know if you know the India now Pakistan and India that's that's what their misunderstandings are over and there's one part that is disputed so it's neither theirs or neither India's and there's one part that is not disputed and that's where I live that's where we live that's where from and my dad probably went to school till he was about 13 14 years old because financially they wasn't very stable at all my father used to tell me stories about when they never used to have food for days so that one meal that used to come about one proper meal was something to look forward to they never used to have new clothes for example you know e or any kind of family celebrations then used to have clothes so they used to wash their old clothes and wear them and that was like a big thing washing the clothes so I heard all of that stuff so my father say listen study otherwise you know do you see that Nina what a lot of disfunctional families who are missing that father figure you tend to see a lot of sadness and that's where the anger the frustration Court life prison life comes in where they come from broken homes I think so yes I think it it will it does have a a big impact not having a father about I am very close to my kids and I'm very close to my father even up until now when I'm making a big decision whether it's a business decision or a life decision I will have to call my dad and ask him if it's the right thing to do and I am very close with my kids and they tell to talk to me they're like my I'm their best friend I'm my my dad's my best friend if you get what I mean I tell my kids as well I said I say to them that you don't need friends friends are friends come and go if you've got a dad you've got everything yeah I believe so blessing a blessing a mom and dad to have both you're the most blessed person on the planet because life comes so fast such a fast pace we take it for granted we do we don't realize how special life is but there's so much mix up and [ __ ] skull duggery goes on in this world that it's hard for people to live their best potential what was your first ever job in the court uh your first ever case case yeah yeah my first ever ever case was when I was a training solicitor and this is a good story this is because what I did was this as soon as I got into a law film I thought what do I do now how do I build a client base so I went through my phone book and I would write all the numbers down on a sheet of paper and I would call them up and say hi it's me Ahmed how's it people I know from School College University from the local area I grew up in a place called Aston but I knew everyone literally everyone there because I used to work in my uncle's shop so people used to come in and out and I us to see everyone I'm a very talkative person I'm a friendly person so I knew everyone I start phoning everyone on my phone book and telling them I'm working in a law film the second day somebody come through the door and they've told me they were recommended by one of my school friends so I rang him a book of thanks for that was only a possession of a bladed article a knife but it was a big thing I still remember the client I still remember the client's name I seen the client actually a few years ago and I called him by his name because how do you remember me I go I remember everyone but I only remember him because my first case you know I remember most of my cases but you can't remember everybody's name sometimes so that was my first ever case he went pleaded guilty and he got like a suspended sentence or something what was it buz like for you it's good you know cuz I got bit of a pat on the back from my principal at the time my bus and uh so I was happy in it I was a young kid did you have that business mindset straight away because listen it's all right you doing your Tik Tok and your Instagram but it's a business an entrepreneurial ship where you've got to keep raising the bar to then having your own firm that takes a bit of credit as well so when you get through this it was automatic to try and get your own F startup straight away that was my target straight away I wanted to build a network and I had a network already a bit of a network so I wanted to make that come to fruti so what I did was like I said I start phoning everybody what whoever I would see I would give him a business card now I don't carry cards on me anything I don't carry anything on me now but back them days I used to go go for a walk whever are go I us to have a bunch of cards so yeah I had that business mindset from that time and my boss wasn't a good boss basically he was always doubting me and saying to me listen you're not good for nothing you don't have to speak English properly you need allocution lessons elocution lessons um and all of that stuff so was racist he was he he was a Pakistani guy he wasn't racist but he was a bit I don't know he was a bit you know off his own ass yeah cheeky I don't know but anyway so that was a big motivation for me so when I left that place we was never left amicably you see I had a bit of argument with him I left so I had to prove that that guy wrong I left I walked into the film that I'm in now so this was a film that's closing down at that time in 2014 so I spoke to this guy his name is marris Maris Andrews his name is and I said to him I want a job he said I'm not looking to employee people I'm winding they 70 plus at that time cuz I'm looking to wind down I'm done I said to him look you don't need to pay me I'll just I just want to work I'll bring my own work give me a commission and I'll be happy with that so I started working for him I started bringing my own work and after a few years I made him offer he wasn't happy with you he gave me a figure that I wasn't happy with anyway in the end we shook on a deal and that's it to be fair God is my witness when I shook on that deal I never had a single penny to my name goes back to network so I shook on the deal after that I come out that room went on my phone and I knew I had to get his money together now which I did and since then with the help of the Lord I've been blessed brother I've been very blessed what's the scariest case you've been in scariest case in what way just where you've just been nervous about it and worrying just where you just feel as if [ __ ] me it's a scares it just feel cal every time you go in no sometimes it's pressure there's a lot of pressure from the families ESP people's lives man people's lives man and one time this happened uh this was not but a couple of years ago oh he represented someone on a murder case and it was the circumstances of the offence were that basically the guy got shot outside his house from a car that was driving by so they didn't they just stopped paused for a second shut the guy and drove off that was the shooting my client was arrested he asked for me I went to the police station the police officers Gave Me Disclosure disclosure is the evidence that the police are going to use in the police station interview against my client they gave me that and they were attributing a phone number to my client they said this is the phone number this phone number is involved in the MAA in this way it was in contact with the shooter throughout the day and just before the shooting and right after the shooting sort of saying that he set the shooting conspiracy yeah conspiracy basically he said to me look I was at home at the time I'm on tag I'm going a door stop tag care you door stop care you and the police came in just before they saying that this guy died they came and checked and I was at home I didn't go no I said no problem but they're not saying you made they're not saying you were there they're saying you was involved somehow the police don't have to give you the full their full version at the start they just give you enough to have a interview so I went into consultation now with that person with my CL you and I said to him this is the phone number that the police are saying is yours is this your phone number he said no this is not my phone number I said okay what's your phone number then he said I don't have a phone I said who doesn't have a phone in this day and age stop lying to me he goes I'm not lying I don't have a phone and the police know that I don't have a phone I go how do the police know go because I got attacked in the city center a few weeks ago and I got robbed and the police police took my phones sorry the people who rubbed me took my phones and then I called the police and told them that my phones are been taken so that that will be on record I go I said to him are you 100% sure he turned around and said called me uncle he said Uncle I'm a million per sure I go well then you're going to go home with me now then I'm going to take you home because this the only thing that they got against you if they've got this number wrong then you're good to go anyway went in the police station interview so me being myself I wasn't going to just sit there quietly or I didn't want to make him talk as well because sometimes when clients talk they just incriminate themselves for other reasons so if they don't need to talk they don't need to talk so I advised him that I said let's do a pre-prepared statement to put the number down and put everything down denying that this is this is your number and you've got nothing to do with it end of story they'll do their investigation do their homework and after that come back and let you go I'll put that down on the statement I said this number is not mine and I'm not involved basically so the police officers both of them looked at each other and started smiling it's like they knew that this was going to come I thought I thought they're smiling because they think oh I've got the wrong person the police off officer then turned around and said this phone number was used to call an insurance company to insure a vehicle guess who that vehicle is registered to you so I turned around I looked and this person who found the insurance company introduced himself as you and gave this phone number that's one of the reasons we're saying this is your phone number secondly this phone number has called every single member of your family apart from one member that member is your grandmother and we think that it hasn't called that number because you live with here so you don't need to call here you could just go to the house anyway I said to the police at the time I go stop the interview I need to speak to my client spoke to him I said what did you lie to me for he said I smoke cannabis I what's that got to do with it he goes I forgot I you forgot that you had a phone so I had a bit of a falling out with him because it's not that it's it's not about how I I felt that I felt I done him a diservice because I shouldn't have put that statement I shouldn't have believed him but then if I can't believe my own clients who should I believe makes you look stupid exact yeah what's the difference between a lawyer solicit a barister a lawyer is a word used to describe either a solicitor or a barrister so it's the same so if it's a barrister it's a lawyer basically a bar as a lawyer solicit as a lawyer so see when you go through your education stuff what's a process how many years do you need to go to be a lawyer Scotland and England are different it's different lawyer yeah different jurisdiction it's probably the exactly same in terms of academic qualifications is probably the same but it's different law wise we can only practice in England and Wales you have to go to university and do a qualifying law degree for 3 years but there are some institutes now that you can complete that 2 years after that you do a legal practice course and then you have to work under someone for about 2 years and then you are qualified and then you have to um work for about 3 years as a qualified solicitor and then you can go and open your own firm how many cases have you w so far I don't count loads over over a thousand probably in the last 10 years and you're all over England and Wales all over England and Wales what's the longest trial you've worked on call probably so you see when you're going through a trial how much preparation do you need if it's a big one if it's a big one it depends what most cases I'm just say if it's a big drugs conspiracy if I'm representing a client their role will only be minimal so if there's about 10,000 Pages under that case I probably only have to read about 500 of them it all depends sometimes I put in minimal effort and got the results sometimes I have to put in a bit more effort so it all depends on the case more serious the more effort I would say if it's a m the case it's draining because then you see of course you know the victim's photos like the last Med case I did client got convicted I did the victim's photos were basically postmortem photos and they they skinned him basically so you could see the inside of or you know his Skin's gone off they've skinned him and so they do the they done the postmortem so you see a lot of stuff in Med cases and then you have the families of the defendant cuz he's of course in remand they are very demanding as well so you know they always want updates and stuff like that so it's very demanding how does that affect you when you see fol with dead bodies some bers lawyers are seeing kids being [ __ ] raped and all the dark [ __ ] like how do you how do you separate it from work to going home to seeing your own kids I think you can you switch off you can't really I think you become immune to it to be fair it's like a doctor if a doctor he gets near nervous and His Hands start shaking when he's about to operate on someone a surgeon sorry that person might die so you have to sort of become immune to you have to kill your conscious to a degree I would say m i don't do sex cases though kids on so I don't do them ones yeah they're [ __ ] heavy a't they that's dark that's that's bad that's very bad so when did the social media say stuff what was the idea behind that in Co was that business idea or was it just having fun with it just to get out there business yeah mhm and free education for people a lot of people don't know the basics of law so I when I was a kid I didn't know yeah cuz you you always shout out as as a defense for every offense defense for every offense mhm which in in theory if you look at if you see a solicitor or a lawyer or a barister they'll tell you that there's not already defense for every offense because there's some offenses that are strict liability offenses you either did it or you haven't but what I say is even if there isn't a defense for example a possession of a firearm it's been found on your person or if it's been found in your vehicle you'll be charged for that in law there's no defense for that but if you go to court and you plead not guilty you have to put forward an explanation don't you you have to say something why are you not guilty so that will a man to a defense in the end MH so technically there is in theory it's not but technically if you look at it there is a defense for every offense what's the basic stuff obviously listen I was always grow up snitches get put in ditches no comment all the way if you get [ __ ] put into the Cop Shop no comment because a lot of people who are in prison they've spoke theel there there's too many grasses too many snitches they're actually snitching on themselves because I try to talk their way out of it which is [ __ ] so silly what is the basics of listen wait to your lawy because a lot of people crumble they do a very big mistake that people make is exactly what he just said start snitching on themselves and they think that they're going to talk their way out of being arrested or being charge that's never going to happen you know that everybody knows that but people I think it's the pressure when they get arrested they get under pressure that's why they talk it's all it's all about pressure because if they come I don't think they would talk so a lot of people they start talking whilst they're being arrested once the police officer has said I'm arresting you and cautioned you no matter what you say to them they are going to take you to the station and they will interview you so if you really want to talk you can talk in the interview if you've been advised to talk there's times that I advise people to talk when they sit down they say look they've got the totally wrong man it's not me even then sometimes I would say look we'll do a prepared statement so we've got it on record we're denying it so if you ever get charged we are denying it from the outset sometimes I would advise people listen the evidence is strong you don't want them to get any more information no comment is my advice sometimes you tell them to talk it all depends on the circumstances have you ever told somebody listen you're done banking rights plead guil a shorter sentence and have not listened and they' got a bigger sentence yes yes they have does that happen frequently not frequently because I think now it's come to a stage that people they take my advice seriously clients do sometimes some clients think they're too clever but most of the clients not that clever if they need the [ __ ] law course exactly another thing that I've seen is prison lawyers you know a lot of people who are in prison they they act like lawyers and a lot of my clients want to remind they say oh this guy from this Wing said that I go what is he in there for if he knew something if he was that clever or he knew about the law why is he doing inside prison so yeah sometimes he talk sometimes you don't what happens with the the guy you told plead go I told him to uh there loads it's not just on just say some people will want to have trials and the defenses will be stupid to they think a jury is stupid a jury is 12 members upstanding members of the community with no previous convictions and they are mentally able so they are judging the trial based and the evidence before them so the prosecution comes with their case first then the defense comes and then the judge directs them by the law they're not stupid so you have to have a plausible explanation at least you can't just say it wasn't me or they're lying with the police are lying a lot of people will say the police are lying they set me up the made it up and stuff like that so in one case I told a guy to plead guilty get a lesser sentence youve get you get a bit of credit if you want I can put forward a Bas is a plea for you like a plea deal so get your sentence reduced he wasn't having none off it he would have got six based on my adwise but he got 11 after trial so he chose do you ever see people going down crying a lot of people they have tears in their eyes I can see the regret straight away yeah that's the only a lot of people think they're big mans but when they go down I I've seen it I've seen it first time livelihood man that's the thing we men a lot of people play the act of a clown and a and a strong man but they're not you see them crumble anybody would crumble no man is ready to do 25 years in prison no man MH and imagine they've done that cuz you get 25 years for something like maida imagine you're going to prison for 25 years you've not made a single penny because you're going just because you killed somebody you had a fight you had a disagreement and you couldn't sort it out that's how egoistic you are you had kill that person and then you're doing 25 years your whole life is finished you've not made a single penny if you've made money from a crime at least you've benefited something haven't you but non Financial crimes made and stuff like that so there's a lot of people in there that are regretting what they've done yeah the majority of people have some remorse not the all but when they do their courses and stuff they realize how sometimes those short bad decisions can change their whole life in other people's lives I don't think the anybody that I've met till this day that is involved in a murder case or a serious violence case that actually wanted to hurt someone that bad there's only one person I've met that's it should I tell you what that person said to me he stabbed the guy about 19 times while sitting on top of him and the guy survived with the Mir with a miracle you know his death was in and the Lord wanted him to live that's all he was so I've gone to see this guy and I said good at least is a tempted murder not murder now he turned around and said well when I'm going to be inside I will know where that back of my head that guy's breathing still that's going to hit me more okay then but yeah have you ever had anyone come in m m straight away of they always pleed innocent they won't please no I don't know they haven't no one's admitted like yeah I actually did it there have been sometimes people have said yes I did stab the guy but he he had the knife on him this is a case I'm talking about a scenario in a case he had the knife on him he came to me with the knife I managed to disarm him we were in a tussle the knife self-defense self-defense yeah the knife was inserted into into his chest I didn't know he was going to pierce his heart he bled to death so that scenario I've been in before as well what clients have been in what makes a good lawyer a good lawyer looks at the evidence and explains the evidence the strengths and the weaknesses to his client properly doesn't hide behind big words has good communication skills so keeps the client updated and reassures the client although sometimes they have to be realistic but we're dealing with grown men 99.9% of the times clients are grown men so you have to be realistic with them don't sugarcoat anything I I've seen a lot of people a lot of lawyers sugar C I could do this for you I could do this for you when she is the fan they nowhere to be seen I can still go and see clients that I've represented that I've been convicted or got big sentences I can't change the evidence and it's it's it's not that's not my job I can't the CPS are the ones who got evidence so i' I'm still in contact with people who are saving life imprisonment they call me now and again I chat to them so you have to have good communication skills has anybody ever tried to put it on you threaten you yeah have they I made a video Once when I'm speaking about client of M it was a maor trial where a client of mine was the only one who got acquitted of the murder but he got convicted of the manslaughter so I made a video about that you know just published publishing my result someone of course never liked it so I start getting phone calls H blah blah blah because the victim in that case was a young lad was a young unfortunate of course I don't encourage people to go and do crime or people to go have knives I discourage that on a huge scale I even spoke up against drug dealing and all of that stuff cuz I've got my own kids I don't like to see other people's kids doing that stuff it's just it's not good it's not pleasing they found me and they were threatening me this can to happen this going to happen this is going to happen so I just had to tell them listen do one then the second or third phone call you need to delete that video I go and delete my video that's my Tik Tok my Instagram no one's going to tell me what to do on it I've not said no names I've not said nothing all I said is a widely reported case I'm not going to I'm not I'm not going to delete it because what if I delete that video people would start following me for every video I make so I didn't do it yeah qu you got to stand your ground you have to so see when you're going through all that then like what's the rules and regulations with the social media side of things of doing stuff like that obviously I'm not mentioning names in what cases they are but you must be close to the Bone when you're doing those videos I think I sometimes sometimes you can say that but I as long as I'm not inciting any criminal Behavior I can't advertise back I think about 36 37 years ago there was no advertising but since then they've bought solicitors can advertise so I'm not doing nothing wrong as long as the clients are happy sometimes you must have seen my videos I have clients sitting next to me so if somebody's got a good result I ask all my clients anybody got a good result I ask them to come some of them come some of them don't a lot of them don't because they don't want to be seen but a lot of them come so as long as I'm not doing anything wrong I can say whatever I want and I'm not directly advising anyone to do anything I'm giving them scenarios in my cases if you get what I mean yeah of course I'm simply saying my client was charged with this we put this defense forward and he got found not guilty if that's if that's what I'm talking about so I'm not saying nothing wrong what's your most viewed V probably about 2 million what did you say 220 kilos of class A drugs that's what my CL C was charged with and today he was found not guilty after the after pleading his innocent to the NCA at the police station stage and now at the crown court today at Birmingham crime Court he was found not guilty remember there's a defense for every offense see when you're see when you go through all that and do your videos are you planning them or you just off the cuff off the cuff because mhm so the basics that people need to know so if the cop was coming look back in the day when we were [ __ ] driving the streets at Glasgow they used to P us all the time and but now you see videos of people telling them they [ __ ] off and you can't you could do that b yeah but so what's say if the coppers pull you over obviously you see people now saying am I being detained yeah have I done anything they say no they're just driving away how legit is that because if we done that back in the day they would just Chas us they would [ __ ] one thing the police don't like I've got nothing against the police by the way yeah not nothing I got nothing against the police I actually love the police because if something was to happen to my family I'll be the first person to call them if I was getting burled or robbed once if if you are sto by the police please and they you're not obliged to answer any questions unless it's you're a risk to um National Security and stuff like that which is Extreme we're talking about normal stop and search here so you've just been stopped they can ask you if it's a routine check they will ask you for your car uh insurance insurance and stuff like that once you've given them that you ask him if you're free to go you can't or you are not obliged to answer any further questions so if they start asking you about where you going uh what you doing in this area who's with you who you're going to see you don't need to answer all of that once you've given them what they require then you can go but I would ask everybody to be cooperative and calm because the police do have powers all they need to say is I need to search you for prevention of a crime I feel or I can smell cannabis in the car or I feel a drug deal is taking place done they feel it they can do it so just be calm and Cooperative the human beings if you be nice to them they let you go it people are AR Authority as well where they feel as if they're trying to don't pull me over don't talk to me you can ask that sometimes you can get frustrating with these videos I see videos and the person is acting like a dick as well behind listen there's some couples out there that are Pricks and they do try and INF Fury of course I've police officer friends they're not all bad there are very bad police officers I mean I'm going I'm doing a trial right now and involves the police Sergeant an ex police sergeant and he is going he's giving evidence right now and he is describing how he was treated in the workplace by other police officers racist remarks and all sorts his Asian lad so they're not all bad and like he said some of these guys behind the camera they're acting like dicks so what do you expect the police after to do so be nice they're humans as well you and they're doing a job they're not doing nothing wrong by just pulling you do a routine job yeah of course if somebody's if somebody's giving you attitude yeah give a bit of attitude back but sometimes they can abuse that power just like anybody in that's what I just said all they need to say is yeah I could smell cannabis that's all they need to say what about for warrants cuz coming through your door they can't come in your house unless they've got a want is this 100% legit like they have to have a warrant because always ask can I come in they do they have to have a warrant and that warrant has to be specific to what they looking for so if they are looking for example for you here they are not going to search inside a handbag or inside the washing machine for example you get what I'm trying to say they have to be specific so if they're looking for something if they're looking for firearms for example and they take a shitload of your money when they come here they have to give that money back to you because that warrant was only specific for the Firearms MH you have three months to challenge warrants as well so if somebody gets raided they have 3 months to judicially review that warrant a judge can review that warrant and check if it's correct or not and that's done obviously by going to court and stuff but the main thing is it has to be specific to what they looking for who do you think they in the UK do you think the system's good or do you think it's flawed what's that the system in the UK prison system the pron here in sentences are not too bad compared to America where people getting 150 years you can Bor man for five and six years like it's [ __ ] crazy bad we have custody time limits here don't we MH I don't know about America so when you arrested I think it's a year here now it used to be no in Scotland's different it used to it used to be 100 120 days yeah that's six months and then they changed that again no that was four months yeah just under four months yes but they changed that again sometimes I think they can hold you for a year wonderand I'm not sure listen I've not been in a jail in many years touch with hopefully it stays hope you don't need but you know what to come to if you but yeah all change so see when you're in the man here in England these get cuz in Scotland you get visit every day is this the same for England I don't know how the visit system works I'm not too clue on about the actual prison system but in terms of the judicial system you have custody time limits and you have 6 months from the date that you are charged to have a trial yeah think I a year in glasow they can hold they can drop your papers the year on the day with a child shap if they don't the case gets through out oh okay okay it's like that but he has beit different and the CPS can some sometimes apply for extensions which they tend to get if they've been expeditious and they've done everything correctly and and it's not because of their mistake or their fault that the case is being adjourned then it's quite easy for them like during coid a lot of people's custody time limits were getting extended recently barristers Were Striking because of criminal legal aid because of that a lot of places were getting ained a lot of custody time limits were getting extended as well did they record the interviews in England yeah video camera some interviews are video your camera there when did they choose when and not to because I've seen some [ __ ] serial killers or bad [ __ ] and they're recording the last sometimes they do it because they want to look at your body language they probably they've probably got somebody sitting there looking at your body language the last case that I had recorded was last year as a terrorism case and they were they recorded my consultation not my consultation with my client but my consultation with the police officers and they recorded video recorded the whole interview so sometimes they do some I think more serious offenses they do it for yeah yeah that's what it could be B image and stuff looking at that so see when you do your videos it has to be just must be has anybody ever came forward and say look [ __ ] cam it down a bit or is everybody okay with it some people do a lot of people talk bad about me I had own yeah and you mess me big Tony and he saying there's a guy on [ __ ] Tik Tok and he's [ __ ] he messed me I don't know cuz I didn't cuz I've never seen many people who does it because you're you are out there so you're like a you're like a Salesman it's like a sales pitch it's like somebody selling cars you're there with a nice suits glasses big car nice watch it's like but it's [ __ ] business and it's got your name out there has in podcast now you have to Market yourself if you can't Market yourself who are you going to Market you know you have to mark yourself a lot of people talk bad but the thing is I think they're just jealous I think they're just haters I'll be honest with you straight up the thing is I'm quite young in this profession as a lawyer I've been in this profession for about 10 years but I think I'm the most recognized in the whole of UK right now uh lawyer wise and my FM is very busy so a lot of people are jealous so they do say stuff that barister was basically saying that I'm promising all sort of stuff to people but I'm not I've never promised anything I've actually made a video of a roleplay video where I get a phone call and the clients asking me the potential clients asking me can you guarantee me a win I said no I can't guarantee no wins but the only thing me and my team can guarantee you is we will leave no stones on in the preparation of your case and that's the only guarantee I can give you other than that I can't give you no guarantees the only guarantee you got in life is death I can guarantee nothing so that guy was saying I'm promising stuff I'm not promising anything to anybody come on is there anybody else doing you're doing with social media just now who's working in law some people are trying copying you now yeah the copying me which is good I like it it's good yeah that's a forma what a forma something anyway if somebody copies you appreciation I think they they must appreciate me the highest form inspiration I don't know so see when you're doing your videos then would say how how has business been since the all been released went through the roof more clients yeah lot more inquiries I would say some people just call just to speak to me I'll be honest with you just generally just just to have a chat with me but because of um the length in a case concluding and I'm getting a lot of new clients I would say yes I'm getting a lot of new clients because a lot of people don't know what to do when they get arrested they don't know what happens they don't know that they can call a lawyer and they can call a lawyer free of charge at the police station some people they think that they need to pay and that's the only time somebody will come and represent them that's the misconception people have in the in the UK there's one thing good about the UK system legal aid so you can be a young lad no job and you can get potentially me representing you if you up for a big serious case mhm do you pick and choose your clients now myself personally yes I like to deal with about 10 to 15 cases a year myself personally but I've got a team there's 15 of us 10 15 cases a year yeah one case near enough a month one or two that's [ __ ] all right a it sorry a it living a good life bro all right yeah is that who's blue Lamborghini was that [ __ ] [ __ ] I need to become a lawyer bro I'm doing it wrong in this podcast game me now you're doing well man you're probably making more money than me n we smashing it be fair mate so but you enjoying it do you enjoy law I love it you know do people take you serious with all the videos you're doing as well are you you up there with people going yeah he's good at his job or yeah is other lawyers kind talk behind your back I don't know about other lawyers I don't really get along with much lawyers I think that most of them they don't like me I don't know why but I don't get time to basically socialize anyway and I like to not be around negative people or drama so I don't but a lot of people even before the Social Media stuff I was doing cases and I've doing big cases it's I think it's where I was brought up like I said I was very well known and just just by being nice and friendly so when I was brought up place called Aston a lot of crime a lot of criminals potential criminals so I knew everybody so when I got into the law game like everybody started using me and everybody where the mouth got around you get one result and 10 people talk about it you're bound to get another case out of that that's how it works that's how life Works isn't it you get good results you provide a good service more people are going to come to you nobody is coming to me just by seeing a video they have to do their reset so somebody sometimes people look at my videos but then I'll get a phone call by somebody who knows me personally and they say this guy wants your number blah blah blah he's asked me and I've recommended you then they'll follow me it's like that as well so a lot of people get hold of me on a personal level to find somebody who knows me and then they'll come as well it's for example if you now are getting done for MAA just say you're not just going to take what I'm saying by face value you will need a bit of research background research so I've got history I've been getting good results mhm very you enjoy enjoy being a lawyer I love it I love my job you know I wouldn't change it I would never change it the best feeling ever better than sex is basically getting those two words not guilty at the end of a big trial that you worked hard on hard work pays off it's it's the I Can't Describe it's the best feeling ever brother working on a big trial how much preparation goes into it it depends how long the trial is and it all depends on for example the terrorism case I'm doing right now um basically it's about 400,000 pages of um electronic material laptops phones everything so I'm having to go through all of that and a lot of legal visits every week I'm going to see the client because you could get life imprisonment so the more sentence the client is potentially facing the more preparation and time that he requires and he actually deserves to be fair his life isn't it so sometimes the thing is I say this to clients as well it's not about how much times I'm coming to see you I've seen you you've given me instructions I don't need anything else off you now now let me do my work and my work is done properly when I've got no one disturbing me in the office or in my house me seeing you all the time is not going to win your case me looking for ways to win your case when I'm in the right frame of mind is going to help you so sometimes it's not a babysitting as well what about the jury do you look at ju's and and see who can potentially sway your way is it just the case you do yeah I think all lawyers do that must do that so look that that guy looks okay but you can never read a jwy you can't read a jury you can't read anybody because you don't know what they're thinking in their head sometimes I've looked at jud's and thought to myself looks like a tough one and it's been an mhm what's the hardest thing about being a lawyer hardest thing I think being a busy lawyer is to manage a case Lord and you're never going to make everybody happy and you're never going to get the desired desired result on every single case that you do so you have to come you have to face the fact that you're not going to win everything and you're not going to make everyone happy so pleasing every body I'm I've never been after that anyway but the hardest thing probably is to manage the case load and probably you know when people get convicted sit with them after after they've been convicted now they're looking at 25 years in prison don't know what to say to them how's that feeling do they ever blame you no nobody's ever blamed me to be fair which is a good thing they cuz they see the effort don't they they see the effort and they know I can't change the evidence the evidence is the evidence the prosecution are bringing the case is it's not me isn't it do they do you know sometimes that they're [ __ ] yeah I've told people let me tell you a quick story I told somebody to plead guilty on a Case once back in 2017 could have been 16 as well 16 I think it was 2016 sorry I told that guy to plead guilty on a case it was a section 18 case nasty section 18 domestic violent related as well very bad bad injuries I advised him I go the evidence is strong they're saying it's you why would they say anyway you should plead guilty me and my barister we both sat with him and and his father and we said look we feel that enter a guilty plea tried to get a lesser sentence he went had a trial well he went I went as well the B as well we had a trial he got found not guilty after the trial he com sub to me and he said I don't know how that's happened but I have to thank you and I have to thank the Lord 10 ran and says I want to be a lawyer will you give me a job if I get the qualifications I thought he's chatting it I said of course I will anyway fast forward a couple of years he's going to qualify as a solicitor in the next six months that's was good man just do you have a look at people though and you see the broken Souls where you think there's no chance of them doing anything with their life that you see a lot of people in courts and it's sad to think it's not as if they belong there but you just know that's that's they've chosen that life they don't want to get out of it there are people like that me in my profession I mean a lot of people you know and there's some people and you look at them this guy's not a criminal man what's he doing here some people I think it's peer pressure when they get involved some people they do it for financial for a financial gain some people do it for that clout and that status thing that Fame there's a lot of people that do it for different reasons but I I see them all I see them all I've seen people like I've seen females giving birth inside prison I've seen female drug dealers I've seen female Killers um I represented a woman once she killed her husband all sorts you don't you meet everyone who's it better to what with the female are they male males I think no I'm not being sexist or anything of course cuz they understand and plus they're men and so I can be myself you know to an extent of course with them but with females sometimes I've got female staff as members as well so but males clients always better to work with than female clients why is it a female mother like a l sentence in a male murer every female I've had on always got lesser sentence because maybe it's abuse from the husband or it's that's where it all comes from abuse of partner period of abuse provocation and uh a women women generally won't go and try to plan to murder somebody it was most likely Heat of the Moment isn't it I've not come across the planned ma yeah it's always at the Heat of the Moment they'll be doing something pick up a knife I don't know have you come across the woman shoot I have not come across the woman's shoot yeah have you Linda Cal she was a bank robber bastard M they called her the Black Widow every husband she was that was in her life was here her murdered the life off no way she was actually convicted of murder where was she from London wow mad she Lo the wrote the book The Black Widow I'm still friends L mad bastard but okay she tells you be home at 8:00 from the pub mate you're you're home at 5 that's the kind of woman M like you know not to f around there's some women more dangerous than the male they are yeah look at that Queen of the S mhm what's the name rart Blanco or something from Columbia what's the least charg what's the least thing you can ever get charged with what's his smallest thing you can get Char with smallest thing probably um possession of a cannabis or something or like of financial penalty breach of breach of pece breach of peace shoting the street yeah sh in the street something why did they even why they even charges I don't know some guy got charged with breach a piece um at a Liverpool game he was something about 97 or something I think because 1997 something happened yeah and I think he wrote not enough oh not enough yeah um 97 but the guy he he'll get [ __ ] done because it was a h disaster I that's what I thought lat yeah so 97 people passed away but yeah he'll get [ __ ] done that's heavy and for anybody who's even put that on his top is just as bad I didn't know yeah a grown man that was a Manu man city game yeah I'm not into football but SE that that's a bit bad you got TR to breach a piece or something or inciting hatred or something like that he'll get done [ __ ] social media going to go prison for that yeah social media went off it's nut so understandably man mhm understand yeah definitely man don't make fun of the Dead especially something as tragic as is that what's the worst chance murder obviously yeah murder rape yes child [ __ ] pedophilia pedophilia man disgusting disgusting I've turned cases away before involving that even though I'm not one to judge whether somebody's guilty or not but I don't want to look through all of that stuff it's just not and defend someone who's a [ __ ] sex case yeah yeah as a father kind yeah you'd [ __ ] get the [ __ ] gu even though you were defending no comment I say nothing for that but yeah do you ever get question from the coppers with clients of that can never come to you never no no that's what I'm saying that's what I I'm very outspoken I say whatever I want not whatever I want within the law within the remits of the law even when I go to court you know I've got a bit of balls I can talk a lot of people are scared and lawyers are scared to say certain things in court because the judge will have a go at them so what the judge not going to lock you up mhm the wor going to happen is going send your client to prison for a couple more days but so are is there certain judges you like working with or being in the same courtroom with because you know the judges and Lords are they rless that are different different animals that lot no some of them are very nice some of them are depends some of them have had personal experiences I know a judge whose daughter died of a drug overdose so what do you think he would do when he gets a drug dealer in front of him so it's because their people don't forget they imagine somebody's had a family member killed driving there you go I got six month for driving disqualified B [ __ ] lawyer says I'll see you at 1:00 I was on the bus to B at 10: in the morning [ __ ] stupid charge 6 months man for nothing D disqualified think it was the third fourth time I they were cracking right down on it then you done that though yeah was yeah it was years ago it was 15 years ago wow long time M wow long time bro time go quick where do you go with the future with it or where do you you see yourself I want to do this for a few more years and then get into I do a lot of the business ventures as well I'm getting into a few more um ventes in in Pakistan and over here as well just properties and stuff but I want to actually pack it up after a couple of years cuz like I said it's it's financially very good you have to be good at your job to make money any job you have to be good at isn't you have to be good at otherwise you're not going to make money it's not going to just fall on your lap you have to we card so but financially it's very draining so after a couple years I do want to pack it up and do something else retire probably don't know [ __ ] s sorry CU you see people working to their 60s and 70s you just love it that much I know but what's the point I mean I know people but they don't their response is what else do we do do we sit home all day mhm I don't know could you become a judge or a lord or yes yes you have to be a practicing solicitor for 10 years I've only been doing it for nine qualified so after next year I can do my judge course and do my exams and can it's not that difficult what's your Bas memory of being a lawyer my first not guilty plea on a big case where it was a conspiracy to murder nine people were on that case just my client got found not guilty MH and uh I've got I've got a good relationship with that client now and you know he keeps phing me sometimes after he's bought a house recently pH me he had a kid he found me and he said look this wouldn't have been possible without you man I probably grateful good friend of mine what's your worst experience worst experience was probably that case I spoke about where I should have just not done the prepared statement on that mder case where the client lied to me because at night then I was I couldn't sleep I couldn't sleep and I kept me mentioning it to my wife she turned around and said look you don't kill yourself over it you did that because he lied I said okay he lied to me but I shouldn't have believed him that's my mistake mhm so but you learn as you go you're going to mistakes they never catch him with the phone uh no but they could attribute it to him but could they still Pro that was his phone or have used that they will they will H they have so at court uh I had to give that case up basically then MH but at court the prosecutor can now go to the jury and say to the jury that this guy has already lied once in the police station interview what makes you think he's not lying now so imagine that being said to a jury member MH so is that Beyond Reasonable Doubt Beyond Reasonable Doubt the jury have to be sure Beyond Reasonable Doubt so that basically means this I describe it two ways very easy so you've got a glass of water here the prosecution have to make the jury sure so the glass of water has to be clear our job is simply to muddy those Waters a little bit of mud and that's that done has to be not guilty you have to be 100% sure another example Who Wants To Be A Millionaire you you you're on the million dollar or million pound question now and but you've got your three lifelines the question you think you know it you think you know that question you're 99.9% sure that you know that question but you've got a Lifeline so you said okay I'll just pH a friend just to get that 100% sure that's not guilty what's it like doing the final speech or was the final statement would they Rec call that the end speech closing speech closing speech closing speech is get nervous no I don't do them do you not I don't do them who does them uh a king's Council or a barister I can do them if I want but like I said I'm so busy that I cannot be in a courtroom for a month or a two Monon trial I have to be going in and out because I have to serice other clients so when I'm in London I've got a case happening in the Old Bailey right now made a case so I'll be there I'll sit in there probably for the day the next day I'll go to see a prisoner in warmwood scrubs or wesworth or Pentonville so I have to I have to be out and about and seeing other clients I can't commit to a six week or a 8 week trial in in a row I won't be able to do anything else how big is it for a lawyer when they've got mainstream media on the case does that improve obviously social media now you can promote your own stuff but if you're working in a big case and it's on the main stream like does that help with clients of course yeah yeah people see you dealing with big cases and they automatically want to know what's happened in that case and if you get a good result you get more clients out if you don't you in Scotland used to be Tri by media the media used to reach sh first before they went to cour people know about it but I think it's all changed now like somebody was print a story about you about a certain case can they use that in court and say look that's they've already says this in the newspapers it can go against them in the case see jury members are told specifically by the judge to not read up about the case or if something does come up when you're browsing the internet to not take that into context when making your decision deliberating mhm do you ever get scared doing it no no something else is life in your hands and you're 5050 get a bit nervous but then I think to myself it's not me mhm I've not put that person in that situation he's done it to himself any funny moments uh you ever seen anybody try to run over the [ __ ] no I've seen that on on F America yeah try to jump over I've Seen It in America but they [ __ ] just shoot you yeah they would shoot you there here they won't probably shoot you mhm just run after you do you have a look at cases it's all over the news and want to work on it yeah of course I do everyone wants to be on high-profile cases as lawyers anyway I do anyway MH how many lawyers in England I don't know there's probably about a thousand firms that just shows you how much [ __ ] crime is going on in it lot of crime what's the biggest Rising crime you've seen lately biggest rise the inro check cases what's happening with all that because I know this thing in France they're trying throw all out but it just puzzles me why people were so braing on those phones I don't get it were so confident that nobody's watching I say this about normal phones forget the enro phone I say never send a text message or make a phone call and don't expect it not to be read by other people or your phone call heard by other people I say that to everyone I I talk minimal on the phone I won't send much messages I'm very careful with my phone just because of my privacy I'm not doing anything wrong but if you start sending silly messages like that you know what I'm sorry but you deserve it to an extent and the enro phones it was a server wasn't it so if you own the server you've got access to everybody's enro so you can know what kind of dealing is taking place what what that guy's doing what that guy's doing so even that aspect of it is not safe I would say but what other argument in those cases was that it's live interception live interception is not allowed in UK you can have recorded interception but live interception you can't listen to people's phone calls you can't do intercept interception of those phone calls how could you prove that though that's exactly what we were saying so if the corers because the surveillance you know they s technology nowadays if they coppers know everything in my own opinion they know everything because they know everything the are who the main criminal who's doing what but how far can they go because can they bug your phone your house with a want yeah of course or is that against the law some they have to get a warrant to um go through certain things I mean they I've seen houses get bugged without warrants people have found illegal bugs yeah I've had family members find them in the car and stuff you have to go and some people even it's a matter of National Security you have to go get permission and then you can in certain cases in certain cases but these guys some police officers and some police forces are using that to an advantage just to get intelligence of people or about people I've had cases where um we had prison Sals bugged and one once we approached and questioned and confronted the prosecutor about this in court the prosecutor this is a true case it happened in Birmingham crime Court the prosecutor actually fell and fainted in court whilst giving evidence that's how nervous it was he was sorry not the prosecutor the officer the police officer in charge who ordered the book they wasn't releasing the information you see in the end the the judge at court said no he stopped the case basically means the case cannot go any further because we were asking we kept asking we kept asking we kept asking for that disclosure in the end they didn't give in and all that that happened at court and the judge just had enough after three trials and he threw the case out mhm so yeah there's a lot of corruption within the courts as well there's corruption everywhere in L there's corruption everywhere we're living in a world full of corruption but I'm not myself firstand come across anything but I've heard stories a lot of stories I've heard a story of someone I know that they seen they used to work for the prosecution and they seen the prosecutor in a case shred CCTV which would have collaborated with a suspect Alibi witness so he's saying he's somewhere else at the time of a murder that CCT was shredded I don't know how accurate this is but somebody told me this and because of that CCTV being shredded that person is now in life imprisonment because he couldn't prove that alibi witness it's mad on it mad when you think like that how could somebody go out of the way and try to convict people so badly a lot of people they say to me why and how can you defend someone who is guilty first of all I don't know whether they're guilty or not guilty the quot make that decision the jury makes that decision my job is to provide a service but nobody has ever said to a prosecutor how can you represent or try to convict or send someone to prison who may be innocent cuz there are innocent people who are in prison isn't it oh I've interviewed many it's been over 20 years in exactly I've seen some of your interviews so how why doesn't a prosecutor get asked that question why or how do you feel in trying to send innocent men or innocent women to prison they don't get ask that question do they mhm yeah it's mad because the people who spent 20 30 years in prison for crimes they haven't come listen not everybody in prison's innocent there [ __ ] over 90% are all guilty as Sin everybody will scream they're innocent this and that we get it but the majority of people the system isn't that flawed where but I do genuinely believe if they want to get you they will get you even if that's setting you up along the [ __ ] way so I've seen people get set up on a big scale big scale so what would happen if you found surveillance that they shouldn't be surveillance of that case be through out then yeah they should do yeah they should do when can they use it if they've got a warant and somebody sign it off to say you can surveillance them you can't Home Secretary has to give the war but you can't listen to their calls no you they can bug your phones as well yeah they bug them anyway but it's against the law Legally Legally they can if it's a matter of National Security they can or prevention of a serious crime for example sexual offenses like sex child offens some cases I've seen happen and also um terrorism cases that can book just quickly I want to mention this as well a lot of people get caught because what they're doing is they're in prison on remand and they're phoning people from the prison phone the actual prison phone that's fully recorded I've seen a lot of I was in a place called leall which was in B but it was a cushier jail it was like you had your own key and stuff so I was at the end of my sentence and because it wasn't a big crime it was only [ __ ] driving offenses car chases and um they put me at left hole but I was trying to get gear through over the wall and I phoned up and I says listen cancel those football tickets thinking try to be cool and the [ __ ] came sets to sell ripped it out and put his back in be hole just for that phone call mes with football tickets you're in the [ __ ] jail I was just I was just thinking it's not that I'm not that high profile in there under the radar but they must listen to it every phone call in detail I've seen people that haven't had much evidence against them MH you know and I've said to them listen you'll be okay at trial they've gone on the phone started chatting I don't get that as [ __ ] even chatting on yourself because a little guy with ginger hair in myself from F done de was and us always think he was a copper probably was yeah do you probably was see what do you think is the the most is is mobile phones getting people easier convictions now that a mobile phone is a police Force's best friend even if they don't find nothing and they get a mobile phone they can get a conviction for example a drug supplying conviction they can arrest you and charge you for and convict you for being say in supplying class A drugs if to just find your phone nothing else no drugs no money nothing there's evidence on the phone getting done a lot of people walk into conspiracies and it's all because of their phones phone calls of course everybody knows phone calls they can do a pattern if you phone me um and I pH somebody else who gets caught with some drugs that's a conspiracy again phone calls and text messages and social media gets a lot of people into trouble too because a lot of people like to flu their we online um if if you haven't got a proper job and you're driving a 100 Grand car of course police are going to come and knock your door so a lot of people being silly like that just to impress other people it's [ __ ] scary and it's it's you been watching4 school boy stuff if you're active and you've got social media you've got an iPhone track every move it's just I don't I can't understand go to the locations on your phone and you tell you exactly where you been you can go on to uh I think is um Google I've got Google account I think it's Google where it shows places that have been like 10 years ago like since I've had the Google Maps so they know where you are they know everything about you you've been heavily watched just like the big brother R in England they watch everything what would you give what advice would you give tbody that it's in crime get out of it don't do it yeah simple get out of it then you're out of business bro i' rather get out of business I made a lot of money now uh but I I like to see people do good I've got kids myself and especially kids I would not encourage anybody to do the life of crime man it's bad what's what do people need to understand when they need to understand that the law will eventually catch up to them secondly when you're in the life of crime you automatically get used to spending a lot of money so all that money that you're making sooner or later is going to run out try to do something legit you'll make more money out of it I see people young kids killing it these days crypto stocks and shares they're doing everything selling courses a lot of people are making a lot of money and they're not selling drugs and they're not living a life of crime so there's other things that you can do to make money would you ever want your kids to be a lawyer yeah I would yeah I would I like to that Legacy to continue at least one of them one of my kids wants to be a boxer one of them wants to be a politician in Pakistan he's already living in Pakistan now he's only 15 one of them wants to be a lawyer other one Ain made his mind up yet so where do you go I know you said you want to retire early but what's your plans for the next 10 years I'd be sitting on my yacht relaxing some drink champagne talking on your anro drinking water yeah I'm a say I don't drink man yeah I don't think you can drink and function properly that and do things I don't know see that's one thing I do L about the the Muslim beliefs says I don't drink I don't eat bacon don't smoke don't drink I was actually trying to do a fast but only lasted three days three days friend like he he lost so much weight but just he he was in my head and soul and it's about just so many things I said [ __ ] it I'll try days is good though I just struggled with they not eating during the day and just I struggled but he shows the discipline yeah you have to be proper discipline for that that kind of stuff man yeah he L stomachs I do a cold water with him yeah and we do a cold water therapy but he lost so much weight but just look fresher look cleaner you do and then after after I lost a lot of way as well to be fair in Ramadan but you I put it back on quite quickly MH but it's good for you good for so would you like to finish up on anything my brother no thank you very much for your time and thank you very much for having me just before I go I like to say everybody just work hard in what you're doing nothing comes easy nothing worth having will come easy in life if people are talking about you your job's done because people only talk about you if you're doing something right the loudest booze are going to come from the people right at the back of the stadium people at ringside will not be booing because they are busy enjoying themselves and having positivity around them and just before I go I say remember there's a defense for every offense what about your social media is in that bro contact that needs a good lawyer Amed Yak on Instagram on Tik Tok even YouTube as well I've started doing videos been a couple of months now I've basically started to go in detail in depth about the little reals and shorts I'm making so people get a bit more understanding so add my YouTube channel is am as well and plug them yeah definitely list thanks for coming on wish nothing the best for the future enjoy your life enjoy family life and I look forward to seeing your plans where you take things definitely man God bless you brother thank you
Channel: Anything Goes With James English
Views: 73,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 74min 32sec (4472 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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