Breeding the New CARRILONG in My Singing Monsters!

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okay uh bye can't afford to have you here see ya i'm this close to checking to see what i'm even trying to breed here because of the fact that it literally does not want to be bred hey guys welcome back to my singing monsters it's been a while since i played this game and i've had a lot of people tell me matt you gotta play my singing monsters again because there's a new monster apparently it's called the carillon also guys as you can see air island is a little bit different now there is a little candy hearts on this thing mmm delicious right i don't know i don't really like candy hearts to be honest they're definitely not my favorite candy uh and we also have little roses and whatnot okay because it's it's the season of love so just go ahead and uh hit the like button if you love this video that's the best i got so please just take pity on my terrible attempt to ask you to hit the like button there's some sort of like pairing thing going on every day there's a different rare and epic pairing or something so let's take a look and see what that's all about uh epic fog and rare scups they said there would be something similar about each of the pairings and i guess you could say well they're both water but also um i think it's probably the spikes is it the spikes that they're talking about so um yeah every day there's different rare a different pair of rare and epic for you to uh to breed so that's nice kind of like a longer term thing you log on every day and you get some new stuff anyway let's take a look at the carillon guys which is a new seasonal monster and then if you want to stick around and watch the more my seeing monsters i'm probably going to go to light island and work on that because light island has like nothing on it yet okay so if we hop out over here to the seasonal shanty i'm probably gonna need to get um either an upgrade to my castle or i need to get rid of some of the things here may we just get rid of some of the things here thanks guys by the way for lighting all my torches as per usual you're the best uh i'll tell you what we need to get rid of a lot of things here because i still haven't cleaned this place up and it looks terrible it looks like my freaking office that you can't see trust me it looks almost as bad as this yeah mon sweet uh you you wanna uh uh bye there you go guys now how many beds do i got huh probably got enough beds now don't i look at this so you can see i it almost looks like a hospital patient guys carry along at the turning of the year monsters of all kinds set aside time to reflect on the year that's passed and observe the renewal of the crescendo moon that's when the seasonal carillon loves to chime in this charming mondrake or monster dragon seems to be magically suspended in a state of jubilant youth and never appears to age no matter what dimension it inhabits it is never separated from its beloved chime keeper a golden instrument of musical and chrono magical power i'm getting like tired reading this description guys it is so long each different color bell of the tin tin abulum is said to have its own special significance and the carillon takes its duty of ushering in the new year very sincerely it's the element of time guys there's a little there's a little um um um what's that hourglass it's an hourglass there's an hourglass there okay so yipity yeah yep yo give me a second i gotta find out how to breed one of these carolings because i ain't paying 500 diamonds for it uh yule and schmuchel guys easy i mean i still got a schmuchel i wouldn't i got rid of both of our schmoochels that would be crazy what the heck uh see we got a schmutchel here and we got our yule uh i'm i'm a meanie are you though you look like a really sweet thing you don't look like a meanie at all to me cinta golly go 24 diamonds it sounds pretty promising yeah no not promising at all oh now i got to go ahead and get another mutual guys i don't want any more schmuchels 84 000 not enough to cover the expenses i paid for the wait it's a cara long yeah baby ha ha take that take that my scene monster sometimes i don't have to go through a hard time to get things okay crack it yeah baby wow it's the carol oh this is the crescendo moon crescendo moon season the element of time or something where you want to go you wanna go up there i'll go up there yeah matrang why is your name mat rang i don't know what mat rang means guys i mean normally it means that i i have called you on the phone but uh not sure what it's supposed to mean here okay you just keep doing nothing i'm gonna grab my five diamonds totally worth it totally worth it guys and now go ahead and chime in go ahead go ahead and chime in wow [Music] i like it i like it i mean i wasn't gonna not like it i guess but i like it it feels very chinese guys you know feels very chinese uh i mean the chinese they have a new year too okay i'm tired of this i'm tired of whatever you're doing look at that 8 out of 27 guys that's all i got the worst island out of all of them even worse than fairy island where i have 9 out of 30. wait a minute 9 out of 30. 8 out of 27. which one is trying to try to do the math and see which fraction was uh was smaller i'm slightly less ahead on light island than fairy island all right as a as a fraction dum diddly dum dum dum dum guys look at that wow i even upgraded this thing it was all ready to go for me this is the one with that creepy little spider begging to be released release me let's really soup up this island get some uh structures up in here you know i get a time machine time machine is pretty cheap i don't really mess around with the uh the whole time machine thing uh very much i've only done it like once or twice so [Music] here you go this is not creepy at all guys and what about if you make it faster maybe you should make it faster [Music] all right is there anyone in the hotel hey get it get up to get out the hotel what do you think you're doing in there man you gotta get get in on the fun tasmania huh okay i just want to hear it again you know i should probably uh you know relax now wow why are you guys why are you guys singing so slow what's your deal huh kind of like this island guys the the island head looks pretty cool a unity tree we're gonna get a unity tree and then then we'll just uh start breeding monsters guys i just realized i don't have any torches here well i'm gonna need some torches okay and i'm gonna have to light them all myself for today and then you guys can handle it later okay guys the torches have been placed are you ready i'm not even gonna bother looking up anything here let's upgrade this yay i'm not gonna bother looking up like what monsters are even here i'm just gonna start breeding anything that i don't already have and we'll see what pops up out of here okay so we've got um light cold light fire we need light plant we don't have a light plant yet so give that a shot what you got just sit on the floors flores you can't go anywhere can you florist oh dear floris all right now i'm ready light plant let there be light plants gob wait do i got a gob i don't got a gob but there's a gob somewhere else guys i've seen this little blob before magical it's a little baby well i mean you won't be a little baby once i'm done with you just give me a minute muncher munchers oh dear this is like that time that uh i got those upside down teeth thing oh huh [Music] how why okay we only have one three element guys but now that we've got all the no we don't we do not but we don't technically need to get all of the two elements we don't need plant cold and fire plant and all that stuff but we'll get it plant cold oh wait uh yeah i i know i have to pick them from different sides thanks there a fur corn what would we do without our little fur corn guys i mean look at him isn't he the most adorable of all the monsters you go over here with your friend i know you boys friends okay i know you genderless monsters as friends oh [Music] he's a powerful monster guys he might be small but he packs a punch in the form of musical bliss plant and fire is next i don't remember what any of these things even make man that's a pot belly with a costume on what you wearing oh wow shall we try that again there it is the fire plant oh it's a flower that's the hoo-ha one isn't it so when it goes oh no my castle guys how is it already full i just upgraded it the freaking heck man speed it up get it get it out of here all right okay flower get that flower power up in here baby [Music] or something guys okay well it's not a hoo-ha so it actually kind of fits nice job on not having a hoo-ha fire cold yes okay you know guys you shouldn't be able to do this don't try this at home don't mix fire and cold you might get something bad or you might get a mammoth here we go a oh is that is that the ugliest monster in my singing monsters it is [Music] he's barely even using his nose finger let's see who would be the best thing to combine let's combine the ugly guy combine ugly guy with some light hey ugly guy you want some light huh fiddleman fiddleman like filament is it going to be a light bulb kind of looks like a light bulb it's a light bulb also kind of looks like uh what did they call that thing a shuttlecock a shuttlecock aka a birdie the thing in badminton it kind of looks like a badminton birdie [Music] wow kind of creepy kind of creepy what kind of cool do you really not sing together like this this little guy over here and phillip fiddlement because they both have amazing voices filaments are powered by the very element of light itself wow really i wouldn't have known releasing huge amounts of incandescent energy through the filaments of their cranial bulbs the intense amplitude of light waves creates a unique whirring sound within the bulb which filaments use to express themselves serendipitously i love the word serendipity guys great word the lampshade like cone created by a fiddleman's body channels its raw luminescence like a spotlight which uh this bright little monster gladly shines on solo performances late night walks to the fridge and potholes in need of repair we're looking for like maybe maybe we could try plant fire maybe get the flower give the flower some light energy yeah i mean you kind of thrive on light you're a flower but anyway two diamonds that's not the one eight dot uh not happy every time it's a flower how what excuse me okay you know what i don't want any more flowers i'm not gonna lie so i tell you what i'm gonna do i'm gonna try a different combination okay so uh plant fire uh light so we can do plant light and then fire that way we'll get another gob instead or something or or a cana which we can zap we could also do fire light and then a plant it's not really going to make much of a difference but at least we just get this guy right this guy's the cheapest thing to breed out of everything i think so man why what is going on okay i'm going back to the flower guys because flower actually could be teleported somewhere nothing else can i'm starting to question my sanity here guys this is crazy and now i don't even have anything to do with this um i'll tell you what i'm gonna do i'm going to go to celestial island and do the uh it's kind of like a it's not it's a trick it's a trick that that helps you do things so you can you can take this guy right here uh and you can sell it okay 645 000 cool and then you just go into the market and then you just buy it back again just go over to the end and buy it back for 82 000 so there you go i just sold everything inside of it i skipped the whole kneading diamonds thing and here we are i could do the same thing with uh is it galvana is that what that one's called just go to the go to the thing and then uh there and then just make sure you buy each one back as soon as you sell it or else you won't be able to buy it back it only works with the last one but there we go i mean hey this is great okay uh bye can't afford to have you here see ya i'm this close to checking to see what i'm even trying to breed here because of the fact that it literally does not want to be bred 12 diamonds what could that be it's a 2-2 this is too too much for me wow guys it's a it's it's literally a monster in a tutu wow okay what are you doing [Music] wait a minute don't you aren't you just basically flourish right [Music] it's the same thing man like that is so similar it's it's both like a little like xylophone noise okay great we got a tutu guys so what's left we got plant cold light plant fire light cold fire light oh that's right the one with no light at all plant cold fire not a new one right or maybe it is a new one that's a fur corn get out of here fur corn tell you one thing guys they really hate letting me breed things it seems 15 there you go what's the souza i don't know hmm so let's get no stop castle what you doing i don't got money what do i got let me i'm take a look around i'm gonna find some money okay i'm gonna check my couch cushions this coach got 400k that's not enough i need more another small small over 12 million dollars please come on oh look at this guys this is gonna feel good this is my ethereal island where i got all that xp baby i want to stop being a tub blubber now i don't know what a tub lover is but i don't know it sounds insulting i don't want to be a tub lubber anymore please come on did i go to fi if i ever went to the fireplaces that'll be good as well i i'm getting there getting some money this is this is this is good 600k here i already checked it earlier today guys but this is my best money-making island so there's a little bit of money here i still need a few million i can i get that from like exchange yeah okay i'll just do that i know i know hurts a little bit but it's fine my dear precious sweet light island i could not leave you unfinished okay it would not have been okay there we are all right now we put the souza down guys she is almost passing out here guys it's kind of hard to hear her though i gotta say so okay sweet i mean you just you're playing a tuba good for you good for you and now guys the final monster it might be hard to breed i don't really know i hear a one and three is the best way to do anything so what three do we want it really doesn't matter none of them are to be sendable anywhere we'll just go with the souza and then we got to breed that with the uh florist go 24 diamonds yo first try i got the bloat oh heck that's pretty great that's pretty great oh god you look terrible are you okay uh we're gonna move things led led like light emitting diode [Music] what am i hearing anything right now guys i gotta move this out of here [Music] okay it's very subtle very subtle okay you look so grumpy when you're not blowing or whatever okay so very very subtle this is guys i'm surprised and this reminds me of like wheezing the pokemon or something the quad elemental bloat is filled to bursting with the unbridled power of its elements to relieve the immense pressure built up inside its elastic anatomy bloat inhales a long expanding breath that forces the excess energy into its prickly array of quill chambers here the glorious magic of the elements is converted into only the most mesmerizing of music before expelling a dazzling prism of light waves as a not so wasteful waste product you ever read something and you're like did i i just read this thing but i'm not sure if i really got any of it in my brain because i was too busy trying to read it so i had to reread it again just make sure i understand what's going on here but it's pretty straightforward i i don't know i feel like this whole this this entire the entire existence of the bloat is just pain you know like does the bloat look like it's having a good time to you because it doesn't look like it's having a good time to me all right guys well there you have it light island the whole song on light island i'm kind of surprised i thought it was going to be like i thought there was going to be more to it but pretty much everything seems to overlap right i mean the florists and the the tutu do pretty much the same thing this thing is subtle as heck this thing down here is subtle as heck this is this this and the fur corn sounds very similar this guy and the mammoth are doing almost the same thing and she's going dumb diddly dum dum dum dum she's like the only thing doing anything and i don't even like really want her thank you she was too loud now it's a little bit easier to hear the other things all the subtle things it's basically just an island full of subtle things guys all right i'm gonna end the video here guys so uh if you wanna see some more my singing monsters in the near future please hit the like button i don't know when the next video is gonna be i'm gonna have something like i'm gonna need something that i want to check out in the game i of course want to finish some more islands and stuff so maybe that's what i'll do in the next episode just let me know if you want to see more my singing monsters are you still interested thank you guys so much for watching and i'll see you next time goodbye
Channel: MattShea
Views: 488,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mattshea369, matt shea, mattshea, funny moments, my singing monsters carillong, my singing monsters light island, my singing monsters gameplay, msm carillong
Id: Eam44LdfUqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 01 2022
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