AKHMED YAKOOB: There's A Defence For Every Offense! | CEOCAST EP. 107

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I'm not saying the police are bad people but they've got a job to do so are we their job is to investigate I have a job is to defend class will sometimes and say to me what if I say this what if I say this you can say whatever you feel like you can say you're Superman you're Batman people can pay for their freedom [Music] what is going on everyone welcome back to the CEO of course the number one podcast for showcasing business entrepreneurship now today you'll join me at a law firm I'm with one and only Ahmed yakub how are you doing brother alhamdulillah thank you very much for taking the time and coming all the way down here thanks for letting me film up here man this is Ricky now thank you very much your channel is growing hugely immensely it's been good I have one question for you to start off with is there really a defense for every offense of course there's not yes see there are some offenses that are absolute offenses so there's no defense in law for them so you either did it or you didn't for example the possession of a firearm if you're in possession of a firearm you're in possession of a firearm there's a no getting away from that before we get into it make sure you subscribe and set the Bell notification to all so you never miss a single episode there is once you plead not guilty yeah then technically you are putting forward a defense because you will be telling the quotes what your explanation is or what your reason is for behind uh you saying not guilty yeah so there is there is there is a defense failure what sort of can you say what sort of cases you've had where a defense in anyone else's eyes wouldn't have been possible there's been a few there's been loads to be honest with you yeah recently most recently I represented um a guy as from London he got caught well he didn't get caught a car was found crashed yep a crashed car was found the police go to that car the occupants have fled the police attend to that car and they do their checks and they find out who the car is registered to so they approach the person who the car was registered to that car was registered to my client sorry sorry that car was registered to that person so he said my client had the car at the time okay yeah so the driver after car his cousin said was driving and that was my client and car is abandoned after he gets hit there's a robbery that takes place they couldn't prove that my client was involved in the rugby or the car was involved in the robbery yep the police come to the car and they found a slam gun you know what slam gun is low what's the slump God a slam gun is basically a homemade gun yeah so if you've if you've got a slam going and you get caught with it it's basically you've got it to cause damage you haven't got you to scare someone because it doesn't even look like a gun it looked like a pipe yeah it's basically two pipes and then you put a bullet in there shotgun bully and you let it off with a nail oh I don't know how to do it yeah but they make it somehow I don't know how to make it don't want to know evolving homemade strap okay yeah so if you've got one of those it's you're going to do damage so he was charged with once they've done the inquiries and everything like that they've arrested him I wasn't initially representing him so they were arrested him and they've questioned him for possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life why they intend to endanger life like I said if you've got a slam going it's not to scare someone because it doesn't even look like a gun it is too endanger someone it lives yes you're going to cause damage so he's been questioned it doesn't say much in the first interview I wasn't representing him he drives down to Birmingham and he sees me and he tells me the circumstances of what's happened everything please have questioned him and I told him there and then why would the police will charge you he said why uh there's other people in the cargo but they don't know whether the people are you are not going to tell them what other people are sure why are you I suppose other people so uh they've they've then they've charged him they've charged him for Dangerous driving and they've charged him for possession of that gun as well we had a trial in a London crime Court his defense was simple he admitted to the driving he admitted to being the driver of the car well he said other people were in the car who may have left that gun there simple simple but so effective people think it's it's uh rocket science most things are simple in criminal law most defenses are very simple he could have said well hypothetically speaking he could have said I wasn't driving the car that that would have caused a lot of issues for him the police had to only prove or the CPS the prosecution had only proved that he was driving the car once their previous driving the car the gun would have been very easy to prove what I like to do is keep very close to the prosecution case you have to keep very close to them most of the time they are right I know they do make a lot of mistakes as well you can't take the word for gospel yeah but they do make mistakes as well you have to keep very close to the prosecution case I picture you I describe it to my clients are safe in waves so you are going to save the waves with the waves you're not going to go against the waves you will then drown so you go with the waves and then you go in the coast comes you get off go that's exactly what happened in that case everyone thought he was guilty he was told he's going to get 14 to 15 years from his previous legal team yeah so in that scenario there wouldn't they then question who else was in the car and if he doesn't tell them who's in the car he could be charged with you know trying to hide no no there is there is there is scenarios that that can happen and scenarios like contempt of court or trying to obstruct the cause of justice but if you're having a trial if you're having a trial and you're putting forward a defense don't forget it's up to the prosecution to prove the case against the defendant we don't have to prove that somebody's innocence all we have to do I describe it as a glass of water because still clear we have to just muddy that water a bit that's it we don't have to prove anything so the prosecution have to make the jury the Jew remembers who actually tried the case and the Jew remember the upstanding members of the community with no previous convictions 12 of them are chosen at random so they decide whether somebody is not guilty or guilty the prosecution have to make them sure and I sometimes say this sure could mean let me give you an example if you are on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and you are on the million dollar question you think you know the answer yeah but you have all your lifelines intact and you think okay Less phone Ahmed he may know the answer anyway just won't be Assurance just to be sure just for the Assurance yeah just to be sure let's phone him that little doubt that you've got that assurance that you need has to doubt so if we manage to cast that much doubt the Judy Columbia show they have to be 100 sure so for other client his defense was simple yes I was driving yes the car crashed yes people ran away I can't name the people they can't disprove that they can't prove that no one else was in the car yeah he admitted to him driving he admitted him driving so and that's the that's how we played it we said hold on he's admitted he was driving if he had something to to do with the gun we said to the duty members why would he admit being at the scene why would he admit he was in the car if he had something to do with the gun yeah if he was guilty he would have you know said not guilty and you know exactly keep close to the prosecution case and yes I'm guilty of something but I'm guilty of everything what you're saying so would he have still been charged him or not charged at all no symptoms I think if he put He ran that defense he would have most likely been convicted okay got 14 15 years yeah that's a long bird how long have you been practicing lawful I qualified in 2014. so I was roughly almost coming up to 10 years and 10 years man how many cases would you say you've dealt with so far I don't know you know still young or hot that's the main thing yeah I don't I'm in terms of hundreds hundreds of cases so each case you get would you say It's Always A new challenge for you yeah what uh every case is different every case is different between facts and evidence no two cases are the same no two cases will ever be the same so you can't use your experience from that case in particular and you know another instance comes up later on in the line six months down the line can use the same experience in the same principles from that yeah but the factual evidence and the facts will be different there's some factual evidence there's something called circumstantial evidence where something is not a fact so for example factual evidence would be if somebody's seen me you they say that's a fact somebody seen you hit me yeah essential evidence would be for example you made a phone call to someone and they think that phone call is in relation to for example selling drugs or conspiring to murder someone or anything that's circumstantial because they're thinking they can prove something here if Uncle was made but they can't prove exactly what was said in that phone call that would be circumstantial evidence so every case is different to his facts and to his evidence and we have to work with what we've got sometimes we don't have enough to work with and we have I have to turn around and tell people listen you have to plead guilty the Julian are stupid clients clients will sometimes turn around and say to me what if I say this what if I say this what if I say this you could say whatever it's like you could say you're Superman you're Batman it's about you're being realistic it's about making a member of the public making it believable yeah it doesn't have to be you know a her story and it doesn't have to be 100 True the test is the only white has to be true if you Castle a doubt in the Jewish mind that's all we need yeah it's all the mindset game then it's solar mindset game uh I've not spoken to a duty member I don't know if you've ever spoken to a duty member it'd be good to get a duty member on your podcast yeah how do they how do they look at a case here my daughter actually don't do rework once you should know then how did they look at it I don't know I didn't ask him they can't even think about it much I think after the case they can yeah yeah yeah and is that the same way of you know being low and once the case has been done you can then speak about it you can then speak about it I've done a case once actually to be fair here I have spoken to you remember not to do the case I was doing the case it's a very serious case it's conspiracy to possess a firearm with the tend to endanger life Birmingham Prime 2018 I was in the trial and a Jew remember was someone who goes the same gym as me at the time yep and I was trying to he kept looking at me during the trial and sticking why the sky keep looking looking directly at me all the time so one of the days at lunch he comes up to me and he said that you go to the same do you miss me I said oh yeah okay I do and uh as that's the only conversation we had at the time so I had to I had a duty to quote I had to tell the quotes that the guy just spoke to me outside before I didn't think nothing of it because we never spoke about the case yeah that client was acquitted I met the client outside not outside sorry I met the client in gym in after a few days the case is finished now and I said what was it his response was the way I have a client was portrayed was like he's a good man no previous convictions no nothing you know educate educated went to college um Keen Sports person got a family got a girlfriend you know he's working as a mobile Barber the other eight people were people with previous convictions so the way that that panel looked at my client was that that guy has got a lot of friends who are in crime no he's not criminal himself okay yeah that's how they looked at that case but every I don't know how they you don't you can't read the jury sometimes they will have blank faces and you think you know what they're thinking are they thinking that my client's guilty are they thinking he's innocent yeah in some time races I had the case last week the massive drugs case and I'll be honest with you very good result and I was actually surprised with the result the jury went out on a Thursday 4 or 5 p.m that's when they stopped liberating so they can't deliver it after that when they got home they can't deliberate deliberate basic meaning thinking about the case talking about the case saying if somebody's yeah they can't give their opinion on it they can't once that court day finishes at four four thirty five o'clock so the case finished at that time so they can't deliberate they've come back on Friday morning three weeks ago two weeks ago and within an hour and a half they've come back and they've said they've got a verdict which means they've got a verdict of either glitch you're not guiltier I was very shocked they came back and they said not guilty within an hour and a half I don't know what that you remember that those Duty members were thinking but they were they must have believed what my client said in the dark because he spoke and he gave evidence you have a tool you have a choice in criminal cases whether to give evidence or not given evidence is basically going into the dark and getting questioned by first us and then the prosecutor getting cross-examined by them so you have a choice he took the choice and he gave evidence and it was very good in the dark the jury must have believed him that's what they convicted either they believed him or whether they never believed the prosecutor at all leave his ideas can always come up this this is interesting right I'm gonna ask this and I don't want to beat around the bush behind it yeah in an instance like that where they come out and you you think it's going to be guilty and they turn around say not guilty do you think there's ever instances where where the prosecution do some sort of convincing to the jury behind the scenes if you know what I mean convincing in a maybe a harmful way or not so harmful way of threat I do that though why not if they get found doing that that's that's something to get found during that it's true but I don't I know it might sound a bit silly but no it doesn't sound silly nobody's asking that question before that's a good question to be fair but that's why it's a Serial cost it's the best in it you know I don't I I've never I've never experienced it to be fair so I can't say something that I haven't experienced it might happen it might not happen but I think it's very easy if a person Christian is very easy to get caught yeah very easy because a jury is Guided by a Julie bailiff they can only deliberate in that room so when they go out they go out all together when they come in they come out all together yeah so you can't convince proud members of the duty even if you know one of them how are you going to convince and there is one four man or four women and they picked that amongst themselves whilst they're deliberating in that room so if you convince one person just say and you haven't convinced the four manifold I'm not saying it happened but I'm just saying if it does happen it sounds I don't think it can happen that's why a jury is independent and that's why I like jury trials sometimes they can't go against you by light duty trials there are some countries that do judge trials only so you're in front of a judge and the judge knows the law the judge knows how much it takes for somebody to be found guilty the judge doesn't need directing the law because he knows the law himself so you specialize in criminal defense right yeah yeah would you can you do more than just criminal defense or being a lawyer you can you can do anything you want you can practice all leaders of law but I specialize in just this criminal defense why why did you choose just criminal defense criminal defense are you because first of all has brought up around a lot of criminals so I knew there's money in it I will make money and a lot of people say I have to be honest in it you have to be honest of course a lot of people say there's no money in criminal law I think I've proved a lot of them wrong I approved a lot of them wrong I'm not saying I'm the richest person in the world I've proved a lot of them wrong there is money in criminal law you just have to have a network yeah I grew up in an area called Aston with a that's all they know to be fair kids they are changing now a bit they're going into other stuff which is good stuff uh they're realizing that you can't make money in other ways apart from being crime yeah so but I grew up around criminals and there's an incident that happened I've mentioned it before in a few podcasts that an incident happened when we were young I was 16 17 years old when one of my close mates he was arrested and charged for attempted murder and convicted he got found guilty he received nine years we was we had just come out of school and that happened to him and I made the decisions with it then I thought you know what if he was represented properly he would have saved nine years of his life or four and a half years because they have to save half of it don't they yeah he would have saved say save four and a half years of his life so that was my sort of fair sort of inspiration if you want to call it that yeah so this is all we'll talk about so I don't know I've done a podcast this morning with a chap who also studied law and he also specializes in criminal defense at the time as well and he studied it and he chose to go down the law path because of his upbringing and the environment was around was almost like misbehavior and eventually goes down the criminal through a path so what was your upbringing like you know that was the story of your friend what were you personally I'll bring in one thing I have been doing since I was very young it's been in still inside me it's not even by my parents telling me all the time simply it's just been instead inside me is praying Salah and that ha that is the main reason that I did what I did and I didn't go down the other path because what you know what's right and what's wrong if you just study Islam if you just read the Quran in Quran translation in English translation you will know what's right or wrong we've been given a lovely guidance lovely book by the Lord yeah just have to follow that of course my main I think the reason is Namaz because even when I was a young kid if I I'm not going to go into what I used to do but even if I did something wrong I had that good Factor all the time and that's been with me since now even now now of course not I don't do anything but just even if I if I'm late for Salah or if I miss I don't tend to miss it but from late or if you miss it if I'm not that focused in praying if stronger within yourself of course so I still have that guilt Factor I've had that guilt Factor since I was young and that that thing that's what stopped me from doing a lot of stuff you know being scared of the Lord nothing else yeah mainly but you would have been around it then of course yeah so what made you get into London get into laws it's just the instance of your friend there where that's one instance and there's another person who I knew as well don't say who he was that got arrested again for a massive charge and there is a similar sort of period both at the same time so and then the family of that person ended up paying that solicitor who represented him at that time a lot of money and I thought hold on one case imagine you have 10 of them in a year imagine you have 100 of them in a year imagine you're 150 200 of them in a year yeah and then we're balling so so that was one of the motivations and and I knew if somebody can do it if he can do it I was only a young kid and was sitting in the office I'm not gonna say which office which city but we were sitting in an office and I was sitting and listening to the guy no disrespect to the guy that's thinking if this guy can take this much money out of that person just by speaking to him I can do it I could do better do you think there's an element of gift to the Gap when it comes to law of course it is man you have to be confident you have to know how to talk I could sit here but I can sit here and talk for hours yeah that's a good thing though yeah alhamdulillah man it's a lot of people they don't reach their full potential because of shyness because they can't talk because of lack of confidence they be very talented they'd be very able but they don't reach their potential because of confidence because of luck lack of self-belief you have to have self-belief and that you gotta go into the room and think you know what I'm the man even if I'm not the man I don't care who the man is yeah they're still sit here and hold the conversation and say you are the man I believe that you are the man yourself exactly once you believe something in your head you've achieved half of you already yeah you're 50 already what was your experience in law school like because laws arguably one of the hardest degrees right it is there's a lot of and he's like brutal that's all yeah it's it was okay I had a lot of people who were helping me to be fair uh in terms of mastering a lot of friends help me out yeah I've gotten them I know them and still chat to them I think law school is designed specifically just to pass the exams it doesn't treat you much it teaches you in terms of socializing with people other potential lawyers and stuff like that but in terms of actually teaching you what to do as a lawyer he doesn't teach you that it doesn't teach you you don't learn that until you actually walk into a practice I think that's with any sort of educational setup you don't learn much because what is it you're sitting in a lecture room and a person is in front of you you're just talking you can learn that for video on YouTube these days so I in law school I hardly attended it it took me I have to be honest today yes on point no it's after that it all started after law school to be fair now I'm to the team man once you got qualified once uh yeah no once I finished law school once I finished there's another course after law school legal practice course yeah once I finished that that's when I got a group of myself and I thought you know what he's getting serious now is that the one that's a year that's one year yes after the after those and it'll be yeah so I did that local just down the road to be fair yeah extremely walk so I used to go past this place and just go there to be fair and uh after that that's when I settled down uh I had kids by then and I thought you know what I need to knuckle down and do something and that's when I changed properly to be fair so I'm assuming we'll get to Maurice Andrews shortly but what was your first job that you had then in West Midlands so I used to be a Milkman I used to get up in the morning wait no I'm not free for my dad oh I said okay yeah it has to be free and so uh um get up in the morning drop milk off to people's shops and then in the weekend go and collect the money from him yeah that was the first sort of job keep that going uh what else what else you do as your time was going on I worked in a um Hair Shop hair shop was your Barber yeah no no selling here okay metix yeah and here in beauty shop selling it and that's it that's not the job and then legal field uh I had a job before I got into Maurice Andrews where I had to complete my training contract that's the first two years after you finish off your legal practice course you need to go and work under someone for two years so I worked there for two years but it was again voluntary I don't have to do that is it you have to do that qualify okay I have to do that to qualify now I've got a few people here that are doing their training under me so then tell me how do you get from from when you first qualified in 2004 and you said right to marry Sanders let's talk about that Journey 2014 I came here first I knew of this building uh I've I'll quickly touch on it so this building was basically the document exchange host for this local area yep document exchanges like the service World mail it's not it's like world mail but it's the host was here so they all the local offices they used to bring the mail here put their document exchange people used to come and take the mail and then in the morning disrupt the mail off again so when I was was that when I was at my old film I used to come here and pick the mail up and has to do that twice a day in the morning and drop the mail off in the evening after work finishes I I really like this building and I thought to myself for one point I would like to work here that's what say when you think of something when the Lord when Allah put a thought in your head I think it's for a reason yeah of course I believe it 100 because he wouldn't put a tour in your head that you can't manifest yeah so I had that thought how long ago is this how long ago in 2013 okay yeah this is almost 10 years ago almost 10 years ago my time flew it all time flew my mind and I had that thought and I was um in 2014 I walked into this office then glad a lot of trouble I don't want to keep going into my problems that I had at the old film the guy wasn't a good boss man you know people want to see you do good but not better than them yeah of course yeah I think if they want to remain on top in their eyes all the time here and I don't think he'd like my energy because I've always had that energy you know when your energy is contagious you have to be careful that that would bring a lot of envy and jealousy to you it's 100 and it's not like I'm doing something wrong I'm just being myself if people like me they like me and a lot of people hate me I don't know but I don't think he liked the attention I was bringing that's it's up to him but I had a very bad period them two years with the worst time of my life but in a way it was the best as well because that's why I got the motivation from because I talked to myself I wanted to prove this guy wrong because he used to come out with all sorts nothing even go into it but I told him I need to prove this guy wrong forget about everybody else for now this guy needs to be proven wrong so I walked at that place after a huge argument and I said to him give me a few years and you hear me game that's what I said to him that's it because you don't worry about that came here met Mr Andrews lovely gentleman older guy 70 years old look like Morgan Freeman spoke like him as well you sure it wasn't him then it wasn't him it wasn't him long lost it could have been his brother could have been but I'll show you a picture of him I'm gonna find a picture of Morris well I'm gonna pretended you yeah and and I'll try to get a video of him I'm like what's happening I said Maurice record the video and send it to me I'm telling you the way it talks and it's the first time when the screen recorder send it yeah yeah I'll do that for you exactly that spoke to Maurice and samaris look I've just I told him who I was he didn't know me obviously obviously I've told him the thing that looked the world Works in a very mysterious way because he's I've just met this guy and I said he said who are you and I told him this is who I am and this is what I work for that person wants to work for train there in this very building he'd in his training contract with Maurice at this very building so the very different this very funny place and Allah works in mysterious ways and so Horus knew who he was I just knew he received as Maurice was his his mentor sort of thing mental yeah his training principle so I said to Maurice I need a job Marty said no I'm winding down I want to retire I don't want to employ you I don't need any stuff I'm getting rid of my existing staff because I am I want to retire my intention is to retire what was it gonna do a close-up shop you wanted to close the shop okay yeah or give it to someone else who was already working here but I don't think they were interested or they didn't have that drive to do it drive to do it to be fair so anyway 2014 I've come here Marty said I don't need any employees I said I'll work for free you don't need to give me money he said why would you rate for free mystery group you've just qualified you're a qualified solicitor I said you don't worry about that Maurice I'm want to work for free because I want to work underneath you I want to learn you could have believe it you have to discuss it I said look I was just saying I want to be here I saw the opportunity I'll be honest with you I sold a very good opportunity and I thought last month and I would not Place me here for no reason not to just get a job and get two three thousand pound a month or four thousand pound a month so what was the opportunity you saw in your head he said he wants to retire yeah I knew this practice had been running then for 28 29 years he's got a not a huge client base but he's got a good reputation you can't buy a good reputation so if he wants to retire if I take over that reputation will carry on carry on with him with me with with me so I knew I had that that's the opportunity I saw and then obviously he kept hinting to me I want to retire I want to retire and then at one point he said to me I really like you I said why because you're a very trustworthy person I said why why are you saying that for because he goes you've given me this money I gave him 90 pounds he was 90 pound I wrote up a statement for somebody and I charged him 90 pounds and they gave him that 90 pound and he said you're a very trustworthy the person is because he's just giving him the hydride that was your money it's your place it's not my money because you'll understand when you get your own business what I meant okay and he said I really like you okay thank you thank you Maurice we've formed a very good relationship uh get along quite good with people I've got good people skills yeah you do 100 so then what happened is 2015 we sat down and Mario said look I want to retire or whoever was working here at the time she doesn't want to do anything she doesn't want anything to do with it well why are you saying I said what do you want he mentioned the figure to me at the time it's too high I said no I'm not interested can you say what I figured was at that time yeah uh I don't like to say but yeah I'll say it was required later if she wanted to yeah it was I'll tell you it's about 500 000 pounds for the building yeah and for the actual business at the times 250 000 okay so 750 all together she's talking 10 years ago man and uh it was too much for me at that time I never I never single but at that time I never had a single penny in my pocket not even a single penny I've never got nothing to my name my father's gone my father was a wealthy man but one thing I've not been one to you know rely on my father's handouts I always wanted to do something this is what my advice to everybody okay if your father's done well your cousin's done well you put this done well that doesn't mean you're doing well you have to create your own legacy you can't live in other people yeah yeah you can't create living other people's Shadows man I know some people who are just there and they don't their fathers are very successful their families are very successful but they don't want to you're the only thing they don't want to do it for some reason they're comfortable or add their own value to their existing business exactly and this like if if ever for others my father who was born in Pakistan can become a wealthy man can become successful we're born here yeah we've got a lot more ideas we we have to you know go over and beyond that now of course if we do the same thing that they've done you know you know you know where I'm coming from yeah so at that time I had no money I had to align a single penny to my name 2016 January made him another offer was in Beijing wasn't budging back and forth back and forth back and forth 2016. uh in September we shook on a figure the building figure remained the same property value it wasn't going to change that yeah but the business about him died [Laughter] oh is it yeah okay hold him down 250 000 pounds okay so let me ask you you know with the figures that he mentioned in the beginning yeah as you mentioned earlier died as well for you and I I agree with you in that you should build your own legacy and stand on your own leg but why didn't you ask your dad for London and said to him look Dad I'll pay you back of this course this duration you know because you could have got yourself in the door earlier could have saved six months six months to one year of that process to be fair I would have been that hundred thousand pound I thought I was embarrassed in all of embarrassed of what don't ask me that much money for my dad yeah but your dad loves you so you know that he would help he would give you to give it it's I don't know um agreed and because if you if you're paying him back then essentially pay him back yeah because that's exactly what day or in hindsight a bank loan yeah I could have done that as well but no bank's gonna give a cow loser then 25 24 23 old well I got nothing to my name no story you know Securities no banks gonna give me that much money yeah at that time no no no yeah so well this is what I did do though uh I got him down to that figure then you know under 150 000 pound he was and uh the meeting took place in my office and I'll show you later when my office is upstairs now and meet into place there and I'll be honest with you I love my witness I didn't have a single penny and we shook on it I shook on a deal 650 000 pounds without having a single penny in my pocket so come on now come out of the room I said okay Leo's donut we don't find 650 yeah I need to get some money now and that's when I start making some phone calls my brother you know within a month I was more or less had everything sorted that deposit money and what I needed to pay him the business was main concerned about alone and the building anyway yeah so why did you oh wait sorry where did you get the money from then just asking around friends and family and stuff friends and family yeah uh you know a lot of people hug me a lot I've not forgotten them people uh even got to like at one point I was like 10 grand show five grand shorts or you know small figures of people as well some people gave me quite Hefty fingers some people gave me but at that time I had no money and that time I said to them six months give me six months and I'll pay you back I didn't know obviously they didn't know my business is going to be successful they didn't know yeah well I think I think they probably knew okay if he doesn't pay your daddy probably pay back yeah yeah so they probably knew under some sort of backing yeah they probably knew that in the back yeah back of the head but those are the people who knew my family there's some people that didn't know my family some people only I knew personally yeah who still help you out who still helped me out so how old were you when it's happened 23 24 you said yeah yeah so talk me through this feeling yeah I wasn't I'm not 23 24 27 28 now how is it okay okay yeah so that was about six seven years ago you said yeah when you first step foot in here and it was your business your building how what was that feeling like best feeling in the world whatever it's like you know what I've got newborn baby here now or I've got two scenarios looking at you I've got something that is was dying a plant that was dying I'm gonna revive this now and I'm gonna show everybody I didn't have money to paint this building I don't have money to paint this building so and I was painting at one point and my brother came over and he said he attend the money and you know get a painter I said no I'll do myself so I had me and my nephew two of my nephews painted it it's all dusty disgusting place to work and I should have took a before and after picture did you know I'm not and I did them I didn't think this is going to happen yeah it's gonna stay like this I thought I'll take it next year but slowly slowly you know um I walked in here and you know it was a very good feeling and I was thanking the lord man I was thanking the lord and I was thinking you know I don't deserve it but at the same time I was thinking now I need to get discovered I need to pay these people back I need to start making some money so when I've come most of Maurice's staff have gone now I'm left with two staff members one of them stayed for about a month or two months she left another guy who was there he said Mr Jacob I'm just going to Tesco's to get some biscuits he disappeared I've never seen him in my life after that oh they're saying anymore I said to God just say you didn't come back with your biscuits no so tea time was dry dry why is it drinking just tea I had some Rust to Glory that I was like you know Tesco's just down the road so I'll keep looking just trying to come where is you know and now I'm at 5 00 pm and he's not here and I I you know I had to I had to go to a police station or something at the time and I remember I plead the police officially Sergeant phone number I missed you I was like the offices I couldn't leave the office but anyway in the end I thought you know what he's not coming back uh five o'clock I found him a couple of times that's it Innovation I know he's not a lawyer I know I don't know what he's doing yeah if he was a lawyer I wouldn't buy an Apple you left why that's crazy I know and then I was left alone I was totally alone then so we're now in uh in 2017 really now in in April 2017 now this sorry he left in may he left in May yeah 2017 that guy went to biscuits in May 2017. so instead of nothing since then I'm not with him I'm not seeing the biscuits as well but you know next time we'll come here I'm coming with a whole box of biscuits Oreo ones sorry ones yeah yeah I like the real ones right that man Oreos is yeah you have to so he left in May 2017 but March April 2017 my brother I had got a background comes into you I took an overdraft 15 000 pound just for uh you know paying the bills and stuff like that in March 2017 I was I only had 1500 pounds left of the overdraft so I was in 13 500 pound overdrawn yeah and that's when I told you know what the people who were saying these guys really couldn't run this business for six months is coming true it's gonna come true but after yourself if it happens it happens and if it doesn't happen it doesn't happen if it comes true it comes true at least I've given you a shot yeah it didn't work I'll manage to pay the people back so much they're not gonna come and kill me or hold me down tomorrow I'll pay them back they're my friends anyway so okay well I'll take another six months I knew I would want to our new I would still try and do something else but uh at that time I thought the office is going to close down it was March 2017. April 2017 alhamdulillah got a case made me about eight grand since then I've not looked back alhamdulillah with the help of Allah I've not looked back and I've not been sure of money so in the end you made it all work I made it work man I don't know how it happened it wasn't easy it was very difficult but if the Lord was not pleased with me I don't think this would have been possible the Lord would have been pleased with me and alhamdulillah my prayers were answered someone someone's prayers are answered that's why I may otherwise it's impossible I'm not just saying he likes the big thing I'm boasting my brother but it's the what I did in my first year of practice people who have had their practices for 20 years 25 years they didn't do those sort of figures and that was my first day of practicing don't forget the first day after the staff left me I was alone so I used to come into the office alone in the morning open up the office reply to the emails my phone to them my mobile go to court do my court hearings come back if I had to go to a police station I would go from five o'clock onwards I used to just be here do my letters and just catching up with the work and I believe I was leaving about 10 o'clock every day so come in about six in the morning leaving for I did that for about six seven months but I was 30 in the end so then I started getting stuff my first staff member was a family member still with me now and uh slowly slowly just built the practice this is this is what I want to know and want to dive deep into you because um my good friend my brother Mikey came here done a podcast with you and obviously it's no joke that you you know your your business is known and you're also very well known as a lawyer as well right so you've done well for yourself for reputation and financially yeah Mike he came up here and he said he sold three years he's outside yeah and I'll see in the Euros outside right now that's mine it's yours and so this is what I'm going to get into because as you said in the beginning other lawyers would have thought that there's not much money in criminal law so what is it that you've done different aside from your work ethic which I respect but what did you do different to make sure that you that money is coming in network brother big Network I I've been networking since I was a kid so if I meet you I'll make sure you remember me yeah I will remember this podcast so if I need you once I'll make sure you remember me yeah not because like that's not my intention but it's just the way I am I think I'm as a person I think I'm easy to get a language so at that time when I took the film over all I was doing I had keyrings and I had business cards I don't carry business cards with me anymore but at that time I wanted my number to be on speed dial everywhere I don't have that phone on me it's the office phone that's one of the headphones yeah so every person I used to meet whether it be a beggar on the street whether anywhere I go restaurant anywhere I was going I was networking okay brother yeah were you I'm a lawyer go to the gym meeting people give my cards I I was networking Next Level fully Next Level and I looked after a lot of people over the years even though I never had no money I will still entertain you my brother just save you come now if a group of my friends have come down from London or a different city Bradford for example and I've got no money I would phone somebody and say okay I need 3 400 pounds why don't worry about why I need to feed people go grab tune for the phone the pan of him and fed you guys yeah a couple days later I grabbed twitching 3 400 pounds of him gave you back that's how I operated bro for the first like four or five years I've been I got into this profession that's how I was operating that that's how I did it I'll be honest with you there's people like some people get too arrogant but bro some people when they get degree or they get certain qualification they think they're better than people they don't chat to people different on top of the world they do that and uh I don't I I may I'm I make an effort to make conversation with people to get to know people yeah and I think in the in the world that work in the world of work that you're in you have to make that relationship with whoever it is as well because I might be hopefully not I might be your client tomorrow you know what I mean exactly hopefully you don't feel but even if you you don't you will tell 10 15 other people 100 help me yeah but it's good if you tell the truth that'd be if you say yes but it's good if you go and lie to them they're different but but exactly you will go and tell 10 15 of the people I know this lawyer yeah male is where the mouth where the math is powerful social media is powerful but where they're mad because if you speak to somebody who actually I've actually represented that will that is going to be a more credible referral than you just watching the video of me on on Tick Tock or Instagram yeah so where the marriage is powerful most of my work has come in the early years when I started where the mountains all the way to make and getting results for people I was I was going I'm away for people a lot and I don't want to stereotype criminals or anything like that but criminals generally hang around with criminals so if one criminals go into Danger with your reputation does that mean you could then charge more of course of course you name a figure a people people can pay for their freedom he think about it now if you're about to go to prison now for 10 years you're looking at 10-year custodial sentence in those 10 years if you were out and you had a normal job just a normal job what's minimum wage is that 15 yeah roughly 15 1500 200 or sorry two grand two grand yeah two grand so in a year that's what 24 Grand yeah 10 years 241 200 plus if you save every single bit or you'll save every single bit I'm talking about yeah just forget saving then half of it let's save half of it yeah 120 Grand that's if you get a job minimum wage what if you have already got businesses what if you are already doing stuff it's a running business and you're making double that just say argument's sake you're making two 300 Grand anyway would you pay me 50 Grand yeah I say help me out give me I don't want to get 10 years I'm not guilty I haven't done anything wrong I'm innocent it's wrong prosecution case is wrong of course you would man anybody would it makes sense anybody would and most people this is what people don't understand though a lot of people don't understand this most cases people are entitled to Legal Aid legal aid means the government pay me and he pays well as well it plays well for some cases big cases it does pay well I'm not going to sit here and say degraded again that is another stereotype that people got degrade doesn't pay right it's okay it's okay I'm assuming he wouldn't pay as well as you know the clients paying you themselves of course yeah yeah that's different yeah different but if you're a young kid and you get arrested for murder you're not going to have 50 Grand 100. the government know that yeah you'll be entitled to Legal Aid there you only don't be entitled to Legal Aid you're only not entitled to Legal Aid if you're earning over 30 000 pounds but most criminals are not anything that anyway well especially in the books nothing they probably signing on anyway do you think okay so you're in your experience yeah criminal defense or criminals making that much money no most criminals are broke I've said this before man they don't make money how much money are you gonna make how much money you're gonna make you do a fraud just say for example you do a multi-million pound fraud you're not going to do alone you're gonna have a team to do that fraud yeah so you have to share that money for example there was a robbery that took place I don't know you must have seen it on social media a jewelry shop got erupt in um ladypool road yeah this is a while ago yeah the one in the van that reversed into it or something yes yeah these boys got convicted I didn't represent him these boys got convicted I seen the video off that can I just say the the second you said these you didn't represent them I already know where it's going but carry on [Laughter] I didn't represent them I was looking at the video with one of my kids when I think it's the middle one Amir I was looking at the video with him and he said ah I don't know why I said I go but I said to him I said these guys are gonna get picked up one month two months three months down the line they will get picked up and you know what sentences they're going to receive he said what over 20 years minimum and he said no they won't get cool watch they do acquisition where in England too many cameras Southside they've got too much resources you are not getting away with it yeah no matter what so anyway the jewelry that was taken I think it was the shopkeeper said it was about 200 Grand 300 Grand there's five people under CCTV divide that by five 60 Grand there's another guy who's in a get it get getaway vehicle so you did you divide that by seven now so fifty something thousand pounds yeah yeah that's the value that the shop would have sold it because earlier that value they will sell yet probably half their value on the black market 20 grand each 20 I was going to say but 20 grand each 20 grand each they are inside for about 20 years now is it worthy most chronic ground for 20 years like yeah around a year it's not very you're better off signing on exactly but there you go there you go in the end it's not it's not going to be worthy the only thing criminals buy is clothes yeah or clothes and cars they don't buy the cars they rent the cars out because they can't buy the cars on their own names because they will get my history right and they don't like to the proper criminals you won't see them around they don't like the world is run by criminals the actual real criminals you know for years never see them because they're not going to post about their environments or anything like that exactly they're not gonna Flash and it's floating how much money they got exactly you know if you look at um are you familiar with who hush puppy is yes yes so this is my example you know him throwning every single bit of his earnings that's a look and everyone I think everyone had the Assumption of what he does but on his Instagram he was promoting the fact that he's a property developer yeah and then he got caught with a fraud yeah somebody told me about that yeah so exactly he was and if you speak to him now I don't know how he works uh he's in the Middle East wasn't it yeah he was in the way I don't know if they can take I don't know how popular is their proceeds of crime act I don't know how he works there the law there but I'm sure they will try to reinvest money back off him probably yeah they win yeah and the proceeds of crime business yeah I don't know how it works in Dubai because that's how that's what they're currently trying to do to Tate I think yes yeah so I don't know if Dubai how it it's uh it works but yeah I'm not too sure they will do the if they do the process they will squeeze every penny out of him he's back to square one then yeah was it worth it in the first place I don't know whether I don't know what they're going to do I actually don't know about that but I feel really sorry for him you know his brother he's a Muslim brother man and I feel very sorry for him do you think you could represent him not in Romania no no I would love to is there Robert because everyone's saying on social media that the Romanian justice system is corrupt have you had any experience with it no so you wouldn't know I wouldn't know but to be fair I just I've heard from clients Romanian clients I repented a lot of remaining clients they tell me that it's it's it is a crop system because they ain't got any evidence anyway I don't stick too much on Taiwan speak about you do you ever sleep because there's there's two things we were speaking about on the car on the way up here well number one you're a lawyer so your clients are probably talking to you or trying to get hold of you 24 7. yeah regarding the case or trying to get in contact with you Etc and also the other side of it you run your own business so business owners never sleep anyway and you're always thinking about your business and lawyers never sleep so when do you ever switch off I mean just before we arrived you had client here with the clients your clients there and what were we at 10 30 at night right now they're left at 9pm yeah yeah left at 9pm that's a good question you know I hardly sleep I don't switch off like yesterday I got into bed about 11. I've got a good routine trying to get into bed early I don't switch the phones up bad tool man it's the devil and it keeps you awake but at the same time it's what brings you your income it does so you gotta find a fine balance you gotta find balance so I'm on my phone quite a lot mainly replying to my emails yesterday I got into bed about half eleven o'clock I must have switched off about 12 and I went to sleep and I got up about half four or five and that was it but it felt like that I it felt like I didn't sleep yeah it felt like I haven't asked because sometimes when I'm still sleeping it's like I'm not sleeping like a sleeper yeah have you heard him let's start dreaming so if you're dreaming but it's like you're awake and you yeah you're still awake you're still aware of your surroundings yeah I hate that though but it happens quite a lot to me you know yeah and a little tick and I'll be up but do you think that's because I'm sure you have a lot of stress in your industry as well do you think that's because of the stress keeps you awake I think this is one of the most mentally draining jobs in the world because you're taking other people's stress on or into you and you gotta digest it and figure out sufficiently and I've now I've become I've got I've become immune to it but it still goes into there then it still goes into there you won't make a reaction about it but still getting stored in your brain yeah every day something new and so some people don't realize though some people like somebody was phoning me no disrespect everybody but somebody will phone me and I won't answer the phone I must be busy isn't it doesn't follow me again two minutes later Dental for me again five minutes later a lot of them and they might have just been arrested I know but that that annoys me because you know why I think we're not going to get free I'll send you a message and I'll tell you I'm Free by that this time they're already imprisoned that's the problem that that's what I say to people if you get arrested don't try to phone my mobile call out Maurice Andrews solicitors to Pride replacement solicitors because it'll be hard first of all the police won't police won't let you bow into your phone yeah if they're coming to arrest you I know people who have they they are getting arrested and they're trying to look for my number and the police department that's what you're doing taking the phone of them they don't know the firm's name now and they keep telling the police Mr Cube the police in the middle is don't really uh I'm not gonna say they don't really like me but I know situations where clients have asked for me personally but they haven't managed to get me at the police station so I've managed to after that get them hold on then I should get hold of me at the court stage that's interesting they do that quite a lot do you think that's because they know that you can get them out of this situation and they don't want that it could be because they know I'm not going to leave any stones on hand and if they make a mistake I will I will bring it up and I will say something about it there are some people that overlooks it and things and thinking yeah I don't overlook nothing especially when it comes to the police because I'm not saying the police are bad people but they've got a job to do so are we their job is to investigate I have a job is to defend the police cannot give their opinion on somebody whether they are guilty or not guilty their job is to investigate the crime guilty or not guilty is left to the jury so when when the police get a bit ahead of themselves that's when I get annoyed when they start making assumptions of people's guilt I've been in police station interviews when there's a police officers blatantly said I take your guilty it's not your decision to make sorry man it's not your decision to make it's not your opinion to form you can't form an opinion investigate put evidence in front of us and then we'll give you answers or we won't give you answers it's up to us it's your decision at the end of their hair yeah yeah but as I'm saying maybe maybe you coming on board makes the police officer question their integrity within their career could be and some of them are just jealous you know it's jealousy as well it's not just it's not it's not just about the work because they went on the other side of the law they're not paying him as much you know it's hard to make and make make ends meet these days with the energy price is going so high high it's very hard so you know I'm not boasting or anything you know I like to keep you humble but when I pull up in my Lambo on my Ferrari at a police station they don't like you wish we've got f8 oh is it okay and the SUV for the kids yeah I like Jeeps as well I like either way you can you can say something to them without saying something to them yeah yeah exactly that's the way it should be a present Center but they don't they don't like it man of course they don't like it the chilling in the gestures in Birmingham yeah they're not likely I don't want to ask you yeah I want to revert back to how it feels for you right now yeah so 2014 the radio qualified you got that job you've drawn it for two years and you didn't like your boss to where you are right now in this position where your business is where your cell phone you've got your Lambo park outside your f8 parked at home you've got your kids you got your misses how does it make you feel last bro beyond the imagination of I did have a little premonition about it a couple of years ago this was going to happen I didn't think it's going to happen that soon I didn't think the Lord was that pleased with me that he will give me such blessings that soon alhamdulillah that's all I can say for more reason would you take your business from Heather where'd you take yourself from here obviously I see you popping up a lot on social media now so you're probably out here doing a lot of social media work as well you know just like this podcast you can use the clips Etc what is it for you that you want to gain out of social media I want to give something back to the people a lot of people don't know the basics that's I made a YouTube channel I've started making the videos more detailed ones on YouTube because people don't know the basics of law and if some uh we need more people to get educated and less people to be convicted if someone can learn something of me and that you helps them yeah you know I've done my job I want to give more and alhamdulillah want to grow as well you know the wells your oyster can you defend yourself in court can someone defend themselves some cool yeah I think he can did not stopping are you from defending uh yourself from Cobra sometimes you'll be in situations that you can't uh the courts don't think it is rise to um cross-examine certain Witnesses for example if you if I get picked up I don't think I will ever will or you have ever will for domestic violence they won't let you cross-examine your partner yeah they think it's unfair because it will affect the way you give evidence the way you answer questions because of the fear you have of me yeah stuff like that certain situations you can't do it but generally you can represent yourself anybody can represent themselves I don't know I wouldn't first of all at a police station if I'm arrested at the police station just saying yeah yeah the police will not give me disclosure disclosure meaning the evidence against me they wouldn't give it to me unless I've got legal representations so unless I have legal representation they will give it to my legal rep and then the legal rep will have a discussion with me and then we can go into interview if I don't have a legal representation then is arrest and they'll go straight into interview so you don't know what questions they're going to ask you have you ever been arrested yes yeah yes gone three times three times okay three times as a solicitor no no before once okay once this is interesting can't get into it that bit there's reasons we'll talk about it later I've arrested when I was in school uh it was for having offensive weapon I got a youth caution at the time what was the offensive weapon can you say I'm ashamed of you use a knife okay he was a little pen knife I had nothing big I wasn't going to kill anyone may I ask why you was carrying that it was actually a pen so it wasn't a pen knife it was a pen did he take the lid off here it was a nice it came into a nice beer I liked it at the time I wasn't gonna stab anyone with it or hear anyone with you I don't know I wouldn't do that what was it like a cool thing to have I think so that's what it was in it a few people had it in school and I just bored it I think it cost me three bands it was pretty bad and that's what it was it's like a it's like a razor you see a razor on top of pen just a size of two raises yeah well it cost me three pounds I sell two dinner tickets for it I bought it I just kept it on me and uh in he was going to school in the morning and uh we was late to school sort of on purpose and the police told us so what are you doing you're meant to be in school here I must have looked a bit suspicious I wasn't that confident them days and they searched me in the family and the rest I'll say I was in the South to let me go second time I got arrested now uh College time Birmingham city center it was for violent disorder afraid it's a big fight just broke out I wasn't involved but arrested um and they let me go and that's it really I didn't a little bit of experience I know that's something I wouldn't want to do again the third time obviously you said you can't speak about it I can't speak about it too much because that's going to be number two podcast number two between me and you yeah 100 will do it that is going that's documentary that's a movie that is that still ongoing is that the reason why I can't speak about it still sort of ongoing okay so there's a reasonable yeah reason as a solicitor but that's the interest that's definitely a part too as a solicitor I'm telling you part two is a movie that is when I get into that story I've not I'm not gonna give you away we're getting to you one day very good questions you've asked me some some questions that other people haven't asked me so it's very good and I was expecting that a few as well you're growing masha'allah very well and may Allah bless you with the best of success thank you and I wish you all the best as well especially if you your business going forward you personal life everything is all the best Ahmed I think we're gonna wrap it up there then I want to appreciate you and thank you very much for coming on the podcast sharing your story and sharing your knowledge because I I didn't know anything about law and seeing in front of you right now is quite incredible people don't know the basics of Luna yeah thank you very much for coming giving me your time brother time is everything man precious time is and just before I go I want to say remember there's a defense for every offense that's it and then we're gonna end the podcast I'll see you next Sunday peace that's the best way to attend the podcast
Channel: CEOCAST
Views: 96,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: akhmed yakoob, ceocast, ceo podcast, akhmed yakoob podcast, theres a defence for every offence, crime podcast, criminal story, how to protect yourself against police, justice system, andrew tate prison update, how the justice, how the justice system works, corrupt justice system, lawyer tells story, how lawyers always get rappers off, lawyer entrepreneur, starting your own law firm out of law school, law school, becoming a lawyer, andrew maurice, andrew tates latest news
Id: UXEf9fLmnpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 45sec (3765 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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