Brisket on the new Traeger Ironwood XL

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I'm Matt with meat church today let me show you guys how to make an amazing brisket during the week and we're gonna do it on the brand new Traeger Ironwood XL [Music] so I teach barbecue around the world and oftentimes when I'm teaching brisket I find that most people are making briskets on the weekend but a lot of people want brisket during the week but they have jobs they can't man their cookers their pits whatever the case is so about three years ago we made a video on this channel called the weekday brisket and it's been a huge hit it's showed people how on a Tuesday or Wednesday you could prepare brisket for the next day and I've got a buddy in town tomorrow night where we're doing another video we're going to do a barbecue and bourbon pairing for a future video so y'all be sure to check that out I'm super stoked for that and one of the pairings is brisket so it's 7 pm tomorrow night 25 hours from now we need brisket so what I tell people is pull your head out of the recipe don't look at this piece of paper that says a 12 pound brisket at 250 takes 11 12 hours Let's elongate this to this cook to our need and so that's what we're going to do today and it's super duper simple but before we jump into that I'm going to have my friend Ryan come in who is the co-host of the bourbon Pursuit podcast he's also the master Blender at Pursuit Spirits what's up bro hey man bearing gifts nice chilly night here in Texas nothing better than a good glass of bourbon cheers nothing cheers I do want to ask give us a little Glimpse like you don't have to tell us what you're going to pair with I don't know what do you think what do you think this would pair with man it's obviously you said salt and pepper what else is in the I know it looks like you're using the holy cow here what else is in here what kind of flavors that'll kind of give me an idea of it's definitely pepper forward okay pepper forward so all right and you got a lot of fat and brisket so that's going to be you know really heavy so I'm thinking Hmm I think it's something like with some fruit but some nice spice that's gonna we need something big and bold that's gonna stand up to that fat and that pepper so let me think on this tonight okay do you care if I take this home and look at the ingredients and go back and get to thinking about what I'm gonna pair I got a few things in mind yeah uh probably going to be more of the a raw Urban style but let me think on it and we'll do that I guess that tomorrow night right yeah tomorrow night I mean tonight we've got a little tasting that we're heading over to oh yeah across the street but we're gonna we're gonna roll this on video for tomorrow so yeah sounds good awesome cheers brother I'll see you tomorrow carry on and yeah we'll see you tomorrow night noodles all right [Music] all right so let's talk about what we're going to be doing how we're going to be getting this cooked so obviously again I'm starting with a brisket that is already trimmed and seasoned I'll put a card up here for how to trim this uh brisket this is my standard trim which is just kind of nice and even and we've seasoned it simply with our holy cow it's that simple so talk about the cooker we again we've got the brand new trigger Ironwood XL and let me show you when I say brand new I've literally never cooked on this Grill all that I've done is the burn in for the first hour this thing is Cherry so hey let's see can a brand new Traeger make a great brisket I guess we're about to find out I'm sure it can but we've got it loaded up with meat Church pellets which is Oak and Hickory so I've dropped it down to 200 degrees so I talked about kneading this in 25 hours instead of saying let's throw this on at 250 or 275 let's just go super low 200 degrees super smoke and we're just going to let it ride all night I'm not going to do a thing to it fat side up I'm going to put it up on the second shelf to kind of get it away from the heat Source camera team is going to come back tomorrow we're going to wrap it up early in the morning probably about 12 hours from now and that's it so let's get it on here so on a pellet grill I know the heat source is in the middle right here I like to kind of get it away from that I'm just going to leave it just like that we're not going to do anything else to it so I'll see you guys back here in the morning I got to go across the street and drink some bourbon good morning guys it's around 7 A.M here in Texas it's actually got pretty cold overnight so we've been smoking this brisket for right at 13 hours as I promised I didn't do anything I did put a meter leave-in thermometer in it I'll show you often get questions about leave-in thermometers a good idea to throw something in so that you can remotely monitor uh your cook progress and with a meter you can actually look at it through the Traeger app so it's super helpful or you can use an instant readathometer so that's the only thing I've done so let's take a look s great to be honest with you can see the difference in the color of the grill running 200 degrees super smoke all night we've obviously it's gotten dirty in here we're getting good bark development on this brisket let's bring it over to the block so you can see we've got nice bark starting to develop the internal temperature by the way is 175 for what it's worth set that aside so this is a pretty short and sweet brisket video ultimately Texas barbecue is one of my specialties we've got lots of videos on how to cook a brisket so for those of you that don't know us and have just jumped in and see us cooking this on a pellet grill we've got videos on offsets with all sorts of tips and tricks people literally fly from around the world to hear my brisket classes and lessons but this one I want you to know is it's kind of short and sweet but one of the first things we're going to look for is cooking is visual you want to see that you're getting the bark that you want the color you desire and then I check in the flat for temperature I like to write between 175 and 180 or so so at this point we're going to wrap it up and unwax butcher paper and uh we're going to increase the temperature of the Traeger so let me move that aside let me grab some paper a little Montana Knife Company chef knife all right so I use 18 inch paper I just slightly overlap it by a couple inches and then I hit it with cider vinegar all over a couple purposes it makes the paper more pliable and easier to work with but also we're going to hit the brisket with it just a little bit to add a little bit of moisture so right here in the Middle where I'm going to put it I make sure 100 cover it right there and then I'm going to lay my brisket right on top of that also going to give a little cider vinegar Spritz across the top now in other videos on offsets during the cook had I not been doing this overnight I would have put a little foil around the thinner portions or anything that was getting a little bit dark or something near the heat Source I don't do that in a pellet grill cook and here's how I wrap lots of ways to do this [Applause] actually I need to scoot this up just a hair I want room to be able to reach the paper over the top very particular about this you want it nice and tight so let's bring it towards us lift the brisket up Tuck underneath and then kind of like a paper football I'm going to go in on the corners here nice and tight that's the key some people like to pour towel over their brisket right here we don't cook with Tallow there's no meat in it if you're using really good quality cut of meat bring it over nice and tight a little flip pull it pull it towards you so it's tight as can be flip it over again so we're super nice and tight all right I'm actually going to take the leave-in thermometer put it back in this is optional but I'm going right here in the flat okay same spot basically so let me throw it back in the trigger be right back all right let me see my phone so all right so using my Traeger app I can now actually see that probe in the meat I can set a goal for that probe which I'm going to do I'm going to change the temperature of my thermometer to 195. now that's not my target temperature I'll explain that and then I'm going to increase the temperature of the grill to 275 degrees all right good to go so why did I do all of that well how am I going to know this brisket's done so brisket's done when they're tender in the flat and in the whole thing but if I cook briskets to perfection in the flat and then I know the point will be where it needs to be if you said pick an internal temperature that'll be done at will every piece of meat be indifferent I don't know usually around 203 degrees internal temp and you guys have seen me use instant read thermometers to check it which I still will do I set that alarm at 195. to alert me that we're getting close that's just something to say hey dummy your brisket's about ready come check it at which point I'll start checking with an instant read and when I get over 200 I will pull the brisket out I will open the paper up and I will look at it and I will feel it it's hard for me to teach you to learn how to feel a brisket and grab it but you want to be able to do that so that you can feel the give and know when it's tender and good to go so that's that's what we're shooting for so at this point this this cook is just going to roll we've increased the 275 you could move you could have done 250. let's go back to what I said at the beginning this is for a bourbon tasting this evening uh it's 7 P.M I'd like to finish this around lunchtime ultimately I like to rest briskets about eight hours we don't have that long today we're only going to rest this probably a couple hours today so I'm gonna bump up to render out those last fats pull it off and I'll let it rest the entire time we'll talk about that more later but know that there's fluctuation if you want to carry this cook even longer you could have went 225 250 we went 275 I like a higher temp to finish I'm going to go in my office work I can monitor this from my phone and I'll see y'all back when this brisket's near completion all right it's been right at about three hours uh we got the alert that the brisket hit 195. I've already checked it with my instrument thermometer and we're just over 200 degrees it felt really tender so I'm going to bring it out and show you guys what I'm looking for visually oh [Music] so I've insulated gloves on oh she's juicy put no Tallow in this whatsoever so everything you see here is completely natural that has come out of this brisket all right so what I like to do I mentioned earlier kind of grab and get the feel and you can tell like where the flat and the point come together there's a little bit of give and I'm not telling you that that's the method you should follow because that comes from experience of doing it a bunch oh she's a beauty man you can tell you can tell how tender that is I mean it's windy out here today it got chilly I had to put my big jacket on it's uh it's in the 40s but looks great I mean the bark has has developed even further since we wrapped it it's much darker you can see how wet it is so here's the deal with when do you want to eat brisket so what do you do between now and then obviously I've told you guys several times we're cooking this for this evening you'd never want to eat brisket at this temperature right at at 200 degrees can be way too hot if you cut into it you're going to lose all that moisture so we need to rest this down the goal would be to rest down to an internal temperature of 140 degrees then you can slice it so what I like to do is I want to keep this I want to keep this wrapped up and I'll just tell you here it's chilly out I'm going to leave this wrapped in butcher paper and we're gonna we're gonna rest it out here on the counter for a little bit that'll stop the cooking process if you want to hold it longer then at that point at some point you can move it into into a cooler but if I leave this out here on this cutting board just like this right now probably in about two hour it'd take nearly two hours of this cold temperature to get down 140 degrees in the summertime it'd actually take three or four hours to rest down to 140. one more tip in Texas briskets are held at our top barbecue joints overnight in a warmer that runs 140 degrees at home most people don't have devices that will hold it 140 degrees unless you have a warming drawer inside oven is normally 175 you can use a traeger's keep warm feature that is 165 so I would like to rest as long as possible generally I would rest it here for a good at least 30 minutes to let it stop cooking if you need to hold it for four or five six seven eight hours you can go 165 in here but for purposes of video I'll probably give it 30 minutes here throw it in a cooler for a little bit I'm only going to rest it for you know just till it gets to 140 which in this weather will take me no more than two hours probably a little bit less then we'll slice it at that time taste it see how we did see y'all later we've rested this brisket down to exactly 140. so before we cut this thing open a little bit of a reminder on what I was saying I increased the temperature 275 this morning because I like to cook higher to kind of finish it a little quicker but again especially if you're using this Grill you can do this remotely and you could slowly adjust the temperature throughout the day or you could have bumped like 225 and elongated the cook to again meet the needs of of your life and kind of when you want this I'm content resting this this afternoon until you know we do our bourbon tasting later you know you don't have to be like every brisket's 12 hours or whatever the case is so you can change it up all right so let's get this back open okay if I told you that I don't cook with Tallow but I certainly want to use anything that that is in the paper any residual if you want to squeeze it or whatever the case is it's okay to have Tylenol on your block and your board I use every bit of my my brisket trim I render the fat down into Tallow and keep it for times like this I like to have it on my block when I'm slicing so it'll make your brisket like look at this already the shine looks a heck of a lot better you know just based on that um but again good to good to have it on your block when you're when you're slicing so looks great let's get a slicer here and and see how we did feels great all right well you can tell it's it's super juicy I'm not going to squeeze my meat I'm a big uh I believe we're not doing that because everything you squeeze here you don't need to do stupid stuff for Instagram or Tick Tock you just Rob yourself of a super juicy bite slice brisket to order as I say so don't ever slice the entire brisket slice off what you need and then when you're you know like in between cutting for someone you can kind of keep it like that resting in the Tallow so it's not oxidizing so to slice this entire brisket which I'm not going to do we'll slice this direction the the Grain and the point goes a complete opposite direction of this so I spin it sideways and actually cut that this direction but enough talking let's get into this bad boy just give me a little slice here I love the middle of a brisket where you get a little bit of the lean a little bit of the fatty you know personally make sure it bends properly can you you know pull it apart really easily which obviously we can and let's just get a good goodbye to that uh that lean by the way serious smoke ring for people to think that you can't get a smoke ring on a Traeger that's that's silly talk that's the cook not the device very smoky obviously very tender I love holy cow in a brisket I'm biased but it's primarily salt and pepper but it's also got garlic in it big believer in that flavor profile I also love to sprinkle a little holy gospel across the top time to time let's get some of the original burn-ins right here off the off the point I love the point me while I'm cutting these up I'll talk about the about the cook a little bit so the brand new trigger Ironwood XL can it cook a brisket Straight Out of the Box well look what we just delivered obviously the answer to that is yes that thing operated flawlessly as you would expect I love the convenience of being able to use the meter in the app remotely down the hatch with a little burn in I ain't mad at it love the new grill by the way if you're considering one of these much more economical price point than the Timberline with with most of the features of the Timberline so I highly recommend that the previous Ironwood model was my favorite to use on a daily basis anyway so that's a no-brainer uh for me but anyway I'm Gonna Save this point right here for my bourbon guys coming for our tasting that we're going to do tonight so be sure that you check that video out when it comes out it'll be a couple weeks from now but we've got a bourbon expert that's come down from Kentucky as you saw in the beginning of this video and I'm super excited about all the knowledge that he's going to bring he knows he's like me I'm a nerd in the barbecue and outdoor cooking world my whole life's work is around outdoor cooking he's done the same thing in Bourbon so I know y'all are going to like that so be sure to check that out but please like And subscribe to our Channel your subscriptions allow me to bring more videos to you guys uh you know we're just here to inspire you guys to get outside and cook so if you want to make a beautiful Barky Smoky delicious brisket like And subscribe see y'all next time [Music]
Channel: Meat Church BBQ
Views: 304,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: weekday brisket, week night brisket, pellet grill brisket, traeger ironwood xl, traeger grills, traeger ironwood, pellet grill, pellet grills, pellet smoker, traeger timberline, how to cook a brisket on a pellet grill, how to cook a brisket on a pellet smoker, brisket, traeger, meat church, matt pittman, bbq, barbecue, grilling, meat church bbq, meat church bbq youtube, Meat Church BBQ YouTube, Matt Pittman, Barbecue, Grilling, how to, how to make, cooking, cooking show
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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