Brendan Gleeson & Colin Farrell on The Banshees Of Inisherin, Ireland's natural beauty & Joker 2!

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foreign [Music] s we're still the best of friends no you're not who says we're not said somewhere else how you doing today good morning fantastic so watching this I found it to be particularly Irish there's a unique sense of stubbornness from you both in this and I was like oh that that feels genuinely like it's from Ireland like it feels DNA Ireland but it's great to see that it has traveled so well yeah and I'm noticing this year we've got on Colin Kuhn you are not my mother so many Irish films that are traveling so brilliantly yeah are you you notice that now from your perspective just how well our stories are are doing lately yeah well I mean you have to be careful there's a thing where they save two writers write what you know about so people write about the familiar you know and all that kind of stuff uh but you can get caught up and sometimes you never know till it's finished is this parochial and is it lacking a kind of a sense of universality so what Martin has is that um he gets to a depth of honesty within whatever I mean he went to Bruges he went over three Billboards was over in where what was the name of the place in Missouri so so he spent a lot of his childhood in this part of the world as well with this no he did so he goes to the familiar but he has it's always a with a view to looking at the metaphysical rather than the local and put us through the prism of the local I think possibly for us certainly yeah my work you've worked on both the bush uh that's it the short hand is there immediately and so whatever depth we find but it's really to get to the truth because it was gratifying to go to Venice and find out that even through a subtitle people were laughing at the same places amazing it wasn't that local at all it turns out um for the uh for for the the tourism I guess that's going to bring to you because watching this I've been to English more and I'm like that's that's what it looks like yeah I I imagine American audiences in particular will think that's a lot of production that made it look that beautiful well even our shows yesterday the film opens up with a rainbow over my head and somebody was aghast yesterday one of our own people with a gas that that wasn't a CGI rainbow yeah I just had this notion that they could kind of already a kind of place where you can go for a stack you can go for a comfortable come for a breakup tour of Ireland yeah yeah I have an issue with whatever you're going with so you have to say up you know Rouge the tour has blood splatters on every site that we shot and Brews this will have a little teardrop there you go there you go broken heart yeah Broken Heart there is I took away from it is that in order to be creative you have to be quite selfish you have to be very certain type of place for it yeah yeah he needs a little bit of space he could have been a little bit more like there's a degree of desperation about him he doesn't really know for so long that he needs to express this stuff creatively and he doesn't really feel it is made life up to a point where he feels the insignificance and when we saw our house down in Cambridge Colin said to me that must be a challenge that beauty to wake up to that every day and open the door and be faced in the face of that and more or less to feel the insignificance but also what are you doing to add to it yeah you feel a little bit unworthy which was brilliant kind of an Insight so I don't think he understood now he's screaming he has to express it and at this he just needs space and it hasn't been happening and it doesn't happen so it is a basic thing but I think it is a basic question and the great thing about Martin stuff is not answered is how much do you sacrifice advice of people who are innocent of any culpability of anything for your artistic journey and so the two sides are kind of explored yeah yeah and I mean art always comes with a as the result of a sacrifice it might be the sacrifice of your own ignorance it could be you know the sacrifice can come in many different forms um I've never contended with the degree of of consequence that you're contending with in this in your Pursuit for the kind of isolation or Solitude you need to feel that you can create and feel that you can fill that Gap no I do but I do I do I've missed weddings I've missed funerals I needed to be at and Mr Burton me first child you know so there are you know it was easy to kind of relate um and in seeing the film I I found it a lot of years ago to relate to what his character as dramatic as it is dynamic and as kind of Macabre as it comes to be in this film I found it very easy to understand what he was looking for as well yeah no it was that's the like as I said that the team I took away is that like you'll have to create at the expense almost of having a more fun in your life you can have both yeah uh which I would HR menkin said you're either out in the world living experience in the world or you're writing about it you can't do both yeah I don't necessarily agree with that as well but there's something to it you know yeah choices I mean that's apparently you left Dublin because he was afraid he'd talk his novels away because he was you know he loved company but he knew he so he had to get away from the things and the next thing he fills a whole book full of it's such a bizarre relationship stuff that he would have given away for free in the pub you know exactly and like you know it's like being half in and half out of society it's kind of at the core of the artistic experience for the most part you need them but you need space you can't do it out and but it helps your your creativity so it's that Dynamic so just yesterday I watched Black Adam Pierce Bros in a minute a few years ago we had Killian and Lim this year we had yourself in Barry next year or the year after we've got yourself in Joker DC seems to uh having irish guys and Irish ladies come in and just be mostly bad guys but just be in their movies have you noticed like the through line of how how much like the Irish have seemed to have taken over the superhero contingent just oh stop [ __ ] gun oh wow yeah yeah I know I don't know there's a kind of a thing that over there that people don't quite realize it's really I don't think there are obviously little fads and things that people think for the gold for the Irish thing but not it's more about their they have an openness to exploring things I haven't where they haven't gone before they're very encyclopedic in their knowledge of film and stuff so if people are making shapes in any form across they really are curious about and they'll go looking for won't they so I'm not sure if it's like let's let's put a Paddy in it you know it's like I think that it has to do with the work and if they think it's an interesting work and possibilities they go after it basically you know I mean you can hardly see spandex it sounds like a Christmas toys yeah so I'm not sure but I just yeah I do think they're I think they're cure the Curiosity and always looking for new places and new curious to see what's going on what you're gonna I know nothing about his gig and I I I I barely asked a half a question about it once again I thought all right I'll leave it there it's no spoiler alerts coming this way because we do like the chat you could get you could get let down it I know between tweeting live as you're telling me and then you do what yeah all I'll tell you is that working Phoenix isn't it yeah he ain't Irish there was something about him that reached out the bottom of his own in that first Joker thing I've ever I've ever seen huh a second you saw him at the start of the film just so confusing as the bearing is bearing everything about it I mean that's proper art that right there tremendous tremendous gentleman thank you thanks man for your time thank you I'm gonna be waiting around for any more of this madness let's call it quits we won't call it quits we call it the start [Music]
Views: 97,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe,,, Male, Irish men, Ireland, men, man, Sports Joe, SportsJoe, irish news
Id: dASw3xjNkl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 19 2022
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