French Diver Smuggling Drugs Underwater - Dany Hellz Kitchen Tells His Story

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[Music] this week's episode is sponsored by change change is an online mentoring program that teaches people with no experience how to create a real profitable online business in e-commerce I have been working with r at change for a few years now and attended many events and got to meet the amazing community of like-minded people these guys are the best of the best the support these guys offer is personal no Bots or employees there's no experience needed but like anything in life it takes time as it's a real business with real results for more information go check out Ryan on Instagram at Ryan JB and he will guide you through the steps to help build a successful business you can now follow me in all my social media platforms to find out who my latest guest will be and don't forget to click the Subscribe button and the notifications Bell so you're notified for when my next podcast goes live Bon hello how are you Danny I'm very well thank you very much to welcome me on your podcast thanks for coming on man Grand present all around the world drugs French as we can see so as a Scotsman and a Frenchman I'm sure we'll have a conversation today where we might not even understand what the [ __ ] we're saying but you know we can try yeah I was quite worried you know I was quite worried because you're Scottish you know and you have this strong Scottish accent and I was saying to myself will I understand you know the conversation with him because I had a story back in the days I was living in England you know in London I was really young and uh I was looking for a job and I had a job interview and the guy who was interviewing me for the job Scottish guy you know so everything got to happen well and I have a stronger French accent and then he he he asked me a question he said you know you have a very strong French accent maybe the clients you know will not very understand you and I told him um I didn't tell him you're taking the piece but I told him I told him but aren't you Scottish I say even English people don't understand you even Scottish people don't understand us so I told him like this it was funny he didn't employ me before we get into everything I always like to go back to the start of my guest get a bit understanding about you Danny where did you grew up and how it all began well um I'm over 40 okay uh I grown up in Paris in west of Paris you know I'm from North African background I'm Algerian and Tunisian um I'm French very proud to be French also uh and I grown up in the 80s you know in the west of Paris I wouldn't say from um from a very uh I would say poor family you know kind of because it wasn't that easy you know when we were young even we had the fridge empty I don't want to cry or something but it was the life you know as a North African migrant my parents they were working my dad was working hard God bless his soul and uh and that's it really so growing in Paris west of Paris in some some area you know that was infested by heroine you know so in my childhood the things that I knew about drugs was the needles on the floor the spoons you know because they burn the spoons to to mix it with the drug and the lemon so that was my environment but I was well raised I would I would say I was well raised by my mom you know she was pushing me to study you know my par my parents they they were very hard worker uh very honest extremely honest they never steal they never lied like extremely honest and me you know what happened what happened I was the black sheep of the family what were you like at school Al I had my a level you know a level I think we said this in English I had my 11 in accounting then I went to University to learn Japanese because I love the Japanese culture I always been interesting about the culture this culture and also I love the Japanese girl so it was easy for me to chat up some girls also I I was uh I was as we say a japen a japen is those gy jeans you know those forigners that love Japanese girls so I had my chap up lines it was working quite well but I was young at the time so now you you know um I have my girlfriend so everything is all right what was your first ever job my first job my first job when I was young when I was young when I was uh around 11 12 years old I start to work you know in the on the market I was selling to have some pocket money to sell uh uh uh vegetables and fruits you know in the market understands so that's what that was my first connections with business you know with work with business so that was my first jobs so I work in other different companies also uh when I was young I worked for a uh global company and I didn't have any experience so I came I had I remember I had this interview uh it was a three-stage interview with that big company selling some uh uh internet platforms communication uh platform it was a communication platform and I I remember I came with a oswal bank purple suit you know a nice watch and the guy you know I just come and I chat him up I chat you know I make my you know my talk and he invite me a second time he invited me a third time and they employ me he told me either you you have no experience in this business either you're going to be very successful either you're going to be like a big mess and after three weeks in the company I signed a 1 million pound contract and after that I never I had my commission and I never came again and they sacked me they gave me three months salary my commission you know up front and my commission and tell me please can you live what was Paris like in the80s Paris Paris in the 80s where I grew up you know it was run by the Communists you know the Communist Party it was and it was like industrial right so it wasn't really really really nice uh it was infested by heroine at this time you know I met I've seen a lot of those you know these ogs you know Dying by overdose so uh I faced that you know I knew what was it it wasn't uh I would say it wasn't it was difficult it wasn't difficult in some ways because we have received a good education from the parents you know we've been rail raised by our by our parents you know they give us the values you know the respect of other people the respect for each other the respect for the eldest also so I grown up in those values you know plus also I would say I'm a Muslim and I received also the muslim's values you know of respect of love you know of sharing of giving you know so so how does a man who's had a good good upbringing Muslim man who thinks he's got good beliefs and understanding of Life become a drug dealer but I wasn't really a yes drug dealer you're right but uh you know because I was seeing my guys uh my friends from the hood you know uh dressed up with nice jeans with nice Nike shoes you know like you know looking good and I want you to look good and my mother she couldn't buy me all this Adidas and Nike shoes so I had to get it myself so how I started it's very simple you know I was working already on the market making a little bit of Frank money you know it was the currency the Fran at this time before Euro and no I wanted more I wanted more I wanted also that type of Life the respect know a lot of people those connections you know you have this type of fantasy you know about this uh kind of underw you understand so yes I start to sell hash Moroccan hash at the beginning so I bought a little and I had next to my house a a camping site you know camping site and I was sitting in the camping and I was sending hash to the tourists you know so that's how I started and then a little story when I was in prison as a childhood friend of mine I was go not going back from I was extracted to go to the court and then it was come and we there's a waiting room in the prison and then I see an old friend of mine you know and he said me hey Danny how you doing why are you going I go to court he said oh see are you in prison he said yes they caught me for whatever he said do you remember Danny you all put us sorry guys you all put us in the drugs you know so because I was selling to everyone and everyone started to smoke started to cook I was the first in my neighborhood to bring cocaine and I sell it you know like those tickets you know so that's it I'm not proud about this and again I'm here I don't do the promotion of the drugs because drugs and especially cocaine is bad it's bad for the Society is bad for health it destroys family also so I'm not here I'm just here to tell a story yeah I think people know my podcast now we're not here to glorify but it is your story my first French guest as well so it's a I've seen your videos Danny's Hill's kitchen where you're cooking in prison and stuff it's amazing but well it's not amazing if you know what I mean but it's still good that you're still getting videos out there but when you how much hash did you buy at the start the first time I bought 125 G which is yeah few ounces like 5 o or something like that you know so I started like this and then I started with 1 kilo and then I started to travel around France to the to those to the beach on West of France and I was sitting in the beach and selling to everyone on the beach you know cutting like this you know by uh two gram 5 gram 25 grams and selling on the beach I was doing this and I was traveling from Paris to those places in west of France with my uh one of my two best friends and we used to live like for two weeks three weeks and my and we are young so we have to call the parents so I was calling sometimes my mom she told me where are you where are you I say I used to lie to her I tell her I'm on the beach selling some drugs uh and I was very jealous of what of of my friend because he could go for one month you know at 15 years old and not even call his parents you know he didn't even care about this you know and when I came and when I came back I used to receive a real big beat up you know I used to be beat up beaten up it was my fault also you know because I brought a lot of stress for my uh parents you know for my dad for my mom I did bring brought a lot of stress I'm not pred about it but that was my uh my life that was my destiny you know this is uh this is what I've done sometimes you know I say I should have studied more maybe you know I would have taken another way but this is that was my my story you know my um the way that I that I that I chose of Life how does that make you feel where you're bringing stress to your mom and dad um you don't feel nothing man you know when the cops come and bang your bang your door you know you just think about how you're going to get out of this [ __ ] so you don't really feel nothing just your mom you know my parents are my parents are very honest people you know and it's a shame for them you know because the neighbors this see that you know police banging on the floor it wasn't the first time happen few times though uh no it's uh they are not proud that they are very shameful you know but what can you do man this is how it is this is how it is when was the first time you went to prison the first time I went to prison it was in 2000 in 2002 I was very young I was doing some uh fraud business so I got arrested for fraud business the second time it was not too long ago not too long after uh same thing and then I got arrested also I've done I've been in prison in England in lond London in a really shitty prison uh I don't know if I have to say the uh the prison but it's a old prison in London so I've been there just few weeks and it was a shock to be honest because I never been in an English prison uh uh it was quite a shock you know but I discovered that uh here in the British prison system for example for the food you can choose your uh your food uh for example if you are Muslim you can have uh halal food if you Jew you can have like a kosher V vegetarian for uh the Indians while in France there's not there's a lot of Muslim people in prison you know from African background North African background and unfortunately we can they don't give us the choice to choose halal food for example you know so yes I've been in England in prison and I remember they brought me to that seawing you know and they put me with the white guy but you know we call them here White trash guy you know like completely [ __ ] up drug addict and at night time he used to have um epileptic fits and that day I remember I was talking with the guy from the next next cell to me and he was saying yeah you know if someone dies in your cell uh they they let you go because you get traumatized I said no said it exists it's it's a old law you know it's very old law it was back in 2007 and that night this guy had epileptic F he was sleeping on the top bench I was sleeping on the lower bench and I see him become blue uh I think he was swallowing his tongue you know and I start and I said what I'm doing what I'm doing should I call should I don't call but I have I have heart you know so I'm bang on the on the door yeah screw come bum bum bum bum they they come but instead of ciming because he was doing having fits they put him they say come down the the bench come down the bench and then he couldn't he has he has epileptic fit you know just help him you know put him on safe position and they take him bam they put him on the floor they beat him blood everywhere you know and I never saw him again after a few days they bring me a Jewish guy 62 years old from Israel and this guy when he find himself in prison very educated guy he has a weed business for pharmaceutical weed business in Israel and he wanted to expand his business he asked a British Bank to give him a loan the British Bank refused to give him a loan so he got upset he took a plane uh Israel London London he goes to his house his takex his too big Rod Vier he goes to his banker and he thrw the Roder on his banker and he find himself a prison he threw riler yeah a dog yeah dogs I've no right two he had two big dogs he he attacked his bank with two big dogs you know crazy so yes this I was also in the Caribbean in prison also um what was it like for a French man in London prison did you get any hassle no I didn't have any I met some guys that I knew from the streets in London no no no no no I didn't have any problems to be honest because I keept myself for myself you know I don't mix with other people that I don't know it's better uh I was in shock because when I arrived you know I arrived they told me take off few clothes they gave me that this dirty all [ __ ] up uh uh uh uh tracksuit great tracksuit they gave me shoes they gave me underwear they gave me socks but really [ __ ] up so I was wearing this uh the food well the food wasn't great but it's okay I was passionate you know I was young at this time and uh I didn't stay long I stayed a few weeks and then I left uh it was for fraud also so v no it was the time it was time but I was in prison in France with some English guys you know and they will never change prison in France for prison in uh UK why because the conditions in France are better how so the condition in France are better you get better food you can uh you can uh smuggle things much easier in the in the in the French prison we don't you don't have the cigarette band because you have the cigarette BNS in the the the English prisons you know now a pack of burns can cost up to 500 pound and some people told me 250 500 pound where in France you can smoke anywhere because if they bur you from smoking the prison will burn really this will be so dangerous people will stress already we had this problem you know during the co time because they they stopped all the visits so people couldn't bring the hash or the weed into the jail because we didn't have any wi but it was really dangerous you know people were shaking they didn't have their drugs you know so I think it's a stupid law I'm not going to judge what they say what they do the the British but it's not very smart because it makes people more nervous it makes it develop you know the black market you know it's not really really smart to do that but I think they do that because of the public you know the public the people the voters you know because people most of the people that they don't know what is prison life they say yeah they deserve it they should have nothing but they don't understand that sometimes you know when you when you uh give too much uh you know when you how can I say that in English uh when you uh when you give too much B you ban too much stuff in prison you know you don't give them a little bit of room to breathe people get much worse when they get out you know why do the French love smoking uh because we have uh for example Morocco they love is one is one of the biggest markets in the hash in the hash consumption in France you know 60 million people you know big Market they love smoking because we have this connection with Morocco it was a ex French Colony Morocco is the number one producer of hash in the world and we have a lot of uh people like me from a Moroccan background like millions of us you know North African we are like the Mexicans of you know like that in America we like the Mexicans but fren version you know so for selling bits of hash few grams of coke fraud when did you move up to do the bigger bits because you're a DI as well yeah I explain you I always love I'm you know I grown up also in North Africa by on the coast you know so I'm a Mediterranean guy so I love to swim you know I swim since I'm a little kid I love diving I love fishing you know that's something that I love boats also and uh I was hanging uh from the early uh 2000s I was hanging in um the Caribbean already the French Caribbean and uh I can say it now I was bringing hash you know on me because back in the days it was easy to bring hash by plane to the Caribbean I was bringing hash on me and take it to the French Caribbean and exchange it for cocaine and back in the days 1 kilo of hush was four kilos of cocaine you know and then bring the cocaine from uh the the West Indies to uh Europe this is what I was doing back in the days when I was young in the early 2000 just after 911 and uh and yeah I had this expertise then you know I was hanging in the Caribbean one day you know I was in prison with some people from Panama very nice guys you know that I helped very much when I was banged up with them and they contact me and they say okay Danny have this you know I try to send some coke to Europe you know I had uh one say I had 50 50 kilo it got stopped it got you know seized by the Customs another one tells me I had 100 kilos I don't know how I'm going to send it so and I 10day Solutions let's do the Narco torpedo because one day you know I was on internet and I was checking this Narco torpedo you know those Mexicans are those peruvians back in the day so the guys from Peru they used to build a like a cylinder you know like torpedo shape you know fill it up with cocaine and attach it under the container Bo and I say it's very easy business let's try it it's not that easy but I tried it I exper experimented it you know and I started like this you know first I do I did it empty you know I started few time I went diving first I started drive to dive to see how how it looks like under a container boat because I never been under a container boat it's a huge boat you know to see where I'm going to attach it then I've been thinking which what type of cable how can I touch it you know the weight of the torpedos so it's a long long long long story very long and it started like this can you help me to bring the cocaine from the West Indies to uh to Europe France and Par particularly to France and I said that is this way the first time um the first time uh I would say uh I filled up a cylinder I built a cylinder you know Like a Torpedo shape filled up with 50 40 kilos put it attach it but I didn't attach it well it got lost in se you know so it put me in some some troubles you know I was a bit worried but you all have another chance and then I said you know when you dive with it it's too when you are in the water nothing is heavy but when you have like uh almost 2 m long torpedo you know that weigh more than 100 kilos plus 40 kilos in it which almost 150 kilos you know it's very difficult to manipulate it so I was uh hanging in north of France and those companies that build fish nets you know fish nets for you know fishing and I found a fish net and I was talking with her can you build me a fish net that way Etc and I built after a fish net I put the cocain in a plastic bag sealed you know sealed air sealed you know and I use a a product called super Ever Dry you put it on the anything and it's uh it's um how do you say a um how sorry for my English um it's um it doesn't make the water comes in you know so this product to protect from the water put it in the in the fish net attach it very well I built some cables special cables that I built in another country with a with a breaking uh breaking pressure very high of of few tons so you cannot break it easily I dive I attach them around me I dive with someone else of course I cannot do that with the bag full of coke go night time on when the when the the uh container boat and I know which container boat will come from for example martinic or guadaloop to a port in France because there is a special software is they track vessel trackers so you know where they come you know where they live you know where they stop you know everything about the The Vessel I attach it at the right time just before it goes you know just before it goes I attach the right time you know with some special attach that I bought I cannot give all the details but it doesn't work anymore this business I'm going to tell you why and voila and VOA it started it started like this Wella I can say that it doesn't work anymore because it has been done so much now we have all those Technologies with those little uh uh submarine drones you know so they when it comes from a very hot country like for example Dominic Republic or Colombia or equator uh it's they stop the boat before arriving to the port they sent instead of sending divers they send this little drone to check you know down if nothing is attached so it's not uh it's not a good business that no one can do it anymore you know it's it's too hot so they've got the technology now to go under the how hard so back then was it easier to it was easier gear in yeah because it was really really few people that they were doing that you know very very few people and when you keep on doing the same business EXA when you keep on doing the same thing one day you get caught for sure and in France we were two teams you know it was a team before us they got caught one of the one guy even one of the guy got killed himself in prison because they gave him more than 10 years so he couldn't stand prison so he killed he hang himself which I will never do and uh and and us you know and US me vo they've been on our back is the French de you know they are related to the ministry of internal affairs they are uh at this time they were very very corrupted policemen you know they were the DEA for example the the drug where The Drug Squad police anywhere they are the one who brings the drug already even in England it's well known you know in England it's well known police bring it it because they get paid sometimes or they work with a trafficking and those trafficing you know they tell them okay uh we we let you work but you give us the people who you sell the drugs to it happens you know and this is what they did in France you know and I was saying to the Jud I say yeah you accuse me of doing this and that but the guy the the head of the de who did all the investigation he was already importing tons of cocaine and hashish from Morocco and cocaines from South America so how can you believe a guy like this you know see when you're shipping the Cen under the boat the anybody ever come on the boat when you had the gear under it I explain you I go there in the Caribbean I attach I do all my things I go to the port first near the port uh you know in the Caribbean where you have like what we call it mongroo you know the mongr mongr is the is the is a is the trees that you know those trees that grow into the water that grows into the salty water you know is a trees like a like a forest little Forest you know all the crabs there's lot of crabs there's lot of little animals who lives there you know so you go in the M you stay with your gear you know the port is just in front of you with the boat arrived already you know what time is going to go you have your little bag or your torpedo already you know and then I go I swim nighttime I swim with the compass you know and I have my C scooter but sometimes I don't use C scooters because it uh it [ __ ] up the compass it's electromagnetic uh things that [ __ ] up the compass so with the compass I know how to my direction I go on the boat I have a little light but the light are open it really the last the last moment just for a few second to attach the things you know and then I leave the boat goes to Europe it takes seven days to goes to Europe you know I take my flight in Europe I set up uh the team of few guys with few cars to check around you know if police don't wait for us in case you know I get in front of the sea I know the boat what time is going to arrive and when the boat arrive stop the engines I dive to extract the torpedo this is how it is but it happen so many stories man it happens once day I had to pick it up in um in Al jazer you know in Spain but I couldn't even go and extract the the the the torpedo so I took a car I drove to France but uh I had already the cops on my back and they stopped the boat they took it out you know they took out the boat you know from water and they found that thing so the I started I started to have them on my back and this is how they arrested me after so I was waiting for the boat I the boat arrived I uh I dived but it was nothing you know and with my guy I was pretty sure that the cops could take it and my guy he didn't even no it got lost on CC it's impossible it got lost on CC so but the cop arrested yeah the cup stopped it is H how much were you pay in a kilo I explain you uh for example you know the kilo because this is how it is you know for with serious people you know you buy it in the laboratory you know with the you deal with the Colombians you know you deal with the Colombians but nowadays the Colombians they don't produce in Colombia anymore they indeed they produce in Peru you know so you buy it in Peru for between, and ,500 okay prop oh yeah you have different type of cocaine you have the cocaine that is made with diesel you know true petrol diesel petrol fuel fuel fuel yeah uh kerosen aan fuel yeah kerosen fuel you know which is better than diesel and you have the top of the top with um ather the alcohol called ather you know this alcohol you know this fuel called ether this is the best of the best this is the most expensive one and it's very colorful like pinkish yellowish you know and uh you buy it for between, 1,500 in the Peru then you have to get it out from Peru okay to get it out it has to pass by eator eator it has to cross the Panama Canal and when you pass from the Panama Canal you know you don't do the torpedo from there torpedo you do it only from uh the West Indies to France because it's one way it's a direct way okay and uh from Peru to Panama Canal is by container because people you can bribe them it's much easier so the price will rise so at the end when it arrive for example to Europe it can go up to 10,000 you know from 1500 10 from 1,000 to 10,000 you know and at the time at the time the price of cocaine was €30,000 up to 35,000 so it's worth it for some people but when you lose it you lose big you know so so you have to be very careful so I was in charge of checking the coke you know if it's the right product you know uh make sure that you arrive in Panama make sure from Panama that arrives in uh in the West Indies and then from the West Indies I was doing my job iach it you know manage all this stuff then take the plane go to Europe and extract it in night time so you were putting the gear on the boat and say Colombia bringing it to Europe and then having to fly the gear also and no no I don't have to fly the gear when I AR when the gear comes to the West Indies you know my role is to to attach it under the container boat because you have a container comes to the West Indies you take a because you know in those countes it's very uh it's very easy to briy people you know they all corrupted you know for money everybody's corrupted you just take it out then I prepare it I prepare everything how I make it I put it in the torpedo then I'm in charge of attach to attach the torpedo under a container boat that will go from the West Indies to Europe I know what you thinking when you lose the 40 kilo well I was a bit stressed to be honest you know I'm going to get killed I'm not going to get killed but the first time when you make a first mistake normally it happens to everyone you know people they lose it happens this is not a problem but the second time you know I can find myself shot multiple time and buried in some uh you know in some uh in some sewer what did you say when you lost the 4 kilo was it Colombians no yeah yeah I wasn't very good friends of mine you know I'm I will not say I'm respected because you know I helped a lot of people also in my life so uh we loved each other like brothers but no no I wasn't scared or nothing you know that was a bit I was a bit stressed you know that's normal but no I was a bit unconscious you know I was a bit crazy guy back in the days man you know I was really crazy I didn't even know I didn't have the I wasn't I wasn't in some reality I'm mature would say I'm mature but you know what I mean just not Fearless of the consequences yeah but so you know when you get into this type of business sometimes you don't feel you don't think about those consequences you know you know what is the consequences but you don't even think about that you just do it because it's you know you you run behind the money you know you you run behind the money so no no you are not I don't know man I've always been like this always like I don't care man I just do what I have to do the fear you there's no there's not there's no fear man you know there's no fear just do it work it's a work and when people talk say yeah it's easy money it is not easy money there's a work behind it you know there's risks behind it you know and there's a big work it's not likey Mone that comes from the sky you know it's really hard money to make it's big money but hard money but nowadays it's not worth it anymore you know why because uh the price uh you know the price of cocaine dropped uh significantly so if you uh if you bring on by containers or by plane people still got to do it by plane uh for example let's say 10 kilos just to make it easier it arrived and the total cost of your 10 kilos is maybe 10,000 pound let's say £10,000 and you sell it 20 22,000 you make only 10 or 12,000 profit it's not worth it yeah high risk yeah for this high risk uh how much you're going to lose if you lose 10 uh 10 10 10 kilos you lose 10 gr 100 Grand you know so no no it's uh it's for me is not worth it anymore you know uh weed is a good business and it's getting uh it's getting uh legit you know weed hash it's really really good business with really good profits yeah but if they legalize that then everyone's [ __ ] uh I don't think so because think so in Europe I think maybe in the next 5 Years it'll be here in the UK yeah but if they legalize it you know people can get into it legally you know price will drop a little bit but not not significantly you know you do you produce good quality if you can if you can import the hash from Morocco you're going to make even more money I hope they legalize it you know fully but they will never give it to us they will keep it ah they will keep it to them you know they that's why the rich stay Rich exactly did you ever come across soft black hash yeah uh yes yes that was the good stuff back in the day my granddad used to smoke that but in England it's not the market for the Moroccan hash not anymore the solid is done the weed is a big money yeah maybe a little bit in North around Liverpool but uh with those pakistanis because the Pakistan is they they have the harh there you know in Pakistan they do this business already you know maybe with the pakistanis but not with the English people majority because people like swed you know so it's a really huge business here in in the UK and you know how to work it so but myself you know I just want to tell that story I'm really away from the drug business it brought me too much stress you know uh it breaks also the the family links especially when you find yourself in prison you know so so I just want to work I just want to do my uh you little life relax look after my son which is my priority now you know how long did you do it for well I've done 7 years but I tell you the story um I get arrested by uh the cops they came to my house and that that day I remember I wasn't sleeping in my house you know my apartment I was sleeping at my mom's place why uh because I was sleeping at my mom's place because yeah I had some uh I didn't sleep very well I had some heartburn and it was some medicine at my mom's place so I was uh around the 5 or 6 6:00 in the morning uh I reached my mom's place you know were you snuffing yourself no I was drinking man I was drinking going parties and all this [ __ ] man you know so uh so yeah I had hard bands and uh I am at my mom's place and I hear bam you know the door and my mom she comes and I'm on my underw she said what is this what is this I said it's the cops I it's the cops and she get mad you know she just insult me the cops and I run on the apartment you know with my underwear what I have to do what I was looking for my passport and I was looking for my computer because I had everything on my computer how to track the vessels you know all my work you know and I was working and I find the the laptop I throw it by the balcony it goes in a little hole I was happy you know secur the the laptop is secured and looking for my passport every I can't find it and then the cops said open the door open the door and I say I have two grenades if you is you open the door we all going to blow up and then my mom she does me like this I'm going to kill you like this she was scared man you know what it's impressive you know when someone banged the your door at 6: or30 in the morning anyway and then at the end you know I say okay open the door and they open the door I'm this up get on the floor guns on my head blah blah blah they check everywhere they don't find they don't find nothing they find my passport a little bit of money take me to prison and after three three or four months in jail yeah I get arrested again and they send me back to the office it's called the central office what did they charge you with first time I don't know uh they charged me for drug trafficking did they have much evidence yeah they had they had evidence yeah they had evidence they were on our back you know they were on my back they had evidence didn't have much wire Taps were you getting surveillance then uh yeah I had surveillance you know they were they were they they knew where I was going you know they they um they put a GPS on my car they knew what I was doing they knew they didn't know much much you know because sometimes they don't understand what I was doing you know I was moving a lot and uh and yes uh they had some uh communication with one of my friend the other diver you know this is what they had but they couldn't have much because at this time we we were communic communicating via pgp do you know pgp yeah okay we are communicating by pgp those encrypted phones but not just like all those stupid people that they were buying pgps from companies in Canada and in Holland where they don't even know the owners of this company I made sure that I set up my own service my own network so this network was only for me and my people so we never had any problems with uh cops get uh uh getting access to our servers you know because I was working with very very uh with a very trustable uh people in this game you know and uh yeah after three four months yeah four months in jail I get arrested again I arrive in their offices and they tell me oh Danny you are a star here you are our star say what's happening he say you know what we uh last year okay last year we stop we stopped a boat and in this boat it was a car you know because there's a there's a car and in this car sorry and in this car there's they found 100 kilos and on this 100 kilos you DNA on it a [ __ ] I knew what was the story and I said have nothing to do with that it's probably a DNA transfer and what was the story exactly I was already in Caribbean trying to smuggle those cocaine via Narco torpedo and one of my friends very very old friend of mine he was hanging there in the Caribbean and he had 100 kilos you know and he's telling me okay Dan I have 100 kilos I don't know what to do I already lost a lot uh help me to bring it to Europe I say okay there's an idea buy a car but this ID is this idiot he bought a very cheap car and I told him what type of car he needs to buy those um you know those car you do a tuning you know those tuning car you know for competitions you know with all these gears the nice Wheels those things you know those wings and ET say buy a nice tuning card you know and subscribe to a competition of tuning competition in Europe you know like this you have a purpose while you taking your car to uh Europe he didn't listen to me uh he bought A500 EUR car and uh I say okay so I set up I tell him listen what you're going to do you're going to buy um at this time I had a lot of equipment to track the the gear because when you buy something you know you need to put a a Tracker into your into your Coke like this you know where it goes exactly someone can steal it you know if someone can steal it maybe you can go you know track it and go and get it back there's a lot of trust issues in this business you know you can trust no one yeah of course no one they all [ __ ] you know so so and I was always very careful I had the mask the gloves I was always cleaning you know nice with alcohol you know the uh my trackers and The Trackers to to to have a long life like this I can I can call the tracker to ask me the question where are you and I can also uh uh uh enable uh the sound I can even hear people around you know in case something happened you need an extra battery lithium extra battery so I did all the plugs and stuff and I left a little bit of a DNA on the on the cable between the battery and the tracker this is how they arrested me and they say you the star blah blah blah who you going to tell us who you're working with who is this guy or who is those people that for the that own this 100 kilos and they told me listen we're going to propose you a deal you know for the first time Ned they didn't propose me any deals because I was [ __ ] already it was proofs against me so they say you [ __ ] we don't propose anything and the second one they didn't know anything and they want to propose me a deal and uh they told me okay uh Danny do you like money I said of course I like money otherwise I'm not in this business yeah you like money but listen we're going to make sure that you get 5 years for just for that we're going to make sure that you get 5 years for that and after 18 months you will we will make you free okay and we're going to let you we're going to give you a bit of money you can work also do your business and if you have some friends okay that you like we protect them too okay uh but you tell us to say no I told them I couldn't trust you guys you know I am I I'm from alerian background my dad F fought for the Algerian Independence you know I'm from a I'm a son of a resistant blah blah blah blah we had some fun you know I didn't man I cannot you know talk it's not possible first of all I'm very proud of the guy sign is very dangerous and you cannot you cannot trust them you know so and I'm not interested man they give me the time that they have to give me I do my time you know I do my gym I eat well and then I get out proud even though broke it doesn't matter I'm going to make myself again you know but uh but voila so what happened I had 7even years for the Narco torpedo story because it was my first drug offense like big drug offense because you know when I was when I was young I did those uh the fraud stuff my big drug offense was this so uh so 7even years for that for the Narco torpedo and I had five years for the uh for the DNA yeah the DNA one so together is 12 years but because it's the same offense they concur the sentences so it dropped to seven years to 10 because it's conquered and the maximum um as a first offense the maximum uh sentence they can put is 10 years okay so automatically dropped to 10 years from 12 to 10 and then because of conquer the sentences normally the biggest it's the smallest and I fought for it you know I thought it took me 3 years to uh to drop from 10 years to eight years and I've done seven years out of eight years so I've done almost full you know why would you so hands on now why were you not getting Runners and other people work in your operation why were you so involved is that trust uh first of all you cannot put anyone around a lot of people around you okay you have to be a little team you know like this no one talks and no yeah trust man you can you know me they trust me people because they know who I am they know my family uh they know everything about me I'm very honest I have to say man you know I'm I'm I'm very loyal you know and I'm very honest you know and I when it comes to business with people that I love I never lie I lie only with the [ __ ] and the Liars it's true that's 99% [ __ ] world how did you end up making your Connections in Colombia connection man you know prison also friends I've been traveling a lot in my life you know so just friends friends connection you know love uh one day I tell you a sorry sorry one day I made a connection I was in on a beach in punana and I was having fun you know holidays in punana and sorry and I met that beautiful girl gig you know beautiful green eyes you know we talk together blah blah blah and she tells me I say where you from she tell me I'm from Bolivia I said okay and when do you live in kabamba and you remember in Scarface the movie Scarface when he go to see Mr s yeah from Kaba and I say Kaba really and say I'm half my dad is American and my mom she's she's a Bolivian I said okay but and we have a farm in kabamba and we make GAA cheese you know the GAA cheese from Holland and we make really I couldn't even believe it man GAA cheese in the place where they produce all the coke the best Coke in the world and I say okay I'm I'm coming next month and it started like this and sometimes the connection you don't have to uh know people sometimes you have to go and you have to talk with people you know for example there is different ways also to uh to import the the gear you know you can do it uh via container you can do it by flight you know you can do it company to company and there's a shipment the shipment company sometimes you go in front of the shipment company and you wait and You observe you know and you look at the people you know you look at the people uh you look at the people that wearing the union t-shirt you know from the union of the company you know and you go and you talk to them simple as that sometimes it's very simple uh I need to recruit a a diver you know but I uh go to internet I check the biggest company that uh that uh that employ the divers and there is all the CVS of the old divers from that company you know the old employees and I go and I call them one by one you know hey how you doing I have a job in the Caribbean to do this that underwater job I would like to meet you it's paid 20 30 40K whatever you know I'd like to meet up with you this is how I recruit people sometimes you know so it's not that sometimes you don't need to know you don't need connection you go and get them how do you then B that that's okay how do you then bow that trust though with someone you've just met how do you start the conversation as well that you want you never say uh first sorry too much COA bro no I didn't SAR cold I got the cold yeah know I'm I got the cold sorry guys now I don't do this [Laughter] [ __ ] I don't I don't no honestly but I've been reading about about the stuff about you yeah yeah I I would have took it with you bro yeah but you know sometimes you know bloody hell I should not say this [ __ ] but let's go so we went to all it back in the then you know we went to it and you know I used to say you know I used I used to do I I used to make lines uh Paris maresh you know and to to go from a line to another I used to walk to go from the beginning to the end back in the day we all have fun man you know [ __ ] it me they say don't get high your own Supply but that's a myth but it's not healthy man you know what destroys it [ __ ] you up big time and you know what the way you feel now really I don't advise anyone to touch this [ __ ] man you know what it's not good but we had parties to be honest yeah of course what did you do with your money um I gave it I gave it to the family I spent I was a big spender you know I spend uh and the rest is secret but yes I spent a lot you know that's it is but you know when you you need to be very clever you to be smart they took also a lot of money from me there that proceeds in France back then proceeds of crime uh what do you mean proceeds of crime so nowadays they can take take your house yeah of course they take everything for you your apartments your money they take your they stop your bank account they take everything you know and they will never give it to you back one day uh one day I got arrested not the story I'm going to tell you like this I got arrested and they came to my house the cops you know and they find watches they find shoes you know all brand new you know and they took my watches they took it for themselves and they were even trying the shoes in front of me really yeah they were trying my clothes in front of me I said take it take it and let me go told me never you know and then and then I told because I had the for the watches for example I had all the invoices all the facture you know all the bills and I tried to get them back and when I went back to claim them because they were legit you know I found that I claimed a plastic uh watch Swatch watch they gave it to me back really instead of a bloody expensive watch because I've Got Friends all over as well who were active but some times they used to do them for proceeds or take cash from their house or find a stash 240 Grand 280 and only record that was like 160 or 170 they found no but they take everything first of all and they give you a fine of course yeah and the fine uh for myself for example is 300,000 to pay okay which I cannot pay okay another guy he has a million million euro fines and they give you really big fines so voila so what I'm going to do now I'm just working trying to you know what was it like though when you were shipping all that gear 100 kilo and were you feeling at the top of your game were you feeling or were you just does the G kick in no no no honestly honestly I don't feel anything for me it's normal it's a job you know I don't it doesn't get to my head uh I'm very humble you know and the people I'm hanging with even on the other side of the Atlantic they are very humble people they are not show off people they are very powerful also and very dangerous but uh no I come from a School uh school where you have to be humble you have to talk nice to people you have to respect people you know that's why guys likes me you know that's why people sometimes they call me to ask help that's why they share the the and you know they share the I would say not the secrets but kind of the secrets with me you know so I'm into many confidences you know so people likes me because I don't ask question and then and I'm I'm helpful simple as that was your life ever in danger uh I think so I think so yeah my life you know I could have died and all what I say what I say often I say I rather be in prison than uh alive in prison than dead outside you know so yes yes I could have been killed uh I was not conscious of all of this I didn't give a [ __ ] man I was doing myself I was scared of no one I had argument with very dangerous people you know and uh I don't know if I can say that no I would not say it but uh uh n yeah my life was in danger you know when you lose when you lose big quantities of drugs that cost Millions you know you need to they need someone needs to pay for it you know but me I paid with uh s years full in prison you know and I kept my mouth shut you know and I didn't talk about no one you know even though the people they were still free and having the high life but because I uh kept my mouth shut you know uh my family got took care of I received money from my friends outside uh VOA and uh you know I was respected and when I'm out you know everybody knows me Danny if something happens he will keep his shut his mouth shut it's very important did you do you feel as if a because in the UK there's so many snitches what's it like in France you know in the cocaine business in France or even here you know most of them are snitches yeah most especially the ones at the top yeah the ones at the top most of them because they they have the because money depend there there's real guys you know that they going to take the prison if they have to take even 30 years even life in prison but there is also guys that they don't have the guts they don't have the the the the the the the the the mind the you know the mind the power of the mind to do that prison time you know they are [ __ ] with they [ __ ] you know simple as that and they're going to snitch you know they're going to snitch and they're going to say tell this and that you know and put some other people and other is in the [ __ ] because they're not strong enough yeah the police know everything everything so when did you start to realize it was coming up did you realize it was coming on top or were you so caught up that you you you you're kind of your game slipped I'm going to explain you one day I had a I have an appointment with one of my friend in Paris you know and we were taking the car and I see that motorbike you know just next to us you know motorbike I said those ones are the cops those one as the cops and I said to my friend you brought them to me and it's true he was what watched already he was watched for other businesses and I had an appointment sorry I had an appointment with him because I had to ship some equipment you know like diving equipment and all the fish nets that I build all this equipment to the carabian by posts you know so I had appointment with him to bring me all of this you know and I'm I'm in charge of the shipment with DHL to the Caribbean and he brought it he was swed already him for other businesses and he brought me the C on my back and I I said this is the cops this is the cops and since that day they never they followed me everywhere everywhere you know but they didn't know what I was really doing you know they didn't know because I kind of go out at uh midnight you know go and watch what's going on in the port you know so this it started like this then the uh they were hearing my conversation with my other friend the diver you know and hearing my conversation because because I needed to hire another diver you know so this is what they and I called also the shipping um the the vessel company because I didn't understand what was going on with the vessel I was tracking so they had those things but otherwise with no one else they had no no with no one else you know vo and most of us got senten 8 years 10 years 7 years uh without that much proof I would say you know because in France uh suspicions has the value of proof you understand what I mean so this is how it is so with no much proof so voila and uh for the uh for the DNA normally the DNA they give me five years for the DNA you know but not for drug trafficking for conspiracy it it's called in French Association the Mal so for conspiracy and VOA so I did my time you know I set up sorry sorry I set up uh uh Instagram Pages you know I had fun I was eating well I Was preparing my food and I I started this uh Instagram called Danny Hell's Kitchen that was make me kind of famous I would say you know on social media because as I used to say you know when you're alone you know in your cell you prepare a setup it's like kind of a therapy because jel it's not that easy to be honest you know the being the first 18 months is not easy and then after you get used it and it's not but yeah I set up this because it was my therapy you know cooking in my prison cell and trying to make the best of it and this is how it started then Vice contacted me then some some media contacted me and I've done a lot of interviews lot of podcast in the United States I even done um a podcast with uh I forgot her name to be honest you know she's uh IM I think food behind bars that lady that has a charity and try to uh to uh enhance and uh develop the quality of food in the prison system in the UK you know it's called food Behind Bars very nice young lady and voila I was doing all of this uh having fun on internet uh chatting up some girls because you know as I told you earlier it breaks the the family links prison you know and I told you my parents honest it was a shame for them also so I didn't have much visits you know I didn't have no visits you know and after a few months in prison I really need someone to come and visit me you know to wash my clothes to you know to do things for me which is normal and then I put my nice picture of me on The Dating uh app dating up you know like this like a little pose you know with on a holiday somewhere I didn't look that way before I had like a big beard the golden chain long hair yeah and uh and straight away a beautiful girl she's a French Italian beautiful gorgeous like thick know uh she contacted me and after after two three three weeks she came to visit me so you're an on so you're on a dating website in prison yeah you started speaking to G when did you tell them that you were actually in prison at the beginning I wasn't telling her you know and at the end when she said yeah let's meet up let's meet up let's meet up I said I'm going to be honest uh I don't want to say her name but God bless her uh she came to visit for for for me three times a week for two and a half years what did she say when you told her you were I told she no she said it's okay she it's okay you know it's sexy sometimes you know sexy but you know internet girls you know with jail with jail people from jail uh it's it doesn't end up very nice you know it's always you know like crazy girls even us we are crazy I don't put the blame only on the girls you know me also I'm very special also I would say and uh for two and a half years she came Vis with me very nice girl and really really nice like really sexy and she used to come like super sexy at the visiting room you know and everybody was looking at her man you know what everyone she used to bring me everything hash weed phones uh uh sandwich meat uh uh um spices uh uh strawberries uh uh I can't even say so many stuff are you allow are you allowed to [ __ ] in the FR pres yeah you are allowed to [ __ ] because you are in a little room you know and then she comes with a they come with a long long long skirt you know long dress and then you sit on yourself one day you know she as I said to the podcast you know say uh I said yeah I've been sucked so many times yeah and sex yeah I had sex had sex so many times uh it's nice but it's not only me it's most of us you know when the girlfriend come there is some sexual relationship you know before they send you to the long term the long time prison because you when you waiting for your trial it can take you are on remand and you can be up to three four 5 years on remand without being Tri you know so I've been on REM for almost three and a half years three yeah more than three years you know and during that time you're in a special prison where you cannot have like conjugal visits you know those visits you know you have the little apartments you can bring your wife or girlfriend she can even stay 24 hours with you in the prison but it's another thing this so yes the the little rooms you know you start to sit on the corner there's two seats like this with a little table you can have some sexual relationship you know you can do whatever you want people the girls you know they put alcohols in the little bottle people drinks me I don't do I stopped all this man I sto when I arrived in prison I lost weight straight away and I went to the gym you know pull-ups and press ups every day and taking steroids I was massive man I was massive steroids we talk about freely you know in prison it's like normal taking steroid it's true everyone I know prison that take steroids than when you like sports so yes uh yeah she came to visit me many girls came to visit me I even made a girl came from uh Houston Texas you know like a follower on uh Facebook and I made her come but I made her visit one of my brother you know I make her visit one of my brother I had a girl she came she came to visit me from Milan Italy uh yes many many stories like this and nice stories shagon alcohol steroids no I didn't do alcohol I didn't but only smoking weed you know hash weed uh but the majority of people would end up want to go to [ __ ] prison sounds like a better life than some people out here this is what they say but you have to make your life better and and you know in it's it's I would not say it's easy to bring stuff but you know in French Pon when you come to the visit you have to go through the metal detector M if you don't have metal they don't strip first of all you don't get strip surge you know it's illegal by European law okay but if you uh you know if you buzz because you have metal they can you know touch you but if you don't have this she comes with a kebab here you know Kebab a little phone you know you have those little uh internet phones like the smartphones very little you opened it you ask the guy from the shop to open it you take that metal plate like this it doesn't Buzz Under the metal detector and she can bring it to you but the day I receive things from outside I need to know I need to organize it very well because as a bigger organiz I need to take the right uh visiting date with the right Gods you know that likes you because Gods you know they human beings some of them you can you are almost friends with them you know right guys he will not strip research you you know and he will let let you pass so or they can strip search you they see what you've got and they don't say anything or you can give them a little bit of money you know so it's a it's a it's like a mission to bring the things I've seen people bringing a 1 kilo of coke uh uh uh kilos of hash uh uh uh I think I brought uh I don't know how many times I brought meat you know mean I like food so I bring meat uh uh yeah many kilos of meat I brought inside many kilos of meat meat all the spices I had I had uh I had everything man in terms of food so everybody's smuggling kilos of coke and hash and you're done smuggling sausages that's when you know you Chang sausages we call it mer the North African sausages we call it marz people goes broke in the prison and they gets Outreach what they doing smuggling Coke and but because there's lot of drug addicts man for Coke yeah there's Dr of drug addicts there's lot of heroine addicts and especially those guys that comes from U that come from um how do you say Georgia know next to Armenia next to aeran those guys that they are the thiefs you know they call them theor Zakon the big gangs of thiefs they Russian speakers you know they call them the the the thiefs under the LW or something like this you know and those guys you know all their life they've been sniffing and smoking heroin so they need the heroin so people they bring it for them and they have money and those people they have a special Insurance you know as a thief like a special called the upu you know so they pay they go and steal and do their business all over Europe and they pay every month or every year the up trck to the big boss back in aeran or back in Georgia you know so when they get caught the boss can send them their monthly money and can pay for the lawyer and all the spendings that they need when they in prison you know they have all the statos of the Stars you know all those star statos you know very nice guys I have to say you know I was with one of the big boss uh when I was in east of France in prison because I've been thrown I tried to uh I would say es I didn't try really to escape from prison but one day it was on it was um it was the 18th of I remember all my life it was the 18th of July 2018 and uh and I had enough because I knew that I had 30 days of hle you know the the hall why we there yeah because I was doing so much [ __ ] I spent more than 200 days in the hall why I I was I think I had like I don't know man I didn't take it uh I was aggressive you know I was aggressive towards the gods you know I got arrested with a because sometimes you need a knife you know to protect yourself but I didn't even need a knife to protect myself so bu I built some stuff some weapons they they when they find it you know they search your your cell they find it you get hole they send you to the hole to the to the punishment cell and I've done many I I've had fights with Gods I me man I was like I don't know I I was troubled in my had I think at this period you know just before 2018 and uh I had 30 days of all to do and I was very worried because the whole the prison I was in Paris was on the top on the roof of the prison and it was very hot that summer 2018 like extremely hot and I was very scared because I've done the whole before there's no windows there's no air there there's nothing man is you know and and you can't even brief the summer summertime there this the window is is a plexiglass I was worried I said no I'm going to die in this room I'm going to die I didn't feel it good then I say I say okay I'm going to I'm going to leave this prison to leave the prison you have to do attempted Escape that think they kick you out from the prison and they send you to another to another place you know so I kiss all my friend like this oh sorry guys I'm I'm leaving this place and I start to climb you know on the I'm a good climber also I start to climb on the you know from the I not give the detail but and I jumped U um you know the razor wires I got cut everywhere blood everywhere you know I put a mask first on my face because everyone was recording me and I didn't find my mom that she sees me on the on the news in the new is my face full of blood you know on the roof and I want to [ __ ] up from here so uh so then the the warden comes and he say yeah what do you want come down uh Mr blah blah blah my uh my family name come down Mr Daddy come down I said no I don't want to come I want to [ __ ] up from here come down and then they start to negotiate I'm into a negotiation I say okay I come down only if I [ __ ] off from that prison you know and told me no we we get into a and he send the there is a special team that comes from outside when there's like event like this you know they come from outside with the mask with the full gear so they came to the roof they arrest me they attached me like this you know like a mommy you know like a mommy they attached me they put me on the board and they with the Rope they put me down you know this is how I got arrested then and they sent me to another prison and uh and from the no they sent me to the dispatch prison first and found that dispat prison they sent me to East of France next to the L between Luxemburg and Germany but French side I stayed there 15 months uh it was nice you know it was nice I was beit free I had the key of my cell you know it was really cool and when I arrived you know because I I it was like an attempted Escape uh I meet up first you know as indiction with the head of the security and I said okay head of security uh Lieutenant I say okay Lieutenant if you don't give me headache I give you my word of Honor that I will not make any trouble in it and we check the hands and he never gave me any trouble he respected his word and I respected my word and after 15 months I had enough first of all I saved the life of a black guy from South America from s very nice guy we used to do gyms together and he wanted to some Albanian gangs wanted to kill him you know he was in trouble with he was alone with Albanian gangs and the albanians have very good relation with albanians you know we are like brothers you know we understand each other had some really good friends you know and he found himself in the yard with 10 albanians with with knives they wanted to kill him and he was running everywhere and I was running behind him you know and I say let him be let him be he Fells on the floor they St and one he tried to stop him I push him and I get my body to protect him I stand up I put him behind me and I push the guy say you're going to take it 30 years and when I told them you're going to get 30 years sorry uh they came down I say you beating him up beating him enough know let me take him out I take him out I see the world and it was a lady at this time you know in this prison in the east of France and I say I want to [ __ ] off from this place she she authorized she gave me the authorization to move to get cl to get to another but they send me to a they send me to worse place than that you know called SSG is a prison for uh uh sexual uh Predators you know uh for sexual predator but they put me on the Block where they Al the sexual predators and I stayed 10 months in that prison and I stay in this block something like six months you know and I was so aggressive you know so aggressive and I it was a night and it was during coid time you know and I didn't have I didn't have a phone for four months then they saw that I was because they was a lot of complaints about me they they kick me to another block with really nice guys from north of France they bring me the telephone bring me with I had everything after and that's relaxed and after a few months there I was so relaxed I had everything it was so good you know the the head of the security he comes he told me y Dan you [ __ ] up from this prison we send you somewhere else and they sent me somewhere else to spend the last 10 10 months to another [ __ ] hole it was very difficult also uh but it was okay man I did my M my time last spend the 10 last 10 months and I got free and now I'm here now with you guys who runs the French pres Al there's no gangs like as you can say you know this is not like that you know it's more like we are it's not like that we are like families you know but us as North African we can have we are from different neighborhoods you know around Paris for example if we are if you are from Paris you know so we have cousins here cousins there it's not like gangs man you know except when you are sometimes when it's people from neighborhoods you know we call us we call each other families you know we are families and me I grown up in a in a in a neighborhood with only Moroccans you know and those Moroccans they have they are the biggest traffi of hashish traffi is the biggest producing uh hashish country in the world so that's why I got involved in this business very in a very early age because in my neighborhood you know all the French back in the days in the '90s all the big top French uh hash trafficing comes from my neighborhood you know and our Dream what it was our dream it to it was to be hash traffi you know when we were young we want to be har trafficking we want to import it from Morocco but it's not that easy you know it's not that easy at all so voila that was the the life uh the prison life and as I say prison is not a waste of time it's a gain of time first of all as I told you it was my therapy cooking setting up my stuff putting my uh my uh spices there uh watching some uh cooking videos recipes uh try to organize smuggling some meat and some stuff from outside to make cakes to make some nice meat some nice food uh uh setting up my Social Media stuff you know and it's not and when I say it's not a waste of time it's a gain of time because you work out you know you read you get educated I've been reading a lot I educated myself uh I met nice people also really nice people uh I understood many things about myself you know I faced my own reality you know how I was you know I even discussed I was discussed when I was uh before Jil I didn't like myself very much you know because I was doing so much [ __ ] you know so much evil stuff you know and uh I found I was looking at myself say I was really evil you know and uh I think I became a better uh human being I would say you know so I faced my reality lost weight went to the gym well since I'm out a gym not too much because you know you eat sugar things I I wasn't eating no sugar you know so VOA uh yeah it was a I wouldn't say it was a great good experience but it was my experience it was my life and I made it good when I was inside see when you had an Instagram did the coppers not try and shut you down uh I really didn't give a damn about it they know but even Gods used to come and see me oh say Danny we see your Instagram very nice yeah very nice keep going you know the gods because I was so I'm I'm a gentleman you know I talk nice with people they talk nice back to me you have very nice guards also what and you have some real [ __ ] also because in France most of the gods they bring because no one wants to be gods you know I want to be a screw so most of them they bring them from the West Indies the French Caribbean you know and they speak pwa they speak the language from the French can mix between their language and French and sometimes we don't understand each other plus being guard in France they are not well trained because they need them urgently no one's want to do this job it's a dangerous job you know you have some nice guys and you have some [ __ ] you know and me went to I've seen a lot of nice guys they were they never told me nothing and I've done a lots of uh interviews I was on a big French media uh Vice I've been invited on Vice three times uh I a lot of podcasts never happened nothing what's the worst thing you have seen in prison uh I've seen a lot of people uh suicide killing themselves you know I've seen a guy when I was in inst of France got the the throat cut for a really shitty story he was uh this guy here sorry uh this guy was on this balcony and he threw food from the balcony and it was another guy down and the guy he was by his window also and he received all the sauce on his uh uh truck suit he was upset and they told yeah [ __ ] off [ __ ] off [ __ ] off okay [ __ ] off he meet him on the stairs he come behind him and he to cut his throat blood everywhere I still I think uh on my Instagram on my stories the the archives I have the video when they take the the body bag out of the building yeah yeah they killed killing that guy that I saved the life in the in the yard they were almost killing him uh uh guy receiving uh uh bo boiled oil in the face uh uh rapes you know rapes of course rapes there's homosexuality also in prison not on those prisons where you are waiting for your on REM for your trial because those prison you know people they don't talk too much those you know but when it's the open prison you know you are having your long sentences yes there's rapes there's some dirty things there's all those pedophiles you know these disgusting [ __ ] and it was this pedophile uh when I was in the north of France he touched so many people so many kids you know and I was very upset with him I don't know I didn't like him anyway and and there's you know it's the hygiene in the prison is not that great you know there's rats everywhere and every night I know I was taking the food from the the prison kitchen disgusted food all the disgusting fish I take it and I throw it just I was on the first floor and it was he was on the ground floor and I threw it just in front of his window and all the rats come scratch on his window and he B hey Danny are you the one who th who throw the food I said no it's not me it's upstairs every night it was a nightmare plus the other guy just in the set in front of me when you wake up at 7 or 8:00 in the morning 7:00 and they open the the the door and you had you know they do the counting and I come and it was this [ __ ] who was taking pictures you know and touching the the the babies you know this [ __ ] and I was always like this moody in the morning I was telling him when you have a guy every morning he say like this your life is H because those guys they are [ __ ] man they are not like gangsters they are [ __ ] [ __ ] piece of trash so I was doing this that's why they kicked me to the other block and this other [ __ ] you know like really a bastard this guy I'm going to say that story because it's really disgusting but I say it I didn't know about him I was cooking with him talking nice you know and when I arrived there and uh I never told him I never don't even ask questions you know I never told him and then uh then he was leaving you know he got free he got 10 years sentence and he got he did only four years he raped the the daughter of his girlfriend 18 months baby that had to go through surgery you know to repair the vagina of the baby and you know when I heard that I got mad I said why you didn't tell me he was with me cooking I was I turned completely mad and he had his little stuff and leing to B and I called him forgot his name this [ __ ] you are very lucky you leaving I Know What You Did you [ __ ] you're very lucky and know and he he did me this I said [ __ ] the pie of trash man did you ever eat the rats uh re eat eat the rats no the rats yeah there's plenty of rats man did you ever eat them no no no no no no no we have food man because you have the what we say canteen you have the prison food but when you have when you have a little bit of money they send me money every month my family you know my friends so you have what we say C is like a supermarket into the prison you have a list of product you have even Halal products you know or koser for Jews which we can eat also as Muslims and it's very expensive it's up to 10 times on different uh the price of outside okay so you need to have money to eat well and to have good life you know in prison it cost everything cost is expensive no no I was every week I I used to do my shopping you know uh filling up the form you know taking the boxes what I want uh I can have Chi chicken I can have a sausage I can have a salami I can have different type of stuff I can have fresh food eggs eggs uh uh vegetables uh uh what else Coca-Cola but I didn't drink uh fizzy drinks at this time I was drinking only water you know and sparkling water I like sparkling water but no no no no one as rats man never rats probably they eat it in China some places like this bro when did you decide that you were going to start making changes uh I don't know if I want to make changes you know I didn't even think like I don't even think like that to be honest you know changes you mean when I got out of prison or yeah instead of smuggling and all the bad [ __ ] that you done because first of all uh if I get arrested uh for smuggling drugs for smuggling drugs I will get 20 years with a minimum of 2/3 you know so if I get 20 years I will make a minimum of 14 years and at my Edge I cannot do that anymore you know and I used to say to friends I say if I do that I get arrested I rather die you know and get killed by the cops you know do everything to live you know get into violence and get killed then go back to jail to be honest so no man I don't know I I don't have any question regarding that brother uh I don't know man I just want to uh I don't know I have no answers to be honest I'm don't I'm not going to say I'm lost or something I do my life day after day M uh I have some projects but uh but no I I I don't ask myself those questions bro what did you do when you came out uh when I came home I was it hard not to no relax I was happy you know my mother and my son uh and his mother they came to uh pick me up from prison uh then I stayed we stayed in a hotel uh we stayed in a hotel uh yeah we stayed in a hotel and uh the day after I went straight to live in another country in Europe and I stayed there I worked a little bit you know I bought myself a motobike I found myself in a nice apartment you know I was doing my life my girlfriend came to visit me that's it really so well working I was working in a warehouse you know I was just doing a jo at the beginning I didn't work I traveled a lot I came to England I stayed a long time here in England then I went to travel uh I went to travel all over the world I would say I went to China next to China I went to uh America you know so I traveled a lot I enjoyed my life I went to eat I was eating every day outside I spent a lot of money I gave also money and uh and now now I have some projects uh and I have to make it happen simple as that but to be honest if I think I don't have really uh I don't know brother so I don't ask myself too much question to be honest do you mess the old life uh uh no I don't miss anything I don't regret anything you know because sometimes you have people say yeah but do you regret it I regret nothing you know and as I said to the judge if I have to do it again I will do it better yes yes I told her like this you know if I have to do it I will do it better you know because she was quite rough that judge you know she was really really uh she was really bad and uh and no no I don't regret anything because you know what the regret it gives you a pain and that pain is like a burn you know we call it the burn of regret you know and it's very painful and I don't want to have any pain so I regret nothing you know I do my life how it is I've done my mistakes you know I I uh take responsibility for everything I've done you know uh with the chin up when did you get released I got released the 9th the 9th of uh the 9th of July 2021 so recently yeah almost yeah almost two years ago 24 months ago are you still out license uh no uh I have no it's finished I have nothing I have nothing I owe them nothing but I have a 5 years ban from Paris you know so it's very difficult for me because when I leave the country wherever I am in France you know you go to the Customs they show your passport they always put you on the side they have to call the ministry of interior know this Central office yeah we have Danny with us he's going to that country you know blah blah they ask me question why do you leave blah blah blah and then bye-bye to record me what I'm doing you know but I cannot come to Paris because if I can come to Paris and they find out the Customs I can they arrest me and I go straight back to jail to finish the one year that I have to do seven to eight you know because I had eight yeah so that's the problem so you can't go back but but [ __ ] it so see when you get released from Paris prison did it wasn't I wasn't in Paris when I got released I was in north of France you know because I've done I've done Paris dispatch dispatch east of France east of France dispatch dispatch north of France and from a prison in north of France to another prison in north of France so I know every 12 15 months they used to move me around because of this uh attempted Escape you know yeah so it wasn't easy but I always take my phone with me you know I don't know how they don't find it I put it s between I know in my underwear you know and I do some tricks and they don't find it you know and one day I was moving from that North prison to the other prison and it was the guy with me another guy with me we were waiting and he didn't strip searchy and the stupid guy he said hey God why don't you don't you strip sear and I give him a slap shut the [ __ ] up you [ __ ] why did he say that he's an idiot he's an idiot and I was telling him why you in prison he yeah he's telling me like crazy story out of a movie you know I said are you sure I find out he's he was like a serial rapist and I was telling to everyone I gave him a slap so he couldn't even go out of his cell you know some rapists you know that don't like really dirty stuff they cannot give except if you are in those special prison is special block made for those predators that they are free they respected you know you slap one or you kick the ass of one you can get on serious trou they can if you give you extra prison you know yeah why are they so protected they're so protected here you don't know even in England it's the same you don't yeah you don't understand you don't understand there's a prison called gron here it's sex cases and the worst [ __ ] people ever but the people who try and change their life because they can go from a category a down to b c they can get released but in gron you can't even if you see anything bad to them you're just straight back and like you say they can get added time as well no it's uh no they are very protected because uh when they on remand those sexual P they don't get out of the cell impossible they go to the yard impossible it's too dangerous yeah good yeah they get kicked you know they get St stabbed they get stepped on their head it's good in some it's good it's good because they've done some czy ship this this guy who raped that poor young girl there some dirty stuff man that's really dirty stuff once I one I was in that SSG prison in north of France ssj sorry uh prison in north of France and it was this guy we call him Tupac you know and he looks like Tupac you know he's wasting this guy and he uh he was in he uh he was in prison because he raped a girl you know and he put He SK he he went into her house he put a knce on her throat a knife on her throat and he raped her and then we find out we tell him okay we were still friends come to the cell we beat him up in the Sun and we and the gods comes they open the the door of the cell they see us beating him and they close the the the door and they let they let us beating him yeah some of them you know sometimes you know he's too arrogant you know and the gods don't like him they let us beat beat beat him up a little bit like this he learns a little bit what is this life no they don't it's it's hard for for some of them you know when you go when you have one two three years waiting for your trial and you cannot get out of your cell to go to the yard uh you know who was the maddest person you ever came across uh gangster drug lord uh you know it was this guy drug lords man there is lot of drugs big big people man they are very powerful in France you know they are very powerful they are respected in the prison but we are friends man we all know each other since we are young we don't you know you know big people they don't take verys very seriously they are respected but they are very friendly very nice they help other people you know uh they don't have this attitude you understand come across a psychopath a serial killer uh they don't put them with us no now they put him on segregation we never see us and if they have the if they move them from cell to go for example visits or to go to the doctor or whatever they shut down the prison no one can get can get out of his cell till he pass and then they open everything no I I haven't seen this type of people but no the rapist as toally raping a 18 months baby brother you know what you want to throw up you want to take his head and smash it every on every hle you know and I told him you are very lucky because I would have used you as a mop and he told me like this oh [ __ ] you know I told you like this this [ __ ] you know and uh once I was uh you know I was my first uh yeah my first one and a half year in prison you know I was bit violent and aggressive towards the the the god some of them not all of them some of them because they is real bastards you know I don't know what he did to me this uh this God he treated me like piece of [ __ ] you know and I I grabbed him from his throat I'm going to sounds disgusting whatever and he was saying ah ah and I spot on his mouth and I said now you kissed me you [ __ ] oh that's funny I've done uh 30 years of hul 30 days of Halls because of that and even the story was in the newspaper then he wanted to sue me for that you know and all my friends went to see him you know say don't sue him you know he got kind of threaten so he came to my cell when I came out of the hole he came to myself he apologized and I apologized also you know say sorry I should have not done it blah blah blah what's say what do you think is the easiest to smuggle drugs the easiest way uh there's no easiest way but if you pick one because you're done the board there is no easiest way first of all uh you want to be the you want to play in those big games you have to spend a lot of money okay for example you want to bring a cocaine from Colombia you have to pay the Colombians first to get it out of their country buy the gear uh with the right people the good quality because sometimes they sell you [ __ ] okay so you have to be very careful with who you deal uh who is who you dealing with sorry uh then it has to arrive in France for example you know you have to take it out you have to know the right people the right Docker or the right police you know to take it out so no it's not it's not an easy way man I'm telling you it's not an easy way uh it's a it's a work it's a job and it's a hard work you know so uh so uh it was it there's those people who uh does ATL scale they swallow it you know but so how much you going to take in your stomach you know there's these things but the big game the big game now it's not easy it's not easy and uh the one that wants to get into it I will never judge anyone I will say always say do it but do it well you know don't talk on the phone because phones they any phone they can open it even those encrypted phones I'm bit technical on this side yeah they can open it because on your phone you have the you have the uh the algorithm the software and you have the hardware which is the phone the problem is not the algorithm the software itself the problem is the hardware because in the hardware you have the uh the the memory and in the memory they save your passwords it saves or part of your password of your password sometimes you know so they have all the techniques to find it you can use signal you can use any other app if they want they can get you so never talk in your car never talk in your house because they can come in your house and put some microphones in your house so you have to be very secure where you talk and who is whom you talk I know don't talk in you know uh um you have to be very serious you know you have to take it very seriously you have to be ready to kill you know and me I'm not ready to kill and I don't want to kill no one a peaceful guy man you know what uh no I believe in God you are you have to be ready to kill you have to be uh ready to spend your life in prison you know uh and and the big boss you know those big boss like those big you know big guys they have this state of mind you know they say if I have to go to prison for life I'll do it you know this is their jobs they have you know they are responsible for many families because they have people under under their wings that they work for them you know but I would say well you have to be very smart man very smart very rough uh ready to kill you know uh and it's not something for me anymore you know I'm too old for this [ __ ] it's not only I'm too old for this [ __ ] I'm I'm still in good shape you know but U no I'm not interested about this anymore man I just want to work relax I want to take I want to travel around the world you know make my son disc discover some stuff you know raise him you know teach him some stuff going to the gym uh going to the Judo I like Judo I've done Judo for many years when I was young SOA teach him things take him all around the world you know how's life now life is okay man it's I don't complain I'm not this type of guy who complains life is good you know it's okay I'm healthy uh voila uh of course I'd like money like everyone you know I'd like money you know I want money but uh I will work I work for it you know like normal like everybody uh when I got out of prison I went to work for a pay sleep you know as I say as I say always I'm a slave of my pay slip so so yes and uh we'll see what happened um I'm very optimistic guy you know see what's happen but I have to make the effort I have to be serious for example I really wanted to do something stuff with all this Instagram but after spending seven years being on Instagram every day and making some videos some content some uh you know after you get out you have enough of this prison [ __ ] you understand I've been uh uh some some companies contacted me to work with them to develop some stuff but they just wanted to you know to use my IDs you know because all these advert companies you know marketing companies they need some people with IDs you know many IDs they didn't propose me [ __ ] so I was quite not upset because I don't give a [ __ ] but you know some people they try to contact me me I wrote I wrote a documentary about the story of Dan H's kitchen the Narco torpedo stories and when it tookes me to Dan H's kitchen which is very interesting uh maybe maybe I don't know man I see what the propose people propose me but I don't want to I want to get make the effort but I don't want to do the production the editing this is not my stuff man I don't know nothing about that you know this is not my stuff this is for people who knows about production who knows about editing you know I just want to come here do the show okay make the effort do the research everything you know but uh well if someone propos me something like that I'm I'm very happy to be part of it what's your plans for the future Danny uh you know I'd like to have a they just set up that little company uh that I'm working in that t company that I'm going to set up pretty soon uh buy a piece of land uh uh build a house with my own hand but a very simple house with the containers you know I love all this containers stuff you can build containers house I've been following this for years I have all the plans so build my container house and leave man I don't know man to be honest some people they tell me this I don't even know what to answer to that what is my plan for the future I have no plan brother for anybody that's want to get involved in a life of crime what advice would you have for them uh be serious you know like have discipline you know discipline is all about you know have discipline keep your word uh even though in this word there's no word you know so you can say something today and tomorrow you can say [ __ ] off or I [ __ ] you or whatever uh yeah just the discipline man the discipline and uh to succeed in that uh in that uh in that life you know you have to be a killer you know simple as that you know there's no other things you know you are already you have to be you have to be a a cold blood animal you know this is what I would say Danny boy would you like to finish up on anything else um I don't know brother I what your social medias and stuff oh yeah my social media yeah my also I'm running that page called Danny H's kitchen you know I show I this is my uh prison story but my culinary prison story you know I can I put sometimes videos about my travel and uh when I discover new uh food around the world so this is what I put uh what I put lately this last few months but otherwise it's my story it's all my prison story all my food culinary prison story but if you want they want to follow to see how was my life what is my plan for the future I plan also as I told you uh to set up a podcast okay uh not to talk only about prison life but a bit about everything invite different type of people it can be politics models uh charity people uh gangsters people a bit like you I would say but without you being your your how do you say concurrence your competitor that's okay I'm happy this place there there is room for everyone the world is Big you know and I speak in English also so and I'm French also so I can be France or England but uh as I said I'd like to uh I didn't have time to uh to look after it to to to to organize it because I'm looking at a team that they are ready to make a little bit of money with me are ready to share as long as they take in charge the producing and editing uh part of it you know and we can make something together that's it to finish up on anything else I think I st all my brother listen all the best for the future hopefully stay out of trouble brother out of the problem probably but we never know we never know son
Channel: Anything Goes With James English
Views: 76,939
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Id: QBxl3XUaNB4
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Length: 99min 29sec (5969 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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