Praise # Phillips, Craig & Dean

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hello welcome to praise we have an incredible night plan for you our friends Phillips Craig and dieter here Nicole and I are so excited let me hear you shine [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tonight Andres from Dallas a night of praise and worship with international recording artists and multi double Ward winners Phillips Craig MD [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that you hear me when I call is it true that me Lord how you love it's me [Music] [Applause] the you are thinking [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that you are mindful of that you [Music] is it true that you want think [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] praise Thank You Mac Lord for giving us the space to just gather and worship for a whole hour [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hi I'm David Binion hey and I'm Nicole pinion and we are so glad you've chosen to join us we have an incredible praise program coming up with gonna be so good with our friends these guys have been recording music for a long time together and we're just so thrilled you guys are going to sing a new song Matt Crouch told you the story tired this song is right we're gonna do that tonight and so many other favorites so many generally riddles incredible anthem revelation song guys we're so glad you're here we're glad you joined us that's going to be amazing night on praise Jesus you are so good we are so grateful that we can call you friend romans 8:28 says he is able to work all things together for the good of those who love him and who are called according to his purpose does anybody love Jesus in the room tonight [Applause] [Music] was [Music] so I cast my cares upon wrong it's my every so long will you take my hand and eat me [Music] things work things fall when I cannot see - to you are working things [Music] [Music] I will fix [Music] has come [Music] homey in the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I can't I still you're working [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good come on sing [Music] [Music] oh if you're just tuning in this is the praise program what a marvelous night we have planned for you our friends Phillips Craig and Dean are here they opened up the program I can't sit or be in the same room and not have conversation with you guys y'all are some of the most interesting people you'll ever meet I love you guys so much and honored you're here so how long let's talk about what you guys have been doing how many years have you been doing Phillips Craig yeah 26 years Wow so a year before we got married mmm-hmm that's scary I do this I know sometimes somebody will come up and say my dad loves your me yeah somebody young comes to the table you think yes and then they go would you sign this for my grandma music 26 years I can say that I preface it saying I grew up singing your music but they grew up singing their music but you grew up singing the same music I mean it was all at the same time the cool thing is that 26 years we still love each other and that amazing chopper fights we do fight but the secret to our success is living in different cities come together sing and go home yes so it would be it would be catastrophic if you all tried to work in the same church oh that would be fun every fun for about a few weeks and there'll be nobody left who's the stronger personality well I've gotta beat you down what all these guys tell you how we would respond had we been the guy passing by the man in the ditch in the Bible because it's pretty it's pretty rare the Good Samaritan let's say was Phillips Craig and Dean instead of two priests and a Samaritan okay so this films Craig and being coming by so if Dan came by first and sees somebody at Harding in the edge yeah he would get down in the ditch and weep with them and mop their brow he wouldn't help him but good luck to you I sure enjoyed crying with you he'd cry for you and then if I came along I'd give him a 12-step book about how to get on with your life what you did to get you here yeah it's a like a practical here's how you move on if it's Randy he's gonna kick them and say get up move on get out of the ditch you don't work you don't eat your mom get up out of there okay Randy they're doing all the taco what say you that's not true that's not true I would love own even helping somebody there's been a few nights I can recall both Randy edge and Shawn telling me as we go out to the table after a long night of singing then go out there and do your thing we're really tired tonight you just go out there and love the people you know it's really it's part of the the blessing of being together is is the complement each other you know the way that you help each other and when one is weak in one area I would call it we really do we have learned to lean into each other's gifts on stage I mean Randy is just you just never know what he's gonna say and it's generally like 95% of the time it's always good to just do anything great you think Rainey will say whatever comes to mind I remember we were you know we were at promised land and with Tommy and me and Jeannie were contemplating honoring Tommy's requests I remember the story saying the prayer and you said oh I see the train right no I see headlights you can't break it into [Music] a couple of weddings but when I sing it with her sing it in time will tell you so he warned me but it's a gift dared me away Shawn is is I really say this and honestly it's probably one of the greatest keyboard people I've ever been around and can't create a moment with just the keys that you know I'm talking about it's just the presence of the Lord will come it's like I can imagine it being like David when when you begin to play his harp and and Shawn has that ability he really does I have longed for somebody to be like that at the end of my messages you know have somebody that how much I love to hear you saying again I remember the first one that I really was in the room listening to you saying when twenty years ago and I was just in awe I was your gift it was it Heartland when we came and I was like I love this guy I want to be his friend and you na'kal keep teasing about I do that make a do it I do it it has to happen [Music] like water from my heart I pour my love on you and soon if praise is like a lavish mine on you too every drop is gone dan you gotta sing the verse you gotta sing the verse I don't know how to say exactly how I feel and I can't begin to tell you what your love is meant [Music] is the way to show the passion in my heart and care i express how truly great a thank you [Music] oh yeah Lord this is my desire [Music] to pull [Music] like what on you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] poor my love take a moment right here and just do that come on [Music] so you guys all still write songs or did you stop writing when you started pastoring it's harder to write it is it's like the creative stream of writing now gets diverted to preaching right yep and I haven't figured out how to do dual inspirational dreamers it's so it's kind of really modest I'm learning I'm learning that was that was the one of the scariest things it's like when you travel and it's one thing for me to go and speak at worship conferences yeah but to have to preach to the same group of people turns out turns out you have to preach every Sunday yeah so so and then but we're still we're still recording albums we're still doing stuff so I just kind of throw myself as best as I can into co-writing to help to get people to help me a lot of a lot of what happens for us songs are born in prophetic moments and so we'll be in a flow and a phrase will come and we're like oh okay we need to do something with that and well is this a pitch because we're about to go into the studio come on yes see how pathetic I am so so that's a lot of a lot of the times when I write it happens from a moment that then I like then I'll get with somebody and say okay this is what happened here's a little piece I've been working on and then we just start shaping I find when there's time for a new album I get the pressure I paint myself in a corner and I have to write but having to be creative with sermon life versus song life is an adjustment for us yeah there's a lot of the same principles you know finding a hook yes absolutely that is memorable that they walk away knowing one thing so it's it's similar songwriting what's the main idea and I think I'm gonna do an oldie but goodie yeah you got a new ahem can to do hands let's do it leaning on the everlasting arms here we go here we go [Music] [Music] what a blast [Music] a blessedness what up pieces mind being on the Everlast safe and secure [Music] [Music] how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way convening on the Everlast gross [Music] a safe and secure [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] had to grid what have I to fear ring on the everlasting arms [Music] safe and secure [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I just want to say I mean 26 years we've talked about it but men of honor and integrity and you know family men and just thank you for all of your years of just even bringing songs to the body of Christ and just being steadfast and Integris and we love you guys I love there's a lot of songs that you guys do and there are stories that life experience like I remember early on you guys did a song that was inspired by your daughter a little bit a morning outside just quick an abbreviated quick version of that's terrorism oh my daughter learned how not to sleep through the night for many years she was three years old still getting up once or twice a night oh wow I just begged her when I said please would you do dad a favor I want you to sleep all night I don't want you to get up till morning please one time okay she always said that meant nothing so I was sleeping very soundly and I filtered tapping on my shoulder which was every night and I said garland I thought I told you to sleep all night don't get up to morning and she said dad look and I looked up through the windows of my bedroom and she said there's a little bit of mourning outside just a little bit of pink out there and I just thought about the people who've suffered such a full eclipse of the heart a darkness because of what Jesus Christ did on that cold dark Friday Sunday's coming so good Billups Craig and Dean I love you guys I've loved you ever since I first met you and I'm honored to you here this gonna be a great night together to do things [Music] ivana be close close to your side where heaven is real and death is a lie I wanna hear voices of angels Arbor singing as one [Music] [Music] [Music] be near dear to your heart loving the world King [Music] I wanna see dry the banknote singing as well [Music] [Music] the mountains shake me for the demons run in fear at the mention of the name king of majesty [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I know you guys have been recording other people's songs as well like yeah friend of God Revell is real and revelation song is Jesus generally riddle you guys know her right yeah she's crazy we should start ok she's just amazing but I love you guys doing these worship songs PCD style yeah so fresh so good we also did a last thing we did was a hymns album from songs that we did growing up and we put the PCD spin on on those hams that was a lot of fun okay I don't know if y'all recorded it but haven't you ever I think I've been singing one of my songs I don't know if it was let the name of Jesus reign I love that song you know I can't even remember we're considering recording that on this next album that's the was that you and Colin edge that is a great song we do that at our church right and this is not because you're here I'm not snoozing but Eve nasties guys I really have talked about this song I love this the synergy I love just just what happens when the three of you create what you create and there's an anointing that is timeless that comes from your culture yeah yes from you you are where you come from sure that people may not understand but there is there are years of singing in altar calls yes yes and but the chemistry of the three of you together is absolutely amazing and I've been wanting to do a show with you guys for a long time I think and I'm honored that you're here [Music] who was slain sameness to him who sits [Music] - sits up [Music] mr. car we've all creation I say [Music] [Music] rainbow Oh living color [Music] flashes are lie [Music] we'll be [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] struggle wonder at the mention of your name Jesus your name is power [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey Sean I want you to look at the camera and I encourage our viewers let's let's I mean let's pretend this is Sunday morning and you're leading worship yeah well you know the word talks about magnify the Lord with me let us exalt his name together you know sometimes when we and see each other up close after a long time ago oh dude you're thinking I know it's you're thinking you think oh he's old that's like you see each other up close the awesome thing about God is when you magnify me see him closer actually looks better so right where you are maybe you're focused on your problems maybe you're focused on the difficulties of your marriage or your family that you're going through magnify the Lord when he gets bigger problems get smaller let's worship together and love him [Music] crazy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we sing [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's shifty in sorry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if you're just tuning in somewhere in a hotel room maybe you're at home wherever you are this is the praise program and that's exactly what we're doing we're worshiping the one who sits on the throne and we just pray right now in his presence we understand according to his word in his presence there is fullness of joy maybe you don't feel too joyful right now but you find yourself in this moment something sweeping into the room where you are even here in the studio I don't know what burden you might be carrying if there's sickness in your body in his presence there is fullness and we released the hand of God to move on your behalf I command you now in the name of the Lord to be healed to be free to just let yourself express in a posture of worship right where you are you're in the room alone nobody's watching discipline lift up your hands maybe fall on your knees and declare that our God is holy he reigns he's our healer he's Jehovah Jireh he's the God that sees what we have need of even before he asked and he makes great provision for us so receive receive the work of God right now Randy I want you to share and set up this this last song just take your time okay tell the story alright well you may be seated the pastor and me want you to sit down ten years ago I was in a car with Matt crouch and Matt crowd said I I want to tell you this amazing story he begin to unfold the store and he said I think you should write a song about it the son of the story was so fantastic though I just like it just said in my spirit for over a decade that he told me of a of a pastor who got to be in the room when one of his members was having open-heart surgery the physician the surgeon went to his church and Matt told me that they brought the person hanley opened up the chest cavity removed the heart he watched as the surgeon repaired the heart such a precision then the surgeon put the heart back in place repaired massage the heart but the heart didn't start beating massage the heart didn't start being went to more drastic measures and then the surgeon went around to the head of the gurney knelt down beside the unconscious person and whispered in the ear and said this is your surgeon your surgery was successful your heart has been repaired now tell your heart to beat again hmm and somewhere in the deep recesses of the unconscious person they sent a signal and their heart began to beat that story set in my spirit for over a decade and when we were preparing to write for a new album I told that story again and we began to write this and this is for anybody watching who as a wound to your heart oh you you look good outwardly it's a nice package but you your heart is wounded the Great Physician has come and he's repaired your heart by the redemptive work of Calvary you're gonna live again and you're gonna love again now tell your heart to beat again [Applause] [Music] you if only you'd forgive yourself you've been made but you still stand cuz sweat seems like all you ever seen are the scars of every failure [Music] to close your eyes with the shots step two yesterday's a close but you don't so say goodbye - yeah to begin [Music] forgive me just let the world watch over you it's alright Kozlov Healing Hands oppose so get back up and takes them cuz now you has become I know the son sets you free your friend [Music] Singh [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] tell your heart to beat again just breathe [Music] yesterday [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Pastor Steven
Views: 14,196
Rating: 4.9878049 out of 5
Id: XPEtjkeUN7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 50sec (3410 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2019
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