Tommy Robinson - How I Survived Prison After People Tried to Kill Me

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foreign [Music] charge so basically when I started doing expensively that's what they do now with hey when I started the English Defense League they come in yeah when I say they come in they they close your account stats your bank account's got clothes your business accounts they done they went back five years on my mum my dad's my whole family yeah they went through everyone and they're trying to find things to Nick anyone on so then they started raiding Nick and everyone I got nicked on um they need my wife at the time uh tax evasion they tried me on tax evasion of God not guili they mortgage for it so basically the story was that um at the time between me and my wife we had seven mortgages all fully legit now to remember self-certification mortgages yeah so they used to say if you put down a 20 deposit you don't have to you can then self-certify how much you earn my wife's little brother said and he was an apprentice for my company plumbing said he earned 20 000 when he earned 12. so he got a fraudulent Mortgage in their eyes he bought a house he done the house up it was his first property and then he sold it yeah four years after the house is sold the mortgage company had paid back four years later they put all our doors off I go Jack I got 80 months for that I got eight months for him buying the house and you know so he bought the house for say 60 Grand yeah sells the house for 100 no support the house for 80 grand deposit sales house for 125 when it was all done up the police hit me for 125 000 conversation order I had to pay him 125 Grand it's like there was no crime there was no Financial loss to anyone yeah but at that time so I'm in for a little paper offense I got 18 months and I end up in Woodhill prison um and I ended up in Woodhill prison with there was a case just before that where six Muslims were sentenced to 30 years they were caught with guns and bombs on the way to kill us it was in dewsbury they they got their two hours later it's a comedy Sketcher so there's a video of these six clowns beardy really absolute morons walking across a car park and it's the car park that we were in two hours before yeah and then they're driving home and they've got no insurance sudden they get pulled over for no insurance it's actually you should it could actually do a proper comedy sketch they get pulled over from that insurance please don't search the boot the car the police Nick the police seized the car put it in a compound two days later the people in the compound opened the boot of the car guns suicide vests bombs IEDs everything is in the boot yeah they come out to kill us so then please come to see me let me know look they come see me and said people have been trying to track you through your mobile phone so they must have had access into someone in the network who was trying to get a location for where I was apparently yeah so that's what please come to see me about I said okay so these six men are prosecuted I go to their court trial they're giving 25 to 30 years I stand up at the end as they got there 25 to 30 years I was over my cousin Kev so we're on the back row they had about 17 people 16 17 people in front of us all big religious figures big beards and then there's the six of them away in their sentence in and um it's funny because they were looking at porn and that yeah because they're going through all of course I sat for the whole court case and they're not meant to be looking at porn all this Haram stuff was coming up on this one dude's phone and they were and they're all all these mates are laughing at that while they're on trial for this what would have been a hurry it would have launched I believe if that happened at that time the heightened English Defense League we've we'd have had a conflict on the streets and it would probably still be going if six Muslims were then at an English Defense League demonstration and murdered and blown up people I believe it would become a tip to Fat war that would have launched so we're lucky that never happened at those times but they get they get 30 years I stand that as they get sentenced I say I scratch I shot ice cream God Save the Queen the whole quarter wraps they're all coming at us from behind the whole quarter UPS anyway six months later I'll do this mortgage case I land in Woodhill prison and ask I'll go for a meeting my legal team and I sit down I look across boom boom boom that's all that I saw them I was just like oh bro man I was [ __ ] myself when I put these These are killers they're like they're doing 30 years they're not bothered they're terrorists and then and this is in a Woodhill prison sentence where I went I had a plea a prison officer come to my screw come to my door and they said when they come to get you do not leave this sale ex-power troopery was he said do not leave this cell I said what he said your life depends on it don't leave this cell I said okay so hour later however long later he knocks on the door with two other screws he said come on you're going on a wing I said I ain't going nowhere buff he said if he led me if you refuse to go you're going to get a Nick in you're going to be given I said okay well I'm refusing to go he said okay we go you'll go before the governor then so then I've got penalized as they take your TV out yourself and you get you get done and then aiming without taking me there's no cameras on the wing they're taking me to where them where they were why to kill you yeah I'd have been killed he said he said the woman he gave me the woman's name who was who was making the decision he said she'll get done for Corporal manslaughter here he goes but too late you're gonna be dead you'd have been dead so then this happened so the next day I go from eating my legal team again now because I'm going through I was trying to do people I'll go for a meeting my legal team I'll come back after the meeting I'm getting walked down there's a room in the size of this Lounge door opens it's the waiting room door open so I just walk in I see beads so I was looking oh [ __ ] hell man and I didn't even sit down because I just stood in my back so nice to put my back to the wall prison officers locked the door and boom I lost my teeth I got bad they all rush me there's three of them they're sickening thing so when I landed on the first night Center I didn't ever go your own protection in Joey so I land on the first night Center and I come out and there's Muslims in there I said do you know who I am it's a young Muslim I said I haven't got a problem with you yeah but if anyone wants to have a problem with me I'm more than happy to have a straight out problem me I don't I don't want a nice slimy [ __ ] or snakey [ __ ] so I haven't got a problem with you let me make that clear yeah but if you know who I am and you want it and there is a problem just let me know he said I've got no problem brother I said okay cool yeah [ __ ] when I'm getting rushed in the cell when I'm getting rushed in the waiting room as I come around after I'm I'm swinging out fighting holding on to one of them I'll get battered I had to come out it's him one of them's in I said you little rat you little rapping my teeth are missing I'm battered and then and then and then I'm what felt like 10 minutes was probably 60 seconds but I Knew by the look on their faces as well they didn't know I was coming in that room so when they open that door I saw them look and I thought and I looked at them and I saw them look like they're all looking at each other thinking Tom Robson just getting put in our room so they've done what they've done and um and then I and then I got shipped so then I got put down the block I see the governor um and then I got transferred to Winchester prison but each of my prison sentence so that's that that happened in only that happened in Widow um and then I was went down to Winchester prison and I had a great prison sentence in Winchester prison do you know why because there's not enough Muslims in there to do anything if I'm honest and they didn't have the complete control of that jail they have complete control most hours I went into I went into wood there's an episode on twenty thousand police custody I'm in Peterborough prism I'm on a four 12 Day license recall it was to prevent me stop stop talking Oxford University so I was due to talk Austin University please come and grab me stop me in jail and recall to miss the date so I was on recall and when I landed at Peter prison I said to them I said you know who I am I'm here I'm out in 12 days you know what's going to happen out there yeah I'm happy just lock my door let me out in a week let me out yeah and they said I do want to go on protection I said no I don't want to go on protection I'm not going on protection yeah okay you're gonna be me so I said all right I can't beat me and my my instinct I I know I've I've done what I've had to do in previous prison centers we're going to Bedford to survive yeah so I'm sitting there I'll go on to I'm going to B wing and my instinct would be protect yourself protect yourself straight away you know anyone comes near you protect yourself and I remember walking I was going upstairs and I remember looking there was a few Muslims on the wing there was four Muslims from Bedford they got 20 years they cut someone's ears and nose off like a famous thing near where I live how my head was telling me booting my head that's what my head was telling me yeah and I was thinking I'm out in 12 days yeah I just need to get through these 12 days I don't need a any longer so I didn't do anything I just thought get through the 12 days and every time I sell door open I'd come out of myself and I stand my back to the wall downstairs so I think I have to be ready someone's going to come for me at some point I've got to be ready and I can't get caught lacking in myself because that's where they'll get you on you and you'll be gone so then I come out so my cell comes out and no one has my back in there yeah because there's too many Muslims so I'll come out and on 20 000 police custody I'm standing there and some white boy comes up to me and he says Tommy you're going to get done with boiling water yeah I said who's going to do me a bowling more and he says um and he says whatever cell number he says look over and I looked over and there's a Somalian kid and there's the boy from Bedford yeah and they're talking at the door of another cell and he goes mate the amount of money they've cut up for you to get done it might not even be a Muslim that does sure I said all right and he and he goes but the Somalian kid's going to do you with the boiling War so I said the right sound so I walked straight over and filled a smile and get in before he has a chance to even look I said which one and he says him at the door so I said okay so I go over and I fill him in and then um and then all the screws break it up and then I go before the governor and I say mate he's gonna do me boarding water I'm not waiting to get boiled they brought in jail you know they get boiling water you put sugar in it sticks to your face you're gone your face is gone I'm not waiting for that yeah so I go over I fill him in and when I fill him in you can see me on you can see me on the footage and I've got my arms open and the imam's there yeah I've got my arms open and what I was saying I said is there anyone else who who wants to do it so but then I get near does that get nicked in the jail go before the governor and I say mate I told you look when I landed in this jail I told you my life's in danger you decided to stick me on the wing full of Muslims are up for 25 years now yeah you decided that they wanted to do me a boiling water I protected myself so nothing happened in jail I got I come out of jail I go on holiday with my kids for two weeks I land at Luton Airport I'm Nick for a racially aggravated attack in jail and then they I stand Crown Court trial they but they were forced this was the first time I ever had good legal representation so now I got not gooey they were forced but they act the actual my my defense forced the prosecution to basically pull their case because when they went through all the stuff it showed from the records from when I got to the jail what I'd said but they didn't release it to my prosecution or sank so they were hiding the fact that the prison knew I was in danger they knew I shouldn't be where I was they put me there yeah but anyway so that was that was that was Peterborough um well so I've been Bedford I mean like the well I I got to bed for prison but you know rival gangs yeah when they've got a rival games from a different postcode you're not allowed to be on the same Wing in jail yeah you've got Tommy Robinson all right who's the rival gang it's Islam it's all followers of Muslim of Islam so I land at Bedford prison it's my local jail I forget what I was doing on this case I've done I've been in ten prisons and when I oh because of this politics and and when I landed there I looked at the receptionist said you've got a brother called Mark and he said yeah I knew I knew his brother I knew straight away from the face because my local jail I still know your brother he goes yeah no I said mate um find out and then we were going through where the most Muslims are most Muslims are on a-wing is the biggest Wing in Bedford and you usually go straight on induction Wing when you go to that prison and I was asking I said Jason in here is Johnny in here I was asking mates I've grown up with finding out with I've Got Friends to try and get with some of them so he established some of my friends on B wing there was a few Muslims there was a famous another case where the Somalians there was a big case where they got shot dead in Milton Keynes all smiling gangs and they were all him on a wing so he comes back and then he goes I'm gonna I'll go up and see the governor so he comes up he comes downstairs he goes sorry Tommy man I said what he said you've got a name or you can go on the numbers protection I said I'm not going on the numbers rough I said I ain't got I have done nothing wrong to go and be House of pedophiles it's not happening he goes are you going on a wingling and now you go so I think they were thinking I'd choose numbers so I said give me a pen and paper so it gives me a pen and paper so I write six pages detailing the threats I've had from terrorist groups from Osmond warnings the gangs are in there locally to me I know the names of the gangs the Pakistani gangs I list it all I say your job is to keep me safe as a governor of this Australia you have a you have a duty to keep me safe you know these people will want to cause me harm so I I think he's going to read that now that's on file yeah he's never going to make me go on a wing so I'm sitting there he comes back down he goes you're going to name me I said well that sounds and as we're walking on to a wing I said are you ready boys to the two screws I guess what goes watch what I [ __ ] do when I get on here man and then we're walking on and as I walked on I mean you know like you're walking on you've got all the landings and they're all howling cheering yeah as I'm walking in and I'm walking in and I'll be honest I'm [ __ ] myself yeah I'm thinking [ __ ] man but I didn't I didn't think they'd be able to do this yeah in my local jail just bring me to them so they bring me up it's 10 to 12 they put me in my cell lunches at 12 o'clock so the workers are obviously out the present the the prisoners who have got jobs are obviously all now the words come around I'll go straight to my cell window and I said your [ __ ] pedophile would be on the d-wing the d-wing speed of our wing yeah so I said you and I started I start giving it Through the Windows because I know it's I'm doing a protect a protection mechanism here because I can't wait for them to get me and myself so I grew up and I'm arguing with everyone and they say your dad I said I've heard that for six years I've had two black eyes your [ __ ] houses yeah I said like I said everyone agrees with me because everyone I said everyone your bullies everyone agrees with me I said all the white and black boys will come to my cell and give me thumbs up because this happens in every jail you know they'll all secretly give me the thumbs up because you a lot of [ __ ] police the way you act in these jails and I'm having all this through the windows and they were like you're dead you're dead and I remember hearing some black goo was laughing saying who the [ __ ] is this Geezer and I was like and then and I was like I'm on the wing you Max yeah my name and then I'm and then I know when that door opens I'm getting out that Wing I'm getting out of that cell so the door opens for for lunch I go flying out of the cell I go straight down into canteen I walk in I say who's [ __ ] muslim yeah a deal now Dion uh little gangbanger from Luton who I've got a lot of respect for his brother I knew his sister I actually like him he's converted to Islam so he's like actually I'm Muslim buff I'm like oh man and I'm I'm needing to kick this off because I'm otherwise I'm getting it yeah so I'm so I'm like Dion and then a white boy next to him goes your own [ __ ] muslim and I don't know the white boy so boom um grabbed him I'm fighting with him all the screws have come broke up I'm in such an adrenaline rush but then and then I as they pulled me out I see another black boy Wesley Barker he's got a big beard I said you bruh because and I know he goes actually man I'm not because I'm thinking everyone's Muslim now and everyone hears everyone's on me and then as and then they dragged me up to the cell and I'm drenched with it's the biggest Adrenaline Rush that moment was and and they put me myself and they locked the door and I remember just screaming because I thought I was dead I thought I was dead and then I was screaming but in that moment in that time that's a fight for my life because if that doesn't happen when that happens I'm down so then I get nicked and you get a punishment you're in isolation so yeah I've done that to get isolated yeah I had to I'm not asking for protection but when you do that you get put on 23.5 23.5 hour bang up in the in the basement of the jail so I'm then taken down to the basement of the jail but before that I'm shouting at the Windows like because I was I was like dead Lads and I get looked then I'm down in the basement of the jail and then they bring McDonald the boy's name was McDonald I didn't know who he was when I hit him he had big beard and as he comes through I'm he's in the cell next to me and then they bought my other mate who I know from outside he's in the cell next to me because he smashed up his cell before core saying so we're all talking in the cells and then his this Muslim lad's trying to crush here can you actually man like [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I'm like why are you trying to crush it and then and as they brought him out I looked through I said McDonald I knew him and his brother I said you [ __ ] man he goes and he goes you actually and I said you convert and he and he he's like and then and he was trying to question because he knows who I am I know him he knows when I'm not get out I'll know him I'm moving the same circles as him and he was like what the [ __ ] brother I said bro I've got to survive this man I've got and then the priest come in and started on me the priest literally started on me the priest come in and goes I think you're [ __ ] clever of an evil and because I refuse food again I I said I'm not eating anything that's allowed so yeah I want chicken that's on the menu but I want none Halal chicken I've just been a little preculture but I still want nonetheless chicken so get me some nonetheless chicken and then they can't get your not allowed chicken I said well how come I don't get a choice and I'm just one by this point I think I'm going to cause my a minute now yeah I'll come of course ma'am and I'm arguing and all the Travelers are on my side and they're going yeah what are you and I say Catholic because when I was coming yeah yeah [ __ ] pedophile said I can hear the Travelers going well what and it so the whole place is erupting man I'm thinking what are they gonna do yeah because the whole I mean the whole jail is erupting now it's all good and then my mate comes back from and my mate's shouting from the cells upstairs saying I've got his back and all hell's going off the priest comes in and says you think you're clever now I know what you've done I said what do you mean he goes you [ __ ] you've done this to get to get to get down here I said of course I [ __ ] enough what do you mean but he literally the attitude he had with me I said how many people are you actually listening to you because everyone in here is converting rough I just got really wound up it was the local priest and then uh and then I thought what they gonna do well how are they gonna deal with this and at about six o'clock in the morning next morning they come in security I've got a card to we'll do did you ever think they would poison your food or anything yeah I didn't eat it so when I went when I went to Onley so when I went into only on the when I went to into only prison I got arrested for the contempt charge in Hull which were in Leeds where I asked the Muslim how you feeling about your verdicts on his way into court they took me in on the contempt charge they put me in whole prison where there's not many Muslims I was fine they put me on Healthcare Wing So I refused protection they put me on the health care Wings I'm in the hospital Wing people who are in their hospital so I'll sound I was probably in there about 10 days and then uh I thought this was right yeah I'm safe there's no risk I can deal with this this is all right and then um because every other job I've had to fight my way through it so I thought I'm safe and then they come in the morning and they said you're getting transferred I said where and he goes we can't tell you we'll tell you when you get in the car so then I'm thinking I'm gonna kick off so I'm thinking well if you sort of sank out for me now you're just going to transfer me have you sort of sank out and they said yes we've been saw it you get transferred so now get in the car so where am I going they said only I said only and only he's got the highest percent of Muslims of any sea cap prison in the country yeah so as I'm on the way down thinking well science got to be stories man they must they must have some unit in Huntley I'm gonna go to in only so Landing only I'll go before the governor and he goes well I think you know what's going to happen here didn't you I said yeah I do well you do didn't I he goes well you're going to be endangering you I said yeah he said you're gonna have to isolate yourself didn't you I said what do you mean isolate myself we're gonna have to self-isolate which means you're gonna have to want your door locked all the time and I'm such a and maybe I should have just said yeah what but I said no I said where you putting me and he said we're putting on this Wing I said will you open the door I'm coming out of it and then he goes we're going to get her I gosh someone's going to get her yeah I said but you bought me here I was fine where I just was you've bought me here so then he goes well you're going down the block I said what I'm going down the block for he got so the blocks where you go for punishment down the block you're on 23 and a half hour lock up you get you've got a little blue mat that's it and there's no TV there's no electric in there you just it's where people go stab people do mad things in jail you end up down the block so I said you're going down the block so I think what the [ __ ] am I going on the Block for you've I haven't done anything wrong here yeah you've bought me you're asking if I'm self-isolate I'm saying no why would I self-isolate myself lock myself up for like if the door opens I'm coming out of it give me a job do everyone else does you bought me here and you can deal with the problems that come from it so then it puts me down the block I'm taking down the block so I'm in the blocks and I'll say well I'm eating or drinking at all and the reason being that my food would come to me in a little box and it says yaxley Lennon on it yeah so the lads that deliver the food or the people work in the survey the best job in Java servery the Muslims run the jail they've got all the best jobs they control everything so my food's getting delivered to me you actually learn you can get anything you want in jail smuggled in yeah anything you want it wouldn't be hard to get rap poison wouldn't be hard to poison my food so I'd say well and but the reason was the World Cup starting in the week I wasn't left the World Cup I ain't got TV all I was thinking is well I'm in jail get a TV I'll watch the World Cup so it puts me down the block in only and I say well I ain't eating or drinking till you give me a TV he said we can't have TV there's no there's no sockets in here I was like what's I didn't put me here you put me here why am I being punished for no TV so this is going on so I'm not eating or drinking at all yeah and then I'm talking to the other Lads in the cells this way it gets so sad you've got prison governor on next thing yeah ask him about spice yeah so this boy in the cell next door and I used to get you get 30 minutes a day so my 30 minutes I'd come out of my cell I'll get put out and there's like a courtyard there's all the sales and they're all looking on this Courtyard and I'd literally preach I think the first day I walked out I said Islam is the cancer I am the Cure yeah and it's my half hour so and then I'll be debating and in the end becoming friendly with some of the Muslim Lads having a laugh with them in the thing here but saying Lads ask you Imam this I'll shoot him on that I'll be going through and dissecting all the stuff so when the when the Imam would come they'd obviously be asking him about the ajoy of Aisha stuff they don't tell you when you convert I said oh you just they just convert yeah you don't even know what you converted to then the Imam Carmen goes can you stop please Tommy stop I said stop what tell them the truth stop educating them but I refuse to eat but what they didn't know so every time the food comes on the door I said [ __ ] off I'm not eating that yeah I'm not eating anything don't bring me any food don't bring me a drink I'm not eating yeah and I'm gonna end up collapsing and when I Collapse I'm gonna end up in hospital and then it's on your prison yeah because you've done this to me yeah blah blah blah but the lad next door this boy's next door he's been down there two months and what he's done is he's getting out in he's getting out about eight weeks but he's hooked on spice he come into jail not a drug addict now he's a drug addict and he's canceled all his visits because he don't want anyone to see him in the state he is so he smashed up himself so he can get isolated so that he's not near drugs this is what the kids had to do he's sitting on 23.5 hour bang up on a blue mat with nothing voluntarily yeah he don't want to come out of that room because when he gets freed in eight weeks he wants to be a bit normal he doesn't want to be hooked on drugs this is what he's done so he's in there I'm talking to him the boy next door and and we have a shower at the same time so he's I'd go in the shower and he'd pass me under his cereal he'd pass me under his Apple yeah so I would be eating but the prison don't think I'm eating anything okay so I'm in there and I'm getting my stuff and each day I'm going back and then on the seventh day he calls me in the governor calls me and he goes right sign this I said what's this and it was saying that you will be relocated on the wing um but you will not be allowed out yourself you will still be taken down to the and it was it was that I was doing doing it voluntary I said no I'm not signing that yeah I'm not doing this you know you [ __ ] done this right so put me back in the cell and then they take it back in the cell and 10 minutes later they bring me back in I said okay we've reworded it we are forcing you yeah but we're going to put you on the wing with a TV yeah will you e if we give you if you if this happens so I'm looking thinking England are playing tonight yeah so I said what time when is this if I sign this when is this going to happen is it gonna happen full of football he said yes it's gonna happen for a football [ __ ] slide dude so he's he signed it then what they've done is so bearing in mind my misses were my misses worked at school at the time so I'm in only prison so I've done a week I've done a week laying in this shitty cell they then bring me up on the wing but the deal is I'm not allowed out so the cells locked some of them win sales locks so people come to my cell I'm getting [ __ ] proof like literally human [ __ ] feces if you put through my window I've got them all at my window kicking off I'm thinking I was fine in Hull who made this decision to bring me here and what was the [ __ ] purpose of it yeah and I and I thought so and I still wouldn't eat the meals until I got my money so I got my money on my canteen and I bought tuna so I'd I could afford seven tins of tuna for the week yeah so that's all I had had once in a tuna a day that was it and then water that's why I lost 30 pounds I'll come out looking like a crackhead yeah but I was um and I was in there and and for half hour day they'd bring me down from there that bring me down to the block again to form my exercise that's where I'd have my exercise that's where I'd have my shower but and that's when I could have my phone call which was at lunch time during the day my kids are at school and my wife works at school so I literally couldn't ring anyone couldn't speak to anyone I mean 23 and a half hour back up it I'd have it they knocked on my door then the screws come to my door one time and said where's your wife I'm learning this so I'm like what and I said where's your wife I said how the [ __ ] women know where my wife is yeah I'm banged up in here I don't even get to use the phone at night so they said okay well there's intelligence that your wife's going to be attacked with acid I'm not what and they said yeah they said we need to know where she is and then they just shut the door I'm not buff like it was waiting until Saturday then I get to ring my wife and the police have knocked on her door and they've gave her Intel and my mums that there's going to be an acid attack against them and then what they leave them with is some little bit of paperwork to tell them what to do if you're a tactiv acid but then the Deep thing is and I question was there that plan to do that to my wife or was that all to fry my head because it worked I come out of that prison you can watch a there's a video where I come out and I watched one recently of that night I went on Tucker Carlson I was ill I was sick seriously sick well I was a mess it took me it still probably is taking it it took its toll on me that sentence
Channel: Anything Goes With James English
Views: 635,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 26min 26sec (1586 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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