The New Mythical Strombonin is INCREDIBLE! (My Singing Monsters)

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hey guys welcome back to my singing monsters anniversary month is here and it is a big one this is the 10th anniversary of my singing monsters and they have added so much content in this update for example guys take a look at this is that not the most beautiful thing ever every single monster on plant island is available right now so i'm super excited guys because almost every island in this game right now has something i can breed that i haven't bred before and there's a brand new never before seen monster that just came out in this update so what we're gonna do today guys is go to each island and breed at least one new monster but don't worry because we're gonna save the best for last i say we're saving the best for last guys but i guess that does depend on who you ask because personally one of the monsters i'm most excited about right now is the rare ant brat so that's what we're gonna get first honestly guys i just really like the ant brat okay i mean look at this guy he is amazing such a cheerful little dude with uh the voice of an angel guys what the heck is this right here promo for a limited time enjoy plus 200 increased breeding chances for mythicals on the natural islands hmm okay i wanted to look it up and see because i wasn't sure which of the monsters are actually mythical monsters until this update there was actually only two and now there's three so uh the new guy will be a little easier to get so that's nice let's go ahead and try and get our rare amp rat which means we just have to combine anything that'll give you an amp rat and you just have to hope that you don't get an impret alright guys i gotta take a quick detour to my most depressing island okay celestial island there's only one guy on here i mean he's having a good time just sha la dum dum in but that's all we got so i'm just gonna collect these guys real quick so i can zap the things i don't want into them oh what bruh there is a party on gold island guys wow look at that balloons they're floating away tan look at that guys there's a little a little ten gem on this uh giant's head what are the ancients or some whatever they're called there's a 10 on his head because you are a 10 out of 10. oh what's this 23 diamonds yeah baby you got a rare and brat check this dude out oh he's beautiful man i think he might be the most beautiful ant brat of them all even though well okay i don't even have anything good to say about epic and frat guys he's disgusting okay he looks like he's about to die here maybe you can uh bring some life into the the the epic ant brat by standing next to him you know maybe he'll feel a little bit better wait a minute guys is this the same dude it is isn't it it's an overgrown version of the rare because his his antlers are almost the same and his leaves are the same color it's just that most of them have disappeared okay well well well so this is basically the like well-kept version uh of this guy well actually he's got a couple of extra teeth so that's impressive as if it brats weren't impressive enough already the rare and brat sports vibrant autumnal foliage and eye-catching horn extensions reports suggest that this uncommon morph is at least marginally smarter than its regular counterpart but don't hold your breath waiting for it to score well on any intelligence test ouch did you have to do my boy gruff like that okay guys i just need to look at this here okay cuz i want to see if they mention the fact that he's basically a rare oh wait this guy is actually perfectly healthy guys it may be pale frail and honestly a little creepy but this is simply the appearance of a monster that prefers the comforting darkness of a cozy cabin to the shining rays of the great outdoors okay so he's a hermit version of the rare ant brat guys he went off and he's all alone in a cabin somewhere and his hair's falling out let's just check guys i might want to breed like one more while we're here okay how hard would it be for me to get the epic guest oh 2 000 diamonds if i want to buy it oh man i want it but i don't know how badly i want it okay i am prepared to hurt a little bit guys but i am going to try and get this thing up a rare do i have a rare t-rocks already is that a thing no i don't okay oopsie daisies got myself a rare t-rocks didn't even know why you needed it oh guys i actually got an epic guest well i thought that was gonna be harder than it was guys i thought i was really gonna struggle and waste diamonds trying to get this guy i feel like you need to go up on the opposite corner of the other guest okay so we'll move our little time machine somewhere else there you go if guests are known for their ability to slide inconspicuously between dimensions then the fearsome looking epic gas are known for their difficulty in living up to that reputation the epic ethereal possesses several traits that make interdimensional travel a bother bad to the bone skeleton that seldom attains full intangibility dual ended horns that catch on the edge of dimensional portals and optical plasmic orbs that get easily distracted when it finally settles into a habitat it finds comfortable you'd be hard-pressed to flush out this hard-headed monster okay yeah cause because he has trouble going places okay he's got mobility issues poor thing his little orbs are i don't even know what the heck they're supposed to be but i hate them so as i said guys we're saving the best for last which means we're skipping over coal island for now and going right to air island here is what's currently available on air island i can't say there's a ton here that i want guys but uh i am really interested in the epic ma i don't think i have one of these anywhere and i also wouldn't mind having another epic t-rox because he looks so cool guys this epic ma really took away some of my diamonds man but here he is he is just absolutely glowing look at that what what it what are those let's put him off by himself so we can take a nice good look at him if i even want to do that i'm not really sure i don't i something something creeped me out about the way this guy sings man okay huh maz are sensory creatures that always have an ear to the ground so to speak from the pronounced taste buds and sensitive fur of common ma to the keen eyesight of its rare cousin similarly epic ma is gifted with another valuable sense smell they don't gave this guy a nose with every epic nose comes the constant threat of sinus infections but also the savory scent of freshly baked treats okay they really don't say enough about this guy i wanna i wanna know what this is on the side of him guys why does he have these little like throbbing holes you know you know what don't even don't even tell me i don't think i wanna know the answer oh guys my first and i got an epic t-rox with a costume i don't know what kind of costume he's got okay i already have one of these guys so i was just gonna go for the regular t-rocks but if this guy wants to be you know an alien from the alien movies he can go right ahead i suppose it looks pretty cool all right you're gonna hang out here with the epic ma because i'm hoping that you standing next to him might take away from how disgusting he is next up we got ourselves water island thanks for the two and a half million dollars dude so we already have a lot of stuff here guys i'm not gonna lie this is all that we have but because there are a couple of new things here i am gonna get one of them because i said it's what i'm doing on each island i can't this is the rare toe jammer and he's not in the star shop this time so i can actually get him guys this is one of those weird breeding combinations where instead of just breeding like a normal towjammer and hoping you get a rare you have to breed two three elements together with an overlapping water element well there we go okay see guys i work kind of hard to make this island look nice what do you think i bunched up a bunch of stuff um and now we've got these three dudes down here you guys are a complete package now what's his name gmo oh like uh like like the french word for um marshmallow i guess it's actually guimov guys i think that's how you pronounce the word marshmallow in french i've only ever seen it on packaging in canada because everything has english and french on it so i'm not sure next up earth island what do we got i'm pretty sure everyone i see here right now is uh already on at least one of my other islands so i'll go for let's let's let's go for this guy because i've always thought he looked pretty freaking cool me yeah big shrub just gonna go ahead and pop you down and move on buddy so uh enjoy all right next up guys fire haven and of course there's a train waiting to be hatched i have too many of them already all right question is what are we breeding oh i know what we're breeding here guys i actually want to breed two things here okay because what is this the epic stock is the most horrendous thing ever i need it and also i just love epic kana guys she looks so awesome so i'm gonna get these two funky creatures what's this the epic stock all right seriously is this guy like part robot or something like he looks kind of evil to me you know what is what is that on his back is that a radar i think it might be a radar like a sonar sort of deal what what's going on epic stogs are practitioners of an arcane self-reinvention technique known only as stegosynth it's said to be an instinctual knowledge embedded deep within the lineage of all stogs but that only certain individuals of the species can retrieve it the outcome of embracing the stegosynth is a transformation that shepherds in great physical changes most notably to the familiar waveform that runs along the flank and tail of the monster even though they may not look it their puffy toes are perfect for digging up terrain and helping plant seeds in the ground inviting the designation of best in sow their only downside is that they keep trying to make fetch happen really okay i want to see what he does when he starts playing the music oh okay so he has this sort of thing on the back that lights up just like the other dude here and instead of having this little zappy thing he's got some other sort of thing that is a rare stog i was not trying to get a rare stock but i will take it it's honestly one of my least favorite monsters in the whole game guys i just think it looks kind of ugly and there we go epic kana guys i just i love epic kana i mean how could you not love her she looks like sort of like a gargoyle and she does look evil but in like a cool way all right guys so now we're moving on to fire oasis and i think we're probably past the halfway point for uh islands we have to go to today so i just want to quickly say if you're enjoying this video i would absolutely love it if you smash the like button and also if you're not subscribed and you want to see the future episodes of my singing monsters that i upload please consider hitting the subscribe button there's so much content in this update it's going to take me a few videos okay so on this island guys there is also an epic k-9 available so i think i'm just going to go for that again because epic k-9 is epic what's this oh my god of course it's a snizer i don't even want to be here now guys i'm i'm regretting coming here because i just i forgot how awful this island can be i don't want i um i nope no i don't really want to waste all my diamonds on this 12 dime okay we got it so we only had to waste a little bit that's not so bad all right there we go guys we got ourselves an epic cana what's next light island bring on the good monsters bring on the monsters that i don't have yet i'm gonna try and breed myself a rare cana guys and that's gonna be another one of those weird combinations where you do two triples with an overlapping fire all right guys i've changed my mind i don't want to try and get a rare cana because it is really draining my diamonds so let's go for something simpler okay i just bred like 20 normal fur corns before i got a rare fur corn guys but we did it okay i wanted to at least get one okay so there you go little buddy you got yourself a friend moving on to psychic island what do you got for me it's like the same things again and again i guess i'll get another epic cana oh they're going to get me go but this aren't they guys they're going get me a bunch of gloptics that's what's gonna oh god you know it's gonna make me money in the long run right but dang all right gosh this game is evil guys i don't want an army of galaptics cancel forget about epicana here okay i got myself a rare pot belly guys i'm dying over here okay the further i get into the islands the more they just suck all my diamonds away congratulations now you have somebody next to you to feel jealous of next up fairy island guys what's on fairy island all this stuff hmm i'm just buying a rare droplet okay i'm just straight up buying a rear jumper so i don't have to keep doing this i'm getting so disappointed here i have to go next up bone island that the whole island is available guys i feel like i should take some time in a future episode to complete the whole thing there's some really cool stuff here i want this guy the rare hollow he looks so freaking cool we're basically just breeding a regular hollow canine clacula and hoping for the best ladies and gentlemen the rare holo seriously i really like the color of this guy okay he looks evil too but in a cool way okay him and epic kana could be good friends and she does exist on this island so that's cool i'm not gonna try and get her now okay like i said guys i might have to do like a video on this island completing the whole thing might as well upgrade this castle while i'm here there we go okay and there it is boom got yourself a friend living so far underground has its downsides and one of those is seldom if ever seeing the sky the stripes up species of hollow seeking to make the dimly lit ambiance of bone island more comfortable for all monsters crafts its disguise from the azure wood tree staring at the grain of the wood produces a mesmerizing effect that uh mimics the actual blue sky this is the first time i've ever seen a a spelling error in this game mimics the actual blue sky far above but staring for too long induces a suggestible hypnotic state in some best enjoyed in moderation okay that's a little worrying but i like it and his name is navy because he's blue okay definitely gotta come back here guys but let's move on to sugarbush island what you got on this sugar bush island man just a couple of little dudes here yeah i want one of these an epic octopus give me an epic octopus ladies and gentlemen the epic octopus i have at least one of these already but uh i think he's my favorite octopus path the jenny that's his name like pathogenic like like this guy has a disease great all right guys we're at seasonal shanty we're getting there uh in this one we can get this guy which i already have on another island or this guy who i don't have anywhere epic punkelton he's okay yup i could i could go for that oh god guys this is not going to be good it costs a lot of money to fail doing this we're doing schmuchel and blabbit and i'm probably just going to get schmutzels and blabbits oh my i'm running so low on diamonds guys please feed my diamond addiction by hitting the like button and watching this video all the way to the end thank you wait a minute guys i can go to plant island and get myself an epic punkleton and then send him over i think this will probably be a better way to do it okay and pratt and drumler okay failing on this island guys cost me one diamond failing on the other island cost me approximately 30 to 40 diamonds i like this more okay guys i have tried like 30 times now to try and get this guy you know what i'm gonna do instead i'll tell you what i'm gonna do instead i'm gonna take gord and i'm gonna teleport him to seasonal shanty boom now we have a rare pungleton on seasonal shanty and i've completed what i was supposed to do sort of okay all right all right guys ethereal island what do we have here the epic guest right i'll give it a couple tries but i feel like it might be better to teleport it like the other one guys it'll cost way too many diamonds to try and do this here i'm gonna do what i did with the punkleton and just send them over your services are needed somewhere else okay so uh it's been nice having you here but goodbye could it be guys did we actually get through all the islands this is the last one and there's nothing i can do here because there's no rare flute fly at the moment so i think that means we can finally go to cold island i'll be honest guys i didn't think it was going to take me an hour and 20 minutes to get this far into the video but we did get a lot of really cool monsters and now we're gonna get the coolest one of them all this is the collection right now guys but we don't care about all this stuff we just want the mythical i'm surprised this guy only costs 225 diamonds to buy guys but i'm still going to try and breed them ladies and gentlemen here it is you've bred strombonen okay i don't know what this guy's gonna sound like i think he's gonna be kind of like a trumpet because he has like a conch or something and apparently this guy was actually inspired by the community okay okay all right buddy where do you want to go oh are you nope nope nope let's just let's get you in here get you in here get you some food okay shimura have some food shmura okay guys so this is like a unicorn with armor and he has a conch with a little four-eyed snail friend inside of it i like it [Music] this dude is absolutely pelting it out okay that is so good i feel bad for the snail a little bit [Music] yo perfect dude that was the most epic thing ever okay wow and i think actually guys this might be the entire song on this island i guess i technically already had it before they introduced this guy but now i got it again designed in partnership with the my singing monsters community how great is that this mythical shares many traits with a certain fire monster but its preferred habitat couldn't be more different the masterless strombonen is a drifter well and truly as it drifts upon the ice flows that surround cold island the only company it typically keeps is that of a specialized cold weather snail called the strombone whose paleo lungs possess unique musical qualities albeit being stoic and reserved itself the hexapod's presence is unmistakable when it bellows forth rebellious decibels with the help of its mollusk companion that was a mouthful so guys i find it kind of weird that this little snail guy is called the strombone but this guy is called strombonen so he's a thing that strom bones i guess kinda makes sense all right guys well that just about does it we're gonna do one more thing okay before we end this video but i gotta say i really like this guy i think he sounds amazing the one thing we're going to do is we're going to change my uh my little moniker thing i don't know how to do that but you can apparently do it moniker there we go what do i want to be i think guys i want to be the great schmunken i don't know what a smumkin is but that's what i am now alright guys so that's it for this episode of my singing monsters we've got lots more content to come we didn't even go to amber island today because amber island is going to require a lot of work but there are a bunch of monsters that i don't have yet on there so that'll be happening soon and also as i said we're probably gonna complete bone island soon considering everything that we need to complete it is already ready to go so thank you guys so much for watching and i'll see you next time goodbye
Channel: MattShea
Views: 657,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mattshea369, matt shea, mattshea, funny moments, singing monsters, my singing monsters, msm, msm seasonal shanty full song, msm game, mythical monster, msm 10th anniversary, my singing monsters anniversary, msm anniversary month, let's play my singing monsters, msm let's play, msm strombonin, epic monsters in my singing monsters, my singing monsters epic ghazt, mattshea my singing monsters, rare entbrat, epic entbrat
Id: tETjxMnIJ5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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