Brian Free and Assurance Live in Winston Salem

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this group that's coming to the stage right now has become one of the top groups in all of southern gospel music the tenor has been voted favorite tenor year after year after year after year in southern gospel music and now has put together a quartet that I believe is one of the finest quartets has ever walked across the stage of gospel music they are here to sing for you tonight would you please put your hands together and welcome Brian free in a shirt [Applause] Oh y'all and I things that change the day and tom has been called effect - Wayne bane you can agree upon me or somewhere before [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the [Applause] [Music] I love Lourdes Matt I'm married a beautiful blond-headed lady her name is Phyllis we have two sons my oldest son is Nicholas and I have younger son named Tyler my life started promptly a little differently than yours day I was born I was put up for adoption for the foster care and for the state of Alabama and down in Montgomery Alabama and stayed there for the first four months of my life but there was an ounce couple up in North Alabama named wildon Hollis Lawrence and they had been Mullis on for a long time and Lord just posed together I remember my dad talking about that Monday morning when they came down to Montgomery to pick me up he said he said I'm the desk and took a knowing pin in quill pen and dipped it into equal and signed his name over and over and over again just to make everything right illegal so that I would always be there's you know I was my first adoption and I realized that this couple that had everything in life the children how much they sacrificed just so they could give me a home they gave me their home their name and everything I needed in life you know when I was 30 years old I started going to church and I heard about another man that has sacrificed so much of his life in fact he sacrificed his life just for me so I would have a home forever and this man could supply every need in my life today and thereafter and the more I knew about this man the more I wanted to know about him and so I realized that the convictions they are for my heart and I decided that I wanted my mom to be in heaven that Sunday night I asked him into my life that's Lord forgive me for what I've done just taking me and use me Lord any way you see fit now Lord for you for now so that was my second adoption then and my father then signed the book but he put my name in instead of his and when he took that pen and ditched it in an equal it wasn't anything that well he's his blood we find my name's blood I love all the Lord and I'm standing on immense world I want to live [Music] the world [Music] miss Lin for the role [Music] wake up every morning and I see bounty of the Lord surrounding me my heart is overflowing Calicut is doing [Music] ha [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the rust mistake yeah [Music] my butt now Oh [Music] festered in the night the path of love I could not find but now I wonder now that our no still at a party or until my have secured and all I know but now all life my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] then [Music] even the state [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] god is such a good god I tell you he's been so good to me in my life he's blessed me throughout my entire life and especially with a godly Christian wife of three years her name is Michelle hey Michelle how you doing and we have a little girl her name is Brittany and she's two and God blessed me richly with him I know what I'd do without offer I was born and raised and a little South Georgia town called Tifton brought up great Christian family mother and father took me to church every Sunday every Wednesday every revival whether I wanted to go or not but I went and I did a lot like a lot of people still do today and that sit down a few and let's whatever was said there in church go in one ear and out the other not really caring and it's time passed and years went by and me not knowing Christ my teenage years come around and well everything went completely haywire Lana rebelled against my parents I did the complete opposite of everything that they'd ever taught me I was running from God and I didn't want anything to do with him I didn't think you know that Christians had fun I thought I was living the fun life because I started doing drugs and I started drinking and you know doing a lot of foolish stupid things that I'm not proud of but I'm so glad that through all those times God never left me he was always waiting he never gave up on me and I'm so thankful for that but the time of my life when I got saved I came home one one night it was on the weekend and I've been pretty much partying that whole night and it was real late about four or five in the morning and I walked me in and I walked to my bed and I laid down and when I close my eyes I heard my mother praying for me in the next room and she was crying out my name and I know they doubt that a lot of you watching this might have a lot of lost loved ones or lost friends just pray for him lift them up to Christ because God was disabled and he wants to use you to stand in the gap for him but as I laid there and I heard my mother crying out my name god I don't know what else to do my son's going to hell if he doesn't change I talk to I'm blue in the face but I don't know what else to do but I'm giving him to you tonight and when I heard that I felt the sweet conviction of God call upon me and I knew that I had to make a change and that following Sunday when I walked in the doors of that little country church I walked down to the officer with my mind made up and asked God to save me to forgive me and when I did that it felt like the weight of the whole world just lifted off my shoulders at that time and the peace and the sweet love and the joy of Christ and only a Christian can know about it right then right then and he changed me and made me a new creature in Christ it is so good to be a Christian and so good to be serving and Savior who loved me enough to die on the cross for me for my sins and I love him tonight 2,000 years ago Jesus died on the cross that count He shed his precious blood to cover each and every one of our sins and that's what the blood was larger thankful for that blood tonight [Music] when I think of all the times that I failed my friend is his ward what's her my back and wall dear my heart nyam over ridden with him but when I saw four [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm such a good and holy God could shower me so freeze love it's so hard to imagine that after all simple forever [Music] before he sees all my thoughts and he was bruised my child don't forget that's what Plus [Music] today want you Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] what a beautiful song here's another new stall this is a little more active not only with the hand volatile deep [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] as well [Music] [Applause] [Music] a big one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's be raised in a wonderful Christian home my dad is a pastor of a small church in Cairo Georgia and mom's played the piano in their ministry my whole life they told me my whole life that Jesus was the answer to anything I've ever may face in my life didn't matter what the problem maybe they got could handle it and I'm so thankful that they said a wonderful Christian example in front of me and they told me about Christ being brought up in church like I was it was real easy to get caught up in church and miss asking Jesus into my heart I knew who he was I loved him and I knew what he had done for me on the cross but I never asked you mean not even stood on States before and asked the Lord into and you know sang songs and told people how good god was but I didn't have a heart knowledge of who he was I could tell you things about it and I can even tell you Bible stories but I've never taken time to ask him into my heart be my own Savior I realized in my early teenage years that but it didn't matter that my daddy was a preacher and so forth and I don't to church all my life and we were real involved in the church I realized that when I was to stand before God I was going to stand it's Craig Singletary all by myself and there's no way I wanted to be standing there that day and he'd go to searching that list and my name not made the list I would be independent and one Sunday night in church the Lord spoke to my heart and I knew I had to make a change I realized that at that point I wasn't living for Christ and that all the times I'd gone to the altar before I had experiences and they were emotional experiences where I cried and I something happened but I never asked him in my heart but this Sunday night I made a change and without a doubt I asked the Lord of my heart be my Savior see my testimony was different than a lot of people's I volunteers like I did I never was sitting on drugs or alcohol never had to worry about that kind of stuff because I had a wonderful Christian surrounding but in the matter of not if I never drink alcohol or did drugs that not knowing Christ it's what would send me to hell I realized that have been a good person and not doing bad things course I felt like everybody else but I realized that I didn't ask him my heart I I was on my way to a sinner so I was just as lost as someone who had never heard the name of Christ and I guess out of this video it's not what we would want out of it is is the message of Christ to be displayed in a way that you don't know him but this would be hope for you and I through the message of song that saying if you ask come to know him as your saviors it's great to do what I do is great to sing for Jesus I love him with all my heart [Music] I fold inside the trenches been scarred on the frontline this armor seen surface and my current has been tried but regardless Oh believe to [Music] [Music] me [Music] I'm supposed to wearing my rules my five [Music] I'm using the blood-stained in the shadow of a cross I've only fight for freedom and the honor [Music] I'm joined here oh he'll make come against me but I [Music] [Music] I'm [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I imagine love and lots of people hold all I ever needed I found in the Lord he gave me be home on divisional love and every good perfect if from Devon um I would think for my journey below I'm happy to stay but I'm ready to go and I believe when I leave all of it get better than this I'm a heartbeat away compare me with uncle to imagine he's apparently a dad the mayor Jesus here but all very poor just it's not good manners so I guess you know I see nothing yet [Music] [Applause] [Music] call me optimistic that a Canada night see I'm only looking for a time and Scott that if he made this world and less and I we just think of all the waters that are waiting for me and if this is all the reason all the river movie I still that a Lord hasn't so good to me and he made me a promise that's all that is true I can have all of this to get better than this I'm a heartbeat away from everything I do imagine he's the man for me and I can't remember Jesus here but I'll never forget this is not gonna get away [Music] man [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and [Music] well most people have heard me given by testimony I was saved in 1986 January the 24th Sunday morning in a little town in Florida when I gave him a heart lots of Jesus and I was raised in church my whole life raised in a Christian home taught all about Jesus knew how to accept him but I just never took the time I was one of those who got caught up and living the Christian lifestyle somewhere along the line salvation got left out and I've met so many people over the course of the years since I got say that there is a very same thing that I did and that it's easy to get caught up in that lifestyle and you're saying the right things you're doing the right things acting the right way and when churches all you know that's the only way you know to live I wasn't putting on an act I was conducting myself as my surroundings and my surroundings were Christian people but I was as lost to somebody who had never heard the name of Jesus prior to that Sunday morning but I started singing gospel music when I was very young I was 6 years old when I started traveling around my family seeing gospel music and that's all I've ever known best music this side of heaven is good old southern gospel music and that's what I've been doing all my life but I did it for a number of years knowing about the Savior I was thinking about it not knowing him personally and I'm sure that maybe somebody say well how in the world could you do that truthfully I've met a lot of people gospel singers and music ministries youth pastors and deacons elders pastors people who have held positions in churches for years get the very same thing that I did it's easy to get caught up in that lifestyle but the main thing is that God didn't give up on me I certainly did give up on him and explain God that I accepted him that Sunday morning that's my savior my life's been totally different since then this is what I love to do I love to sing live and travel up to meet wonderful people love to spread the message of Jesus Christ cuz in a day like today we need it more than ever this world beats Jesus he's blessed me in so many ways it took me an hour to even scratch the surface but I'm married have a sweet beautiful godly wife named Pam who was the love of my life have another son have two sons Ricky my oldest son is my drummer and my band and if 18 years old been on the road with me now for about two and a half almost three years now and doing a wonderful job I have another son named Bryce who is 10 years old and is still wonderful little boy - he's going to be my singer one day he he can sing his heart out but God has been so good to me we just we just pray that in this video that you see our hearts that most of all you look past us you see because we represent that is Jesus Christ we don't take what we do lightly well we know the responsibility in presenting the message of Jesus Christ and we hope that you have a great time enjoy the video and it touches your heart and and you just sit down and watch this video that you leave on the videos through your different from the way you were when you first started the video just and lift it up in praising Jesus Christ [Music] [Music] separated from father by the sing-bad we don't know [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] longer breathe - we really [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I guess thankful for that tonight that if you're saved and washed in the butter to lament on your way to heaven no matter how and get here on earth we know we serve a great big dog to wait on water maybe over our heads sometimes in situations in life but it's still under his feet a man we are we are people to be here - hi Gladys - came out tonight to share with us I mean a wonderful time listen apart and praising our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and that is why we're here tonight we we've got a number of songs to sing for you tonight that Craig Lee mentioned something about somebody requested a song for us to do tonight we got 142 requests we can't get all those but somebody requested a song and you wouldn't tell me who requested or what the song was and we're doing a video here tonight and there's no way we can do a song unless we know it we do know this song how many here tonight and winston-salem North Carolina enjoy the old hymns y'all like though all your in love because I'm telling you week that's our old hem right there yes sir no I'm just serious hey how many do remember the old gospel singing Jubilee do y'all remember that meets come on early Sunday morning I knew - I remember when I was just a little little boy I would watch Brian on there he would step out there with a group called goal city and everything songs just like this it's called flowing running all hurt one bit if anybody Fisher has in heaven sound yeah the smoke [Music] not these are ma'am New York and oh lordy many times I stop [Music] my brain you had a land got perfect [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] say goodbye you over old us [Music] [Applause] [Music] you turn my [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I can [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it was in that fair [Music] this is wrong [Music] [Applause] [Music] that goes back in there too I don't know who requested that but hope it was all right now how many folks by the sound of your voice are seeing assurance the very first time let me hear you it's just a few me if you've heard you've seen us before let me hear you I love a noisy crowd praise the Lord well let me stop real quickly and tell you who these guys are back here behind me before we go any further to introduce you to the greatest bunch of guys in the whole wide world I wanna let you know a little bit more about him I briefly introduce them to you immunity oh I'll start with the young man back here behind all these drums you can see him back here I've known this young man and some of you know his whole life Reeves wise because he's my oldest son I'm tickled to have one of my boys on the road with me Rikki's already been involved in gospel music now for almost ten years he's on all the gates of kids videos so if you've seen how to do those for your children or grandchildren you see no Reiki accident singing and having a great old time of course he likes me to tell everybody that was back when he was a whole lot younger he's 18 now and I think he's the greatest drummer in gospel music y'all make Ricky free welcome here tonight if you playing the piano over here from Rogersville Alabama actually Michael is from a little town called to nerville Alabama is there any Alabama folks here tonight about five or six of you okay so y'all are still greatly outnumbered see we have in the group we have four georgia guys and two alabama guys so needless to say the alabama guys are greatly outnumbered they're always getting a hard time and Michael we always tell alabama jokes and Michael came to me not too long ago and asked me if I kind of lay off of the Alabama jokes at least from stage and I asked him why he said I have reason to be proud of being from the state of Alabama I said what could that possibly be he said the man that invented the toothbrush was from the state of Alabama what he said and I went on to tell him well had it been invented in any other state it would have been called a teeth brush yeah some of y'all get that later on tonight it'll kick in give this last left now Michael also comes from a family of the history and gospel music I know most of you maybe all of you know who Jake Hess is well Michael and Jake are cousins and we'll pay a little bit about his family everybody in his family can sing or play the district talented Bunch Mike no different or the greatest keyboard players will ever hear on the nicest guys you'll ever meet y'all make Michael count welcome here tonight if you were singing lead all the way from a South Georgia town by the name of Tifton Georgia now dip is a pretty good size I think probably one of the finest lead singers the gospel music I think vpotus lead singer in southern gospel music y'all made mr. bills shoppers welcome here tonight you feel a hand singing baritone another South Georgia man now this man's from a town called Wiggum Georgia now Wiggum Georgia is a very small took place to get any money I don't care what you say I guarantee you'll never hear a finer back on singer meter not some guy in gospel music mr. Craig Singletary I'll make Craig welcome here tonight [Applause] come here tiny singing bass so you can already tell that this is one more bass singing machine this is our other Alabama guy bill is from Hartselle Alabama which is also at the northwestern corner of Alabama so when I tell the Alabama joke I stand a long way for this man for obvious reasons I would want to him to get a hold of me now now we have typically I'd say this we have two guys in a brief name bill so this won't confuse you can do the very same thing that we do we have what we refer to singing lead over here and little bill we have what we refer to your singing face as big bill that's how we keep some hard on the bus you can cut a little bill a big bill if you won't do they will get mad I'm too old for that anyway but I guarantee you'll never hear fine our bass singer and all of God for music a meter not the guy to mr. bill alone y'all make bill welcome here tonight I was just wondering does anybody here know what his nickname is you know I've been called a lot of places my last time but prices ain't one of them from Atlanta Georgia the most awarded tenor in all of southern gospel music are you glad to see Brian free [Applause] thank you so much once you listen to the words of a song I think [Music] one day near the city father to his children here the time [Music] [Music] perfect great my child [Music] in the guards praying 50 bye will [Music] you do the parable in just a few short hours you die on Calvary [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] eat me that we cried a god [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] every year you say the Bible [Music] boy [Music] to date though I meant three separate you from Baja [Music] [Music] [Music] mama [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] have you enjoyed insurance tonight [Applause]
Channel: SGQuartetClassics
Views: 8,066
Rating: 4.9157896 out of 5
Id: MeEWk_1Uczo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 4sec (3664 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2017
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