Brian Free & Assurance

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I'm 20 I think they're gonna shoot up on the screen maybe and we'll sing a good old song victory thank the Lord for victory in Jesus are you happy hey listen they're supposed to get up to 67 today it was yeah that's what I said it was 46 this morning here 46 hour right called me was four below in Columbus 50 degrees there yeah that's West Virginia man here we go victory [Music] Oh this whole thing make sure to victory [Music] he is cleansing of revealing how to cry dear Jesus amen [Music] he loved me air [Music] [Music] and sweet everybody [Music] that's the ushers to come with come for hours morning this morning's tithes and offerings you give us the Lord's blessed later on in the service we're gonna receive an offering for Brian free in assurance and make sure that we do the best that we can for them sing this old song I'm so glad I'm a part i've been washed in the cleanse by joy as we traveled this side [Music] you might notice we say brother rejoice [Music] by joining with Jesus as we traveled this son platypi heart listen we're all those watching on the streaming sing the second verse big wolf from the door of an orphanage to the house singing no longer yes got a brand new song I'm not worthy oh yeah [Music] I've been wash thank you lord [Music] [Music] and offering at the end of the service will be taken up a love offering for Brian free an assurance do want to remember Jody Stephens is having surgery right now in the hospital so of course we will not be having the appreciation party tonight we'll hold off and and we'll reschedule so remember her in prayer as we go to pray this more good a brother Locklear with us brother Walker would you pray for us [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he-man is still gonna have the group with us this morning now you get behind it they got in at 4 a.m. this morning so I want you to get behind them support them uplifting it's good to have Bryan free and assurance you make them welcome as they sing for us this morning [Music] they've encountered I believe that your approval seems a lot that's free [Music] yet how many Saints I know about I've served you without a near making [Music] in there suffering a discover your sufficiency the baby sacrifices where your sweetest message for me it takes about half to really know your grace critics and my ass repair I'll meet you face to face and turn the bass up driving to some dark and walk away [Music] [Applause] [Music] bringing to your promise that I'm safe with him have told you how to use face the enemy no you're greater Stan I guess I have to offer danger Lord so you could show the way you cover be with mercy you never let me go about it - no your grace - where I'll beat your face to face - some knocking male [Music] [Music] I'm not saying circumstances ever calls me yes very there is a purpose even [Music] it's insane it takes about [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] some black boy and we walk with Wanda through the game oops and buyers will be for me practices will I go every place down the streets of North every corner stop passes from every age witness songs of praise and you just the time will be adding we are [Music] [Music] see heaven praise the Lord I know I mean wait even now the music fair started and every time got called a stinger home we do have Darrin join something works of perfect peace and happy [Music] I clean all together well say it [Music] Oh [Music] we are Dorrie [Music] now yeah what a day that's gonna be [Music] [Music] sometimes it's good to just listen sometimes you gotta speak up be the voice of healing to someone that needs it now sometimes it's good to take a rest and stand where no one else stands why be like everyone else just because you can my - never watching you we the first Aboriginal you never life is made of so many moments but each one matters over every single second another transfer love you could start a chain reaction [Music] I never know watching beauty you never math you [Music] everyone yes Cheers is great the truth make you fearless [Music] [Music] you could be the different Bojan Evan you you never know [Music] you you could be the death [Music] man everybody come on let's have a good time to praise the Lord amen [Music] I now lady now see [Music] now thus be encouraged sisters don't lose heart save swimmers remember we will apply all the times we all get to be read but let us not lose hope go back to what is written trust me [Music] now [Music] [Music] down Oh [Music] [Music] baby do hear that trumpet sound always open either day a moment now here [Music] I'm always open tonight [Music] [Music] it's gone I'm looking forward to that how many you glad to be in the house of the Lord this morning let us hear you yell praise the Lord y'all it's great to be in Florida where did the warm weather go we headed south this time of year to try to get away from the cold and it's chased us everywhere we've been in the coat it's great to be a good to see all these smiling faces this morning now look we are here this morning to lift up and praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and have a good time doing it this morning is not about us this morning it's not about you it's about him amen so please listen to the words of the songs we sing for you this morning they're nothing more than Scripture put to music so if you miss the words you missed the whole point in being here and it's good to see all these smiling faces now a few of you need to smile this morning a couple of you look like your mother-in-law's moved in with you got a sour look on your face now come on we're in the house of God on Sunday morning it's a beautiful day it's gonna warm up to 67 and praise God heat waves coming in so we got a great time this morning now for those of you may be seeing us for the very first time let me stop right now go ahead and tell you who these guys are that way you'll know who's singing to you and I'm gonna begin with a man who sings lead this man right here is originally from a South Georgia town named Tifton Georgia he's been you've obviously never been there through clap for Tifton he's been standing next to me as a huge part of this ministry he's been by my side though for over 17 years that deserves a hand that's a long time it is married has a sweet beautiful wife named Michelle they have three beautiful children two daughters and a son Britney Sarah and Brent their ages are eighteen thirteen and three he's heard them all believe me he's got one going into college this year and one going to the preschool I think that's funny and I thank God it's him and not me but I know he'll bless you with this thing and are you glad to see Bill Shrivers if you are make bill welcome here this morning pray for bill singing baritone another Georgia boy from Sandersville Georgia this young man right here has been a wonderful part of our ministry now for over 4 and 1/2 years doing an awesome job him and his lovely wife Becky have two beautiful girls at home their old daughter Cora is eight their youngest daughter Everly is three now go ahead and tell you he's older than he looks I hear it all the time people come to me and say that boy who sings baritone did look like he's old enough to have an eight-year-old daughter well he did get married when he was nine they do that in that part of Georgia everyone smile from what I hear and it wasn't even his cousin praise God no he's of American Indian descent so he has the ability to smooth baby skin that doesn't show age he looks good for 54 but I know how bless you with this thing and are you glad to see Mike Rogers if he are make Mike welcome here this morning finally singing tenor he is also from the state of Georgia he makes his home just west of Atlanta and the big metropolis of Winston Georgia and this got this year he celebrates 36 years 37 I'm sorry 37 years singing gospel music this year Amen that's a that's a good one I remember when I first saw him I was in the third grade and I watched him on black-and-white TV I did on hee-haw I Love You Man he's also married he married his high school sweetheart and she's a sweet beautiful Christian lady they have two sons their oldest son is Ricky youngest son is Bryce they also have two of the most adorable grandsons that you'd ever want to see and if you want to see pictures of them just come back to our table you'll be glad to share him with you he's the most awarded tenor in the history of gospel music he's even won a few female vocalist Awards true story um back in May of last year this guy right here he was inducted into the Gospel Music Association Hall of Fame are you glad to have my friend Brian free with you today [Music] nobody ever talks about the way it used to be which airs on the altar from sinners on their knees the preacher didn't worry about politically correct it wasn't his opinion it was one that Bible says try to pick and choose but one side still fits there is a brand new high-tech way to pay [Music] and preacher preacher it still [Applause] [Music] loser and they wonder that were in the shape we're in the church hall they say it if wish you were it won't offend Jesus buddy but there's still the power yes [Music] right me gets away yes we gotta do wrong there is no preachers we just gotta tell like it what [Music] I love that song that song tells it like it is we realized things have changed as Christian Americans we've seen a lot of changes down to the years you've seen your adults that have been on this earth a lot longer than we have it's had to make you sick to see some of the changes have taken place but if we want things like we had them back in the day we have to start doing things like we did them back of the day and that is that preaching wrong is wrong and right it's right there is no gray just black and white and that there's one line in that song that tends to slip by folks that is my favorite line of the song it says John may have baptized Jesus but he isn't watered down I love that praise God that song was written by my oldest son Ricky free and Ronny Henson get together and pin that song I look forward doing that one every time and Mike doesn't awesome job on it it's one of those songs you can get it eight or ten good sermons at that one song amen a song a preach now we did have a lot of requests this morning actually pastor gave us a list of songs will be actually will be done about 1:30 if that's okay we guys I'm just kidding you know we need to get down about 4 o'clock this morning we were in somewhere else in Florida in the pant you in the bottom bonifay Florida up in the Panhandle last night and we're headed home tonight with our families for a couple of days before kicking it back off again and hit it back on the road but if someone want to sing for you now we have a brand new CD they just come out a couple of months ago the title of the new CD is beyond amazed and that's one of the song titles on the CD and I got to tell you God sent ten great songs to us that ministered to us I wish you had time to tell you more about what took place in the studio but I can tell you we had Church in the studio recording these songs they were truly anointed but this song right here you know we as Christians and I'm guilty of it we tend to when things happen are in our life and and let me go back a little bit if anybody told you that once you're born again that all your problems are gonna go away they lied to you and if you didn't save more than 30 minutes you know that to be the case but we tend to want to handle things ourselves sometimes we say we turn it over to God but we really don't we we just say that and we still try to control them handle things I'm all those type-a personalities it's not hardest things just to let go God can handle things a whole lot better than we can I don't know about anybody else but them in many a days in my life but I started something that I should have given to God in the early part of the day by the end of the day when it was in ruins I simply said God why didn't I give it to you to begin with what made me think I could handle it we don't know what you're facing this morning we started taking testimonies everybody's going through something maybe got a phone call from a doctor you didn't want to hear about yourself or family member maybe there's problems in your marriage trouble at work or school financial issues spiritual issues troubled your children or grandchildren whatever the needs are God knows about him and not only does he know about him he cares but the secret is there we as Christians have to realize that if we will relinquish anything and everything in our life to him and walk away he can take it [Music] bring him ever question your heart the doubt that stained part the greatest hurts deepest scars God can TP bring him all the bitterness inside she could hide the sphere the quiche Oh God auntie you don't have to be cause he want to [Music] [Applause] you can take whatever is broken make it just like recognizing [Music] we can tell let go of the things that you regret the virgin [Music] people past you can't forget God see [Music] [Applause] Sabrina Singh gone - [Music] is crazy strong boom is great strong you can take whatever scroll maybe can just like [Music] nice yeah you can take just Mikey took your car just like you took your grade he can take he can say is broken make it just [Music] recognized [Music] yeah he can take he can take [Music] every step I take the past master reminding me have been mistakes and transmissions gaze on time and again I can't recall what he's cast in the it seems and so we'll see Mirek of calories i'm a story where my sins were forgiven masturbation [Music] [Music] I don't save me I know he forgave me the past is the past with you the guild reminds me behind my regrets won't be the spinach [Applause] when I stand in his presence and he says well every me [Music] lassy forgive myself Asia [Applause] where are ya everything [Music] [Music] participation was yeah whoa when I can't [Music] everything [Music] it's gonna be a wonderful day man you can help if you like or not [Music] see why - so where's got something swear to me now - like their whole world is coming crashing to the ground they're pleading the fray and same Jesus help me please and I know that he will but sometimes you and I we've gotta be somebody [Music] you know everybody's got a feed it's up to you with me some nineties miracle [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's all see they need the love of Jesus so we've got the Chester V Jamie somebody [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody's hand surprised [Music] Oh [Music] it's up to you and me son ah somebody somewheres got some swearing down there like their whole world is [Music] but you can be their Meredith amen I challenge you to be someone's miracle this year praise the Lord we had a request to do a song that I want to say just a little bit about I was blessed to have a wonderful godly mom and dad my dad passed away back in October of 2010 I went home to be with the Lord less than six months later my mom passed away they set a great example for us boys growing up I saw Christ in them now then my dad wasn't perfect mom was perfect none of us are but I saw everyday them tried to be the very best Christian that could possibly be Bill's father's going on home to be with the Lord Mike lost his grandfather here not too long ago and there's probably not an individualís church this morning you don't have a loved ones gone home to be with the Lord this song right here I pray bless you should comforts you when we get to heaven as born-again and children of God we will be forever home and that's what this song talks about he always spoke [Music] he said it was the one thing he was living for i Boehner Smith [Music] as we all cried and said our last good watched him [Music] forever living in the arms of Jesus stepping in the shadow of the throne emails I can almost see no more tears pain is lost its hold on him he's more alive that he's ever man he's right [Applause] [Music] he's forever [Music] saints and angels he's joined acquired race with a hearse to be flown Queens up now thus millions all those who've been redeemed he cast his crowns down at the save your speed as Milan Ezri forever more living in the arms of Jesus now standing in the shadow of the throne evals I can almost be [Music] no more tears pain it's lost its hold on him he's more alive than he's ever man he's right he's forever for every 3/4 parting forever River flea to me every because of Calvi strong forever free of living with all these earthly grows he's leaving like he's always dreamed it is forever forever living in the arms of Jesus now standing in the shadow of the phony mouse I can see no more tears naina sloth is small on him that he's ever been he's right I'm sorry [Music] he's forever [Music] [Music] [Applause] arm stretched out wide barely thing left to serve you came for all mankind to bridge the Great Divide get somehow the crime the blood and tears you share I won't [Music] [Applause] your spirit never leaves me even [Music] you can [Applause] [Music] hey that other tree because [Music] I came here as a man [Music] you understand what it's like to these words my problems will compare that crown still you too [Music] you share [Music] war spirit me [Music] you can [Music] I just [Music] [Applause] you care buried all the sheep a derogatory I just [Music] I love to hear little God stand up to proclaim the good news of the gospel in the power of Jesus name to open up the Bible and tell it like it is but if I've learned anything [Music] [Applause] [Music] when your heart is working you need a melody one can replace together you need to carry on sometimes you'd be a sermon sometimes you need a smoke [Music] [Applause] little it takes How Great Thou art to lead you to the throne Amazing Grace how sweet the sound Kamel come harvest on heaven Geisler to meet you the song is little respect the night - yeah the great is the winner you need melody one Kevin Casey yeah you need to carry down yes sir some [Music] so the preacher preach the word and let the people see the good again the song [Music] because it's not a sermon when you are [Applause] [Music] sometimes you need a son to remind you of the truth sometimes you need a song to help you make the brain to take one can you need to carry on sometimes ups [Music] gimme aside you need some time [Music] I love that song that is on our brand-new CD and that says truth you know I'm not nothing replaces a sermon gospel but gospel music when it's the message when it's the Word of God put some music then it's effective in our life Amen I mean it can touch us sometimes well nothing else can let me just quickly tell you I'm not going to give you a commercial but everything you hear is true this morning is back at our table on CDs and DVDs come by take her music home with you we do have a special we have a way for you to take this morning home with you our three newest CDs you don't have to show them bill if you don't want to our three newest CDs he's not going to anyway is he back here drinking water our three newest CDs which includes our brand-new and would cover 98 percent of what you hear is due this morning plus many others and if you take those home with you that one CD is $15 if you just want one but all three of those are special is only 40 and if you did that we're gonna give you two other CDs free so you end up getting five CDs for 40 bucks you can't beat that we have a lot of things that our tables soundtracks if you sing pictures DVDs of us live in concert we've done those all over the world we have some great-looking t-shirts back there some great Christian wear and we got one back there that I don't know about anybody else with all the stuff that's been taking place in the last number of months with the sports stuff I'll be honest with you watching these guys that make twenty million dollars taking me during the national anthem of our country has made me sick a man I could get really wound up right here for a few minutes and preach but I'm not going to but I'll tell you something if you don't like America if you hate America that much leave nobody's gonna miss you I'll help pay for a plane ticket matter of fact so hate see you go by but we I mean seriously where else can you go in this world and those guys get paid that kind of money to carry an airfield football up and down a grassy field if you know trot someplace else but either way to show that kind of disrespect for the blood has been shed the price has been paid let me take some matter of fact real quick I know we run out of time but if you are if you serve in the military in any branch or you currently serving would you please stand to your feet from me please right now if you will all the house [Applause] thank you so much for your service if it weren't for what you have done we wouldn't be able to do this right here and my dad was in World War two in the army I have an uncle who was a Navy SEAL one who was a Marine I've got two nieces currently deployed in Afghanistan the military means a lot to me so to see somebody show that kind of disrespect for our country like that I'm telling you just Jepson well anyway we've got a shirt back there you know I'm gonna shut up we have a shirt back there that on the front of it it says stand for the flag kneel with the cross it is a great-looking shirt that we Christians we need to make a statement and we can do that we're and things like that anyway check out a website Brian free and assurance com follow us on Facebook and on Twitter it's a joy to be back how many years has it been since we've been here five or six and four five okay I knew it'd been a little while but it's good to be back I'm sure y'all missed us right now I'm just kidding you know but now gonna put you on the spot we missed you guys though it's great to be in Florida preschool we were expecting a little warmer weather but we don't mind like I said we try to book Florida dates in January thinking it's gonna be warm what happened but anyway it's good to be here this morning thank you for making us feel at home and we accept all forms of payment back at the table I didn't tell you that bill will be tapped me on the shoulder here in a moment we accept cash personal checks Visa MasterCard American Express Discover all the cards credit or debit the Christians of these songs bless you this morning they'll bless you again in your car at at home because when you invest in Christian music you're investing in your life and in your family's lives but here's the song I won't be able to come sing right now a million handsome that you thankful for this [Music] we're all turned and we're called to walk by faith they'll always be the mountains and valleys in our way we're right here in this moment may our strength be renewed as we become God is done how we've seen him move if there's anybody here you sound you think anybody here who knows he's a ma if there's anybody here who's seen his power anybody hear the fire say [Music] Jesse amen [Music] sometimes through the darkness it gets hard to see but be bold and courageous a follower [Music] the world remember the bellies Lord is he found in faith here knows easy say [Applause] you see smile hi [Music] say [Applause] anybody mr. song pace [Music] but you are [Music] chassé [Music] yeah there's anybody here Spelman faithful any sane say his power say joy in the midst of sorrow please [Music] it's a just say [Music] just change [Applause] what a song man if you could sit there doing that song and not feel anything there's no way you're saved every line of that song applies to you and me as children of God if there's anybody here who's found him faithful anybody here who knows he's able say Amen if there's anybody here who's seen his power anybody here brought to the fire say Amen anybody here found joy in the midst of sorrow peace and the storm hope for tomorrow and you've not seen it once not twice but time and time and time again just say hey man y'all let's give the Lord another hand clap of praise he's the only one early this morning praise God I gave my heart my life to Jesus January 24th 1986 on a Sunday morning in La Quinta Florida in the middle of nowhere I was raised in a Christian home as I said earlier we were always in church so I was a church to individual I looked the part sounded the part acted the part lived the Christian lifestyle but I was lost prior to that Sunday morning it didn't make any difference how many times I've been in church it didn't make any difference how many gospel song with it ahead son you can't good yourself to have it I thank God my life changed that that Sunday morning and how I could help see how in the world there's no way that I could have gotten through any of the things I've got through my life since then without my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that's why that song right there anybody who's found him faithful so let him out but just about make you Bab two costal right there just thinking about that I'm unworthy in my opinion of his loving his graciousness mercy yet he finds us worthy this morning maybe you're sitting there doing the same thing that I did first 20-something years of my life maybe a great person show all the traits and attributes of a Christian maybe a count of people that folks want to hang around and just a great individual but if you've never been born again when the rapture takes place you will be left behind now that's not personal opinion that's not denomination that's the Word of God you must be born again if you're not covered by the blood of Jesus Christ you're lost I know nowadays they teach that all you need to do is believe that there is a Supreme Being joinha church somewhere and that your ticket into heaven I got me you see that's a long way from the Word of God and a lot of people gonna find out the hard way unfortunately that's not the way it is but this morning we've sung enough songs to save the world if you've listened to the message more than anything we pray that you know the Savior we've been singing about but if not I beg you please do not walk out the doors this church lost there's a heaven that we love to sing about we'd love to talk about we love to dream about but there's also a very real place called hell and every human being on this earth will spend eternity in one of those two places but the price has been paid the gift has been given all you have to do is receive it your mind my mind cannot comprehend how much he loves us so much that he hung on a cross shed his blood for you and me if you will this morning I want everyone to bow your heads and close your eyes please just for a moment with no one looking around now except for us in the pastor we're gonna pray in a few moments and we just want to be able to pray with you and for you let me make this clear I'm not gonna come to you I'm not gonna call you out I'm not going to draw attention to you in any way this is gonna be between you us and the Lord you can give you a heart your life to Jesus right where you sit and you're gonna have to make a public profession of your faith but you can be saved right there right now this morning if you want to come now this altar this altar has been open since the doors were open to this church but if you would like for us to pray for you if look if we were to be standing somewhere one-on-one just eyeball-to-eyeball and I want to ask you a simple question if Christ were to come tonight or this morning before we dismissed it would you go with us what would your answer be would there be any hesitation would you say I think I would um maybe I would I'm pretty sure it would well anything less than a no so salvation you're lost you're either 100% saved and on your way to heaven this morning or you're 100% lost I'm on your way to hell which is it you know and God knows but if you would like for us to pray for you this morning and you want to get that fixed if the Holy Spirit tugging at your heart telling you something's wrong if you will I want you to slip your hand up and back down same guys pray for me this morning pastor pray for me I'm not a hundred percent sure but I want to be before I leave this church this morning is there anyone this morning that would slip their hand up and say that I see that hand and this applies across the board I don't care if you're 10 or 110 please don't miss this opportunity listen we may have our friends our family in our church family fooled into thinking we're saved but we don't have ourselves fooled and most of all we don't have God food don't let pride make you miss heaven Satan will use that don't let him win again in your life this morning make this the greatest day of your life make this the greatest year you've ever spent anyone else just slip your hand up and back now and say guys pray for me I see that hand I'm not 100% sure I see that hand but I want to be before I leave here this morning anyone else come on just slip your hand up in the back down don't let Satan hold you back again you'll take you one day at a time anyone else just slip your hand up and back down please anyone else this morning anyone else this morning anyone else with heads remain bowed eyes remain closed I believe I counted six hands that went up this morning those of you who lifted your hands this morning if you believe that there is only one God that he created everything and he did send His only Son Jesus to die cruel death on Calvary shedding his blood if the atonement of the sins of the world but it didn't end there he was placed in a tomb in three days later he arose over victoriously over death hell and the grave and he's now seated at the right hand of the Father interceding for you and me and you want him to be the lord of your life this morning but in your own words in your own way confess yourself as a sinner ask him to forgive you of your sin confess him as a risen Savior invite him in your heart ask him to make you a new creature according to the Word of God you shall be saved let us all pray together father thank you so much for the opportunity first of all to be in your house this morning god I thank you for every person in this church especially the hands that were lifted Lord and I pray right now that they are surrendering their heart and life to you that they are being born again and Laura if there were someone here this morning that didn't raise their hand I pray they're doing the very same thing right now and give me their heart and life to you lord I know in a crowd this size that I've got to be so many needs I'm sure it'll follow there are those in here this morning that need a touch from the master physician they need a healing maybe it's a spiritual healing of financial and emotional whatever the need is God we let those needs up to you right now Lord we know how much you love us you prove it every day and most of all you proved it on Calvary father I ask you to bless this church I pray that you bless the pastor his family the staff of this church their families every member of this church and let it continue to be a beacon in the community Lord as it has been for so many years Thor to ask you to bless this ministry it's not ours it's yours and I pray that you would use us in any capacity you want to use us in take us where you want us to be help us to always keep you first focused on you even realize father it's all about the song it's all about the words of praising you and lifting you up and thanking you for all you've done father I ask you to bless this nation America needs you I pray Lord that this nation would turn into eyes and face back to you so that you may heal our land though we're looking for you coming we know it's gonna be soon help us be prepared father and truly be about our father's business telling this world of your love and your grace and your mercy what we love you we praise you and we're gonna be very careful this morning to give you all the honor all the glory and all the praise for everything that you and you alone have done in the service and we ask the things we've asked in this prayer and the precious holy name of Jesus and all his children said a man y'all let's give the Lord the biggest hand clap a praise of the day come on now let him hear you those of you who lifted your hands if you gave your heart in your life to Jesus please see the pastor before you leave here if you don't if you're visiting if you don't have a home church let me tell you something this would be the place to get plugged in I can assure you that if I lived anywhere around here this would be my church if you have a home church tell your pastor what took place either way welcome to the family a man and so I don't know about anybody else but I've enjoyed this morning we've had church praise God thank you lord thank you thank you for having us so much it's been a joy to be back it's great to be they look forward to seeing again maybe won't be five or six years where we get to come back again I'm hope see you again praise the Lord I do you are you we under it's time you me to turn it over to you now you see one more you sure we got one we can close with all right you see it right here all right you know what as long as we got King Jesus alive we don't need nobody else now if you happen to know those from your south [Music] [Applause] Jesus long as I've got keen Jesus [Applause] cuz I'm [Applause] oh Jesus Jesus jeez Jesus long as I've got [Music] bless you let's give them another hand Brian free and assurance thank you so much for coming they've got CDs out there and that deal that they have five CDs for forty you can't beat it I've got all five already and they're phenomenal and I hope you'll go back and visit them and those t-shirts I hope they sell out of those take a knee t-shirts I hope you buy them up but I hope you hope you come back tonight regular service I'll be preaching six o'clock good to have each of you here if you're visiting thank you for coming we'd love to get to know you and if you raise your hand
Channel: First Free Will Baptist Church
Views: 10,776
Rating: 4.7894735 out of 5
Keywords: TampaFreewill, First Free Will Baptist Church, Jesus Christ, Jesus
Id: Svsbwv2TXYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 46sec (4786 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2018
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