Rev. Arron Howard - The King Who Wandered Away

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] all right let's stand together it's all you good to be in the house of lord good to see all of you here tonight ron's going to lead us where's hillary it is good to see you and uh we'll do when we all get to heaven everybody knows it don't we it is good to see you we're glad to see ours are they the most lovely people that you can imagine these guys and look at this all right here we go [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] days [Music] [Music] when we [Music] let us [Music] you [Music] when we see jesus we'll sing [Music] foreign [Music] rejoicing [Music] we're gonna have our little ushers come forward all right i don't know who they are we're gonna sing that first verse again and uh you sing and then we'll we'll have prayer over the offer sing for us right amen right there um oh when we all [Music] [Music] victory i remember when i was this age and they called us to the front this is great i'm going somewhere with this and we were the ushers right nobody wants to have to pray right so no one makes eye contact with the preacher so i've been looking to see every one of them [Music] [Laughter] i'm not going to ask you i appreciate it no i am actually going to have it i might ask liam to pray for us i'm proud of these guys i'm proud of these ladies yes amen listen here's the offering tonight listen they're going to eat so we're going to take an offering up to pay for their meal how about that everything you give tonight will pay for the young people's uh meal the younger ones are already paid for okay five the fifth she already covered uh six through eight uh ninth or six through twelfth isn't so everything you give tonight goes to help pay uh for their food uh we love our young people i love aaron and brie and the great job they're doing i do have one request i do have one request um john and jennifer urbano their their child julie is going in for serious surgery in saint louis so uh john and and jennifer are there with julia so would you remember julia urbano in your prayers she goes in tuesday for for a serious back surgery so would you remember that tonight liam pray for us buddy uh bless this offering all these things [Music] so [Music] is that cohen taking the offering upstairs great job cohen upstairs taking care of the offering for us up there little guy good to have our young ladies they're going to come up and sing for us they don't have a name yet but we'll come up with one but they do a great job come on up girls this is the next wave we got going so we want to get behind them give them a hand as they come to sing and when they finish singing we'll ask brother aaron to come up to preach okay between us [Music] i turned to heaven [Music] [Applause] [Music] the work is finished the end is written jesus christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] of praise step down from glory to where i say [Music] the king of kings calls me [Music] i'm yours forever [Music] set me free [Music] hallelujah chain their salvation in your name jesus christ [Music] hallelujah there's salvation in your name jesus christ [Music] [Applause] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] the roaring [Music] jesus yours is the victory hallelujah [Music] jesus christ [Music] jesus christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's nothing worth more that would ever [Music] your presence [Music] of the sweetest of loves where my heart becomes free and my shame is your presence lord holy spirit you are welcome here [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] your presence [Music] of the sweetest where my heart becomes free and my shame is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] your presence more let us become more aware of your presence let us [Music] let us experience the glory [Music] let us experience the glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] to be overcome by your presences [Music] [Applause] yes sir if that doesn't fire you up then i think there's something wrong to say proud would be an understatement i know often times when we look at young people we view them as the church of tomorrow but my friend they are the church today and we have young people who are willing to serve like that and desire to serve the lord like that then i think the church is in good shape i didn't even preach after that one man wow i'm so proud of these young people and to say that i'm thankful to be their youth pastor and say brina are thankful that we have the opportunity to invest in them would be an understatement we love being here in tampa and we can firmly say that this is home and so we're so thankful and i'm so thankful to to open up god's word with you tonight and i think after service i think we're going to have a lot more people identify with us as teenagers pastor will knowing that the food's been paid for that's what i'm talking about right there but man we are we are so excited to hang out after service but i'm very excited to share with you the message that the lord has laid on in my heart and uh i know many of us i i'm speaking to a sunday night crowd people who would definitely be a little bit more well seasoned whenever we talk about church and some have been here for quite some time and there's no doubt we've seen a lot of people in church and sometimes we've even been these people where we see a lot of people they get fired up for the lord they go they have this christian zeal and they're going out and they're serving the lord and they're doing all these incredible things but slowly over time you begin to see them fizzle out and they slowly but surely begin to wander away from god can i tell you tonight that's no stranger that's not something new that's not something that has just occurred in the church today but it's rather something that our faith and our movement as a whole has struggled with for centuries even since the beginning and so for a few moments tonight i would like to look at the king who wandered away if you have your bibles go ahead and open them up to the book of first kings chapter number 11. first kings chapter number 11 and while you're turning there let me go and encourage you keep your bible open we are going to be going through multiple passages of scripture so i want to encourage you keep your bible open and move with me but first kings chapters 10 and 11 are most notably known as kind of the culmination and the fall of king solomon this is where solomon's rule and reign culminates and everything kind of happens in this moment in first kings 11 when we see something interesting happened to the man who built god's temple i hope you're there first kings chapter number 11 verse 1 the bible says there but king solomon loved many strange women together with the daughter of pharaoh woman of the moabites ammonites zidonians and hittites of the nations concerning which the lord said unto the children of israel ye shall not go into them neither shall they come in unto you for surely they will turn away your heart after their gods i want you to notice the ensuing phrase solomon clave unto these in love and he had 700 wives princesses and 300 concubines and his wives turned away his heart before it came to pass when solomon was old that his and i want you to go ahead and underline that phrasal because that's important that is so important we're going to get back to that in a few moments for it came to pass when solomon was old that his wives turned away his heart after other gods and his heart was not perfect with the lord his god as was the heart of david his father and it isn't it interesting that we look at solomon and then all of a sudden the writer brings up david i hope you're beginning to see a comparison here this plays out in a major way we're gonna go a little bit further verse five for solomon went after ashtoreth the goddess of the zidonians and after malcolm the abomination of the ammonites and solomon did evil in the sight of the lord and went not fully after the lord as did david his father then did solomon build a high place for chamos the abomination of moab in the hill that is before jerusalem i hope you're noticing the location of these places too the very place where the israelites and the people of god are to go to worship he right outside of there he builds an altar to a false god yeah go a little bit further and and for molech the abomination of the children of ammon and likewise did he for all his strange wives which burnt incense and sacrificed unto their gods here we see solomon's wife's impact him and they inevitably cause solomon to turn away from god and not only does he turn away from god he begins worshiping and sacrificing to these false gods now you need to keep in mind that this is the same solomon who received wisdom directly from god this is the one who brought much prosperity and riches to god's kingdom who built the temple for god and according to first kings 3 this is the solomon who loved god yet whenever we look at him in 1st kings 11 this solomon doesn't love god at all if anything he's turned his back on god and he doesn't even worship god anymore now he's worshipping false gods i want to observe three aspects regarding the life of solomon and this king who wandered away i believe the first thing we need to see is solomon's warning signs whenever solomon turned his back on god you have to understand this was not an overnight decision he didn't just wake up one day and think oh man i'm turning myself away from god no this was a process for him it was decision after decision after decision that led to this moment to where he has turned himself away from god and is worshiping false gods and justice solomon gradually departed from god there were four distinct warning signs that solomon missed and i think as we begin looking at the text you're going to notice that these warning signs were apparent all throughout his life i believe the first thing we need to see is his horses go ahead and turn with me to first kings chapter four verse 26 his horses now you're probably thinking brother aaron horses really horses were a warning sign to solomon but there were the bible says in first kings 4 26 and solomon had 40 000 stalls of horses for his chariots and twelve thousand horsemen you may wonder why this is a big deal but it's a direct violation of the law that was established for kings in deuteronomy 17 16. now you have to understand in that day and age horses for an army were a very big deal because that's how they had chariots and any nation that had chariots were had a direct advantage over every other nation if you had chariots in essence you were going to win any battle you went into now god established that deuteronomy law so the nation would be forced to rely on him he went ahead and took out the most advanced military uh advantage that any nation could get and he said you can't have that and because of that you're going to be forced to rely on me but yet we see solomon he has 40 000 horses 12 000 horsemen and as solomon breaks this law for kings and as he is flexing the military might of his nation and though he would never actually say this with his lips he's saying it with his actions that god we no longer need to depend on you we can take care of ourselves hear me well there is a warning sign that we are beginning to wander away from god when we rely on ourselves rather than god and listen i know how it all begins right well god i don't want to bother you with this god don't worry don't don't let this trouble you it's something small it's insignificant and it begins with just a little process of god i don't want to bother you but eventually we come to the point where we believe we can live our lives without god or we can walk with our god you want to have come to realize in my short life that if god's not with me i'm going to fall flat on my face and by the way that extends far beyond anyone who's just in ministry if you try and live the christian life on your own you will fall flat on your face if you try and go out and work a job on your own you will fall flat on your face anything and everything that we do requires god but let's understand the magnitude of what occurs whenever we say this we are telling an omnipotent omnipresent omniscient god who has created us who knows everything about us who knows everything that goes with on goes on within our bodies that we can take care of ourselves better than he can take care of us and though we may not look at it like that that is evidently how it appears so hear me well church there's a warning sign we're beginning to wander away from god when we rely on ourselves rather than him secondly i want you to see his palace go ahead and flip over two chapters first kings chapter 6 verse 38 his palace now we typically know solomon for the majestic and beautiful and grand temple he built yeah but imagine solomon's palace first kings chapter 6 verse 38 notice what the bible says here it says and in the 11th year in the month bull which is the eighth month was the house finished throughout all the parts thereof and according to all the fashion of it so was he seven years building it but notice the next but solomon was building his own house 13 years and he finished all his house and we see from this that solomon he spends roughly seven years and six months to finish the temple that god commissioned him and gave him a mission and command to build but he spends 13 years building his own palace he spent nearly double the amount of time building his own home rather than god's temple yes by the way solomon didn't just stop there he had five other building projects that were just for him three of them were for his kingly duties two of them were just for him to live it was residential needs and the great significance in this is that we can see solomon is being tempted by his own self-importance meaning that solomon was beginning to value himself and his needs greater than god and god's desires and plan for his life so let me say this let's kind of sum it up solomon became more focused on building his kingdom rather than god's you may be wondering how can we know that to be true because even the wisest man in the world would tell you where you put your resources where you put your time where you put your money where you spend yourself is what you're investing in and there's a warning sign for us that we're beginning to wander away when we spend far more time building our kingdom rather than god's by the way in case you have missed it we live in a culture that is consumed by this social media for example social media is all about building a platform around you and we have influencers we have youtubers and listen don't don't walk out and say well brother it's wrong to be a youtuber being an influencer i'm not saying that but we have people who are more consumed on building themselves and their brain and their focus rather than actually doing what god has told them to do by the way it's not just social media people that are influenced by this churches get caught up in this and well sometimes as churches we can be consumed with how many people attended our service viewed our livestream or put money in the offering plate rather than how many people we are able to lead to christ and it's so easy to just get caught up in building our kingdom and our brain and our place and ourselves rather than god in his kingdom but hear me well church we're beginning to wander away when we focus more on building our kingdom rather than god's i also want you to see this there's another warning sign his riches many of us know solomon for his abundant riches go with me first kings chapter nine we're gonna spend some time there for a second first kings chapter nine when we know solomon was by far the richest man in the world at this point no one can compare to the riches of solomon no one could hold a candle to what he had accomplished go with me verse 11. the bible says there it says now hiram the king of tyree had furnished solomon with cedar trees and fur trees and with gold according to all his desire he got as much as he wanted whatever solomon want he had go down to verse 28. the bible says there and they came to ophir and fetch from thence gold 422 talents and brought it to king solomon now for a lot of us 420 towns that doesn't really mean much but let me equate it to this 420 talents would equate to two tons worth of gold now some of you husbands are like i've already bought my wife that much in gold necklaces and earrings and stuff but that's a lot of gold you could read first kings 10 and it details all about the riches of solomon so it doesn't take for much for us to see that solomon was all about his riches he was all about material gain and material wealth and what he could accomplish and by the way in case you're wondering that is a violation given to the kings in deuteronomy 17 17. there is a warning sign for us that we're beginning to wander away whenever money becomes a priority in our lives once again that's another area that our culture is consumed by we're constantly told that our success is measured by how many zeros we have in our bank accounts when we're looking for jobs instead of asking god's will for us and we're always looking how much can i get from this what side businesses can i rig up can i do this can i get that what investments can i make that will double or triple my return yeah we get so consumed with how much we can get in our bank accounts and what i've quickly found out is that it's better to be broke and being sent in the center of god's will than to be rich and out of god's will i mean how often do we hear about celebrities who have millions upon millions upon millions of dollars not only are they bored with life they hate life how often do we hear this don't you think that there may be a little bit more to it and i know a lot of people say that often but there's so much truth to it there's a reason celebrities are bored with the riches because at the end of the day money may be able to buy you temporary happiness but it will never provide to you the joy that is found in jesus christ so i'm encouraging you and i'm reminding you there is a warning sign that we are beginning to wander away from god when we focus more on our riches than on god and his kingdom i've seen it in my own life with my previous job as a recruiter at southeastern and even as a student what i would consistently see is young people who had all the potential in the world and had the ability to reach out and do something great for god and knew god was calling him to some different vocation whatever it may be and they would throw it all away because they were going to get a one dollar rage at food lion back home i mean and it sounds ridiculous we look at them and we're like it's a one dollar race i mean it's not gonna matter but how often and how quick would we be to throw away what the lord has for us if it meant getting more money a higher salary we have to ask ourselves what is steering the reins of our life is it the riches or is it god solomon allowed the riches to steer his life and well we're going to see where it ended up there's a warning sign we are beginning to wander away when we focus more on the money we can get than on doing god's will for our lives i want you to see the final warning sign his women go back with me first kings chapter 11. i'll just read a few verses this time around first kings chapter 11 verse 1 the bible says there but king solomon loved many strange women together with the daughter of pharaoh women of the moabites ammonites zidonians and hittites of the nations concerning which the lord said unto the children of israel ye shall not go into them neither shall they come into you for surely they will turn away your heart after their gods and saw them enclave unto these in love and he had 700 wives princesses and 300 concubines and his wives turned away his heart solomon had over 700 wives 300 concubines it's no surprise that he had problems but isn't it ironic though as we mentioned earlier that in verse 2 it mentions that god said don't go into these women don't marry these women don't be with these women and then the very next phrase it literally says solomon clave to them in love he held on to them he attached himself to them he clung to them and eventually these are the women that eventually pulled his heart away from god and by the way and this is for free whenever we whenever we see polygamy in god's word it is never god's intention you go back to genesis 1 and you go back there and it's very clear from the beginning that god intended one man and one woman for one lifetime it was never god's intention for solomon to have over 700 wives and 300 concubines that was never the purpose and actually it is a violation of the law found in deuteronomy 17 17. so he is breaking the law for kings but think with me for a moment for each of the 1 000 women in solomon's life for each of them he made a conscious and willing decision to cleave to them to love them and ultimately this means he made a conscious and willing decision to go against god's law and act and live in rebellion to god you may say brother aaron i'm married one wife is enough for me into that i say amen but let me let me get to this here's how it applies to us and i'll move on there is a warning sign that we are beginning to wander away from god when we consistently and we willingly act and live in rebellion to god that's a warning sign right there whenever you act and live in rebellion to god and i also know who i'm speaking to this evening as i mentioned earlier i'm speaking to a seasoned group of people veteran believers people who have probably went to this church and been in the faith for quite some time who have sat under countless sermons and that know right and wrong but that doesn't mean you get out of jail free card just because solomon had all the wisdom in the world that doesn't mean he was exempt from this and so the question you have to ask yourself is are you living in obedience or disobedience to god wisdom is the act of using one's knowledge on a subject to dictate their actions better yet wisdom is knowledge and action so how did the wisest man in the world solomon become a fool because even though he had all the knowledge he went completely against it and he went so far as to act in rebellion in opposition to it there's a warning sign we're beginning to wander away from god when we act in conscious and willing disobedience against god on a regular basis so solomon had plenty of warning signs right he had his horses he had his palace he had his riches he had his women and he ignored every single warning sign and eventually this leads him to a point where he completely disconnects and it sears his relationship with god and he wanders away from the god who's given him everything secondly i want you to see solomon's wandering away and we saw that in verses 4 through 8 of chapter 11 and solomon's wives caused his heart to turn away from god and eventually he turned his back on god sure he would still worship yahweh still attaining the temple services he'd still be there but their relationship was forever seared as solomon would begin to worship false gods and i want you to understand this is not the false gods that we think of with little little hindu ornaments and and people bow down to the little ornaments no this is far greater than that i hope you noticed the the false god molech that we mentioned you wonder what they do to worship molech they would get small children and heat up that idol's hands and sacrifice the children on the hands of that false god so this isn't just oh he's bowing down to little idols this was serious he is literally and consistently and daily and participating in these in these sacrifices to these false gods he had completely wandered away from the god that had given him everything and keep in mind that solomon didn't wander away from god because of his sin i feel like that's so often the conclusion we jump to whenever we look at someone we see them wandering away so often we just jump to the conclusion well they wandered away from god because they're in sin no solomon wandered away from god because he did not love god supremely and that's what resulted in his sin ultimately he wandered away from god because he cared far more about the blessings rather than the one who was giving him the blessings and whenever we wander away from god it's not necessarily because of our sin it's because ultimately but from the fact that we did not love god like we're commanded to and when we don't love god like we're commanded to we're not going to obey him and follow him like we're supposed to i want you to see the irony in this though i had a professor while i was pursuing my master's degree his name was daniel warner and we i had old testament with him interestingly enough he was an archaeologist and had dug up one of solomon's horses and he ended up telling me one night as me and him were talking back and forth about solomon and he mentioned that that wrapped up in the meaning of wisdom is the concept of having the skill to make something beautiful then when we take that and apply it to wisdom literature which psalm is so known for right wrote the book of proverbs he's very known for his wisdom literature it carries the thought that the end of one's life is to be woven into something beautiful yet the one who is the wisest man alive who wrote the book of proverbs which is all about wisdom whenever he gets to the end of his life instead of it being wrapped up as something beautiful it is an absolute disaster where sin is rampant where everything begins to fall apart all around him how ironic is it that the one who got wisdom directly from god is the same person who wandered away from god now as we go throughout our lives especially this year i don't know if you've thought about it but in a few months this year is over and it's so easy with school starting back up and everything happening it's so easy to get lost in the motions and wander away from god and encourage you don't allow your heart to wander away from god though you may be present in service as though you may be present at events and opportunities and activities don't let your heart wander away because your body may still be present but your heart may not be there but why is all this such a big deal why is it such a big deal that solomon's heart went away from god i want you to notice this thirdly and finally solomon's wasted potential now you need to go with me here i want to encourage you first kings chapter six first kings chapter six i told you keep your bibles open we're rolling first kings chapter 6. this details one of solomon's encounters with god and in my opinion it's probably one of the most significant events in solomon's life he has this encounter with god i want you to notice what happens there first kings chapter 6 we're going to pick up reading verse 11 the bible says there and the lord came to solomon saying concerning this how to this house which thou art in building if thou will walk in my statues and execute my judgments and keep all my commandments to walk in them then will i perform my word with thee which i spake unto david thy father and i will dwell among the children of israel and will not forsake my people one of the most important moments in solomon's life the moody bible commentary it breaks it down well and it says this in essence god was offering solomon that if he obeyed the torah completely god would fulfill the davidic covenant through him and at this point in the narrative it appears that that solomon he would be the son of david the promised one who would have an eternal house kingdom and throne we of course know that solomon did not fulfill this that jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of the promise made to david in 2nd samuel 7 12-16 but understand this understand the significance solomon had the potential to be a fulfillment of scripture but he winds up a failure in scripture solomon had the potential to establish an eternal kingdom yet his actions led to god continually raising up enemy after enemy after enemy until he died and then after his death the kingdom's ripped in half and no one remembers king solomon except for his mistakes and the entire time he's constantly compared to his father david he had all the potential in the world to be a fulfillment of scripture and changed the entire course of how the bible was going to be written but he ends up a failure in scripture yeah how often do we know people who have the potential to do something incredible and amazing and wonderful god for for god but their heart begins to wander away they miss the warning signs and they wind up on the wayside wasting their life how often do we know people like that and how close have we been to being like that some of us have been there before i want to encourage you don't waste the potential that god has given you and we saw the teenagers go out and they took the offer and we saw them up here singing on the stage and listen the potential for them is limitless but hear me well church the potential for you is still limitless god does not care about your age he doesn't care about your vocation he doesn't care about your position he has limitless potential for you to make your life count for something far greater than this world would ever say it would yeah so don't waste your potential i i think about how this plays out in real life i remember i i was working on some homework on my master's degree back around christmas and i decided to take a break and being like a normal millennial i went straight to my phone and opened up social media and i got on instagram now if you're on facebook if you're on instagram if you're on anything like this then you know uh what i'm about to talk about whenever you click on one post it leads you through a rabbit trail of post after post after post after post and then you wind up just somewhere randomly on the internet and i remember i wound up on this former pastor's page he was a pastor of a mega church large church very different than anything that and that we would have seen them we would very different than than them in in style and ministry and everything but i said former pastor i had heard that he had to resign from his position but as i began to delve deeper into his instagram page and switch over to google when you google his name an article after article article came up about how he had been fired from his church news came out that he had had an affair with a woman while married to his wife of 17 years they had a five-month affair and they met in a park during uh the quarantine in the middle of the pandemic during this he made some really interesting statements that i would like to give to you he talks about how they told each other that they loved each other and if you're a married couple you understand the significance of that they kept trying to break it off but would go back to each other time and time again she went on record and she said we were like a drug to each other when this man's wife and job discovered these messages he was shortly filed fired and he said in his final exchange with this woman before saying goodbye to her forever he said my life is over i usually am the one who is helping couples cheating and now i'm in their shoes by the way there were warning signs his house was worth millions you had to have a certain level of vip access to even meet with him he got to hang out with plenty of celebrities literally and you can find articles about this no one could tell him what to do didn't matter who it was he had the authority and he lived however he wanted to as he fit this role of celebrity pastor and the all the articles concluded that he damaged his ministry potentially destroyed his marriage and they described him as a disgraced priest yeah as i read this god began to grip my heart and even though me and this former pastor we are worlds apart and how we view hot topics our theology how we do ministry our style and everything but god reminded me that if i am not careful i could end up just like him afterwards whenever debri and held her because the thought of doing anything like that terrifies me and at times we feel like incidents like that it only happens to the liberal mega church pastors but it happens to the conservative ones as well we may feel like it only happens to other denominations but it happens in the free will baptist as well we may feel like it only happens to the people that stand behind the pulpit but it happens to those in the pews as well and each and every time it ends up with people wasting their potential what i was reminded of is that i am above no sin and neither are you and if we are not careful we could wind up by the wayside just like king solomon wasting our potential amen so i encourage you tonight watch out for the warning signs there is always going to be warning signs don't let your heart wander away from god don't waste your potential and i know there is always the possibility of jesus restoring us and praise the lord for that but you never want it to come to that point you never want to look back and think i just wasted these years i wasted my time i wasted this part of my life don't let your heart wander away from god can i also tell you a little hint with king solomon you want to you wanna one of king solomon's biggest problems is he wouldn't listen to what anyone else had to say he was too high too mighty and too prideful and listen before someone else in your life you begin to see some of their warning signs you begin to see them wander away don't let them get too far and waste their potential reach out to them and help them but watch out for the warning signs in your own life don't let your heart wander away from god every head bowed in every eye closed just a few moments of invitation this evening you're here tonight and you'd be willing to say brother aaron if i'm going to be completely honest with you as you were talking about king solomon i began to see some warning signs in my life i began to see some some alarms go off and some warning signs that i'm beginning to wander away from god i even as i sit in my seat right now brother i can begin to feel my heart i can notice that it's not where it used to be with the lord and i'm beginning to wander away my brother and i don't want to waste my potential i want to get back to having an intimate relationship with god if that's where you're at this evening you'd be willing to make that decision i want to encourage you just lift your hands so i can pray for you i'm not going to embarrass you i'm not going to call you out i'm not going to do anything like that praise the lord thank you for raising up your hand i have another question for you this evening maybe you know someone who is beginning to wander away from the lord maybe you know someone who has some warning signs and you'd be willing to say brother and i want to reach out to them encourage them and be there for them and make sure that their heart does not wander away from god if you'd be willing to say that you want to make that decision i want to encourage you slip your hand up in the air praise the lord for that praise the lord for that i'm going to go to the lord of the word of prayer and while i'm praying i'm going to encourage you to make whatever decision you need to make and then pastor will come up and close out this service as he sees fit heavenly father lord god thank you for the opportunity to preach your word lord thank you for the truth we find in the life of solomon although it is tragic and although it is sad lord allow us to learn from that i'll ask to watch out for any warning signs we see i pray that our hearts will not wander away from you that way we wouldn't waste the potential you've placed upon our lives lord allow us to reach out and help any others we know that are wandering away lord we pray for all this in your son's precious name amen stan please amen sing this beautiful old song it is no secret what god [Music] what he's done [Music] he's [Music] times of time bring out the news [Music] strength [Music] foreign [Music] god [Music] [Music] it is [Music] amen wonderful job let's get brother aaron a hand tremendous job tonight appreciate that i asked kim and brina if they'll make their way back to the vestibule the kids will be leaving as soon as church is over probably about 10 15 minutes um when they are coming back i guess the kids will use uh cell phones to get a hold of their parents the younger ones we're gonna be sending out a text message if you're on our texting thing at the church we'll be sending out a text message to tell you what time we'll be back i would think 9 9 30 is what we're hoping for uh to get them back here but we'll we'll send that text out to you and again the older ones going to tortillas will have to text you on their own all right don't forget on tuesday uh funeral service for alan uh visitations from 9 a.m to 10 a.m and then the service starts at 10 a.m and we have a few tickets left for the 3 p.m showing that's this saturday coming up for show me the father 6 pm sold out so if you're interested in seeing that movie at 3 o'clock this saturday peggy will have tickets in the vestibule all right this coming sunday at 2 30 in the afternoon gary thames and his family will be at the hillsborough county fairgrounds it's on sydney washington road in route 60 and it's worth your time going we love these people and they do a fine fine job also we have folks here that we didn't get to celebrate their 60th anniversary and also one of them's 89th birthday so brother and sister talbert i think we should sing are you not yeah sing it all happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday god bless you happy birthday now for 60 years happy anniversary [Music] let's give them a hand how about that all right let's be dismissed in prayer don't forget the kids are leaving immediately after uh service brother wes would you dismiss us you
Channel: First Free Will Baptist Church
Views: 166
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Arron Howard, First Free Will Baptist, Church, Tampafreewill, Seffner, Florida, Tampa, Jesus, Jesus Christ
Id: G9EOjHBv76M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 14sec (3554 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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