Every Single Tana Turns 21 Episode 🤩 MTV No Filter: Tana Mongeau | #AloneTogether

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(slow upbeat music) - So I was thinking that I should go like like bringing it up. like over my joggers, like (moans), like that. 'Cause the thongs are like low keys, and no pun intended I'm like-- - But they're scandalous. - No, I think your pants have to be off. - Off? - Yeah, like a holding your shirt kinda like a (moans) - Like you want me to be like a whore, as I'm trying to take photos to promote my thongs. (Imari laughs loudly) - I feel like the thong, it's kinda like if you're on the bed. It's like a butt kind of a thing. - I'm Tana. I'm definitely a little scandalous. It's like I'm gonna take a (bleep). I feel like the outcast of YouTube, the wild child, the bad one, but I feel like I do know what my demographic wants. So dude I'm also stressing about planning my birthday party. This is the first time we're ever gonna like legally drink together. (all laugh) - Oh, God. - Ashly and Imari are my hometown best friends and they are really the only people that I actually trust in this world. And they're kinda my ride or dies, you know. - Someone asked me earlier, they're like, "Oh, how long have you known Tana?" - I've known you since I was like 14. - Yeah that's why. - And like I'm about to turn 21. I feel like everything has just been moving so fast. 'Cause literally, this is the first time in my life where I'm starting to feel really old. And I feel like I've made a lot of really big mistakes that I've like had to grow from. (dramatic music) In the YouTube world, conventions are like one of the biggest things that creators go through to meet their fans and stuff like that. And I kinda wanted to like start my own convention. (sighs) Bad decision. (chuckles) - Tonight a YouTube star caused chaos, for 20,000 angry fans as they were turned away from her March heights convention. - I never expected 20,000 people to show up. It was really chaotic. There was no real like direction to it. - [Woman] Parking issues, attendance issues, ticket issues. - [Man] This thing really is as disorganized as possible. - [Man] All right, guys, everybody, let's go. - [Woman] There was no water outside, there was no shade, there was trash everywhere at a certain point because there's no trash can. - Five and a half hours just standing in the sun for this delicious sunburn. (fans shouting) - [Woman] I was like for sure that I was gonna get severely injured. - The TanaCon situation was a lot for her to go through for sure. I've never seen her so upset about something for so long. We had no idea that it was gonna turn out the way that it did. And when everything happened, it really felt like her whole life was just like crumbling and she wasn't gonna be able to come back from it. - I'm sorry. - Dude, this is really, really the first time in my life where I'm starting to feel like grown up. - It's like, "Yo, You can't (beep) up anymore." - I know, I just feel like, such a like coming-of-age like moment, you know. And I like thought I was going into everything. My birthday life, like with our relationship. - Not all aspects of your life are going to be at peace all at once. - After TanaCon, I was scared to let new people in and then I kind of jumped the gun. I rushed into a relationship and then a couple weeks ago, I was blindsided by finding out that he was cheating on me with like 20 girls. And now doing all this single too is really really crazy cause I really didn't think I'd be spending like, this moment right now with you guys. (screams) I can't. (Imari laughs) Oh, (beep). (piano hiphop music) - Oh, Jordan! - Tana, this cup is for normal size people. (laughs) And I'm a giant. - Dude, I'm actually like feeling so many things right now. - Wow. So what you're saying is that you're feeling emotions? - I feel like I'm actually going a little crazy cause I'm not having sex, which is kinda weird. You know? I just don't like function properly. Ready to meet though, ready to work, totally here. - Right. - Yeah. Jordan works out of my pool house and he is my manager. We make these great decisions together and we're always on the same page and stuff. But sometimes people will come up to Jordan and kinda treat me like, I'm his girlfriend or something. And I'm literally like, (burps) That is so (beep) disgusting (laughs). So I posted my thong photo. Things are doing well. - Good. Good. - I didn't think I could take a photo in a thong, that easily. I was like really nervous. It was not gonna be that easy. - I mean that's not an easy thing to do, to take a photo in a thong. That's actually, most people would find that hard, probably. - Yeah, I had to like shave my vagina (mumbles). - That's awesome dude. That's great information for me to know. - You're gonna learn so much about clothing. - I already feel like so much more, into it. - Which is cool, because if you ever were on the market again. I'm not saying you're not gonna like marry Brittnie, but I'm just saying you would only go for like trendy (beep). Oh, are you gonna (beep) marry Brittnie? I'm sorry. (dramatic beat) - Tana likes to push my buttons, by any which means she can. One of which is bringing up my girlfriend. - I'll wait, it's fine, I'll wait. - I don't know what you want me to do. I think you're the crazy, the voices are happening. - Stop acting like that. - Tana. - Stop acting like that. - There's nothing I'm acting like, literally. - You act like I haven't literally, like known you for five years. - Tana is the best and worst client that I have, all at the same time. A lotta times I feel like I'm her parental figure. Sometimes when Tana is getting on my nerves, I will shut down. It's because I know that if I say anything, it could result in a huge fight. Do you wanna talk about business though? Seriously, let's get into a couple things that we can actually get rhythm in, rhythm on. - I came in here to talk about business. - I think we need to go through every single item that we're gonna do for the clothing line. - Oh yeah, duh. So recently I've been going wholesale shopping for some of the pieces of my clothing line. And I've picked out a bunch of them and now I need to narrow it down to ones I would actually want to sell. - Your audience on YouTube is a lot older than anyone thinks, right? So are we selling the clothing line to those older people? Cause your merch is still like 14 to 18. - I see like an 18 year old girl in my stuff, I see like a 20 year old girl, I see a 23 year old girl in myself. - And especially if there's gonna be like, see-through nipples too. You know what I mean? Like they should be over a certain age. - Well, see-through stuff can have bra left under it. I don't know. - That's how I feel about it. - That's amazing, I love that. - I am nervous about Tana turning 21, because you do have to think about her audience and aging out and it does happen to every YouTuber at some point or every social media star at some point. You know, there are risks there. It actually is something that we need to think about in terms of like, how much you show off your vagina. (Tana laughs) And I think like, I think a little bit is fine, but maybe just like not the whole bushel. - Bushel, are you insinuating that I have a bush? - I'm not insinuating anything. - Okay, cool. (pop music) - Looks so cute. How can you not? - I know. He is literally the little model, like we need to get him an Instagram. - [Ashly] We'll get you at pool. - I think he's gonna piss on my couch. (Imari laughs) - No comment. Like why are the roses back up there? 'Cause like, weren't they like down, like hidden? - Yeah. They were like away in one of those closets and then, I don't even know, one of the assistants the other day. He was like cleansing the house of like that vibe, if that makes sense. - Okay. - My ex gave me these boxes of flowers on Valentine's Day and I ended up finding out he was messaging some girl on Facebook Messenger being like, "Oh my God, like, you're so sexy." And I'm like, "It's funny, do you heart me?" Because, how many other (beep) Instagram whores do you heart? - Oh, be like I heart who? - I mean like, I can heart myself if you wanna like hand them over to me. - If he like comes back and it's like another rose thing. It's like I heart everyone. (Tana laughs) - Tana is overdramatic, and I don't really know what's going to happen, she might kill his family, contact the pope, get like an airstrike to happen on his house. It could be bad. - My (beep) soul just feels like demonic though, I've been having such a weird like demon sleep paralysis. I feel like everything makes me think I'm a mental weirdo. - Honestly, anything that literally lingers and like makes you think of him, you should absolutely get rid of. 'Cause like why would you even wanna like, think? - I know-- - Ignorance is bliss, and like if you're not thinking about it at all, (mumbles)-- - I guess yeah (beep), it's just like, do we just like burn some (beep)? (Ashly gasps) Okay. Should I burn a pair of underwear that he like railed me really good in. - Yeah, I would definitely say yeah. - I mean, yeah. - So do I burn like all my designer (beep), that I let him borrow? (laughs) - That would be dead ass. - I feel like success is the best revenge and she's literally gonna (beep) dust her knees off, and keep walking and be the (beep) boss bitch she is. - Ashley, do you have something you could burn though? - Yeah. - What are you gonna burn? - Last night I went through my whole weird hoarding closet and I got rid of so much (beep), that I was like " Eeww". - Imari has nothing like that. it's so funny, Imari-- - I'll burn myself. (all laugh) - You'll just light yourself on fire. - Like bitch, it's burning man. (hip hop music) - I'm so excited. - Hello! - Oh my God, I'm so excited, (mumbles). Hi, hi. - So good to see you. - I'm so excited. - The job today is to figure out your first drop. So you're gonna go through them with us and then tell us what you like, what you don't like. - Yeah, but Jordan's late. - Jordan's late. - I mean, yeah. I'm always the person who's late I know I'm 20 minutes late, but you're an hour late. The tables have turned and I am just (beep) off to it. This is beautiful. So he calls me and he was like, "You're an embarrassment. "You're an embarrassment to large, "you're an embarrassment to everyone." So I wanna-- - But honestly, give him a call. - I wanna call him and give him some (beep). (phone beeps) Yo, you're such an ass (beep). - [Jordan] Why is that? - Because you called me an embarrassment today now you're late as (beep) like you are (beep) everything. - [Jordan] My intentions were to be there on time. - Okay so you're irresponsible and late and holding everyone up and I'm here waiting on you. - [Jordan] Okay, talk to you later, bye. (Tana laughs) - I love that he's such an ass (beep). - Are you ready for this? - I'm ready girl, I'm ready. I'm ready for this (beep). Okay, I would wear like, this outfit. This, ties in with this. These are next drop. Think about how many Instagram stories like don't have this. Neon's so in. I love bodysuits. I would never wanna have a scandal of someone being like, "I bought this Tana Mongeau (beep) belt and it broke." I see it more as like a top. I want these to be a part of my first draw, but I think it's really dope. I think the Instagram photos in it could be really dope. - I just feel like people wouldn't buy that. - Wow, Hailey just snapped with honesty. Oh, look what the cat dragged in. - We're both late, both of us late, you're always late. I'm never late, this the first time ever, let's move on. - Oh, man. - When Tana and Jordan argue with each other, it's literally the worst thing in the world because they're both (beep) idiots to each other. - You called me an embarrassment today. - What time were you here? - They both need to just (beep) wear a watch, be on time and shut up. (laughs) - Okay, so I'm gonna go back to like where we were. These, I think, are next drop. This is more, everyday like, more normal girl clothing. But this is more of like, this (beep) pilgrim corset top. It's giving me the ranges of different types of women. - Also, I feel you need to release that, before someone else does. - I agree 100%. - Can we also check if pilgrim top is PC? Can somebody (mumbles)? - Can you try this on right now? I mean, it's just a little punishment for you being late, you know? - I will do it over my shirt. That's all you'll get. Me being late, she will probably never let me live that down. Turns out the structural integrity is pretty good. Yeah ,thank you. That is something I'll have to live with the rest of my life. - [Imari] Big titties. (soft upbeat music) - Dude, us doing group activities that are legal while the sun is out, is so weird. - [Jordan] What are you doing? - [Ashly] I feel like this should be a -- - So, we decided to have a little cleansing ritual. - Just get everything off of our chests. (Tana laughs loudly) - Ashly is cleansing a small bra from before she got a boob job. - [Jordan] Why are you doing this? - I'm cleansing stuff from my past relationship. Even though this breakup was so painful, I am working on so much crazy (beep) right now. And life is so great. And if anything, when you find out someone's cheating on you, it's a blessing because you're getting rid of something disgusting and (beep) you so. Bye sister. - He cheats on me. He cheats on me not. - He cheats on me. - It's all fun and games until this wig catches fire. - Like something bad could happen. So I wanna show everyone this photo before I burn it. - That looks so cool. - Rip it. - Okay. - [Imari] And like rip it real good, yes. - Now what? - Oh my God! I don't trust Tana with fire. I don't even trust Tana with a glass of water. - I got scared cause of everything on me is fake and flammable. - Yeah. (laughs) - So Jordan, for the final item, I decided, that in order to just tie everything together, we're gonna burn something, that brings both you and I a lot of emotional discord. - It's so pretty. - I honestly feel like I can actually kind of enjoy this now. - Right now the vibe kind of is though, like new moment, new us. And we kinda like weeded out the fakes and the (beep) people and like our true friends are (beep) here. The people we actually care about are here. And like so now that that moment is over, let's burn this (beep). Does everyone want to put their hand on the TanaCon (giggles). - Oh my God, we all did this together. - (laughs) Literally. (cheering and clapping hands) - Now we're burning! - Oh my God! (upbeat music) - So is anyone gonna wash their hands since we are baking, you know, wanna be clean. - Yeah, Ashly and I just got a manicure, so. - Okay. - Yeah. (laughing) - I do go to the bathroom but I also wash my hands frequently. Including and after the bathroom( laughs). - I can't really say that I wash my hands frequently. - (beep) it up. - Okay, okay. So we are just collectively skipping the hand washing, yeah? - Yeah. (all laugh) I don't know, (mumbles). - I'm so nervous to go to Atlanta for a while now, (sighs) like I'm really, really scared. - Wait, why? - I don't know, I just feel like Wild 'n Out is something that is not meant for someone like me and I'm so meme-able. Like if I do one embarrassing thing like it's a full blown internet meme. Wild 'n Out is like a scandalous improv, freestyle type of show, which I am obsessed with. - Bitch, check me. - After something like TanaCon, I really expected all doors in the traditional media world to close. To be invited on something that's such a mainstream thing and seeing the mainstream media kind of accept my growth is really, really (beep) weird and crazy. How many eggs? I'm just out here cracking like you know, but anyways-- - Three whole eggs, not two and a half Tana. (Tana laughs loudly) - Speaking of Atlanta, I need someone to go with. - Her. Wait no, no, not me. - I think she was kinda down, but you were like really hesitant. - Well I'm not, no, there's no hesitation, I just have family obligations. - Me and my girl are gonna go to (beep) Atlanta. - Take pics, photoshop me in. (Tana laughs) Second of all, Why don't you take Jake? I feel like you guys are so like newlyweds right now. So why don't you take him with you? - A couple of weeks ago, I started seeing, sometimes seeing, I should say, a YouTuber named Jake Paul. (dramatic music) - No, no, no. - Jana, Jana! - A few days after my breakup, I hit up Jake and we just started hanging out. I don't really know what to title it but we're having fun. (laughs) I feel like it's gonna be a really high-stress situation where I'm like really stressed out and I feel like I don't want him to see me like that, honestly. - He ain't ready. - Jake has never seen me without eyelashes. I'm honestly gonna try to go months with Jake, without him seeing me without eyelashes. - That's how it should be. - (laughs) I love you. - Usually Tana takes like a couple weeks, even like a month for her to move on to another guy but this one was so quick, like she's literally been hanging out with Jake every second of every day. - How bad is it to eat raw egg? - I mean, I wiped it off of my finger. - Hey! - Hey! - What you guys doing, baking? Hi, oh, wow. - Hi. How are you. - Good to see you. Hi, oh, twirl. - Yo Imari, hi, nice to meet you. - Second time meeting you with makeup on. - Yeah. - Jake walked in like it was like a regular Tuesday, where he would just like walk in. And I've literally like never even seen him in person in like daylight. - I was actually just telling them how we are falling in love. - I've seen him in a nightclub but I haven't really seen Tana and Jake interact other than behind a camera. So I don't really know exactly what to think. - We're baking. (mumbles) just help? - Do you know how to bake? - I'm down to bake. - Oh my God, this is-- - Baking with Jake. Bake with Jake. - Jake and bake. - Jake and bake! - I feel like a fork (mumbles), scooping out, you know. - It rises, yeah, so you gotta-- - Whoa, I'm surprised you know that. - Do you think he's (beep) stupid? (all laugh) - Jake Paul has a really bad reputation with, ex girlfriends, being rude to his neighbors just being an all around not so great of a guy. He's like a crazy YouTuber. And that really scares me. - I feel you guys could definitely like do this like a little faster. - Okay. (mumbles) our hands is touched on the counter. It I made me nervous. - Why did it make you nervous? - Jake is very over the top 24/7 but at the house he was like really relaxed so I was just like is this all for show? Are you still just like, doing this for like cameras and stuff? Like I still don't really know the real Jake Paul. (all laughing) (plane engine running) (hip hop music) - I'm a little nauseous. I don't know if it's from the coffee or the new baby. - [Tana] Oh my God yeah, you need to take plan-B. (laughs) The new baby. - If I like got (beep) on Monday. - What's today? - Friday? - Ashly! You are (beep). - No, I mean like-- - How are you guys this irresponsible? - I didn't feel like, I like felt the grab. - How do you think it works? - I just feel like there's different levels of like getting (beep) inside of. - I think that's incorrect. - No, I feel like it can definitely go in like different areas or like levels of (beep) like how much there (beep) there is that day. Sometimes you feel it more than others, you feel me? - No. - Okay Jordan. I'm going on Wild 'n Out . - I know, and I wanna talk about it. - Can you say the name of the show. - I would like to but I'm not sure I can actually do it correctly, so I'd rather not. - No Jordan. - Wild 'n' Out! (all laughing) Hey guys we're going to Wild 'n Out. - [Tana] He's been saying Wilding out. Like literally-- - It's hard to drop the G, if you're not used to it actually. - There's no "g" wild space "n". - Right. - I'm really trying to keep you not looking 30 today. - Going on Wild 'n' Out is a big moment because I think it's the first time that we can really announce to the world that Tana's back and working with professional companies. Once the camera's on, and people are watching, that's her thing, she can crush that. Do you know what we were doing a year ago today? We were planning TanaCon. - Oh. - Like actually. - All of us? - Like a year ago today. - All of our moods dropping (mumbles). - I wanted to see what it was like a year difference. Like we're in Atlanta right now and doing one of the biggest things of your career so far. Tana have you thought about any of the jokes that you're gonna be saying on the show today? 'Cause I think we should start pre-planning. - No, I'm actually really nervous. - All right well, let's think about topics that are funny then. What are topics that you can talk about that would not be embarrassing towards yourself? Cause I don't think you should degrade yourself. - I don't think I'm talking about me. I think I'm roasting someone else. Jordan I don't, I'm so confused right now that, this actually just made me wanna cry because you're not explaining anything. I'm hoping someone else is gonna come in and like explain it actually. After TanaCon happened, if I say one wrong bad thing to someone and people interpret it in any way. Like I will wake up tomorrow to "Tana Mongeau is over", trending on Twitter, worldwide. - It seemed a couple minutes ago like you weren't nervous now we're talking about it. - Yeah, but now that we're talking about it, and I'm realizing like is it to a beat like, who am I roasting. I have to figure out who I'm roasting to know like, what I'm saying to them. Stop looking at me like that, you're such a condescending asshole. - I'm just saying the temperature in the room just dropped by 20 degrees. - You're just pissing me off right now. (hiphop beat music) I'm really (beep) nervous, I'm not gonna lie. I'm really, really really really really (beep) nervous. I feel like I'ma throw up. I don't think I've ever been this nervous or anything in my entire career. Mum, I'm scared! After you've become a viral meme so many times or you have so many scandals, you start kind of operating in a way to maybe dodge those things because you don't wanna deal with it. I'm freaking the (beep) out. If this was any show, other than Wild 'n'Out, I would just back out. (laughs) Oh my God, this is (mumbles) Oh my God (mumbles) - Tana Mongeau. - (mumbles) have my name is properly spelled. - I'm Tishawn, a producer with the show, this is Rj. So top of the show, Nick does his big entrance. You'll the center stage. The first game we go into is "Got Damned". - Tana is usually the most exciting person in the room and right now, I can tell that she's nervous because she's not as talkative as she usually is. - So, she's going against Justina. - With Justina. - No, please, please, no. I'm gonna lose so hard. I just knew they were gonna pair me with Justina Valentine. - Hey girl! What's popping? - Justina Valentine comes for bitches. She's like a (beep) tornado when she walks in a room and it's very rare that someone intimidates me, but she's so intimidating. She also kinda looks like my ex-girlfriend, which is weird. - Oh my gosh, you're as light as a feather but yet also thick. - I mean, Justina walks in and she's a firecracker. - Even just standing here with you right now, I'm literally crying. - Oh girl, you better stop. - I'm nervous about the amount of pressure that we have on us now. - (mumbles) that we have to go against each other and I'm (beep) out, so hard. You're so hard. I'm gonna look like such a bitch. I would be such a meme, let's be real. - She sounds so scared. - I'm so (beep) scared. - Yeah, but I don't know how I would roast you back. - You sound like a dude. - Yeah. - You're a (beep) tomboy. You sit with your (beep) out. - Yeah, hearing you right now sounds so fucking hard like. - Really, oh and I'm not even putting oomph behind it yet. - I know! - You know what it is, my voice is so intimidating but you have like a nice strong voice too. - But like (sighs) Oh God, I don't think I can do it. Please don't roast me, please don't roast me. Please don't roast me, you're so smart. - [Justina] All right, do your thing, get ready, I'm gonna gloss up-- - I'm gonna do the same thing! - Yeah, do it babe, get it, yeah. (dramatic music) - What if I get roasted and just look like a complete dumb-ass on national television? I'm literally so nervous, I want to cry. - We are ready to head down. How're you feeling? - Like this crowd can think, I am the most unfunny stupid bitch ever and I'm just not ready. - She is constantly thinking of, "Is this gonna be another scandal"? - I'm so nervous. - Gimme Justina and give me Tana, right here. (crowd cheers) - Britney Spears is (mumbles). - Oh (beep). - Okay. I don't know if you're ready, but are you ready? - Yeah yeah, I'm totally ready. Totally ready. - She's not ready. Justina, are ya ready? - Ready. (crowd laughs) (mumbles) - Tana, if you don't get your goddamn. Well your ass is actually very supple, I wish my ass looked a little more like that. - Hey, hey, stay in your lane. - Oh you start it off, you start it, you're the guest. - Justina, if you don't get your goddamn, wait, your hair is actually so much more vibrant in person. (crowd laughs) - You actually just did it. But my bad, I got this, I got this, all right. - If I tell you to stay in your lane again, both of you outta here. Okay? - Oh I got it. Tana if you don't get your goddamn, I'm not gonna lie, you exactly the type of bitch that I like. (blows whistle) - I think it's over, I think it's over. - I mean, that, I was entertained. - Yeah. - It was kinda fun, it was a cute bit. - She didn't really do anything. I would have liked to see her give the rapping a try. But she was confident, she was fun and quite frankly, that's really all we needed. When you woke up this morning, did you think, "Hey just in case I need to stop traffic "this is what I'll wear"? - No, I honestly thought that I was gonna wear all white today. So maybe I'd be like an angel stopping traffic. - Yeah, I mean that's why I crosswalk. Workers don't wear all-white. (mumbles) and it's actually part of the rules so. - Did you know that Jake stopped by the house the other day, like when we were like cooking, like out of nowhere. - Is that weird that he just stops by, now? - It's very weird. - I really have no idea how to think of, I mean, ultimately for her career it's the best thing that's ever happened. Jake's audience is significantly more powerful than hers. The thing I'm nervous about is more so, we're still like reeling a little bit like it's been, it hasn't even been a year since TanaCon. And it's like, "Wait a second she's dating that dude". It's just, it's always gonna be controversy with his name. And so the association might be not the greatest thing. You like him as a person? - I'm scared of shit, from him, like, by him. I don't know, like something about him, kinda like scares me. (hiphop beat music) - [Ashly] `These are kinda cute. The lighting is impeccable. It's so cute. - Oh my God. - Wait this is a-- - (mumbles) a Cannon Belt, Oh my God. - Dude, you really are the only person helping me be an Instagram (beep) all times, and I'm just so grateful for it. I don't even know how we won, I really didn't go hard. I was being such a (beep). - That's so (beep). - I couldn't roast anyone. I was so scared. (mumbles) have like a scandal. (laughing) - That's what me and Jordan were saying in the waiting room. So I was talking to Jordan about Jake, - Oh god, am scared. Whenever a sentence begins, "When I was talking to Jordan" like, I literally get scared. - Well, it was like my theory. Like I thought he was like going too fast right? Something like that. - Yeah. - And then I was like, "Oh no, he's a regular human like, "that's just like for show." But then meeting him multiple times. I'm like, "But is he?" - Wow that makes me sad that meeting him you feel that way. - I mean yeah. - I'm not gonna lie to you, sometimes he makes me feel like I'm more of a sociopath. - Really? - Yeah. - So he does get like more normal when it's just you guys? - Yeah. And just the way he like processes his emotions, I feel like is more normal than me. And then there are moments though too where I feel like I'm helping him grow so much in so many ways. He like, makes me wanna work harder and question myself. Like I love that about Jake. I've literally been waiting this whole trip for Ashly to pull me aside and be like, "Hey listen, I'm nervous about you and Jake" or whatever it is. She always hates people I date right away until proven otherwise. We are like actually person to person. - Yeah. - Taking things slow. Like actually, like I really don't know what's going on. We haven't had sex. - You're joking. (all laughing) Right? I am so surprised that she has not slept with Jake yet. I don't really know exactly what their relationship is. At the end of the day, of course I can't make up her mind and if she wants to date Jake Paul, she's gonna date Jake Paul, but I don't wanna see him hurt Tana. - On a side note it has nothing to do with me and Jake. Aren't you like days late from a plan-B? Like weren't you supposed to take a plan-B like days ago? - Yeah after this convo I was thinking more like crossing the street and like actually grabbing it. - But you're five days late. - I think better late than never. (Tana laughs) (upbeat music) - You're like (beep) that's scalding. Oh my God, we kinda color-coordinated like the pink in my shorts and the pink in your shorts? - Oh, geez. I'm scared, what if I have to pee? I'm not gonna pee in the bath with you, obviously. - You would pee in the bath with me. - No, I wouldn't. I think that's disgusting, I don't even pee in pools. For the most part. - What do you mean for the most part? - Sometimes you just have to pee in a pool. - I have never peed in a pool. - That's a Goddamn lie. You definitely peed in a (beep) pool bitch. - Okay, are you ready for me to apply this mask? - Yeah do it well please. - First of all, how do you even apply mask poorly? - Just like not in all the areas evenly. - Okay, wait. - So I think I'm gonna get my nipples pierced. - Okay. Like both? - I'm thinking one. Well, no I was gonna get two, and then Jake the other day randomly, he didn't even know I was getting my nipples pierced. We were just having a conversation about piercings and he like went on this (beep) tangent, about how two nipple piercings is slutty but one is edgy. I know, and then I was like damn, do I just get one? Is that bad? I have been spending so much of my time with Jake lately, but I don't know where this will be in six months time so, honestly I don't know why I'm letting Jake's opinion affect why am only piercing one or two nipples. I should not be doing that. Like what even are we? Like, these are my nipples. - I'll kinda wanna get a piercing with you. - You should get a piercing with me. Will you get a piercing with me? - I'm kind of down. - What do you want? Do you want like your tragus? - Yeah I've wanted it for a really long time. It's edgy. - We're both getting edgy piercings. - Okay is it like evenly on? - I mean no, it looks like (beep). I'm just kidding. - Really? It looks like (beep) but it's not that (beep). - Okay. So like, dude I actually need you to meet my side-hoe later. I wanna FaceTime him. - Really? - Yeah. I'm actually starting to kind of like like my side-hoe though. He told me he liked me the other day and I was like, "Damn". - Oh geez. - Yeah. - Get in to it. - I know. I feel like he wants to be my main hoe. - Oh my God. - A side-hoe to me is someone that you value a little less than me your main-hoe. You know someone to text in your free time. I mean Jake and I aren't officially exclusive. So for me, I'm happy, I'm having fun. I'm just living my best life. - This mask is like dripping down my face. - It is, that's so gross. - You've had worse things dripping down your face. - I think no one's ever (beep) on your face. - I'd never let anyone do that to me. - Damn, you are so boring. - No, I'm not. I have this scar. - You have a scar? - Mm-hmm. - You wanna see it? - Where? (laughs) Ew, why are you getting up? Is it on your balls? - No. - Okay. - It's on my butt. (phone ringing) - That's my side-hoe. I'm psychic. - Okay, fine, I'll show you the scar after. - I feel like I should ignore him. - Okay. - Just to assert my power. I will silence it though. - It's definitely weird for someone with a boyfriend to have a side-hoe. I know for a fact that if I was in a relationship, and I had a side-hoe, my boyfriend would be (beep) pissed. Tana's relationship with Jake is more for clout like this isn't a real relationship in my eyes. Okay look at the scar. - Ew, no, please, get your, that's literally, think about this but you're on your knees in the same bathwater as me. With your ass like four-- Leave me alone. (Imari laughs) Where is the scar? - Do you see it? Do you see it? - Ew, stop Imari. Please put your ass away. - I'm putting it away, I was showing you the scar. Clam down. - Okay, but your ass is still on your (beep). Imari, you and I are close, but not close. - Right there. Do you see it? - Yeah. (electronic beat music) - Hey, check this out, keep filming this (spits). - Ew, ew, have you been holding a bubba in your mouth for that long? - The entire time. The entire time. Since we've been eating, I've been holding it in my mouth, so I could spit it at your stupid head. (laughing) So in all seriousness, what are you even getting pierced? Like tell me the truth. - I'm getting my nipple pierced. - You know that's like for life right? And you can lose like all feeling in your entire nipple. - I don't think you can loose all feeling in your entire -- - They said that about my nipple, like my nipps when I got my boob job. And they're kind of still working. (laughs) (Tana laughs) - Tana I'm going to VidCon. - What? Jordan loves to make everything a joke. I can deal with it 90% of the time, but like VidCon for me is such a sensitive subject. It just strikes a chord that nothing else really can. - I have to go this year-- - To VidCon? - Yeah. - So you're invited back? - Technically, I'm not invited. I'm just going as a manager, like with my other clients. - That's invited. - Must be nice. - It's not-- - Yeah damn! VidCon is a social media convention that is probably the biggest in the industry. Two years ago, I was on a show that was airing there with a bunch of other creators in VidCon and put my face on giant billboards and buildings everywhere. I really, really wanted to go, - They wouldn't give her a pass, they would not make her a featured creator. No matter how hard she tried and begged. - I end up showing up and obviously getting kinda mobbed by my fans, because my face is everywhere. - It was the most hectic thing I've ever experienced in my life. There were so many people crowding her and screaming her name at every single area. She was getting bombarded left and right. - There's a rule of VidCon where you can't cause a ruckus and it's for safety reasons, because there are thousands and thousands of kids there. And Tana was not following that rule. We were kicked out and they asked her not to come back and to get kicked out was really, really embarrassing for her. - That hurts. - It hurts. I think it hurts me more. Because I have to go back without you. And that's like everyone knows that I was on not supposed to be there because of that. - No that just sucks. Like you went to TanaCon and now you're going to VidCon this year. - Yeah I mean it sucks. And I apologize. I really, I can't do it, like I have to go. - Fair. - Sucks. - Fair. - And I'll have really good time for you. - If he has to go he has to go. He's a manager in the industry and that kind of stuff happens but still kinda sucks. Dude these are my last few moments without a pierced nipple. - Should we have a moment of silence? - Yeah for my nipple. I'm gonna hook my nipple in here. - No. - Don't touch me! - Tana, don't pull out your nipple, in the car though, seriously. Did you just literally take your nip out? - I was looking at her. It's her last few moments un-pierced. (hiphop beat music) - You guys ready? All right who's up first? - That would be me. - Can I have you lean all the way back for me. - So funny story, I would tell my friends in high school that I wanted this piercing so bad, and they were like, "Don't do that, it's so (beep) gay". I know it's before I was ever like out or anything and I was like, "You guys are so right, oh my God" and now here I am finally, accepting myself for the person I am. A tragus piercing does not mean anything except you wanted your tragus pierced. - Exactly, I feel so like, "Ha-ha", because here I am living my best life. - Gay with the tragus piercing (cheers). Guy with the tragus piercing, I'm sorry. - I'm like, "Don't put me in a box." - Are you ready? - Would you hold my hands? - Oh my God (mumbles). - They're frail. - All right relax your mind. You got this dude. (Tana humming) (dramatic music) - Here we go. Are you ready? - Oh (beep). (laughs) - Man, I'm so nervous. - Bitch the needle's in my ear. I'm the one that should be upset right now. What are you doing? - Feel my hands after holding this. - Oh, it's damp. - It's so cute! - Okay, I'm gonna sit down. I'm freaking out, I'm freaking out, I'm freaking out. I'm freaking out. No one understands. - I understand I've pierced each one of my nipples four times, I completely understand. - But your nipples aren't sensitive. - Actually men's nipples are about 12 times more sensitive. Yours are for a function. For feeding a human being. Bust it out. - Okay, Jordan (mumbles). - Oh my God it's here! What? It just looked at me directly in the eye. I swear to God I made eye contact with it. I wanna be very clear this is not regular for me to go to nipple piercings. This is not in the job description. If I was hiring somebody I would not say, "Hey, listen we're probably gonna do some "nipple piercings with clients." That's not a thing. - I'm feeling so scared right now! (yells) I'm freaking out. (Tana screams) (mumbles) - Right, so I'll need you to lean all the way back. - Like what he just did with that wipe has my whole body right now like (sniffs). - All right hold her down! - Oh my God. Why am I doing this? - I don't know. - Cause it's cool (mumbles). - What I need you to do is just be calm. - Oh my (beep) God. - Big deep breath, all in. All way out. (screams) - Tana's screams literally sound like 1000 dying children and I don't know how anyone in this shop is like okay with this right now. (Tana screams) - It's crowning. (all laughing) - Is it done? - No, I'm just gonna put the ball in, everything's done. - [Ashly] It's through, yeah. - All right we're gonna put a little pressure here you have some bleeding. Not enough to call 911. - Ow, oh my God, ow (cries). - I don't, I don't believe you. - Neither do I. - It can't hurt that much. - I feel like the only people that will ever understand how sensitive my nipples are, are people that (beep) me. - I'm gonna give you guys my card. I'm gonna give you an aftercare sheet. You look mad. - I'm not, you did a really great job. Thank you so much. - You haven't even seen it yet. - I don't want to, I can't (laughs). - Thank you so much. And when we want to get her second one done, we'll come back. - Yeah. - If you are into it. - I may not be there that day, I'm not sure. I think that day I'm off. (all laughing) (hiphop beat music) - What's up mother (beep)? - Waddup dirty sluts? (Tana moans) - Oh, Jesus. - Is it that bad? - I'm fine, I'm really (moans). - Obviously you're not okay. - Dude I'm like so far beyond not okay. The only way it feels okay enough, (squeaks) Like the throbbing, the only way it feels fine enough to like not wanna punch someone in the face is if I'm holding it like this kinda. - People with like broken bones aren't like, (moans) (laughing) like what? - Imari keeps treating me like I'm being overdramatic. - I don't understand. - Yeah we were (mumbles) moaning in pain, like I'm like (moans). - Moaning in pain. - You know when you're getting (beep) too hard and like hurts. - Oh, yep. - That's what kinda what it feels like. - Who's gonna be like your first like man to like see your (beep) bouncy titties. - I haven't seen it yet first of all. - Are you gonna show it to your side hoe? - No, I had a (beep) appointment tonight and I canceled it. I literally said I think you don't want to (beep) me because I'm in so much pain. - Really? - Yes. - That's so scary. - I'm gonna show it to Jake though. - You're gonna show it to Jake? - Yeah, Jake's like excited, he's like let me see. - So Jake's obviously like the one like holding the interest here. - Not even that, it's like am closer to Jake. And he like knew I was getting it, you know what I mean? - Yeah, but you're gonna show your side-hoe at some point? - Maybe I haven't done anything like, with the side-- - With the side-hoe you wanted to like wait. - But oh my God, these are like deep questions. - A couple of weeks ago in Atlanta, Tana told me that she hadn't slept with Jake. And now hearing that she still hasn't slept with him, like I don't understand why or how. It's been like months now and I don't know if they actually like each other or not. Like they're a little cutesy and like kissey whatever when they're like hanging out. But behind closed doors, I don't really know if they have real emotions. - Do you think Jake has (beep). - I hope. I would want him to (beep) other girls. So that I can like hook up with other people and have (beep). - Crazy feelings or whatever. - Yeah. And we're both very like passionate people, you know what I mean? Like the other night (beep) got hot and heavy. - And you still didn't (beep) him? - No, but I was like (beep). (all laughing) - God forbid you have sex. - Yeah but then what? Like, we were like in love. - Then you have it again and again duh. - Then I might care and then I might be like, "Ooh." - I've seen Tana, like fall for someone really, really hard. So I don't understand why she's not letting that happen with Jake. Either means that she is a sociopath and she's literally just like acting like his girlfriend for control over videos. Or she is actually waiting to like sleep with him because she doesn't wanna get too emotionally invested. - We'd have these deep-ass talks where we're both like, literally we stop making out we like pull away we're like, "I don't know if we should do this, like this is the moment" and Jake literally will be like, "It's all like 100% (beep) real". Jake and I are both two very exaggerated, like dramatic crazy people who love to play into (beep), who love to like you know, make things crazy for our viewers and (beep) It is weird to decipher what feels real and what doesn't. When you're elevating the (beep) of something online but you still really care about each other. You're kinda like, "What's real and what's not?" And we just keep almost, almost, almost almost. - Dude, imagine like (beep) though, like with this tit. It'd be like rip rip rip rip rip rip. - Dude the thought of like my boob ever bouncing again is like a no-go for me. I'm in so much pain right now. I'm like handling this conversation well, but I'm literally sitting here like (panting) It's almost like I got a boob job like if I lift my arm, - Shut the (beep) up. (mumbles) (all laughing) - Ow, it hurts so (mumbles). (soft hiphop music) - Remember when you were my dog for a day and then Jordan stole you? Yeah ,Jordan stole you, you're supposed to be for me. - Am I supposed to react? (all laughing) - I mean no, but you're actually crazy over this dog, it's so annoying. - Yep, admitted. I have to call somebody right now and it's for you too, like I want you on this call. - What like some Instagram story brand deal that I totally don't have to be on the phone for? - Hey, how you doing? - [Jim] Hey how's it going? - Good. Just take it, you're good. - Hi! - [Man] Hey Tana, how's it going? - Good, who are you?(laughing) - I'm Jim Louderback, I'm the GM at VidCon. (dramatic sound) So nice to meet you. I wanted to reach out and just invite you to be a featured creator at VidCon's tenth anniversary this year. - This has to be a prank. - Not a prank at all (mumbles) a couple of books along the way, but you're such a big part of our community. You and your fans are such a big part of our community. We really want you to take part in our celebrations. - You know, I like actually wanna start crying right now. I feel like everything that like ever happened was such a miscommunication and it was just this like place that I like wanted to be welcomed at, like so badly. Oh my God I wanna cry. - Thank you Jim. - Thank you guys. - Jim thank you. - I'll see you there. - Okay. - Like that's insane. Like that's actually crazy. - Dude, I really, really, really never thought of that. I still think it's a prank. Like that I still think that's a prank. Like if we, literally in a day you were like, I hired a Batman to, why? Like why are they doing that? - I think that like, it proves kind of that the message of TanaCon was received. I knew this was really important to Tana and to her career, and I knew the opportunity to go back to VidCon it's just an opportunity that we couldn't miss. So I put the time in and we got it done. - I wanna throw up. That literally just made me wanna throw up. I'm scared too though. Like I'm definitely scared of what people are gonna say. Cause like they were wrong and then I was like, really, really, really wrong. - Like you literally planned, a competing convention to them and now you're being asked to be a featured creator. Like that's (beep) insane. - I would have never held TanaCon if it wasn't for like what happened at VidCon. It would have never happened. It was completely out of spite and anger. So for such a big company to put so much behind them was kind of an honor. - The first time you and I ever had a meeting you said you wanted to be a featured creator at VidCon, that's like actually all you wanted. - It's like all I've ever wanted. (laughs) Oh my God. (pop music) - Can you (beep) move? This is my roof chair, like straight up. - I'll throw it off your roof. (all laughing) - It'll be God's (beep) roof chair. - Stop paralyzing your face when you imitate me! - Stop getting Botox. (all laughing) - Okay so we've decided, we're all getting Botox together. Big facts. - Definitely. I actually need to get some more, like look. - Dude, I need to get, look dude, we are the same! Look at my forehead, watch. Damn. (Imari laughs) So the roof is for serious talks. - Yeah. - And I like need help planning my (beep) birthday party. - Dude that voice! - Thank you. - I'm like so lost. I don't even know like anything that's been going on with your birthday at all. Dude like I know Vegas is a thing, but like what? - What I was thinking was on the 24th, my actual birthday, have a good Vegas club moment. I heard from a little birdie that Jake is gonna propose there. - Ah (beep), surprise. - So then after that, have a wedding in Vegas. - Okay. - I'm thinking the next day or the day after we like have a big party here in LA. Get all the clout in one sweep. And then send it, that's it after the honeymoon, birthday's over. - If I thought Tana was actually going to legally marry Jake, I would obviously be freaking out. I'm assuming that it's not real because initially Tana was supposed to get married right after Atlanta. - Me and Jake might get married (laughs). - You're kidding. - It's this weekend and we postponed it. - And that got postponed and now she's planning her own proposal. And I don't know what's going on anymore. I don't think she does either. - So this LA party though, I feel like it just needs to be every single person with clout ever. - Yeah. - I was thinking a list of 500 people, 600. - Like are you gonna have that many people like at a club here, or is that (mumbles)-- - No, I think I wanna get like a crazy ass house. - Like a mansion type? - Yeah, but like a big ass one and one with like clearance to literally do reckless (beep). - So Jake's house? - Jake would let me, but I don't think I should throw a party at his house. I think that establishes me too much as like his girl. Yeah, I need to invite every single one of my side (beep) He'd probably let me (laughs), I'm just kidding. Jake and I aren't officially exclusive. So for me, I guess we would just take the openness from our relationship into the openness of marriage, right? I mean, I don't know. I think we're all trying to piece together the puzzles of what we actually want this engagement and marriage to be. Dude, my life is crazy right now. The amount of things I've told you about on this roof like a proposal, a wedding, a birthday party, a Vegas birthday party, a (beep) honeymoon. But I'm having so much fun. (hiphop beat music) - Yo, I'm actually so excited to see this billboard. This is my first billboard, that's just like just me. - I'm excited today, because we have a billboard on Sunset Boulevard that we got for Tana's birthday and we're gonna go show it to her for the first time. There is literally nothing more in my life that I would rather do than go see your naked body on a billboard. - I mean you did just see me get my nipple pierced like it's really, like, that's just a theme for this month, I think at this point. - Sure. (Tana laughs) - Oh man. Dude, Vegas was crazy bro. You were drunk (beep) at my birthday. - To be honest, you did seem super drunk. - I was over-served, by the bartenders there. And I actually think it's something that we should look into, the amount of serving sizes. - Bro, I spent 50% of my evening bouncing back and forth taking care of drunk you and drunk Jake, on my 21st birthday. - For Tana's first birthday party, we went to Las Vegas with all of her friends. Chaos ensued. (house music) That weekend was insane. And thinking about her having another birthday party. At this point, I'm just like does she even need it? And also I wasn't like blackout I remember every single-- - I feel like I was more responsible on my 21st birthday, than I normally am. What would you say a normal responsible thing that you would do on your birthday would be? And then how would you (beep). - Like make out with 20 people like-- - Okay, so instead of making out with 20 people, this birthday you got engaged to one. That was very responsible, good for you. - Oh man, oh man. Honestly, the night of my birthday was amazing. I was having so much fun with all my friends, raging in this club. And then Jake brings me on stage and gets on one knee and all of this craziness happens. - Can we talk about the proposal though? Actually. - Yeah. - Like what did you think of that? Like. - It was fun. It was really really fun. - No but like, was it romantic? Like was it what you wanted him to do. (Tana giggles) - I'm probably if like, if we had to talk about like dream life proposal, probably not my dream life proposal, like definitely would want like a daytime like sunset firework like moment. - Yeah. - But I think that, when it comes to mine and Jake's brand if it wasn't on my 21st birthday in Las Vegas drunk, like, would that be right, you know? - When Tana told me that she was first gonna to get married, I, of course thought it was a joke. After the first wedding got canceled, we rescheduled the wedding to be in a few days from now, but I don't think they should be engaged personally. They're not in love I think people who are in love should be married. - Tyga texted me happy birthday and it was fun 'cause I'm engaged. - Oh my fucking. Like so many people I wanna (beep) are congratulating me on my engagement. - That's actually like really not good, to be honest with you. - Yeah. - There's gonna be a lot of people who are angry then. - Why would they be angry? - Cause you're lying. - We're not lying. Like what they see is what they get. Don't get me wrong, I think a wedding is a very serious thing. But at the same time, I think Jake and I don't take things very seriously and I have a lot of love for him, but it's still something fun and light-hearted that we're obviously doing for fun and for content. - Dude this is nuts, we are literally on Sunset Boulevard. - Oh my God, I'm nervous, I don't even wanna look. I'm scared, I'm really scared, I don't wanna look. I'm scared. - We look on three. - Okay, Two, three. Holy (beep), it's so dope. Damn it's so dope. Damn it's so dope. My billboard is literally across the street, from a club that I have been sneaking into since I was 16. It says I'm turning 21 across the street from a club that's thought I was 21 for five years. - Let's take a picture in front of it. - Everything in life is going pretty perfectly right now. I have a billboard on Sunset Boulevard. We're about to have another birthday party. I'm (beep) engaged, question mark. I'm just, life is going like too good for me right now. But we have a birthday party to plan, and every second counts, cause it's in four (beep) days. So let's go (laughs). - Yeah, you're right, lets go! (hiphop beat music) (phone vibrates) (dramatic music) (beep) - Is that on the inside? - Yeah. (sighs) - Hi. - Hi. - Okay, so I just got your text, like where are we right now like the wedding is not happening, like at all? - The wedding is off for now. I think they still wanna go through with it but they wanna push it a month. - How can that happen? Like we've been planning this for over a month. Like we have 40 people going to Vegas like for this wedding. - No, I know, it's gonna cost more to cancel it. - Flights were booked, vendors were hired, hotels were booked. We had a car service when we were getting there. We literally just did a walkthrough three days ago. Why are we canceling? You found out from Jake's team right? - Yeah. - We have to talk to Tana about all of this regarding whether she wants to now go through with this wedding. - Are you gonna tell her she has to go through with it? - No, absolutely not. I don't think she should do it. Now at this point at all. It is the second time they've canceled. - I'm just thinking like what that'll look like. Tana Mongeau leaves Jake Paul at the altar. - Yeah, except nobody knows that the wedding has already been like planned twice and canceled twice now. Having to move, that big of an ordeal just based on you know, a text messages like, "Oh my goodness". We need to go speak with her cause we obviously need to decide right now. - You should be the one to wake her. - Yeah I know, I'll do it. We are just working on so many things right now. And if one thing gets out of line, it can screw up everything. All right I'm gonna wake her up. - Good luck. - Thank you. (dramatic music) - Tana. Hey. There are a ton of people in your room right now. - Oh wow. What is so important that you have to wake me up right now? - When's the last time you spoke to Jake? - 12 hours ago. - Did you guys talk about anything, like the wedding? - Yeah, he's (beep) crazy. Like he called me yesterday and he's like, " Good morning I just woke up, "we should move the wedding because of all the press. "Like how are you?" And I literally was like, " Jake, this is the one time I'm not gonna be your bitch". Like hang up the phone. I don't even wanna talk to you. Like that's how our conversation ended. - What do you want? What do you feel? - I think it absolutely sucks that he like doesn't have a regard for like how much that's gonna like (beep) up (beep) for us. Like the amount of people that are gonna be let down and so angry, and so upset because Jake wants to move the wedding is (beep) absolutely ridiculous. - But are we like definitely saying nothing tomorrow? - It's a wedding, like I can't marry like a tree. He has to be there. Like oh my God. - Here's my, here's my, actual fear. We've had this planned for like a month right? A month and a half? - Yeah. - If this was a business deal, just so you know like I would cancel this immediately and not go through with it, at all. Dude, he did this to us twice now. - Are you telling me you wanna cancel the wedding? - I'm saying that we need to just be careful because this is the one time like making this video is not just putting on a white dress like you're literally talking about marriage. So beyond business, in terms of the relationship like, you didn't even stay over there both nights this weekend. - I know. He actually yesterday asked me if I should move in. But I don't want to. We bolter like on an unspoken premise of like it's like a Kim Kardashian, like 72-day marriage like, like which is like a (beep) way to think about a wedding. I agree. - So in terms of doing this in one month from now, an actual wedding to plan takes at least six months, like actually wedding. Like a real live wedding, flowers, bouquets and whatever else you need. - Yeah. - Like one month from now, what's the difference? Like is anything gonna be ready in a month from now? We're gonna be idiots if we do it a third time with them, and then we get the same result. - Dude I know, like, I feel like I have to today like call him and be such a bitch and just be like, "We're not moving this again. "Like this is the day, if you (beep) move this, "I'm gonna like, I'm done like (beep) (beep)". Like this is so, so, so (beep) annoying. (hiphop music) (door knocking) - Coming! - Fiancee! - Tana, Jake's here! - Are you down here? - I'm down here fiance. I know that I need to bite the bullet and just talk to Jake. But honestly, this is a really weird feeling. I don't think Jake and I have even really had a fight yet. Hi. - Hi. - How are you? This is kind of our first like conflict and I don't love it. Hi. - Hi. I missed you. - I missed you too. A whole 12 hours. - Wow. It really only has been 12 hours. (laughing) - I actually did miss you though. - Okay guys, I actually did miss you. I normally don't. - So we have to have a serious conversation right now. - Oh (beep). Should I like get ready to get punched, or like? - No, but I'm mad at you. But I'm not mad at you because I have a crush on you. And you're my fiance. - Okay. Okay. - And like, you know, like I should be. - Why are you supposed to be-- - The moving of this wedding has been so stressful for me. - I ruined everything by moving the wedding. - Yeah. - Like we had a month to plan the last wedding day. But personally on my side, I didn't realize how big the potential of that could actually be like, I didn't comprehend it. Also, like my management teams like, "Whoa", this could be, yeah. - This is crazy. - Okay, I think that your idea to move the wedding is smart. - Thank you. - And I think that we should move the wedding and we should slay like a full-blown celebrity wedding. But you have to promise me that you're not gonna move the date of this wedding ever again. - I promise you that. - I Jacob Joseph Paul. - No, it is already set. Everyone's already posting that it's going to change. - I could see everyone posting it and you still changing it. (laughs) - No, I could see you doing that. - You're kinda right, I can't get mad at you for doing things like changing a wedding because I would change the wedding, you know? - Yeah. - That's why we're a match made in hell. - Yes. - I think Jake just saw how much our engagement broke the internet and wanted to make sure that the upcoming wedding was a lot more dope and to give us a little more time to think about and process this engagement because it is maybe a bigger deal than we thought getting ourselves into it. So this is 100% legal on paper. This wedding yeah? I can ask that right? (dramatic music) Like I just have like prenup (laughs). Like prenup questions. - I don't know if we can talk about that though. Because we should make it seem like it is. - Really? - Yeah. - Am I actually moving in? Or is that just for a video? - I feel like married couples normally live together, right? - Damn, okay. Should I rent out this space? - Yeah. - Like when? Everyone wants to know if Jana is real and what this is, and so we've just kinda been playing it up for the (beep) people because at the end of the day, we're internet trolls. But at the same time, I'm starting to realize this could potentially be very real and it's up to us how real it is. And I am starting to get an inkling of cold feet. Engagement craziness for an entire month, the press, the drama. - Yeah. A lot of pressure, and I don't know how I feel about it. (hiphop music) - Yo, look at my necklace. - Oh no. - Yeah. People have been sending me like engagement gifts. - No way. - Like a company sent me this. - That's incredible. - Yeah. I put it on today for you. I forgot about it. - You should wear it forever. - Okay. - Where's your? - I'm slaying. - Oh (beep). Tana, it's gonna be okay. - That sucks. This happens a lot. - So you should like fix it. - You're such a handyman, you can slay fixing it. (beep) Ohio sexy handy man. - That's gonna fall again. - I mean anyone can look at this situation and tell that it is complicated as (beep) but I'm feeling really good with everything Jana right now. It's really fun (laughs). So for this wedding, I really want, I think we should have a crazy celebrity performer. - Aren't you friends with Miley Cyrus? - Do you think she would do it though? Or do you think I would embarrass myself by asking? - I think this is a clout token for her. - Jake and I have only been together for two and a half months and now we're here. We have so many things that we still have to figure out for this marriage. Hi. - Hi. - You're cute. - No you're cute. - No you're cute. - Stop it. - Stop it! But I don't really ever see Jake and I like hating each other even if out of all of this we ended up best friends or married for the rest of our lives or pregnant with nine kids, like whatever. It's all gonna work out for the best. How are you? - Hi. - How have you been doing today? You worked out with Logan this morning? - Yes and film videos. It was good. Cole is going Alyssa Violet on me. - Really? - Yeah. - I'm so sorry baby. - Yeah. - I'm really sorry. - That'll happen though. - But that's just sucks. Jake is out a group called Team 10 for as long as I can remember being on the YouTube platform and he's always managed a lot influencers. - On today's video, me and Mr. Jake Paul himself, in his Lamborghini and I'm doing my full face and makeup while he's driving. - There's gonna be a lot of people in and out and a lot of drama that frankly, I can't keep up with. Wow, that really sucks. Dude, people were hitting me up today telling me not to invite him to my party tomorrow, and I already did. - You should un-invite him. As like petty as that is, it's like our whole squad is gonna be there. - Just to save like drama, cause I mean like I could see that being like a lot of drama. - I already posted like Insta story, say like, "These ass (beep) painted over the mural in my room". And I like freaked out on them. I like posted on the Team 10 accounts. I will do everything to defend my name, my brand, my team. I'm sick and (beep) tired of (beep) kids who like somehow are able to fool me and that nice person that I am into thinking that they're good people and me giving them everything and then them stabbing me in back publicly. - And it makes me really sad that that happens to you a lot. - Yeah it's okay. - I'm really sorry, that sucks. - Okay, it's falling. Let it fall, don't let it fall! (laughing) (hiphop beat music) - Like, lets get ready to vajazzle! Are you ready for this (beep)? Are you trying to vadazzle your vagina? - Damn, I. This is real. - Me and Tana have had multiple conversations about vajazzles and we've always wanted to do it. It's basically just like badazzling your vagina. - Are we all three vajazzling right now? - Absolutely. - She needs birthday sex. That's like one of the things like on the top of your list that you have to do for your birthday. So, she needs a vajazzle for it. - Okay. Can we look through the different vajazzles? - Yeah, yeah, that's it. - Oh my God. - Pick whatever speaks to your personality. - This is feet. - Like a baby, when you're like, "Please put a baby in me". - Oh I want those! I think a little "M" on me would be kinda cute. - We could turn that into a "J", the thing in the middle. - Thank God my other (beep) have names start with "J" too. Like there's a teardrop. That's so far my favorite. I like this 'cause it's like (beep), (mumbles). - We are all approaching this in such different manners, it is like alarming. - So do you think Jake is gonna see this on your birthday? - I really don't know. I think everyone around me wants me to have birthday sex more than me. Like I am so much more focused on this party and making sure everything goes fine. I know that this is a really shocking thing to hear, but I don't know if I'm gonna sleep with someone if I'm not ready. Part of me is like, "Just do it, bro." - I think you should. - I mean emotions are definitely gonna be a really big thing and I don't know how you guys haven't yet. Do you maybe wanna save it for your wedding night? (Tana laughs loudly) - We'll just have to see how things at the party go you know, I think Jake and I are both all about the vibes and doing things when they're right. - I wanna see yours. - Wait I just have stubble but look. - I'm not looking. - Oh my God! - Okay, that's actually kinda cute. - I'm actually on my period though. - So birthday (beep). - I think after Jake, I wanna date Madison Beer (laughs). (hip hop beat music) - Careful with the balloons. For Tana's second birthday party. We have rented a giant house in the hills. This party is one of the first things that we've done by ourselves since TanaCon. It's a huge event with hundreds and hundreds of people. Six figures going into it. So it's really important that everything goes absolutely perfectly. - So I made all these dollar bills, that we're gonna throw at her, I guess (beep). - These are incredible. - Her birthday in Vegas, I wasn't really involved in the planning. This party is completely me. If it's not perfect, it's on me. Hey, I'm Jordan. - Jordan, hey. - I just wanna make sure we're all, like good. TanaCon, hopefully it made me better at my job. To be able to do risk assessment and see where the problems could be. I wanna know everything and anything. - Is this the only bathroom? - There's two downstairs. - Cause people may ask and I. - There's two downstairs. I feel like this might be the last moment of silence before chaos ensues. So I'm gonna really try to take it in. Okay, I'm ready. I'm feeling really good after the walkthrough. It looks absolutely perfect and there's not much left to be done. - Oh my, gorgeous. This is what you should be taking in the last few moments of It's gonna be blackout in a few minutes, let's go! (hip hop beat music) - Oh Tana, I'm 21! - We are here! - Come dress my legal body. Bitch, these are my last few moments of sobriety. I'm trying to soak them all in. This is my 21st birthday party. There's about to be 500 people celebrating me and I need to look like a boss ass bitch in every second. I need something to take shots in, something to breathe in, something to enter in, something to exit in, something to get (beep) in. - Something to sneeze in. - I want sophisticated but still Tana. What is option two for entrance? A little glitz, a little glam. It's all about the content. I want a bunch of different photos and a bunch of different outfits tonight. I just wanna wear it so bad. - I really like the sparkles. Like the sparkles so like, it-girl, 21st birthday. Hi, how are ya, how you doing? I'm Tana from Vegas, if you can't remember. - Lets try on this (beep). Honestly, my favorite part of my life, is being able to sit there and have 19 people turn me into a face-tuned Barbie doll. I'm so happy you guys are here. We gotta get the weave right, we gotta get the shape wear on. We gotta get the dress on the body. We gotta get the spray tan, the glow, the makeup the glitter, the heels, the shoe inserts the bras, the bombshells, the lashes. Oh my God. I literally have to move like a Barbie doll like, "Eeh" Tonight, pain is beauty mother (beep). - Are we ready? - Let's get drunk. (techno music) I'm on a carpet. These are paparazzi. This is the red carpet. Those are people dancing. I'm drunk as (beep). Let's (beep) go! (crowd cheering) Oh my God. We pull up, there's so many paparazzi outside. All these people over me. It's (beep) crazy. I mean hop-up in this right, bro? I'm miked up and so drunk. - You have a red carpet at your party. Bitch, you're so famous (laughs). - Walking into this party is literally crazy. They're throwing money on us with Tana's face on it. There's strippers, there's girls walking around with lampshades on their heads. I don't know what that's about. - I'm very excited to see a lot of people that I haven't seen in a while and a lot of my favorite content creators. (upbeat music) Kendra Sunderland and Gina Valentina, two of the biggest porn stars in the world, walk in with their crew. At the exact same time as Alex Wasabi, one of the most PG YouTubers in the world. This is Alex Wasabi. Literally what the (beep) is going on? Our party is big and good. It's also very crazy to see all of these super famous people that I love so much but then like my dentist is here. My dentist, all these veneers, he did them. Every person who has ever given me face objections or fixed my veneers or done my hair or styled me or anything is at this party too which is so sick. It's just so many people that I love everywhere I look. I'm so drunk, I'm so goddamn drunk. Nothing, I'm done, I'm just drunk (beep). - Where's your fiancee? On his way here and he better hurry the (beep) up. - Where the (beep) is Jordan! I lost my manager and I so feel so lost. (hip hop music) - Before the party started, Jake asked Tana to un-invite Cole. And that decision was then placed in my hands. Cole's been somebody who's shown nothing but respect to me and my team. And so I chose to roll the dice. - Hey man, how're you doing? - We haven't talked a couple of days. I didn't even know he was gonna come. And so now they're here and quite frankly, I don't wanna have to be the person to tell Cole to leave. Everything's fine, we're having a good time. We're having a great night, you guys are cool. I told security to stay with you in case there's an issue. I'm really scared to tell Tana about this situation because this is gonna have, you know, a major effect on one of two relationships. We're gonna really offend Cole Or we're gonna really offend Jake. Yo, Adam, talk to me. Talk to me like a person bro. Talk to me like a person. I'm on the phone with Jake's manager, and he's explained that unless Cole leaves the party, that Tana's fiance, who she has been waiting for the entire night, who's supposed to make this huge entrance, with his entire team is now not gonna show up. Adam there's 600 (beep) people here bro, are you (beep) kidding me? You have no idea what I'm dealing with dude. What are you (beep) talking about? Like there's 600 people here. You can't come to Tana's birthday because people are here that you don't like. Like come on! - No you're kidding. That's not real, that's not real. - I definitely never thought that it would get to this extent, this conversation is gonna have lasting impacts on my relationship on Tana's relationship and the entire business between Jake and Tana which has been really, really fruitful to this point. - So what do you think is gonna happen? - I think they're not gonna come and the entire relationship is ruined. - Jake should just be the bigger person and come in the party like you guys are literally engaged. If my fiance would not show up to my birthday, we would not be getting married. I feel like birthday sex is definitely not on the table anymore. - We put so much time into planning this party. And the one thing, literally the one thing at this point that could actually foresee-ably ruin the night is now happening. (dramatic music) We tell them that we have it handled and they're in the party and so that's it. - It's my 21st birthday party, and I'm drunk as (beep). I need to take 19 more tequila shots before I can handle anything else. My manager, Jordan, needs to be the bad guy in any kind of situation, not me. And if Jordan can't step up to the play and handle drama like that, it's honestly (beep) frustrating. I promised Jake something would happen. And it needs to happen. Do you understand? How are you guys? - You look beautiful tonight. - I have told Tana, since the day we started working together, I will not falter my moral guidelines. And nine out of 10 times we meet in the middle and it's really awesome. This is one of those times where I'm not sure if we will. - So Jake is outside and he says he's not coming in if Cole is here. So are they here or are they not? - They're not here! - They're not here, you're sure. Cause he was like under the impression-- - I mean obviously, we are in a giant house party with a lot of people, I'm also (beep) right now. - So we just tell him to get in here. - Yeah, he's being a jerk. And I just wanna see my fiance on my birthday. - This has escalated way more than I thought it would. I hear that now Jake may be outside, of the house in a limo, waiting. This is obviously just for drama. And this is the worst timing for this. - I'm going to change! - I'm hoping they just drive away at this point. (hiphop music) - He's here. - Where? Amazing, I see his brother. Oh my God are you my brother-in-law? Hi brother-in-law, how are you? Oh my God, you're my fiance, - Hi there. - So nice to meet you! - Happy birthday. - Thank you. - Happy (beep) birthday. - I'm sorry, I will spend the rest of our totally real engagement trying to make it up to you. There is no one here that I (mumbles). - That's crazy. (Tana mumbles) I don't believe you. - Are you talking like I wasn't 100% honest with you. - Yes, You lied. - I didn't. - Yes, you did. No, (mumbles), I don't have respect for him and you, quite frankly. It's probably the top three most upsetting things that has ever happened to my life. And like my brother has (beep) my girlfriend. (mumbles) But you can just hold it in for the cameras. - You wanna go talk without cameras? - No, I don't care. Like I mean it's whatever. - I would love nothing more. - Okay. - Alright. - Let's end it. Over there? We're gonna have an off. Can we have a two second off camera talk please, two seconds, sorry. Thank you. Honey, pose. (hiphop beat music) We're gonna have an off camera talk, yeah? - Tana! - I did my best and I'm sorry. Regardless of this fight, I really adore you and I will spend a lot of time making it up to you. We're engaged. You and me. - We are? - Yeah. - Like (beep). - We did that. What you tryna do? What's your vibe? - If you wanna come that'd be dope. But like, I don't know. I kinda want to like go home and just go home. - I'll walk you to your car. - All right. - It's a mess. like I wouldn't ideally wouldn't want anyone to know that we even remotely fought on like my 21st birthday party. Anyone can agree like you're fighting with your significant other and it's like serious (beep). Do you really want that like out to the world? What are you doing in an hour? - It's already like 1:00, but yeah text me. - Okay. - All right. - Goodnight Jake. - Goodnight. - Goodnight guys. At the end of the day, it's not my drama that I wanna be a part of. I wanna keep Jake happy, but I also wanna have a really, really good night and that's what I'm trying to do. - There's a lot of big personalities here. And Tana did not wanna rock the boat. Essentially I really did just hurt Jake and Tana's relationship. If Tana was angry at me, I would completely understand for right now. I'm positive that I made the right decision for me. And I'm sorry if it was not the right decision for Tana. - We'll talk about it tomorrow. (hiphop beat music) (dog barking) - [Jordan] Come on. - Teach your dog not to bark, bro. Like why do you just let your dog keep barking? - That is so stupid. - It's like (imitates dog), and you're like, "Good boy". - Did I say, "Good boy"? did you hear me say, "Good boy"? Dogs bark. Things have been a little tense since I last saw Tana at her birthday party. But this is about business and our relationship has to surpass any emotion that we have. - VidCon is literally in five days. - Yeah. - Let's talk about it. - (sighs) Okay. - I might be a little frustrated about my birthday party. But Jordan is still my manager and my go-to, and I need his (beep) help prepping for VidCon. - Panel. Meet and Greet, press interviews, and you can be asked anything. - I'm like actually. I'm actually, so nervous. - What are you nervous about? - It's like all eyes on us. Like you know what I mean? Like every single person there is gonna be looking at us like "There is no way that they're here". There's a lot of pressure for this VidCon to go really well. I think that is my last chance in the convention world and I am just hoping and praying everything goes smoothly. VidCon's press is (beep) huge. I've no preparation. - Which is why I've put together a lot of questions for you. - Okay, let's go over these (beep) cards. - Are you a liar? - No. (laughs) - Why do you think so many people think you lie? - I really, I don't know. - Was TanaCon a disaster? - Absolutely. - I don't think you're sorry about TanaCon. Why should I believe that you've changed? - I don't think you're sorry. Jesus Christ, okay. I mean at the end of the day, no one's ever gonna be in my head. And in reality, the only way you can ever really show people that you're sorry about something or you've changed from it or you've grown from it or whatever is by growing up and becoming a better person. You know what I mean? - It's growth. That's exactly it, perfect. A lot of people think you're lying about your relationship with Jake. How do you think that makes the fans feel? - Obviously we're playing into the clout factor but like true fans know that we're not lying about anything. - Would you date somebody else while being engaged to Jake? - Yeah. - Why do you guys need to get married then? - For the clout, all eyes are on us right now. - So you think that like getting married will just raise your numbers even more so it's just a race to the top? Because you can do all of those things. You just don't need to get married. - What if I care about someone so much that I want to show them my love like that? I want to celebrate our love. I want to have that ceremony. - You can literally have a loop out. - Okay so now you're just joking, yeah? Because that's not what an interview is, and so you have to accept that that's the way I live. - I honestly forgot I was interviewing you. I thought we were actually talking about it. - Like you (beep) idiot! (laughs) - I think that most of the questions at VidCon, for Tana are gonna be surrounding Jake, but I hope there's an opportunity to talk about other stuff because there's so many other things going on in her life right now that are really, really important. Last question. - Okay. - What if you're there, - Okay. - and you get booed? - Damn, that makes me want to reconsider because when you're getting booed, what do you do? Cry and run away or you like laughing? - I don't, I honestly don't know the answer. - Okay, so we'll think about that in the next five days. - I think we should watch videos of like people getting booed. (Tana laughs) (hip hop beat music) (door knocking) - Hi, will you just start setting up in Tana's room. - (whispers) It's time to wake up. This is gonna be such a good day. So your meet and greet is at 2:30. Today, Tana has a meet and greet with fans and then she has a one on one Q&A. You have perfect time for glam and to eat, if you get up right now. And it's a big deal. I think she's really gonna show VidCon like I can draw a crowd. Jake FaceTimed you, twice, five minutes ago. - You like really want me to get up, huh? - Yeah. - Hi fiance. I just woke up. Do you want me to help you talk to people at VidCon. Anyone to like show up during something I'm doing. Jake calls and asks my thoughts on him sneaking into VidCon. I need to like call Jordan and have him call people. I know that Jake would not be going in 1000 years if it wasn't for me and to come support me. So honestly, it pulled at my heartstrings a little bit. Oh my God. - Hey. - Hi. - I got you a present. - For the first time in six years. - Well, yeah and I wanna be clear about it. - I already don't like your tone of voice when you're doing that thing. - Oh my God. It's gonna be one of those days, huh? - It is every time. - Okay so, I never really get you presents cause like, like what do you get a girl who has everything? - Is this the gift? - Yeah. - I don't like sausage and McMuffins. - Oh so I'll eat it. Also this is the last time everybody would get (mumbles). Did you um, did you speak with your fiance this morning? - Yeah, I don't really know all the details. I just know he wants to like show up here for a video and we'll go from there. - What if they say no. - Then we go from there. - Let me call the VidCon featured creator hotline. - Are you being serious? - Yeah. - That's ridiculous and the fact that that's your only connection is honestly just-- - I mean, I'm gonna start with the hotline. This is Jordan, how are you? So Tana has a panel and she has a guy, a guest, a fiance, who just let her know he's wondering if he can stop by. Jake Paul coming to VidCon when VidCon's not prepared for him, could potentially be a disaster. Jake will create a ton of commotion no matter where he goes. It's not his fault at all, he's so popular. Yeah, it seems like it's a thing that he really, really wants to do. Got it. I will let them know. All right bye. It's like a 99.9%, no. - Why? - He is banned. They said there's previous history. And then somebody overheard the phone call and like hopped on as well and was like absolutely not, like no, do not do that. - We're engaged, like everything I do now, like could potentially involve him. - The only thing I'm concerned about is just like having a disaster where we've had an amazing last couple days and this like ruins the entire weekend. - Well it just doesn't have to be like that. It doesn't have to be drama. It doesn't have to be bad. - I know. I know, I'm just saying this, like is a huge risk. This is gonna obviously create a lot of problems because Tana wants him there, he wants to be there. And both of them like to get what they want. - Okay we're asking, and things are looking better. And we're trying to figure out a way to do this, like safely without pissing them off. But also if they say no, you absolutely should not show up. I've grown from causing a mob because (beep) VidCon. Let's just keep in touch. Let's just not do anything rush, honey. - I really don't want this to blow up into a situation. It will completely reflect on you, 100% if he comes. - Okay (mumbles) 10 minutes ago, so. (hiphop beat music) - Tana, we are extremely late, so you need to go in there and like-- - Dude we are not extremely late. - We are extremely late. Your meet and greet started 16 minutes ago. - No I get it that you're trying like overdramatized it, to like paint me in that narrative. - I not tryna overdramatize anything. - I don't wanna have this conversation anymore. - All I'm just saying is walk fast. - I think Tana, like deep down, knows she's really late and is running late actually, but she knows that she's gonna finish on time. But like, just cause you finish on time doesn't mean you're not running late. - I'm a reality star. And this is my manager that can (beep) my (beep). - [Crowd] Tana, Tana, Tana, Tana! - When we walk up I hear Tana's name being chanted. And I can't tell if they were chanting because they were just extremely restless cause she was late or if they were really just excited. (crowd cheering) - How are you guys today? How are you? - Good, how are you? I am so (beep) happy to be here, I love your energy. You just like woke me up. - You're finally a featured creator. - Featured (beep) creator. - Featured (beep) creator. - Signing (beep) VidCon. I love it. - So what took forever for you to get here? - I was on time. - No you weren't. - Wait, I swear. - No you weren't. - But I'm really, I'm bad with the timing too. - We know. - I think it matters that Tana's a little bit late like her fans kind of expect that from her anyways, like everyone knows she's gonna be late. It would be more weird if she was on time. - Did I not crush today? - Yeah. - Are you disappointed? - No, I'm not. - Oh my God, should I (beep) early next time? But also I'm a slow ass bitch. - I love you, I love you. - I love you. I like her. Meet and greets can be challenging because it's like you're meeting these few hundred people and for every single one of them these 10 seconds are going to make the rest of their day. - I wanted to propose to you but Jake Paul stole my thunder, so-- - He did do that unfortunately. - So instead, I'd strip for you. - You're stripping right now? - Yeah. - You wanna give every single person the same exact energy you know, you don't ever wanna give someone less of you or not what they see online and there's a lot of pressure to really give someone your all in 10 (beep) seconds and make this experience special for them. - Did you go to TanaCon? - Yeah, I did. I stood out in the sun and everything. - Yo, honestly, it is so crazy to me when people tell me that, for you to still support me, for you to grow with me. For you to be at VidCon (mumbles) Dude look at the goosebumps=- - I know, same! - I just wanna say thank you. - (mumbles) 970 (beep) miles to meet you. - I love you so much. Thank you so (beep) much. - I messaged you in 2015 being very suicidal and you messaged me back two times, and you literally saved my life. I love you so much. - I am so so happy. I am so happy that you're here. I'm serious. I value you and you are so loved. And now you are so much stronger and smarter and wiser. I love you. - I love you. - I never thought when I made my first video that I would be able to touch one person's life. And to touch this many is something that still like floors me every single day. You make me proud. I love you. - Tana's meet and greet is going really well. And I'm really excited because I just got off the phone with a second VidCon executive who told me that Jake was now allowed to come to VidCon. There's like 10 more people. - There's 10 more people, we've got 10 minutes. - I think it was a safety thing. If Jake came without anyone knowing and he wasn't gonna defy any rules that could have been an issue. So I think that they wanted to make sure they were on top of it as well. Do you have Jake's number? - Yeah. - So be like, "Hey, are you like, "are you still planning on coming down?" - Even though Jake gets permission to come from VidCon, I'm absolutely still nervous, something could go wrong. Because a lot of things he does end up in a scandal. - Honestly, let's just go straight to the panel and go backstage. - Also Jake isn't texting me back and I'm kind of like, "What are you doing? "What are you planning? "What do you have up your sleeve?" - Oh my God, we crushed that. I (beep) so bad. How are you? VidCon! (crowd screams) VidCon! I've been holding my (beep) for an hour. First VidCon where we're allowed back here. - Yeah. - Yo I'm nervous. No, I'm not. I'm actually just really excited. - I'm extremely confident with Tana onstage and answering this question. She's gonna kill that. We've trained, she's, that's what she does. The things I'm nervous about are how the audience reacts and when Jake is going to arrive, cause I still don't know that. - I'm Oscar Gracey, are you guys ready for Tana Mongeau? (crowd cheering) Tana! (crowd cheering) - Hi VidCon. (crowd cheers) I just wanna say thank you to all of you for being here right now. You (beep) rock. I would not be (beep) without any of you. So thank you so, so much. - Wow, we have so much to catch up on. There's been a lot going on with you, sis. I mean - You're really right. - We have to celebrate the fact that you're a featured creator here at VidCon. And now that you're 21. - So weird. So weird. - Does anything feel different now? - Everything. Everything feels different now that I'm legal. It's so weird. Like I feel like the amount of growth that I was forced to go through. It was kinda like sink or swim like grow the (beep) up or shut the (beep) up, you know? Overall emotionally, business-wise, everything, I've grown up like 10 years in this last year, and I'm very grateful for that. - I think showing up to VidCon after like TanaCon happening being on this big stage and on this big ass screen like, I'm so excited to see her thriving up there. I'm like living vicariously through her. I'm like, "You got it, I got it". - YouTube's royal engagement, Jake Paul, Tana Mongeau. I mean let's hear. - She's engaged ladies and gentlemen. She is (beep) engaged. - Okay so let's see, we need to go a step by step process of the engagement cause that was really the news that shook us off to the core, obviously. - Okay. It shook me too. - What was that reaction like when Jake got down on one knee and (mumbles) ring? - I was very, very intoxicated, I'm not gonna lie to you. But it's legal to say that because I'm 21 now. So, it was kinda just a moment of like, "You're crazy Jake Paul, "but you're crazy like me and I like it. "Here we are." - What do you have to say to the people who are still questioning if the whole thing is even real? - Me too, no I'm just kidding (laughs). Jake and I are just like having fun and putting it online and I don't know we really don't care what people think. - You look beautiful. (crowd shouting) - You're ridiculous! You're ridiculous. And he's on crutches. - Hi fiancee. (crowd cheers) - It's not really like necessary for Jake to show up and like take the stage and like ruin her moment. It's supposed to be about her and like VidCon. Yeah, it's okay to talk about Jake but do you have like appear like, we get it. - Am speechless right now, And I'm never speechless. - I have a surprise for you. - Oh my God, oh my God. - Okay so, guys I wrote Tana a poem. The day I met Tana, she ate my banana. - Hey it was-- - Two years later returned into Jana. Welcome to the Paul family, we welcome you with love. From the moment I met you we fit like a glove. From Calabasas to Vegas to getting blacked out. It's about all of our moments and not just the clout. Logan and Bella can hate, the world can question our fate. But on July 28, you can all save the date. (crowd chanting) - Even though I knew Jake might come, him showing up with this poem was a complete surprise to me. And I feel like he knew just how to make me laugh. Best fiance ever. Jake Paul, will you marry me? - Yes, I do. Holy (beep), that's ridiculous. Wow I can't wait to get (beep) after this. - When Tana is referencing having sex with Jake tonight. I'm literally thinking in my head, "Yeah, you're probably gonna get (beep), "but I know it's not gonna be from him." I feel like they pretend that they're hooking up to the public because it makes things seem more real I guess. - You crushed that. You absolutely, absolutely crushed that. - But if I had to place a bet on how long Tana and Jake, were gonna stay married. I'd probably give it a couple of weeks. - Tana and Jake are phenomenal at what they do and they know exactly what they're doing. You know where it goes from here, I'm not really sure. I think that no matter what, she has come a long, long way. I mean for real, and I am really proud. - Dude that was awesome. Like that could not have gone any better. And you guys are like legitimately my favorite people in the world. I could literally cry. No, I'm not gonna cry. The end of this VidCon is a crazy emotional feeling for me right now. Finally turning so much bad into a lot of good. Really did feel like the closing of a chapter. This weekend is everything we ever wanted. And maybe it literally wasn't supposed to happen until right now. And everything we like went through made us like able to do this. - This weekend was like perfect though. - Like ridiculously perfect. - Did you say that I'm never thoughtful? - You're never thoughtful. - And I was like what could show that like I am thoughtful because I actually do care regardless of like, always like hating you. - I love flowers. - You do? You love flowers? - I'm not normally sentimental. I don't usually do gifts. Cause there's not a lot of time to think about this stuff. But over the past couple of months, Tana and I have dealt with a lot of stuff together. I don't know, I thought it would be meaningful for her. And one more. - You got me a gift? - Yeah. - That isn't an egg McMuffin. - Honestly this is something that was really impactful for me when I was a young child. And it's, it's just meaningful. I think it's cool. Just, open it. - [Imari] I'm starting to see it. - It's an iPad. - [Ashly] Aww, that's cute! - You know what's actually really weird? My kindergarten teacher like she loved this book. And at the end of the year, she could like give the book to one student and she gave it to me. - Did you read it? - No. - That's kinda weird. - I know you can you do know how to, read books right? - I literally hope you (beep). - Well I got you a present so. - My first present from Jordan. I love this thank you. I love Jordan more than anyone on this earth. I think that's why when we fight it hurts as much as it does. And it's frustrating as it is because I literally feel like he is the most family I will ever ever have on this planet. And as much as I hate to give it to him, he is my best friend, my right hand and my go-to and the book gesture was kinda sweet ass (beep). We could hug, but we could also not hug. - [Imari] All right, let's go get some (beep). - Seriously (beep). (hiphop music) - Tana! - Hi. - You're getting married! - That is big facts, that is big facts. Holy (beep). Okay, I wanna show you the house. They painted the house and it looks crazy. And I wanna show you, - I wanna see it. - so let's (beep) go. Jake and I decided it would be a good idea to go back to Vegas and have a crazy wedding. Jake and I are both two very exaggerated, like dramatic crazy people who love to like make things crazy for our viewers and (beep), you know? So this is gonna be exciting and fun, but also really stressful and really crazy. Holy (beep). Think about the way the outside of this house looked last time you were here. Are you ready? - Holy (beep). Dude, they really did it. - "Jana Forever." Like the house just having "@Tana Mongeau" across it like, "Thanks". The white looks so good. It really looks so good. - It looks classy. - Don't get me wrong, Jake and I are so fully aware that our marriage and our engagement is so far from what a traditional marriage and engagement are. But I think that Jake and I are in a position that is very not traditional. Our lives are also our business. I want food and there's like not food here. Now we're in this engagement that is real, but a little rushed, but we're okay with that. Cause we're crazy (beep). Should I go to my parents? I don't want to. - Are you inviting them on Sunday? - No. - The thought of it is too much for me, I'm serious. - Like I can't. - Tana has always had a really weird relationship with her family. Sometimes when it comes to stressful things, Tana likes her parents to just not be there. So their relationship is fine. But yeah, I think there's gonna be some people who question why her parents aren't there and why I'm the one walking her down the aisle. - I do think it's such a weird look like Jake's mom's there and like, my mom isn't but like, I'm gonna have to babysit her all day. And I'm not gonna be able to. - We could just get her high. - Get me high. Should I be high on my wedding day? - Is it legal in Las Vegas? - Yeah, I think so. Did you ever put chips on sandwiches? Like growing up? When I was vegan I used to use barbecue chips instead of meat. It's gonna be so weird, sorry , sorry. Sorry, I'm really excited about it. (mumbles) - Oh, man, okay. Yo actually when on Sunday do you wanna fly in? - To your wedding? - No, Jordan not for my wedding just for (beep) funsies (mumbles) Vegas. - I think like 8:00 A.M, like 8:30. - Okay. - I guess I haven't really had time to process the fact that Tana is actually getting married. There's been so much going on. We've had her birthday, we've had VidCon. The wedding has always been there, but it hasn't been like an actual thought process yet. It is like that moment, you know where your, your little girl is growing up. There is no Tana anymore, there is just Jana. - That's so (beep) (mumbles). (upbeat music) - Everyone we (beep) in this house needs to sign an NDA. You cannot talk about (beep) size, (beep) size. Is it bleached? Is it not bleached? You can't talk about any of the (beep). Look who it is. - Hi. - [Ashly] Little miss bitch. - Hey, girl. - Good news. - The dresses are here. - Lemme see. - Oh my God, I love you that handed me one like I'm gonna put it on. Interesting. So for Tana's bridal party, we have Ashly, Natalie, Isabella, Mario and a whole bunch of people from Jake's team for whatever reason. - This is literally a size four. - That looks big for a four, are you kidding? Like I don't wanna wear this to the wedding. - I'm a bridesmaid as well, but no amount of money in the (beep) world could get me to put on one of those dresses. - I mean should we just like try them on anyways? - Yeah. - Have fun. They're ugly. I'm supposed to go get a pink tux today. Baby pink or black. - You don't have a tux yet? - Not exactly. - The wedding is in two days. - I know! - But it doesn't do much for my ass. This is horrible. - We just have to talk to Tana later. I feel like she'd see it and probably hate it. - She would want us to look hot too. - Yeah, like we need to look like, like Kardashian style. (Imari laughs) Unfortunately, I did pick out these dresses, so I'm definitely gonna have to find some bridesmaids dresses that ship next day. - Who's walking Tana down the aisle? - Jordan. - I was gonna say, 'cause I know it's not me. - And it's not her dad, that's for sure. - Exactly. - But it kinda is. - Yeah, exactly, it kinda is her dad. - Jordan's like her dad yeah. - Jordan literally wakes Tana up in the morning, is teaching her how to drive and got her health insurance. He seems like her dad to me. I still can't believe, I haven't hung out with Jake that much like they started dating what, two months ago? And now they're getting married and I hardly know the guy, like I hardly know him. - Yeah that is a little weird. - But like are you even like good friends with him? Like would you say like you guys are good friends? - No we're not good friends. For sure, not good friends. - Do you have his phone number? - I feel like it's like working. He has been there together. It's like, it's like just, it flows so natural. Like everyone, like he laughs. And I feel like that's something she makes him do that like, like in a genuine way. Like she's not (beep) throwing an egg at his face or like pushing him in a pool to make him like smile, you know? - Yeah he's just the (beep) worst. Jake and Tana still haven't slept together, huh? Like I ask her every single day. - Which is so (beep) funny. - I don't know, I was talking to her yesterday about like, you know her like guest list or whatever and I was like what if you literally like (beep) someone else in the bathroom at your wedding? Like I could totally like actually see that happening. The whole world is wondering whether or not Tana and Jake's marriage is real and me being her best friend in the entire world. I should know that, and I don't. - I feel like Jake and Tana I don't know, they could last. (upbeat music) - Dude, oh my God, I can't believe we are going to the wedding. That's so exciting. Did you ever think at 15 when you were like doing my nails for the first time that you'd be like going in my wedding? - Hell no, you're a spoiled brat. - No one gives me (beep) like you. - Like I cannot wait to get this girl off me. - Now we're family and now you're stuck with me forever. Perfect timing though, wedding's in two days. Like okay so tomorrow is Saturday, right? And Jake brother, Logan, is doing this, like the YouTuber Olympics basically, right? And so Jake is competing in it. And I'm gonna be in like, baking sun like cheering him on like at this Olympics and then we're hopping on a plane straight back here. Back to Vegas again really in 48 hours, to really have a wedding? Like what the (beep) is going on? But the thought of what Jake and I have and what we make together is so magical that sometimes it's worth a little bit of stress. - Who would have thought you'd be getting married? - Dude I know it's so weird. - So are you guys gonna move in? Or are you just gonna have like an open relationship? Or you're gonna (beep) move into his house? - Dude, I really don't know what to do. I think I'm gonna take that one hard day by day. I don't (beep) know. The idea of that scares me a lot. - How did you know like he was the one? - I mean obviously like it was rushed for the crazy factor. But at the same time, I do think Jake has the one quality that I've never like seen in anyone else because I feel like he makes me like, my best me. - Right. - I don't know I think that's like really what like life is about, like right now like being with somebody who makes me my best self is like the best thing ever. Jake and I have been spending pretty much every waking moment together. We're getting closer day by day. We're still having just as much fun as we were in the beginning. We still off camera are making sure that these real moments are very real and I'm super happy about it and excited for what the future holds. - The mansion looks so amazing. And it kinda matches your nails too. - Oh my God. I'm like, "They painted the house to match my nails". (beep) No way. - What? - He said "A" first, what's he gonna spell? Annulment? (hiphop music) ♪Yeah ♪ ♪Yeah ♪ ♪Yeah ♪ ♪Yeah ♪ ♪So you reckon you can handle me ♪ - What do you think Tana? - Are you kidding me? This is (beep) beautiful. Don't these last for a really long time too? I heard that, oh my God. Maybe the roses will last longer than our marriage. Stay tuned. Just kidding, we're married forever, Jana forever. You see that house bitch? You see that house bitch? Oh my God, should we take off our shoes? This is our room, let's get comfortable, we're at home. - That by far, was the craziest jet ride I've had my entire life. I've only taken a jet twice. And I know for a fact every other time I take one, it will not be like that. So at the house, we have two rooms, two bathrooms and there's like six, seven, eight, nine, 10 of us. I don't know how many of us are getting ready and it's kind of really tight and compact. But honestly I should have taken a nap, cause what am I doing now? Tana takes up a lot of space cause she has literally four suitcases. And she has two people doing her hair, doing her makeup. We're just kind of everywhere. I'm so excited to have a (beep) fresh ass bald fade. Oh bitch. - I'm nervous about all of the people who are texting me now asking me to come to the wedding. And I'm like, "Hey, it's like in three hours," and like no. - Send them a video. - Hey yeah, we'll send them a video for sure. And they can watch it on YouTube. They can live stream, of course. - So it's like they're there. - Jake and Tana created this plan to get married on the internet. So this wedding is gonna be live streamed. - It's kind of crazy how many people like all the influencers there are gonna be vlogging every single person. - No, it's every post, like I'm looking at my Insta and its like every-- - Like there's gonna be exposure everywhere. - This wedding in itself is not just about their relationship. If it came to doing it just for love, they might have eloped or done something just for the two of them. But this is, this is supposed to be grandiose. This is so people can see. And now the lines are completely blurred whether this is business or a real relationship. I think we have like 10 confirmed media outlets. - It's like that big. - But yeah no, the attention is insane, like my entire timeline is-- - Cause people don't wanna miss it, cause it's like, "Who does this"? This is like a once in a lifetime thing, two of the biggest YouTubers are getting married. - If Tana was my actual daughter, this wedding would probably be a little bit different. I wonder how many times I'm gonna have to walk her down an aisle. (all laugh) - Hopefully just today, Jana forever. Fans on Twitter, think you're jealous and that a little bit of you thinks you should be marrying Tana. - Yeah well, here's what I would say to them, they're wrong. Completely. I think what people are reacting to is that I actually care about her, so they probably see the fact that I really, really do wanna protect her and they probably see that as a sign of love and whatever. - So no part of you is a little sad? - Zero percent. I don't have any say in this, this is happening. Little girl's getting, getting married. - Your daughter is getting married today. - It's time to give her away. - To Jake Paul. - Take her bud. - She's all yours. (upbeat music) - I wonder if she's nervous at all. - Yeah she's not. Unless it's Wild 'n' Out. She's not nervous. - Oh my God, I'm getting really nervous. I missed the rehearsal. - It's okay. - Do you know anything about weddings? - Yes. - Oh my God, (mumbles), literally makes my heart drop every time I'm like, "What did I do?" I missed the rehearsal but I'm hoping you (mumbles). - No it's pretty much just walking. - Imagine referring to my wedding, as pretty much just walking. Hold on one second. - Down an aisle, no big deal. - Oh yeah, yeah. - Did you write vows? - No, but my YouTube video today was a one big vow. So I'm actually stressing on how to top that or what I do. And I've actually been waiting to talk to you about it. Did you know that? - Oh yeah. What gonna you do? - I don't know. But like you don't do anything we're doing today. I think the MO for today is nothing is traditional. And that's okay. - I think Tana completely understands that this is an aberration in terms of like how normal people would view a wedding. I don't think she cares. What this is to her is a moment in time and a celebration of how she feels right now. She's gonna do things based on what makes her happy and living in the moment. I think you should have something prepared, and make it funny. - So funny? You think funny? Or is it a crying moment? Cause I could cry, if I drink I could cry. - You lead with humor, and then you go into serious. - Us planning my emotions. - No, no, just think. - We could have really set the right moment. - I'm like, I'm already kinda like, like you thought this was for clout. Originally that's what we were all about. But like without a doubt, like it really could like slay right? Like full blown poetry vow moment. - Yeah. And I don't think you have the time for like the, like the amount of effort that would take right now. - I disagree, completely. - Should I (mumbles). - I would trust you to write my vows. - Jake I love us. That's how I would start it. - Jake I love this for us. (laughs) - Jake I love this for us. There is not one single press outlet missing from this wedding, I think is a really good (mumbles). - Jacob Joseph Paul, I love this for us, (mumbles) trust or prenups are probably something we should have discussed. I'm not a paperwork ass bitch. I think that weddings and love and all of this kind of stuff should never ever be about stuff like that. And at the end of the day, we are just having fun and this should just be another fun thing that we conquer as a duo. No matter what the validity of this wedding really is to anyone. It's still probably going to be something that I look back on for the rest of my life. It's still like, you know what I mean like, and I think that-- - (mumbles) changing decision right now? - Yeah, yeah. And I think it's also one of the biggest moments of my career. - My traditional sense of a wedding is a lot different than Tana's sense of a wedding. But Tana wouldn't be doing this and going through with an actual wedding if there weren't real feelings, and she didn't really actually care. I don't know if I would define it as love but there's a connection. There's a really special connection. Yeah, it's love. Do you think this is like for the rest of your life? - I don't think like that. - Of course not. - I can't. - No, I know, why would you? - I take every single thing I do moment by moment because that's what's beautiful about the position that we're in. And I'm happy right now in this moment, and that's all that matters to me. And at the end of the day, people take marriage so seriously, and it is (beep) serious and sacred and blah, blah, blah. But like, if you're not happy, then you get out of it. And it was awesome for what it was. If you are happy you stay in it and life is short. How much harder does it really have to be than that? (upbeat music) Can I get one more, ready, ready, ready? Oh my God Tyler, we look good. Tyler's blonde, and I keep thinking he's Jake and I'm like (beep) (mumbles). - I am so happy that we ended up getting different dresses, like these ones fit so much better. - Oh, I look sexy. - We need to find Jake. - He's not planning on going out at the cocktail hour at all. They styled him for the pink dress. - So what about the E! News interview? - Like could you do it by yourself or no? - I guess I could but I also think that maybe the no veil because the veil only kinda makes sense if I'm like with the groom. - Agreed. So now I have to wear this veil that matches this dress with that dress. Which I need to ask Tyler Lambert about because it's made for this dress as you can clearly see. - Looking up to like the Kardashians they have like two three, whatever how many dresses for their wedding? Obviously, Tana has to do the same. Like you have to have your ceremony dress and your dress for press. So speaking of Jake, are you guys gonna actually have sex tonight, do you think ? - That's what I was wondering! - Yeah. - Literally what I was wondering, sorry. - Actually with the bikini waxing off. - Okay. I'm not gonna lie. There was a moment where I was like, "Wow, do I send this?" - Did you send it? - No we didn't send anything. There was just a moment where I was like, " Ooh like I could hit it right now." But then I was like, "Oh wait, I got a veil to put on". - Tana and Jake still have not slept with each other. At first I thought it was like a good excuse to like wait for your wedding night but at this point, I'm just over it. Like they're just not gonna (beep) and that's (mumbles). - I should leave. - You're giving away your daughter. Is she gonna get railed not? (Imari coughs) - I object! - I mean have a little respect. I'm the father of the bride. - There's like 10 photographers outside. - Okay let's go. (upbeat music) - You look hot. - You look (beep) hot. (beep) And that's a veil that's off. What's up guys? I am actually changing out of my first wedding dress right now into another one but also my ass looks fat. Just wanted to share. The wedding is live, if you didn't know, swipe up right now and check everything out, holy (beep). - So we're like two minutes away from walking down the aisle and I get a text from a security guard who was at the party telling me that he heard there was gonna be something planned at the altar. Whether it be you know, a fight or some sort of charade, and he asked me if I knew about anything. And the answer to that was of course, no. Yo, are there any like antics like planned for the ceremony? - If they are, I don't know about them. - Sure? Tana said she knows absolutely nothing about this. So I don't wanna freak her out and create any situation. So I think if something is gonna happen, we'll have to handle it in the moment. - Yeah, will you shut the the door? Cause my ass is out (beep), yep. (upbeat music) - We're still slaying it. Even though it's 110. - Like I grew here (moans). (Jordan laughs) - This is normal, this is typical. You ready? - Yeah, I'm thinking about my vows. - What are you thinking? - I was down to get married. I knew who to call. I'm happy to call myself Tana Marie Paul. Bad? Jordan, I have no vows, I'm dead ass. (mumbles) - No, but like I don't, I'm not gonna take my phone up there. - Spoke from the heart. - You don't have to make it too melodramatic. Four or five sentences, that's it. Someone's livestream it in front of like 50, 60,000 people and then it will be seen by millions others after that so. I can't believe she's throwing out the vows because we just worked for a significant amount of time on them but I also can believe it because that's what she does. She's a perfectionist, so if she doesn't like the final outcome of something. She scraps it, immediately. Should we get married now? Not me and you. But should you go get married now? Cause we had to walk down the aisle like an hour ago. - Let's go. - Let's go walk down the aisle Let's go do it. Look how (beeps) this. - To be honest with you every second I'm like, "Should I do this? "Is this too far?" It's kind of (beep) crazy. Even if it's not on paperwork like, I'm still putting out to the world that I'm marrying this person and that is a very scary thing to do. But I like it. (crowd chanting) - You know, I heard there might be a fake fight by the way. - Holy (beep). This is the wedding. These are my last moments as Tana Mongeau. - Seeing how crowded it is in that little area is a little overwhelming, just a ton of commotion. And it's every press outlet. I mean, it's everybody on the internet, all of our friends. Everyone's looking at this and everyone's talking about it, and so it's stressful, it's a lot of pressure. - We are gathered here today to join these two social media juggernauts in holy cloutromony. (crowd cheers) - Holy (beep) This is time for vows. I wrote a lot of cheesy (beep), the cheesy (beep) started with, they all might think it's pretend. but two years ago I met my best friend. You wake up the little kid in me and you make life so ridiculously fun. You make me so excited for every single day. And I don't give a (beep) what anybody thinks. I love you Jake Paul, and I'm excited to marry you tonight. (crowd cheering) - I could have prepared for this moment and written something special that would have come from the bottom of my heart, but I wanted to freestyle these vows. We are the same person in opposite gender. Your beauty every single day amuses me. From your outfits-- - He's like Fashion Nova hashtag add. - to them white teeth (laughs). I love you. - That speech might be longer than the marriage. - Jake vows kinda sucked, not gonna lie. They were too like goofy and silly. You're at a wedding. You are the one getting married like, be a little serious for a second. - This cost 300,000. - I hate you. - The Lamborghini right here. - [Crowd] Daddy's rich! - I wouldn't call this ceremony romantic. I really don't know what to call it. Uncomfortable. - Do you, Tana take Jake? - I do. Wait, is that? - Yeah, that's how you do it. - I do. - Exchange the rings. - You may kiss the bride. (beep) - I see this guy and throw this drink at Tana and I literally don't know what's going on. Like I'm still clapping cheering for them to like have their first kiss. - I have no idea what's going on. It's just a bunch of people pushing each other and immediately I thought maybe this is planned. It's kinda like what Jake does though, you know a lot of his content is built on shock factor and stuff like that. So creating some sort of diversion or story is totally cool. But pouring a glass of champagne on the bride is not cool. Probably not the best way to start a marriage. - Look at me. The only thing that matters right now, - I'm like shaking. - The only thing that matters right now is you and me. I love you. - (beep) look at this ring, I spent so much. (Tana mumbles) - I love you. (upbeat music) - Right after the ceremony, Tana and Jake have to get ready for the reception. Which is kinda nice because we finally get a moment just to kind of collect our thoughts. (pop music) Why is your cheek red? - I got popped. - By who? - I got popped in the fight. - Wait, actually? - Yeah. - Like did you go inside of that fight? - No, I was just sitting on the outside. I was like, "What is going on?" And then someone was like, "Pah!" I don't know what happened, but a fight? I don't know who was, I don't know what team it came from. I don't know who did that. I have no idea where it came from. I don't think it upset her that much. But if it was up to me, that would have never happened, no. - Yo, someone fought at at our wedding. They threw a drink on her, and my shooter beat the (beep) out of him. Hey tell me you forgot. - No. - You forgot? - No, sorry. You married someone a little too like you. - You're amazing. - There's a lot stuff about whether this is legal or not or if any documents have been signed. I mean, you might not be recognized by any county in the United States or any part of the world, but under YouTube law, Jake and Tana are married now. Whatever they want their relationship to be is up to them. And what goes into actual marriage I think is left to be seen. (car honks) - No way. A Tana Mongeau fairytale ending in happy ever after, like what? I feel lucky. I feel happy and it is a crazy, emotional feeling for me right now. The past year of my life has been the biggest roller coaster I've ever been on with the highest highs and the lowest lows. But the amount of growing up I have done in the last year is absolutely crazy. (fans cheering) I still have a whole lot more growing up to do. (car engine revving) And I might be canceled (beep) tomorrow but I still have a world to take on bitch, so let's go!
Channel: MTV
Views: 1,432,362
Rating: 4.7523079 out of 5
Keywords: Every Single MTV, Every Tana MTV, best of tana mongeau, tana & jake break up, logan paul, mike majlak, lana rhoades, riley reid, Tana and Jake, Tana Turns 21, MTV No Filter Tana Mongeau, Tana Mongeau VidCon, MTV No Filter, Tana Mongeau marriage, MTV No Filter: Tana Turns 21, Tana No filter, MTV No Filter: Tana Mongeau, Tana Mongeau, No Filter Tana, jordan worona, tana mtv show, jake paul, imari and ashley, funniest no filter moments, Every No Filter MTV
Id: W3W4wH_S8d8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 52sec (7912 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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