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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] hey [Music] um [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] my [Music] uh [Music] do [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] welcome worshipers and happy sabbath this is the day the lord has made let us rejoice and be glad if you're just joining us you missed already our prayer time this morning which is a wonderful time that takes place between 10 30 and 11 30 in which we come together to worship together in prayer you can bring your prayer requests and your praise reports and pray with your fellow believers if you have small children you've also missed our children's church which started at 11 o'clock this morning remember you have to register for children's church so be sure yet you don't miss it next time please text the word brinklow to 9900 again brinklow to 9900 and you'll be signed up for the blast which has the connection for you to register your child into children's church as we continue our series today the notebook our speaker today is none other but our own dr jeffrey brown who representing the topic it really is as we experience a continuation of revelation 11 that pastor dr noah washington started on wednesday night after the sermon we will open up the lobby where you can come in and make comments and join in the discussion of the sermon i am once to announce the loss of sister renee saunders jones mother catherine saunders on wednesday the 21st at the dupont park church there will be a public viewing from 5 to 7 p.m and on thursday the 22nd there'll be a funeral at the capitol hills seven day administered from 10 to 11 which the family has just requested that you view on facebook and after the funeral there will be a graveside service at the maryland national cemetery from 1 to 2 p.m and that also is open to the public i'm also sorry to let you know that deborah brown lost two of her uncles this week please keep the brown family in prayer as well as helen martin who lost her brother this week please keep the martin family in special prayer please mark your calendars for sabbath may 1st from 5 to 6 pm we're planning a very special drive-by for a very special group of people this drive-by will take place in the rear parking lot of our church please watch your text messages and the blast this week for more information i guarantee this one you want to be a part of again next time it will be sabbath may the first not next sabbath sabbath may the first from five to six pm the adult sabbath school today will start at one pm immediately after our discussion in the lobby and the presenter today is dr jerome skinner who be presenting the topic all future generations you don't want to miss this one if you have a student that was inducted into the national honor society or the national junior honor society between 2019 and 2021 school years please email the information to education at brinklow.oneword we're planning to do something special for these individuals also the education department is trying to establish a database of school-aged children and they need you to help if you have a school-aged child in your family please send the the information to same email address education brinklow at we need the student's name the school and the grade that they're in lastly i told you last week that ebc is partnering with the living legends uh in service to humanity to operate community garden plots on the east campus there are 50 plots i don't know how many are still available the plots are 20 by 20 but you need to get in touch with deborah hawkins soon if you would like to grow some natural props right here on the east campus once again check the blast for more information may god's blessings and peace abide with you through the sabbath day and now i pass the baton to pastor medley for further comments may god go with you this day thank you dr crary i received the baton this morning we praise god for you happy sabbath to everyone who has joined us as he has already indicated i also want to express my gratitude and appreciation for you being a part of our worship experience this morning and i come to you with a heavy heart one that is expressed not just for myself but from our pastoral staff and i'm pretty sure throughout our membership almost certain that is probably a nationwide concern from our clergy and others who are concerned about what has taken place in our communities it's almost a year ago that we kind of made one of these presentations and here we go again we consider the fact of police violence that have taken place in our nation we think of dante wright who is killed by police officer kim potter who has resigned who apparently got confused between a loaded heavy gun and a taser and pulled out the tase not the taser but the gun and killed dante wright what a sad experience in minneapolis minnesota where there's so much trauma taking place today and then we're equally saddened by the death of adam toledo the 13 year old boy in chicago who was fatally shot by a police officer this is a 13 year old boy and while we're looking at the individual police shootings that are taking place we cannot ignore the mass shooting that took place at the fedex facility indicating our sixth consecutive mass shooting that have taken place over several weeks uh members we are in a crisis we're in a crisis of violence we are in a crisis uh with policing and god knows that the church of god needs to respond to this in addition to police shootings and massive shootings we will not turn our backs on the crime that are taking place in our own community it doesn't justify it but we cannot even ignore the black on black crime that are taking place in our own communities and we know there are systemic issues that need to be addressed in our communities issues of mental health and poverty and unemployment the lack of education the lack of community resources the lack of hope the lack of opportunity the lack of adequate health and housing and the lack of adequate uh mental health and physical health care that is not in our communities all those are contributing factors to being in community that are hopeless and crime becomes the only outcome for people without hope and the church of god has to respond to these things why that's why we are preaching the gospel message that's why we're declaring the trumpets today because god's people in this time truth must stand up and truth must be preached so what do we need to do we agree that we have to make these statements we agree that our church leaders and leadership have to write documents on all levels of the church uh to speak against violence taking place but you and i know talk is good but talk is not enough uh we need to be more intentional about our community engagements now we can talk about what the nation needs to do we can talk about what the north american division needs to do we can talk about what local conferences need to do but today the onus rests upon us the local church we are the ones who live in community and who work in community i want to challenge us as a church and challenge us as an as individuals to be more intentional about our personal engagement in our own communities getting to know our own police officers getting to know our own politicians getting to know what legislations are on the table that has to be voted and acted upon are writing letters and being involved with these issues because we need to talk not only about violence there's another violence that are spreading throughout the country that's a voter rights violence against people of color that's taken place uh even today there are so many critical issues and i want you to know that things are not getting better things are getting worse each and every day it is time for the people of god to stand up to to speak up and to act up to make a difference moving forward and so i'm calling all of us to action i'm calling all of us not just to speak but to be engaged to bring out recommendations and things that we ought to do as a local church this is for brinkley today and and and baptized believers today it's for us as individuals to make a difference in our own community it's for me and it's for you it's for ordinary people to step up and to say enough of this we're going to make ourselves committees of one committees of two as families and step out to speak up to act up and to make a difference and i pray that god will help us that before today is over and not only from the preached word but from some of our discussions that we come up with acts and items of things we're going to do to move beyond rhetoric talk and statements to actions to further the responsibility that rests with the people of god to be sought in the community and to make a difference may god help us as we reach out and let's continue to pray for each other let's pray for our own law enforcement members in our own church let's engage them and talk to them and others who can help us to put together a strategy a platform and the right approach to making a difference in montgomery county through the immanuel brinklo church may god help you as we move forward thank you jesus it's now time for prayer come let us seek the lord in prayer our father and our god lord please take our hearts and our minds far away from the press of the world all around to your throne where grace does about our father and our god we are so grateful for the opportunity to come before you this sabbath lord just to praise and give glory and honor give honor to thy name lord we are grateful for the opportunity to worship as a church even in this virtual environment father continue to guide and direct this church in the performance of your mission we ask that you give us the resources the ability to reach others wherever they are more than we even in this pandemic environment where we certainly have so many challenges presented by it that we can use technology to reach others even outside of our local boundaries with technology in a more intentional way so that even when we return to a more normal church that we have the ability and experience to utilize technology to reach throughout the world father we bring before you our elderly and our sick and our children the lord you know their individual needs and wants after all lord you have numbered the hairs on their head so we ask that you bless them according to their needs father father we ask that you be with those that have lost loved ones not recently father you are the great comforter we ask that you provide those families the comfort that they need going through this very difficult time and lord it brings to mind that the loss of dante right on we ask that you be with this young man's family who was slain and minister lord at the hands of law enforcement or it is difficult to deal with these issues they keep coming up and sometimes we just want to say how long how long must we deal with these issues but lord it's a reminder that this world is not our home so whether it's the pandemic or whether it is these challenges that uh you know are brought on by [Music] the world thrown at us through the world it is a constant reminder that we are not to get too comfortable because this world is not our home instead of this faulty world and this faulty homework you've created for us a a faultless a perfect war and help us to remember that in furtherance of your mission when we speak to others that others may be drawn uh to you and know about the true god and give their lives to thee or we we present to you our young adults they're in a critical critical juncture of their lives lord we ask that you would provide them with the advice and guidance that they need to navigate through the decisions that they have to make at this time in their life help them to formulate their own relationships with you so that their relationships are not just based on their parents faith but their own individual relationship with you we'll be with our our youth lord and and the children of the church lord continue to bless and protect them as they grow lord and and just provide them with the knowledge and understanding that they need to to grow safely uh lord well we we know that there are those at the church that are dealing with financial issues and relationship issues and health issues or this tax time is particularly difficult on many many families or we ask that you would provide for them more and also provide members of this church with the with the understanding of those that are in need so that we can connect with them and provide um assistance to them on a human level but lord on your level as the provider of heaven and earth will be asked that you provide for them in a way that only you can provide for them so that they may have their needs met whether it's health family relationship uh financial whatever those needs are lord there are none that are too great for them continue to be with this church lord our membership our ministries leaders our church leaders our pastoral staff continue to guide and direct us lord in the furtherance of your mission help us to bring glory and honor to thy name lord in all that we do and so that we don't represent ourselves but we represent thee be with the speaker today as well i hope the message to reach someone today that needs to hear this particular message or all these things we ask in the matchless name of jesus christ your son amen hello church just wanted to share with you a quick story as we're thinking about giving today there were two gentlemen who were at home participating in church service one gentleman gave a hundred dollars the other gentleman gave ten dollars now the gentleman with a hundred dollars gave out of the overflow the excess of what he had the gentleman with the ten dollars gave understanding that maybe he may not have sufficient for the week now as we look at the world that we live in today in this pandemic we understand that they're individuals who are unemployed they're individuals who are standing in food line because they have a need and those who are just trying to figure out how to make things work now i want you to think about your circumstance or your situation do you have a roof over your head food on your table clothes on your back as a matter of fact if you're watching this right now chances are that you have some resources that others do not have so today as you're thinking about participating and giving i want you to look at and think about your circumstance and situation please don't give out of the excess of what you have but certainly give according to how god has blessed you have a happy sabbath and god bless [Music] just ordinary people gotta use it ordinary people he chooses people who are willing to do the master's plan [Music] he uses people who will give their wrong no matter how small they're all may seem to be to you because a little becomes much when you place it in the master's hand [Music] just ordinary people god uses ordinary people he chooses people just like you and me who are willing to do as he commands [Music] he uses people who will give their all no matter how small they all may seem to be to you because little becomes much when you place it in the master's hands just like the little lad [Music] who gave jesus all he had how the multitudes were fed with some fish and loads of bread what you have may not see much but when you lend it to the touch of the master's loving hand then you will understand and you'll never never never be the same again ordinary people [Music] god uses ordinary people [Music] he chooses just like you and me who are willing to do as he comments he uses people who will give their wrong no matter how small your all may seem to be to you because a little becomes much when you place it because a little because much when you place it the cost little bit comes much when you place it in the [Music] when you place it [Music] in his hands [Music] to god be the glory we want to thank dr jenkins for that wonderful rendition ordinary people and may god use each of us in fulfillment of his mission today a couple from the state of georgia drove to a child's birthday party then they parked their truck and stayed inside from there they watched the people at the child's birthday party they watched them grill hot dogs and hamburgers they saw them enjoying their bouncy castle and snow cone machines they heard them playing their child's birthday party music then the couple got out they exited their truck and they went over to the adults and the children the these adults and these children they were african american and this couple hurled a barrage of derogatory racial slurs at them then the man took out his gun he pointed it at the children and said these little ones can get one two i'm happy to report that no shots were fired threats to kill were made and the couple were later apprehended and arrested at the trial aisha bryant who attended the birthday party told the man what you said affected my life it affected my children's lives but i forgive you i forgive all of you melissa alford who hosted the children's birthday party she said yes i forgive them but they have to learn she said to forgive themselves for their wrongdoing the man was sentenced to 20 years his female friend she was sentenced to 15 years the couple at the trial the couple broke down with tears running down her cheeks the woman apologized for her role in the incident then she said these words i want you all to know that is not me i would never walk up to you and say those words to you i'm sorry that happened to you but that is not me and that is not him i want to talk to us today on the subject it really is it really is father we ask you take these the written words minister through me the spoken word and draws closer to jesus christ who is the living word in his name we pray amen the book of revelation is god's final attempt to show us who god really is but the book of revelation is also god's final attempt to show us who we really are seven churches and we studied them symbolically span the years from the resurrection of jesus to the second coming of our lord seven seals we we studied them uh symbolically cover uh the same time period seven trumpets we studied them pastor medley pastor williams and pastor esmen masterfully took us through to the sixth trumpet and pastor washington and minister claudia allen brilliantly steered us through the interlude between the sixth and the seventh trumpet and revelation 10 7 tells us that when the seventh angel blows his trumpet the mystery of god is finished and so here we see the mystery of god and ask i said well well what is the mystery of god well it is everything that perplexed you about god and everything that perplexed god about you the mystery is finished when the trumpet of the seventh angel sounds now we don't know exactly when that will be but revelation chapter 1 told us that john has written this book to tell us the things that will shortly come to pass so we know that the sixth trumpet must be giving the last warning to the world and so the seventh trumpet is telling us how this all wraps up so the angels are blowing seven trumpets why do angels blow trumpets joel 2 gives us the answer there in verse 1 joel tells us blow the trumpet in zion and sound that alarm in my holy mountain let all the inhabitants of the land tremble for the day of the lord is coming for it is at hand and it seems to me that the more they blow the worse it gets and john even in his gospel tells us in chapter 16 and verse 21 that the last days are like having a baby the closer we get to the deliverance the greater the pain i remember when our son jamel was born we were playing card games on december the 11th it was getting up to midnight i was with patty jean and her mom just the three of us and suddenly patty jean went into labor and her husband went into panic they they they told me that if the contractions i remember they said something about well five minutes apart and and start lasting uh more than a minute they they told me when all when all these things happen and i i remember i was supposed to do something i try to recall all the facts and all the details and all those numbers to to know when we should pack and head to the hospital but then i remember somebody told me if you forget all of the times and you forget all of the dates and forget all of the details the contractions gift the contractions if they are getting longer and stronger and closer together then the baby is on the way right now my sisters and my brothers our world is in labor that's bad enough but but but it is worse than that we are in the no not last month last night have you seen that the contractions are getting closer when you hear about a police shooting you sell george or death from police you say oh george floyd wasn't he terrible i'm not talking about george floyd i'm speaking about this week revelation tells us that when the seven trumpets are blowing it signifies labor but when we get to the last three trumpets now we see contractions uh we see cramps we see intensified pain and the bible calls them woes revelation 8 verse 9 write it in your notebook revelation we already said 10 and verse 7. now we're saying revelation 8 and verse 9 and i looked and i heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven saying with a loud voice woe woe woe to the inhabitants of the earth because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound mothers wouldn't you be glad if you knew ahead of time how many contractions you would have before delivery if you were given the number five you could brace yourself you could steal yourself you could hold yourself because you knew that soon and very soon it would all be over well well jesus told john hold on john there will be three woes so the fifth trumpet the finish is blowing and revelation nine and verse 12 says one woe is past i'm speaking to you i'm explaining it to you that a child can understand and if you can't do the math the text goes on to say behold still two more woes are coming after these things and then the sixth trumpet blows and we ought to know what takes place we have that long interlude that covers chapters 9 and 10 that contains that daunting question how long how long then revelation 11 verse 14 now gives us the answer it tells us the second woe is passed and you say well i'm confused how many woes are there no no no no don't be confused that text goes on to say behold the third woe is coming quickly and what john is trying to tell us somebody who has lost their mother somebody who wouldn't or couldn't visit their loved one in the hospital because of kovy somebody who has had to bury a child because of gun violence what god is saying is as painful as the woes are the woes are just a sign that the baby is on the way the greater the pain the nearer the delivery how do i know well in the first instance the text speaks to us about the de numa now that's a fancy word but you know what it is it comes from across the pond but it's still okay pastor washington the numa it's just a fancy word for the conclusion it means the last act of the drama it means the final part of a play or or a movie or narrative it's where all the strands of the plot are drawn together and and matters are explained or or resolve the mystery of god is about to be finished who is lying and who is telling the truth satan says god is unfair god is unjust jesus says the devil is a liar and a murderer from the beginning this is murder on the orient express everybody is gathered together in one carriage of the train who is innocent and who is guilty i know this not hope channel but it's still the truth tell us who is lying tell us who is telling the truth peter he calls this the things which the angels desire to look into this is what they have been waiting for since lucifer took a third of the angels out of heaven and jesus and satan have now made their cases the defense risks the prosecution rests and the angels have come to their verdict it is about to go down you thought it was loud before this is celebration time come on revelation 8 revelation 11 and verse 15. here it is here it is then the seventh angel sounded and there were loud voices in heaven saying that kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our lord and of his christ and he shall reign forever and ever and the 24 elders who sat before god on their thrones fell on their faces and worshiped god saying we give thanks oh lord god almighty the one who is and who was and who is to come because you have taken your great power and reign oh i wish i could stop there this right here is why we went through what we went through this right here is why jesus went through what he went through for the joy that was set before him he endured the crust despising the shame and here it is he sat down at the right hand of the throne of god hallelujah i wish we could stop right here but after the pneuma comes the denial revelation 8 11 and verse 18 the nations are angry and your wrath has come at the time of the dead that they should be judged that that you should reward your servants the prophets and the saints and those who fear your name small and great and should destroy those who destroy the earth who are the nations throughout revelation we have traced three classes of people the nations follow me now follow me the nations the saints and the almost saints some call them even the ames the almost saints who are they they are those that you have prayed for but they they they never made a decision who are the almost saints they are those who did make a decision for christ but they never lived for christ and god has pleaded get your life together but now as the final trumpet blows there are no more three classes there are only two classes that scripture mentions the nations and the saints and so the nations they still include the coal people outside the church but now the nations also include the lukewarm people right now sitting inside the church help me to help me you see jesus said let the wheat and the tares grow together until the harvest in other words it is difficult for you to tell the difference humanity the bible says looks on the outward appearance but god looks on the heart there are people that you think should be saved who won't be and there are people that you think should not be saved who will be stop judging me and worry about yourself work out your own salvation with fear and trembling so we've discovered who the nations are and the text says they're angry why are they angry because they don't have an invitation to the party and others do why are they angry because they're on the outside looking in and they think they should be on the inside looking out why are they angry they're angry because they are living in a state of denial i was a stranger and you didn't see me you say lord that's not me i i i was naked and you didn't clothe me you you say lord that's not me i was sick and you didn't help me you say lord that's not me i was in prison and you didn't visit me you say lord that's not me and jesus says it really is i i say you're paul lord that's not us i say you're wretched lord that's not us i say you're pitiful lord that's not us i say you're blind lord that's not us i say you're naked you say lord that's not us and jesus says it really is i was beaten up on the side of the road and you walk right past me lord we would never do anything like that that's not us it really is when you see an attack in atlanta where six out of eight victims are asian and seven out of eight victims are women and you declare it's not a hate crime three words it really is uh when you run toward the police and you are safe and i run away from the police and i am shocked and you say that's not racism three words it really is this is not just about america these woes are worldwide uh when the long-awaited public inquiry into the murder of black teenager stephen lawrence in london when that inquiry concluded that the police force is institutionally racist you declare it isn't three words it really is oh when we claim to care for the unborn but don't care for the bond when we preach healthy families but don't protest health disparities when we preach the sanctuary but don't promote equality when we preach unity but live hypocrisy when we preach the sabbath with our mouths but oppress people with our lives when we look forward to heaven but step on people on earth when we say we are philadelphia but god says we're laodicea when you say lord lord but jesus says i never knew you that's you saying that's not me and that's god's saying it really is this is not about finger-pointing today it is about recognizing it's not my mother it's not my father it's me o lord standing in the need of prayer it really is a while this passage speaks about the linuma and speaks about the denial i'm so glad that it also speaks about the deliverance look with me there at verse 19. the bible says then the temple of god was opened in heaven and the ark of his covenant was seen in all in the temple and there was lightning and noises and thundering and earthquake and great hell you say i see destruction in this verse pastor i don't see deliverance well the text said the temple of god was open you see this chapter started with the sanctuary and it is ending with the sanctuary it will be too late for you then but it is not too late for you now when you hear that the temple is open think grace when you hear that the temple is open think mercy when you hear that the temple is open think forgiveness when you hear that the temple is open think hope seeing them that we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens jesus the son of god let us hold fast our confession let us come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need i stopped by to say to somebody today i know it's hard but hold on brother hold on sister hold on mother we are in the third woe but hold on brother daniel chapter 12 verse 1 parallel our time when he said at that time michael shall stand up uh the great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that time at that time your people shall be delivered everyone who was found written in the book hallelujah michael will stand up and when the hallelujah chorus premiered in london in 1743 king george ii stood up the composer of the hallelujah chorus george frederick handel was inspired by the very text that we are reading today the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our lord and of his christ and he shall reign forever and ever handle sin he could lead handel said he couldn't sleep he said i did think i see all heaven before me and the great god himself seated on his throne with his company of angels and many believe the king was so moved by the music that he stood up to show his reverence and since it was considered good etiquette to stand uh when the king stood the audience followed suit but there's another song that some of us stand to lift every voice and sing till earth and heaven ring ring with the harmonies of liberty god of our weary ears god of our silent tears thou who has brought us thus far on our way thou who has by thy mind let us into the light keep us forever in the past we pray because i want jesus to say to me well done good and faithful servant sit right down here next to me and i will cry out surely this sea lord surely this sea is not for me and i just want to hear from the lips of my savior the three words it really is father i will never leave you nor forsake you i will be with you always even to the end of the world keep your promise we pray in jesus name amen my my have mercy thank you dr brown for blessing us with the word today um there are so many um as you preach this there are so many motifs and themes that jumped out at all of us under this uh seventh trumpet uh you gave for me a a technical clear theological um clarity and definition as to those who will choose the mercy seat and those who continue to be angry and why you gave such clarity to that it it was still hopeful you know for me there again many layers but i'm thinking about your question the nations were angry and how you answer that and you define who belonged to the nations that was a painful reality how you pulled in the nations and the angst together and uh you tied in of those in the church who become a part of the nation you know that that clarity was hurtful and painful but then you ended it with revelation that fourth sanctuary scene that where the ark of the covenant were into the most holy place and the first thing we see in the most holy place is the mercy seat of god so while you're explaining why there was anger and rejection you're also explaining why there's salvation because of mercy and then you appeal to us that this seventh seal is coming that these birth pains are getting closer and closer that the baby is about to come and there are only two classes we're either with the nations uh we accept the mercy of god what a what a profound presentation on so many levels and i just want to drive home that critical point about our choice our choice to align ourselves with the nation even those with the church or today to align ourselves with the mercy of god that is open now and still available still available for us praise god uh for your message today and uh our colleagues our team um the pastor chaplain stephanie grant doc crairy pass along esmen and washington we're here on this we're all blessed by your message and before we come back to you we want to go around as we always do and have this discussion and remind those who are watching let's open up the lobby let's let them in come and be a part of us and put something in the chat talk to us uh many of you are commenting on uh youtube and other uh social platforms we're getting those also but come join us in the lobby and get on the chat with us uh so that we can move forward with this discussion god bless you and thank you who will be first i'll be first i'll be first today um pastor let me just say to you jeff praise god for your message god used you mightily um as he's done in the past today was special uh today i heard i heard a little rumbling of the trumpet i i heard a little something and there were several things that that just blessed my heart um i love that scene at the end that it's all happening in the temple god is not doing some foreign act it is a his his deliverance his mercy is a holy act his destruction is holy as is his salvation his reward is holy and you put it all in the right sphere and i just thank god for that today i got more to say but i'll stop at that yeah okay back in today come on come on steph so it's really touched me you know i'm i'm i'm i appreciate the invitation in the beginning of the chapter come and measure the temple of god and those who worship there right that there's an invitation in that i'm also comforted because that you know you're talking and i'm glad you ended up with the hallelujah chorus because it was playing in my mind the entire time that you were preaching i was hearing the messiah i am comforted by the text the kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of our lord here's the deal you also talked about it it made me remember and i am reminded how many times jesus said the kingdom of heaven is at hand yes we can spiritually bypass the fact that the kingdom of heaven is here in us and be so heavenly minded that we are of no earthly good if the kingdom of heaven is at hand and yet it is it in both places what power then do we have now to change what we are living in um dot query passed along and then doc washington well uh pastor brown i i your whole sermon gripped me today um i love how you use the illustrations to bring things through that's one of your true gifts and the the description of the closing of time is childbirth with the contractions getting stronger and longer [Music] those who haven't experienced may not understand that but that is a reality and that is the where we are today and the question that filled my mind throughout this is who am i who am i yo amen god bless you uh dr quarry for that but i'm a follow up on something that sister stephanie said um for uh dr brown um first thank you for that message um it really touched me uh and and i love how you set it up with that story of the courtroom um that that was dynamic at the very beginning but well i'll leave my comments for that in a moment but um sister stephanie said pastor stephanie said that the kingdom of god is at hand and i thought about your question yesterday um the nations are angry and and i just i want to explore a little further uh this idea about we being angry when god is coming because because that's a tension we we would usually not take that approach we would usually rejoice if god is coming and the kingdom is at hand but um just to just to really explore that idea of the nations being angry and and the lord is here that that was kind of deep for me and then i'll put together two things that you said you said the temple is open and it's not too late and then i think about your title to your message and i'll i'll put those two together it really is not too late so we still have a chance amen amen amen i want to echo everything everyone else is has said uh stephanie like you i was hearing the hallelujah course in my mind the entire time and i was trying to get it out so i can focus on the word i was telling my mind to stop singing and playing but but but it wouldn't and i'm saying the whole time is he gonna mention the hallelujah chorus and and doc brown you said at the end i thought this is where you were going just just so masterfully how the king when he heard the hallelujah chorus and he stood up and then you related it to daniel when he said michael should stand up and then you went to uh the black national anthem and how we stand up and this is what i thought she was going to i said i thought you would say now it's time for us to stand up and and i and get into action because i'm tired of these kills too that's not what i want to say here's what i wanted to say i have never seen this section of revelation presented like that i i haven't and here's what screamed at me from the text that i never looked at this way in verse 19 as we have all been learning for john the temple in heaven the sanctuary in heaven is a real thing right and and and the text says that it was open the temple of god was open and the ark of the covenant appeared in his temple this is what i'm tripping on of all the things that that that that could have been mentioned in the temple this is what john saw this is what john said uh appeared to him and the first thing that any uh uh reader of this when he sent this out to the seven churches when they heard that the ark was open they admittedly thought the mercy seat and i've never just seen that and and how man even in the even in the final hours of before mercy is still open which is which is so crazy on so many levels so thank you so much doc brown for exposing and exploring so many things yeah what this is this is just profound and doc brown we want to come back to you um but but noah done said something and i can't let it go because you know whenever whenever you go to sanctuary it tugs at me and pulls at me in such a profound way it's interesting that uh as you were talking rightly so on everything about this which is really the fourth sanctuary scene in the book of revelation and when it's often preached because it is uh talking about the the most holy place it is always taught and associated with judgment judgment is a part of it judgment is a part of god but i'm thinking about the first century readers who were reading this letter coming out of all the horrific things that were taking place up to the seventh trumpet all the woes that were coming and you had the call to end it on mercy you had the gall not to end it on judgment and destruction because that is true in the text but what you did at the end of 11 is to tell the readers then and the hearers today mercy is still available it's still open for you the temple is still open i just can't get that out of my mind because there's such a focus on judgment we miss the bigger picture which is mercy god's mercy still extended to us today hallelujah dr mele this is this is what got me it was like a book the opening and closing this is what got me doc brown you said at the beginning it's god's final attempt to show us who he is and if this notebook this revelation of jesus christ if this is a final attempt then right before the seventh trump as a seventh trumpet sounding it would be apropos for the last thing for you to know about him before he comes is that he's a god of grace even in the last hours he is a god of grace and i just that thing just got me it got me yes yes doug brown what do you have for us now sure sure that that was very um insightful for me and inspiring and and of course as we've gone through this passage uh the scriptures uh pastor um uh medley has helped us all to couch our talks within the context of the sanctuary and uh i just want to as well just give a shout out to uh minister claudia uh alan who preach a marvelous sermon last week and he's not doing too well today but we are keeping her in our prayers uh yeah i i see from the uh text it speaks about well as you know i was very very uh perturbed thinking about uh these nations uh because i said to myself my biggest danger is believing that it is somebody else and certainly uh it it can't be it can't be me and and and uh this is my paul said that his biggest fear is that after having preached to others he he himself uh would be a cast away and so so i i wanted to ask the question uh uh you know if if we are given a lot of light uh let me begin with the good doctor crairy um you know when when we have a lot of light shining into our eyes um it it may cause blind spots adventists have a lot of light and my question is how do we deal with our blind spots critical point pastor and i have to say um your sermon opened that whole question but it also answered that question like i said earlier who am i and that's what the word causes us to do to reflect on ourselves it is the light that shines through our eyes that allows us to see if there is no light we could not see but there is light here now you have a chance to see who you really are in the eyes of god and you know there's mercy still available to you you still have we all have hope we all have a chance if we'll be honest with god and with ourselves praise god there is hope there for us he's still giving us hope amen amen so something just occurred to me about our light though information is not transformation and a lot of times we can have all of the information and it does nothing to transform us when i understand and i'm still i'm still sitting with that kingdom of heaven is at hand if i have embraced the love and the grace and relationship with jesus christ then information becomes food and fuel for transformation but the transformation is indeed caused and completed by the holy spirit while you continue your conversations if you look in the chat you'll see pastor edmunds are putting these capturing these comments and putting them in the chat you may have some additional comments or questions we want you to throw those in the chat also um pastor edmund is keeping managing that for us and we also see at least i see on youtube individuals who are placing comments there also um and we're grateful for your engagement with us because this is a interactive time for us so we want you to be a part of this also doc brown coming back to you so sure and can i ask you can i answer that question with a question i know in academia you're not supposed to do that that's that's a uh that's that's a faux pas but i you said something in your in your sermon today that i thought was um it was a little heavy for me to sit with which was basically the problem with the nations and the reason why they were so upset was at the at the essence of it was denial and you reference matthew uh when he said i was sick and i was in prison and i was i guess my question to your question is how do we then get a proper evaluation of ourselves so that we don't get caught up in in in self-denial um because i it's clicking to me now when jesus comes there will be people who think that they are ready to go and he's going to be like no we didn't we didn't really know each other and and to me that's why you know the young people say you busted your head you you you now you you nah you own something because it's self denial it's it's it's it's not having an honest assessment with who you are who you are in relationship with god as well as with other people so the question to your question and how do i maintain a proper and honest perspective so that i won't get caught up in this um heaven thinks one way i think another that's it that's it and and i think either isaiah or dwayne might have been coming to what an answer to that yeah well i was going to defer to you but if um i would just say it very briefly for me i think the earthly manifestation of my status is seen in my fruit a tree is known by the fruit that it bears and i just kind of leave it right there and and defer to somebody else right well i think i i would absolutely agree with that as well i think you could tell if you if you're self-aware enough to look at your fruit i think that can tell you but but human the human capacity to evaluate ourself is broken that that was broken at eden right so our ability to to to see ourselves is not something that we possess intrinsically it has to be brought from outside so stephanie made made a comment to me it is really the holy spirit that keeps the eyes on us that allows us to look at ourselves right because light is a powerful thing light light can illumine and light that is bright enough can cut steel and and the fact is that we don't necessarily want the cut we want the illumination but we don't want the cut and you can't be illumined without the cut and so god is saying i i i want to do it for you but i do it through the holy spirit and the last thing i'd say is the macro is always micro it is in my daily walk with god when he says to me son get up and pray or he says son don't go there it is in those moments that you actually win the battle that we see here in revelation 11 at the end it's not one at the end it's one in the micro moments of it true true true uh thank you thank you for that clarity and i hope i hope our folk got that uh both of you the fruit and uh which you win in each moment matters you know i want to come back to the text and remind us that this whole issue of the nations being angry is something that we will see in the future it is not something that we see today this is apocalyptic literature that's saying what will be and you recall when we get towards the end of revelation when there is a judgment of the loss there is going to be anger for multiple reasons number one the constant daily rejection of christ anger number two believe in the lie and the delusion and the falsehood of the enemy anger so this kind of this wrath this anger is futuristic there will be those who realize man i did have a chance i did have opportunity to follow god's way but i chose not to that will produce anger or that i did believe this lie i did listen to the lie more than the word that will produce anger and rejection but all that is being carved out as you as you eloquently said in fruit and in the daily decision every day that i say no to jesus the anger is building because you're saying yes to something and someone else revelation as doc brown talked about there are only two classes of people that we will see the nations who are angry and the sealed who are celebrating hallelujah that's all we're going to see yes sir go ahead isaiah no no uh pastor medley uh you just reminded me of that scripture where jesus says that in the end time is going to be like the days of noah and in genesis genesis 7 when uh he told noah to go inside that ark and said in seven days i'm going to cause rain he sends all of noah his family and all those animals inside the ark seven days later it started to rain but but the point is for seven days people continued to live they continued to be married they continued to eat and drink and and live life and and that's where we are now we are at the place where god is is giving that like uh pastor uh like dr quarry said that clarion call and and and and calling them in it's time to get inside the ark um you don't want to be outside too late and and and now is our opportunity because he's making the appeal he's making the appeal well there's a word that i didn't focus on so much but he's there in the text when it talks in in verse 17 it talks about uh god having great power and and reigning and one of the things that we feel in this contemporary situation is a sense of a loss of power it's a sense of powerlessness and and and helplessness so so this knowledge that we ally ourselves with a god of all power what my question uh is what practical help maybe pastor noah what what practical benefit is that to us in our contemporary scenario that that that we allow ourselves with a god who says basically all power is in my hands how how does that help to as as chaplain grant said transform not just be information but transformation well i think as human beings throughout um throughout the course of history we can read in scripture how often times we love for whatever reason and i know i do this in my life all the time we love to do god's job or we love to take over or try to attempt to fix what we can't uh handle what we have no business dealing with and when you say how does aligning ourselves happen in practical terms it's it's practically saying god you handle it and let me just be led by you one of things i can't stand and maybe you all can't either and maybe when this happens you say words it's not written in scripture i can't stand backseat drivers i can't stand people who when i'm driving let me drive if you got a lot to say then let me get in the passenger seat and let you drive because i'm not going to say nothing when you driving i'm not going to give you directions i'm not going to say this way it's better i'm not going to say that's what just just drive and i think a lot of times while god is in control and while he has all the power and he's driving the universe we often say to him well why don't you do it this way how come you ain't do this why you ain't especially in my own life and so i think it's just getting in the car with god and allowing him and trusting that he has control that the way he's driving is the best way and i oftentimes don't do that i'll be looking at god like are you really going to drive that way are you really going to go that way you know this way has more traffic and god is like i got it i got it don't worry about why i'm driving into traffic and that's my frustration because you said something that's troubling sometimes that it's going to get worse before it gets better i don't know why god is choosing that way but i'm trying to do my part to trust i ain't always there but to trust that he knows that he actually knows more than i do how about that that's a great concept to know that god actually is smarter and smarter than me and he knows best and i need to align myself with somebody who knows not just the end from the beginning but who knows how to adjust perfectly to every situation may i also uh interject with that thought pastor thank you pastor that um you know the bible says as a man thinketh so is he and uh it also says that if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and the real battleground is in our thoughts wow we're getting into all kinds of mess in our thoughts but god has made it plain yes i have all that power and i have the power to forgive you just confess it to me i'll work it through with you keep a short account with me i want you to do that with me and when you do that with me you won't have to worry about anything else i got you just hang on to me we're gonna be okay man hey hey doc i gotta slide in because there's something that's been troubling me that you just said i think maybe our greatest issue is that we're not as trusting in god's grace as his word tells us to trust like like i think there's a fear like okay i'm doing this but when we get to the end is it gonna be okay is it gonna be enough and so the devil has us living in fear meanwhile god is like trust me i've got grace my grace is is bigger than your sin but in the back of my mind it's like okay are you sure are you sure you got it are you sure that that the salvation is complete you sure i don't have to do more and i can i can can i touch that just a little bit um this this end of revelation 11 i mean is a as we as we've said is a is a um sanctuary scene now some call it the the great antitypical day of atonement scene it's one of those scenes right where you know at the end of the year man the the the high priest is going into the most holy place and as we said in this discussion it's open it's it's it's it's open for business there are some behaviors that the people were supposed to engage in while the high priest in this case jesus is doing his thing one intercession is happening they were supposed to stop what they were doing they were supposed to afflict their souls in humility they were supposed to reconcile with one another they were supposed to search their hearts to be sure that they were in right relationship with god and each other we know that there's a judgment piece we know that there's a great controversy piece you know the whole goat being sent off and all that we know that but at the end of the thing results were guaranteed wow results rewards were coming and i would say to us man if we abide in christ and if we perform these practices from the typical service that god gave us for the for for the antitypical service i think we would be in a position of of assurance that god would carry us pastor edmund okay you know there you go again praise god for you uh but but because we want folk to study the book of revelation uh-oh i want you to take everything that pastor esmond has so scholarly and eloquently said and i want you to read revelation 8 1 all the way to 11 19 because the intercession that he talks about starts in eight one yes that's where the the third sanctuary scene that talks about intercessory prayer takes place yes and look at all that we have to do all that god calls us to do before we get to revelation 11 19. yes so i think this is profound if you tie it to the sanctuary journey in revelation you see what pastor edmund just talked about and you go back there and you understand the the role of intercessory prayer that john ties into the book of revelation and then the outcome of that by the time he gets well well pastor just following up with that soul oh man you know on this journey and and and and then and then the three woes you know come in with the final trumpets and and and you know a lot of people have texts and so-and-so said they're singing hallelujah chorus and what have you so so we've reached this this this pinnacle there's really nothing higher than this is this the end of the series i i i mean why why do we need to have other chapters in in revelation what are the other chapters what's left yeah yeah good good word there well two things as you already said and those who were students of it the beauty of the book of revelation the beauty of apocalyptic literature and the beauty of our interpretation is that there is historical we understand that that means it looks back it also looks present and it also looks future and a lot of the context what i love about today's discussion here we are talking about of the seventh trumpet and the context of hallelujah and mercy i've never heard it preach that way but but to answer your question it gets it gets as pastor washington would say you know normally would say the layers go deeper as we go further but pastor washington will say it gets gooder and gooder as we go as we go forward because there are some things coming up in chapter 12 all right points us it continues to answer question the critical question is why does god have to come right where did all this tension come from right that's going to be answered in chapter 12 and chapter 13. and remember after we get after chapter 14 everything beyond chapter 14 points to the future so we're bringing the entire chapter 1 chapter 14 all of the 14 with us and then beyond that we'll start looking at things in the future and the beautiful thing about revelation and apocalyptic literature the book of jesus the book of revelation is the book of jesus he is he's going to tell us when all these things happen you will know yes sir yes sir and what will be clear is my love for you yes yes not the signs but everything i'm doing to save you revelation tells salvation history hayao shikhta the plan of salvation salvation history is fully revealed in the book of revelation because the god who desires to be with us concludes by being with us forever and ever that's the story of jesus in revelation that is still being unfolded i'm going to stop there because of the whole life you know you know what i just realized though based on your question too you know why they're still more is because there's more of god even though we've read and studied so much about god's grace heretofore there's still more layers of his grace that he wants to expose and and share and show so that when he does come there with nobody that can say you know what there was something he left out he he was he was hiding that from me he kept that in his back pocket no when when when when he finally shows up when those clowns bust his here's why we got to go a little bit more past chapter 11 because there's still more that he wants to expose so that when he comes everybody when he comes that's i got it i got it now i see him past the watch can i can i just just a sticky note on that we go past as well what you said pastor medley have said it's true we go past as well because of something pastor medley has been saying to us which is there's only two kinds of people in this book um and of course what god is doing but revelation 12 and onward tell us some more about the kind of people that we're supposed to be yeah god is not just saying i'm going to show you who i am he's saying i'ma show you who you're supposed to be yeah you got to act a certain way you do certain things you live a certain way and i need for my i'm trying to hide who you are supposed to be i'm going to hang a picture on the wall so you can look at it all the time and you can try to conform yourself to that picture because that is what you are supposed to be god is doing both those things y'all some bad but y'all just flat out bad and and it also moving forward the question that was asked under the fifth seal the souls under the altar how long will god avenge do you know by the time by the time we get to the seven plagues the seven plagues don't touch near one saint they're all god's retribution on the question you want to see what god's vengeance is like towards those who mistreat god's people to those who trample who call who kill who talk about who press down who abuse who manipulate god's people god says that what wait until these plagues come you're gonna see what i'm gonna drop on them to remind them that i got you i got his saints um you're in god's hands that that he loves you he knows what you've gone through and and look look he will raise up a standard against of those who follow him like nobody else can god will reveal his vindication against those who have abused his people through generations yes show up still we haven't even gotten to that story hey doctor i'm gonna throw this in there and we can't let that go no i want to i got to say this that's what you just said that's how we know that covert 19 is not a plague but a pestilence come on doc yes that that right there is how we know yes cobra 19 is not a plague no but a pestilence because the plagues of god don't touch the people of god yes preached yes sir yes sir hey listen hearing is you guys are are painting a goshen experience for the people of god like the egyptians are suffering but the people of god are always safe the blood always covers the door thank you thank you for saying that and and i just can i just please pick up on what pastor medley said just one more time it is important for people who who are who are beginning to believe atheistic ideas that there is no you know judgment in life that you know we there is no god overseeing anything that we just hear and we just dancing to our dna there's import it's important for us to realize that they're going to be some score settling at the end that that people just don't get to do stuff to us and walk away i think it's important to get that message out to hurting people that there is a god who will one day make this thing right yeah that's that's a comfort the atheist the agnostic cannot give in this time doc brown we gotta turn it back to you to close this out man we're about to take off if you don't want isaiah go isaiah well and and what a what a blessing and uh uh brothers and sisters i think we want to end by recognizing that there is news and and there's news there there's cnn and nbc and and and they are giving us the news and and depending on which channel you tune into it's it's correct news is there's not fake news so they there is the news but but that's just the scene that's what we see without it's the news but it's not the story it's not the story and and when we open revelation we understand what is behind it and and and and they there's often no hope when we see the tv news but the scripture gives us hope even if we suffer we shall reign with christ we want us to hold on to hope each day we're going to see new stories that will tear our gut out and and may even tempt us to do some unholy things but the bible says god has the reigns of this thing god understands this story god says it won't always be like this trouble won't always last always hold on because it would be a terrible thing to be on the wrong side when jesus comes again there's mercy there is hope there's forgiveness by with the eye of faith look into the sanctuary grab onto the mercy seat hold on jesus is about to come may god bless and save us all amen amen a loving father we just put this wonderful family of god into your hands and and through us lord bless all those whom we come into contact even while our own hearts are pain and bleeding dear lord help us to be like the hem of your garment that that when people come in contact with us they feel life surging through their veins and they will be made whole bless us we pray in jesus name amen as we transition to sabbath school we'll look forward to seeing you on wednesday evening uh for the notebook series please remember to join us invite someone to be a part of us don't come along bring others with you to the notebook on wednesday evening we now we thank you again dr brown for blessing us in a powerful way in leading our discussion and for our pastoral team and also having back with us chaplain stephanie grant we're always glad to see your face on the team also god continue to bless you let's keep other individuals in our prayer let's keep claudia allen prayed up that god will heal her uh doc ivan williams is preaching at another church today that's the only way he's not here but we praise god for each and every one of you we now turn over to our sabbath school superintendent herman thank you for the time god bless you and be blessed by the rest of the sabbath day
Channel: BrinklowSDA
Views: 626
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 1qKGT0fr664
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Length: 102min 40sec (6160 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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