How to smoke a brisket on the Big Green Egg

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today you're gonna learn everything you need to know about smoking a brisket on the big green egg let's get started i'm rob d'amico with big green egg and today i have two briskets sitting in front of me one is a full packer what that means is you have the flat and the point the higher end here is a point and it's where the two muscles come together we'll show you that here in a second right here is the flat this is the flat where it's just the flat it's the points already cut off of it so how do you pick one of these when you go to the grocery store you have two options basically when you go to a regular grocery store you're going to have the choice or prime my opinion go with the prime and if you can go get something like from cow steaks or snake river farms a really higher end wagyu premium version of the brisket because the fat content in there and the marbling is going to be much higher giving you more flavor to the meat so if you go choice you get a little less of that and sometimes those are not as forgiving when you have the moisture in it because it'll get tougher because it doesn't have the the fat content in there so you got to be careful with that when you go at choice choice sometimes doesn't give you the same results over and over when you do a prime you get that because of the moisture already in there so but there are ways to combat that you can spray it throughout your cook and we'll get into all that here in a second because there are many methods you can broil it you can bake it you can roast it but today we're going to smoke it on the big green egg alright so i told you how to pick the right one again prime that's the one you really want to go for and you want to make sure there's great marbling in here you can see it in here that it has a lot of good marbling a good fat content on there we're getting into that in a second with trimming but to talk about the muscle itself it's basically the superficial and deep uh pectoral muscles on a on cows so when you have the cattle they don't have a collarbone like we do so a lot of that weight is uh 60 of their weight when they're walking around comes through that muscle so it's got to have a lot of connective tissue in there so that is in there it's a tough piece of meat so what you have to do is in this case we're going to low and slow cook this thing and we're going to smoke it around 225 and it'll take about 12 to 14 hours here this is a 12 pound brisket here and when we trim it'll get down closer to 10 and this flat right here is about 10 pounds when we trim this this will probably be about 9 pounds maybe a little higher because we don't have that much to take off of this one this one's already pretty much trimmed out uh we do gotta take some of the silver skin off that you'll see here in a second uh so let's get started with trimming this i'm gonna start with the packer first and on the front here you can see that we do have some fat we're just going to get rid of all this fat and the silver skin this is going to take a little bit but you can see by the magic of television and videos that we'll run through this pretty quick but it is a process that does take a little longer and that's okay because you want to make sure you get all this off of there you'll see that some of this fat is a lot thinner and it's like silver skin we're just going to get rid of that but then you're going to find some fat that's really hard and tough you want to get all that off of here so what we're going to do is we're going to start cutting that out and getting it down to where you can see the meat and this is the fat that sits between the point and the flat so we just want to get rid of this fat out of here you can use a regular chef's knife if you want but i like using a boning knife because it bends a little bit gives you a little better um angles with the silver skin it's easier to get under there and take off really thin pieces which is really good because then you're not taking chunks out but don't worry if you get down to some of these spots and you take a little chunk out it's okay it's not going to ruin anything you don't have to be perfect on this we're not cooking this for a competition so this is just for the backyard you don't have to be perfect with it all right now you can see once we get all this fat out of the way you can see that there's a obviously a grain pattern right here you can see the grain going this way and sometimes when you get at the end of the cooking there's a lot of bark on here you won't be able to see which way the grain is going as easily it's sometimes it's easy sometimes it's not so here's a pro trick for you you follow that grain and obviously you cut across the grain so we're going to cut a chunk off of this side right here just to show that that side is where we're actually going to start our cutting on the flat because the grain goes this way just a little pro tip for you then the other one is you see this right here you get a little this discoloration in the fat and meat right here we're going to trim that off as well plus it helps square everything off and then you can see the actually really good marbling in the meat and also gives you a better view of the fat cap in there which i'll show you here in a second i mean just look how mar how much marbling is in there that is going to be delicious so you can see it in here we're just cutting off this discoloration exposing more of the fat cap which we're gonna we're about ready to flip over and start cutting that some people like to leave it on but you'll feel that there's hard spots in it you want to get the hard spots out um and then with the softer side which is getting on the thinner side of the meat you want to get that down to about a quarter inch and some people say an eighth but i like to keep it on a quarter again i'm gonna cook this so it renders down and don't worry if you see a spot like that where you went too far that's okay again we're not doing this as a competition this is for the backyard we're having some friends and family over so it does not have to be perfect trust me they're going to enjoy it because the egg is going to guarantee you that all right now that we got all of our brisket trimmed up we got the packer all trimmed out we got some of the fat that's been connected in here we also did our corner cut so we know where the grain is we also did it on our flat got all the nice silver skin off of there we kept some of the fat on the back on this one but this one's pretty good and trimmed up so we're going to add these on the egg first though we're going to get them seasoned basically when you season these you only have to use salt and pepper we got a little half and half 50 50 salt and pepper and i also put a little garlic powder in there as well so i'm gonna get this i'm gonna coat it really thick but again this is mostly just salt 50 50 salt and pepper i'm just gonna get on there you can put some olive oil on here if you wanted to we're not going to we don't have to you want to get a good coating you want to get both sides and you want to get the edges so we're going to do that you can see when i was cutting a fat it's about a quarter of an inch eighth of an inch is good this is not the nice soft fat it's going to render nice there's no tough spots i did get a little close right here but that's okay again this is not a competition brisket this is to enjoy in the backyard with family and friends almost done seasoning these and then we're going to set it up on the egg indirect at 225 degrees and i do have my egg genius set up so it'll help run and keep that temperature for me throughout the entire cook because then i can set it and have the meat go off with an alarm at about 165 because at that point i'm now going to wrap it once it gets to that point and let it finish the rest of the cook we'll get into that a little bit more here in a second let me get these all finished here get the sides okay that looks about good so now again we're going to stick this on the egg we're set up with some pecan smoking chips and chunks you can put in there i'd prefer chunks if you can get them uh because they're a bigger piece of wood that's going to sit in there and smoke you don't have to add anything because we are with the big grenade charcoal we do have oak and hickory already in there you can add mesquite if you want to me it's a little it's too much if you ask me i'm not a guy that likes a lot of smoke but i will add some pecan a little sweetness in there to give it a little taste we're also going to put in we have our indirect set up here with our expander basket our half moon baking stones and we also have the aluminum foil pan in here and i'm just going to pour some beer in here because that's going to help keep moisture in the egg and in the meat but again this fat is going to render right into this beer oh and this is going to taste absolutely fantastic so let me get these on here beautiful we're going to let those cook to about an internal temperature of about 165 then we're going to remove them and wrap them in our big green egg butcher paper so after you're done with all your meat clippings you can either take the big fatty chunks and use them render them down and use it like butter or you could take the parts that have the meat on it and ground it up for hamburger which is great if you've ever had brisket added to the hamburger oh it is fantastic so that's another tip you can use also if you look right here i have our disposable cutting board which is great because now i can take everything here get it out of the way and it's pretty much clean i just have to wipe off the salt and pepper that came off because i didn't put the meat directly on the countertop so this is a great accessory to have is the disposable cutting board and after when we're done we're going to use the same not the same board but a disposable cutting board and we're going to cut right on it because it helps keep all the juices so when i serve it i can pour the juices from the board onto the the meat which is going to be great let's uh let this cook smoke slow and low 250 degrees 225 somewhere in there egg genius is going to keep us up to temp and you're going to keep an eye on our meat and let us know when it's all ready to get wrapped our brisket has been on our egg about seven eight hours right now at about 225 we kept it nice and slow and low using our egg genius right now we're going to use some of our pink butcher paper we got it laid out here we're going to transfer this but i got to make sure that the briskets are up to temp at about 164 to 168 somewhere in between there we just want to make sure that the uh the temperature is ready to be pulled and wrapped and we got a nice bark on this so let's take a look and burp the egg going to use our instant read thermometer and we are at 165 7 nope 161 3. that's good for me i'm going to use our silicone mitts here because now i could just take the meat and grab it right off the grill oh yeah listen to that put it right here in the middle don't forget it's got to be nice and tight we want to make this wrap this nice and tight i'm going to come back and do one more sheet [Applause] again make sure it's on there nice and tight roll up the edge we're going to set this back on the egg we're going to do the same for the second one okay now that our second one's wrapped we're going to put them back on here and again once they get to around 167 165 somewhere in there you get to what's called a stall and that stall is the opportunity you want to take to wrap it all in there keep all that moisture inside and let it finish its cook to about 205 and then we'll check it so let's let this smoke about another few hours here and we'll come back and check it when it's up to 205. okay we've been keeping an eye on our brisket we're about 203 205 i'm going to check the temperature and if we're sitting at that temperature what you like to do and i'm going to show you this is using the instant read thermometer you stick it oh yeah look at that 203 79 204 this one's ready to pull so we're going to pull this one out just set it here for right now shut the egg what we're going to do is we're going to put these in a cooler let them rest for about 40 minutes and then we're going to slice into them okay we just pulled these out of the cooler they've been in there for about 40 minutes now we're going to open this up and they're still going to be hot we're going to open this up and then cut into them and today we're using our disposable cutting board because we don't want all the juices running all over the place i actually want to collect them because when i start to serve this put on a plate i'm going to pour those juices on top and all i got to do is pick up my nice disposable cutting board here and it'll dump the the all the fluid onto the plate so let's open this up see what we got here this is like christmas day oh my gosh look at that bark and the jiggle and it is still very hot look at it jiggle that's good stuff right there and a nice bark on there you can see the grain so we're gonna cut going across the grain look at that that's beautiful oh yeah so here is our flat that we had and this is our packer you can see we're going to cut this off right here and it'll literally slice down in here that'll take the point off and that'll leave your flat right here um and then we're going to serve this up and we're going to do burnt ends with the the point here so um let me just get started on this one here because i'm just going to cut it down right where the seam is that's why i cut out all that fat because now i know exactly where the point separates from the flat and you can see it's that simple oh look how juicy that is oh my gosh it looks so good so we're going to put this one aside and then we're going to slice these up you can see it right here this is your grain and this is where we're going to cut right here and you want a nice pencil thick slice and i can tell you that this is still very very warm i don't know if you can hear those juices but that is incredible here's another way to tell that it's done right there you see that that's what you want you want to have that drape over and that tells you that this is going to be nice and tender okay while we finish cutting these i want to remind everybody you can go to our website for great tips and recipes at big you also got tips and techniques there with our blog you can check those out as well don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel and again all of this can be found at big thanks for watching i hope you learned all about brisket today
Channel: BigGreenEggHQ
Views: 98,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Big Green Egg, Green EGG, Kamado, Charcoal
Id: 855htUMjHE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2022
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