Pokemon Scarlet Any% Speedrun in 5:37:23

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I don't know what the slowest candy I'm grabbing is thank you for the good luck Phoenix the emote doesn't look great on dark mode but it actually looks really good with a white background also we didn't actually finish the prediction um we didn't actually finish the prediction but I did reorder my splits a lot of them honestly I reordered a lot of them back to the way they were the original time so like I kinda counts it needs outline yeah I can I can fix that um I just I wanted to get it uploaded just just because it's funny well chalk will break out please no foreign oh got you there's really not I mean you can do something skill based you could always be like will I get an encounter during candy collection that's always a fun one because I've not had many encounterless questions [Music] [Music] foreign yes and I there are two differences I'm going to be doing in area zero um and I've seen them work four people uh I mentioned it in my Discord uh which I know you saw Phoenix but in case anyone else didn't so part of the reason why some of the skips were inconsistent um so there is one skiff that seems to still be Violet exclusive um multiple people have gotten it on Violet multiple people have not been able to do it on Scarlett including like somebody trying it on both of their copies and not being able to do it on one um but the inconsistency with the other area zero skips seems to be that any skip that involved a void out where you'd get respawned Works differently if the characters are still talking if the characters still have their dialogue at the bottom of the screen um then you'll get Warped back up to the the station that you were just at and if they are done talking then you'll warp to the correct place and so that was the difference like the first salsa skip that I had tried when Josh did it originally he was lost so the characters had stopped talking and thus was able to do the skip the Sheep's video of the waterfall one that I tried last time same deal they were done with their talking and um didn't have to worry about it [Music] yeah that makes me feel a lot better that I wasn't doing something wrong [Music] I do yeah even if I just didn't do the new skips I should have about a minute and a half of time saving area zero purely because I did something that failed last time but the new stuff should also be faster than what I was doing before so I should have like I don't want to say free but I should have also other time save um another thing I am trying this run and might absolutely fail at um is there's a bunch of talk the other day about um or yesterday rather about skipping bottle caps and using vitamins and so I have routed that in which should save time I'm doing zero extra things and skipping an entire shop and talking to somebody it should be about a minute of quote unquote easy time save but we'll see how it goes um so you should be able to find the skips in Discord um there are various YouTube videos one of them is from New Amber um I forget who posted the other one uh and you if you have a completed save file you can at least attempt them you won't get like the full effect of them obviously if you're not in the middle of the story but you can at least try them that's how I did it does that up your calcs though yes and let me tell you it's complicated um and I cannot be bothered to actually write down everything yet until I've solidified an experience route because the amount of effort it's going to take to make actual like tables and stuff um are gonna be pretty bad and the other thing I'm going to be doing today that is I'm still gonna pick it up um I honestly might sell it uh but I think would be a stat dependent thing is I don't think switching to Hasty nature at all is worth it and we should just use carbos to get up to the right speed and the reason is because it's a minor range um so some of the ranges I'm going for are like or I'm not going for but like some of the ranges that I am calcing the number of vitamins to get for um are situational things so for example um one of the hardest to get ranges in the Run is on the SATA fight if you get hit by scream Tales play rough and it drops your attack so it's like you have to get player off you have to get hit by it which it's not 100 accurate and you have to get the secondary effect and so it's like that one's good to know but I don't think playing around it is all that important um and even then worst case I think it's like a 9 and 16. so it's still favorable even if you do nothing um but that being said in general proteins are more useful than carbos because or not that um because flamigo's attack is higher going to plus attack with the number of carbos to get you up to as if you had plus speed um all right this I don't think this makes any sense let me let me back up for a second so the way I explained it to Jess because she was interested too is let's say you're flamigo has like 70 attack and 60 speed I don't know if those are legitimate numbers but like let's just say if you have plus attack instead of neutral that means you have 77 attack uh because it's a 10 boost meaning that you gained seven total points of stats if you instead were plus speed you'd have 70 attack and you'd have 66 speed meaning that you gained six stat points um so an adamant nature is actually better overall than Hasty is um as long as you have the vitamins to supplement it now with that being said um the actual worst range in the run is not the scream tail and is instead the quakoval on clavel so I think there might be a case to make for using um more proteins and switching to Hasty at some point I just don't that was way more math than I was willing to do between today and yesterday sticking with the bottle caps for now is honestly fine I was going to until I just got my interest peaked like it was it had nothing to do with me trying to optimize anything I was just like I'm curious about this and then I kind of went down a rabbit hole of damaged calcs and spreadsheets and crap how do I feel about any percent being the best part of two hours um or six hours it's long for sure um it's not something I'll be able to do super super long term but I think for now it's it's pretty fun [Music] foreign I'm also in a lucky position where I can on occasion do six hour runs um which is wild to me to think because when I started streaming I was streaming red glitchless and after like three months I had to stop doing red glitchless because it was too long because I just didn't have the time the inner the uninterrupted time to do a two-hour run um and now I'm over here doing six hour runs [Music] foreign foreign [Music] time for the chunk look at him the Menace I still can't believe they made a freaking Global emote Orla chunk [Music] I don't know someday I do think you know all Mains are going to be kind of interesting just because you um you know with so many candies you can almost run anything I'd be down to do some alt Mains for sure maybe more in the Treasure excuse me in the Treasure Hunt Style as opposed to in the uh like full any percent run but there are some great mons this gen for sure um I'm obviously a fan of tinkerton I'm a fan of flamigo um I wouldn't say it's my favorite mod in the Gen but I think it's a really good one um I think they did some interesting stuff with like the tatsugiri dandozo um stuff like that tandemouse is a is another good one foreign hey people how's it going it is Cayman you're you're very not wrong yeah so after you start station four instead of going out and doing normal salsa skip you go up to station two and fall down and then go backward um and then to go from station two to three you go back to one instead and fall down there now the question I have is okay yeah if you play Violet I believe the triggering it from behind is still better yeah yeah that was the thing last time I did a run but I tried the waterfall one instead that failed like I picked one of the two options I had and it was wrong hey Jose how's it going [Music] foreign doesn't know what I'm doing here I'm trying to stay far enough away that I can I keep my run because if you get too close you have to start walking until you get far enough away and so by keeping my run this whole time I can run up to the cutscene trigger instead of having to like slowly walk into it this cut scene trigger should be right about here as a little early foreign foreign I missed timing lately as well I think it's here I was late whatever I need to sit down and actually like just figure out what that timing is foreign foreign let me get out of edit mode yes uh it would be like similar but a little different yeah foreign higher foreign uh it doesn't matter unless I hurt again it doesn't matter apparently it does matter okay I'll take a two shot [Music] I will take that [Music] foreign foreign thank you for the good luck I appreciate it see what time is it gonna be when I get to flamigo catch it's gonna be like four no why can't I math all the way around it's gonna be like 3 40. okay um I could probably do that trying to decide if I wanted to do quick ball or not for flamigo and basically it comes down to am I willing to restart my run I think barring having like even if I have an amazing time [Music] I know right Phoenix just part of the game I don't find it that bad um I think Josh kind of nailed down specifically what makes it bad I don't think anything outside of the school is really all that bad especially compared to other games on the switch the the 10 to 15 minutes that you're in school though is pretty brutal it's basically like the 10 minutes before you catch Groudon in Omega Ruby well like really like the 18 minutes surrounding the Groudon catch yes it does get repetitive for sure um but there is a vote right now as to when things start which if you are interested in running these games you should join the switch Discord and you can participate in that vote I do request or suggest I should say I'm not in a position to request um that you only really vote if you do plan on doing runs but really anybody is allowed to vote you don't have to have done runs yet or anything like that there's no leaderboard so no one's a runner hey Sheriff thanks for the good luck um but yeah it's I mean depending on how the vote turns out if I had to guess any percent is either going to be desk or new game time and all the single story categories are going to be School timing if I had to just guess based on conversation um but what that means is that I think the um those single story runs are going to be a lot less repetitive just because you're gonna have [Music] just way less at the start of every attempt there is yeah there is that vote as well damn it Le chunk thank you nimona [Music] yeah everything is being voted on now foreign did not break out foreign we are using flamigo I'm currently using a Fuego but I'll be switching to flamigo after a couple fights oh wow that is pretty wild yeah foreign course today was a four hmm whoops foreign Coco is pretty high given that I got the two shot on Arvin um so hopefully we can at least three shot the young goose and three shot the strudel um I think I should get level nine for young goose but I wasn't counting my experience so maybe not hey what's up grizzly I mean with a well-placed high roll we could get the two shot with the burn tick Hyrule no just a nice slow three turn all right we did to get level nine that's sick so level nine here is nice uh not so much for damage output like it would make a potentially a four turn into a three turn but you usually three turn anyways um but specifically getting Level Nine here boosts our speed a little bit and this young goose can either be a speed tie or out speed us and it has bite it's pretty bad hey shoe it does contribute to the length for sure hey your finger thank you for the good luck hope you're doing well foreign if not faster it's good for damage output I suppose foreign s are all just taking a lot of time but all right sick all right now it's time for a whole lot of nothing dude I was really tempted I didn't mention it in Discord I was really tempted to do an a handheld run today but I might hold off on doing them until I'm doing offline runs because I know that'll happen at some point so the game runs better in my experience I know I know you Phoenix have had a different experience um and other people have as well not to just single you out um but for me personally it does run better and originally handheld was appealing to people because of the double stick thing which isn't even a like got back up patched out but the game runs better and I know Hulk has been sort of doing both and saw a lot of time Improvement so it's one of those things if it is a difference it would get split out most likely but I have the capability of streaming handheld by pointing a second webcam at my switch and it could be funny but it would also be like absolutely horrible stream quality so I don't know if I want to do it really I played a little bit in handheld and it definitely feels better than it does connected to um the dock and one thanks for the good luck thank you foreign yeah I'm not sure [Music] that's good it's good to take breaks my problem with this game is it's tough to take breaks because I keep thinking of things and with the way my brain works if I think of something it won't leave my mind until I start to pursue it so even if I wanted to take a break which I'm I mean I'm really enjoying the game but even if I wanted to take a break it would be pretty tough foreign do do hey how's it going Arley finally gaming harder hardly gaming probably a bit of both to be honest I need to remain I'm not gonna remake it but I am gonna I think add an outline just so it's a bit more visible on dark mode all right um [Music] foreign the day before I made that a regular emote I forgot that started as a bit emote that actually started as an ffz emote but without the hand like without the thinking hand which I think it still is there it is and I added the thinking hand and made it a real emote actually even more lore that was one of my first three emotes because when Affiliates first got emotes there was only you can only have like three or something I forget exactly what it was and so my prefix was the first six letters of my name so it was e-d-d-a-k-e and then it was just T was that emote and then I had a Mudkip s emote and I don't remember what the last one was and then I actually had somebody professionally make me emotes with Emery and we got a lot of good ones out of that foreign and then I made that yesterday in like four minutes foreign probably less than four all right almost Flamingo time I don't know do I want to do quick ball or do I want to just go for the Ultra Ball because the cool thing about doing the Ultra Ball is if I pick up the Ultra Ball save do it and it fails I can reset and count that as my save and reset before Candy Hunt because otherwise I would just save and reset probably after brassius or after cloth I think that's what head Bob said that they were doing foreign I believe it's 18. so 16 relevant it's either 18 or 20 I forget but it should get you roughly the right answer actually wait I have a I have my spreadsheet open hold on I can actually tell you the answer uh it is in fact 20. uh you go from 18 to 20 off of Jolteon if you do nimono last oh I need to open up a showdown calc because uh I just have to foreign that works I actually have to care about my stats um now foreign oh all right to flamigo nice I don't want to talk about that afternoon dragon I kept feeling like I was just off of where I needed to be I don't have Boost yet that's right talk about what exactly foreign just looks like the ground that was wild [Music] [Music] foreign thank you for the 61 months all hail flamigo that scared me I'm not used to doing this camera while doing movement [Music] go all the way around these lovely Pokemon Goomy [Music] yeah I was actually I I do like absolutely nothing with bit emotes or anything I was a little surprised that um 1K was the lowest amount I thought it was gonna be uh lower amount I I was gonna say that Garf but I was focusing on my movement nice all right cool well that's much better than going to grab the quick ball as long as it works I was gonna say they're well okay I ran into something else there was a flamigo that was like all up in my business while I was catching the other one but I don't see it so whoops the floaty there's not even yeah that same thing happened to me yesterday all right boxes that was nice and laggy um Rd plus attack is nice wait oh yeah duh I was like what am I supposed to be doing here oh I'm supposed to hop on cried on there it's fine um already plus attack which is really nice I still think go switching to adamant is probably better um just to I think I was minus defense so just to lose the minus defense shroud is relevant on like a couple of things not much but it is foreign 's going all right for me hope you're doing well don't eat me nice oh yeah there foreign lonely nature I'm tangled feet which is semi-relevant but also not really all right so like six IV attack ooh pretty high speed pretty high speed over 20. oh I did that wrong I'm supposed to wing attack first it's fine so Garf I think you're probably correct um but I was so I was doing that and I know other people were doing that and then I saw people stop doing it and start going around instead I don't know which one's actually better it's just I know I S that's what I've seen people doing um actually I saved a turn that's got to be better even though I got the anger shell is anger shell better than an extra half a turn I don't know hey head Bob how's it going hope you're doing well foreign nice uh IV attack and 24 to 20 seven speed six to nine and then 24 to 27. tired oh sorry to hear that I uh I was fine all day and I got really tired the last I don't know maybe hour or so basically since I started this run I'd like to try and narrow down just because it does kind of impact what I buy for vitamins when I say 24 okay goodbye if I am on the high end that's really good oh everything [Music] yeah I am I did a lot of a lot of work for this vitamin crap and I got to the point where I was like I'm not gonna do all this I'm just going to calculate it during the run with the flamigo I have like that was how much effort it was going to be to do it for every flamigo I was like I'm not gonna bother I'm just gonna get a flamigo and hope for the best the good thing is it looks like both my attack and speed I should be able to narrow down um yeah exactly like the yeah it's like so much effort for some like in the grand scheme of a six hour run some pretty minor optimizations so I uh make no promises head Bob I'm gonna try to grab it there we go I have to do like that build up to it also I am super excited Josh and I came up with a sun Flora Strat that I am excited to try because it seems like it'll be faster than I have been doing at least thanks for the good luck mocha sheep I I asked it to um which is kind of funny because this is like low-key Strat that we're doing there's two parts to it which are really funny I actually asked it to route a way to speedrun Pokemon scarlet and violet and the two things that stuck out that were pretty funny was it told me to get enough experience to hit Level 25 before going out into battle uh clearly doesn't know how many rare candies we can grab uh the second thing was it told me to use the Elite Four to gain experience and I was like Elite Four is usually the end of the game why would you do this but I thought it was pretty funny in this game yeah but all right so uh the Crux of this strategy um there is one I'm getting that I would probably say is sub-optimal uh but it prevents me from talking to a vending machine so I think it's worth it all right so then you come this way you've talked to this guy you get this one you get this one through the wall this is the one you probably Skip and do a different one that's fine uh then you head this way and this is my favorite part because I didn't know about one of these so you talk to this one you probably get the one at the vending machine but you talk to this one and then this one through the wall you did all right sick that validates me thinking it's fast but yeah uh there's like three over there where I got the one doing Hopscotch but two of them are next to like things that are really easy to talk to by accident [Music] so over the vending machine same and I don't want to buy ice cream either which the vending machine was way more common than the ice cream shop but still I believe I put yeah I put wing attack in slot one here um it's less for wing attack in slot one and more for double kick in slot 3 but it's beside the point I could go for some ice cream oh dude something I go through phases on sometimes I'll be like this is the best thing in the world and sometimes I will just like leave in the freezer for ages without eating um but right now it's it's on it's on a good kick is uh ice cream sandwiches I could probably eat the rest of the box of ice cream sandwiches we have in the freezer like right now foreign pumpkin ice cream sandwiches all right I don't know about that I've never had pumpkin ice cream so I guess oh maybe it's good truly Widow I hate this thing [Music] foreign I timed it myself but I still can't believe doing this and getting that turn is faster but it is like I literally just I timed my two PBS and it was like it was actually like 10 seconds faster it was way more than just like a couple of seconds like I thought it might have been all right yeah uh splits reordered etc etc you only know the drill so I still have my gold splits for a lot of these because the order is very similar to what I did my first flamigo run um but the actual times don't line up with my PB so it doesn't count I didn't decide it really until today I had a lot of uh a lot of work to do on the route but I think I've got it in a nice place foreign oh my God I should have done it's a little too late now I should have done my reset right after the grass gym thank you um I can do it after earthworm where was I going what a weird angle I was taking so I didn't get the slide here yeah that's exactly why I did it that way actually Cycles are get out of the way Magnemite get out of the way oh my God all right maybe I reset after I fly instead of waiting till after earthworm because I think you get a you get a now saving here right [Music] um what would you like head Bob like what would be what would be good because I basically have the list of speed IVs and how many carbos to use and then attack IVs and how many carbos you I mean how many protein you'd like but probably don't have money for [Music] okay I can send you that um give me one second [Music] why'd it put me at oh it just turned the camera around okay yeah okay so um there is something I realize head Bob two things um if you use if you do literally every badge before you buy any proteins or carbos like every single one sell every TM that isn't close combat um so this means you basically do Ghost Gym last and Shop after Ghost Gym okay uh that's not optimal I I know but just for reference um you can afford 29 vitamins um if you use both money and LP sell everything don't pick up anything extra you can afford 29 vitamins um I learned in my playthrough yesterday because I had literally zero IV attack um with no investment Ortega's rev of room is a range so I would like to do um I would like to do fairy base at least after proteins when possible um and so that does mess things up um but you should be able to afford 29. uh let me change the title of this because uh don't worry about the colors on this the colors are letting me know what my current run is and what my playthrough run was so it's not actually relevant to anything it's um it's just so I have a reference uh okay and the other thing I should mention um I don't think I uh said it yet while you were here um this uh is skipping Hasty altogether this is adamant the whole way um you can slightly adjust the um the carbos to be more correct uh if you're switching to hasty in fact I actually have wait I actually have numbers if you're switching to Hasty uh let me find it is it this one foreign I'm going to copy and paste it right next to it and I can throw why did that not actually of course it won't copy the actual things why would it that would be too easy paste values I hate everything it's can I easily math this hold on because it's gonna be ten ten ten nine nine eight eight eight I'll just do this [Music] that's 25 IV uh 25 all right cool tasty out of column to keep it away from each other get rid of the color all right all right I fixed it kind of um okay and then uh I should say for the attack IV um need is to guarantee every range um the hardest to get range is close combat on quakoval want allows you to acrobatics the greeting on Arvin I believe that's what it is foreign also you have my side note I forgot about this side note so when I'm writing notes like this what I tend to do is I'll just write down my thoughts and so God damn it so I realized as I was doing all this I'm like oh you can afford 26 if you can't afford them all you got these ranges blah blah blah and I was like oh wait there's a free carbos on the ground and so that's why I wrote free carbos just randomly in the notes so my thought processes are not coherent it's fine precisely yeah I started to make this really nice table of like IVs to carbos or not Ivy's IVs attack IVs to proteins so as a two-dimensional graph with like each cell was like the odds to KO stuff and I'm like this is way too much effort for something that's probably going to change in like a day so I'm not doing this right now um so I have I have Showdown calc open and I saved I exported out um all of the ranges so I can just load them up as a custom imported set and test them during my run like I'm not gonna actually write this down [Music] all right a big movement section here I apologize to chat I will not be able to see you much um but if you've never seen this run before basically what we're going to be doing is we're going to be running around the entire map uh well not the entire map a lot of the map um picking up rare candies and experience candies and getting fly points as well so the movement's not wasted uh we are making progress it's just we're not going to be doing any fights for like 20 minutes almost um and then when we end our movement our level 27 flamigo should turn into a level 70 flamigo like that's how many candies we're gonna be getting interesting head Bob I'm not sure there's it's very possible I did something wrong um I did a lot of Random calcs so I may have like put the wrong level or something in um this would honestly like this the section I'm doing right here with the way the route currently is this section right here is probably the hardest part to learn the rest of the run is at least in Pokemon speedrunning standards really safe um so I would definitely if this is a game that interests you and the length does not deter you I would recommend it if the length does deter you um the community is currently voting on categories to include on the leaderboards and it's looking like um just based on discussions and even without school start a lot of those categories are going to be really really manageable um unlike the six hour run you've got here uh like the longest of the bunch is probably going to be the Victory Road run where even from game start like from new game is like three and a half hours um and if we get school start like if school start is voted on it'll be even less it'll be like two and a half all right Josh did some sort of blj here I think it was so I'm gonna try that nice because you don't actually need the Zappa Pico fly point uh we were just going through it because it was convenient but like five seconds fast or sick all right apparently you can't jump there really interesting surprised I didn't fall down there oh it's little get out of here I was telling Josh we need to make a category that is all gyms and all Titans no Starfall bases and you're allowed to do all of roll beforehand it'll be the best category that we have Oh I thought I was not gonna make that nice what was that that was super weird see the problem Garf with all of roll ILS I agree there will be them I wish they'd let you do the gym test again but they give you a different course at least as far as I know maybe there's a way to get the gym course as well because I'd rather test I'd rather do the gym course again than the the random one where you just go around the outside purely for selfish practice reasons all right um snag that I'm gonna try the Hulk touch Montana Vera thing although not yet I have to do all of North Province first are you kidding me stupid little fence yeah hey what's up martini no fishing minigame good I like how fishing was basically non-existent in sword and shield and now it's just gone it's just gone granted there was no fishing in pla either but I'm not exactly upset about it foreign that's gonna be a fall yeah foreign still need to figure out how best to fall here still have yet to do it goodbye Apple lug it just was like I'm not spawning today it's too bad I was actually going to main switch y'all didn't know that I routed avalog oh that's unfortunate vroom watch your look both ways come on I feel like that would have been my fault but whatever uh the vote for rules literally started maybe two hours ago I don't know how long it's going for um I'm sure it says in the thing but I just didn't pay attention um but yeah that is uh officially started so you can vote uh the vote is for where does any percent start and end uh where do the single story runs start and end uh is Turbo going to be merged on boards or separate um what else was there oh and then do we allow breaks or not during runs I think those were the the four main things 11th at midnight okay foreign going this way it is that tree right there I've not done this very often yeah like I mentioned it earlier um but I will say it again if you are interested in running Scarlet Violet only if you're interested in actually running not just a spectator um and you have opinions about those things I mentioned uh the votes uh definitely join the switch Discord if you're not in there um and make sure your voice is heard because um some like a lot of these are things that we can't like it'd be tough to revert like I'm not suggesting that this is the the path I hope it goes by any stretch but like for example if you want school start and we don't do school start right now there's really nothing that says we can't do school start in the future if the community's opinion changes uh if you don't like school start and we voted in and the community down the line decides they actually would rather have new games start uh that's not really something we can just change because then every run becomes obsolete so like these votes do matter um so if it is something you feel strongly about definitely make sure you get in there I think I did everything sure as hell hope I did [Music] only one thing left I am purposely trying to word things in such a way that nobody knows how I vote so I cannot accidentally influence the vote uh I will not reveal how I voted or anything like that try to stay as impartial as possible yo Josh with the raid did we get sub six did we get sub six I'm not fun facting with Josh no tomorrow's a day off for me we did hell yeah 5 555 let's go Josh that is awesome that is awesome welcome in everybody we are just past the uh large candy collection section oh I was supposed to whatever it's fine foreign [Music] yeah welcome in everybody all right I can finally just focus on chat again that a break for the runner or break for the switch fair question uh break for the runner actually foreign I am so stupid oh my God I just put in which IVs were the correct IVs onto The Showdown calculator and then I immediately close the tab all right Plum ego blank set level 70. lonely nature it's fine I'm just stupid I think it was like six yeah six IV attack and 26 IV speed which means I need to get nine car moves what's 9 and 14 9 and 14 is 23. technically I can do that early have I decided which candy to skip kind of uh I'm gonna go back to the two mediums to get Fuego up to level um and then because of that what did I do what's my second candy set two larges for medium nope copy of this of course it's called copy of um so yeah okay so what I'm doing is I'm getting the 14 candies on the first pass which allows me to keep two mediums to get to level 70. you can technically keep three mediums but I don't think the third medium helps um so you can keep two mediums and use those on Foy Coco um and then later on I'm not picking up any extra mediums so it's the two larges and eight candies gets you up to level 80. oh oh look at this time save over best you it has to you have to look at best you can't I don't have an actual split that's an over minute gold though and that's like all accurate like that's an accurate gold all right I think from here I fly straight to no I have to go do this thing and then I have to go to kaskarafa picking up the rare candy yeah head Bob I'm actually tempted because like none of the candies feel great to skip even though we have an extra one technically an extra two none of them feel awesome to skip I'm really tempted to just candy to 81 and just get less vitamins like that honestly might be a strat too especially because like granted long term you're not going to want a zero attack zero Speed IV um but as it stands right now I can afford everything if I do the super late shop but if I start cutting in and doing like like I don't want to do that super late shop anymore for whatever reason I think the extra candies would just be nice to allow more things to be runnable I can't believe this thing was just right here someone posted that in Josh's I honestly I forget the name I apologize but someone posted that in Josh's chat today I think it was judge yeah that one that that candy that you posted in Josh's chat yeah thank you for that that's a super nice one all right so now after this is when I fly yeah especially in games this big stuff like that is super nice because I think Josh mentioned like he has or you mentioned Josh has that in his like rare candy video but like you know it's really easy to forget um I'm buying vitamin stuff after all but two badges right now um boxes it's tough being a kid yeah so for a crisis um I'm doing everything except for the fairy base and the ghost gym and then buying them in the Ghost Gym town um sometimes you need more than you'd have money for at that point um but in that case uh you can kind of get away with doing like Ghost Gym first then shopping afterward or like I the way I have it written down in my notes right now is these are the three things you should do you can buy more if you do XYZ but it's slower and then um just like pick the one that gets you the right number of vitamins the fastest essentially so you can do you can either shop Ghost Gym fairy base um Berry base shop Ghost Gym fairy base Ghost Gym shop where Ghost Gym shop fairy base like those are your four options complicated and you end up with a different amount of vitamins for each one exactly head bomb for now I'm just going to 80 but oh purely because that's what I count carbos and stuff for but yeah you could get up to 82 with like essentially free candies to grab to get we're not getting many candies that we're going out of our way for anymore it's getting really hard to cut things out perfect idea sheep also Shady thank you for the good luck foreign I didn't so it's hard to tell how much each trainer gives you in the ghost gym by the way because the Ghost Gym uh is usually after bases at least after one base and like the notification window is like full of crap at that point so you don't actually see how much money you get given but I looked at my money before the gym and after the gym and you gain like 24 000 polka dollars during that gym um and you get Shadow Ball which is an 8K cell so like that's three vitamins just by doing the gym early and shopping afterward all right sick head Bob let me know how it goes I um I might end up doing something similar long term hey cookie thanks for the good luck so for grusha you basically just commit to double kicking um you can acrobatics if you have like really high attack if I remember right actually no it's um yeah I prep this but yeah you basically just commit to double kicking the only other thing that's like probably don't have enough proteins for is you might have to close combat the greeting on Arvin depending on your attack carbos level do the swap now all I'm thinking of it during my practice run yesterday I completely forgot to do this and then during Josh's actual run today he completely forgot to do this and I was like that's really funny because I made the exact same mistake low kick is like really bad damage on creden so uh we will know roughly around here technically this is a little bit misleading um and then we'll know better in the Elite Four and then I'm doing the ending in a different order as well the ending I think this you're probably gonna flip order around depending on if you're doing Hasty or um adamant but yeah so it'll be kind of all over the place nice that works you know what better than yesterday already he says as he's oh let's go rocket League champion over here let's do it easy that was way better than I've been doing lately Joyland I I know that I've been part of changing the routes but I feel the pain and Bob I know my to-do list on my route literally says stop coming up with ideas and it's just I Blame You and Shen for this one I was like I don't want to do anything bottle I'm just gonna keep bottle capping and then I I was sitting there like an hour after that conversation and I'm like this is interesting I'm just gonna look at it oh I forgot this point rival thank you hey Nikki thanks for the good luck I did that wrong whatever it doesn't matter Josh showed me this movement from all Titans apparently I've been going the slow loser way around but apparently you can just go this way just go Zoom whoops all right well it's supposed to be faster and you can also just go right up this without jumping also pretty cool I don't actually have to tag the center I don't even know if that would have counted [Music] this is fair Joyland every time I have to reorder my splits I get a little bit Saturn if I had a nickel for every time I reordered my splits I'd have like 10 nickels just like way too many all right technically didn't get hit by a rock foreign foreign the uh did you see my if you saw my first flamigo run or if you've seen any of like head Bob and Saiyans the gym order is almost identical to that in fact it might be I think I might be doing electric gym and Water Gym in a different order but it doesn't matter like those two gyms literally don't matter um but yeah this is like this is a lot like my first flamigo run in terms of the Order of Things um I messed with the order last time so I messed with the order last time and there were two main purposes the first part affected the beginning of the route which was I was going to fly back to Artisan to do grass gym with a higher power like a higher level double kick but that's actually slower so that's pointless um and then the second half of the route was changed or the second half of the gym order was changed to accommodate doing Water Gym sixth so I could stay in the same city to buy bottle caps um but no longer buying bottle caps so it makes more sense to do bug gym to psychic gym it's not that the gym doesn't matter Sandy it's that doing like I have electric gym and then Water Gym you could do it reverse order and it would be fine like there's no reason to do one before the other it would honestly probably come down to which one is which one is faster like map movement wise and they might be the same or very close to each other skipping bottle caps um and so it skips bottle caps and buys a ton of vitamins which means we're slightly changing the order of some things um basically doing the Ghost Gym almost like the very last thing so doing all of the bases here so that way you have enough money uh money TMS to sell and LP to buy like almost 30 vitamins and so it adds a bit of complication because the amount of vitamins you buy depends on what your stats are um because it's not just like oh I need X number of carbos it's like actually a range from like seven to twenty oh wait I'm a stupido person I need 14 plus 8 is only 22. all right yeah I'm good foreign there is a way to get that slide I just messed it up [Music] I am not doing well on this climb down nope that that was too high I disagree with that one oh my God the game is out to get me yeah you do Arvin after the Elite Four because you need double kick for the Elite Four um so you double you have double kick for elite four and then halfway through the Elite Four you teach close combat foreign 's on a run that's like a half hour behind me right now I just want him to not if I get a new PV I don't want him to beat my time like right after Amber listen now they have ever done a run where I was able to use the same splits two days in a row I literally since the game came out I don't think I've used the same splits two days in a row yet you didn't and then you beat it the next day so it doesn't make me feel better I did check your final time and I was actually a little sad that you had like the 544 but then you did beat it so it was fine foreign I can't think like I know I say this every time but I like I can't think of a reason you gotta be kidding me I can't think of a reason why I would switch splits now I'm sure there are plenty of reasons why you could but like things feel pretty good right now if any it wouldn't be as big as it's been where it's like every gym is in a different order it would be like switching Water and Electric for some reason or switching let's see tomorrow listen uh or switching like I think the the jury for me is still out on a lot of this end game stuff Victory Road to clavel to Penny or penny down to Victory like to nimona all that kind of stuff that I could see going into any order and honestly if it so so it's funny you say that spider because the two skips right now in area zero involve going backwards to different stations so it's not actually doing the station before the other one but you do have to go backward which is just really funny damn would that really bad uh climb down from Bombardier we still have a little time save I'll have a couple of comparisons right there [Music] and okay this will be slightly inaccurate if only because on these splits I would have already done a vitamin shop and on this run I won't have done a vitamin shop until way later but it'll give us at least a ballpark of where we are oh head Bob actually uh this was an idea I came up with like literally an hour before I started stream um but I would like I'm gonna do it this time so we can actually time it but even if it's not faster I might still do it so I'm gonna do Dragon Titan well I'm gonna do um Porto stuff first and then I'm gonna do Dragon Titan and I've noticed that the game is incredibly laggy after the first dondoza right after first on dozo it's like super laggy when you try to Surf through I also realized that the island that the second dondozo spawns on um is a fly point and I was wondering how you get the fly point you get the fly Point by touching the island you don't actually have to like go on it excuse you there you go so what I think I'm gonna do is on the way on the way to the first dondozo I'm gonna touch the island to get the fly point so that way instead of like surfing through the lag I can just fly to the island and hopefully the lag is gone because the dondozo is no longer swimming around I don't know if it's actually going to work like the fly point should work but I don't know if it's going to be any faster but I figured I would like mention it it's not if you if you go to medalli and come that way it's not that much like out of the way foreign AquaJet is pretty standard foreign I think zangoose can probably do decently the problem I have with zangoose is I was watching some of Hulk stream and this was a bit ago so it may have gotten better but I felt like there were times where he was using belly drum and like just hoping to not get hit and I was like like earthworm looked horrible he belly drummed and then like earthworm used iron tail and mist and was like oh I don't want to have to rely on a miss Garf foreign but yeah I I I don't know yeah it just seemed like really scary oh wait where am I going it's it certainly seems like an interesting route like I'm not certainly not trying to take away from what Hulk's done if it came across that way yeah Kirby thank you for the 37 months appreciate it uh I actually don't know I haven't um I think I actually hear Jess up so maybe all right so it seemed like all you got to do is that in my test now Jess was working um she she actually works until like five which is two and a half hours after I get off but she I can hear her she's she's here hello oh yeah we were talking about you asked if your arm got uh got a break yeah from Cali oh it's this way I don't know something like this I didn't heal cool I should be fine I seem pretty quick though that might be worth it oh teeny just don't get hit that's the plan poor little tatsugiri getting eaten uh yes she did octini by the way I think sheep answered I'm supposed to Swords Dance here I forgot crap script miss all right that's good yes we do both work from home her job is actually remote mine is technically hybrid foreign but we don't have much uh guidance to horses in if that makes sense like I haven't been in the office in quite a while yeah that was still a two-term fight that was really nice that worked out that way it would have been a faster two-turn fight but to turn nonetheless I hate that it does that I understand why but for moves like that that can only target one Pokemon I wish it would just accept it yes all right no uh accuracy drop at least all right good you gotta be kidding me that's like a one HP the magic pixel foreign after this electric okay the fact that I might be close to if not better than my best tells me that the thing works because that was definitely not my best fights um Dragon Titan early allows you to climb up the side of Water Gym town instead of having to take the elevator you could technically probably do electric gym first and then come back for this but just getting all the Titans out of the way in a row is kind of nice yeah definitely before water I think makes sense that way you can climb in the city um you could probably do electric and dragon in in either or or either order though technically electric first would net you more experience overall um but that experience doesn't seem to matter you do watch your guys your third I mean yeah this is my third technically technically electric gym will be my third [Music] I've just been doing all the Titans in the in order oh doing rival there so part of the reason I don't like doing rival there is because lavincia is a laggy town um so adding more stuff to the laggy town just didn't seem right but you could do that it'd be more efficient on the map I think like in terms of flying around ah maybe I don't know um yeah I'm giving two exp mediums to Croc to get it to 22 23 Maybe which is kind of the original Strat um uh so I'm doing the same amount of mediums but by using two less I'm able to use the extra candy that we pick up after cloth so like my exp candies only get me to 56 instead of 57 now yeah you can technically save a third one as well completely for hours going you can technically save a third one um and still get to level 56. but I don't know where it would be useful you don't want an exp candy the Foy Coco too much otherwise it'll live uh against the lycanroc or has a chance of living I should say foreign foreign I just I just saw that Phoenix Cali will do that sometimes Kylie likes to do like the the like reach up and like try to grab stuff but she doesn't have hands foreign no not usually while we're eating well sometimes mostly with Jess not with me I know you're eating but I am here too love flamingo oh my God it was tragic I got static yesterday I love dogs hello Perry all right um [Music] I should check foreign darn it's fine it doesn't matter too much because you immediately go in um to the gym leader and get healed on the way in but it does waste a little time very cool foreign thanks for the 989 bits no idea why that specific number but you know what makes sense I know exactly why exactly you must have cheered 11 bits at some point thank you though I appreciate it congrats on your new flamigo emote it will the so the flamingo uh emo when I have a chance we'll get an update to look better on dark mode just in case you were worried what's up no I'm clean we can make it happen Phoenix he's doing Hawlucha all right I know who we're waiting stream is still got like four hours left doesn't Hal doesn't pulse have a halucha emote who has the halucha bless emote I thought it was false but maybe it's not oh second one got you got you gotcha um because because you can so from the Pokemon Center you can climb up to the gym like climb up to the second level or the top level um rather than taking the elevator or going a slower way oh I appreciate the commitment I think um like I think Shen has brought some good to the flamigo route but like it I feel like it would have been cool to have like the two sides it's unfortunate pulse is now just by himself but he'll stun us all all it's gonna take is like one good halucha run that like either beats or gets closest to close to Flamingo and then people will jump ship again like that's just how it goes that's basically just how it was this whole time which is really funny Izzy okay foreign I like flamigo better but haluchu is okay so I'm going to be using two experience candies on him uh when I withdraw later on because of the extra candies people found I like this a little bit better than I did before all right here crisis this is this right here is basically why um doing Dragon Titan early is good when the game loads thank you foreign can we please thank you uh there's one right after cloth that involves doing kind of a tricky jump um and then there's one uh which one is the new one oh there's one on the way between Medallion cascaratha now if you go all the way left on the platform like you have to like jump up two sets of ledges um there's one on the middle ledge all the way to the left hey Kush spirony's going pretty well I've been really enjoying this run which is fun funny because I didn't expect to once I knew what the route was gonna be like I did not expect to enjoy it as much as I have but it's still relatively new and we're still coming up with improvements in the like so that's probably part of it sorry foreign Maybe nah there will come a point where I don't know I don't know when I'll get bored the nice thing is with the way that it seems to be going once I get bored of this category I'll be able to jump into single single story runs pretty easily um even if the route's not the exact same there's gonna be a lot of similar movement patterns and the like and um there's three of those potentially four if you count treasure hunt so I'm uh not expecting to get bored of the game overall anytime soon but any percent specifically maybe uh how do I get a high level Flamingo so early so I caught this thing at level 17 which is underneath the obedience cap and then I went all the way around the world and got a bunch of rare candies and experience candies that got me up to level 70. um and yes this is pretty much the only Pokemon I'm using during the run there are some double battles and the star bases require you to have three Pokemon so I will be getting others well technically only one other one I'll be using my starter as my third Pokemon um but it's really only used for those double battles beautiful Amigos so good I'm curious about the Gengar route yeah that could be really interesting another thing I didn't think of um until just now about like another reason why Flamingo is really good is like we're only evolving one thing in this entire run we're like even the quak level route had to evolve twice you know so we're only evolving if we go to crocolor and that's it um just because single stages are really really good for stuff like that or rather for being able to cut out things like that uh I don't know what prompted somebody to start looking at it I just think it's it's it's an interesting Pokemon oh I don't know what kind of moves it gets it might be kinda I don't know we'll see it always scares me at badge 4 because the Mona comes in but then she says you just got four badges so it's like fine oh I never switched it didn't matter because I'm already plus attack but I should use the atom admin at some point I guess I can just use it now now I'll wait until I actually need to go into my bag for something you gotta be kidding me it's raining for the one part where I need it to not be raining [Music] [Music] I'm gonna use a fire type I need it to not rain foreign the slideshow although that is annoying maybe it'll just stop raining when I start the battle like did you ever think of that foreign the good thing is and it's so weird as a speedrunner to say the good thing is uh that she'll go for Fury swipes but Fury swipes doesn't have a cut scene associated with it like Fury cutter does so it is a better I think better overall because the other two should go down either way even with rain or not rain or shine they should go down I was hoping maybe it stopped raining but I think it's yeah I'm like I think I still hear the rain oh oh yeah my money's on my screen hell yeah still have no idea how that happens I think it has to do it with evolving something it stopped raining it stopped raining let's go I think it has to do with evolving something via the menu because it used to happen to me all the time on cloth which was after I evolved into quacks well it's a miracle all right now don't just start raining in the next like 30 seconds up foreign way to call me out garb up it worked better with Dynamax moves I will say really does that mean if the weather stops during a fight that it doesn't stop affecting I think this technically stopped before the fight yeah interesting and now all spawns are gone no that's so weird why is that a thing the game thinks you're in battle but you're not oh okay that's so dumb crisis but at least it's good to know that like once a fight starts with good weather you're fine thank you true foreign kill me kill me [Music] oh no I died foreign [Music] I do have 1902 LP I also have 45 128 poke dollars it's really funny It's gotta be tied to the evolving from the bag like it has to be that's the only thing I can think of should we be livid like actually no longer friends uh I don't remember where I was going so we're going swimming completely forgot where the path was that I was supposed to take jump high foreign is just gonna show forever yeah I feel like it goes away at some point but I don't know when because like I said my runs used to do this but I don't remember that always being there whoops wait I completely forgot how I was supposed to do this there we go that's fine wanted that full restore anyways foreign that was way too high oh wait six Strat ready I'm gonna break my Fall by hitting the awning totally worth it interesting Shady okay an out of the way One X extra small candy um yeah we'll see if we can run it in [Music] oh uh was it sheep who asked about this um I tested it you cannot do two in the same one and have it count for this puzzle uh in terms of failures and stuff if you do two in the same one and then nothing else you will fail I jumped I hate everything yeah I did try it last night foreign oh I actually didn't know about that one old old experience route would grab that just because it was so close to the other two rare candies foreign face hey yeah uh the zinc I'm getting in case I need a little bit of extra money I'm not 100 confident on my money route um the carbos you do want to grab uh because that's just a free carbos and you're going to be buying carbos anyways but yeah the zinc is more about uh safety money at this point for me like I also technically don't need the Hasty mint either and Hasty each of them sell for 5 000 poke dollars so that's a free vitamin if I need it uh it's tough to explain it's on the way to the first rare candy on the way to on the way to flamigo um after crossing the land bridge uh between there I gotta say rain during this minigame specifically is tragic for frames hog face that's one I need to count I need to not make jokes on the on the second one I have to count because I always miscount so I'm at two three four [Music] five hey wait my money is wrong because I just want to fight I would have gained more money so my money actually doesn't get updated probably until I open my bag again actually opening the bag again probably gets rid of the money from showing that's probably what it is what it probably is is by closing the bag after evolving something doesn't like set the flag that says to remove the thing [Music] I don't know and then next time I go in to my bag it goes away that's what I'm gonna assume happens I have no idea oh the main battle scene here doesn't seem too laggy with the rain but when it tries to like move the camera around to be cinematic that's when it's kind of bad I'm gonna guess it's anything other than that yeah probably TBH [Music] Garf it's too true though I'll be over here explaining the calculus I used to devise the route around money vitamins stats Natures selling TMS and then I'm like wait I have to count to four hold on foreign oh my God we are almost at I just finished the gym challenge May but I'm almost at the point where I can see my time comparison I once again as I'm coming up on the on the split I feel like I'm gonna be behind but I don't I don't know foreign hang on this is actually um an important calc I should run not that important but like it would save me a bit of time flamigo blank set 71. six attack 22 EVS prob addicts oh wait I'm an idiot did I write 72 or did I write 27. I did write 27. I do not have 27 IV I have six so I cannot do that listen it's all I it's the only slot I had now I apparently did it all wrong it doesn't look good in dark mode I didn't name it Ed amigo and it's not a sub bad or sub-emo it's a bit emo um I tried now honestly what I should do especially because this is just like you know the hot meme because of the flamingo route and stuff I should probably move it to sub just because subbing is cheaper than the bits and then uh move something else to the bit emote so I will do it after stream figure something out to move oh no I'm sorry Jen right knee Mona 5. foreign perfectly accurate split um just because I will have the splits have accounted for a shop that I have not done yet technically a shop and a menu no I don't know if I menu'd yet I don't know foreign [Music] is this is this gold for nimona 5 legit because I did try to keep any Golds that would have been legitimate even with the reorder which honestly not many of them but [Music] foreign that felt like the best I've ever done obviously it's impossible to tell from the eye in game time but that felt really fast foreign foreign [Music] I thought he was gonna win there's no way this gold was accurate but uh this is better than that so yay I don't know how realistic the best possible time is but like it's a thing so take it or leave it nice slide did you look cool Juliana did it make you feel cool hey Echo uh Run's going pretty well um big thing that we're doing this time around is uh uh skipping bottle caps and using vitamins to supplement instead should save a shop but it does cause us to reorder some stuff to change that much joylin but anything can happen who knows I shouldn't be in charge of a route I go oh what if I could do this instead and then everything changes foreign I should I really should dude low kick is such a fast animation it is it is ridiculous how fast it is foreign this is not an a fake gold necessarily um but most of the time I will not hit this gold because I need to majority of the time double kick Altaria here instead of acrobatics and that's just a slower animation foreign for sure um it is a commitment to write a route in it though that's my and so like because of that I really hesitate especially a drought like this that's constantly changing I really hesitate to to make that in Ranger uh because of that but that's just that might just be me being dumb that's fair [Music] uh but this this run with the way my route currently is writing everything down outside of Ranger would be like near impossible um because you're gonna have strategies based on strategies and ranges based on your attack IV and the number of vitamins you have and they aren't going to be consistent like every time I have six IV attack I'm not going to have the same amount of proteins I'm gonna try to buy the same amount of proteins but carbos are more important and so it's like yeah um my guess is the money will go away very soon I'm about to go to a shop um and so money should disappear then presumably because money's gonna show up again and then get properly removed I don't know I'm gonna pretend like I know what's happening no vitamins are not fixed that's what's making this really complicated um it is basically the algorithm is basically um get the amount of carbos you need get the amount of proteins you can then afford uh [Music] I got turned around I thought the I thought I was facing the other side at the center I'm gonna grab this um but I don't believe it's necessary for my new experience route how many carbs do you need anywhere from seven to twenty depending on your IV oh I was actually in the right spot I have no idea how I got away with that but we're just gonna take it foreign thing with these mediums I don't think I need them [Music] do the thing I didn't see did I get the unaware I thought I should have but I didn't actually see if I did oh I did okay Scyther for double battles yeah [Music] nice all right I'll take that because she's actually good at games and doesn't need a ratio emote always that's why I have one it's because I'm not good at him I shouldn't speak for May uh this way uh we don't know what the modifier is for off guard catches right now I haven't that's the first time I've actually caught the Scyther off guard um I am very bad at getting behind the site they're like that I got kind of lucky there just to double check so I thought okay foreign foreign yeah all right that's correct foreign yeah that's the fastest Mario thing that's like over a year old I think that was uh that was a time I got up to 80 right I hit 72 with my two larges and got up to eight yeah I must have yeah I remember that 80. yep all right good really Phoenix that's funny oh I reset before I went into the menu so I don't know if it actually uh did go away or not foreign ball shop gotcha thank you I would have gone back in the VOD later in check actually knowing me I would have completely forgotten about it until the next time I was playing and it happened again and then I would probably mess up during the Run trying to load up my previous streams Vaude to figure out when it disappeared so you just saved me like 30 seconds next run thank you foreign type Effectiveness you got this you got this buddy all right maybe not quite but you were so close about to get his ass beat foreign that I had flamigo take care of the uh Hawlucha for me all right as far as fighting bases go that was pretty solid I think fighting base is always kind of a a wild card when it comes to because like it's so long and linear and there's and you only have two good Pokemon and like all that kind of stuff so it is kind of difficult to figure out exactly um I check so this particular run I have six IV attack um and that's not like the a threshold for anything it's just so I know um I check at level 70 when teaching moves um before Larry yeah you can technically get away with any combination um but you might have to do some weird things to make it work if this works I'll try to have something that I can put out because like I said it's a lot of numbers uh and there's no like one size fits all for anything foreign oh my God have you all seen pulse's go live tweet today those are some cursed ass drawings I'll link it in a second [Music] that way Coco is gonna give me a nightmare I swear foreign they're great they're great drawings but man they're cursed as hell thank you Spring hot Tito oh no that is good though not saving much time here I am a little bit surprised just because like Scyther I mean technically Scyther was second ball but like yeah I don't know it's fine all right yeah we uh officially won't know what we're pace is until we're in the Elite Four foreign yeah and even this time was a little suspect that is true [Music] foreign foreign first so the reason I'm doing fairy last now is I learned that with zero investment um the fairy rev of room can be arranged so ideally uh doing it last for sure but ideally doing it after I buy proteins is um is what I want to do foreign just in case anyone was wondering why I'm doing this out of order or in a different order than the last time I should say Ghost Gym has to be last now because uh that's where we're gonna buy our stuff and I'm gonna do fairy after ghost if you have bad enough and this is actually a great test run because I didn't know how much money total that the ferry Jim gave you or the ferry base I should say gives you I know dazzling gleam is an 8K cell um and I know the bass gives you some money but I don't know how much so I ballparked and said fifteen thousand because I know all of the bases combined give you where's the number all the bases combined give you like I forgot how much it was like 42. yeah it was about 42 000 is how much all of the bases give you um but I didn't know any individual ones now one of the downsides uh to doing this order is crocodore is going to be a little bit under leveled compared to last time um just because crocolor doesn't get the experience for the Morgan hatchimal fight outside the fairy base but hopefully you can still at least somewhat hold its own here I believe to it's kind of a luck of the draw kind of situation like if it just so happens that I'm throwing it out against fungus like it's gonna work great but if I have to throw it out against like skuntank or something like a mock or a swallot just gonna get its ass beat like here I'm actually just gonna send it out against the strudel so it does something useful okay not really what the Croc lore should be doing as I say I know that there's Pokemon over here foreign this is seven Pokemon because there's four over there as long as the Scyther actually attacks everybody should be good here yeah that wasn't bad could have been a little bit better for sure but I'll take that when I was doing my test my uh test playthrough yesterday to figure out how much money I have before the Ghost Gym I um I accidentally did this one twice because right as my Pokemon hit the 30th Pokemon I dropped my controller and hit the Y button which is the give up button um and so I didn't actually like I actually uh just had to redo it but that caused me to learn where a couple extra spawns were so thank you anything fun for the holidays um we'll probably go see uh my sister and my parents my sister has four kids so that's always something um but we all we all live like really close together so it's not really um much traveling or anything foreign what about you all chat anybody have any fun exciting holiday plans yeah she has four kids so it is always a busy loud Christmas very nice I am working hey that counts yeah yeah I'm lucky we um I live like 30 minutes from my parents 30 minutes from my sister and 30 minutes from my wife's parents so we're like basically like in the middle of everybody um so we live in like a really really good spot like 30 minutes of driving I should say yeah the thresholds will be a little bit different like the the idea will work but you're gonna have to basically try to invest a little bit more into speed foreign I am I've never lived outside of this like essentially our I mean technically I was born I was born in Pennsylvania but we moved when I was like six months old so it barely counts um but I've like not really lived outside of essentially an hour away from where I live now even when I went to the school when even when I went to college I was like within an hour of maybe like an hour and a half of here PA gang hell yeah lived there for like six months then we moved here have they figured out if one of the versions is faster yet so uh without spoiling too much there are differences on the final fights um and certain strategies are better for one version or the other but it's not like a clear okay Scarlet is faster um kind of situation there is like one skip that seems to only be possible and violet for some reason uh we don't completely know why um right now you can pretty much run either game without losing too much time you just have to account for the differences if that makes sense so like what I was talking to Joyland about right now I have to make sure that I hit 190 technically 200 speed for the final fight in order to out speed the fastest thing on the final fight in Violet you'd have to get to 205 speed because it's a little bit faster nice I uh I take the train so infrequently that it's always an ordeal for me I think it's 204 because the the iron bundle has random stats and I want to say 204 is the maximum yeah 204 is the maximum speed it could be no they are well as far as we know according to the trainer data they are random foreign yes it's very strange that a fight is random in Violet and not in Scarlet no idea why I thematically it doesn't even make sense so I don't know foreign here so I think this is the best way to handle this oh crocoders no crocoder don't do it no problem no procolor's going down crocola is fine we're in business where are you going buddy you go to that one you fight the growl with and die but that's fine do cracklers still alive and kicking look at this no one believed him no one believed in him no one believed one HP and a dream it was at one HP for like six fights I kept trying to match him up against Hound doors because it seemed to be winning the houndours but me sending him out against the normals was such a bad idea it was in blaze imagine if that mattered foreign dude I I have a my casual file has all eight gems done four of the five Titans I just haven't done Dragon Titan yet and zero star base is done because I just don't want to do them it's certainly possible crisis yeah I know that threw me off too Sandy I saw a lot of people uh when I was watching before I got the game um I was seeing a lot of people go fight her and be like oh my God she's level 27 I'm not ready for this my casual file I don't think I've I've went around the entire map and picked up like everything and sold everything I didn't need I have so much money and then the one thing I wanted to spend money on was like a new shirt and they don't have any foreign like I got myself a cool helmet and a backpack but I wanted a cool shirt oh these Golds aren't going to be accurate because the post-based cut scenes are going to be different all right well I've golded each one so far so if I just continue to Gold them then it doesn't matter anymore I didn't do the phone cases or anything yet no I like nimona's case just like plain black I noticed that today [Music] foreign did I sounds about right foreign [Music] thank you all right um foreign I think Atticus might be my favorite of the star bosses I do like Arie though I don't know Giacomo makes really good music I literally moved the tab I needed to have open so that way I would know exactly where it was and I just wasn't paying attention could not find it Arvin 2 happens after Elite Four so I do Elite Four Champion Arvin 2. um and then I'm gonna do Penny no nimona clavel Penny right now but I think you could do those three in any order and it would be fine man I really wish crocodore was out front he'd mess these people up what do we got oh Sandile we're gonna get our ass beat actually Croc lore kinda going hard oh crocodler you got these nimbles easy easy for you and then crocoler easily got these all right everything's coming up Croc right now gotta say um I don't know if that's enough that might be enough but it was um sort of with the way I have everything nothing on the Mona isn't hittable if you do it like there's nothing that nimona cares about doing it early versus late matters and because pneumonia doesn't give experience it doesn't matter for the clavel penny stuff either um like the only thing you really have to hit on nimona is a speed threshold but the way I have it um I will always hit that speed threshold no matter what regardless of if I do it earlier late it'll be the exact same foreign I need nine carbos and the rest I can go into foreign you can kind of piece it together from people's PBS um and the videos from Discord unfortunately I don't know if I don't know of anybody who has a fully complete area zero right now maybe no because head Bob also tried something new and didn't work I don't know so I need to buy I need to buy eight carbos because I already have one 8 and 14 so I'd like to have 22 000. total and I'm gonna have about 40 000 LP so that means I need to have a 180k after I sell stuff and if I don't I can sell Hasty mint and I can also sell a zinc that I picked up I am 26 yeah Speed IV doesn't matter how I acquired it they're not going to take it away right copium I know we are Phoenix don't remind me after I said I'm 26 I'm like no I'm not 31 years old no longer RBA thank you nope all right I need to sell all TMS and like I said I need to get to 180k of money all TMS that are not close combat [Music] easy oh I have less LP than I thought that should be fine um it's not what I wanted to do there's like an extra text box okay I'm not I'm not out of my mind at least not yet there is an extra text box I thought there was yesterday but I couldn't nail down what it was thank you using the vitamin has like an extra text box that I'm not used to compared to like using rare candies all right so I did technically get one less protein than I want um which means in fact I have the the damage calc that I care about open oh I must have written down that calc wrong did I I did I just wrote it down wrong wait what let me make sure I've got this all correct 55 what is 55 plus that's 185 plus 130 yeah yeah I should be fine all right cool um it's not a very dangerous range it's uh using acrobatics against the gradient on Arvin 2. um if it's a bad range if it's a range at all or a bad one uh you could just use close combat instead but that wastes like four seconds of Animation time yeah I must have written down that one wrong interesting uh ability is Scyther I actually don't know that will be quite honest I do not know um I think the only fight the only one it's relevant on um I'm just gonna always play differently uh I'll always play as if I don't have technician hey Dexter thanks for the good luck uh by the way that fight is this one um and the reason why I don't really care too much is it's technically slower but you can let the drifloon the drift Bloom live because it will always use or at least in my experience it always uses self-destruct because it's the only damaging move it has if I do significantly over half to the drift blim I probably had technician yes yeah all right I had technician I should have I should have switched it but I didn't know foreign if you have technician you can just Mash a through that whole thing and you're good yeah [Applause] yeah it's it's just it's because um the trainer wasn't intentionally set up that way it's some trainers usually like boss trainers so like gym leaders and stuff like that will have a set move set so like the Pokemon will have this move set and they like explicitly pick the moves um and then some trainers usually route trainers or in this case like just random Gym trainer um we'll just have the level up move set and so drift blim's level up moveset at level 40. um the only attacking move it has to self-destruct hi Melanie dude everyone's posting their cats in the Discord today oh yeah she says percent I agree bold but true I guess technically oh it doesn't matter foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] that's a pretty long Ghost Gym split I feel like I had like 10 minutes last time [Music] all your candies non-rare candies well okay so there are some exp candies we don't grab because they're just out of the way if you were to grab you could grab almost all of them before you could get up really really high in your level I don't know exactly but probably into the the 50s for sure thank you Sandy nice call back to the discussion the other day thank you yeah that's been brought up crisis um I could see that being pretty interesting I'm gonna try to hit this slope I hit the one part that wasn't a slope I swear to God not as far as we know um they are all pokeballs as far as We Know foreign I have no idea why yeah I'm going for Swords Dance oh I know why I can't do math never mind I know why I feel like I'm losing time it's because I can't actually do math how's the run it's going pretty well um we're trying out some new strategies and the like math is hard there's like a three-dimensional spreadsheet I need to actually calculate everything I did count to five earlier this is true I pulled up my VOD from yesterday or uh Monday just to look at something and um I almost just said hi to somebody I saw in that chat please be Tinka tons all right this might be okay for the Croc oh Croc actually kinda held its own not So Much Anymore oh my God I know why Croc lore does okay here it's because fairies not very effective against fire foreign so the fairy pokes are getting like a a down buff on their attacks that's why Croc is actually doing better than expected I'm pretty sure anyways I never put two and two together I was like I was like oh wow you know crocodore actually does pretty well on this I don't know why oh no I'm sorry to hear that you know hopefully it goes better hopefully tomorrow is a better day listen the problem like the the math that I'm having to do is like I need to use so you can use vitamins to buff your stats right and depending on what stat number you have you may or may want may or may not want a different amount and so you need to buy a certain amount of carbos so you can out speed everything but then if you buy a certain amount of carbos you don't have you can only spend the rest of your money on proteins and proteins are going to make you deal more damage and so you you have all of these different like damage rolls that you have to account for for all these different stat values you could have plus the amount of proteins you might have because there's a amount of proteins you want to have but you may not be able to afford all of those and so it's like the whole thing is just super complicated for like no reason laughs I'm still pretty sure calculus is magic I mean it is fair [Music] thank you nice I golded every base so I don't have to worry about deleting my golds all right I need to pull up my notes again because it's interview time whoa everyone loves interview time foreign no kidding hey it's Vivian in the back foreign [Music] I had like 7K LP left after shopping and now I just had 10 before he gave me 20. where the hell did I gain LP from in between that makes no sense uh the only menu here is deposit Scyther and Croc and it should be the minus button uh it's that turbo moment who that wasn't what I wanted to do it's fine I wanted to lose a little time anyways oh my God The Mouseketeers are out in Forza dude pudding Mouse holds or what are them tandem mouses on the route with these white flowers is just mean no I remembered all the lp after each star base but they apparently give you some in the middle of the star base which is weird foreign it might be those let's go fights yeah foreign you chat I need to pay attention here thank you did you see that text box oh my God that text box just chugged along all right we're good foreign foreign I think that's the biggest one foreign let's get through this fight uh this gold should not exist I should have removed this gold there's no way I beat this in a minute 50. and I did mess up movement but that's really it so I feel like that was just an incompatible gold which is fine I just thought I thought I caught all those foreign so the splits are these these splits are skipped because I've reordered them so they're just in a different order after this we are officially back uh in business where we were oh no it didn't split oh that's so sad because I was actually gonna be ahead and it just didn't split when I clicked the button it typed the character for the split key said I believe the current fastest time is still Saiyans 5 39 56. um I just realized there's actually something I should tell I should be fine with the amount of um things I've done but because I think if you get play rough attack draw I don't even know if you you've got to be able to get player off no way heavy slam is always the most powerful move but yeah play rough attack drop I don't know if you KO this always thanks Sandy [Music] Bob foreign are you commenting on the fact that I'm uh chatting in Discord right now while I'm doing the Run listen fine I just I wanted to I wanted to pop in real quick and just mention I actually set up everything to do a handheld run um but I decided I didn't feel like having a really scuffed stream setup today foreign getting an audio cable for the headphone jack that was the biggest uh concern of mine there we go hey infinite mystery thanks for the good luck whoops Larry Larry in time foreign please do it please do it please do it let's go saves the menu foreign looking pretty good announcement Larry foreign s um it's got a great attack stat decent enough speed stat um out speed stuff it has the potential to have a really good ability and Scrappy which makes it immune to intimidate um that's like barely relevant the other main thing um so one of the downsides to flamigo is its move set isn't very good but that's almost an upside because it means we don't have a lot of choices meaning we only teach like three moves in the entire run um that's not true we teach four Moves In The Run um whereas like the Lucario route we taught like 10 you know um and all of those moves have incredibly fast animations uh low kick is like the fastest animation of a move that we use um in any route right now and it's like half as long as a move like flash Cannon foreign uh you can find a flamigo at like level five I think um before the school foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign oh I wasn't paying attention foreign foreign we'll know the pace exactly and then we're gonna we're gonna forget the pace listen it's all gonna make sense at the end that is funny though I love this fight I'm trying to keep my splits accurate so if things get reordered I have to delete them because then they're not accurate anymore oh no grizzly that's tragic [Music] foreign going um I don't know exactly what Rowdy's doing uh looks like he did Ferry before ghost so his fairy split is almost identical to My Ghost Gym split but the Ghost Gym split should take longer so I think he's a couple minutes behind my run my current run it really was I'm glad we don't have to do any setup on this fight [Music] yep oh foreign [Music] there's talk in the switch Discord about going by IGT again and I really don't want to go by IGT again I really don't want to go back to it I understand why it's being discussed but oh my God we fought so hard to get out of it IGT is in game time it's time doesn't matter I agree truly without testing I agree obviously I could believe otherwise if it shows it well IGT is also not accurate because we reset during the Run you basically have to ban saving and resetting at any point I understand the appeal like if in-game time doesn't account for lag the other thing that like throws me off about it is like I know that my run and like Saiyan's run are not necessarily comparable like my PB and Saiyan's PB but we have four minutes of real-time difference and eight minutes of game time difference I don't think my run was eight minutes slower necessarily it might have been but like I don't know I feel like we'd have to prove that in-game time is accurate before I would be okay Switching over like it sounds good in theory but until it's actually like solidly proven I don't want to touch it foreign Bob thank you for the good luck crazy Carl thank you truly thank you zip up how's Romy going I mean it's been going pretty solid so far um nothing terribly notable either good or bad has happened uh my flamigo is like I think this is probably like a standard flamigo you'd get um in terms of total IV count surely sub five hour Pace not quite we're definitely on PB Pace though no no more quack quack foreign it's nothing major head Bob um it was mostly just being good at the movement being good at um not buying bottle caps did save me some time um it's hard to say where I save time though just because like I had a pretty drastic amount of time here but I should be able to acrobatics this this is the worst range in the Run um and it's something you can just close combat if you don't get so I am gonna lose time here because this freaking rain current world record is a 539.56 by Saiyan and that's on Violet I think the current Scarlet fastest time is shens of 541 but I might be wrong about that this run it started to rain and then it stopped raining while Katie was talking oh my God foreign right now no emulation is not allowed congrats sheep I'm definitely gonna lose time here because of um rain just like the added lag um almost certainly gonna lose time yeah it's honestly just about the um it's mostly about like just the consistency of the emulator like one of the problems we had with 3DS emulation was just it was very like at the at the time before we started allowing it it was very Hardware dependent like better computers would play better um but it got better over time and so it ended up getting allowed and I bet switch emulations not really been looked at too too much just because of the um accessibility of both a switch and a way to capture the switch um so it's just been less um pressing of an issue like 3DS emulation was a huge um like something that was a a pretty big priority just because like it's so hard to I saw head Bob's comment it's so hard to um get a capture for but price notwithstanding It's relatively easy to get a capture for this yeah I don't know how Phoenix I'll I'll lie I won't lie I do not know how I save time there all right so something else that's gonna allow me to save time in area zero aside from just like doing the correct skips um is I'm no longer using the Hasty mint at all I picked it up this run in case I needed it for money um but I'm not using Hasty mint which means I can fight nimona early because if I out speed the flutter main later on I absolutely out speed the meowskarata here um I should have like 195 speed or something like that right now which is well above the 180 3 that I need 184 I guess BC on switch when I know right I would I mean I have a way to capture gen 1 and I've got like all the games and stuff that would unironically make me want to go back to like gen 1 and stuff it would probably like RNG minute would be dead probably not but at least the current minutes we have would probably be dead but I still think it would be fun it's like an Acro everything I had a close combat that had done sparse I wonder if the de Dunsparce is a low kick range at any attacks and I could potentially save that four seconds I I mean I didn't play Emerald back then but I lived through it I know it exists it is but it's never good okay manipulous Emerald leads to gets Moon world record dude Amoeba's tweet was so funny [Music] if I remember right I might be wrong about this maybe it was maybe it was with manip but I want to say manipulous Sapphire used to go for Abra like Abra used to be a strap before there was a minute before it I know that I don't remember which game oh Shen's doing stuff in a really weird order he's already fighting clavel half hour before I did nice good luck hopefully your first run goes well there's a lot to remember on your first run but as you do more and more of them they get way easier um yeah I hope it goes pretty well tomorrow I'm not changing my order next stream I can't think of a good reason to do claval early tourney thank you for the 12-month resub I really appreciate that I can't think of a reason to do clavel before before Elite Four even 93 ranges are fine that's a 15 and 16. I usually am okay with anything 75 or higher nice um I what I should probably do is I should get a set of scarlet notes out that do bottle caps um because like the the big hang up for me right now in terms of putting out notes is I don't have a good way to notate like all of the carbos and protein stuff like and that stuff's probably gonna change over time but I bet a bottle cap route would still be worth people taking a look at and I can even like make it a little bit less like not do like do the same gym order as this and just do the extra fly to get the bottle caps so it'd be easy enough to transition between them uh sure I mean I've got I've got my notes basically written up it just doesn't have the range information because I'm like oh they're in Korean never mind yeah I'm using carbos to make sure I out speed the flutter Main right now actually you could do almost the exact same route just with bottle caps instead and it would majorly simplify things and it would just be like a minute slower tops that's a hundred percent worth me getting a set of notes for I think and once I figure out how the hell to notate the carbos protein stuff then we can do that all right I'm gonna try to get that out by the weekend actually the player is Clive nice [Music] okay I gotta see this [Music] okay then I like it I found Atticus I I understand that one that's in English but I didn't understand it so that must be acrobatics increase I don't even know how to yeah okay well very cool I'm glad it's uh I'm glad you got something working for you foreign [Music] do I have a Golds for the split um so we use a Scyther for the double battles and you use crocolor for the gym the bug gym as well as um for team star bases um but that is basically it good night thank you for the good luck Shen messed up during questions and it didn't burn him what oh I see what he's doing he did clavel or Clive sorry he did Clive Ben's doing the Elite Four and then from the dorm room at the end of elite four he's gonna go fight Penny that's what he's doing that makes sense Hey Big Ben I was like how is he already in the Elite Four he was just fighting Clive and this has like a million minute long cut scene but that makes a lot of sense I still think I like doing it early I like doing it late uh Elite Four early and this late um that technically is faster for movement I think it's kind of tough to say no no no no I'm not changing anything but I understand the logic at least now baby dolls it doing nothing is a faster animation [Music] all right I do want to see real quick where this um wears off think I know where I think it wears off after the Flareon I might be wrong if it does wear off after Flareon then this is a 100 safe fight um Sylveon can technically be arranged at plus zero but that's fine bum Miss wears off after Vaporeon okay all right cool so free fight so you technically the only way this fight doesn't work with the guard spec is if you get baby doll eyes from the last three Pokemon all yes guards back and go interesting idea I have it listed as you need plus one for Jolteon but with more proteins you probably don't actually morning tpat foreign I'm an idiot and forgot I have close combat at this point so yeah you're right close combat absolutely will KO at plus zero completely forgot we have it yeah but it's faster than it's faster than the full turn of Sword stands again assuming you don't get baby doll eyes time is after the like cut scene after the karate on fight there's like a bit of text to mash through it's not too too bad uh no close combat lowers your defenses not your speed so you should be fine all right hear me out you close combat the first three Pokemon to drop your defenses so much that the AI sees a Kill and doesn't go for baby doll eyes genius depends on if it kills yeah um actually I can pull it up because I have all the time in the world here um so Jolteon oh because I don't have a recorded set Jolteon uh everything here is 62 with 20s oh low kick is so bad against like in terms of damage output you should locic will kill at plus two low kick definitely kills a plus two but it's way lower damage than acrobatics I didn't realize that and yeah close combat absolutely chaos for sure surprise Umbreon is as bulky as it is too oh I guess that makes sense Umbreon is pretty bulky again you could at most attacks you can probably locate with some proteins yeah all right so in area zero there are two skips I'm going to be trying that I've not tried I've tried on new save files or on um completed save files but I've not tried in the confines of a run so I'm hoping they both work they both should so from station two I go back to station one and jump down to three and then from station four I go back up to two and jump down to the Paradox Rush that is the plan thank you thank you like I said I've I've done them a couple times on completed file but I've not attempted it during the Run see how it goes I don't know if we want to Route it in then head Bob if it's going to lose time like that um like 30 seconds I don't know because like the skips will save time but like they take time to set up too so it's kind of awkward to figure out how much time You're Gonna Save um I believe Amber's video showed it being like 20 the second one being like 20 seconds faster Maybe 15. um the two to three skip I have no idea um how much time it's supposed to save okay this run really did fly by also this is like the fourth or fifth run in a row that I've done without getting up to p uh I don't know if I like that I've apparently conditioned my body to do that but I keep doing that that's not the right way to go I should be going around the other side doesn't matter [Music] all right so the plan is and I did the exact same thing on my PB um after this cut scene here when I enter area zero I'm going to reset my game drink more water I mean I had and they're like sparkling water kind of soda things had like two and a half cans that's something being voted on crazy Carl whether or not that should be allowed yeah part of it too is this is my first run with my new controller uh I got the the 8-Bit do ultimate and um I don't know how to to make it turbo without me holding a button I couldn't figure it out so I can't I can't leave my controller he yeah it finally showed up I bought it on Black Friday it said it was going to be there on Tuesday and then it was delayed like a week and a half dude I know right Garf I used to so I used to do streams where back before um back before RNG mips and stuff I would do streams where I would do red glitchless runs which are like two hours and I had sub two so like I was like it was under two hours per run but I would not start like drinking a soda or whatever drink I had until I got past Brock with a runnable Knitter in horrible idea by the way like you should never restrict yourself like that but that's what I would do um to to make sure I didn't have to pee during the two hour run and now I'm doing six hour runs and like I kind of have to pee but it's not like that bad all right so for anyone who doesn't know that reset there is to um try and reduce lag here in area zero even though it takes like 30 seconds to reset it does seem to be worth it you felt it starting at Route three oh no that's tragic I've definitely had those kinds of runs though where I'll be like and some of them are not even like that long into The Run but like if I get a runnable Mudkip for example it's eight minutes into the run it's like why don't you just reset but like I just got a runnable Mudkip like this is gonna take me a while to get again so I need to not reset this but yeah I am uh I am much better about hydrating than I used to be um for sure and I recommend everybody practice good hydration habits foreign oh wow I uh my drive both to and from uh New York for speedrun Survivor it's about four hours both ways um I didn't stop um either direction I was surprised I made it and then I got to when I drove there I got to uh um I got to the studio where we were gonna do the thing and I had to wait like 20 minutes for Josh to show up so I couldn't even go in and pee yeah it's it's like three and a half I think to the city for me head Bob but it's um but Josh was like further down on Long Island slide off the Rocks before research station one is that during the the two to three skip that you're talking about Amber no oh oh I've seen people do that but I haven't understood why I'm sure there's a good reason um I just haven't understood why and I haven't tried it myself so I'm doing the normal saves five seconds God damn I'm doing just the normal slide down the cliff I know what you're talking about now all right I don't know if I'm completely just like imagining things never mind I should shut up I was gonna say something about the ring less lag when I do something and then the game froze um well I'll still say it I feel like if your camera is pointed down you have less lag but your camera needs to be pointed down not off a cliff I feel like if you have like part of your camera off the cliff it lags more I don't know if that makes any sense like if I were to be further to my right so you could see down the cliff more it would lag more so I feel like taking wide path here even though it's like worse for movement is better for lag halucha get the hell out of here oh wait what was my uh what was my all badges time no I'm so close to sub four badges hmm I didn't even consider that when I got there that's so close look at that 18 seconds oh this little freeze there I hope I hope pulse can can pull something out with Hawlucha I don't want I don't want the race of the two fighting birds and how could zangoose to be quite honest I I hope there's still uh I hope this time next week there's still a question of which main is best like it'd be cool to have like a perfectly optimized route that where everyone's using but it's been really fun to see like what everybody is cooking up oh Amber since you're in chat I do have a question right after I set the like so it's not yet but on the two skips that are going backwards I don't have to leave the building first right I can just go immediately to the teleporter I'm not talking I was literally just saying I hope it's still good it's okay the best part of this game's release for Speed runs has been like seeing all the ideas that people have been doing so I'd hate for like one thing to be the obvious best choice and people stop looking at the other stuff oh wait look this way well all right listen you can't expect me to be on top of everything right now um I redeemed it for an Aerodactyl thank you for the good luck though Hulk appreciate it all right this is where we're trying something new I hate trying new things mid-run that I haven't tried before but I have to try them at some point you know and I don't want to play for five hours on a file that I don't care about we know for a fact this works I'm still terrified I'm gonna mess it up is the problem yeah I I saw that I wasn't part of the conversation but I saw the conversation Amber and that makes a hundred percent sense like the time that I tried Josh's first salsa Skip and it didn't work for me Josh was lost which meant the characters didn't finish their talking it'd be really cool if I just like hit this range it's probably not even a range I think you have to roll pretty low defense HP it's really close good miss attacking move let's go Umbreon actually being helpful love to see it wrong game I know everything here is just acrobatic stallion okay um okay my station splits are when I leave the station but for this I suppose I should do it when I leave the teleporter foreign yeah I was trying to think of when I'm supposed to split gen 1 remakes imagine [Music] oh my God here we go I'm like actually nervous that this isn't gonna work I know it's gonna because everyone has been doing it but I'm still terrified that's not actually gonna work just go straight down just go straight down I might not be doing the exact Right Movement but all right that was one of them I'm really tempted to not do the second one just because I don't want to mess up I'll I'll full send I don't care I just it does okay cool I figured it would a lot of games well so shady is Right pla it does start um on character select and I want to say sword and shield is similar maybe it was let's go I think let's go one of the games the in-game times was just oh bdsp is like that I think it's bdsp I don't know there's there is a switch game that's not pla that has game time count on like the intro screen yeah I'm like super nervous that I miscalced my speed or something and I don't have enough speed to out speed flutter Main um but I don't know all right good time save the Mona I swear to God casual two minute time save on a three minute split that's because last run I tried a skip that didn't work this time I did a different skip that did work yes oh that that is the split that we just got uh Mojo that was it what's up Minecraft and we're gonna try one more Skip it's gonna be on the next the Paradox Rush split no uh second skip is coming up after the next station I'll be doing the second skip which is in my opinion scarier than the last one it should be easier to like do uh because you just sort of walk forward and then turn around but um you'll see why it's a little scarier oh actually uh amber if you're still around or anyone who has done the new version of the next skip um can you just fall into the cutscene anywhere or do you have to set do you have to like go on the outside of it or something is there any reason for me to care where I fall down in the last one is what I'm getting at you can fall into the cutscene anywhere okay cool yeah Garf is right it was boom strats boom strats were really what did it um I think Blastoise record was like a 154 in game time and Nidoran or Nitto King rather was a 153. and then I don't remember who got the 151 I want to say it was Worster but maybe it was montebank somebody got a 151 with Nitto King and it was like all right Blastoise is dead I should there's almost no way I don't um it's just if math went wrong that's like something that could go wrong here oh my God hey frantic thanks for the good luck appreciate it oh yeah God damn it Phoenix you mean you're not wrong but like foreign I did do that once that is true that was a really funny mistake here it goes foreign there for a second that I messed that up foreign there it is because you don't void out Shady I think it's because you don't void out that feels good that feels good I want to check one range real quick no you just have to make it to the next research station basically the void out after dialogue puts you in the correct spot so if you found a way to like cancel dialogue some of the other skips could be faster foreign thank you ivy um because this is the end of the run I'm gonna actually time when my ad plays now is not a good time because there are fights I should close things that'll distract me foreign oh damn that sucks foreign time loss all right if I get outsped by this flutter main it doesn't mean anything just in case anyone we were talking about I was feeding flutter Maine this one doesn't matter this one is completely random IVs as far as We Know um I outsped it but that does that's not indicative of anything ah so close to four five thirty six all right listen game be a homie with the lag that's all we need I thought I was gonna Save More Time this is where being violent right now I would get a 536 almost well I mean I know that the turo fight's a little different but the uh the marathon fight saves like 12 seconds it's Al SATA time let's go I don't know if there's a chance that I get a 5 30 I don't think I can how is it different um so it's the same number of turns but Power gem is a much much faster animation than Collision courses foreign yeah you could Gamble for iron bundle to just have lower IVs but thank you for the good luck I know I saw a pulse went off May is learning some flamigo stuff so we might rate her yeah I have no idea like I I've not done anything with Violet yet um although somebody funded my purchase of it last stream um so I will I will be uh getting it at some point all right foreign foreign I feel like the amount of times I've seen these cutscenes in Scarlet when I play Violet I'm gonna be like this looks so wrong with Taro instead thank you for the good luck out of Curie appreciate it oh let me uh I know Grizzly I know it's a very good run I think there is I don't want to say anything yet foreign fighting yes yes that's the one thing that needed to have happen let's go and then I crit hit I crit afterwards maybe I don't have 536 crit right after oh my God I don't know we'll have to see we'll have to see at the end of uh at the end of everything but I was like oh actually there's something that might get there but I believe she yells at you twice if she hits you with player off she yells at you twice because she yells that she did damage and she yells that she did super effective damage this should be fine I'm gonna get the yellow because she did damage which is really dumb but they should still kill I meant to uh go down to acrobatics I have no idea if 536 anymore I feel like it's not with everything that just happened the Miss made it possible and I think the crit made it impossible no just wait till starter timing no kidding so with the miss that was like the same as last time what the hell thank you saying I appreciate it what if we X attack and then just Spam Tara blast but normal terriblast instead of Collision Course do we think that we'll still win I bad it's no stab what's Collision course's power can you use Terra Blast without being Terra actually this is a really important question here you can use Terra Blast and it still uses my attack stack because my attack is higher don't think it does that so it would be a special move what are Corydon stats look like hang on all right anyone who's done a run of this you know that sliver of Health you know that sliver of Health that it has at the end do we think a terablast will kill there because we're at plus one at that point and B is Terra Blast animation faster than Collision Course I'm willing to guinea pig because you're at plus one special at that point because you get the Omni boost flamethrower barely didn't kill but that's not very effective so you should be fine yeah this fight is routed by now but like I just want anything I want any chance to save four seconds 28 percentish okay that's definitely enough then I will see we'll see you know what we'll see Collision courses animation is really long but it would not surprise me if Terra blasts was pretty long too [Music] they live when he dried it I'm gonna try anyway I do believe Shen though foreign we'll try it exactly what's a couple seconds in a six minute PB I'm still gonna try it that is a really long animation I totally believe it could be a slower animation but it had to be a really long one I'm gonna try it too it's fine foreign it's alive what the animation was way faster though I will say I wonder if you could use that earlier I wonder if you could use Terra Blast like turn five or something and have it work because you were really close was worth it for sure um it's not like this runs unbeatable so like it's a fairly good run um I'm not suggesting I'm gonna beat it next time I play but thanks for the ggs everyone this uh use an X special on the plate foreign yeah I'm wondering if an Amber contest this I wonder if terroblast the turn before that will work because then or terablast earlier in the fight somewhere earlier in the fight wherever makes sense I'm not sure because like as the fight goes on your attack stat goes up and your special attack only goes up on that very last one but it probably does more to damage that one stat boost than the Terra Blast like the special attack boost that I tried to rely on so really like maybe turn one terablast then next attack or X attack Terror blast and then something like that might work because that's definitely a fast enough uh animation I think turn three is the bulk up yeah maybe yeah whatever turn they use bulk up on because it's it's taunt flamethrower bulk up yeah so turn three there it is only lost 20 seconds uh there's almost no way that will do enough maybe but I don't think so 537 23. with a free 20 second time save on my next run I am I am pretty surprised that it lived I will say that's all I want um but yeah so this run is uh it's tough to really compare against my previous runs uh just because of all the reordered splits what I will say um the big things that changed from last run to this run um none of them on their own account for six minutes by the way just for the record um no more bottle caps instead just using all vitamins um and because of that I never have to switch to Hasty um I think there probably still are situations where you would want to um but they're going to be few and far between um changing the gym order back so I'm doing brassius on the way to do around the world rather than doing it early I saved a minute on my Candy Hunt splint split in general uh which just meant my my movement overall was better and it's just gonna keep getting better hopefully um I'm definitely not perfect with it um what else was there obviously area zero skips area zero skips were uh uh easily a minute um how good of a time is this this is the current fastest time uh for Scarlett and violet actually um other than that my bases went really well I feel like um last run I felt like my reset didn't really do much for lag this run I feel like it did so um Jim's all went fine Dragon Titan was like the one bit of like I did mess up a turn um and lose like two-thirds of a turn because of it um and then the May hello um yeah let me get let me get a screenshot I don't want to smile like that um because I want to reset this 535 okay so this is within two I mean I only have splits from the last three runs I've done um but I'm closer than I thought to my summer best um but yeah I think I think this is certainly certainly improvable and I think the big thing um the big thing I want to look at next is because we found like two more candies that are really easy to get and like really on the path um there's really no reason we can't candy a little bit higher and if we can candy higher with these vitamin straps we might be able to save Full turns because right now I didn't I wasn't able to save any turn because of the vitamin strats all it did was it prevented me from going to the bottle cap person um and buying bottle caps so that's like a minute probably total because it's like 20 seconds to get the thing in 40 seconds to um to do it but yeah if we can if we can candy a little bit higher even if you have to go out of your way a little bit for like one extra candy um it might be worth it especially on some like it might be a very Ivy driven um strategy which is a little unfortunate just because it's really it's really tough to write and learn routes like that um but in terms of like what's optimal and what's not I think that's probably the next big thing is try to actually save turns some turns are like really close to being savable but just not quite yet no no no I will say I was not expecting a 537 today I was certainly expecting a PB but I was thinking like low 540s um I want to check my in-game time at the end just because that has been that has been something really interesting um all right have a good night [Music] [Music] but yeah good run really good run good representative run of the route for sure all right let's see boom boom I'm waiting for this to be like six minutes slower than Saiyan's time Within game time it was slower game time than Saiyan's time two minutes slower game time in this game doesn't make any sense it doesn't make any sense
Channel: eddaket
Views: 50,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TLVgbTbpxyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 345min 2sec (20702 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2022
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