Is Bretman Rock Moving to the Jungle? | 30 Days With: Bretman Rock

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[Bretman]<i> I'm Bretman Rock</i> <i> and I've always wanted to do something crazy</i> <i> that gets back to my roots.</i> <i> I really want to go to the jungle, to reconnect with Bret.</i> When he told me about this adventure, I was like, "Whoa, are you crazy?" [Larry]<i> Bretman going into the forest</i> <i> with no connection to the world, no mirrors,</i> for a narcissist to not have a reflection of themselves is kind of hard. [♪♪] [chopping] [Bretman]<i> 'Cause I feel like, what I want right now</i> <i> is fire more than anything.</i> [Princess]<i> He never gives up.</i> When he wants something, he'll go for it. [exhales] <i> [Bretman] Anything that could go wrong,</i> <i> is going wrong right now.</i> Oh, my God. I'm so scared for him. [intro music] [Bretman]<i> Hey, guys! It's Bretman Rock here.</i> <i> Singer, songwriter, actor, actress, athlete...</i> Now you're looking cute, but not that cute, because your forehead still looks like shit. I'm a content creator for the past five years now. <i> Although I feel like I've always been a content creator</i> since I was, like, eight years old. Bitch. I used to steal my mom's phone <i> and I would make commercials on her phone.</i> And I literally would just be like, "Easy, breezy, beautiful." <i> But with online stuff,</i> I feel like I started posting when I was in 8th grade. Facebook, YouTube... Thank you guys so much for watching. Bitch, you already here. Might as well what? -Subscribe, bitch. -Or whatever. Something about lenses turns Bretman Rock on. <i> It's my dream.</i> <i> It's always been my biggest dream.</i> I love everything about my job. <i> But, growing up in the Philippines,</i> I wanted to be so much like my dad. <i> My dad taught me so many things.</i> <i> He taught me, like, simple, like, survival stuff.</i> We were basically camping my whole childhood, 'cause we were so poor. <i> Even though I now live in Hawaii,</i> <i> I never ventured out into the jungle.</i> <i> So, I'm getting dropped in the jungle,</i> <i> and then I'll spend a week getting out.</i> <i> Kind of wanted to make peace with my dad.</i> <i> 'Cause I didn't really get to make peace</i> <i> before he passed away</i> and so I'm hoping to connect to him spiritually, or kind of just like... I don't know, I feel like he's always guiding me. And I feel like if I'm alone in the jungle <i> I'll feel him more, maybe.</i> [♪♪] [birds chirping] [balls clacking] What are your goals for this little spiritual journey? Bitch, I just want to survive. That's my goal. Bretman going to the forest for a week with no connection to the world, no Wi-Fi, no phones, no mirrors? And I feel like that's a big challenge for someone like him. How are you going to feel, like, being by yourself? Bitch, what do you... mean? I lived alone since I was, like, 18, Ya'll come here in the daytime. I'm always alone. Him being in the jungle, I think he can survive for a week, but without his phone... I don't think so. That bitch got two phones. [laughing] You break the other one, and he's fine, he got another one. Yeah, I'm not that scared, really. [Miss Kay] Wait, I have a genuine question. -I have a genuine answer. -[Larry] What? Your first day, what are you going to try and look for first? Shelter, duh! I only told him once to have fun and do your best because you don't want to come back saying, like, "Oh, my God, I wish I did this." Go full force. What is your words of advice, Larry? [Larry] I would just say to stay safe out there, 'cause, like, I want my bestie back. I know it's only 24 hours, but... [both] That's the boot camp. But the week though? Boot camp is 24 hours, and I'll be in the forest for a week. I mean, you're grown, you know what you're doing. -[laughing] -Bitch. -Of course I'm grown. -You're grown. You chose to go there. [laughing] [♪♪] [dog whines] "Amazing bushcraft tent made from plastic wraps." I better not see some centipedes, bitch, 'cause Imma eat you, bitch. The past couple of weeks, to be honest, I have just been procrastinating. But also, I feel like YouTube has been recommending <i> so many survival videos to me</i> <i> that I'm just like, "Do you know that I'm gonna be going out,</i> <i> or whatever?"</i> It's like, I didn't even have to look for, like, survival tips videos, 'cause it's literally in my recommended. I wish I was making that up, but I'm not. I can build a pool in the wilderness, bitch? So, first thing that I have to worry about and going through is the boot camp. I have no expectation of what it's going to be like. I do know that I'll be there for 24 hours. I'm going to try to learn as much as I can in that 24 hours and I don't know what to expect. I just hope my instructor is cute. [♪♪] I need help picking out outfits. Okay, since you're going to the boot camp, wear those boots. Ahh! Bitch, I really need boots for the boot camp. [Princess] I feel like you should have one in every color. This is how I'm going to hunt, bitch. Like, Imma wear this, like this. Yeah, Imma be like, "I'm just a weak bunny." And then a tiger comes and I'll be like... -[tiger growling] -[Princess laughing] I'm not a bunny, bitch, you thought? [all laughing] I feel like I have to pack makeup. [♪♪] Dude, go on a checklist. She got a primer, she got a foundation, she got her little collection of Babe in Paradise. And she got the setting spray, the powders, blushes, mascaras... Guess what the... I'm gonna pack it in. -What is that? -I'm smart as hell. So, you're going to have two luggages? I'm gonna have a lot of luggages. 'Cause you never know, I don't get ready, I stay ready, bitch. And I love this, 'cause it comes with, like, lightning already. -This is the ultimate. -Mm-hmm. Imma be like, "Yeah, I got to do some boot camp stuff, but I'll be right there." [♪♪] Girl... This is my last meal before my boot camp, I'm feeling really cute. I got to bulk up before I go because I don't know if they're going to feed me. And also it's really good to just carb up. I'm scared. [sipping] But I'm really not. I feel like, when I say I'm scared, and then my mind goes like, "No, you're not, bitch." I just feel like I'm one of those people that's like, there's nothing I can't do. #lastsupper #Godwasgay. [Bretman] We got a long drive, bitch. I have a long... way to, like, think about if I even want to do this or not. Imagine, we get to the freeway and I'm like, "Keiffer, "U-turn, let's go back." No, there's no going back now. -I know. -There isn't, Bret. I am kind of like shitting myself, <i> the closer I get to boot camp,</i> the less confident I feel about going there. The less prepared I feel, to be honest with you. And I wish I'd taken it more seriously when it comes to, like, researching. Pulling up, actually. I just didn't tell you guys because... -Oh, my gosh, Bret. -Wait, is that it? -[Miss Kay] Yeah. -[Princess] It is. -Oh, my gosh. -[Bretman] Bitch. How the...? It's getting real, bitch. -This is now or never, we're about to pull in. -It's getting real. Oh, my God, my hands are getting clammy. -[Princess] Bretman, where are we? -[Bretman] Where the...? We're here, bitch. -[Princess] We're really out here. -Whoa! Where the... are we? This is us, there's no one here, so where's the boot camp? Where the... the camp is? I don't know where people is. I thought I was being trained, so... [mumbling] I'm, like, where's the bathroom? -Is that cow shit? -What is that? I'm ready, but where the... the boot camp? There's no camp here, I'm already in the wilderness, bitch. Bitch, where's my makeup bag? Oh, shit. -Bitch, you... -I had survival stuff in there. [gasps] What was that? Who is that? Who is that? [Cap]<i> I'm Cap, I'm from Samoa. And I'm a jungle king.</i> [♪♪] Hey! -Oh, my God. -[both] Aloha! Are you my boot camp instructor? I was not expecting a shirtless Samoan man to come out of the woods and tell me he was my instructor. But needless to say, he looks like he's ready, and he looks like he actually lives out in these jungles. So, yeah, not really my type, but he's cool. [Cap] What have you got here? Um, just everything that I need. [Miss Kay] Some change of clothes. Whatever fits in here, goes with you. -What? -This is all you need, here. -[Princess laughing] -That's it? You ain't going shopping anywhere. [Bretman] Oh, my God, what about my butt? I got you, Bret, I got you, Bret. So, maybe this girl can help you find what's going in the bag. Then we're gonna go to work. Okay, can I start packing? Yeah, please, whatever you have, in there. Okay, I need my journal. He looks like he could carry my bag if it gets heavy. Sis, how did you pack all of this shit? I brought so much shit, for what? -Wait, my lucky underwear. -[Princess] Bitch, how many socks do you need? -Bye. -Imma be so skinny when you see me next time. [Princess] Bye, Bret. Bye, Princess. Remember to find water first. -Let's go. -Where do we go? -[Miss Kay] Oh, my God, I'm so scared for him. -[Princess] Don't die. [Bretman]<i> Usually when you go to school,</i> <i> there's a syllabus week.</i> With Cap, he said we're going straight to the...benchmark. We have all these litte woods that we can cut up and use for building our house. This is the way you go out and--and stay alive. -[Bretman] Okay. -So... So, here it is, this is boot camp, man. -So this is boot camp right here? -This is. Right here. [Bretman]<i> I did not think this is what boot camp would look like,</i> <i> but okay.</i> So if you want to build a house, I'm gonna show you all the things, how to build a shelter, make fire, climb the tree, just make sure we have a place to stay. [Bretman]<i> I don't know half the things he's saying</i> <i> 'cause he's kind of very soft-spoken</i> for someone who's so big. When you hand somebody a knife, you hold the... -The blunt side. -Yeah. And you grab it like that. When you carry your knife, make sure you hold it straight up like this... [chopping] -Like this. See that? -Back and forth? I expected a whole camp, girl. <i> I don't know, I thought I was going to do like a Boy Scout kind of moment.</i> To be honest, I didn't even think I was going to be in here all day today. Because I thought I was gonna go home, tonight. I don't know, I guess we'll see where the night takes us. Oh! Oh, my gosh. [Cap] Shield your eye. Always look forward, make sure you don't poke your eye with it. Yes. We can hang it up. Put the wood to reinforce it and tie it to the rope, and you can sleep on it. So, I'm going to teach you how to weave a basket. A basket is quite important. You know, as a life as an island person. It carries everything. I have a twin brother, we were carried in baskets. Did you guys weave your baskets for school too? Yeah. Sorry I'm late for first class, I was weaving my basket. -That's not an excuse. -[both laughing] It's really important to learn as much as I can from Cap. <i> The YouTube videos that I was watching</i> is definitely different from real-life stuff, -Ta-da! Basket -A basket. Let's fill it up with food. I'm still new to the survival thing. I really just don't want to look stupid on my own. [♪♪] Probably one of the most important thing for you to drink is coconut. It has everything you need in the juice and the meat. -Climb that. That is full of coconuts. -Okay. Climbing a tree? Girl, ya'll got me...up. <i> ♪ Got everything you need ♪</i> Usually, you hold the knife in your mouth like this. Mm-hmm. Okay. Um, girl! Did you know that there's more people that die from coconuts each year than sharks? You got to decide right now, what you need, what you don't need, and just go for it. -Ah! -Put your feet apart. -Always apart. -I'm sweating already. Always apart, always apart. Right there. -I don't think I can do it. -[laughing] I'm up there, okay? That hurts. [Cap] Yeah, it hurts. You worked hard, man. Drink this. It's like nature's marshmallows. [Cap] So, I'm going to show you how to make fire. Let's do fire, all right? Okay. So, this is a good size here, not too thick. When it's too thick, you got too much surface to rub, and it's a lot of work. -Too thin, you're going to dig a hole. -Okay. And you just... -So the... -Like a crunch. Yeah, and here you're going to push forward. This is how fast you can do it. -That's it. -I got it. Watch me start this. Move back just a little bit. Maybe a little lighter but faster. Faster, faster, faster. Don't hit the... Go, go, go. You got it, you got it. Faster, faster, faster. [panting] -Bitch, I'm dead. -Almost had it. Stop, stop, stop. You got it! That better be it, 'cause that's all I had in me. Yeah! Oh, my God! What the...? So, namaste. He's barefoot, for God's sake. <i> I don't know, the inner beauty guru in me</i> feel like it would be so relaxing just like giving him a pedicure. I feel like a sponge, and I'm absorbing all of these things. I feel like I've been here for days. I really feel like I could do this on my own already. <i> Cap is amazing. He's taught me so much so far.</i> <i> Honestly, way better than any boot camp could ever teach me.</i> 'Cause it's like very one-on-one. By the time you leave this jungle, <i> you shook a little bit.</i> I think jungle is a good place to change your mindset. I'm trying to gather as much information as I can. You know, I'm going to try to write them down in my little journal. <i> Having Cap around gives such a sense of comfort.</i> <i> He has like this sense of, like, confident</i> <i> when he's in the wilderness.</i> "Nothing can hurt me." 'Cause he's literally like a shield. Like I said, he's a mini-fridge of a man. Bret, uh... this is my work today. Kind of show you walk through the fire but.. Okay, you made it look so easy, so I don't think it's going to be that hard. -You have a good coach. I know you can do it. -Exactly. [♪♪] [Bretman]<i> I am so much of, like, who I am today 'cause of my dad.</i> <i> He accepted me for being gay.</i> <i> He encouraged me to be myself.</i> He told me that I could do anything. He made me feel like I could do anything. Yeah. [exhales] <i> I feel like, for a long time,</i> <i> I've just kind of been telling myself</i> <i> that, like, that pain is gone.</i> <i> And that, you know, that I don't blame myself anymore.</i> <i> But I still do.</i> And I just hope like, this... This whole experience, I just hope that I find myself. <i> To reconnect with Bret.</i> <i> 'Cause I feel like I've been Bretman Rock for so long,</i> and I've taken care of my family for so long <i> that it makes me question if I'm even, like, taking care of myself.</i> [♪♪] Why I here? <i> The only thing that I could really think of</i> <i> was the regret.</i> I don't know what to do. This is totally different. <i> I'm shitting myself just even</i> <i> thinking about being alone after Cap.</i> <i> Anything that could go wrong is going wrong right now.</i>
Channel: Bretman Rock
Views: 3,141,918
Rating: 4.9741712 out of 5
Keywords: Bretman Rock YouTube Originals, YouTube Originals, Bretman Rock, Bretman, 30 Days with Bretman Rock, 30 Days With, Bretman Rock Workout, Mukbang, Makeup, Bretman Rock Makeup, Jollibee, Bretman Rock Filipino, Bretman Rock Sister, Da Baddest, Bretman Rock Da Baddest
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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