Breeding the EPIC Grumpyre! (My Singing Monsters)

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yeah i don't even know why it's an option but okay okay go off monster handlers hey guys welcome back to my singing monsters i have some very sad news today guys it shouldn't be sad news i should be happy right now but i can't be okay they added a new thing to amber island the crucible but i can't have it you're almost there to finish unlocking the crucible you must collect 15 unique monster types on amber island and i only have 13. why is life so cruel okay in all seriousness guys i am actually pretty upset about this okay because there are no new monsters to breed right now so i'm stuck at 13. i can't get any rare amber island monsters look at this there's this guy the rare boscus add this monster to your collection by evolving a common form of it in the crucible the what oh the thing that i don't have oh thanks for the tip there's also um rare fangler and then there's rare cana i think that's it no there's a rare flaw as well but there's not a okay i get it i get it i was gonna say uh that must be a regular flower right because uh i don't see the other one no i don't see the other one because i can't breed it right now same thing with the glow as a rare glow and also the rare stock i'd be able to get him because i already got the regular stock except i can't because well 13. so as soon as i can guys i'm gonna get some more monsters on amber island and you guys have given me a bunch of comments telling me which ones i should get uh which ones are like really great to listen to on this island um so you know as soon as they come back i'll uh start breeding some more and then we can do the whole crucible thing so what are we gonna do today uh well we're gonna get a lot of monsters that i don't currently have and just just because i feel like it and i shouldn't feel like it but i do i'm uh uh is it this one i am gonna breed buy some dipsters hi guys how's it going over here let me take a look at this collection on water island i don't have any of the dipsters you say oh geez well i i really need those sipsters so a while back guys i told you if you leave 5 000 likes on this video i'll get the dipsters on water island uh the video didn't hit 5000 likes so let's try this i'm gonna get them and i'm just trusting that you are going to smash the like button harder than ever because i don't even i don't even want them okay but they're part of the collection so i'm gonna get them for your enjoyment and my suffering yeah um i'll put you guys over here off to the side just so you don't think that you like fit in with everybody else okay there's one and okay yeah uh-huh uh-huh the unskippable cutscene i find it kind of hilarious that you can have 10 of each dipster on the island if you want like why would i want that just for the visuals just so i could see more little weird losers popping up and down out of the hole okay look at that guys i have a full set of dipsters over here isn't that crazy gosh does it feel good to have a full set of dipsters hey guys [Music] [Music] it's not terrible okay which is it means a lot coming from me the number one dipster hater on youtube okay i've already committed to hating dipsters i can't stop hating them now so dipsters you're dead to me okay and uh by the way i think i'm gonna dip see ya and the video is all uphill from here guys everything is gonna be okay especially since you just hit the like button i appreciate that but not on this island except for the except for the weirdos but i don't have enough relics for that right now how many do i have 28 but i gotta i gotta spend those on amber island guys i'm gonna go to the seasonal shanty and i'm gonna send some of them seasonals to gold island because i got a comment a while ago and it was like hey matt you should send the seasonals to gold island all of them um so yeah i could do that i'm gonna have to go to gold island and take a look guys gold island is absolutely wacky man there's so many things in there 76 beds occupied and there's still so much to go okay what do i have here right now i've got the wall boxes that i'm gonna like you know activate in a million years that's gonna be a big thing to do what's this auxiliary seasonals what's an auxiliary seasonal guys ethereals mythicals magicals weirdos dipsters wublins and celestials cannot be placed here ox seasonals that's an ox seasonal oh i can only put the five core seasonals here 30 natural monsters five core seasonals sugar bush wahbox okay uh i guess we'll go back and just and get and get the rest of them we got we got the yule and the schmutchel i'm kind of upset about that guys because i wanted to put the uh super cool uh monkeyless i love the monkeys he's super cool okay that's why i called them the super cool monoliths punkleton yule schmutchel blabbit hula okay all three forms of each of those monsters can go there well there's no epic war box there yet but maybe someday checking one more time guys okay because i just wanted to make sure we actually the only one we don't have is blabin all right look we got the punkleton we got the hula shmuchil yule well it turns out this big endeavor of putting every seasonal there is literally just one monster i have multiple blabbits okay so uh all good i have a lot of food too so this is uh this is easy for me teleport no no no no no no no i'm not putting you in the color singham bro are you crazy oh oh i got it has to be seasonals that are located on non-seasonal shanty island unfortunately this means i have to go back and hear the dipsters again guys oh that's a that's a bad my game crashed the dipsters obviously are terrible or that wouldn't have happened thanks dipsters you ruined my whole day okay guys we have we have some really great names here matt is hot jazzy is amazing okay if you say so uh nothing about me the baby nice nice uh the monster what matt shay best of the best okay lepers how are you doing buddy you know i wasted a whole bunch of food on one of your cousins because i thought i could send him to the great beyond known as gold island yeah it was a sad day man it was a sad day i say it was a sad day as if it's not today today is a sad day okay uh go over there okay go blow some bubbles in the corner little guy so we're gonna find out what we don't have guys i'm gonna put as many new monsters as i can here there's only 30 in total so i'm getting close i don't have a toad jammer or a drumler guys so away we go to plant island oh look guys matchy best of the best is here too all right thank you our toe jammer here has that beautiful flower thing i love it okay so that's good we just need to give them the levels and we'll come back after and teleport them in okay who wants a new monster kokomon with your beautiful little flower thing there you go wait just one darn freaking minute these aren't teleports are they they get to stay where they are so what happens if you put one of those in the uh in the wahbox thing hold on hold on i got i gotta i gotta confirm this okay i gotta i gotta bust this myth you're still here but i guess if you put them in the web box they're probably gonna disappear from this island right i think i'm only three away from finishing this up dandy do pummel and thumpies i could actually get all my dandy dudes over here if i want but i only have so much food okay so the the epic and the rare can wait but man are they a great little trio am i right hey hey bro do you wanna do you wanna uh do you wanna be a beach bum oh look at that damn look at this guy with his sand castles oh there's a thumpies here too guys okay we'll get our thumpies from here and then we just need our uh our pummel yum yum yum and just like that guys his name is boomer i love it just like that we have now finished the song on gold island we we will have finished the song on gold island everything except for the wahbox like both wall boxes so i can't say we finished it okay i take it back there you go you can go go over there maybe i don't know i i don't know where i want you guys to go just just go okay just just go somewhere i don't i don't even care [Music] okay and then we've got you [Music] [Music] all right well guys if i'm not mistaken and i might be mistaken because i don't see a congo here let's say you forgot the congo how could you forget the congo i'm gonna get myself another congo there should be um there should be a rare congo here right no where's the rare congo at the no he's right there or is he just got a costume on do you just have a cat are you ah you little jerk pretending to be rare you're not rare well i'm gonna whip up another one so i can get that uh get that thing done wow check it out guys it's a congo who could have predicted this what your castle isn't enough beds check into the hotel does that count it counts oh yeah little congo pretending to be something he isn't i mean it's a very cute costume you're wearing the full song except for woe boxes which are very difficult to get guys wait a minute couldn't i do that right now if i wanted i could nuke this whole island guys i'm not gonna do it today but tell you what do you want me to nuke the island do you want me to box them all up let me know and maybe i'll do it in a future episode of my singing monsters all right guys next up on the list of things that i got to do i think maybe we have to go to cold island for this we actually can do do it on two different islands this is crazy okay i was not expecting this there's not a lot of stuff that i can do right now out of the ordinary but there's one thing in particular look at that thing up there what is that what are those the epic grumpire only 2 250 diamonds man wow bye i'm kidding i'm not gonna buy it okay dandy do and bogart boom not what i want zap it away yeah that's right surely i can do this without spending all those diamonds guys surely i kind of want to keep track of how many attempts i actually do now it's going to be a lot no what's this look at that the the egg has teeth on it guys amazing that wasn't too bad definitely wasn't like you know 2 250 diamonds or anything wow this guy's bubbling his eyebrows pop in for a little bit and then he's like all right i'ma head out and his eyebrows disappear again what basically trying to fill in anything that's black and white in these things guys anything that i can and i'm not gonna go into the whole amber island thing again okay cause that's really sad can we smash the like button apparently i don't have enough beds so maybe i'll upgrade this again for the one grumpire i already have three grandparents i can get rid of one of them but i don't like getting rid of things but i don't have to let's just upgrade it whatever yolo only cost me 120 something diamonds that's a nice castle that's a really nice castle man wow okay feeling grumpy maybe well he's not going to sound any different so we don't need to listen to how he sounds let's get uh joku what's your name joku you're like goku but funny what is his deal i need to know why he's like falling apart and his eyebrows are zapping in and out of existence guys there are two things that an epic grumpire dislikes more than waking up early bright lights and garlic bread he's a vampire they're all vampires that's why they're called grumpires they're grumpy vampires oh my gosh and i just realized they all have holes in their wings okay but this guy's got nice like bat ears unlike its common and rare counterparts its body is not covered by a protective like shroud so it's both a blessing and a curse that its skin has developed accelerated regeneration causing an endless cycle of bursting blisters and rapid healing my god that sounds terrible man another feature it lacks are horns leaving it unsure of where it should grab life okay grab it by the ears maybe grab it by the brows back in the day i actually uh i had a t-shirt uh that i that i did up that said grab grab life by the brows and it was my eyebrows um drawn onto his shirt great times guys its main advantage though are its well-trained ears the shadow element can hear even the most hushed lip smacking of any monster enjoying treats and particularly loves to mutter the catchphrase it's grumpy time as it enjoys a late night snack of its own oh man that's even better than morbin bro why more when you can grump it's grump in time did you really oh yeah that's the one that i don't like that's like my least favorite web box but at least the dipsters are muted hey you why are you standing over here in the corner why did i do that to you come on over come on get out over there okay yeah you love it i know you do so i'm thinking we can take cratchit i know i know the reference guys there's some really interesting references in this game that's a reference to bob cratchit from a christmas carol okay taking a look at the collection now guys there it is oh i actually do have the rare i was going to say like do i even have a rare grumpire i have i even read the description on this one i don't recall how does this monster remain airborne with so many holes in its wings are those perforations the result of repeated run-ins with its own head spikes many questions swirl about this volatile being and the rare grumpire finds it all very amusing or does it because it's grumpy like the common variety this monster's mood is difficult to interpret given its furrowed brow and fierce snarl oh well shadow is as shadow does rare well boxes here guys on ethereal island i'm just gonna i'm just gonna pop it down i'm wondering how much it actually cost to wake up because you know i don't want to have to do this the normal way that would be ridiculous it took me so long to get these rares so out of curiosity what is it like 5 000 or something 18 000 god never never ever will i it's gonna be a very long time before that comes into existence guys let's just put it that way nebulob and fung pray can't wait to hurt myself with this nebula there we go no that's not the that's the one what the heck why is it so easy [Music] um shouldn't it have cost more diamonds guys shouldn't this guy have been a little bit more expensive maybe okay i'm not gonna complain that was like the cheapest epic i've ever gotten in my life now we've got a full set oh wait i'm not boxing it don't even i can't even box it can i i can it would tell me no if i tried to box it yeah i don't even know why it's an option but okay okay go off monster handlers all right i want to look and see if there's anything else we can get guys besides for that friggin wubbox don't get me started on that guy it's funny that i need one more thing on this island guys i need a rare flute fly in order to have everything on the magical sanctum i think he might have been around recently and i just didn't get him oh what you can zoom in on this thing here i didn't know you could zoom in on this why yeah guys looking at my collections besides for the weirdos there's like nothing else that i need except for one island okay uh wait what is this guy rare one box on one island water island star shop man it's always hide in the rain roblox is from me and everything to look there uh 60 just okay whatever whatever man i should have just left it alone because i don't actually plan on filling it today guys i just wanted to get it here for later what that's it 570. i'm still gonna leave for later okay so because we're probably gonna do the uh the gold island well box soon so maybe we'll do that guy as well the sugar bushes we need a couple of things here guys a couple of them can be teleported we need a an octopus and we need a quibble okay so let's grab those i know for a fact that this one is a teleport so i'm gonna go ahead and breed myself another quibble okay um even though the the one that i have is level 15 and i could just go ahead and teleport that if i want but wait aren't you are you maybe already on gold island i don't know let's just let's just get this one level 15 and send it over teleport to sugarbush island wait uh cannot be done we'll remove them from this island and also gold okay yeah so that was [Music] what oh sugar rock i already got a sugar rock no sell him send him to the gulag okay now get going homie boom bye no biggie oh skip it okay look at that okay so here we are oh you guys like that yeah i planned that totally we'll go right back to cold island again and grab ourselves a little octopus octopus would you like some food tube here we are sugar bush goodbye [Music] and you can go right here you are you love something that's good that's good man is this a costume that's not a costume wait sorry okay guys i was gonna say there's no burr on this guy's head that's not a thing and it isn't a thing it's just a special thing for sugabush island okay i'm gonna check the notes here guys on sugarbush island the octopus has two small green birds resembling the birds that inhabit plant island and a nest on its head these were added in version 1.3.2 but why also apparently in the game files octopus is called a squid treat why does nobody else change from island to island why is it just this guy i i still have unanswered questions but it's fine monster handlers fill me in why'd you do this i know someone's watching this video right now and they're like haha he just found out about the birds okay now i look at my collection again guys there are two things i can get and then i'll have like everything that i could get in this game at the very moment not surprised guys i don't even know why i'm looking up the breeding combinations it's a sugar bush mixed with the two new things that i have it's the octopus for the joe and boom we got ourselves a joe joe mama not enough beds gotta upgrade my castle say it ain't so say it ain't so it's so and you can go right here because i got some space for you right there buddy yeah i i've never played a banjo before but man is it sound cool when people play the banjo i got mad respect for banjo players okay just like you saxophone players out there yeah i'm showing you some love and now the final monster for today whoo man i really worked up a sweat reading all these monsters guys oh god that's a sugar bush thanks for the coins idiot what an idiot am i right guys but this one is a sugar buzz what is a buzz what's the sugar buzz oh funky electric electric guitar yeah that's a really cool guitar man they don't make them like that in real life as far as i know the full sugabush island song okay complete with little little little bird things [Music] okay right now buddy all right guys so if there are any things coming up in the near future that you want me to do please let me know down below in the comments i will start using that crucible as soon as i get enough unique amber island monsters i don't know when they're gonna swap them again but when they do i'm gonna get on that okay and i'm gonna unlock the crucible and that's gonna be pretty great maybe i don't know i haven't unlocked it yet and that's where we're gonna end this video guys so i hope you enjoyed you already hit the like button i'm not gonna remind you again thanks for watching and i will see you next time goodbye
Channel: MattShea
Views: 546,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mattshea369, matt shea, mattshea, funny moments, epic grumpyre, gold island song, shugabush island complete, amber crucible, let's play msm, my singing monsters, monster monday, msm mattshea, mattshea msm
Id: UVpqxqiKf0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 23 2022
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